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International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)

ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-1, March 2012

Analysis of Automatic Speech Recognition

Systems for Indo-Aryan Languages: Punjabi A
Case Study
Wiqas Ghai, Navdeep Singh

Abstract Punjabi, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Sindhi, Bengali,

Nepali, Sinhala, Oriya, Assamese, Urdu are prominent members
of the family of Indo-Aryan languages. These languages are
mainly spoken in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka
and Maldive Islands. All these languages contain huge diversity
of phonetic content. In the last two decades, few researchers
have worked for the development of Automatic Speech
Recognition Systems for most of these languages in such a way
that development of this technology can reach at par with the
research work which has been done and is being done for the
different languages in the rest of the world. Punjabi is the 10th
most widely spoken language in the world for which no
considerable work has been done in this area of automatic
speech recognition. Being a member of Indo-Aryan languages
family and a language rich in literature, Punjabi language
deserves attention in this highly growing field of Automatic
speech recognition. In this paper, the efforts made by various
researchers to develop automatic speech recognition systems for
most of the Indo-Aryan languages, have been analysed and then
their applicability to Punjabi language has been discussed so
that a concrete work can be initiated for Punjabi language.

Index Terms Maximum likelihood linear regression,

Learning vector quantization, Multi layer perceptron,
Cooperative heterogeneous artificial neural network.

Automatic Speech Recognition provides a vehicle for natural
communication between man and machine. Automatic speech
recognition has become an interesting and challenging area of
research and development for the researchers across the
world. It helps to provide a capability to a machine for
responding properly to spoken language. Punjabi, Hindi,
Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Sindhi, Bengali, Nepali, Sinhala,
Assamese and Urdu are Indo-Aryan languages. Indo-Aryan
languages are mostly phonetic in nature. For a phonetic
language, there always exits a one to one mapping between
their pronunciation and orthography. In addition to this,
unlike English and other European languages, these
languages possess a large number of phonemes such as
retroflex and aspirated stops. Indo-Aryan languages, for
which research on automatic speech recognition is being

carried out, are Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Sinhala, Urdu,

Oriya, Assamese and Punjabi. Punjabi being a language with
large number of speakers in the world and
Automatic speech recognition is the process of mapping an
acoustic waveform into a text/the set of words which should
be equivalent to the information being conveyed by the
spoken words. This challenging field of research has almost
made it possible to provide a PC which can perform as a
stenographer, teach the students in their mother language and
read the newspaper of readers choice. The advent and
development of ASR in the last 6 decades has resolved the
issues of the requirements of certain level of literacy, typing
skill, some level of proficiency in English, reading the
monitor by blind or partially blind people, use of computer by
physically challenged people and good hand-eye
co-ordination for using mouse. In addition to this support,
ASR application areas are increasing in number day by day.
Research in Automatic Speech Recognition has various open
issues such as Small/ Medium/ Large vocabulary, Isolated/
speech, Speaker Dependent/
Independent and Environmental robustness.
A. Modules of ASR
Automatic speech recognition system is comprised of
modules as shown in the figure 1.

1. Speech Signal acquisition: At this stage, Analog speech

Speech Signal

Training Data









Figure 1: Block Diagram of ASR System

Manuscript received February 25, 2012.
Wiqas Ghai, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science,
Khalsa College (ASR) of Technology & Business Studies, Mohali.
#01762-228457, (ghaialpha@gmail.com).
Mr. Navdeep Singh, Senior Lecturer, Post Graduate Department of
Computer Science, Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib,

signal is acquired through a high quality, noiseless,

unidirectional microphone in .wav format and converted to
digital speech signal.
2. Feature Extraction: Feature extraction is a very important
phase of ASR development during which a parsimonious
sequence of feature vectors is computed so as to provide a
compact representation of the given input signal. Speech


Analysis of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems for Indo-Aryan Languages: Punjabi A Case Study
analysis of the speech signal acts as first stage of Feature
extraction process where raw features describing the envelope
of power spectrum are generated. An extended feature vector
composed of static and dynamic features is compiled in the
second stage. Finally this feature vector is transformed into
more compact and robust vector. Feature extraction, using
MFCC, is the famous technique used for feature extraction
(Figure 2).





