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(Gambarajah 1.1 Menunjukkan Struktur Satu Sel Tumbuhan.) : Structure Function

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Diagram 2.1 shows the structure of a plant cell.

[Gambarajah 1.1 menunjukkan struktur satu sel tumbuhan.]

Diagram 2.1
[Rajah 1.1]

(a) (i) Name X and Y.

[Namakan X dan Y ]
X : ..
Y: .....................
[2 marks]
(ii) By using an arrow (

), match X to its correct function.

[Dengan menggunakan satu anak panah (

), padankan X kepada fungsinya yang betul]





Stores water in the cell

[menyimpan air di dalam sel]

Site of cellular respiration

[tapak respirasi sel]
Controls all activities in the cell
[mengawal semua aktiviti di dalam sel]

[1 mark]
(b) Diagram 2.2 shows the detail structure of Y.

Diagram 1.2
(i) Name an organ in a plant where Y is found abundantly.
Give a reason for your answer.
[Namakan satu organ dalam tumbuhan dimana Y didapati dengan banyaknya.
Beri satu sebab bagi jawapan anda ]

Name of the organ:........

[ Nama organ ]

Reason :
[ Sebab ]

[2 marks
(ii) During photosynthesis, P is the site where light reaction occurs whereas Q
is the site where dark reaction occurs.
[Semasa fotosintesis ,P ialah tempat dimana tindakbalas cahaya berlaku sementara Q
ialah tempat dimana tindakbalas gelap berlaku]

Explain how light reaction occurs at P.

[ Terangkan bagaimana tindakbalas cahaya berlaku di P]

[2 marks]

(iii) Explain the effect to the process of dark reaction in Q if the light reaction at
P does not occur.
[ Terangkan kesan kepada proses tindakbalas gelap pada Q jika tindakbalas cahaya pada
P tidak berlaku ]

marks ]
(c)(i) Complete the word equation to show the process of photosynthesis by
filling in the empty box provided.
[Lengkapkan persamaan perkataan di bawah untuk menunjukkan proses fotosintesis
dengan mengisi kotak kosong yang disediakan ]

Carbon dioxide + water



[1 marks]

(ii) Explain the effect on the rate of photosynthesis if the atmospheric

temperature is more than 45 C.
[Terangkan kesan ke atas kadar fotosintesis jika suhu persekitaran bertambah
melebihi 45 C ]

[2 marks

Diagram 3 shows a food pyramid.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan piramid makanan.

Diagram 3
Rajah 3

Label A, B, C and D are the different

classes of food that make up the
balanced diet.
Label A, B, C and D adalah kelas-

kelas makanan yang berbeza dalam

gizi seimbang.
Name the classes of food labeled C and D.
Namakan kelas makanan dilabelkan
C dan D.
C : .....................................................

[2 marks]
State two functions of C ?
Nyatakan dua fungsi bagi C

[2 marks]
Malnutrition caused by the unbalanced diet. Malnutrition of B
for a long term will affects certain health problems.
Malnutrisi berpunca dari gizi yang tidak seimbang.
bagi B dalam tempoh masa yang lama akan


beberapa masalah kesihatan.



Explain the statement above.

Terangkan pernyataan di atas..

[4 marks]
Fermentation and UHT treatment are food processing methods.
Penapaian dan UHT adalah kaedah pemprosesan makanan

(c) Explain how the methods above extend

the life span of the foods.
Terangkan bagaimana kaedah-kaedah di
atas dapat memanjangkan jangka hayat

[4 marks]

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