Femap 11.1 New Features
Femap 11.1 New Features
Femap 11.1 New Features
The File, Merge command allows entities from any model currently open in the same instance of
FEMAP to be merged with the active model. At least two models must be open for this command
to be available. To facilitate bringing entities into the active model, a number of overall
Renumbering and Duplicates Strategy, Entity Selection, and Model Orientation options are
available in the Model Merge Manager dialog box.
Added Performance Graphics Font button to the Label Parameters option in Labels, Entities and
Color Category of View, Options command. The Performance Graphics Font button allows you to
select a font when using Performance Graphics. The Font dialog box appears allowing you to select
a Font, a Font Style, a Size, along with selecting a Script, if needed.
Added Performance Graphics option in the Tools and View Style Category of View, Options
Added Load and Save buttons to View Manager accessed via View, Create/Manage command. The
Save button simply allows to save the view highlighted in the Available Views - Selected View is
Active list to the View library, while the Load button allows you to load a view from the View
library into the model.
Analysis Manager
Added Design Optimization Options dialog box for NX Nastran and MSC Nastran. Only available
for Design Optimization analysis type. Used to choose either Static and Normal Modes/Eigenvalue
and offers a Track Modes option when set to Normal Modes/Eigenvalue.
Added question to allow user to optionally clear the Loads/Constraints from the Master Case when
using MultiSet to create subcases.
Removed GEOMCHECK and Model Check dialog boxes from the Next/Prev chain for Nastran
solvers to streamline creation of analysis sets. These dialog boxes are still available, but now must
be selected via the Options branch of an analysis set.
Updated the Connect, Automatic command to allow more flexibility when selecting which type of
connections to find as well as a new option when finding connections with edge contact.
Updated all dialog boxes used to create the different types of regions to use Add to List and
Remove from List icon buttons to add/remove single items from the list of entities. Also, the
Delete button in all of these dialog boxes is now used to select any number of entities using the
standard entity selection dialog box to remove from the list of entities.
Added support for using Solid Elements to define Bolt Regions using Connect, Bolt Region
Updated Geometry, Midsurface, Automatic command to use Parasolid face pairing technology.
Added Geometry, Curve - Line, Between Geometry command
Upgraded Geometry, Surface, NonManifold Add command to use new tolerant modeling
capabilities available to create General Bodies when using the Parasolid Geometry modeling
Added Geometry, Solid, Sweep command.
Added Geometry, Solid, Sweep Between command.
Added Add Washer option to Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Pad command.
Updated Mesh Sizes, Loads, Constraints... option in various Geometry, Copy/Scale/Rotate/Reflect
commands to now also include regions of all types.
Replaced Modify, Project commands for points with single Modify, Project, Point command.
Meshing Toolbox
Locater tool - Added With Poles option when Search For is set to Surfaces. When on, the Locator
will find any surface which contains a pole. Typically only spherical or conical surfaces and
planar surfaces of revolution around a point can have a pole.
Geometry Editing tool - Added Split at Closest option to the Edge to Edge Operation. When
on, will attempt to create the shortest possible curve using the two locations on the selected curves
closest to one another. Also, added Pad Alignment and Add Washer options to the Pad Operation.
PostProcessing Toolbox - Contour Tool
Added No Average, Centroid Only option for Data Conversion in the Options section when Style
is set to Contour. Simply allows all possibilities currently available through the menus and dialog
PostProcessing Toolbox - Freebody Tool
Added ability to display freebody results in nodal output coordinate system. Only nodal vectors and
quantities will be displayed in the nodal output coordinate system. Interface loads will still be in the
freebody coordinate system.
Added Allow Alternate Vector option in the Freebody Contributions section for the Applied,
Reaction, and MultiPoint Reaction contributions. When on, attempts to use alternate vectors if the
Grid Point Force Balance vectors are not available for a particular contribution.
Added option to List Nodal Sums when using the listing commands in the Freebody Tools section.
When used, summed values for Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, and Mz at each node will be added to the
listing using **SUM** as the Source.
Added Freebody Validation icon to Freebody Tools section. Model debugging tool that can be used
to help determine if results requested for a given freebody exist in the database for the selected set
of elements and/or nodes. It does not indicate that the results of a freebody calculation are a valid
idealization of the structure being analyzed, as that is up to the individual user to determine.
Charting Pane
Reorganized the Chart Data Series dialog box into a tabbed format and added the Vector vs. Vector
option as a tab.
Added ability to set the Font Size for the Legend, Chart Axis Labels, and Labels in the Chart.
Changed Show Tooltips icon into icon menu and added several options for syncing up the active
graphics window to the data point currently showing the Tooltip and ability to control what is
shown in the Tooltip.
Changed Copy Chart to Clipboard icon into icon menu offering three options, Copy Chart Image,
Copy Chart Data, or Copy Chart Image and Data. The most recently used option will remain the
default option for the current instance of FEMAP.
Moved the Title field from the Chart Title tab to the top of the in the Charting dialog box.
Added List Data command to Data Series context-sensitive menu to list the data from the Data
Series to the Messages window
Added Show (Element/Node ID) in Active View command to Marker context-sensitive menu to
highlight the entity in the active view using the current Show When Selected options, except
always displays label.
Interfaces - Nastran
Added support for the pyramid element and now read/write the CPYRAM entry.
Added read support for obsolete ELSTRESS, ELFORCE, ELSTRAIN Case Control entries. Turn
on Stress, Force, and/or Strain output requests in the Nastran Output Requests dialog box.
Added enhanced support for Restarts. New options include the ability to specify a Read Only
Restart along with specifying a Version Number for the file and a Starting Subcase for Nonlinear
Updated default behavior for auto reading of results when the analysis case is set to 3..Print and
PostProcess which will skip f06 results and only read output from op2 file.
Updated automatic filename convention. Input file name now matches the entire length of model
name instead of only using the first 5 characters of the filename. It also automatically converts
characters that are known to be invalid in Nastran command lines (=, $, #) and converts them to '_'.
Also added Base Filename for Analyze (Blank to Match Model) field in the NASTRAN Executive
and Solution Options dialog box so you can specify a different automatic name, which will be
followed by a 3-digit number which automatically increments.
Added support for buckling setup where LOAD and METHOD are in the master case
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support to write BEDGE entries when edges of axisymmetric elements, CTRAX3,
CQUADX4, CTRAX6, CQUADX8 are used in a Connection Region in Edge-Edge contact.
Added support for ESOPT field on BGPARM entry and PREVIEW field on BGPARM and
BCTPARM entries. Removed subdivide method, RTSUBD, from NXSTRAT as it was removed
from version 8.5.
Added support to read ITER and ELEMITER commands from the NASTRAN statement which
will select the appropriate Iterative Solver option in the NASTRAN Executive and Solution
Options dialog box.
Added support to request Grid Point Force results in Advanced Nonlinear (SOL 601).
Added support to write BOLT entry using element IDs for Advanced Nonlinear (SOL 601).
Added support to set up the PYR_AR, PYR_EPLR, and PYR_WARP element checks in
GEOMCHECK dialog box for pyramid elements.
Added option to request Relative Enforced Motion Results in Nastran Output Requests dialog box
for dynamic analysis. Adds REL to DISPLACEMENT, ACCELERATION, and/or VELOCITY
Case Control entires.
Added support for KDAMP and KUPDATE fields on TSTEPNL entry. For Transient Heat Transfer
analysis these are specified via the Method drop-down and the Include Differential Stiffness in
Damping options in the Stiffness Updates section of the Nonlinear Control Options dialog box. For
Nonlinear Transient analysis KUPDATE is specified via the Method drop-down in the Stiffness
Updates section of the Control Options tab of the Nonlinear Control Options dialog box, while
KDAMP is specified via the Include Differential Stiffness in Damping option in the Additional
Transient Options section of the Advanced Options tab of the Nonlinear Control Options dialog
Added support to read RMS von Mises Stress from a Random Response analysis with RMS output
Updated the NASTRAN Output for Random Analysis dialog box to allow selection of a specific
option (Power Spectral Density Functions, Autocorrelation Functions, Root Mean Square), None,
or All for both Nodal and Elemental results.
Added Bulk Mod Ratio - GAMMA, Bulk Modulus Function, Density Function, Damping Coeff
Function, and Bulk Mod Ratio Function fields to the 506..Nastran Fluid Material (MAT10)
Material Type in Other Types. These fields write the GAMMA, TIDBULK, TIDRHO, TIDGE, and
TIDGAMMA fields to the MAT10 entry.
Added support for reading output vector from XY plane and matching Radial, Axial, Azimuth
directions for axisymmetric elements.
Added read/write support for the SMETHOD Case Control command. When Iterative Solver in
NASTRAN Executive and Solution Options dialog box is set to 1..On, writes
SMETHOD=MATRIX. When set to 2..Elemental Iter, writes SMETHOD=ELEMENT.
Added support for the BBBT formatted XDB files and XDB files created by 64-bit version of MSC
Nastran via File, Attach to Results command only.
Added read support for Acceleration and Velocity results in alternate output data blocks (OAG1
and OVG1).
Added support for the MAT10 entry. Specified using 606...MSC.Nastran Fluid Material when
property type is set to Other Types in the Define Material dialog box.
Added read support for plot only triangle and quad elements representing contact regions from
FNO file.
Added option to request Relative Enforced Motion Results in Nastran Output Requests dialog box
for dynamic analysis. Adds REL to DISPLACEMENT, ACCELERATION, and/or VELOCITY
Case Control entires.
Updated modal and dynamic analysis methods to always write the EIGRL entry instead of EIGR,
unless Real Solutions Methods is set to Auto and Normalization Method is set to Point in the
NASTRAN Modal Analysis dialog box.
Updated Advanced Options tab of Nonlinear Control Options dialog box to have all fields blank by
default in the Analysis Set Manager.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Updated Ansys to support V14.5 and 15.0 with new 64 bit pointers and new stress result block
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Added support for Memory (Megawords) and Processor Count to LS-DYNA Analysis Control
dialog box. These fields write *KEYWORD Memory value NCPU = Processor Count value.
Interfaces - Comma-Separated
Added support for the Extended Comma-Separated Format. This format must be used in order to
attach CSV to FEMAP using the File, Attach to Results command.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 6 and NX 9.0
Added support for Parasolid 26.0
Added support for ACIS 24, SP1
Added support for CATIA V5-6R2013 SP2
Enhanced Load creation to allow the use of Data Surfaces when defining loads of the following
types: Force on Curve, Force Per Length on Curve, Moment on Curve, Moment Per Length on
Curve, Force on Surface, Force Per Area on Surface, Moment on Surface, Moment Per Area on
Surface, Nodal Heat Flux on Curve, Nodal Heat Flux Per Length on Curve, Nodal Heat Flux on
Surface and Nodal Heat Flux Per Area on Surface. For the load types that support it, this capability
also works with or without the Total Load option.
Enhanced load expansion from geometry to a mesh for elemental face-based loads on surfaces
(Pressure, Heat Flux, Convection and Radiation). Previously on large models these could an
extended period of time.
Updated Model, Load, Combine command to allow a number of new options.
Added Load Set Combination Data Surface to Data Surface Editor. This Data Surface has one very
specific use, to create new load sets based on existing load sets. Each selected existing load set will
appear in the Data Surface Editor as an individual column, while each new load set to create will
appear as a row
Updated the File, Attach to Results command to allow attaching to XDB files from NX Nastran and
MSC Nastran (both formats) and Comma-Separated files using a specific format.
Updated Model, Output, Transform command to use a dialog box similar to the one used to specify
the on-the-fly transformations with View, Select and PostProcessing Toolbox. Also, this
command now works with output in attached results files.
Added List, Output, Freebody Nodal Summations and List, Output, Freebody Nodal Summations
to Data Table commands.
Updated on-the-fly transformations via the Select PostProcessing Data dialog box and
PostProcessing Toolbox to support transformation of Laminate and Solid Laminate Stresses and
Strains using the same options available for transformation of Plate Stresses and Strains.
Updated Next Output Vector and Previous Output Vector icons on the Post Toolbar to
increment all 3 possible contour vectors if they are defined. Previously only the primary vector was
Added option when saving output to database from attached results file to optionally detach results
Element - Pyramid
Added Along/Between Path option to Modify, Update Elements, Material Orientation command.
Added several new options to the Mesh, Geometry, Solids command to improve tetrahedral
Added Copy Method section to Mesh, Copy, Element command, with the default Copy Method
being Along Vector which was previously the only option. The Normals and Normals with
Thickness Correction options were added for planar elements only and work in the same manner as
when extruding or offsetting elements.
Added Along Vector to Surfaces option to Mesh, Extrude, Curve; Mesh, Extrude, Element; and
Mesh, Extrude Element Face commands.
Replaced Modify, Project commands for nodes with single Modify, Project, Node command. Has
all the same options as the Modify, Project, Point command, described in the Geometry section.
Check, Coincident Nodes
Added Merge Across Output CSys option to allow nodes with different output coordinate systems
to be merged. Either the output coordinate system of the kept node or a selected coordinate system
will be used after the merge.
Added Label with ID option to Preview Coincident dialog box for Tools, Check, Coincident Nodes
and Tools, Check, Coincident Points. This options is always on by default and will simply show the
IDs of the nodes or points being highlighted, regardless of the options currently set for Window,
Show Entities or the Show When Selected icon menus in the Model Info tree or Data Table
Check, Element Quality
Added All On and All Off buttons and check boxes for Listing the details of elements that failed the
checks as well as listing a new summary of the failed elements. Also added a Show button that
shows all elements that fail the checks. Finally, added option to send the detailed listing to the Data
Table instead of the Message Window.
Check, Sum Forces
Updated Tools, Check, Sum Forces to allow you to select whether to Include Body Loads or not, as
well as a Sum option to Sum All Loads, Loads on Selected Nodes and Elements, or Selected Load
User Interface
Enhanced the performance of Combo and List Boxes with lists of entities that have a large number
of items. Also, enhanced performance of the Visibility dialog box. Previously, the dialog box could
take longer than expected to appear when models had large numbers (50K-100K) of properties,
materials, etc.
Implemented Query and Front picking for Coordinate Systems. Only works for coordinate systems
themselves, not selecting nodes or points referencing coordinate systems.
Added Layers/Groups in Tooltips option to include Layer and Group information in Tooltips and
Rotate View About submenu to specify View Center options from the quick access menu (rightmouse click menu).
Enhanced Modify, Renumber... commands which allow Coordinate renumbering to allow the user
to specify the Order using the +/- X, Y, or Z locations of each entity.
Added individual fields for Line and Font to the Resolution Options dialog box accessed via the
Resolution button in the Picture Save Defaults section.
Added Performance Graphics to Graphics Options section.
User Interface
Added Show Angles as 0 -> 360 option to Menus and Dialog Boxes section
Added Middle Button Click for OK option to Mouse Interface section
Added Wheel Factor for Dynamic Planes option to Mouse Interface section
Added Use Region Decimal/List Symbols option to new International Localization section
Updated default Max Cached Label value in Database Performance section to be 99,999,999 on 64bit operating systems. Remains 5,000,000 for 32-bit operating systems.
Updated Timed Save options. Saving a model now resets the Timed Save timer and command
counter so that you will get a full interval until the next timed save
Added preference to allow optimizing geometry on import.
Replaced Pre-V10 Tet Meshing and Pre-V10 Surface Meshing options with single Pre-V11.1 Tet
Meshing option in Meshing and Properties section.
Changed Automatically Attach to OP2 Files option to Automatically Attach to Result Files in File
Options section.
Changed Use Memory Mapped OP2 Files option to Use Memory Mapped Files in File Options
New API Objects and Attributes
feCheckSumForces (updated summedForces array to provide all values)
Corrected issue using relative deformations. The z translation component was not taken into
account. Additional bug when deforming relative to.
Corrected issue where boundary Surfaces were not obeying the back face culling view options,
giving bright lines at edges of back faces of solids
Corrected issue where Freebodies were not included in min/max box calculation so they could get
clipped by the near/far clipping volume.
Corrected issue where freebody nodes not in the active group were not being included when
calculating bounding box used by the View, Autoscale, Visible command.
Corrected issue where CBUSH orientation vector did not use Reference Coordinate System, if
Corrected issue which occurred when animating and the left mouse button was clicked without
moving the mouse, which caused the animation to stop.
Corrected issue with Some nodes on the parabolic-element are not shown when the view style is
Corrected issue if displaying a contour and then set the contour legend shrink percentage to 0.0
either thru View, Options, the PostProcessing Toolbox or the API. Corrected code and limited the
available values for shrink to 1.0 thru 100.0 (PR# 6948674).
Corrected issue in the View Visibility dialog box that caused the currently selected View and
Constraint set to not be properly reloaded when the dialog box was opened again.
Corrected an issue that caused saved, multi-view layouts to not be restored properly. The results
were slightly wrong if using File, Open, the recent model list or drag-and-drop to open the file.
They were significantly wrong when the file was double-clicked in Windows Explorer.
Prevented repeated errors if logo or background bitmaps were selected using View, Background.
Now gives error once and then disables logo or background bitmap to prevent further errors.
Corrected issue that prevented NonStructural Mass Regions defined on Curves from expanding to
Beam, Bar, and other Line elements.
Corrected issue in the NonStructural Mass Region dialog box that did not properly enable/disable
the Surfaces and Curves options when you selected Total Mass on Area or Total Mass on
Corrected issue When defining a connection region using the positive side of a surface. If the
surface contained planar elements that had their normals reversed compared to the surface normal,
the wrong element face was chosen. Expansion of the connection regions to element faces from
surfaces is now done correctly regardless of the element normal.
Updated the choice of positive/negative sense of surfaces on sheet bodies when creating connection
regions to insure that all surfaces on the same sheet body use the same convention. Previously if a
planar sheet body was basically coincident with its neighboring region, numerical roundoff could
cause some surfaces to come out positive and others negative, which is always invalid. Everything
is now consistent, however in this coincident surface case, there is no way to determine whether
the sheet should be positive or negative.