Mel Frequency

Figure 2: Block Diagram of Feature Extraction

3. Acoustic Modelling: Acoustic models are developed to link

the observed features of the speech signals with the expected
phonetics of the hypothesis word/sentence. For generating
mapping between the basic speech units such as phones,
tri-phones & syllables, a rigorous training is carried. During
training, a pattern representative for the features of a class
using one or more patterns corresponding to speech sounds of
the same class.
4. Language & Lexical Modelling: Word ambiguity is an
aspect which has to be handled carefully and acoustic model
alone cant handle it. For continuous speech, word boundaries
are major issue. Language model is used to resolve both these
issues. Generally ASR systems use the stochastic language
models. These probabilities are to be trained from a corpus.
Language accepts the various competitive hypotheses of
words from the acoustic models and thereby generates a
probability for each sequence of words. Lexical model
provides the pronunciation of the words in the specified
language and contains the mapping between words and
phones. Generally a canonical pronunciation available in
ordinary dictionaries is used. To handle the issue of
variability, multiple pronunciation variants for each word are
covered in the lexicon but with care. A G2P systemGrapheme to Phoneme system is applied to better the
performance the ASR system by predicting the pronunciation
of words which are not found in the training data.
5. Model Adaptation: The purpose of performing adaptation
is to minimise the systems performance dependence on
speakers voice, microphones, transmission channel and
acoustic environment so that the generalization capability of
the system can be enhanced. Language model adaptation is
focussed at how to select the model for specific domain.
Adaptation process identifies the nature of domain and,
thereby, selects the specified model.
6. Recognition: Recognition is a process where an unknown
test pattern is compared with each sound class reference
pattern and, thereby, a measure of similarity is computed.
Two approaches are being used to match the patterns: First
one is the Dynamic Time Warping based on the distance
between the acoustic units and that of recognition. Second one
is HMM based on the maximisation of the occurrence
probability between training and recognition units. To train

the HMM and thereby to achieve good performance, a large,

phonetically rich and balanced database is needed.
B. Data Preparation
1. Building Text Corpus: Text corpus means optimal set of
textual words/sentences which will be recorded by the native
speakers of a particular language. According to the domain
specified for the ASR, the corresponding text is collected.
Different context in which that text can be used, are also taken
care of. Building a text corpus involves three steps: Text
corpus collection, Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion,
Optimal Text Selection.
2. Building Speech Corpus: With the help of Text Corpus, the
recordings of selected words/sentences are done with the help
of high quality microphones. During the development of
speech corpus, information, which is generally noted down, is
Personal Profile of Speakers, Technical details of
microphone, Date and Time of Recording, Environmental
conditions of recording. During the recording session, the
parameters of the wave file to be set are: Sampling rate, Bit
rate, Channel. Building Speech Corpus involves three steps:
Selecting a speaker, Data Statistics, Transcription Correction.
3. Transcription File: A transcript file is required to represent
what the speakers are saying in the audio file. It contains the
dialogue of the speaker noted exactly in the same precise way
as it has been recorded. There are two transcription files: one
is meant for training the system and second one is meant for
testing the system.
4. Pronunciation Dictionary: It is a language dictionary
which contains mapping of each word to a sequence of sound
units. The purpose of this file is to derive the sequence of
sound units associated with each signal. The important point,
which is to be taken care of while preparing this dictionary,
the sound units must be contained in this dictionary, must be
5. Language Model: Language model is meant for providing
the behaviour of the language. The language model describes
the likelihood or the probability taken when a sequence or
collection of words is seen. A language model is a probability
distribution over the entire sentences/texts. The purpose of
creating a language model is to narrow down the search space,
constrain search and thereby to significantly improve
recognition accuracy. Language model becomes very
important when Continuous speech is considered. Speech
recognizers seek the word sequence Ws which is most likely
to be produced from acoustic evidence A as per the following
P (Ws | A) = maxw P (W|A) = maxw P (A|W) P (W)/P (A)
Where P (A): Probability of acoustic evidence. Language
Model assigns a probability estimate P (W) to word sequences
W= {W1, W2,....., Wn}. These probabilities can be trained
from a corpus. Perplexity is a parameter to evaluate language
model. Suppose sentences in a test sample contains 2000
words and can be coded using 10000 bits then the perplexity
of language model = 2(10000/2000)=32 per word. Language
model with low perplexity helps LM to perform well for the
speech recognition system thereby compressing the test


International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)

ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-1, March 2012
6. Filler Dictionary: It refers to a dictionary which contains
the mapping of non-speech sounds to non-speech sound units.
e.g. <sil> SIL
C. Performance Parameters
Accuracy and Speed are the criterion for measuring the
performance of an automatic speech recognition system
which are described below:
1. Accuracy Parameters
Word Error Rate (WER): The WER is calculated by
comparing the test set to the computer-generated document
and then counting the number of substitutions (S), deletions
(D), and insertions (I) and dividing by the total number of
words in the test set.
Formula: WER = -----------------N
Word Recognition Rate (WRR): It is another parameter for
determining accuracy.
Formula: WRR=1-WER
e. g. REF: Misunderstandings | usually | develop.
S1: Misunderstandings | using | develop.
The substitution error of the word using for the word usually
would be scored as one substitution error, as opposed to one
error of deletion (usually) and one error of insertion (using).
Single Word Error Rate (SWER) and Command Success Rate
(CSR) are two more parameters to determine accuracy of a
speech recognition system.
2. Speed Parameter
Real Time Factor is parameter to evaluate speed of automatic
speech recognition.
RTF = -----------------I
where P: Time taken to process an input
Duration of input I
e. g.
RTF= 3 when it takes 6 hours of computation time to
process a recording of duration 2 hours.
RTF 1 implies real time processing.
D. Performance Degradation
Automatic speech recognition suffers degradation in
recognition performance due to following inevitable factors:
i. Prosodic and phonetic context
ii. Speaking behaviour
iii. Accent & Dialect
iv. Transducer variability and distortions
v. Adverse speaking conditions
vi. Pronunciation
vii. Transmission channel variability and distortions
viii. Noisy acoustic environment
ix. Vocabulary Size and domain
A. Assamese Speech Recognition System
Assamese, mainly spoken in Assam & Arunachal Pradesh,
has official language of Assam state. It has derived its
phonetic character set and behaviour from Sanskrit. It has 11
vowels and 41 consonants in its script. Assam is a
semi-literate state and as a result, research in the area of

Automatic speech recognition system and thereby the

development of ASRs for public domain will surely help the
people of this state. Total absence of any retroflex sounds,
Extensive use of velar nasal // and Presence of voiceless
velar fricative are the unique features of Assamese language.
Sarma & Sarma [1] worked for the development of numeral
speech recognition system for Assamese language. Gender
and mood variations were given consideration during the
recording speech signals of 10 numeral digits at 8 KHz in
mono channel mode. For feature extraction, a hybrid feature
set of Linear Predictive Code (LPC) and Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) was extracted so as to identify
and differentiate speech sounds, insensitive noise and other
irrelevant factors. Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)
blocks in cooperative architecture, comprised of SOM Self
Organised Map and MLP Multi Layer Perceptron, were
used as classifiers. The purpose of this architecture was to
minimise classification error, maximize prediction rate and
tackle Assamese numeral speech input with mood, gender and
recording condition variation. Success rate, for simple LVQ
system and as well as for cooperative LVQ system, has been
found to more than 95%. Training time with cooperative LVQ
system has been found to be 1.5 times more than that with
unitary LVQ system.
Sarma et al. [2] have proposed the design of an optimal
feature extraction block and ANN based cooperative
architecture CHANN. MLP acted as class mapper network.
LPC coefficient was transformed to robust set of parameters
i.e. Cepstral coefficient 20 because actual LPC show high
variance. Since phoneme discriminating power of MLP
deteriorates for consonants, so Recurrent Neural Network
with one hidden layer and tan-sigmoid activation function was
taken as classifier. Training of RNN was done with BPM
back propagation with momentum. To improve the training
and testing time performance of RNN based ASR,
cooperative heterogeneous ANN architecture was adopted.
Several sets of noise corrupted test signals were created to
determine the performance of filter structures and thereby
making the ASR compatible with noisy environment. Taking
noise free, noise mixed, stress free and stressed samples with
gender specific recognition, performance of CHANN block
was better than singular RNN block.
B. Bengali Speech Recognition System
Bengali is native to the region of eastern South Asia known
as Bengal, comprising Bangladesh, the Indian state of West
Bengal and parts of the Indian states of Tripura and Assam. In
India, Bengali is the second most commonly spoken language.
The important point about this language is that National
Anthem of India has been written and composed in Bengali
Language and the National animal of India is also named as
The Royal Bengal Tiger. For Bangladesh, Bengali/Bangla is
national and official language. Phonemic inventory of
Bengali contains 29 consonants and 14 vowels including 7
nasalised vowels. Chowdhury [3] has conducted his research
centred on the methodology to develop Domain based
Continuous Speech Recognition system for Bangla language
by using CMU-Sphinx tool. The system was tested by varying
speaker, environment and microphone. Audio inputs from
two speakers were used for testing. Decoder Pocket Sphinx


