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Foliar Sprays

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Jump-start your plants

By Christopher Kline, PhD.

Foliar feeding
puts the nutrients where
your plants can use them best
Foliar sprays put the nutrients where your plant can use them. There are many commercial products available.

Foliar feeding applying liquid fertilizer

directly to plant leaves promotes maximum
nutrient absorption, causing an increase in
sugar levels in plants that then stimulate root
activity and plant nutrient uptake. This is
particularly beneficial in hydroponics where
the roots have access to high quality nutrients
all the time.

Why foliar feed?

In 1953, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission provided a grant and radioisotopes
of all plant nutrients to Michigan State
University. The objective was to study the
foliar absorption of fertilizer nutrients and
trace their movement in the plants.
The study revealed that foliar-applied
nutrients are absorbed by the leaves and
even through the woody tissue of trees
(bark). The study found the amount of
nutrients required and the speed with
which those nutrients were utilized were
eight to ten times more effective in foliar
feeding than root feeding. With modern
hydroponics techniques root feeding is

greatly improved, but these findings are

still impressive.
Just as spraying plants with a non-selective
herbicide such as Roundup will kill the plants
down to the roots, spraying foliage with liquid
nutrients can produce remarkable yields. The
leaves are as effective a transport mechanism
for nutrients as they are for poison.
Phosphorous and iron are two very important nutrients, but they dont move well from
one part of the plant to another. By foliar
feeding, these nutrients are available to new
growth much more quickly.
Foliar feeding may seem to go against longstanding garden practices of never allowing
the leaves to get wet, particularly on such
plants as African violets or tomatoes. Because
foliar feeding is done with a fine mist and in
the morning, which gives time for the leaves
to dry, the benefits far outweigh any risks.

More benefits of foliar feeding

In addition to promoting maximum

nutrient uptake, foliar fertilizers may have
other benefits, including prevention of plant
diseases and fungal attack. Foliar fertilizers

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cover the leaves and stems, the plant parts

most susceptible to pests and parasites.
Perhaps the biggest side benefit of foliar
feeding is that it can increase the plants
uptake of nutrients from the hydroponics
nutrient solution or the soil in gardens using
soil-based growing media.
Feeding through the leaves works more
quickly than adding fertilizer to nutrient solution or soil, which then has to be
taken up through a plants root system.
Foliar feeding is not a substitute for root
feeding, but used in conjunction with root
feeding, foliar feeding can increase its
effectiveness. Applying a foliar fertilizer
directly to the leaf increases the activity in
the leaf, at the same time increasing chlorophyll and thus photosynthesis.
Because of this increased activity, the
leaf s need for water is also increased,
which in turn increases water uptake by
the plants vascular system. This increases
the uptake of nutrients from the hydroponics nutrient solution or soil.
This is great news for hydroponics gardening because plants can actually be stimulated
through foliar feeding to suck up more
nutrient solution resulting in explosive

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growth and fruit production.


Make sure that the pH level of your foliar

fertilizer spray is at a neutral range. If the
spray is a concentrate mixed with water, use
pH adjusted water or distilled water to make
the solution.
It is always advisable to dilute foliar
fertilizer before application. Too much concentration of foliar fertilizers can cause foliage
burning. Make sure the solution is not too
concentrated by spraying a few healthy leaves
to see if there is any damage. If the leaves curl
or look unhealthy in any way two days after
spraying, dilute the mix by 50 percent and
try again.
Nutrient absorption of foliar fertilizers is
enhanced when the air is humid and moist,
with a temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit
or below (26.6C.) This is because the plants
main nutrient canals, the stomata, are open
in low temperatures. The best time to spray
is in the morning so the spray has time to
Foliar fertilizer sprays achieve best effect
by using a fine mist, allowing the liquid to
drift over the plants.
For better nutrient absorption, make
sure that your foliar fertilizer sprays reach
the undersides of leaves, where the stomata
are located.
After foliar feeding the first day, spray the
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plants with pH adjusted water daily for a few

days. This provides the plant an opportunity
to absorb any fertilizer residue.
Another good, relatively new product
is made with liquid obtained from worm
farms. It is full of different nutrients which
are wonderful for foliar feeding.
Sea-based nutrient mixes, especially
seaweed and alge concentrates, are great for
foliar feeding because they have all the trace
elements plants need in suspension and it may
be harder to balance these elements within
the hydroponics nutrient solution or soil.
To minimize runoff and help these sprays
stick to the leaves, add a quarter of a teaspoon
of natural liquid detergent to each gallon of
For best results, plants are often sprayed
during their critical growth stages such as
transplanting time, blooming time and just
after fruit sets. By applying during flower set,
foliar feeding can cause a dramatic increase
in fruit production.

High-tech choices

The current commercial foliar fertilizers

are concentrated solutions using very high
grade elements, in which the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are combined to the
desired ratio in a controlled environment.
The fertilizing elements in these high tech
sprays are true solutions, soluble, and thus
very available to plants. To most of these

commercial foliar solutions, trace elements

in the form of chelates are added, along with
seaweed and /or humic acid, or other additives
depending on preference, to give a balanced
fertilizer, supplying not only NPK, but all the
trace elements as well as growth hormones
and vitamins etc.
The following is a list of great foliar spray
products that can be found with a simple
Internet search on their name:
General Hydroponics Chi Liquid Organic
Foliar Spray
Vita Grow Thunder Bloom Foliar Spray.
JTM Nutrients
BCuzz Foliar Spray
DNF Enhance
Bills Perfect Fertilizer
Dutch Master Penetrator
Earth Juice Essential
Sea Rich
GreenSense Foliar Juice
With all of these great products available,
there is no excuse for not giving foliar feeding
a try. It is fast, easy, relatively inexpensive and
very effective.
Dr. Christopher J. Kline is a member
of The Garden Writers Association and a
master gardener and writer living in Paradise Valley Arizona. He can be contacted at

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