Corrected issue where Femap issues a Unable To Save Model: Access is Denied using File, Save
when saving a model for the first time and you have attached to results using File, Attach To
Results. Workaround is to use File, Save As.
Corrected issue where quad faces were not being written to a JT file.
Corrected issue When using File, Picture Copy or File, Picture, Save with a different number of
texture levels for screen and hard copy, textures were wrong (PR# 6888214).
Corrected issue when deleting from a Material or Property library by pressing the Delete button
in the Library dialog box, while in Load during creating a Material or Property. Previously
deleted the wrong entry in some cases even though it showed the correct one removed from the list
Added a message to prevent a bad picture being saved when using File, Picture, Save and another
window (for example, Paint) is brought up over it (PR# 6888214).
Changed Undo/Redo file naming conventions and usage so that opening models with very long
filenames (100+ characters) will not cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly.
Corrected an issue where the underlying surfaces of a composite surface could get added to the
selection set with Add Tangent Surfaces picking method.
Corrected an issue where Geometry, Surface, NonManifold Add could create disconnected
(Parasolid Disjoint) bodies. Although FEMAP was instructing Parasolid not to create these bodies,
it could occur anyway. Added functionality to check for and then split up any disjoint bodies.
Corrected an issue in Geometry, Curve - Line, Offset command to keep the section perpendicular to
the drive curve so that the offset value was maintained.
Corrected an issue which now deletes edge of wire bodies. Previous FEMAP deleted the whole
wire body since wire bodies are really not supported, but in certain instances they can make it into
the program.
Corrected issue where mesh size on point was not written in the same format as dialog box displays
it. For example, if 1234567890 was entered, the graphics would display 1234568326 and the dialog
when modifying would show 1.23457E9. The graphics now matches the dialog box.
Corrected issue where display of stress in beam cross sections when using View, Advanced Post,
Beam Cross Section command did not work if the default element type was not set to Plate, Linear
or Plate, Parabolic.
Corrected issue where surface normals were not being drawn on combined surface. This issue was
introduced in v10.3.
Corrected issue When displaying freebody with no contour or deformation. This caused the output
set title not to be written to the post titles, only the ID.
Corrected issue when using the View, Advanced Post, Contour Model Data to display Combined
Quality as the element quality, as none of the required values were being calculated.
Corrected issue where the width of contour legend was controlled by font size. This could make it
really thin in some cases. Implemented limits based on 4% of screen dimensions so it would never
get too thin.
Corrected issue that caused Layers to not highlight from the Model Info tree.
Corrected issue where the boundary label was incorrectly tied to the surface label switch. This has
problem first arrived in 11.0.
Corrected issue where if you reset mesh definition on a curve, the default mesh size is shown
instead of nothing. This is now fixed so mesh size is no longer visible and no need to do a Ctrl-G to
get correct image.
Corrected issue drawing Aero Panels when the aerodynamic coordinate system was not aligned
with the panel definition system. Updated to use coordinate system from Active Analysis Set and
refresh graphics for Aero panels when changing analysis sets.
Corrected issue for View, Advanced Post, Dynamic Isosurface; View Advanced Post, Dynamic
Cutting Plane; or View, Advanced Post, Streamline commands, which caused the load set,
constraint set etc stay as they were when the command was completed. Before this fix, if they were
set to View Active, they were set to View Selected after completing the command (PR# 1960017).
Corrected an issue migrating of RBE3 UM DOF. The data was in the neutral file but the element
check stopped FEMAP from reading it. This also fixes possible problems creating RBE3 elements
with UM DOF from the API as well as File, Merge command (PR# 6879268).
Corrected a problem with the FEMAP V11.0 Model/Neutral File Converter that prevented the
active view from being transferred properly. All model information was transferred, however the
correct view was not activated when the old model was opened.
Corrected a problem writing a FEMAP Neutral File that caused the last property value (which isn't
used by FEMAP, but is accessible via the API) to always be written as 0.0 no matter what its actual
value was. This correction is made in FEMAP and all Neutral File converters back to V9.3 where
the problem began.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue reading FREQ1 and storing maximum frequency and interval. Also fixed FREQ2
default NF for number of Number of logarithmic intervals.
Corrected issue when writing NASTRAN command where the field separator was sometimes not
written between options.
Corrected issue reading Time Increment for Nonlinear Transient analysis where it was read and
written as a negative time step.
Corrected issue where FEMAP could write an empty load set in the LOAD card. It was just ignored
by Nastran and wouldnt cause any problems.
Corrected issue reading bar output in XDB file using the File, Import, Results command.
Corrected issue writing TEMPD too many times for dynamic solution.
Added warning when a SUBCOM references subcases with thermal loads which are not supported
by Nastran. The loads need to be in the SUBCOM case (PR# 6670306).
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected graying of Dynamic Loads using LOADSET/LSEQ switch for NEi Nastran (PR#
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected issue when translating BEAM188 elements, where if previously used material was not
the same material as on the element, no material entry was written. Now MAT command gets
written out when the previous material written out is not the same as the current material or if a
SECDATA card is written.
Corrected issue when translating offset plates, where the material entry would not get written if the
SECDATA card didn't get written (could happen if the last plate was a non-offset plate with a
different material). Now MAT command gets written out when the previous material written out
isn't the same as the current material or if a SECDATA card is written.
Interfaces - DYNA
Interfaces - Geometry
Removed checking of translator codes for STEP and IGES interfaces. Previously the FEMAP
Neutral Only versions had failed to read/write STEP and read IGES. Now there are no translator
code restrictions on any geometry translators.
Corrected an issue that caused reflection of loads to be incorrect in cases where the reflection plane
was not aligned with an axis of the load coordinate system. Also changed reflection of Moments,
Rotational Displacements/Velocity/Acceleration to reflect in a manner that caused a symmetric
loading, and no longer reflect in the same manner as a Force/Displacement/.../ i.e. not as a vector.
Corrected an issue that caused FEMAP to stop functioning when meshing certain surfaces with
Quad Edge Layers when the mesh size was very large compared to the surface being meshed.
Corrected an issue that could cause FEMAP to exit unexpectedly if attempting to mesh surfaces
that only had 2 curves on their outer boundary (like a circle), contained similar circular interior
holes and the mesh size was set so large that there was only one element per curve.
Corrected an issue related to the removal of Geometry Preparation so that the un-prepared solid
would have its mesh sizes automatically recalculated if taken directly to meshing without further
preparation or sizing.
Corrected element extrusion to not pick up beam offsets (and potentially other data) from the
elements being extruded in the new elements that are created.
Updated Mesh, Extrude/Revolve/Sweep Elements and Element Faces commands so that if Linear
elements/faces are selected, linear elements are created, while if Parabolic elements/face are
selected, Parabolic elements are created.
Updated the Mesh, Editing, Edge Split command to handle nodal permanent constraints. Now only
the common permanent constraints on the edge end nodes are applied to the new split node.
Corrected incorrect vector titles for solid laminate shear stress/strain output
Corrected op2 attach issue reading PSDF output
Corrected op2 attach issue where Ply Vectors not found on the first output table were never indexed
(PR# 6945305)
Corrected op2 attach issue in Buckling where the Output Sets Generated were not labeled the same
as when the results are internalized. This could occur when the buckling solution did not use
subcases (PR# 6939741)
Corrected op2 attach issue where Title, Subtitle, Label text were not being written to the Femap
Output Set notes.
Corrected op2 attach issue with Bar EndB results which caused beam diagram to not be drawn.
Corrected an issue that occurred if a model was reopened that had attached NEiNastran results files
(FNO) and the Use Memory Mapped files preference was enabled. In this case, the results were
opened correctly as a memory mapped file, however all access to the file was done using nonmemory mapped techniques. In all cases, the correct results were obtained, it was simply a potential
performance issue. This did not occur when the file was originally attached, only if the model file
was saved and reopened.
Corrected Global Ply/ Sold Composite output problems
Corrected issue when deleting a portion of the output sets from a single result file (PR# 1948208)
Corrected issue where laminate plate transformation was not working for global plies (including
top and bottom).
Corrected issue where solid laminate transformation was not working for Global Plies.
Corrected issue where quite a few options were not implemented for Laminate Solid Results in
various commands.
Corrected issue to that could cause clipping with freebodies that have a total sum vector outside of
the model box.
Changed Model, Output, Process to allow Convert to work after renaming Output Sets.
Elements - Rigid
Corrected issue that caused invalid elements if you edited RBE3 UM DOF degrees of freedom on
an existing element and deleted all of the DOF (PR# 6960684)
Corrected issue that caused the thickness on Global Plys to not be updated when using Tools,
Convert Units. All layups were properly converted previously. The Global Ply thickness is only
used as the default thickness when a global ply is used to create a new layup ply.
User Interface
Corrected issue with the Contour Vector dialog box. If 3D Component is selected and the 3
components were selected for Vector 1, everything worked correctly. However, if the dialog was
exited and reentered, the 3rd component of Vector 1 was set equal to the 2nd component of Vector
1. Vectors 2 and 3 did not have this problem.
Corrected the labeling in the 3D Orthotropic Material Ply/Bond Failure Dialog Box tab for the
Tensile Stress/Strain Limits. They were labeled 12, 23, 13, when in fact they should have simply
been 1, 2, 3
Corrected issue with picking in the view when the Model Info tree is floating but not visible (PR#
Corrected issue in External Superelement Creation dialog box to allow for null values in the Entity
ID Range Checks fields. Previously, if values were in these fields and then cleared out, an error
about being less than min label was displayed.
Corrected issue if adding a Superelement reference, deleting it, and adding an additional one before
closing the External Superelement Reference dialog box, the numbering may not be sequential.
Corrected several graying issues in the External Superelement Reference dialog box. The check
boxes at the bottom would not un-gray until the list box was clicked, even if there were already
references in the model.
Corrected issue which would cause the Create Assign button to float in the Analysis Text dialog
box when the dialog box was resized vertically. This dialog box was accessed by the Start Text
button in the NASTRAN Executive and Solution Options dialog box.
Corrected issue where the Subspace method in the NASTRAN Modal Analysis dialog box was not
being grayed for NX Nastran.
Corrected issue where the Additional Transient Options on the Advanced Options tab of the
Nonlinear Control Options dialog box were not being grayed when setting up a nonlinear static
Removed unused options from the renumbering commands dialog box for Aero Panels/Bodies,
Aero Properties, Aero Splines, and Aero Control Surfaces
Corrected issue that caused Combined Load and Constraint sets to lose their combination sets and
factors if you simply called Get() and Put() on a combined set.
Corrected issue where user created panes could have improper tab titles when using the
feAppRegisterAddInPane call.
Corrected the maximum dimension of the Info_ModelSizeX, Y & Z and vInfo_ModelSizeX, Y &
Z API parameters. The correct dimension, as previously documented, is 2 since each contain the
minimum and maximum coordinates in the appropriate coordinate direction.
Corrected issue in the API Curve object that caused the mesh count to be returned incorrectly
(actually with encoded length and bias information) if MeshCount() was called on a curve that did
not have a custom mesh size. This issue could cause wrong sizes to be applied to curves if a
composite curve was split in the Meshing Toolbox, and could cause considerable delays in
remeshing because of excessively large numbers of elements added to the curve.
Corrected the API commands feViewCascade() and feWindowCascade(). Previously these API
calls simply did nothing.
Corrected issue which issued incorrect error message that appears when >100 locations are not
mapped using API.
Enhanced Results Browsing object to better handle the case when attempting to get data from the
object but no data was present (now returns FE_NOT_EXIST), or if attempting to call one of the
PutXXX functions with no data to add (returns FE_OK, but handled better internally).
Model, Delete, Mesh now automatically deletes any Connection Regions where all elements and/or
nodes were also deleted by the command. It also automatically deletes any Connections that have
had one or both of its Connection Regions deleted.
GUI - Libraries
Added disclaimer to the Library dialog that states users should verify supplied data before using.
Interfaces - Nastran
Enhanced export of CONM2 to skip writing line 2 continuation if all moments of inertia = 0.0
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for property based-gluing of composite elements. Supported in version 8.5.
Added support for reading the Offset Vector Interpretation Flag (OFFT) for CBAR, CBEAM,
BAROR, and BEAMOR. Elements using this flag will now be oriented properly in FEMAP. Also,
added warning for unsupported CBAR, CBEAM, BAROR, BEAMOR OFFT field.
Added the ability to revolve parabolic shells that have an edge on the axis of revolution into
parabolic wedges or parabolic tets. Revolving linear shells still does not support creation of tets if a
single node lies on the axis.
Added SetAdd2, SetAddOpt2, and Add2 methods to Group API object. Work exactly like SetAdd,
SetAddOpt, and Add methods, except use Group Data Type instead of Entity Type for the first
Corrected issue in license borrowing where Femap would not write checksum in Nastran file when
using a borrowed license.
Corrected issue where Boundary Surfaces were being drawn on internal surface edges as part of
filled edges. The issue also affected highlighting while picking and has also been fixed.
Corrected an issue which caused meshes and connections to be deleted without warning if the
Delete, Geometry, Solid command was used, multiple solids selected, and the first (lowest ID) solid
did not have a mesh and/or connections.
Corrected issue in Geometry, Surface, From Mesh where the command tries to identify a simple
four-sided surface and could potentially create the wrong surface. If a four-sided surface is
identified, the command creates a boundary surface, then converts that boundary to a surface.
Command was rewritten so the conversion portion of the command works for more cases.
Corrected issue when Mesh sizing on curves created by the Geometry, Surface, From Mesh
command was incorrect.
Corrected issue in Geometry, Midsurface, Automatic where the original solid being mid-surfaced
would be intersected with the newly created mid-surfaces, thus created additional extraneous
Corrected and issue where no free faces are found when a solid mesh is skinned with shells. For
version 11.0.1, change has been made to only process solid elements. Full implementation for
mixed models expected in a future release.
Corrected issue where solids were not being faceted properly after using Geometry, Solid, Thicken
command (PR# 6845658)
Corrected issue when picking solids using selection area (box, circle, polygon, freehand) when Pick
All Inside option was being used. Previously, if one surface of a solid was completely inside the
selection area it would be selected, now all surfaces must be in the selection area in order to be
Corrected issue writing Custom Divisions for Aero Panel/Body and Aero Property to the neutral
file that caused some of the list to be skipped.
Corrected issue where pressing the Next button when Case was set to SUBCOM (MSC or NX
Nastran only) did not bring up the SUBCOM factor dialog box.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue writing ACCEL where improper extra line could be written.
Corrected issue when reading input file with EXTSEOUT card. The ASSIGN statement would be
duplicated on the subsequent translation if the original input file that was read in had no other text
in the executive section start text other than the ASSIGN statement.
Corrected issue where editing the files in the External Superelement Reference dialog box may
cause the EXTID to be set to zero
Interfaces - DYNA
Corrected issue where the translator would stop writing user-defined coordinate systems once a
non- rectangular coordinate system was encountered. (PR# 6842347)
Corrected issue where writing of cylindrical constraints in an equivalent local rectangular system
was not working properly. (PR# 6842347)
Interfaces - Geometry
Corrected issue when exporting VRML file where post-processing data (contours, deformations,
titles, legends, etc) was not being properly included (PR# 6858293)
Corrected issue in Create Constraints on Geometry dialog box where the first item in the Arbitrary
in CSys drop-down was displayed as -1..Select Output Vectors to Delete instead of -1..Use
Nodal Output CSys. (PR# 6864272)
Corrected issue where the twist checking/fix-up of elements check was disabled during their
creation of elements. This check was changed for V11.0 and the new check has been fully enabled.
Corrected material databases to correct Stainless Steel densities and change specific heat values to
consistent units in the SI and mm-N-tonne databases
Corrected inconsistency when picking a surface to use as a General Section in the Cross Section
Definition dialog box in a Bar/Beam property. When using the Alternative option, user was
prompted for the Y vector using (0,1,0) as the default, while Original prompted with a default of
(1,0,0). Alternative now matches Original.
Corrected issue where in the General Section was selected, a surface was picked etc, but then
canceled out of the dialog. If the section dialog box was then reentered, the section would be set to
none and if you selected general section again, if you selected general section again, it draw the old
section which you had canceled from.
Corrected issue that occurred in Mesh, Editing, Edge Split command if a mesh was split which
went across multiple geometries (for example, a hex mesh across multiple solids). Previously
associativity to some elements adjacent to the transition between the different geometries was lost
because the boundary nodes were not associated with both geometries.
Corrected memory leak in Tet Meshing which occurred if the tet quality table was to be sent to the
Data Table. All tets that were not added to the Data Table leaked memory.
Corrected issue where cross-sections were not being shown correctly on curves when a Curve
Meshing Attribute was set and cross-sections were being displayed.
Added hard-coded error message in Model, Output, Transform command to warn that it does not
support results in attached files and to inform the user they can use the Transform buttons in Select
PostProcessing dialog box display transforms.
Cleaned up output to deal with situations when there were vectors in both attached files and the
database. Previously caused FEMAP to go become non-responsive if a user vector was created in
an attached set, then it tried to create a second. Also fixed dialog so the first user vector
immediately appears in the list when it is created.
Corrected issue where Contour Legend was reversed when the user palette was selected
Corrected issue when using View, Advanced Post, Beam Cross Section command where the Y
moment was being used as the Z moment and vice versa. Only caused an issue when displaying
output where only the Y or Z moment were being used individually, not both. (PR# 1923682)
Corrected an issue that caused internalized (not attached) vectors that computed elemental total
vectors (For Nastran, Total Temperature Gradient and Total Heat Flux) to display incorrectly.
Corrected issue in 2D/3D Contour vectors. The second (Y) component was being computed
Corrected an issue in Contour Vectors that caused the vectors to be incorrect if two vectors were
chosen that required loading the same underlying data multiple times and the results were in an
attached file. Specifically, if attempting to display Max Prin and Min Prin stress the resulting
directions were incorrect. Only occurred for attached files.