Analysis of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems for Indo-Aryan Languages: Punjabi A Case Study
gave the recognition accuracy 90.65%. Decoder Sphinx 4
gave average recognition accuracy of 71.38% by varying
speakers where as 86.79% by varying the microphone and
environment. It was also observed that due to considerable
period of silence in the middle of speech, the performance of
decoder declines.
Hasnat et al. [4] worked for the development of Isolated
speech recognizer as well as Continuous speech Recognizer
by using HTK tool. Adaptive filer was used to eliminate noise
from the recorded speech signal. End point detection
algorithm was used for start and end point detection for
continuous speech where as for isolated speech, the additional
purpose was to eliminate noisy signal and unwanted signal
within the speech. For feature extraction, MFCCs were used.
For training the system, word based HMM model was used
for isolated speech recognition where as phoneme based
HMM model for continuous speech recognition. Speaker
dependent isolated word recognition systems accuracy was
found to be 90% where as it was 80% for SD continuous
speech recognition system. There was 20% decline in
performance for speaker independent systems.
C. Hindi Speech Recognition System
Hindi is used as the sole official state language in the states
of UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, MP, Chattisgarh,
Jharkhand etc. Hindi contains more vocabulary from Sanskrit.
Hindi was first used in writing during the 4th century AD with
Brahmi script. 11th century AD onwards, it has been written
with the Devangar script. Hindi language possesses 40
consonants, 10 vowels and 2 modifiers. Samudravijaya [5]
came up with the development of a speaker independent,
continuous speech recognition system for Hindi. Their system
recognized spoken queries in Hindi in the context of railway
reservation enquiry task. The sentence corpus contained 320
sentences and the size of the vocabulary was 161 words. Two
microphones were applied for database collection. A high
quality & directional SM 48 microphone was used for
recording sentences. An ordinary microphone was mounted at
desktop mount to contain the effect of room acoustics and
background noise. A spoken sentence is represented as a
sequence of 48 context independent acoustic-phonetic units,
each modelled by a hidden Markov model. The performance
of the system has been reported for test as well as training data
collected from 10 speakers, both male and female.
Kumar and Aggarwal [6] have developed an Automatic
speech recognition system for Hindi language for recognizing
isolated words. HMM was used to train and recognize the
speech. 39 MFCCs (12 Mel Cepstrum + Log energy + 1st and
2nd Order derivatives) features were extracted. HMM tool kit
was used. A data set of only 30 words was developed and 960
speech files were created with the help of 5 male and 3 female
speakers. Velthuis transliteration was used for creating
transcription file. Word accuracy of 94.63% and word error
rate of 5.37% were achieved.
It has been found that Gaussian evaluation of acoustic
signal is a computationally expensive task. A range of 8 to 64
mixture components per state have been found to be useful
depending upon the amount of training data. Aggarwal and
Dave [7] have proposed an approach to speed up the
statistical pattern classification by reducing the time

consumed in the likelihood evaluation of feature vectors with

the help of optimal number of Gaussian mixture components.
They applied extended MFCC procedure by extracting 52
MFCC features (39 MFCC + 13 triple delta features) and then
reducing them to 39 by using HLDA Hetroscedastic linear
discriminant analysis technique. They performed experiments
to analyse the results with due regard to effect of change in the
number of Gaussians, size of vocabulary, training method,
modelling unit on the recognition accuracy. The observations
made from the experiments carried out are:
i. It is not preferable to use whole word model beyond 200
vocabulary size.
ii. Extended MFCC gave improvement over standard MFCC.
iii. Improvement in recognition accuracy up to 4 mixture
iv. Discriminative MPE is better than MLE training method
v. Tri-phone model performs better than other modelling
Sivaraman and Samudravijaya [8] have made an attempt to
compensate the mismatch between training and testing
conditions with the help of unsupervised Speaker adaptation.
MLLR - Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression, a speaker
adaptation technique requiring small amount of data, has been
used. A global MLLR transform was used due to scarcity of
adaptation data. Tri-phones, modelled by left-to-right 5-state
semi-continuous HMMs, have been used as acoustic units.
Back-off trigram grammar has been used as Language model.
A multi-speaker Hindi continuous speech database rlwRes,
related to railway reservation availability, was used for testing
the efficacy of online speaker adaptation. The database used
for training acoustic models was different from rlwRes
database. It was observed that online speaker adaptation led to
mild deterioration in ASR accuracy when the accuracy of
complex, general purpose SI system was less than 70%.
D. Marathi Speech Recognition System
Marathi language is mainly spoken in western and central
India. Standard Marathi and Warhadi Marathi are the two
dialects of this language. Standard Marathi is the official
language of Maharashtra state. Its vocabulary possesses 36
consonants and 16 vowels. Gawali et al. [9] worked to
develop a speech database and speech recognition system for
isolated words. CSL: Computer Speech Laboratory has been
used for collecting speech data i.e. vowels, isolated words
starting from each vowel and simple Marathi sentences. One
experiment for speech recognition was conducted using
MFCC and another experiment was conducted using DTW.
The results showed that recognition accuracy of 94.65% was
obtained using MFCC where as 73.25% was obtained using
Broadening the scope of Marathi speech recognition to the
benefit for society, Gaikwad et al. [10] have developed a
Polly clinic inquiry system using IVR, which can respond to
wide range of health care services. It is a commendable effort
which can help the patients to interact for their health related
queries. Three sets of database have been created. First one of
50 isolated words corresponds to doctor name, second of
1920 sentences corresponds to queries and the last one of 60
samples corresponds to call back/solution. CSL
Computerised Speech Lab has been used for speech data


