Pyus of Burma
Pyus of Burma
Pyus of Burma
Dear alumni,
Here is an interesting thesis of Dr Than Tun, an eminent historian of Burma. Excuse me for sending out
the long discourse, but it's only the gist. Enjoy.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Maung Maung Nyo
I am always intrigued with the Pyu, an early Tibeto-Burman tribe that entered Burma sine the beginning
of the Burmese History, since my high school days. We read in the Burmese History books that the three
big tribes entered Burma to populate it namely Pyu, Kamyan and Thet. The Pyu became Burman later,
Kamyam became Arakanese and Thet became Chin. However, Profesor Luce and modern Burmese
historians write that the Pyu disappeared completely by about AD 9th Century as their city probably
Hanlin or Halin was destroyed in AD 832 by the Nan Chao forces. However, the Burmese traditionally say
that the Pyu became Bamar and the Bagan of Pagan was established by the Pyu of the Sri Ksetra
(Prome or Pyi) when the latter was destroyed by the Nga Sagaw Army. Sayagyi Luce hypothesized that
the Nga Sagaw Army may belong to the Sagaw Karen of today.
And I cannot believe that a whole tribe of Pyu disappeared because there are no longer Pyu writings and
Pyu speaking people. It may be due to these people no longer using their writing alphabets and
language. Look at the countries of the English speaking people nowadays: In USA the native Indian's
languages have disappeared tribe by tribe. So is the Aborigine's language in Australia and Maori
language in New Zealand. I also know that in Malaysia changing the script from the Urdu script to Roman
script made Malay no longer able to read or write their old Malay scripts. By not using these old Malay
script does not mean the Malays have disappear! The Malay people are still here in Malaysia. So is the
change in Vietnam when the script as changed from the old Vietnamese pictograms to the present
Roman script. This could have happen to the Pyu of Burma as they are absorbed into Bamar or Burman
or they became Burman. This view is being put forward by Dr Than Tun, an eminent Burmese historian.
This is the title of the book written by the late Sayagyi Dr Than Tun, the celebrated historian of Burma. It
was published in July 2006. Dr Than Tun writes:
1) If some one asks where have the Pyu disappeared I would say," I'm here!" It's because the Pyu and
Myanmar (Bamar) are the same. I'll give the irrefutable evidence. Today Burma comprising Shan (Tai) in
the east, Rakhaing in the west, Mon in the south, Chin and Kachin in the north, Myanmar in the centre has
great cities starting with Bagan (Pagan). If we talk about Pagan, we must start with Pyu Saw Hti (Pyusawti),
the king of Pyu. Where are those Pyu? They are mixed with Bamar now. But this assimilation is not so
long. We see Pyu writings in the Myazedi Inscription in AD 1084 and the latest one in the 16th century.
Some people say the Pyu still live in the Yaw region of Magwe Division. Why did this happen?
It's due to the influence of the Bamar. Let's see the defence forces or potential of the Pyu. Pyu had 9 forts
or fort towns:
(1) Taungdwingyi
(2) Hsipaw
(3) Halin (Hanlin)
(4) Nahtogyi
(5) Maingmaw (Mongmao) near Kume
(6) Htichaingt (Hticheint)
(7) Hmawzar (East Thegone)
(8) East Bhamo (Kanthidar)
(9) Mauria near Mway Yin
Mauria is situated to the west of Irrawaddy River, but its exact situation is not known. Majority of the Pyu
lived in Bhamo, Htichaingt, Shwebo District, Kyaukse District, Taungdwingyi areas. These areas are Bamar
places and the Pyu have come and lived there since the 1st century AD.
The Pyu in the above places married with the incoming Bamar and their children no longer use the Pyu
names. It's the reason these Pyu seemed to disappear.
In the foreign relations, the Pyu had relations with India especially Orissa from the estuary of Hugli River to
the southern end of Malay Peninsula and all the coastal regions of India, Vietnam, Champa. But the
peoples in those foreign lands forget the Pyu and they called Burmese peoples as Shan (Tai), Mon and
Bamar (Myanmar) only. I mean the Pyu disappeared by assimilating with the Bamar. In this book I'll pick or
take out the Pyu that have lived hidden staying underground. (Dr Than Tun, 12.05.2008)
The "Further India" was populated mostly by the Indonesian peoples from Annam to Java Islands. Burma
at that time was populated by cannibals and also by the tailed hominids, according to Ptolemy. Chinese
Records describe the inhabitants of Burma as Piaou, polite ones. The Chinese Records say, "There are
established ways of correct relations between king and ministers, father and son, senior and junior in rank,"
The Piaou wear silk cotton dresses. They use swords and axes made with iron , copper metal, and gold.