Corrected inconsistency in the Contour Vector dialog where the 0..None-Ignore option was lost
in the vector selection combos if the type of vector plot was changed. Also, corrected issue that
caused it to look like vectors were selected after the type was changed even though they were not.
Corrected issue reading solid composite failure indices and strength ratios. Issue only affected solid
composite results, not shells.
Corrected an issue which caused FEMAP to exit unexpectedly if a model was contoured and all but
one element was deleted from the model.
Corrected issue which caused very poor performance if user switched from a Full Model display of
nodal contour of elemental data to displaying an empty group. On 500,000 plate model took ~7
minutes, now instantaneous
Corrected issue when renumbering output in attached output files that caused the renumbered cases
to overwrite other cases. Also, cleaned up delete of individual Femap output case in attach so a set
cannot be accessed once deleted by Femap.
Corrected issue problem where the Femap output set would still exist when reopening a model that
was saved after a subset of output cases were deleted from an attached file. Also added logic to
clear the undo file when renumbering or deleting attached output sets.
Added correction to sort modal output cases by Femap set ID, instead of by frequency.
User Interface
Corrected issue that caused FEMAP to exit unexpectedly if a user attempted to open an invalid
library, then tried to pick from the original library.
Corrected issue which caused poor scaling of icons when using 125% or 150% text scaling in
Windows 7. Issue was addressed with new version of toolkit used by GUI.
Corrected an issue which could occur when trying to solve a Heat Transfer Analysis using Nastran
and the user was asked to save the model. Occurred sporadically based on timing issues in the NX
Nastran Analysis Monitor.
Corrected the Tip of the Day to automatically cycle to next tip at each startup. Previously stayed
on same tip.
Corrected an issue in NextVector() of the Results Browsing Object that would skip over other user
vectors if starting with a user vector and checking for the next existing vector below that one.
Corrected issue in GetEntityData where Results Browsing Object would choose the wrong output
processor due to a improper check for number of vectors in the table.
Corrected an issue when using the API Property object with Spring or DOF Spring properties that
could cause the database counters to be invalidated.
Corrected Entity API method GetTitleIDList(). For CSys it did not get CSys 0 if specified a start/
stop range of 0,0. Also got an extra coordinate system if only the global coordinate systems existed
in the model.
Corrected issue getting the element face normal of the triangular faces of parabolic wedge
elements. Broken since v10.0.
Corrected issue with vcomponent in the Femap Output object that would cause Femap to become
unresponsive if called.
Analysis Manager
Added External Superelement Creation dialog box for NX Nastran and MSC Nastran. Only
available for Static and Normal Modes/Eigenvalue analysis types. Used to create the EXTSEOUT
entry. Also, the dialog box offers an alternate location to designate the Master (ASET) and QSET
DOF sets and optional checking capability.
Added External Superelement References dialog box for NX Nastran and MSC Nastran. Available
for all analysis types. Used to create references for a Superelement Assembly model by selecting
External Superelement file (Type = .OP2, .OP4, or .PCH), setting Superelement ID, choosing
Matrices options (.PCH file only), and choosing ASM file (.OP2 and .OP4 only).
Added Create ASSIGN button to the Analysis Text dialog box accessed via Start Text button in
NASTRAN Executive and Solution Control dialog box. Allows for streamlined creation of
ASSIGN statements.
Added 1 new function type, Acceleration vs. Location, for use with Varying Translational
Acceleration Body Load.
Added Additional Vector(s) check box to Contour Tool, along with two additional Output Vector
drop-downs to select the Additional Vector(s).
Interfaces - Nastran
Added support for ACCEL entry defined using Varying Translational Acceleration in Body Load
Added support for PCOMPS entry defined using Solid Laminate Property Type
Added support for MATFT entry for Solid Laminate elements and PCOMPS defined using Ply/
Bond Failure tab of Isotropic, Orthotropic (3D), and Anisotropic (3D) Material types.
Added support for NSM1, NSML1, and NSMADD entries defined using NonStructural Mass
Regions. Also, added support for import of NSM and NSML entries to create NonStructural Mass
Added support for PARAM,BAILOUT,-1 entry by click BAILOUT in the NASTRAN Bulk Data
Options dialog box of the Analysis Set Manager.
Added support for EXTSEOUT entry defined using External Superelement Creation dialog box in
the Analysis Set Manager for Static and Normal Modes/Eigenvalue analysis types.
Added support for PARAM, SECOMB entry defined using External Superelement Reference
dialog box in the Analysis Set Manager. In addition, the DPBLKTOL=#.# is also written when
Duplicate Node Tolerance is turned on and a value is provided in the field.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for PBUSHT entries for Advanced Nonlinear Static and Advanced Nonlinear
Transient Analysis Type.
Added support for Linear Contact entries for Buckling Analysis
Added support for using the nodes of Solid Elements to create Bolt Regions. Writes the BOLT
entry with ETYPE=2 along with appropriate values for CSID, IDIR, and G(i) fields.
Changed default for Real Solution Methods in NASTRAN Modal Analysis dialog box from
Lanczos to Auto.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Added support for Standard and Reduced Integration formulations when exporting plate
Added support to always write KEYOPT(3) = 3 for all beam elements using the BEAM188/
Section Shape or BEAM188/ASEC formulations.
Added Skip Preprocessor Command option to ANSYS Model Write dialog box.
Added Write All Groups as Components option to ANSYS Model Write dialog box.
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for NX 8.5, Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 5, and Solid Works 2012
Added support for Parasolid 25.1
Added support for ACIS 23, SP1
Added support for CATIA V5-6R2012 SP3
Added support for Pro/Engineer Creo 2
Added Ply/Bond Failure tab for Isotropic, Orthotropic (3D), and Anisotropic (3D) Material Types.
Added AutoCreate check box to Layup Editor. When on, automatically creates a Global Ply for
every New Ply added to the Layup.
User Interface
Updated FEMAP to take advantage of Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) to improve performance of
dynamic rotation in larger models. VBOs need to be turned on in File, Preferences on the Graphics
tab using the Vertex Array drop-down. Once on, define the Max VBO MB and Min VBO B
settings to maximize performance.
Updated the dialog boxes which are used to select Output Sets and Output Vectors for a number of
XY Plotting has been removed from Views and is now done using a combination or Chart and
Chart Data Series entities in the Charting dockable pane.
Added [DriveMap] to FEMAP.INI file. Used to map Unix/Linux style include paths during Nastran
Read to local Windows paths. Format is UnixPath=WindowsPath. Can have as many mappings as
needed, and simply searches in order until it finds a file.
Added Save Iconified Views to Picture Save Defaults section
Added Dynamic Min/Max in Post Data Dialog to Options section
Removed Alternate Fill Mode from Options section
Graphics (previously Render)
Added Trailing Zeroes to Graphics Options section
Added Vertex Buffer Objects option to Vertex Arrays drop-down in Graphics Option section,
along with Max VBO MB and Min VBO B which are used only when Vertex Buffer Objects has
been selected.
Changed Print Debug Messages and All check boxes found in the Advanced/Debug Options
section into one drop-down list containing 0..No Debug Messages (previously Print Debug
Messages turned off), 1..Main Debug Messages (previously Print Debug Messages turned
on), and 2..All Debug Messages (previously Print Debug Messages and All both turned on).
Added Frame Rate option to Advanced/Debug Options section.
Added VBO Messages drop-down to Advanced/Debug Options section.
User Interface
Added Enable Legacy XY Plotting option to Dockable Panes section
Added Cleanup During Save (immediate) option to Database Options section
Added Preserve INCLUDE Statements option to Nastran Solver Write Options section.
Moved Compute Principal Stress/Strain and Assume Engineering Shear Strain options from
General Solver Options section to the General Solver Options section of the Results tab.
Moved Read DirCos for Solid Stress/Strain option and Auto Answer Post Questions button from
Nastran Solver Write Options section to the Nastran Options section of the Results tab.
Results - New for FEMAP 11
Added Preserve INCLUDE Statements option to Nastran Solver Write Options section.
Moved Compute Principal Stress/Strain and Assume Engineering Shear Strain options to the
General Solver Options section from the General Solver Options section of the Interfaces tab. Also,
moved Read DirCos for Solid Stress/Strain option to General Solver Options section from the
Nastran Solver Write Options section of the Interfaces tab.
Moved Auto Answer Post Questions button to the Nastran Options section from the Nastran Solver
Write Options section of the Interfaces tab.
Added Chart library
Added Chart (feChart) object to the API. Also, added Style, Title, TitleVisible, TitleLocation,
TitleJustification, TitleFontSize, TitleFontBold, TitleFontItalic, TitleFontUnderline,
TitleFontColor, Font, Palette, PaletteFromChart, DarkBackground, LegendVisible,
LegendLocation, vLegendLocation, LegendDirection, AxisAutoscale, vAxisAutoscale, AxisStyle,
vAxisStyle, AxisRange, vAxisRange, AxisVisible, vAxisVisible, AxisMajorGridlineVisible,
vAxisMajorGridlineVisible, AxisMajorInterval, vAxisMajorInterval, AxisMajorTickmarkVisible,
vAxisMajorTickmarkVisible, AxisMinorGridlineVisible, vAxisMinorGridlineVisible,
AxisMinorCount, vAxisMinorCount, AxisMinorTickmarkVisible, vAxisMinorTickmarkVisible,
AxisZoom, vAxisZoom, AxisTitleX, AxisTitleY, AxisTitleVisible, vAxisTitleVisible,
AxisTitleJustification, vAxisTitleJustification, AxisTitleFontSize, vAxisTitleFontSize,
AxisTitleFontBold, vAxisTitleFrontBold, AxisTitleFontItalic, vAxisTitleFrontItalic,
AxisTitleFontUnderline, vAxisTitleFrontUnderline, AxisTitleFontColor, vAxisTitleFontColor,
AxisLabelDecimal, vAxisLabelDecimal, AxisLabelFormat, vAxisLabelFormat,
MarkerFromChart, MarkerVisible, MarkerSize, MarkerStyle, LabelFromChart, LabelVisible,
ShowLabelX, ShowLabelY, ShowLabelMaxMin, OutputSetInherit, OutputSet, OutputSetEnd, and
OutputSetAll to Chart Object.
Added Chart Data Series (feChartSeries) object to the API. Also added Title, SeriesType,
OuptutSet, OutputSetEnd, OutputSetAll, OutputVector, Interval, FunctionID, Group, Position,
PositionCoordSys, Location, Scale, ColorInherit, Color, MarkerInherit, MarkerVisible,
MarkerStyle, MarkerSize, LabelInherit, LabelVisible, ShowLabelX, ShowLabelY, and
ShowLabelMaxMin to Chart Data Series Object.
Added Results Browsing Object (feResults) object to the API. Also added ValueForNonExisting to
Results Browsing Object.
Added DialogAutoSkipping
Added feSelectOutputSets, feSurfaceFromMesh, feModifyElemReverse2Added,
feFileReadCatia2, feFileAttachResults, feFileAttachManage, feFileAttachInfo, feFileAttachSave,
feFileAttachByOutset, feMeshEdgeSplit, feMeasureDistanceBetweenSolids,
feSurfaceNonManifoldAdd2, feFileWriteFNO, feChartPaneGetDisplayed, and
feChartPaneSetDisplayed functions
Updated API to support printing of Charts from feFilePrint
Updated IsTitledEntity() to include feFreebody, feChart, and feChartSeries objects
Removed Data Conversion from Contour/Criteria Style in View Options and added button to get to
Contour Options in its place.
Corrected issue related to material direction for solids. FEMAP was using the first node as the
location for transformations but it should have been using centroid.
Removed View, Regenerate if cancelling out of preferences dialog.
Reduced number of View, Regenerate when switching between groups and output sets. Previously
any change triggered a View, Regenerate. View is now only regenerated when view needs to be
modified or the results are reloaded.
Corrected issue on Windows 7 when choosing paper size and number of copies when printing.
Corrected issue printing to PDF files (and possibly other printer types) if the printer type was
changed in the FEMAP Printer Setup dialog
Change Spaceball rotate about axis to use any dominate twist input
Changed main fonts to all truetype and added ability for user to override any font family
Updated Reflect/Rotate Surfaces, Volumes and Solids to properly Reflect/Rotate attached Curve
Attributes (cross sections).
Corrected an issue where a spline could exceed max points on spline. Simply creates mutliple
splines when limit is reached.
Corrected issue when using Trace, no deformed model, and Model Color
Corrected issue when showing shell thickness. If any thickness other than the first is zero, all values
are set to the first.
Corrected issue highlighting plates with no thickness when thickness is on - they were being drawn
as thick and no XOR was visible due to double draw.
Corrected issue with free face. If there were coincident shell elements (not in free face) and hidden
line draw style was used, the nodes attached only to shells not in free face list would not appear
Corrected contours disappearing when selector is on and model rotated. Occurred when using
match output mode, as it prevented results being obtained from the nodal connectivity object
Changed OpenGL timing messages to be Warnings instead of Errors . This means they are blue
not red and they do not effect the error counting.
Corrected issue to check line graphics existence. Previously, FEMAP was incorrectly checking face
graphics existence before line graphics draw. This caused problems in wire frame mode and
perhaps surfaces that failed to facet
Corrected issue so min/max of boundary surface evaluates correctly
Corrected issue due to geometry data being deleted twice as usage count not incremented/
decremented correctly
Corrected issue in multiset animation (would have happened with enough frames in ordinary
animation) where the machine runs out of memory but FMEAP was not terminating the animation.
Animation now terminates if enough memory not allocated.
Corrected a crash in facetting caused when reading a sheet solid that had many circular holes
tangent to another larger central hole (Part which showed issues was from Catia via STEP and had
duplicate points at the tangencies)
Updated Undo to redraw all windows and to simply redraw at end of undo/redo rather than undo/
show undone/undo redraw. This Corrected issue where the Post Titles disappeared after an undo
because the OGL records were removed in the final undo of the automatic redraw
Corrected issue missing curves when reading an iges file. Curve data had not been loaded into min/
max box and then frustum culling failed
Corrected issue where Connector, Connection Region and Connection Property references within
Groups where not being updated when the entities were renumbered. (PR 1891996)
Corrected issue problem making Mesh Quality plot when the view was set to Show Active but the
group id was a -1. Now simply does whole model.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue importing CBUSH elements where the element Orientation CSys and Spring/
Damper Location were lost. The problem is that this bdf contains duplicate property IDs, Femap
renumbers the property reference on the spring element but fails to correctly propagate the
renumbering to the Orientation Coordinate System (PR # 6789713)
Corrected issue updating CTE on RBE3
Corrected issue to calculate the Checksum properly when writing a multi-line INCLUDE
Corrected issue where Femap in a SOL 101 analysis would write an invalid TEMP(BOTH)
command when a Material Reference Temperature, Temperature loads and Initial Conditions where
specified (PR 6632876)
Corrected issue importing INCLUDE file where a nested path was relative to the Nastran run
Corrected reading frequency spread on FREQ4
Corrected reading thermal constraint load due to a problem skipping unsupported output. Added
check and error message for unsupported XDB formats (PR 6752083)
Corrected issue writing DLOAD in SOL 145 that caused the Load set identification number to be
Improved translator to skip PSDF output data blocks in the f06 file. (PR 6711978)
Corrected issue where Femap repeatedly issues the same warning message indicating contact is
unsupported (PR 6719244)
Corrected issue with error messages for quad/tri elemental corner thickness.
Corrected issue where Elemental GPF output with a output coordinate system was not being
transformed properly when importing results from the XDB file.
Corrected issue problem reading modes/buckling results from XDB file.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected issue ordering BLSEG edge contact when defined on plot only lines. Also, Improved
ordering of element edges in BLSEG when T junctions or duplicate edges are found
Corrected issue problem writing NXSTRAT TNSLCF default (Blank field was 1 in NXN 6.0) now
it is 0 in NXN 8.0 Updated the default when creating new analysis set and when writing and
reading the bdf.
Corrected issue writing wrong axisymmetric element for NEI when using a Hyperelastic material.
Also, corrected issue problem where Femap was checking for the wrong plane (PR 6777178).
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected issue that caused Femap to crash when writing a model with Bolt Regions that contained
no entities (PR 6775187).
Correct issue which now allows FEMAP to read modal load steps arbitrarily written to the rst file.
In some cases if FEMAP is unable to determine the difference between a Modal and Random
Response solution, FEMAP will ask that user which solution was performed (PR 6534686)
Corrected multiple issues setting shell element formulation for SHELL63/SHELL181 (PR
Corrected issue of writing MCOMB,PSD. MCOMB,PSD removed from Ansys in v5.4 and
replaced with PSDCOM PSDCOM,PSDd, which is now written.
Corrected issue where IYY and IZZ values were being stored in the opposite locations for
BEAM188/ASEC elements.
Changed Ansys write of shell181 to always write the new and recommended sections method. This
stops Ansys from issuing warning messages and in some cases trying to apply the section to
subsequent element types in a mixed model. Also, added support for read of SECBLOCK for shells
Corrected issue problem reading SHELL181 sections when importing Ansys cdb blocked or
unblocked format. Also, added support for reading sections (shells and beams when the cdb is in
blocked format)
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Updated translator to send the title from the Analysis Case Manager over to the translator so that
the *HEADING gets written out (ER 5579564)
Interfaces - DYNA
Corrected issue where DYNA plate formulations were overwriting Standard and Reduced
Integration plate formulations by moving the Dyna plate formulations to a different location in the
FEMAP database. Added a conversion to the neutral file to the new Dyna formulation.
Interfaces - PATRAN
Changed default extension for reading/writing Patran neutral files. Per ER 6731043, Patran
changed from .pat to .out in 2008 or before.
Interfaces - Geometry
Updated Solid matching/replacing process to better work with parts that have no titles provided.
This was done for the benefit of the SolidWorks interface.
Corrected issue of selected units not being used by JT files.
