Lec7 PDF
Lec7 PDF
Lec7 PDF
Prof. R Srivastava
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Lecture No. # 07
As we have seen in the hydrological cycle, the precipitation falling off the surface of the earth
either runs off from land to the stream or some part of it infiltrates into the ground. The part
which goes into the ground either gets transpired by the plants or goes back to the
atmosphere. Some part of it percolates deep down and contributes to water already inside the
earth. So today we will look at this water which is exists below the ground surface. This is
commonly called ground water or sub surface water. In surface water we have already looked
at various kinds of it. This may be pond, lake, streams or oceans in the sub surface. Let us
look at a cross section of the ground.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:06)
Let us say this is a ground surface and there may be bed rock which is impermeable. So water
will be staying on top of this. This portion shown here by this line is the soil pores, filled with
water therefore this is known as saturated zone. If we take soil samples from inside this
portion the soil will consist of solid grains and the remaining portion will be filled with water.
In other words there is no air inside this zone. If you go above the ground water table or
sometimes simply called water table, and take a sample from here, it will have solid particles.
A part of it will be filled with water and a part of it with air. So we may have a water flow
around the grains and in the middle we may have air. So this portion will be partially
saturated and it is also called zone of aeration because of the presence of air. This zone again
can be sub divided into 3 parts. As we know that whenever water is in a tube it will have a
reaction because of which it will rise within the tube this phenomena is known as the
capillary rise. This occurs because of the surface tension. Same thing happens below the
ground level also. So in this partially saturated zone there is a thin layer which is known as
capillary fringe. We know that the height of the capillary rise depends on the diameter of the
tube therefore the soil diameter will decide the amount of capillary rise. So this thickness of
this capillary fringe will depend on the type of soil. For small grained soil typically the rise is
more, for large grain soils the rise is smaller.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:18)
If we look near the ground surface, there would be a zone just below the ground surface from
which the plants can take water and this is known as the soil water zone. The roots of the
plants can take water from this zone and this goes back into the atmosphere through
transpiration. This zone is important, more for an agricultural engineer but from water
sources point of view, we would be mostly be concerned with the saturated zone or the
ground water.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:13)
If we look at the zone inside between the soil water zone and capillary fringe, we can call it
an intermediate zone.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:04)
So this is how water is distributed below the ground. We have soil water or soil moisture,
then we have intermediate zone, below that we have the capillary fringe and below that we
have a saturated zone in which we are interested because this is the zone which will store and
contribute to the water whenever we want to use it. So if we look at, let us assume this soil
volume which has solid particles. The size of these grains will depend on again what kind of
soil it is. If its sandy soil, the grains will be larger. If it is a clay soil, the grains will be smaller
and then the surrounding area is filled completely with water. There are two things which we
are interested in. One is the amount of water and the amount of water that can be taken out
and speed at which it can be taken out. All the water which is present there may not be taken
out because some of it will be attracted to the grains and will not be available. From a water
sources engineer point of view we have to look at how much of this water is available for us
and the third thing which is also equally important is how fast this can be taken out. Another
thing which is important also is how deep the water table is because the deeper it is, the more
pumping cost we need to use and therefore how deep is the water table. So the depth of the
water table is also important.
These questions need to be answered before we try to utilise this water source which is
available within the ground. If we try to compare surface water and subsurface water, we find
some advantages in surface water. The advantage is in sub surface water. For example if we
want to use surface water from a river, it has to be carried to the area where it is used. So we
need to store the water somewhere, we need to carry it to the population which needs that
water. So we need a storage system and we need some conveyance system like pipe,
networks, but in ground water we really do not need the storage because everything is stored
underground and the storage is already available to us. Similarly for conveyance too we do
not need structures because if we store water inside the ground, it will diffuse because the
head difference and will reach to the surrounding areas without laying any conveyance
system and therefore the cost of the storage and conveyance system is not present. So it will
be less expensive. On the other hand we need to pump it because typically it will be available
at a very great depth.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:31)
So at the ground surface, the water table will be somewhere here (Refer Slide Time: 10:38)
and this bed rock. So if we need to take this water out, we need to install pumps which will be
expensive and we need to constantly put in energy to take this water out. If the water table is
close to the ground level then we can just dig a well and get water from the dug well. But if it
is very deep then we have to have some kind of bore wells which will be able to go very deep
and we have to install a pump to pump this water out. So let us look at these things one by
one. Firstly, let us assume the amount of water.
