Coca Cola Ad
Coca Cola Ad
Coca Cola Ad
woman who was waiting for the bus, next to her appears a message in which
that popular meme of the lucky boy saying We got this. Maybe the ad
does not have someone who is narrating, but it includes images that can have
a specific message and their viewers can deduce it. This advertisement wants
to offer a new life style to viewers, and Coca Cola wants to transmit the
importance of changing our attitudes and make it happy as the slogan of
Coca Cola says, also the phrase that they want the consumer to think about it
is The world is what we make it thats what we need to make, to create a
new world.
Although theres no one who is narrating the ad, there is a specific language
on the advertisement: the images. With images, things can be easily
understood, and the message of changing our attitudes in our lives is related
with all that images of the specific situation. People commonly react in a
positive way when they relate an object or situation, in this case they can feel
identified with that virtual situations, as the constant negative messages
people receives or even news with negative content. These images are an
easy way that people can be persuaded, cause they relate things with their
lives. The images are a type of language, cause by only watching them,
messages can be deduced. The impact consumers receive is so big, that
easily they can be persuaded to buy their product, because in other words
Coca Cola is saying that their product can bring happiness to their lives, and
negative views can change.
As it could be saw, people receive different kinds of influence in their lives,
thanks to the obtainment of information from different parts. The question
named at the beginning of the text was already answered through the analysis
of the ad; people can have influence on what they told to them. (As it was
shown on the ad) This advertisement was not as simple as it supposed to be;
it is loaded of afterthoughts, its principal on: the importance on not allowing
that bad thoughts, negative comments or situations to overshadow our lives,
cause as they said on the ad the world is what we make, and it depends on
our decisions how can we make it happier and enjoyable. Life is an
adventure, so we need to make that adventure just and amazing one, as if it is
a constant dream.