Corrected issue that occurred if the List, Destination had a File specified, did a listing, then the file
was opened in Excel (or any other program that opened with exclusive access). If the file remained
open in the other program and as a destination, then doing another listing would cause FEMAP to
exit unexpectedly.
Changed terminology in List, Element command to Independent/Dependent instead of Master/
Slave for Rigid elements.
Corrected List, Element command as it did not list nodes for RBE1 style rigids. Also, updated
Tooltips for Rigid and Slide Line elements to properly reflect all nodes, DOF, coefficients and
element type.
Changed format of List, Layer command and the visible layer listing in List, View command
Changed format of header and detailed listing in List, Output, Compare command.
Corrected issue where body loads were not turned on/off with the loads button on visibility toolbar
Corrected issue where FEMAP was allowing Model, Load, Combine to combine loads into a NXN
load combination set. This could cause many extra loads to accumulate (PR 1907493)
Corrected issue with solid element mapping of output to loads. While not wholly incorrect, the
inverse distance weighted algorithm was found to not provide exact results. Updated algorithm to
more robust version with greater accuracy.
Corrected issue when sizing surfaces that had vertex-only loops, which caused unexpected exit.
Corrected issue with Mesh, Edge Members sometimes getting the wrong direction for a line
element, resulting in bad orientation/offset
Corrected Mesh, Reflect to automatically reflect planar element material angle and material
coordinate system
Corrected issue with finding the normal of thin walled, convex, curve-only boundaries (like hat
sections) where the line used to determine the midpoint used to verify the surface normal cut thru
the boundary and the midpoint was on the wrong side of the boundary. This could cause elements to
be created with their normals facing the opposite direction as the boundary.
Corrected issue with Mesh Size when splitting a composite curve at one of its existing internal
Corrected issue when using Mesh Splitting where the element shape counts were incorrect when
splitting a quad into triangles.
Corrected issue with setting Mesh attributes on curves where new attribute could not be specified.
Corrected issue in Tools, Check, Planar that caused an invalid plane to be selected if plane was not
manually specified.
Corrected an issue in Tools, Check, Coincident Nodes (Safe Merge). If not merging, but only listing
and Make Groups was selected, the titles of the groups were swapped, To Keep was To
Merge and vice versa.
Corrected an issue in Tools, Check, Coincident Nodes (Safe Merge). If Preview was used, then
changes made to the options like the Move To Location, the original location when was used when
OK was pressed, not the updated location. Now uses the updated options.
User Interface
Corrected a problem with Yes/No dialogs. If Esc was used, the return code from the message was
Cancel - it is now No.
Corrected problem with Entity Selection dialog that caused 0 not to be selected when picking
coordinate systems from the entity list icon (PR 1891998)
Prevented Model, Output, Vector command from allowing the New Vector to make new vectors
outside of the user vector ranges. Also automatically reset the ID if you change the complex type
Changed Model, Output, Vector to have None Active and Done like the other Set dialogs instead of OK/Cancel. Also, corrected issue of graying so that it was consistent with the others and
Changed Single... button on rigid element dialog to Single RBE2
Corrected issue in Undo of Previous Command. It previously took two undos to undo this
command, now only one is needed.
Corrected issue where highlighting and marking do not work properly after use of ctrl+c
Corrected issue where if Messages window was not open, Show Mouse Tracking will not cause
FEMAP to exit unexpectedly.
Changed the group naming conventions if Create Groups from Include Files is on to have case
sensitive names, not just uppercase.
Corrected issue in the Inside method of the Surface API object when using it with curve-only
boundary surfaces
Corrected problem with 64-bit type library registering incorrectly
Corrected a problem with APIs that used feSolidFillet() and feSurfaceMidAuto() that did not allow
the midsurfaces to be extracted because of an internal set overwrite
Corrected a problem with the AddOutput() method of the API Data Table object. Previously the 3rd
argument (nNewColumnID) was never filled
Corrected a problem that caused integer arrays to fail unless passed as a Variant to several API
methods. Also rewrote the GetOutputListAtSet() and GetOutputListAtID() methods of the Output
object to improve performance. Previous performance was poor if the IDs/Set contained IDs that
did not exist in the output vector. New method can be 30x-40x faster
Updated Get on CSys API object to work properly with global coordinate systems
Made changes so some existing APIs that only modify the CFemapOutput object properties will
work as they did pre v11
Corrected issue feFileRead* methods to prevent a crash if no model is open.
Added Right-Hand Rule First Edge option to the Normal Style of the Element - Directions
option in Labels, Entities and Color Category of View, Options command. Much like the RightHand Rule option, except the arrow points from the first node to the second node.
Added Reverse button to the Coord Sys, Connection, Aero Spline/Control Surface, Material,
Property, and Layer tab to View, Visibility command. This will Hide all entities of a particular
type which are currently visible, while Showing the ones which are not currently visible.
Added additional information to the Post Titles when Contour Style is set to Contour, IsoSurface,
Section Cut, or Vector. Depending on the plot, this may include information about the contour
being a nodal or elemental contour, the averaging method used, the Vector Type for Contour
Vectors, etc. To see some of this additional data, the Legend Style for the Post Titles option of
View, Options should be set to 2..Titles and Average Data.
Hide all entities of a particular type which are currently visible, while Showing the ones which
are not currently visible.
Data Surface Editor
Enhanced Data Surface Editor input dialog boxes to provide real number input with significant
digits equal to that of the grid in the Data Surface Editor (PR#6588366).
Interfaces - Nastran
Interfaces - I-deas
Updated I-deas read translator to support new (2002, I10 and beyond) changes to Universal
Formats 790 and 791 for nodal constraints, nodal forces and face pressures.
Interfaces - Geometry
Updated Model, Load, From Freebody command. Allows loads to be created from any number of
Freebodies in the model across any number of output sets. One additional feature, is that only
forces and or moments which would be displayed if the Freebody is active will become loads in the
new load set(s).
Check, Coincident Nodes
Added Move Only, No Merge option to Action drop-down in Tools, Check, Coincident Nodes
Added Delete All button to dialog box of Mesh, Mesh Control, Custom Size Along Curve
Added ability to specify a different Property when using the Mesh, Copy/Radial Copy/Scale/
Rotate/Reflect, Element commands. Default is 0..Match Original. Only elements which share a
common topology with typical elements of the selected property will be changed. All other
elements will retain their original properties.
User Interface
Added ability to reselect invalid file names by converting them to the short form of the file name
which was available until FEMAP 8.3
Added Random... button to Color Palette dialog box when using the Modify, Color commands for
Point, Curve, Surface, Solid, Coord Sys, Node, Element, Material, and Property. Offers 3 different
methods for assignment of random colors (Multiple Colors By ID, Multiple Colors By Type, and
Multiple Colors By Group).
Added ability to Override Vector View Options directly from the Contour Vector options dialog
box. Previously, this option could only be toggled on/off using the 2D Tensor Plot View Options
Override option in the Views tab of the File, Preferences command.
Added ability to use Entity IDs (Element, Material, or Property) when plotting a Contour, a Criteria
Plot, or a Beam Diagram when using the View, Advanced Post, Contour Model Data command.
Added ability to Rank selected results in the Data Table using the List, Output, Results Ranking
to Data Table command.
Added List, Output, Force Balance Interface Load Summary command to allow comparison of a
single Freebody across a number of output sets or a number of Freebodies using the results of a
single output set. Optionally, FEMAP can automatically create functions for Forces (FX, FY, FZ,
and Total) and Moments (MX, MY, MZ, and Total) across output sets or Freebodies.
Added Recover _DBData File... button to off a different method to use when attempting to recover
a corrupted model file.
Corrected an issue that caused "Token" licensing to appear for certain features when "Show Users"
was selected with Network licensing
Corrected an issue where printing on Windows 7 with a printer which was not the default was
causing an number of issues, including not being able to create .pdf file with Adobe PDF Printer.
Corrected an issue where multi-line edit control in text entry dialog boxes (i.e., pressing Enter key)
conflicts with CTRL+M dialog box shortcut key.
Corrected an issue where List, Model, Aero/Panel command listed Pt1 twice instead of Pt1 and Pt4.
Corrected an issue where selection of Aero Mesh boxes using the Select Aero Mesh icon button in
the Aero Spline dialog box was unavailable unless the Aero Panel/Body had Custom divisions.
Corrected an issue where the Max/Min values displayed in the graphics window were always
shown using the contour colors, thus not following the setting for Label Color for the Contour/
Criteria Legend option in View, Options. This was only an issue in FEMAP 10.3.
Changed how FEMAP determined the Max/Min values to display in the graphics windows.
Previously, only elements in the Free Face list were considered, now all elements are considered.
Corrected an issue that caused the Contour Legend to show the wrong values after a model was
dynamically rotated following use of the File, Picture, Save. The issue would only occur when the
Level Mode was set to 1..Auto Group for the Contour/Criteria Levels in View, Options. If these
same conditions existed and the File, Picture, Copy command was used, the wrong values would
appear in the image sent to the clipboard. This issue has also been fixed.
Removed Function icon button next to Flutter Method that was not needed in NASTRAN Flutter
Parameters dialog box in the Analysis Manager.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected an issue reading include files when INCLUDE was last line in bdf.
Corrected an issue where duplicate EIGx was written in a flutter model that contained dynamic
Corrected an issue where dynamic PARAMs were written twice when using the Use Load Set
Options switch on the Dynamic Control Options dialog box in the Analysis Manager.
Corrected an issue reading Modes/Buckling output in xdb file.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected an issue reading elastic strain output for shells and solids (PR# 1867277).
Corrected an issue with BEAM188 elements being created with end releases when keyopt 3/4 is
Corrected an issue with beam 188 offset direction of T-sections.
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Corrected an issue when exporting plate elements with a formulation which has a higher value than
10..Belytschko-Wong-Chang (PR# 6627229).
Corrected an issue in List, Output, Force Balance Interface Load command Previously, if no
freebody objects were in the database, the old force balance method was used, which would
erroneously report MPC forces. Now the new method is always used.
Corrected an issue when using the Envelope tab of the Model, Output, Process command, where
when enveloping individual vectors to automatically reassign the enveloped component vectors to
the centroidal vectors if you choose to envelope all of the original component vectors.
Changed several of the column headers when using the list commands inside the Freebody tool or
the List menu to better correspond with the names of certain options in the Freebody tool.
User Interface
Corrected an issued with the Stress Wizard where it was not display properly. Had been issue for
several releases.
Corrected an issue with Stress Wizard and Analysis monitor upon closing FEMAP. Previously, if
you clicked in client area then hit X, or if you undocked, re-docked then hit X the panes would
cause FEMAP to unexpectedly exit.
Corrected a problem that caused TMG and SAToolkit toolbars to be duplicated if you alternated
between opening FEMAP directly and double clicking filenames, if FEMAP was installed in a
directory that had a long style ( not 8.3 ) path.
Corrected issue which caused selection of incorrect Open/Save option after adding 16K test in
FEMAP 10.3.
Added on View, Align by, Surface to align the view normal to a selected surface and View, Align
by, Normal to Plane to align view normal to a specified plane.
Only tabs of entity types which currently exist in the model will be displayed in the View, Visibility
dialog box.
Added Max Only and Min Only options to Contour/Criteria Style option in PostProcessing
category of View, Options.
Added Preview Option to Tools and View Style Section of View, Options.
Analysis Manager
Updated Preview Analysis Input File dialog box to show 80 characters per line by default.
Added Activation Distance section to Penetration section on the NEiNastran tab. Allows you to
specify a value (real or AUTO) for MAXAD or specify values for MAXNAD and/or MAXRAD)
Added Friction section to LS-DYNA tab to restore ability to set these values for LS-Dyna contact.
Updated Fluid Regions to not use the PLANE1, PLANE2, RMAX, FMEXACT inputs when NEi
Nastran is default solver.
Added 2 new function types, Mach Number vs. Freq and vs. Areodynamic Factor, for use with
Aeroeleastic Analysis Types in the Analysis Set Manager.
Added capability to embed multiple solids into the base solid when using Geometry, Solid, Embed.
Improved tolerancing of Modify, Extend command. Previously failed on some lines where they
were being extended to intersection locations (like Modify, Join command) when they were at large
Interfaces - Nastran
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for nonlinear results on solid elements from versions above 2008. Results from
versions 2008 and before are also still supported.
Added support for Laminate Failure Theories: Max Stress (STRESS), NASA LaRC (LAERC02),
Puck PCP (PUCK), and Multicontinium (MCT). Specified on Laminate Property.
support thermal expansion of Rigid elements.
Added support for EXTRACTMETHOD (options = LANCZOS, AUTO, or SUBSPACE) for
Modal Analysis.
Added support for PARAM,INREL,AUTO.
Added support for NITINOL material type. Found in dialog box when Type = Other Types.
Added support for MAXAD and MAXNAD/MAXRAD for contact.
Interfaces - ANSYS
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for NX 8, Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 4, and Solid Works 2010
Added support for Parasolid 24.0
Added support for ACIS 21, SP3
Updated STL export to be able to export both solid and plate elements at the same time if they are
both selected. If some of the plate elements are coincident with solid element faces, those faces are
only exported one time
Updated Model, Load, From Freebody command to allow selection of a Freebody entity currently
in the model.
Added Map Tolerance field for Model, Load, Map Output from Model command and in Data
Surface editor
Enhanced Model, Constraint, Expand command.
Added Mullins Effect (MATHEM) and Viscoelastic Effect (MATHEV) support for NX Nastran
Hyperelastic materials for SOL 601/701 in Other Types. The additional options are accessed using
the Next button when defining Mooney-Rivlin, Hyperfoam, Ogden, Arruda-Boyce, or SussmanBathe types.
Added Viscoelastic Material (MATVE) in Other Types for NX Nastran SOL 601.
Added NITONAL material type in Other Types for NEi Nastran.
Added Mean Dilatational Formulation option to Plane Strain Property. This option is for NX
Nastran only and is for properties which do not reference a hyperelastic material for Plane Strain or
Plane Stress Elements. The formulation of the elements also must be set to 1..CPLSTN3,
CPLSTS8 (Plane Stress) in order to export this property type. The Mean Dilatational
Formulation switch on the property may be used for nearly incompressible materials, but is
ignored for SOL 601. Also, Nonstructural mass/are is ignored for SOL 601.
Added Type in Spring/Damper Property to define if the elements referencing this Property are
CBUSH elements or a combination of CROD and/or CVISC elements when exporting to Nastran.
Added support for NEi Nastran Failure Theories, Max Stress (STRESS), NASA LaRC
(LAERC02), Puck PCP (PUCK), and Multicontinium (MCT), on Laminate Property.
Updated Layup Manager to have a "copy" capability like Materials and Properties. Changed old
Copy/Paste buttons to icons in Layup Manager Dialog.
Updated Layup Manager to use current sort order when inserting new plys or modifying plys.
Added Color, Next ID, and Inc values for Aero Panel, Aero Property, Aero Spline, and Aero
Measure, Surface Area
Added ability to determined surface area of combined surfaces to Tools, Measure, Surface Area.
Mass Properties, Solid Properties
Improved Tools, Mass Properties, Solid Properties by reversing signs of products of inertia to
match the normal engineering convention vs a classical mechanics convention.
Check, Coincident Nodes
Added a summary table to the Merge Node command to give an indication of why nodes were not
Improved the Check Coincident Nodes "Safe Merge" to not merge midside nodes that have output
coordinate system differences, even if the nodes at the ends of the element edges were merged.
Previously, if the end nodes were merged no checking was done to prevent merging of the midside
Check, Element Quaility (formally Check, Distortion)
Added Skew Element Check
Improved feedback when tet meshing by only updating the report window with Tet Collapse and
Jacobian ratios that exceed the limits specified by Tools, Check, Element Quality or the default
Element Quality values. Also, always give worst of each even if it does not exceed limit.
Updated surface mesher to try subdivision if other 2 meshers both fail.
Freebody display has been enhanced and is now managed via the Freebody tool in the
PostProcessing Toolbox.
Added Select By Vector options for Nodal and Elemental output in Model, Output, Forced
Response. This allows you to limit the amount of output created by this command.
Increased the length of the equation that can be specified in the Model, Output, Fill and Model,
Output, Calculate commands. Was 160, now 1600.
Element - Spring/Damper
Updated the Spring/Damper element to use the Type, either CBUSH or Other (NASTRAN CROD/
CVISC), specified on the Property referenced by the element to determine if a CBUSH or a
combination of CROD and/or CVISC elements will be exported to Nastran. Formally, this was
done by setting the element formulation. Also, the Define Spring/Damper Element dialog box will
now change to show the appropriate inputs based on the Type of the referenced Property.
CBUSH elements will now use a circular symbol for display, while Other (NASTRAN CROD/
CVISC) elements will use a rectangular symbol.
User Interface
Added Filter Title and Clear Title Filter icon buttons to the Load Set, Constraint Set, Group, Layer,
View, Solid, and Freebody Manager dialog boxes.
Only tabs of entity types which currently exist in the model will be displayed in the View, Visibility
dialog box.
User created Toolbars will now transfer between versions of FEMAP.
Pressing Ctrl+M while in a dialog box field asking for a length will display the Select Curve to
Measure dialog box, which will return the selected curves length.
Added the Locate Center to the Methods for specifying the a coordinate
Added JT File Version Option
Added Optimized check box to GIF Options dialog box.
Added All, Elapsed Time, and OpenGL Errors check boxes to Advanced/Debug Options section.
User Interface
Added Pick Method drop-down to Graphical Selection section to allow selection of a default Pick
Added 16K test to Read/Write Test
Added Skew to enter default value in the Element Quality Preferences dialog box.
Changed Use Length Based Mesh Sizing option to Mesh Sizing drop-down to allow choice of the
new default option, 2..Parametric/Equal Length.
Added Write Alternate Line Continuation option to the Nastran Solver Write Options section
Added Include Database Files in Scratch option to the Nastran Solver Write Options section
Check References on Open and Create Geometry References in File Reference Options section are
now Off by default.
