1st Grade Mental Math
1st Grade Mental Math
1st Grade Mental Math
MM 1-1
MM 1-4
1, 2, 3, ... (4, 5, 6)
5, 6, 7, ... (8, 9, 10)
7, 8, 9, ... (10, 11, 12)
MM 1-2
When you count what number comes after
7? (8)
6 (7)
4 (5)
9 (10)
7 (8)
14 (15)
18 (19)
Continue with all the number cards.
MM 1-3
Hold up a number card. What is this
MM 1-6
Give the child the number cards. Hold up the
number which comes after the ones I say.
Show a 4.
Show a 5.
8 (9)
4 (5)
9 (10)
7 (8)
14 (15)
18 (19)
Show a 7.
Show a 9.
MM 1-11
MM 1-8
MM 1-12
MM 1-9
MM 1-13
MM 1-10
Every student takes out 1 pencil. Ask
students to estimate how many of a certain
color are in their row or group.
Check to make sure.
MM 1-17
MM 1-15
MM 1-18
MM 1-16
What is 2 more than 5? (7)
What is 1 more than 8? (9)
What is 3 more than 7? (10)
What is 0 more than 6? (6)
Repeat for numbers less than 10. Only use
0, 1, 2, 3 more than.
MM 1-22
Draw a triangle.
MM 1-23
MM 1-20
Do you know an object shaped like a
MM 1-24
Ill start counting backwards and you keep
going when I stop.
6, 5, 4, ... (3, 2, 1)
Continue with other shapes.
10, 9, 8, ... (7, 6, 5)
MM 1-21
Draw a shape on the board. Ask the
students to name an object shaped like
Repeat with other shapes.
MM 1-27
8? (7)
13 (12, 11)
9? (8)
8 (7, 6)
5? (4)
11? (10)
MM 1-26
MM 1-28
6? (5)
4? (3)
7? (6)
8? (7)
MM 1-31
MM 1-32
Start counting from 7 and count back to 4.
How many did you count? (3)
Start with 8 and count back to 6. How
many did you count? (2)
Continue with other numbers, never having
the child count back more than 3.
MM 1-30
Kim had 7 cookies. She gave 2 cookies
to her friend. How many cookies does
Kim have left? (5)
There are 8 girls in the swings. 3 went
away to play. How many are left? (5)
Mark had 9 flowers in his garden.
Someone took away 1. How many did
Mark have left? (8)
Continue. One of the numbers in each
problem should be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
Repeat for many days during the time the
students are learning the subtraction facts
involving 0, 1, 2 and 3.
MM 1-33
How much larger is 6 than 4? (2) How
much larger is 7 than 6? (1) How much
larger is 9 than 6? (3)
Repeat for numbers less than 10. Only use
numbers which are 0, 1, 2 or 3 apart.
Repeat for many days during the time the
students are learning the subtraction facts
with answers of 0, 1, 2 or 3.
MM 1-37
MM 1-35
Blaine had 5 tractors. He lost 4 of them.
How many did he have left? (1)
Alicia raised 8 hamsters. One day 6 ran
away. How many did she have left? (2)
Ronald had a pack of gum with 8 pieces
in it. He chewed 5 pieces. How many did
he have left? (3)
MM 1-39
Continue. In each problem the answer
should be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
MM 1-36
When the students are ready mix
subtraction problems where one number is
0, 1, 2 or 3 and when the answer is 0, 1, 2
or 3.
MM 1-42
1. What is 6 + 3? (9)
3. 9 + 2? (11)
5. 5 + 5 - 3? (7)
2. 5 - 1? (4)
4. 8 - 2? (6)
MM 1-43
1. What is 4 + 4? (8)
2. 2 + 7? (9)
3. 10 - 2? (8)
4. 9 - 3? (6)
5. 7 - 2 + 3? (8)
MM 1-41
MM 1-44
1. What is 7 + 2? (9)
2. 8 + 3? (11)
3. 8 - 3? (5)
4. 7 - 2? (5)
5. 6 + 3 - 2? (7)
MM 1-47
6 tens? (60)
7 tens? (70)
How many tens in 50? (5)
30? (3)
80? (8)
Continue with questions of this type.
MM 1-46
MM 1-48
MM 1-53
Count by 5s to 100.
MM 1-51
MM 1-54
MM 1-52
MM 1-58
What is 10 + 5? (15)
10 + 6? (16)
10 + 8? (18)
10 + 2? (12)
Repeat for all numbers between 11 and 19.