In soil mechanics we have seen a term called porosity which is defined as the ratio of volume
of voids by the total volume of the soil sample, so if this (Refer Slide Time: 11:56) is the soil
sample and the total volume of the sample is V, then we need to know what is the void space.
We call that volume as V V and the ratio of these two is known as the porosity. Per unit
volume the amount of pore space is available is the porosity and if it saturated with water
then that means that much water is present. We denote it by symbol eta. This amount of water
is available, this is not available but it is present there. How much is available needs to be
seen but this much water is present in the soil sample of a unit volume. Now all of this will
not be available because some of the water which is very close to the grains.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:48)
It is attached quite solidly to these particles and cannot be removed. So in order to look at the
availability, we have a term which is known as specific yield. Now this specific yield which
is denoted by S y is the amount of water which can be drained under gravity. So you take a
soil sample saturated with water and allow it to drain. After draining, there will be some
water left inside the sample attached to the grains and may be sometimes between grains but
the rest of the water can be taken out and this is known as the specific yield of the formation.
So we can define it as the amount of water drained under gravity per unit volume of the
formation. Specific yield is the term which is more important to us than porosity. Two soils
may have the same porosity but they may have very different specific yields.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:29)
For example sand may have a porosity of about 0.3 and specific yield may be of the order 0.1
or 0.2 while clay can have a high porosity. Sometimes it may be a highest point, 5.6 or even
higher but the specific yield is typically small. So it may be 1 percent or 0.055 percent. So
though we can see that a clay formation stores a lot of water, the amount of available water to
us will be small and therefore we would prefer to have a sandy formation in which there is
storage and it can yield sufficient quantity of water too. A formation which stores water may
not be able to yield water.
The other term which we sometimes use although, specific yield is more important to us and
specific retention is the amount of water retained. Therefore S y + S r are the specific retention
S r , so out of total porosity, if we take out S y then the amount retained by the soil will be S r ,
so what we understand from this is the specific retention will be higher for and less for sand
and we understood what I prefer or the formation should be able to store enough water and
should be able yield enough water. So based on these two criteria, we classify the formations
in four different categories.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:28)
These categories are aquifer, which is the most important for us. Since it can also store water,
we would call it as porous. So porous means that it has lot of pores and therefore it can store
lot of water and it can also transmit water at a good rate. Now this term is qualitative. It may
change from place to place another. Sometimes soil formation may be yielding a good rate
for our purpose in some area. The same formation may be yielding water at the same rate but
the yield may not be good for some other purpose. Therefore this is qualitative and will
depend on the purpose of which we are using the water. We have already seen the case for
(Refer Slide Time: 17:45)
This depends on porosity and specific yield porosity of course is important but specific yield
is more important in water resources engineering because this is the amount which is
available to us for transmissibility or how fast the formation is able to transmit water. We
have a term which is known as the permeability or hydraulic conductivity. We will look at
these in detail later. But right now we can just think about these as the ability of the formation
to transmit water. So if the hydraulic connectivity is larger that means the water can be
transmitted at a faster rate for the same conditions.
It has a porosity which is high or specific yield which is high and it has a high hydraulic
conductivity. Also the example of an aquifer would be a sandy or gravel kind of formation.
So the aquifer is able to store and transmit water at a good rate. The second kind of formation
which we classify is known as aquifuge, which is just the opposite of the aquifer. It cannot
store water and it cannot transmit also at a good rate. So it is non porous and we can say the
transmissibility is very small or impermeable. So these are of course not good for our purpose
because they do not have enough water and they are impermeable. Also so we cannot take
whatever little water is available. We cannot take it out very easily. So examples of this
aquifuge will be rock, which has very small porosity and very small conductivity. So this of
course is not useful for our purpose. Aquifer is the one that we will be using most often. So
this term aquifer will be used to refer to all soil formations and which are of use to us. The
other two classifications are aquiclude and aquitard. Aquicludes are porous and less
permeable so that they can store water. For example clay, but the conductivity is very small.
The aquitards, as the name suggests retards the velocity. It has a very low velocity formation.
So out of these as we discussed, aquifer is the one which we will be targeting for our purpose.
So we have to answer the questions as to how much water can be taken out and how deep we
will we have to go for pumping the water.
In other words for any aquifer if this a ground level water table and there is bed rock here,
this is the ground level, we need to know that if we put a pump here, how deep do we have to
install the pump because that will affect the cost of the well. Deeper the well, the more will
be the cost. We need to know that when we pump water out, how much can be pumped now.