Added options to set the default color for Aero Panel, Aero Prop, Aero Spline, and Aero Control
Added Element Quality (feElementQuality) object to the API. Also added AspectRatioOn,
TaperOn, AlternateTaperOn, InternalAngleOn, SkewOn, WarpingOn, NastranWarpingOn,
TetCollapseOn, JacobianOn, CombinedOn, ExplicitTimeStepOn, AspectRatioLimit, TaperLimit,
AlternateTaperLimit, InternalAngleLimit, SkewLimit, WarpingLimit, NastranWarpingLimit,
TetCollapseLimit, JacobianLimit, CombinedLimit, and ExplicitTimeStepLimit to Element Quality
Added Aero Panel/Body (feAeroPanel) object to the API. Also added color, layer, title, propID,
defCSys, nSpan, nChord, iIgid, Pt1, Pt4, dChord12, dChord43, nLspanID, nLchordID, and type
attributes to the Aero Panel/Body object.
Added Aero Property (feAeroProp) object to the API. Also added color, layer, title, pdval, pnval,
ap_d_width, ap_d_ar, ap_i_orient, ap_i_lrsb, ap_i_lrib, ap_i_lth1, ap_i_lth2, ap_i_thi1, ap_i_thi2,
ap_i_thi3, ap_i_thn1, ap_i_thn2, ap_i_thn3, and type attributes to the Aero Property object.
Added Aero Spline (feAeroSpline) object to the API. Also added color, layer, title, type, icaero,
ibox1, ibox2, isetg, dz, meth, nelem, melem, usage, dtor, cid, dthx, and dthy attributes to the Aero
Spline object.
Added Aero Control Surface (feAeroSurf) object to the API. Also added color, layer, title, csys,
csys1, aeid, aeid1, eff, ldw, crefc, crefs, pllim, pulim, hmllim, hmulim, tqllim, tqulim, and label
attributes to the Aero Control Surface object.
Added Freebody (feFreebody) object to the API. Also added title, DisplayMode, Group, CSys,
NodeMarkerColor, TotalVectorMode, ShowTotalVec, SumComponents, TotalVecColor, x, y, z,
Corrected an issue when rebuilding database on nodal heat generation loads that did not get the
counters reset properly.
Corrected an issue where the counters for Geometry based constraints were never rebuilt during a
full model rebuild.
Allow Convert Complex and Expand Complex commands if output exists, not just if a set and
vector are active
Corrected an issue problem that resulted in Tangents of Composite Curves not being continuous the direction of the tangents was correct, but reversed in sign if the underlying curve was reversed
relative to the Composite Curve direction.
Corrected an issue DXF file which had splines with a large number of knots (> 120 )
Corrected an issue where Elements selected into a group using the "in Solid/Volume" method were
lost from the group if Solids were renumbered.
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected an issue when checking for time dependent thermal loads that caused the DLAOD case
control to sometimes be skipped
Corrected an issue reading and writing Random Tria3 item codes
Corrected an issue reading STRAIN output request
Corrected an issue creating the analysis set for buckling and stiffened mode. The STATSUB case is
automatically created during export so it needed to be removed during the read (PR #1821212)
Corrected an issue reading RBE3 with UM when no grid or dof followed the UM identifier
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Corrected an issue with renumbering where the renumber sets for CBAR and CBEAM overwrote
Corrected an issue to allow import of MATSMA entry
Corrected an issue where a rigid edge contact was being reordered. Also improvements to the
reorder code so it will not force reordering if the region is simply defined in reverse.
Corrected an issue reading DDAM output that was caused because of a NX Nastran 7.1 issue that
caused the line TIME to not be written. This caused Femap to improperly read the SUMMED
responses cases. New method does not require the TIME line and will work when NX Nastran
fixes the issue (PR #6477487)
Corrected an issue reading Rotor Dynamics results in Frequency Response. The modal
displacement table was being read then the frequency response output was read in over top
Corrected an issue reading W4 field in ROTORD where Femap would fail to read W4 and
overwrite W3 in FEMAP with the W4 value from the ROTORD card.
Corrected an issue reading XDB file that caused a extra output vector to be created id = 9999
Corrected an issue writing of BCTPARM contact local definition when defaults were used as the
override. Femap will now write those values explicitly.
Corrected an issue reading time dependency for PLOADX1: Pressure Load on Axisymmetric
Corrected an issue writing SPCD for NXN SOL 601 when a output coordinate system had been
defined (PR#1850895)
Corrected an issue in NXN SOL 601 when a enforced displacement and Force both referenced the
same time dependent function (PR#1850897)
Corrected an issue to Stop Femap from writing NXN contact to MSC Nastran
Corrected an issue reading MSC Nastran Random PSDF, RMS and Zero Crossing output from op2
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Corrected an issue when checking if element type and property agree. If they were that same except
for order then we were updating the element record from parabolic to linear
Interfaces - ANSYS
Corrected an issue reading output on solid elements that have degenerate capabilities.
Corrected an issue where Femap was writing SOLID186 instead of SOLID187.
Corrected an issue where offsets were being exported/imported in the wrong direction.
Corrected an issue that if you deleted a solid that had combined surfaces, some combined surface
data was left behind. If you then recreated Solid Surfaces with the same IDs as the boundaries, they
would not mesh properly (PR#6504722).
Corrected an issue that prevented loads on curves that were only meshed with the edges of
parabolic brick or wedge elements (only certain edges of the elements) from being properly
expanded (PR 6542437).
Corrected an issue that caused elements created using the Mesh, Sweep, Element Face command to
be "inside-out" (pressures in wrong direction) when you chose faces of solid elements to sweep.
Corrected an issue that caused a bad mesh in certain cases if you created a curve only boundary
formed from standalone curves and curves that were edges of a solid - especially if the common
points were not really coincident.
Corrected an issue in Mesh, Geometry, On Point to properly attach the mass elements to their
geometric points. Also updated Modify, Associativity, Automatic to include automatic associativity
for mass elements on points
Corrected an issue to make hex meshing consistent with tet meshing in that it now only
automatically deletes plot-only surface elements and leaves other types of surface elements.
Corrected an issue that caused a crash if you tried to linearly combine vectors of beam/bar results.
Corrected an issue that occurred when you changed the Anisotropic or Hyperelastic Output
Orientation options for Solid Elements in the Current Output Orientation dialog box. Previously, if
you changed these to the correct orientations for Nastran, the wrong option would be used. If
you never changed these values at all, the correct orientation was used.
Corrected an issue that prevented nodes from being merged if they were connected to potentially
zero length elements and they were almost, but not quite zero length (in the range 1E-8 to 1E-15 in
User Interface
Modified the List, Output, XY Plot and File, Picture, Copy commands so that when listing/copying
an XY plot that has one or more Log axes, both the original X and Y values and the logX logY
values are included
Corrected an issue that occurred when you changed the default values for Anisotropic or
Hyperelastic Output Orientation options for Solid Elements in the Current Output Orientation
dialog box.
Enhanced Geometric Constraint Expansion to better handle situations where geometry-based and
node-based constraints were expanded to the same node(s)
Corrected Undo files when deleting output with the "Go Fast" option. Previously, some undo files
would remain and would not be deleted from the scratch directory after exiting FEMAP (PR
Protected RefreshLicense and other functions from failing if the job was lost
Corrected issue introduced with the addition of HP Itanium licensing that caused a problem when
checking license info and using a Node-lock Any- Host license
Corrected issue in the FlexLM dll that caused FEMAP to unexpectedly exit if "Show Users" was
chosen, because it was not properly passing 64-bit time values
Automatically turn off Model Data Contour display if no elements remain in the model (User must
refresh screen). Previously, this would remain displayed and could not be turned off until new
elements were created.
Corrected issue which did not access to View Commands while in the "Tools, Measure..."
commands and vice versa (PR 6482183)
Corrected display of "element directions" for RBE3 elements. Arrows point towards "independent"
nodes for all rigid elements now, not just RBE2 elements
Interfaces - Nastran
Corrected issue where Non-Structural Mass was not being imported for PBEAMLs and PBARLs.
These values were actually imported into FEMAP, but then overwritten by an internal calculation
Corrected issue which caused the last line of data to not be read properly if an INLCUDE file ended
with a wide-field Nastran entry
Corrected issue for combined load and constraint sets. Wrong variable type was used causing an
artificial limit of 255 referenced set and would cause FEMAP to unexpectedly exit
Corrected issue where not all SPCADD and MPCADD (Nastran SPCADD/MPCADD
Combination) entries would be exported if different constraint sets were specified in different
Corrected issue reading DLOAD combinations with more than 400 terms. Increased maximum
terms to 4,500
Updated Plate properties to have 12I/T3 and Ts/T values default to 0.0 if fields were blank in
imported Nastran input file. Previously, other default values would be calculated from property
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Prevented writing of MAT11 or MATT11 for 3D Orthotropic materials for Solutions 601 and 701
where they are not supported.
Corrected issue where imported Connection Properties (Linear or glue) with same IDs as CBEAM
or CBEND elements could cause renumbering of Connection Regions
Corrected issue where rigid 2-D Edge connection Regions were being reordered. Also
improvements to the reorder code so it will not force reordering if the Connection Region is simply
defined in reverse.
Interfaces - Geometry
Corrected an issue that prevented IGES files from being imported if the name of the Scratch
directory contained spaces
Corrected issue which some geometric loads to be added incorrectly when two loads came together
as a common location bet were defined in different coordinate systems.
Corrected issue where Bolt Preloads that were transferred from pre-V10 models via neutral files
were incorrectly defined and could not be edited
Corrected issue where Combined load sets (Nastran LOAD Combination) containing varying
pressure loads on element face with corners and combined with scale factors other the 1.0.
Produced incorrect values when using "Tools, Check, Sum Forces", "Model, Output, From Load",
or "Model, Load, Combine" commands.
Corrected issue where curve-based nodal loads would not be expanded correctly if nodes were on
in a certain order on specific faces of 8-noded or 20-noded brick elements
Corrected issue where internal counters where not being reset properly after a "File, Rebuild" for
nodal heat generation loads
Corrected issue with display of Beam distributed loads, which are now drawn at the shear center.
Previously, they were always drawn at the neutral access.
Corrected issue where incorrect elemental heat generation and heat flux loads were being created
when using a Data Surface or "Model, Load, Map Output from Model" command
Corrected an issue which caused FEMAP to unexpectedly exit if both the "Fast Tri" and "3-D Tri"
meshers failed on a planar surface
Corrected issue with "View, Advanced Post, Beam Cross Sections" to include axial cross term due
to Iyz in calculation of stress values
Corrected issue with "View, Advanced Post, Beam Cross Sections" to allow proper display of
stresses on "tube" shaped beams
Corrected issue where contour set to "Auto-Group" would become all one color (red) when
toggling element thickness or offset on/off
Corrected issue where elements were disappearing when "Cutting Plane" was on. Required
"Window, Regenerate" command to have elements reappear
Corrected issue with API method feMeshHexSolid() that in certain situations did not properly mesh
solids with attributes when passing propID=0
Corrected issue that prevented the Variant forms of the API Layup properties (vmatlID, vthickness,
vangle and vglobalply) from working if you tried to specify more than 100 plies
Corrected issue with feMeshSurface2 that caused the surface to not be meshed properly if surface
did not already have mesh attributes set and user specified not to set default attributes
Corrected issue with Prop object by copying an existing property which used a General crosssection which referenced a surface. If either property was later deleted, the cross-section outline
would be deleted from the property which still exists in the FEMAP model
Corrected issue with MaxNormalDeviation on Surface object to work properly for boundary
Analysis Manager
Added conditional text to all Start Text and End Text buttons in Manual Control sections
throughout the Analysis Set Manager.
Increased width of Analysis Text window and added 8-character wide field markers to the top of
the dialog box to aid in entering fixed field Nastran entries.
Added Look For option when using the Connect, Automatic command. By default, option is set to
1..Face-Face Only, which means the command will only automatically find, then create face-toface connections. Other options are 2..Edge-Face Only, which will only automatically find, then
create edge-to-face connections, while 0..All Connections will find, then create both face-toface and edge-to-face connections.
Connection Regions defined with Curves or Nodes, using Output set to Nodes can now be used to
create edge connection regions for an edge-to-face Connector..
Added 11 new function types which are currently only used for output functions created by the
Model, Output, Forced Response command.
Added ability to choose a particular XY curve from a list when using the Get XY Plot Data
command. Only used when multiple curves are displayed on a single XY plot.
Entity Editor
Added Explicit Time Step field to Element Quality section when an element is loaded in the
Meshing Toolbox
Added the Feature Editing tool.
Added the Geometry Editing tool.
Added the Mesh Surface tool.
Auto Remesh is set to on by default. Can be set to other options in User Interface tab of File,
Expand Active Tool Only is on by default. Can be turned off in User Interface tab of File,
Added button to clear Show of Curves or Surfaces in Feature Suppression tool.
Added Match Node(s) option to Sizing Option section of Mesh Sizing tool, which mimics
capabilities found in the Mesh, Mesh Control, Custom Size Along Curve command.
Added Elements as a Search For option in the Locator.
API Programming
Updated to new version API Programing tool, which now shows line numbers (which can be turned
off) and changes some of the look and feel for more efficient use.
Changed Property/Material Value option on the Pick menu of the Entity Selection dialog box
to Model Data Value. This was done because Element Quality values may now be used to
select entities along with Property and Material values.
Interfaces - Nastran
Added Defaults button to Nonlinear Control Options dialog box for Analysis Types 10..Nonlinear
Static and 11..Nonlinear Transient Response.
Added support for Structural Damping on each DOF for PBUSH (GEi fields) and PBUSHT
(TGEIDi fields)
Added support for PARAM, KDAMP
Added support for PARAM, FZERO
Added support for PDAMPT
Added support for Fluid Nodes by setting CD field of GRID entry to -1
Added support for writing blank Z1 and//or Z2 fields to the PSHELL
Added support for Nastran Equivalent Laminate material, which generates multiple MAT2
Added read support for GROUNDCHECK and WEIGHTCHECK
Added read support for FREQ1, FREQ2, FREQ3, and FREQ4 (only reads first 2 FREQi entries in
input file)
Changed Bulk Data Delete entry for restarts from /,1,999,999 to /,1,9,999,999
Changed default Output Requests for Nastran Nonlinear Static Analysis to include Element Forces.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for MAT12 and MATT12 entries for 3D Orthotropic Materials when referenced by
solid elements.
Removed default values from Nonlinear Control Options dialog box for Analysis Types
10..Nonlinear Static and 11..Nonlinear Transient Response,
Interfaces - ANSYS
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Added support for membrane, plate, and plane strain elements with offsets via
Added support for materials 81..LS-DYNA Plasticity with Damage, 89..LS-DYNA Plasticity
Polymer, 91..LS-DYNA Soft Tissue, and 181..LS-DYNA Simplified Rubber/Foam in Other
Updated default formulation for beam elements from 2..Belytschko-Schwer Resultant to
1..Hughes-Liu. Beams with formulation set to 1..Hughes-Liu, may now be oriented with a
vector instead of a 3rd node and are exported as *ELEMENT_BEAM_ORINETATION.
Updated default formulation for 10-noded tetrahedral solid elements from 10..1 Point
Tetrahedron to 17..10 Node Composite Tetrahedron EQ 17.
Updated material type 66..LS-DYNA Linear Elastic Discrete Beam to write
Updated material type 67..LS-DYNA Nonlinear Elastic Discrete Beam to write
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for NX 7.5, Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 3, and Solid Works 2010
Added support for Parasolid 23.0
Added support for ACIS 21
Added support for reading IGES files with no Start Section.
Added ability to specify a Coordinate System for body loads in the Create Body Loads dialog
Added support for MAT11 and MATT11 for NX Nastran - solid elements which use a 3-D
orthotropic material.
Added support for MAT12 and MATT12 for NEi Nastran - solid elements which use a 3-D
orthotropic material.
Added support for Nastran Equivalent Laminate Material, which writes multiple MAT2 entries
with IDs higher than 99,999,999, can be created for Nastran. When exported, the material ID in
FEMAP will have 100,000,000 added to it for Membrane, 200,000,000 for Bending,
300,000,000 for Transverse Shear, and 400,000,000 for Membrane-Bending Coupling.
Typically, these materials created by a Nastran run and are only used on planar elements
Added support to specify individual Structural Damping values for each DOF in the NASTRAN
BUSH Property Values section of the Spring/Damper property, instead a single value for the entire
property. Also, added the ability to make the Structural Damping functionally dependent for each
Added support for Force vs. Frequency function for Damping in DOF Spring Property.
Added check boxes for Top Fiber and Bottom Fiber in the Bending Only, Plate, and Plane Strain
Properties. When off writes a blank to the Z1 and/or Z2 fields on the PSHELL for Nastran.
Added global Curve Facetting values for Angle Error, Chord Error, and Curve Factor into Tools,
Check, Coincident Nodes
Added options and improved the Tools, Check, Coincident Nodes command.
Check, Element Quaility (formally Check, Distortion)
Added Explicit Time Step Element Check
Measure Submenu
Added Tools, Measure submenu. Moved Tools, Distance and Tools, Angle commands under Tools,
Measure submenu. Also moved Tools, Mass Properties, Measure Curves and Tools, Mass
Properties, Surface Area from Tools, Mass Properties submenu to Tools, Measure submenu.
Added Tools, Measure, Distance Between Nodes and Tools, Measure, Angle Between Nodes
Added ability to highlight points currently selected for 3-corner and 4-corner mesh approaches
when using the Mesh, Mesh Control, Approach on Surface command.
Added Merge Nodes drop-down check box to the various Tet Meshing commands.
Added Allow Mapped Meshing check box to the various Tet Meshing commands.
Added Allow Void Regions check box to Mesh, Geometry, Solids From Elements command, which
allows meshing enclosed volumes which contain internal voids.