They use spices and herbs, clove. The Tang Dynasty Historians called the Piaou as Tu Lou Kyu or Tu Li
Chu. They are also known as Ti- Sul or Trit-Cul. These Piaou are Pyu. They live in Halin, Sri Kestra and
Beikthano. There are urns with inscriptions of names ending in Vikrama. There are other inscriptions
ending with Gupta or Varmans. They show the influence of Indian civilization in the Pyu areas. The Pyu
burn the dead and put the ashes in the urn.
The Tang Dynasty records have detailed description of the Pyu culture. The Pyu called the king Maha Raja
and the Chief Minister as Mahasena. They have established ways of King Travel. The King has many
queens. They would not wear silk for fear of killing the silk worms. They are devout Buddhists. There is
evidence of Siva and Vishnu worships in the Pyu cities.
Sri Kestra is the largest city of the Pyu. The Pyu went north when it was destroyed, but the Bamar or Pyu
still have great aspects for the city by calling it the City (Pyi). The Pyu writing was first found in the Myazedi
Inscription that has four surfaces, each written in Bamar (Myanmar), Pyu, Pali and Mon respectively. The
Pyu are Tibeto-Burman, closely related to the Burman.
The Pyu are dominated by the Nan Chao who sent the Pyu delegation to the Chinese Emperor who liked
the Pyu Dances. The Pyu Dance and Music are well recorded by the Tang Dynasty. The Nan Chao
destroyed the Pyu City, probably Halin (Later research points to Sri Kestra), in 1832 and ended the Pyu
Reign. The Nan Chao took away 3000 Pyu whose remnants may be still seen in China living as destitute
(GH Luce. The Ancinet Pyu. JBRS, XXVII, iii, pp 239-253 and BRSFAP, I, 307-322 translated by Dr Than
Tun to Burmese, retranslated in gist by Dr Maung Maung Nyo to English.)
From the study of the Pyu insciptions it may be inferred that the Pyu language has no consonants and has
8 syllables. It is a Tibet-Burman language, close to the Burmese. (Tin in General Linguistics.)
The Pyu has different names. They called themselves Tu Lao Kyu , Chinese called them Piaou. Javans
called them Ku Li Chu. The Persian called them Tirsul or Tir Cul. Kyanzittha Palace Inscriptions mentioned
them as Tircul. They had been in Burma since the 3rd century AD. A Hanlin Inscription of Pyu indicates the
Pyu script resembles the Southern Indian Script.
The Sri Kestra Inscriptions indicate there are two Pyu kings- Harivikrama and Zayachandrawikrama. They
are contemporary kings in Sri Kestra. Hariwikrama founded the city. This city is still extant although ruined.
It's circular in shape. It has many Pyu pagodas or stupas. The Bawbawgyi Pagoda or Stupa is still visible
and it is bell shape. There are many Pyu coins with Hindu symbols.The Buddhist votive tablets are also
found. The Pyu have relations with China (Yunnan) and India. The Pala have relations with the Pyu.
It is stated that the Nan Chao destroyed the Pyu City in AD 1832. Professor Luce and older historians
thought it was Halin. However, Dr Than Tun now thinks it was Sri Kestra, not Halin. It's because if the Nan
Chao had destroyed the city why would the Pyu go north to establish another city nearer to the enemy. In
AD 763-764, the Nan-Chao King Ko Lo Peng has overtaken the Upper Irrawaddy Basin or Upper Burma.
So the Pyu city destroyed must be Sri Kestra and the Pyu moved north.
As the carbon dating has become available in 1993 I (Dr Than Tun) would like to change the dates
concerning Sri Kestra.
(1) That Sri Kestra is established in AD 638 is impossible.
(2) I also do not agree it is established in 1st century AD.
(3) I like to alter the dates of Vikramas too:
(a) Suriavikrama (Regnal years 63-688)
(b) Hirivikrama (r 688-695)
(3) Sihavikrama(695-718)
The so-called Pyu coins are found in Sri Kstra, Halin , Shan State, Kayah State, Thailand and Kampuchea.
The symbols are Hindi indicating sun, moon, conch, trident, sriwisra, geha etc. These coins are used from
2nd century BC to 14th Century AD. They are now known to be minted by the Cambodian Kings. The
Burmese called the old Cambodians Kwan or Gwan.