Of course the pumping rate will depend on what the transmissitivity of the aquifer is. But if
we pump more, the ground water level will go down. There will be some recharge to the
aquifer which denotes how deep the percolation is from the amount precipitated in that area.
So if we want to be on the safe side then our pumping should not exceed the recharge. But it
does not happen because we need the pumping in areas where the rainfall is low or in arid
zones and therefore the recharge is very small. Therefore the pumping rate is much higher
than the recharge and slowly the ground water level starts to go down and with time we will
see a lowering of the water table. So we need to be able to answer the question as to what is
the safe value of Q. It will not result in excessive growth down of the water table so in order
to analyse this behaviour of the aquifer, we have discussed earlier. We have this property of
hydraulic connectivity for the aquifer which we find out because this will govern the
hydraulic conductivity, denoted by K.
This will govern the rate at which the water can be taken out. So I prefer description can be
thought of in terms of its porosity, its specific yield, hydraulic conductivity, or permeability.
So these are some important parameters of the aquifer. For an aquifer which is shown here in
which the water table is open, it means the pressure at the water table will be atmospheric. So
if we look at this point or this point or at this point (Refer Slide Time: 25:24), the pressure
will be atmospheric. We can call it 0 pressure. Of course, above this there will be F capillary
fringe which will have negative pressure. But we will not be concerned about this capillary
fringe. We will just assume that saturated zone is present and we will call it the water table
and look at the behaviour of water flow in this. Now if the water table is open to the
atmosphere, we say it is an unconfined aquifer and the behaviour of this unconfined aquifer is
very different from the other kind of aquifer which we call confined. In confined aquifers if
this is a ground level we may have a layer of impermeable material. So this is the bed rock or
there may be another impermeable layer below this. But this impermeable layer confines the
water. So this area is saturated but because of the presence of this confining layer, the aquifer
water is under pressure. This water is under pressure compared to this which will open to
atmosphere or it will not confine from the top. Therefore the pressure will be atmospheric at
this point or we can say an unconfined aquifer on top of the water level will be subjected to 0
atmospheric pressure. In confined, the flow will occur under pressure and again depending on
the pressure difference, the water will move from one location to the other. In terms of the
movement of water we can define a head which is known as the piezometric head. So let us
look at this new term which we have defined.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:23)
This just means the amount of much water that will rise in a piezometer which is placed in
the aquifer. If we look at unconfined aquifer, ground level, water table, ground water table
and bed rock. If we put a tube of water here, the water will rise in this tube up to the ground
water table because the pressure is atmospheric there. But if we take a confined aquifer, a
confining layer and then rock if we put a tube in this water, it will rise above the confining
layer because this water is under pressure and it may be coming from some area recharged at
this location. So this water is coming from let us say higher elevation, so the head of the
water will correspond to a very simplistic way. We can show that this water will rise up to the
level from which it is being recharged. So this is known as the piezometric head and it is the
difference in the piezometric head which governs the flow of water. If there is no difference
in the piezometric head then there will be no movement of water. So if we take another tube
here, another piezometer here, the water may rise up to this point. So there will be a head
difference which will cause the flow. If we plot the piezometric head it may look like this and
the gradient of this is denoted by i, is called the hydraulic gradient. So in unconfined aquifers
the hydraulic gradient will be nothing but the slope of the ground water table because if you
put a piezometer here, water will rise up to the ground water table. So the slope of this ground
water table will give the hydraulic gradient. But in confined aquifers the piezometric head
difference, delta h and so this gradient is the driving force for the ground water flow.
In a very famous experiment which was conducted almost 150 years ago by Darcy, in which
a tube filled with soil was subjected to some water flow of let us say, amount Q in units of
meter cube per second or feet cube per second. What the experiment looked at was, if this a
tube of cross section area A, the head difference between these two piezometers is delta h and
a length of L then what Darcy found was that the amount of water flowing would be
proportional to i where i is the hydraulic gradient and the area of cross section. So if you take
a different experiments with different hydraulic gradients, the amount of flow Q would be
directly proportional to the hydraulic gradient i and area of cross section A. Therefore he
introduced the constant of proportionality and called it permeability or hydraulic
conductivity. So the dimension of this K will be the same as velocity that is meter per second
or feet per second.