Improved the Post-Meshing Cleanup option in the Automesh Surfaces dialog box to be able to
recognize more patterns and mesh issues, then update and improve the mesh.
Increased number of custom mesh locations on a curve from 160 to 325.
Updated Select XY Curve Data dialog box of View, Select command to use drop-down lists to
select Output Sets for From and To in the Show Output Sets section instead of entering an integer
Element - Rigid
Updated the Rigid Element dialog box to be tabbed and have separate creation options for RBE1,
RBE2, and RBE3 element types. Also, now support the UM DOF for RBE1 and RBE3.
User Interface
Changed extension of FEMAP model files from *.MOD to *.MODFEM. *.MOD file may still be
Added -INI filename option to the command line options. Allows choice of a specific FEMAP
Updated the Generation Options dialog box, which is used in many different commands which
create copies of an existing entity. Replaced the Parameters Radio Button with the Color and Layer
check box and renamed the section Match Original. Also, moved the Match Mesh Sizes, Loads,
and Constraints check box into the Match Original section.
Color of suppressed entities is now saved as a global switch. When an entity is suppressed, the
specified suppression color will be used. When restored, the color will revert to the entitys
original color instead of the active color for that entity type.
Added Modify, Update Other, Node Type command. Allows modification of Node Type for any
number of selected nodes.
Changed name of Tools, Check, Distortion command to Tools, Check, Element Quality. Updated
references from Distortion to Element Quality or Quality several places throughout the
Added Max Repeated Errors (0=All) option.
Added Include Metafile Format option in Picture Copy section.
Added Contour Palette option in Options section.
Added Resolution button to Picture Save Defaults section.
User Interface
Added Fast Output Delete drop-down to Menus and Dialog Boxes section.
Added Meshing Toolbox section, which includes Expand Active Tool Only and Auto Remesh.
Added Alternate Docking Symbols to Dockable Panes section.
Added Read/Write Test button to Database Performance section.
Changed name of Element Distortion button to Element Quality.
Added Create Groups from INCLUDE files option to Nastran Solver Write Options section.
Changed the default for the Direct Output To option in the Nastran Solver Write Options section
from 0..Current Directory to 1..Model File Directory.
Windows 7
Updated File Open/Save dialog for Vista/Windows 7 to properly set dialog title, and handle default
extensions. Changed all default extensions to lower case so they do not add duplicate extensions if
you type one manually (still will double if you type an upper case extension). Removed overrides
to OK Button text - now always says Save/Open - for consistency across all Operating Systems
Corrected a problem that caused a hang/crash when you tried to renumber layers and one or more
Views had multi-group visibility lists.
Corrected problem that caused & characters in titles to show up as underlines in text displayed in
the graphics window legends.
Fixed Auto - Group for multi group in post legend listing of max deformation.
Fixed Autoscale visible to account for entities which are not visible, based on visibility check
Fixed problem with boundaries and eliminated surfaces both on, the surface color was the
eliminated color - with boundaries off, it is the suppressed surface color. It is now the suppressed
surface color.
Fixed problem with multi group display of double sided contours
Fixed spring elements to allow beam diagram display.
Fixed File, Picture, Copy for arrow plots displayed as Deformed Vector Style
Reduce the maximum number of contour levels from 256 to 255 to eliminate a problem in Render
Graphics where the top level in the legend matched the bottom level if using 256 levels.
Removed curve/surface color change in Feature Suppression - will be controlled in graphics only
Removed "Reset Clipping" from page setup
Updated contact and slideline to properly use visibility check boxes.
Corrected a problem that caused "Get XY Plot Data" in Model->Function to fail if you had the
"Include Text for XY Plots" View Preference turned off.
Corrected the end of the "Linear Ramp" function to get the last value
Fixed problem deleting a item from the function, after the item was deleted it was automatically
added back since the x field was not cleared.
Fixed problem with Default title string for Q Damping Function
Corrected a problem where a cylinder would split using a Global Plane, but not one specified by
three points
Corrected a possible crash in Geometry, Solid, Cleanup if slivers were removed and then match
model scaling was done.
Fixed a stitching problem on general bodies that caused a crash - fixed prior to the release of
Now move surfaces of single-sheet bodies to the No Pick layer or delete them just like Boundary
Surfaces when you use them as the base of an extrusion or revolution.
Updated Modify, Move To; Modify, Move By; Modify, Rotate To; Modify, Rotate By; and Modify,
Align by CSys commands to properly handle the situation where points on a solid were defined in
the Coordinate System - previously points were moved which is invalid for Solid points
Updated the Geometry, Rotate, Curve; Geometry, Reflect, Curve; Modify, Rotate To, Curve;
Modify, Rotate By, Curve; and Modify, Align, Curve commands to automatically rotate/reflect any
meshing attributes (cross section orientation and offsets) that were attached to the curve.
Updated Geometry - Solid - Cleanup so the user can convert wire bodies they select in FEMAP to
curves if they want to.
Corrected missing value of 0..None for the "No Pick" layer in the Visibility dialog box.
Corrected the "Add Connected Fillets" and "Add Tangent Surfaces" pick option in the standard
entity selection dialog when it was used in a Group definition command. Previously worked in
normal entity selection, but not in group commands.
Corrected issue which did not entities to be added, removed, or excluded by color when the entity
color of the selected entity was color = 0 (Black).
Corrected a problem that caused some load values in the Report Window to be incorrect/zero if the
Entity Editor window was not open
Program File
Corrected playback of program files for single-selection list view controls (lists with icons), like in
the Group, Load, BC, ... Create/Manage dialogs.
Messages Window
Updated how text is written to the message window to minimize flashing
Interfaces - Neutral
Corrected problem that prevented Neutral Read from reading library files.
Fixed problem in neutral file for NEi NL Convergence flags. Patched the neu_101.exe shipped
with 10.2 to junk the bad flags and add the correct variables to the end of the line.
Fixed problem in renumbering. It was incorrectly renumbering the data points in a function and
also would not stop reading until it read a -1 in another dataset
Updated Neutral Write to include needed Global Ply information when you are writing just a Group
to the Neutral File. Chooses all global plies referenced by included layups. Also works for Copy in
Select Toolbar.
Updated Output Data format (changed from Block 451 to 1051) for version 10.2 and above. On
model with large output saw 40% reduction in Neutral file size and 20%-25% reduction in read/
write times.
Interfaces - Nastran
Fixed problem in dynamics writing the static portion of the load when using the "Write Dynamic
Load using LOADSET/LSEQ" option
Fixed problem reading a TABLED2 where the function would be set as the FREQ in the Analysis
Manager dynamic solution frequencies.
Fixed problem reading DLOAD scale factor for response spectrum generation.
Fixed problem reading frequency response output when a 0.0 solution frequency was defined.
Fixed problem reading LOAD combinations where the load set id was the same as the referenced
Fixed problem reading MAT1 mass if a MAT4 card also existed and WTMASS factor was used.
The WTMASS factor was applied when the MAT1 was read then again when the MAT4 was read.
Fixed problem reading of METHOD and CMETHOD if extra cards were present that were not
activated by the case control.
Fixed problem reading .op2 design optimization output when the design variables did not exist in
Fixed problem reading SPC/MPC ADD combinations when the set ids were the same as the
referenced sets.
Updated output to not transform random nodal results unless user pref CalcRandomResults has
been set.
Updated ASSIGN statements that could be too long (> 72 char) so they split onto multiple lines
Updated Nastran Case Control reader to support reading various commands with or without equals
and with varying spacing
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Fixed problem reading nonlinear stress from SOL 601 when corner output was requested. SOL 601
is writing values for sigma z and causing the Femap Standard vector calculation to use the 3D
Updated HEXA, PENTA, TETRA OES datablocks for MSC Nastran ONLY. 2008 r1 and later have
two extra words in these data blocks.
Interfaces - LS-DYNA
Corrected problem skipping unsupported ALE materials which caused Femap to get out of sync.
Removed "implicit solver" check box from dialog box. Now set via an Analysis Type.
Changed Network Licensing to give a more descriptive message when no license file has been
specified and automatically transfer to the dialog to specify it.
Changed the PartialCurveLength functions to always return the shorter distance around a FEMAP
Circle curve, which was causing an error in some cases of Expand Load when element edges hit the
node at the 0.0/1.0 parameter
Corrected a problem that caused total loads on curve-only boundary surfaces to not expand because
these surfaces have no area.
Corrected a problem that caused variable geometric loads along curves that varied using either the
function or interpolation multiplier methods and that produced elemental loads (like pressure) to
expand to zero load.
Corrected a problem that could cause bearing loads that expanded to nodes that were very close to,
but not at 90 deg., to have a zero value rather than being skipped.
Corrected a problem that occurred when you edited a load definition of an elemental face-based
load, and defined the updated load using a data surface. Previously, the first load in the definition
did not get updated to the data surface values. Corrected prior to release of v10.1.1
Enabled placing Surface-based Convection and Radiation loads on the back faces of plate elements,
just like Element-based loads. Previously this was available in the "Advanced Thermal" interface,
but not the others. Also corrected a problem that caused these loads to always be expanded to the
back faces, whether or not this flag was turned on (problem was only if you were in Advanced
Thermal interface).
Fixed problem in expanding bearing loads on multiple surfaces where small surfaces would pick up
a disproportionate amount of load - fixed prior to release of v10.1.1
Corrected problem that allowed the Edge Members command to create invalid elements if you
picked a Plot Planar element type and had parabolic faces - Plot Planar elements can not be
Corrected a problem that caused associativity of some nodes on a surface that is adjacent to another
surface that has a suppressed curve with a shared endpoint to be improperly associated with both
Fixed problem when applying quad paving to a boundary surface that caused the paved element
normals to be reversed, and potentially free edges to be created for parabolic elements, if inner
holes in the surface had the same clockwise/counterclockwise orientation as the outer loop.
Fixed problem that created a mesh with a zero property if no property attribute had been set.
Fixed problem copying surface mesh attributes when combining surfaces into a boundary, if the
boundary being created/modified has had mesh attributes initialized then don't overwrite them.
Fixed problem splitting elements that were loaded with a elemental heat generation.
Updated the 2D Fast-Tri mesher to loop back and tri multiple starting locations if it has a problem
recovering all of the mesh edges. Also properly abort if edge recovery failed
Updated the Geometry, Rotate, Curve; Geometry, Reflect, Curve; Modify, Rotate To, Curve;
Modify, Rotate By, Curve; and Modify, Align, Curve commands to automatically rotate/reflect any
meshing attributes (cross section orientation and offsets) that were attached to the curve.
Changed title format for computed Laminate output from Lam# to Lam Ply#
Corrected a problem which caused Global and Top/Bottom Ply data to be computed improperly
(data from wrong ply) if on a laminate element the property ID was equal to the layup ID of the
previous (lower ID) laminate element but the layup IDs of the two elements were different, and the
Global Ply represented a different ply in the two layups.
Corrected problem that showed that you were using the selected ply rather than top/bottom if top/
bottom was selected and no global plies existed in the Laminate Options dialog
Corrected a problem with the List->Output->Results To Data Table that would cause no output to
show up if the selected output was complex and transforms were required.
Fixed a problem in Output From Loads that caused the magnitude to be incorrect for nodal forces
and other nodal vector loads when multiple loads were applied to the same node.
Fixed problem unloading the XY PLOT request dialog box where in some cases you were not
prompted to select the element group.
Fixed Nodal contour using on the fly transformed results to use the corner data correctly.
Fixed problem with expand complex for beam results for ends A and B.
Remove check in op2 Read that caused data to be ignored if any "Put" to the database failed.
Changed Merge Nodes command and automatic during meshing to merge two nodes across a
connection, even if merge across connections is not set, if the two nodes are also both in the same
connection region. This prevents self-contact regions from preventing meshing failures.
User Interface
Changed wording on several dialog boxes from "Toggle Set Selection" and similar to "Toggle
Selected Sets" to better reflect what the buttons do.
Changed underlined characters in several dialogs that were previously &O, which interferes with
program files <OK> - this will not be in the translated versions of v10.2
Corrected a problem that could occur if you got an error message or a question dialog when
working in a dialog. After one of these, if you displayed the context menu, the menus and toolbars
would be enabled and you could start a second command while still in the previous one.
Corrected a problem that caused FEMAP to crash if you assigned a program file to User Command
(and then assigned it to a toolbar button), but in that command definition you used a lowercase .pro
or .prg filename extension (uppercase worked fine and was the default if you picked the file)
Fixed a problem caused when launching commands/dialog boxes from an undocked pane. If a
second level dialog was created when that dialog ended focus was returned to the pane and not the
first level dialog. In particular this caused Shift+Ctrl polygon picking to fail and in some cases
Fixed problem in tabbed dialogs that caused the mouse to be captured if the mouse was in a control
when a dialog was initialized. It would stay captured until you left that control. Fixed prior to the
release of v10.1.1
Updated Font Size drop-downs in File Message Preferences and File Page Setup to contain a list of
standard sizes.
Updated Translators (Catia V4, ProE, STEP, IGES) to support reading files with multi-byte
Updated using Ctrl+Z to enter a point location into another dialog, previously always entered in
Global Rectangular, now enters properly in active CSys.
Updated Load, Constraint, Output Set and Group Create/Manage made "New..." the default button
if none exist.
Updated Help, About so NX Nastran modules now show up in the licensed options list when using
network licensing (previously only with a dongle).
Corrected potential Undo problem where undo files were written directly to the scratch directory if
you specified one in File Preferences, rather than being written to the model subdirectory which is
in the scratch directory. This could cause conflicts if you had two FEMAP sessions with different
models that had the same base filename.
Changed the PartialCurveLength functions to always return the shorter distance around a FEMAP
Circle curve.
Corrected a problem that caused multiple toolbars created from the API function feAddToolbar() to
be lost when you exited FEMAP and returned. Only the last toolbar was reloaded, others were lost.
Worked properly if toolbars were created from the user interface.
Corrected loading of API window so that it always loads the correct version of the type library
when multiple versions of FEMAP are installed
Corrected the feFileReadParasolidOpt() method. The assign_color boolean argument previously
worked backwards.
Corrected a problem with the SelectID method of the Set object that prevented it from choosing the
0..Global Rectangular coordinate system.
Fixed api definition of NasModeMassForm
Fixed a crash in SortSet.Current() if you called it when the Sort object was empty or the current
index had not been set.
Fixed a problem that prevented ranges of Coordinate Systems added by ID to be removed from a
group when you called RangeDeleteAll( -1 ) which is supposed to clear all ranges.
Fixed problem in data surface API object.
Fixed API access to print and save preferences.
Make sure that no file extensions get registered during startup with /Register if using an API-only
Updated SelectAllOnLayer() method so that it does not change the ID of the current object.
Added All Views option to View, Rotate, Model command. When All Views is checked, the first
action taken in the View Rotate dialog box will sync the views, then the views will move in
unison until All Views has been unchecked.
Added Filter and Clear All Filters buttons along with corresponding text field to View, Visibility
dialog box. The Filter and Clear Filter buttons are available for use in the Group, Layer, Material,
Property, and Geometry tabs of the Visibility dialog box. Simply enter text into the field, then click
the Filter button. The list in that tab will be reduced to only those entries that contain the text you
specified. You can now enter additional text, and press the Filter icon button again to further reduce
the list. Press Clear All Filters icon button to return to the full list and start again. This can be
especially useful in models which contain a large number of groups and layers.
View Options: Labels, Entities and Color category: Force and Bearing - now controls display of
Force and Bearing Force loads
View Options: Tools and View Style category: View Legend - added Legend Style option 3..Titles,
Model Name, Date which will display the current time and date when the option is turned on
along with the full model name and directory path.
View Options: Tools and View Style category: Render Options - removed the Graphics Engine
Added Geometry tab to View, Visibility command.
Analysis Manager
Modified the Function Definition dialog box to be more intuitive. The Add button replaces More,
Copy Function replaces Copy, Load from Library replaces Load, Save to Library replaces Save,
Copy to Clipboard replaces Put, and Paste from Clipboard replaces Get. Also, added the Update
button which will take the currently entered values and update the XY pair currently highlighted in
the list, as well as the Get XY Plot Data button, which will place the values from a XY Plot
currently being displayed in FEMAP into the list.
Added 4 new function types which allow the user to specify use of the TABLEM1 for Nastran
when creating vs. Temperature functions. They are 19..vs. Temp (TABLEM1 Linear, Linear),
20..vs. Temp (TABLEM1 Log, Linear), 21..vs. Temp (TABLEM1 Linear, Log), 22..vs. Temp
(TABLEM1 Log, Log)
Added 3 Align options to the Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Pad command
Added the ability to quickly access Polygon picking without choosing Polygon from the
Pick menu in the Entity Selection dialog box. Simply hold down both the Shift and Ctrl keys at
once and press the left mouse button to specify the first point of the selection polygon, then click
additional points on the screen until the appropriate area is within the polygon.
Added Filter and Clear All Filters buttons and corresponding text field to the Select One or
More... dialog boxes displayed when the Select From List button is pressed in the Entity Selection
dialog box. Once text is entered into the text field click the Filter icon button to reduce the list to
just those entries that contain the text you specified. You can now enter additional text, then press
Filter icon button again to further reduce the list. Press Clear All Filters icon button to return to the
full list and start again
Added Color option to the Pick menu of the Entity Selection dialog box. This option allows
you to select a color from the Color Palette, then adds all entities of the current type which are also
the selected color to the selection list. Options also exist to Match Color, Match Pattern/
Transparency, and Match Line Style options which may turned on/off to either broaden or narrow
the selection criteria. By default, all Options are on.
Added Property/Material Value option to the Pick menu of the Entity Selection dialog box.
This option allows you to choose entities in the model with values Equal to a specific material/
property value (i.e., Plane Element Thickness, Youngs Modulus, BEAM End A Area etc.) or
entities which have values within a range (Above or Below a single value; Between or Outside two
values) for a particular material/property entry.