International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)

ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-1, March 2012
collection. Size of vocabulary for training is 1000 sentences.
Time for training has been 4 55 where for testing and
relevant answer, time has been 1 for 670 continuous
sentences. Overall accuracy has been found to be around
E. Oriya Speech Recognition System
Oriya, mainly spoken in Orissa & West Bengal, is an official
language of Orissa and 2nd official language of Jharkhand. It
has number of dialects such as Midnapori, Singhbhumi,
Baleswari, Ganjami etc. Mughalbandi Oriya is considered as
proper or Standard Oriya due to literary traditions. Oriya has
28 consonants and 6 vowel phonemes. Unlike Hindi, Oriya
has retained most of the cases of Sanskrit. Oriya Automatic
recognition of continuously spoken digits is one area where
speech recognition can serve the speakers of any language and
thereby help them to exploit the benefits of modern
technology. Mohanty and Swain [11] have made such effort
for Oriya language. For this experiment, they tried Bakis
model of HMM which allows the states to transit to
themselves or to successive states but side by side, it restricts
transition to earlier states. The likelihood probability was
calculated using Gaussian Mixture model and prior
probability was determined with N-gram grammar. Speech
corpus to be used for training and testing in the ratio 3:1, was
collected at sampling frequency 16 KHz, Bit rate 16 bits,
mono channel and contained 2000 sentences and around 8000
words which were obtained from 50 speakers = 35 female +15
male. Attributes like gender, age and dialect were captures to
great extent. Feature extraction was applied using MFCC.
Trigram Language model was used because there is a strong
dependence of most of the words on previous words for Oriya
language. Word accuracy obtained was 94.72% for seen data
and 78.23% for unseen data where as sentence accuracy
obtained was lesser than these %ages for both types of data.
Oriya is Eastern Indo-Aryan Language.
Mohanty and Swain [12] have come forward to apply the
benefit of automatic speech recognition systems to society by
developing an isolated speech recognizer for Oriya language
so that visually impaired students can attempt the closed
ended questions such as fill-in-blanks, dichotomous, ranking
scale, multiple choice and rating scale questions, well during
their exams. Oriya isolated words were recorded using high
quality directional microphone in laboratory environment. A
desktop microphone was placed to contain noticeable noise.
MFCCs were extracted at sampling rate of 16 KHz with 16 bit
quantization. HMM was used for pattern recognition. Viterbi
decoding was used as decoding engine. Performance was
measured by computing recognition accuracy at word level.
Word accuracy for seen data and unseen data was found to be
76.23% and 58.86% respectively.
F. Sinhala Speech Recognition System
Sinhala is mother tongue of Sinhalese people and as well as
national language of Sri-Lanka. Complete alphabet of Sinhala
has 18 vowels and 36 consonants. For writing colloquial
spoken Sinhala, only 12 vowels and 24 consonants are used.
In contrast to spoken Sinhala, grammar for written Sinhala
depends on number, person, gender and tense. Nadungodage
& Weerasinghe [13] developed a continuous speech