The Pyu State extends as follows:
East... Chenla (Kampuchea or Cambodia)
South... Bay of Bengal
West... India
North...Yung Chan or Pao-Shan
East of Pyu Land.. Dvarawati of Thailand
North East... Nan Chao
East... Khmer (Funan or Cambodia)
North of Funan lies Annam, now Vietnam.. Fanman or Srimar (AD 205-225) once attacked Sri Kestra. King
Srimar fought up to Arakan Yoma, Kra Isthmus, governing Suvannabumi. He also attacked Beikthano
called Lin Yang by the Chinese.
Beikthano was founded in AD 1st Century by the Pyu who left in AD 3rd Century. Then Mon entered it. In
4th century AD, the Pyu came back and expelled the Mon. When Nan Chao destroyed Sri Kestra the Pyu
have already occupied the Irrawaddy Basin and Delta, Pegu, Sittang Valley, Salween Estuary. The King in
Sri Kestra City controlled not only the city, but also areas outside it. Sri Kestra had rice fields in it to
withstand enemy siege, encirclement and starvation.
The Pyu came to Burma from the north-west of the country. They followed the path of Naga, Thet (Sak)
and Kanan (Ganan) after living in South West of Yunnan (Yong Chang). They migrated down along the
rivers of N'Mai-kha and Irrawaddy Rivers. They lived near Katha, then, Shwe Bo District and along the
Irrawaddy River down to Beikthano and Sri Kestra. In 2nd Century AD Beikthano was destroyed by the
Funan or Kwan Army and the Pyu established the Sri Kestra. They spread to the Irrawaddy Delta, Sittang
Basin and Pegu River Estuary. That Pyu country may be called the First Union of Burma (United States of
Myanmar). Sri Kestra was destroyed in AD 1832.
There are many Pyu inscriptions in Sri Kestra and other Pyu Cities. Seven Pyu kings can be named:
(1) Devamitra
(2) Harivikrama
(3) Sihavikrama
(4) Suriavokrama
(5) Sirituvikram
(6) Zatravikrama
(7) Aditravikrama
Their dates of birth and ages with AD years can be ascertained starting from AD 78 that is Saka Era.
There was an overland route from Funan (Cambodia) to Vesali (Rakhaing) through Dvarawati (Thailand),
Beikthano (Burma), Sri Kestra (Burma). The Pyu country was therefore surrounded by Funan in the east,
East India in the west, Nan Chao in the north and Bay of Bengal in the south.
The Chinese called Beikthano "Ramanna" in the 4th century AD. It grew in strength and conquered all the
Tai states in the north and Mon land in the south. It could be called the First Union of Burma before
Anawrahta (King Anuruddha).
The great Pyu King Duttabaung is mentioned in many Burmese chronicles. He is a hero associated with
the occurrence of earth quake, land slide and drying of sea. It's unbelievable. However, the geologists said
those events occurred long before he was born. I know now he is a great Pyu King. The Pyu came to
Burma in the 1st century BC and by 1st century AD they have occupied Burma from Halin in the north,
Maingmaw or Mongmao and Beikthano in the middle, Sri Kestra in the south. By 4th century AD
their population extends from Lashio in the north and Mottama (Martaban) in the south. They are the First
Union of Burma builders. But in AD 832 Sri Kestra is destroyed and they intermarried with the new comers
Tibeto-Burmans and gradually disappeared. By 12th century the Pyu are not mentioned as slaves in the
inscriptions. Now, apart from 60 to 50 Pyu words no body knows how to read the Pyu script. Duttabaung is
not the name of a king, it means just any Pyu king. Now we know that Duttabaung means several Pyu
According to the legend, Duttabaung is born from Mahathamawa of the Tagaung ancestry. Mahathamawa
married Bedayi in Sri Kestra and her father Hermit consents the marriage after he knows that
Mahathamawa is his nephew. They established Sri Kestra. Mahathawawa dies after some years and his
younger brother Culathamawa inherited the throne as well as Queen Bedayi. Hence King Duttabaung is
said to be born of two fathers (Maha and Cula Thamawas). His birth is heralded by great events:
(1) A big earth quake with great din occurs.
(2) A lake appears in Pho U Taung area.
(3) Samon and Samyeik Rivers appear.
(4) Mount Popa emerges from the earth.
(5) Sea around Sri Kestra disappears.
The geologists say those events occurred about one million years ago! But, the Pyu lived in Sri kestra and
Duttabaung was their king. He is the embodiment of several Pyu kings (7) that govern the Pyu and protect
them from enemies. These kings maintain order, preserve Pyu culture, encourage religion, mostly
Theravada Buddhism, build pagodas:
King Duttabaung travels widely,is very powerful and conquers many insurrections. But he confiscates a
religious land not in use and he becomes blind. He drowns while boarding a ship in the Negris Sea. Is it
real? It may be to let the later kings know the punishment for trespassing the religious property. Even a so
powerful a king like Duttabaung dies ingloriously if he confiscates the religious land! It's a lesson for all.