MM 1-56
MM 1-59
What is 20 + 7? (27)
What is 30 + 4? (34)
3 + 10? (13)
What is 50 + 6? (56)
5 + 10? (15)
What is 80 + 9? (89)
2 + 10? (12)
MM 1-57
MM 1-60
8 + 10? (18)
4 + 10? (14)
9 + 10? (19)
MM 1-64
MM 1-65
MM 1-62
MM 1-66
MM 1-63
MM 1-67
Which would be more: one fourth of a pie
or one third of a pie? (1/3)
MM 1-71
MM 1-69
MM 1-72
MM 1-70
It is now 9:30. What time will it be in 2
hours? (11:30)
It takes Jims family 4 hours to travel to
Grandmothers house. If they leave home
at 1:00, what time will they get to
Grandmothers house? (5:00)
Continue with stories involving adding
MM 1-75
MM 1-76
Continue with problems of this type. Make
sure the child can add or subtract the
numbers involved.
MM 1-74
Lets make 12. Ill say a number. You tell
me a number to add to mine to make 12.
4 (8)
MM 1-77
What is 4 + 4? (8)
What is 4 + 5? (9)
What is 6 + 6? (12)
What is 6 + 7? (13)
6 (6)
What is 8 + 8? (16)
7 (5)
What is 8 + 9? (17)
9 (3)
MM 1-80
What is 32 + 2? (34)
41 + 3? (44)
53 + 1? (54)
47 + 2? (49)
64 + 3? (67)
73 + 2? (75)
MM 1-79
MM 1-81
What is 12 - 3? (9)
8 - 2? (6)
9 - 1? (8)
8 - 0? (8)
11 - 8? (3)
7 - 4? (3)
7 - 2? (5)
10 - 8? (2)
6 - 0? (6)
Continue with subtraction facts where the
answer is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 1, 2, or 3 is taken
MM 1-85
MM 1-83
What is 6 + 3 + 2? (11)
What is 7 + 2 + 1? (10)
What is 5 + 4 + 3? (12)
Continue adding three numbers. Make
sure the last two numbers are either 3, 2, 1
or 0.
MM 1-84
Martha had 6 pencils. She got 3 more
from Nancy and 2 more from John. How
many does Martha have now? (11)
Paul has 8 marbles. He wins 7 from Sean
and 2 more from Kent. How many does
he have now? (17)
MM 1-86
At the party, Vicki blew up 11 balloons.
Seven balloons popped. How many
balloons are left? (4)
Twelve children went to the movies. Five
children sat in the front row. How many
children sat in the second row? (7)
Wendell made 11 pizzas altogether. He
made 5 of them without meat. How many
pizzas did he make with meat? (6)
Repeat problems of this type.
MM 1-90
MM 1-88
How much is 1 nickel and 2 pennies
worth? (7 cents)
How much is 1 nickel and 4 pennies
worth? (9 cents)
How much is 3 nickels & 2 pennies worth?
(17 cents)
How much is 5 nickels and 4 pennies
worth? (29 cents)
Continue with questions using up to 10
nickels & 0 through 5 pennies.
MM 1-89
MM 1-91
How much is 3 dimes, 1 nickel and 2
pennies worth? (37 cents)
How much is 4 dimes, 2 nickels and 8
pennies worth? (58 cents)
How much is 1 dime, 3 nickels and 4
pennies worth? (29 cents)
Continue with questions using up to 9
dimes, up to 7 nickels and 0 to 9 pennies.
MM 1-92
MM 1-95
MM 1-94
Mary had 2 nickels. Her mother gave her
3 pennies. How much money does she
have? (13 cents)
MM 1-96
MM 1-99
6 + 7 (6 + 6 or 7 + 7)
8 + 9 (8 + 8 or 9 + 9)
3 + 4 (3 + 3 or 4 + 4)
7 + 8 (7 + 7 or 8 + 8)
MM 1-100
What is 4 + 5? (9)
6 + 7? (13)
8 + 9? (17)
7 + 8? (15)
5 + 6? (11)
MM 1-104
8 + 7? (15)
MM 1-102
Continue with problems of this type.
What is 4 + 3? (7)
5 + 6? (11)
8 + 9? (17)
8 + 7? (15)
MM 1-105
Present these numbers with the larger ones
either in first or second position.
MM 1-103
Ronnie bought some candy. He ate 5
pieces and still had 6 pieces left. How
many pieces of candy did he buy? (11)
Billie had 7 cars. His mother gave him 6
more. How many cars does Billie have
now? (13)
Repeat other double story problems.
MM 1-107
A cage in the pet store had 9 birds in it. 6
were sold. How many are still left? (3)
One board is 9 feet long. Another is 7 feet
long. How much longer is the first board?
(2 feet)
Bill has 4 cents. He needs 10 cents to buy
a candy bar. How much more does Bill
need? (6 cents)
Continue with subtraction story problems
similar to these.
MM 1-108
How many feet in a yard? (3)
How many inches in a foot? (12)
How many eggs in a dozen? (12)
How many shoes in a pair? (2)