Improved Copy as List option on the Pick menu of the Entity Selection dialog box. Using this
function on Large models containing several million nodes has gone from taking hours to taking
Added Filter and Clear All Filters buttons and corresponding text field to all Select single
entity from list dialog boxes. An example of a command that would display such a dialog box
would be Modify, Update Elements, Property ID, which displays Select Property for Update.
Added graphical picking of Solids from the Solid Manager dialog box. Also, the displayed Loads
Set, Constraint Set, Group (only when single group displayed), or View can be graphically chosen
from the screen and then become highlighted in the appropriate Manager dialog box.
Updated Neutral Write to use the proper versions of ACIS and Parasolid when exporting neutral
files for older version of FEMAP.
Interfaces - Nastran
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added Support for BCTADD and BGADD entries for version 7.0
Updated XDB import to only allow reading of regular stress or nonlinear stress, not both.
Added support for Sussman-Bathe hyperelastic material
Added support for Shape Memory Alloy material
Interfaces - Geometry
Added ability to create PCOMPG instead of PCOMP entries for Nastran by specifying a Global Ply
for every Ply in a Layup. If even 1 ply does not have a Globally Ply assigned, the PCOMP will be
written instead.
Added Ok to Update Material and Thickness of Global Ply # in all Layups? question to Edit Ply
capability in the Global Ply Definition dialog box.
Added support for Sussman-Bathe hyperelastic material to Other Types for solution 601 in NX
Added support for Shape Memory Alloy material to Other Types for solution 601 in NX Nastran
Added automatically assigning corners to surfaces with more than 4 corners when using the
Mapped - Four Corner approach of the Mesh, Mesh Control, Approach on Surface command.
Added Radial Offset Around Vector option to Modify, Update Elements, Line Element Offsets
Improved performance of midside node attachment significantly, especially on models with a large
number of geometric entities (Surfaces, Curves. Points). This capability is used when creating new
mesh on a solid, as well as when using the Modify, Associativity, Automatic command.
Added Delete, Model, Mesh on Nodes command. Works exactly like Delete, Model, Mesh except
nodes are selected instead of elements.
Added support for importing of Nastran output files containing PCOMPG results. PCOMPG results
are stored in Nastran output files using the Global Ply ID. Results are converted from Global Ply ID
to FEMAP Ply ID.
Updated View, Advanced Post, Contour Model Data command to only show property and material
values in the Other lists which are actually available in the model.
View Options: PostProcessing category: XY Curve 1-9 - Updated use of Scale factor for Log plots.
Element - Rigid
Added New Node At Center method to Independent (Reference) section of Define RIGID
Element dialog box. When this method is used, FEMAP will automatically create a node at
center of all the selected Dependent (Nodes to Average) nodes, much like the Spider API
Added Convert button to Define RIGID Element dialog box. This button is used to convert a
rigid element to an interpolation element and vice versa. When converting from rigid element to
interpolation, FEMAP will ask OK to Convert only Translational Degrees of Freedom?.
Added Distance Weighting option to the Update Interpolation Element dialog box displayed after
clicking the Update button in Define RIGID Element dialog box. This option will create different
interpolation factors for highlighted Nodes to Average based on their distance from the Reference
node. Multiple nodes must be highlighted in the list for this option to have any effect
User Interface
Added File, Picture, Copy Desktop command. Works much like File, Picture, Save Desktop, except
it copies a picture of the entire FEMAP GUI to the clipboard instead of saving it to a file.
Added File, Picture, Copy Layout and File, Picture, Save Layout commands. These commands
work much like File, Picture, Copy Desktop and File, Picture, Save Desktop, except they only copy
to the clipboard or save to a file the contents of the Graphics Area instead of the entire GUI.
Added Include Text for XY Plots option in Picture Copy section.
Added Picture Save Defaults section.
User Interface
Added Captions Always on Top option to Dockable Panes section.
Added Auto Answer Post Questions button.
Added Delete Read Synthetic Load Sets option.
For functions that take input arguments that are Arrays/Variants, you can now pass a single value/
constant directly if the entire array is supposed to be filled with the same value.
Disabled Undo after calling feFileRebuild, feFileSave, feFileSaveAs, and feFileSaveAll from the
Converted UserData to a non-Entity-based object. Implemented numerous methods that are
identical in call to Entity-based objects, but work properly with UserData
Added Length to Element object
Added AddAllTitle, AddAllColor, and AddMidsideNodes to Set object
Added ComputeStdShape and ComputeGeneralShape for Property object
Added CountLoads and IsTotalLoad for LoadDefinition object
Added Add to LoadMesh object
Added Add to BCNode object
Added Preview to AnalysisMgr object
Added HasFullGlobalPly for Layup object
Added Pref_PictureCopyTextForXY
Added Pref_PictureFormat, Pref_AnimationFormat, Pref_GIFColorOpt,
Pref_GIFAnimationDelay, and Pref_GIFFrameSeries
Added Pref_NasQstOn, Pref_NasQstVal, and Pref_DeleteRdScratchLdSets
Added Pref_CustomToolsPath
Added feAppMessageStartListing
Added feAppMessageEndListing
Added feFilePictureSave2
Added feFilePictureCopy2
Added feFormatReal
Added feTruncateReal
Added feModifyRadialOffsets
Added feDeleteMesh
Connection Properties, Regions, and Connectors
Corrected a problem that caused connection regions defined on Curves or Surfaces, to expand to
improper element faces
Fixed logo so if bitmap was bigger than graphics region it would still draw.
Fixed issue in plate result transformation that was introduced in 10.1
Fixed issue if number of lines of text in post legend was too large
Fixed random issue when elements were blanked based on timing of redraw.
Fixed issue that Copy Picture of XY Plots does not work on Vista if you are in render mode.
Corrected an issue that caused output created by Model, Output, Global Ply to be deleted every
time you made a plot of the data.
Modified drawing of edges to get around nVidia graphics issue in drivers newer than 178.46
Fixed issue when displaying multiple groups and had automatic add on and were adding into one
of the groups being displayed. The created entities did not show up unless you turned one of the
groups on/off. Now they show up immediately.
Interfaces - Neutral
Fixed issue reading neutral files from 5.0 or earlier into 10.1
Corrected a problem reading multiple UserData objects from a neutral file.
Interfaces - Nastran
Fixed issue that caused velocity body loads not to be written out unless a nodal load was also
Fixed issue creating multiple LOAD combinations.
Fixed problem where MEFFMASS output was skipped when results destination was set to post
Fixed problems reading complex output where phase angles were being skipped
Modified writing of loads so SPCD is written to the LOAD case control set rather than as a
Corrected a problem that caused Nastran to fail to run if the Nastran Scratch directory you specified
in File, Preferences had spaces in the path.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Fixed issue that converts nodal contact regions to elemental faces to fail for solid elements
Interfaces - Ansys
Interfaces - Abaqus
Fixed issue that caused crash when using face selection to create elemental loads
Corrected a problem expanding loads on nodes along a curve that used the variable type function or
interpolate. Previously they did not expand properly - usually gave 0.0 loads
Corrected a meshing problem that caused planar surfaces with poles to not be smoothed properly if
you applied a mapped meshing approach.
Updated Meshers to properly create and project to a sheet body on multi-surface boundaries that
have suppressed loops.
User Interface
Fixed issue in opening models with preference set to Windows I/O with 64K portions
Fixed issue renumbering entities that referenced a Weld element.
Automatically set some fields in PutContactList method of the connection region object if you set
them to invalid values
Made Info_GeometryScale a writable property if there are no solids in the model
Corrected Layup method on the Property object.
Analysis Manager
Added Previous (Prev...) buttons to many of the Analysis Set Manager dialog boxes when using the
Nastran Solvers.
Enhanced Analyze and Analyze Multiple options to use internal solver queuing system when
multiple jobs in one model or jobs from any number of models are sent to the solver. Queuing
system now tracks which model the analysis job was launched from and will attempt to return to
the correct model and import results before beginning the next analysis job. Also, added Clear
Queue button to clear the internal queuing system.
Added Reverse button to Connection Regions to switch positive to negative and vice versa
for surfaces and Face 1 to Face 2 and vice versa for shell elements.
Updated Connect, Automatic command to properly handle composite surfaces in regions.
Implemented the Solid Manager which is used to activate, update, or make no solids active in the
Modified Geometry, Curve - From Surface, Pad command. Entering an Pad Size Factor of 1.0 will
extend curves out using the radius of the chosen circular curves, while entering a value of 1.5
would offset the curves 1.5*the radius of the chosen circular curves in all directions.
Implemented the Group Manager for creation, management, and activation of Groups
Added ability to create Referenced Groups
Updated Group, Operations, Evaluate; Group, Operations, Evaluate Always; and Group,
Operations, Renumber Rules to allow selection of multiple groups.
Updated Group, Operations, Condense to allow selection of multiple groups and condense the
groups in place without creating a copy.
Added Condense New Group option to Group, Operations, Copy to also condense the active group
when copied.
Implemented the Layer Manager for creation, management, and activation of Layers
GUI - Toolbars
View Toolbar
Replaced View Layers and Quick Options icons with Visibility icon on View Toolbar.
Added Model Data Contour icon to View Toolbar.
Post Toolbar
Added Laminate Options and Contour Vectors options to Post Options drop-down menu on
Post Toolbar.
Entity Editor
Added Memb-Bend Coupling fields for plate elements.
Added support for Nastran LOAD Combination Sets and Nastran SPCADD/MPCADD
Combination Sets
Status Bar
Changed Set to Create/Manage (Set) for Load Sets, Constraint Sets, Groups, and Output Sets
Changed View Active to Show Active for Groups and added Show Full Model and Show
Multiple options
Interfaces - Nastran
Added support to set the All Plates as QUADR/TRIAR option when CQUADR and CTRIAR
elements are imported
Added ability to write GEOMCHECK, NONE and read GEOMCHECK entries and populate
GEOMCHECK dialog box in Analysis Set Manager
Added Dynamic Control Options dialog box to Analysis Set Manager for analysis Types
3..Transient Dynamic/Time History, 4..Frequency/Harmonic Response, 5..Response Spectrum, and
6..Random Response
Added Nonlinear Control Options dialog box to Analysis Set Manager for analysis Types
10..Nonlinear Static and 12..Nonlinear Transient Response
FREQUENCY, RANDOM Case Control entries
Added support to read PARAMs LMODES, LFREQ, HFREQ, W3, W4, G, RSPECTRA,
Added support to read TSTEP, TSTEPNL, NLPARM, NLPCI, RANDPS, DTI Bulk Data entries
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Turned the Loads Change with Deformation option in the Analysis Options section of
NXSTRAT Solver Parameters dialog box on by default for SOL 601 and SOL 701.
Turned the Constraint Force option in the Nodal section of Nastran Output Requests dialog box
on by default for SOL 601 and SOL 701
Added support to SOL 601 for function dependent acceleration body loads.
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Interfaces - DYNA
Interfaces - Geometry
Changed listing of model size from Bytes to MBytes when using List, Model Info command
Updated List, Model, Element command to list element formulation based on solver set in the
active Analysis Set in the Analysis Set Manager.
Added Use Reference Point option to Mesh, Mesh Control, Attributes Along Curve command.
Element - Rigid
Added Update Button to Define RIGID Element dialog box. Allows you to update the Interpolation
Factor and DOFs on any number of highlighted nodes in the Nodes to Average section when using
the Interpolation option.
User Interface
Added Tab Location option to View Windows. Now the View Tabs may be places on the Top,
Left, Right, or Bottom of a View Window.
Added Axis of Revolution method to Vector Definition dialog box.
Added 2D Tensor Plot View Options Override option.
Added Open/Save Method option.
Added Use ILP-64bit NX Nastran option.
Added Write All Static Load/BC Sets option.
Analysis Manager
Fixed problem renumbering Analysis Sets that sometimes caused FEMAP to exit unexpectedly.
Corrected a problem when copying surfaces or solids that were used to define contact segments, the
contact segment moved to the copy. It now is duplicated into a new connection region if all of the
underlying definition is copied.
Corrected a problem when renumbering Layers that caused layers that were not renumbered to be
lost from the visible layers list for views.
Corrected a problem that caused "Evaluate Always" to be turned off if you renumbered any entities
referenced by the group.
Interfaces - Nastran
Fixed PLOAD4 so Femap writes a blank for element faces with only 3 corners.
Fixed output request in Transient Heat, was missing SORT1 request in THERMAL and HDOT.
Fixed problem reading XY Summary and optimization from the f06 when results are in the op2 and
auto skipping.
Fixed a problem where Femap would not write a proper DLOAD scale for each dof when more
than 1 SUPORT dof was defined in Response Spectrum Application
Fixed problem where overwrite were occurring if model file name and path were over 160
Fixed wide field for BSURFS, BCTADD, PFAST
Fixed problem reading XYPRINT output for CQUADR NXN3 new formulation. Femap was
reading the items using the item codes from the old formulation.
Fixed problem writing MFLUID in random and response spectrum.
Fixed problem where if Force load is created after Temperature load then Force is not written out
Fixed expand Moment load at points is not expanded to the underlying node
Fixed problem reading QUADR output with corners from f06 when complex output existed.
Fixed problem recognizing the proper Femap function type for the TABLED2 being read.
Fixed issue reading SLOAD only the first sload per card was read properly.
Fixed Problem when reading Nastran files that have Free Format cards with continuation that have
blank field 10 and 1, and that don't continue on the same line (i.e. traditional multiline arrangement)
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Fixed problem where NXN 6.0 would fail to run if Fluid Pressure output was chosen for MFLUID.
The Alter used no longer worked or was needed.
Fixed problem when writing Glue and Contact sets to SOL601at the same time.
Interfaces - Ansys
Fixed problem when reading ANSYS elements where the element coordinate system is set with a
real constant.
Interfaces - Abaqus
Fixed problem reading *SYSTEM where a default second axis was used.
Interfaces - I-DEAS/NX
Corrected a problem reading UNV file from NX6 where the Material Table for properties defined
by a table were not being read. Looks like NX added a line to the table definition that is not in the
Fixed numerous graying issues with creating loads with data surfaces as well as added restricting
type of ds created based on the load type being defined.
Updated expand load to handle nodal loads on curves when only solid elements are connected
Changed boundary mesh error for coincident nodes to write the nodal location rather than the ID.
Corrected a problem with Mesh Region that prevented it from working in "Nodes Only" mode still asked for a valid property/shape
Prevent automatically choosing a mapped mesh if there is a reentrant (>225 deg) corner in the
surface - which could lead to an overlapping mapped mesh.
Corrected problem that caused Output Sets that did not exist to be added to a selection set when
using the standard selection dialog and typing in ID ranges that did not exist.
Corrected problem in Freebody Display. If you displayed the freebody resultant, but only displayed
moments, the moment calculation did not include the components due to the forces that were not
User Interface
Corrected a problem on Message Boxes that just had an OK, or just a Yes/No button, that caused
them not to close if you pressed Esc or the X in the title bar.
Enhanced speed when deleting a large number of solids with their associated meshes.
Fixed problem in ComputeShape where the property was being put after the shape was calculated.
Fixed infinite loop when loading AMgr_Correlate in the Analysis Mgr object.
Fixed infinite loop when loading AMgr_Contact in the Marc Analysis Case from the API.
Removed "CaseID" property on the Analysis Set manager object. The master case should always
be ID=0, you should not be able to set it.
Corrected problem in Set object if you called AddSetRule with GDEF_Elem_byShape
Updated version of NX Nastran included with FEMAP with NX Nastran to version 6.1
Updated Analysis Monitor to be able to handle NX Nastran 6.1 monitor files
Interfaces - Nastran
Updated reading of OP2 files to support results files larger than 4GByte
Interfaces - TMG
Updated version of TMG interfaces for FEMAP to version 6.0, build 470
User Interface
Added guard bytes around preferences so that if memory becomes totally corrupted it will not
overwrite the FEMAP.INI file with values which are not valid
Modified certain aspects of FEMAP to allow for more complete localization to Chinese, Japanese,
and other languages.
Removed Modify, Update Other, Surface Divisions command
Coordinate Systems
Corrected problem that filled in wrong defaults for vector if snap to node was on and coordinate
systems were repeatedly created using one of the Axes creation options.
Fixed problem deleting Composite Curves when the associated Surface or Solid was deleted.
Prevent facetting of curves if a point is missing from Femap curve definition, which is not normal,
but can happen in rare occasions.
Fixed graphics issue related to using the Modify, Scale, Solid command.
Fixed problem using the Mesh Locate Toolbox to edit solid meshes (Tet and Hex).
API Programming
Fixed loss of focus when you hit Ctrl+C to copy the API Programming Window and other panes.
Fixed problem reading the property data block from neutral files from Femap 9.2 and earlier which
caused Femap to issue errors where they didn't really exist.
Fixed issue in Tosca code for Neutral file when importing Neutral file. Neutral files were written
properly, but could not read past first analysis manager case
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for NXN 6.0 Advanced nonlinear datablocks for CQUAD8, CTRIA6
Fixed problem reading the Nastran f06 file when contact separations (SEPDIS) were requested
which caused Femap to go into an infinite loop which could end without ending the FEMAP
Fixed BCTPARM NCHG to allow zero to be written.
Made NXSTRAT ICMODE default solution dependent.
Fixed problem writing BCTSET when using the Portion of Model to Write option in the
NASTRAN Bulk Data Options section by evaluating the group before the case control is written.
Fixed problem when writing Nastran files when Improve Single Field Precision option was on in
File, Preferences. Was writing too many real fields when creating CONM2 entries
Interfaces - Nastran
Interfaces - Dyna
Fixed problem writing LS-Dyna nodal velocities that sometimes caused Femap to write loads
Fixed improper *SECTION_SHELL ELFORMIDs for formulations of shell elements. If a
formulation below 4..C0 Triangular on the drop-down list was used, the formulation actually
written was off by 1.