So if you look at this equation, we have a way of defining the hydraulic conductivity. For
example if you say that there is a unit of cross section area tube subjected to unit hydraulic
gradient then Q = K. So, hydraulic conductivity can be defined as the amount of flow passing
through a unit cross sectional area of soil with a unit hydraulic gradient. We can write K = Q
for i = 1 and A = 1 and what it tells is that, if hydraulic conductivity is higher, then we will
have more amount of flow from the soil. For any given hydraulic gradient or given area, now
if you look at the value of K, we say that it has a velocity dimension, the Q which is the
amount of flow which is in terms of volume per unit time. So if we divide Q by the area, we
would get a term which will be similar to velocity
So we can write this term Q over A is an apparent velocity and why we call it apparent is
because the whole cross section area of the tube, suppose this is the cross section area A of
the tube, then this area consists of soil particles as well as the pore space filled with water. So
when we divide it by area we are not accounting for the area of flow. The area of flow that is
the area from which the flow is taking place will not be equal to A, but will be equal to the
porosity times A. It can be shown that the volumetric porosity and the cross sectional area
porosity are same values. Therefore the area of the flow, actually pore space is the amount
which is occupied by water, is smaller than A by an amount which is equal to the porosity. So
the real velocity which sometimes is also called seapage velocity will not be equal to Q over
A but will be equal to Q over eta.
Generally, the term, apparent velocity is used. But sometimes we also call it Darcy velocity
and it is denoted by small Q. The real velocity or sea page velocity is also written as Q over
eta because Q over A is a Darcy velocity. So this is the actual velocity of flow and what it
means is that if you take a soil sample and let us say we put some object here (Refer Slide
Time: 34:48), we inject a die then the velocity at which this will move will be the actual
velocity and we then use the notation V to denote the actual velocity. So if we put an object
in the ground water its velocity of flow will be equal to Q over eta and not equal to the Darcy
velocity. The hydraulic conductivity is therefore a very important parameter and there are
various ways of determining the hydraulic conductivity for different soil formations. Gravel
will have a very high conductivity. Sand will have a little smaller and clay will be very small
conductivity. So in order to have formation which yields enough water and also very fast, we
should have a high porosity, specific yield and hydraulic conductivity. So in order to compute
the amount of flow through an aquifer, the Darcys law is used.
As we have seen Darcy's law tells that discharge Q will be proportional to the hydraulic
gradient in the area and the constant of proportionality used is the hydraulic conductivity. So
if you look at let us say confined aquifer, then we have these confining layers and if you look
at the permeability of K for this and the area of A, let us say that these two piezometers are
installed here which show a head difference of delta h in a length of L. let us say that
thickness of the aquifer is B. Therefore if we consider unit area, we consider a two
dimensional case in which we say that aquifer is extending for a very large distance
perpendicular to this plane and consider unit width of aquifer, then the area will be B into 1.
We can write then KB delta h over L. So this term K into B for confined aquifers occurs very
commonly in these equations and therefore it has been given a symbol of T and called
transmissivity. For unconfined aquifers, the thickness of aquifer h varies from point to point.
So if there is a gradient here then we can say that we will have some head here h 1 or some
height h 1 and a smaller height here h 2 depending on the location of the bed rock, the bed rock
level is assumed horizontal then if there is a gradient like this h 2 will typically be smaller
than h 1 . But in confined aquifers assuming that this thickness B is constant K, B can be
replaced by the transmissibility. So in order to find out the amount of flow which can occur
through the aquifer, for a given difference of head, we use the Darcys and then we use the
Darcys law to get the continuity equation which tells us a mass balance over a certain
For example if we take an element like this which has let us say length of delta x, there is
some flow coming in here from the left hand side. We can call it q and there is some flow
which is leaving which based on the expansion can be written as q + del q/del x into delta x.
So the continuity equation says that mass has to conserved. This means the net inflow into
this volume should be equal to the change of storage.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:06)
So there is some water stored in this element and if we assume that the porosity is data and
consider unit width perpendicular to this length then the volume of water present inside this
sample or inside this elementary volume can be given by, we take a unit width here, let us say
that the width is 1 and also one perpendicular this length. So eta delta x will be the volume of
water stored within this element now. If this mass balance has to be satisfied, it leads to the
continuity equation which says that net inflow equal to change of the storage. So if we take
this confined aquifer in which we are saying that there is no change in the height, what we are
looking at is a constant height B. Let us assume a certain length delta x. So if we look at this
volume, since there is no change in the volume, you can compare this case with unconfined
aquifer in which case, suppose you are pumping water from this aquifer with time, the water
level will go down or in case you have well here it may go down as this(Refer Slide Time:
47:58). But the area or the volume is changing with time but here in confined aquifers the
area and therefore the volume is not changing with time therefore the mass can change with a
change in the density. Here the compressibility of water as well as the soil will be important.