In 1993 a new stone urn was found. It contains inscriptions and it has the word Duttabaung in Pyu script.
But it refers to not one king, but to several Pyu kings:
Now, we know their dates of death and Regnal years. The years described in the inscriptions belong to the
Saka Year that is less than 79 years from Christian AD years. The Tang Dynasty Records describe 32 Pyu
towns. These towns can be located with modern Burmese places:
1. Alisi... Alakappa
2. Alimagni
3. Alishay
4. Amawlo..Amarwati
5. Swelugtang... Yepawmi (Watershed of Yu River)
6. Sophan... Kyapin, west of Yangon
7. Sugansaw...momeik
8. Phamaw... Middle of Sittang Basin
9. Lawson-i.san...Wantin, Kyugoke
10. Lohan...Zokethoke
11. Luwu...Dyke-U
12. Lu-yu
13. Mie-chaw... Rakhaing Coast
14. Maw-ti-paw... Martaban
15. Myo-yin
16. U-may
17. Paw-law-pho-ti...Palawati
18. Wu-wu-thaw... Ahlonpana, Ahlon Monywa
19. Sai-si-ya...Tagaung
20. Sai-ta..
21. Shay0ywe...Zeyawaddy, near Taoungo
22. Tamaw...Tayoke, Zawgyi and Panlong rivers Confluence
23. Tan-paw...Tampa, Pagan
24. Taung-pu...Thabeik-kyin
25. Taung-lin-ga...Pegu, Mon
26. Ti-so..Didoke, 40 miles north of Yangon
27. Tili-lan=ga...Hti Lin
28. Wung Tig
29. Wunkong...Wan-tein, Kyu Goke
30. Ye-pan...Yin-Pyin near Shwe-gu
Previously, we thought the Pyu live along the middle of the Irrawaddy Basin only. Now we know they live
between Latitude North 16º30´ and Latitude North 24º, between Longitude East 95º and Longitude East
98º30´, thus occupying the Northern Shan State west of Salween River, Ye-U River in the Yaw Area, down
to Mottama (Martaban) in the Tenasserim Division or Mon State.
1. Shi-li-i...Hsipaw
2. Kan-Wung...Kanthida near Nga O village near Shwe-Li River
3. Mina-tao-li...Myingyan
4. Maw-Fu...Mauria (Mywe Yin, west of Irrawaddy River)
5. San-Taw...Halin or Hanlin
6. Ta-li-Moh...Thegone, South east of Hmaw Zar
7. Taung-Lin-Wung...Taungdwingyi
8. Ti-Che...Hti Chaingt
9. Tu-mein...Kume, Maing Maw or Mongmao (Conservator of Forest u Aung myint named it after he found
it near Kume.)
5 Forts lie north indicating the enemy would come from that direction more than from the south where there
is the sea (Bay of Bengal).
There are Pyu coins with many Hindu symbols.: Badra (Stool), Sandr (Moon), Sanche (Conch), Sriwisra
(House), Swastika (Cross fan), Visra ( Thunder bolt). They were minted in the 3rd century AD by the Khmer
used along the trade route between Kampuchea and East India or Northern Rakhaing.
There are 20 foreign states or places that the Pyu had traded:
These Pyu built the first Union of Burma, but they disappeared by mingling with the Bamar. Duttabong was
their great king, but 9 kings took its honor of Dutta Bonna in the Pyu script beginning with King Harivikrama
who died in AD 120.
Dr Than Tun states in this book that the Pyu and the Burman or Bamar are the same. The Pyu as a tribe
disappear by intermarriage with the Burman and by discarding the use of the Pyu names. The Pyu naming
system is cumbersome as the last word of the father becomes the first word of the children like Pyu Saw
Hti (Pyu-sao-ti):
This system is stilled followed by the Pyu relatives in the China-Burma border such as by the Lolo and
other Tibeto-Burman tribes. This system may be applied as in Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's name as her
father's name is Aung San.
Besides, the Pyu formed one subgroup of the Tibeto-Burman Tribes that entered and occupied Burma
since the beginning of the Christian era. These Pyu gave rise to the present Bamar by intermarriage with
the later Tibeto-Burman including the Burman. So. the Bamar are the Pyu and the Pyu are the Bamar, we
can say. This is my layman's interpretation. I'm not a historian. Geneticists may confirm this racial
integartion by DNA testing of the Pyu and Burman (Bamar).