Interfaces - ABAQUS
Fixed problem writing node groups using the DEFINE command. Femap was always writing
element sets when writing FEMAP groups as sets.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added missing Solid Edge Moniker code which fixes matching of previous solid/assembly when
updating during read
Enabled Read Inactive Layers, Points, Curves, Surfaces and Bodies options to CATIA
V5 translator. Previously, these were in the translator, but not available to turn on and off.
Several issues have been resolved in the CATIA V4, CATIA V5, Pro/Engineer, IGES, STEP, and
Parasolid geometry interfaces
Fixed reporting of problems when meshing fails in certain instances. Previous versions of Femap
reported the Node ID where it failed, but in v10 and above meshing the mesh is not saved unless it
actually succeeds. Therefore the node IDs Femap was reporting do not exist, thus now the
coordinates where the failure occurred are reported instead.
Fixed problem when using new meshing to mesh curve-only boundary surface where no mesh sizes
were set on the curves. Both mapped and free meshes were not working as expected
Fixed problem in new meshing when meshing surfaces that had associativity to nodes that did not
Fixed problem of Midside Nodes and Midside Nodes on Geometry options not persisting
between surface meshing commands.
Fixed issue of shear center offset values swapping on End B of a non-tapered beam after Shape
button was pressed, but no changes were made in the Cross Section Definition dialog box.
Fixed issue of the Reference Point being greyed in the Cross Section Definition dialog box when
creating NASTRAN sections (PBEAML and PBARL).
User Interface
Fixed issue in output transformation dialog boxes where the main dialog boxes were not hidden
when trying to select a vector, making it very difficult to choose a vector graphically from the
Corrected a problem that caused FEMAP to unexpectedly close when trying to open a new model if
a startup basic script was set to be run on a new model after all current models had been closed.
Fixed API docs for parametric space and added missed methods, HasPole(),
Added ability to have zero (0) as the rigid reference node for NXN SOL601.
Improved Group, Operations, Generate Solids to also include elements on the surfaces, curves
and points of solids
Added Section Evaluation option in Cross Section Definition dialog box for Beam, Bar, and
Curved Beam properties.
Added PBEAML/PBARL option to Section Evaluation for use with PBEAML/PBARLs
Connection Properties, Regions, and Connectors
Corrected problem that caused error message if you tried to save a program file with no filename
extension, and without changing the file type on Windows XP. Now properly adds .PRO
Interfaces - Nastran
Fixed issue writing initial conditions from the master case when all loads were in subsequent
Updated Load, Expand and Constraint, Expand to default to Compress if expanded loads/
constraints are in the active set, otherwise defaults to Expand.
Fixed problem in merging nodes that randomly caused some solids to fail hex meshing
Updated API Type Library to return specific interfaces rather than generic IDISPATCH interfaces should help programming in Python and Matlab
FEMAP is now supported on 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista. Many issues from
previous unsupported versions of FEMAP with regards to Windows Vista, such as entity picking
and proper use of the Model Info tree have been addressed.
Analysis Manager
Added Analyze Multiple option. This accesses a multi-select dialog box which allows you to pick
any number of Analysis Sets and run them one after another.
Added Penetration Cutback and Max Penetration options to the Old Algorithm (RTALG=1 on
NXSTRAT) section of the NX Adv Nonlin Rigid Target Algorithm dialog box.
Added Max Tensile Contact Force (TFORCE), Max Sliding Velocity (SLIDVEL), Oscillation
Check (OCHECK), Contact Gap (GAPBIAS), and Offset Method (OFFDET) options to the
Current Algorithm (RTALG=0 on NXSTRAT) section of the NX Adv Nonlin Rigid Target
Algorithm dialog box.
Improved Group, Operations, Add Related Entities to include coordinate systems used as definition
coordinate systems for Coordinate Systems in the selected group and include reference nodes on
beams when the nodes are related to elements, properties, or materials in the selected group.
GUI - Toolbars
Panes Toolbar
Added Meshing Toolbox icon
Curves on Surfaces Toolbar
Added Curve Washer, Curve Pad, Split Between Points, Split Point to Edge, and Split Edge to Edge
Updated Curve Split at Points icon to be Curve Split at Locations icon.
Select Toolbar
Improved Select Related mode to include coordinate systems used as definition coordinate systems
for other selected Coordinate Systems
Improved Select Related mode to include reference nodes on beams when the nodes are related to
elements, properties, or materials
Updated using Show When Selected. Entities already chosen will now highlight when Show When
Selected is turned on and un-highlight when turned off.
Entity Editor
Added Transformed To capability for displaying nodal output and elemental output.
Added support for Load Definition and Constraint Definition information.
Added support for Rotor Region information.
Added support for Layup ID information.
Status Bar
Added the ability to customize what entity types appear on the Status Bar.
Removed option for choosing Binary and Formatted in File Format Section. All Neutral files are
Updated Neutral Read and Write for v10.0 changes
Interfaces - Nastran
Added support for -2..Automatic(Statics) for INREL to the PARAM section of the NASTRAN
Bulk Data Options dialog box.
Added support for SUPORT1 to the Boundary Conditions dialog box.
Added support for Fastener elements (CFAST) and properties (PFAST).
Added support for spring/damper elements (CELAS1 and CDAMP1) which use a property
(PELAS and PDAMP). Controlled via the Spring/Damper element formulation.
Added Beam/Bar Cross-Section Dimensions as comments when Nastran input file is written. When
a Nastran file with these comments is imported into FEMAP, the Beam/Bar Cross-Section
Dimensions will be filled-in.
Added support for reading Nastran Free-Field Auto Continuation (long entries with or without
embedded continuation fields and large-field free field).
Added support for reading CMETHOD from the case control
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Added support for triangle and quadrilateral axisymmetric elements (CTRAX3, CTRAX6,
CQUADX4, and CQUADX8), which were new for NX Nastran version 6.
Added option for Extended Solution Status Monitoring. Writes SYSTEM(442)=-1 to the *.dat
file. This option is on by default and the feedback it produces is used by the NX Nastran Analysis
Added BOLTFACT to the PARAM section of the NASTRAN Bulk Data Options dialog box.
Added Gaps as Contact to the Plate, Beam, and Rigid section of the NASTRAN Bulk Data
Options dialog box. Writes out a BCSET entry in Case Control. Also added support for reading
SYSTEM CELL 412 in the System Cell field of the Analysis Manager. This is the override to have
gaps written as normal gaps even when using Contact.
Added Support for CQUADR and CTRIAR Composite Stress and Strain output from the op2.
Added Large Strain Form (ULFORM), Incompatible Mode for 4 Node Shells (ICMODE),
Max Disp/Iteration (MAXDISP), and Drilling DOF Factor (DRILLKF) options to the Analysis
Options section of NXSTRAT Solver Parameters dialog box.
Added Bolt Force Increments (BOLTSTP), Convert Dependency to True Stress (CVSSVAL),
and Allow Element Rupture (XTCURVE) options to the Other Parameters section of NXSTRAT
Solver Parameters dialog box.
Added Line Search Lower Bound (LSLOWER) and Line Search Lower Bound (LSUPPER)
options to the Line Search Setting section of NXSTRAT Iterations and Convergence Parameters
dialog box.
Added Do not allow Consistent Contact Forces (TNSLCF) and Use Old Rigid Target
Algorithm (RTALG=1) options to the Contact Control section of NXSTRAT Iterations and
Convergence Parameters dialog box.
Changed Segment Type (CSTYPE) options from 0..Old and 1..New to 0..Linear Contact
and 1..Element based in the Contact Control section of NXSTRAT Iterations and Convergence
Parameters dialog box.
Added support for 2-D Contact, usually used in analysis with axisymmetric elements.
Added support for Glued Contact.
Added Contact Control section to NXSTRAT Solver Parameters dialog box. Added Segment
Type (CSTYPE) and Use Old Rigid Target Algorithm (RTALG=1) to this section.
Added Other Parameters section to NXSTRAT Solver Parameters dialog box. Added Convert
Dependency to True Stress (CVSSVAL) and Allow Element Rupture (XTCURVE) options to
this section.
Added support for Initial and Final contact separation distance, which were new for version 6.0.
Added reading of the SVDSPC from the Nastran command.
Interfaces - Ansys
Added support for MPC184 rigid beam/link elements. Specified using element Formulation.
Added support for output from rigid elements (Rigid Axial Force, Rigid Y Moment, Rigid Z
Moment, Rigid Y Shear Force, Rigid Z Shear Force, and Rigid Torsional Moment)
Interfaces - DYNA
Added support for 10-noded tetrahedral elements. Also, added 16..10 Node Tetrahedron - EQ 16
and 17..10 Node Composite Tetrahedron formulations.
Added support for Rigid and Interpolation elements. Writes
(Interpolation) entries.
Interfaces - Geometry
Added support for direct geometry import of SolidWorks parts and assemblies. Supports from
SolidWorks 2000 - SolidWorks 2009.
Changed CATIA V5 direct geometry translator. CATIA V5 versions R7 to R18 are supported.
Reading of CATParts and CATProducts created using versions prior to R7 is not supported
Added support for Parasolid 20.0
Added support for Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology (version 21)
Added support for NX 6
Added support for Pro/Engineer Wildfire 4
Added support for ACIS 19, Service Pack 1
Modified Directional Pressure loads to no longer be affected by choosing a particular element face.
Added option to apply nodal constraints using the -1..Use Nodal Output System option when
choosing a coordinate system.
Updated Load Definitions. If a geometry load is applied to multiple curves at the same time, a
double load will not be created on shared nodes.
Mesh Associativity
Added Transformation buttons for Deformation Vector and Contour Vector in the Select
PostProcessing dialog box of the View, Select command. These allow for on-the-fly
transformations of current output vectors.
Added several options to the Model, Output, Transform command.
Check, Coincident Elem...
Added choice between Quick Check (Just Corners) and Full Check.
Added Check Rigid Element option.
Check, Distortion...
Added Nastran Warping and Combined Element Checks
Added Permanent and Reset buttons to the Check Element Distortions dialog box.
User Interface
Removed preference for Autoplot Created/Modified Geometry. FEMAP needs to do this in order to
function properly.
Added preference for XOR Picking Graphics.
Added preference for Dialog Refresh.
Added preference for Block Size.
User Interface
Updated how Load Layout works when loading a layout from an older version of the software into
a newer version. If a *.LAYOUT file is loaded into a newer version of the software, only Shortcut
Keys and User Commands will be updated, while Menus and Toolbars and Panes will not.
Added Construction Geometry - when used preference.
Added Output Orientation button which accesses the Current Output Orientation dialog box.
Added Element Distortion button which accesses the Element Distortion Preferences dialog box.
Added Pre-v10 Tet Meshing and Pre-v10 Surface Meshing preferences.
Added Improve Single Field Precision option.
Added preference for setting the default color of Combined Curves.
Added preference for Print Debug Messages.
Added feElementFreeFace
Added feSurfaceNormalDeviation
Added feAddToolbarSubmenuSubmenu
Added feBoundaryAddSurfaces
Added feCoordVectorPlaneIntersect
Added feSurfaceConvert
Added feGroupMoveToLayer
Added feBoundaryFromPoints
Added feAutoMeshAssociativity
Added feSolidStitchNoCleanup
Added feAppVersion
Modified feFilePictureSave to support new file types available in File, Picture, Save.
Modified feOutputTransform to support new options available in Model, Output, Transform.
Modified feRenumber to allow renumbering of Layups, Connectors, Regions, Connection
Properties, Functions, Analysis Sets, and Layers.
Modified feDelete to allow deleting of Layups, Analysis Sets in the Analysis Manager, Connection
Properties, and Connectors.
Corrected problem that caused a hidden FEMAP process to remain after you exited with File, Exit
command if you were using network licensing and did not have a valid license. FEMAP was
checking for a license during exit and hung the process.
Analysis Manager
Fixed problem when a Nastran Static Analysis Set is created, then the Analysis Type is changed to
Normal Modes. FEMAP was not removing the Load Set and Initial Conditions boundary
conditions, which are not available for Normal Modes analysis.
Fixed problem migrating Contact properties to Connection Properties. The Contact properties for
NX, Sinda, Ansys, Marc were not being migrated properly.
Fixed problem reading Connection Regions from the neutral file. The ID offsets were ignored.
Fixed problem when renumbering Coordinate Systems. The reference csys in Connection Regions
were not being renumbered.
Fixed problem when renumbering Materials. The Material references in Connection Properties
were not being renumbered.
Fixed problem when renumbering Load Sets. The Load Set references in Rotor connection regions
were not being renumbered.
Corrected problem with Group->Operations->Add Related that added extra entities into each group
if you selected multiple groups for a single command
Fixed error FEMAP v9.3+ unable to read neutral files from versions between v4.1 and v5.0 if they
contained laminate properties.
Only write TMG records to neutral file when writing the analysis model (not geometry model) and
only if no group
Interfaces - Nastran
Fixed problem requesting Random output. Added support for NX5.0 and MSC 2004 NORPRINT,
RPRINT, RPUNCH. This caused problems in FEMAP since random output was written to the f06
file, which causes Femap to skip reading of the op2 file completely.
Fixed problems reading the op2 file when unsupported composite output existed. FEMAP
sometimes could skip supported output in addition to the unsupported output.
Enhanced FEMAP to support reading up to 50,000 time steps from the f06 and now issues a error
when exceeding the number of supports steps.
Changed entry length limit from MAX_STR_LEN to 1000.
Fixed problem when skipping the UM field on RBE3's.
Fixed problem reading AUTOSPC,NO that caused Femap to write out two AUTOSPC entries
when file was exported out again.
Corrected reading of PCOMP if all plies are specified in a single column. Previously aborted
reading as soon as it encountered a missing ply.
Corrected several issues with checksum on Nastran files when using INCLUDE files - had a
problem with spaces at the front or back of a line, tabs and blank lines.
Corrected reading of Nastran OP2 file from Design Optimization analyses. Previously some results
data could be missed.
Fixed problem when writing only entities in a group to Nastran. No geometry based BC we being
Fixed problem writing Design Optimization constraints for CTRIA elements.
Corrected problem reading op2 files with time steps smaller than 1E-7. Changed to 1E-15, so
FEMAP can read the time steps it can write.
Fixed reading of PWELD elements which were reading properly, but issuing error messages
indicating they had been skipped.
Fixed problem writing LOAD card. When applying only a GRAV load an extra load field was
written on the LOAD entry.
Fixed problem where density for MAT4, MAT5, MATHP, MATHE, MAT10 were not being
converted with WTMASS during import of Nastran files.
Corrected problem where Femap was incorrectly reading End B of a PBEAML.
Added error if Initial Yield Stress was zero for a plastic material using Von Mises or Tresca
Interfaces - NX Nastran
Fixed the problem where FEMAP was not writing out the proper DPHASE entries for frequency
response analysis when translating to NEi Nastran
Interfaces - Ansys
Corrected problem writing Transient, NLTransient, Transient heat transfer and Frequency response.
A solve command was being written at the end of these solutions which cased Ansys to sometime
overwrite the good results that were calculated from the analysis.
Corrected a problem writing elemental convection loads, where the bulk temperature was written to
the wrong face.
Fixed problem reading Ansys elements when no real constants were required for that element type.
Interfaces - Abaqus
Fixed problem reading element continuation lines when the data line contained a single fixed
format item.
Corrected listing of Geometry loads to list in definition CSys instead of global CSys
Corrected "Curve using Point" listing method to work properly for all solid curves. Previously,
only selected curves that referenced points in the point list.
Corrected problem that caused listing of Constraint Definitions to fail if you had the List,
Destination set to Printer.
Fixed problem setting nodal output Csys to 1 or 2 for constraint expansion when Arbitrary in CSys
option is used.
Fixed problem when multiple Constraint Definitions were defined on the same geometric entity.
Constraints are deleted but the Constraint Definition was not updated.
Fixed problem expanding nodal temperatures with a data surface. If load evaluated to zero it was
not being saved properly.
Fixed problem editing face of a Surface Load from the Load Definition.
Fixed problem where a mesh consisting of parabolic beams is created, then converted to linear
elements. The converted linear beams would not be written to NX Nastran.
Corrected an issue introduced in v9.3.1 that prevented Modify, Move By, Offset Element from
Check, Coincident Curves
Updated Tools, Check, Coincident Curves command to properly renumber boundary surfaces and
update the reversed state when they contain curves that are being merged. Previously the
boundaries were deleted.
Check, Sum Forces
Corrected issue where pressure loads were being summed incorrectly. This error would occurred
when applying corner pressures to the triangular faces of solid tetrahedral or wedge elements.
User Interface
Corrected a problem that could leave the progress bar displayed after aborting a mesh on a bad
Fixed Element checking to automatically zero extra nodes if fixup is allowed - previously
prevented copying rigid elements that had a second node set.
Expanded width of strings allowable in error, Print... so long errors like in Measure Distance do not
get truncated.
Removed error messages for zero length elements that are valid for that element type
Stop ESC key from ending Message Boxes that dont have the Cancel button - previously ended
Yes/No boxes with Yes.
Modified custom tools menu so that it processes like a regular command and the tree gets updated
Fixed a problem when a user chooses a new library. If the library fails to load because it is the
wrong type Femap was still saving the bad library path to the preferences.
Corrected a problem with API method feRenumber and feRenumberOpt when you tried to
renumber Solids or Volumes that would corrupt the database (did not renumber the Solid_Volume
Corrected GetTitleIDList so that it can retrieve the global coordinate system IDs and titles.
Corrected problem in DataTable API that created extra rows if you called AddColumn with
duplicate IDs in the array that you passed.
Corrected problem with feMoveTo. New coordinates were previously required to be in Global
Coordinates, not in the specified coordinate system as documented.
Fixed API problem where the Set object did not persist in some cases when using the select or add
Fixed several problems which caused the Outline property (shape of the beam property when using
a General Cross-Section) of the Property object to not work.
Fixed problem in feMoveOffset that caused it to fail if you did not use Set 1.