(Refer Slide Time: 48:42)
As we know the soil is compressible when you have a confined aquifer which is being
pumped as water is released from the aquifer, the pressure goes down. So to this aquifer,
some pressure will now be subjected to a lower pressure and therefore the density of water
will change and the soil density will also change. So the soil metrics, compressibility and
water compressibility will affect the release of water from this volume. Therefore when we
write continuity equation for confined aquifer case, the compressibility of soil and water have
to be taken into account. For unconfined case, since it is atmospheric pressure and water is
incompressible under atmospheric or small pressure conditions therefore compressibility of
water and soil does not enter into picture. Here the specific yield is more important. Specific
yield will decide how much water will come out of an unconfined aquifer but soil
compressibility and water compressibility will affect the yield or the release of water from the
confined aquifer. So when we derive the continuity equation it is by nature different for
confined and unconfined aquifers. We would look at the derivation of the continuity equation
using Darcy's law and balancing the inflow and the rate of change of storage within the
So if we write the Darcy's law, let us put the area on this side. This is the basic equation
which we have to use in all our computations of continuity or mass balance. What it says is
that there is a velocity which is proportional to head loss because this i is proportional to
piezometric head loss. Now we have already seen in pipe flow cases that for laminar flow, the
head loss is proportional to velocity and for turbulent there is nonlinear relationship where
head loss is proportional to velocity to the power n. n is around 1.7 1.75. So if we look at
Darcy's law, it tells us is that the flow has to be laminar in order that the Darcy's law is valid
and velocity is proportional to delta h or the head loss is proportional to first power of
velocity. We need to have some kind of laminar flow within the porous media. So let us look
at flow through a pore and let us say that we have these kinds of soil particles and there is a
tube, a porous tube through which water is flowing.
The diameter of this porous tube of course, will depend on the diameter of the grains. As w.r
to pipe flow, we can define a Reynolds number as velocity, some length which typically will
take as diameter and the kinematic viscosity. This diameter in pipe flow is the diameter of the
pipe. So here since diameter of the pore will depend on the diameter of the grains, we can put
the grain diameter here which may be let say d 10 or d 50 or d 90 of the soil velocity. V can be
put as the Darcy velocity and this new, is the kinematic viscosity of water. So when we look
at the Darcy's law its applicability will depend on the Reynolds number in pipe flow. We
know that the Reynolds number Re should be less than about 2000 for the flow to be laminar.
In porous media, based on experiment, this has been found that Re should be lesser than 1.
This is for pipe flow, circular pipe and for a porous media, using a grain size as the
characteristic length, the diameter here d; Re should be less than 1 for the Darcy's law to be
applicable. So the applicability of the Darcy's law will be limited to small velocities. In
general, ground water flows at a very small velocity.
So generally Re is less than one and therefore Darcy's law will be applicable. But in some
cases Darcy's law will not be applicable. For example if you are pumping water from a well,
the velocity far away from the well may be small. But as water comes closer to the well, the
velocity becomes very large. So it may not be valid in some portion here. For high pumping
rates, very close to the well, Darcy's law may not be applicable. Similarly for flow through
gravels sometimes we may get velocities which are very high and Darcy's law may not be
valid. So when we apply Darcy's law in order to derive the continuity equation we should be
aware of the limitation that the Reynolds number should be less than 1. So we have to check
the Reynolds number and ensure that this is less than 1 and then apply the Darcy's law. The
second thing which we notice in Darcy's law is this term K hydraulic conductivity.
(Refer Slide Time: 57:46)
So if we write q = Ki, the term K will depend on both the fluid and also the medium. For
example if you have a medium which is fixed, for example sand for different fluids, the
hydraulic conductivity will be different. So suppose you have sand now. K for oil and K for
water will be different for the same material; similarly if we have water, then K for sand and
K for clay will be different. So the hydraulic conductivity term includes both the fluid
property and the medium property. We will see little later that we can partition this into 2
parts and intrinsic permeability K into a term which will only depend on the fluid. So we will
derive the continuity equation the next time using Darcy's law. So in todays lecture we have
seen what is ground water, what is the basic Darcy's law that governs the flow to the ground
water and what should be kept in mind while applying the Darcy's law. We have also seen
different kinds of formations in terms of their water bearing capacities and water transmitting
capacities and in the next lecture we will derive the continuity equation for different kinds of