recognizer using written Sinhala vocabulary only. Sinhala

sentences were recorded with the help of Praat at sample
frequency 16 KHz using a mono channel. A bi-gram language
model was created. HTK was used for developing Sinhala
continuous speech recognizer. System was trained from only
a single female. Sentence recognition accuracy obtained was
75% and word recognition accuracy obtained was 96%. It was
observed that most of the incorrectly identified utterances
differed from the correct utterances only by 1 or 2 syllables.
G. Urdu Speech Recognition System
Urdu, being national language of Pakistan, is one of 22
scheduled languages in India and official language of 5 states.
Urdu is mutually intelligible with standard Hindi spoken in
India. Urdu has recognised dialects such as Dakhni, Rekhta
and Modern Vernacular Urdu. It has 28 consonants and 10
vowels. Raza et al. [14] worked for the development of a
HMM based Large Vocabulary Automatic Spontaneous Urdu
speech recognition system with the help of Sphinx 3 trainer
and decoder. The training data used for this work contained a
phonetically rich sentence based corpus read out by native
Urdu speakers and Spontaneous conversational data from
recorded interviews of native speakers. A normal home and
office environment, where ambient noise exists, was utilized
for carrying out recordings. A tri-gram language model was
derived from actual training data. After studying in detail all
the existing options for phonetic transcription such as IPA,
SAMPA, X-SAMPA, ARPABET etc., case insensitive
SAMPA was applied because a case insensitive notation free
from special characters was required. A mapping mechanism
was developed to map Unicode to ASCII, because Urdu script
uses Unicode characters. It was observed from the
experiments that WER was least for 1:1 ratio of read speech &
spontaneous speech data and maximum for read speech based
training data.
Sarfraz et al. [15] have worked on the development of
LVCSR for Urdu language using CMU Sphinx Open Source
Toolkit. They used a corpus of training data recorded in noisy
environment so as to improve the robustness of speech
recognition. Speech data was recorded at 16 KHz. Tri-phone
Language model corresponding to each training data set was
created using SLM toolkit. Trigram models accompanied
with Witten Bell discounting. Refining process was carried
out to identify diacritical marks in words so that proper
diacritical marks can be inserted and phonemic transcription
was created. Fine tuning of the transcriptions was also
included in refining process to match the pronunciations.
Increase in training data, for each speaker, gave a significant
improvement was found in test results in case of male
speakers. For multi speakers data, improvement was found in
WERs for the data sets which were retrained and tested after
the review and refinement of transcription data.
H. Punjabi Speech Recognition System
1. Introduction: Punjabi is 10th most widely spoken language
in the world which got emerged as an independent language in
11th century. There are around 107 million native speakers of
the Punjabi language with around 77 million in Pakistan and
30 million in India. Punjabi with Gurumukhi script is one of
the 22 languages with official status in India and more


Analysis of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems for Indo-Aryan Languages: Punjabi A Case Study
specifically first official language in Indian Punjab in
comparison to no official status for Punjabi language in
Pakistan Punjab. Spoken Punjabi in India relies more heavily
on Sanskrit vocabulary through Hindi and has having many
dialects such as Majhi, Potwari, Dhani, Hindko, Malwi etc.
Majhi is a prestige dialect of Punjabi language.
2. Features: Punjabi is the only tonal language in
Indo-Aryan languages family with its phoneme inventory
containing 10 vowels, 25 consonants, 7 diphthongs and three
tones whose production has neither friction nor stoppage of
air in the mouth. Patterns of pitch variation are employed in a
tonal language to distinguish between different meanings of
word which have the same pattern of consonants and vowels.
Tone features are segmental and phonemic in function.
Punjabi is also considered as fusion language because it has a
capability of fusing morphemes. Punjabi words are usually
ordered as head final SOV - Subject Object Verb. Punjabi
verbs inflect for tense, aspect (perfective, imperfective),
mood (indicative, imperative, subjunctive, conditional), voice
(active, passive), person, number, and gender (male, female).
3. Work: Kumar [16] developed a speaker dependent, real
time, an Isolated and connected word recognition system for
Punjabi language using acoustic template matching
technique. It was designed for medium sized dictionary.
Vector quantization and Dynamic warping techniques were
used with some modification to noise and word detection
algorithms. The recordings were done at a Sampling
frequency of 16 KHz, 8 bit Sample size and Mono channel.
LPC analysis was used for feature extraction. LPC analysis
included computation of Autocorrelation Coefficients (with
10 LPC coefficients), LPC Coefficients (using 10 LPC
coefficients), Cepstral Coefficients (10 Cepstral coefficients)
and Delta Cepstrum (using 5 frame windows).
DTW-Dynamic Time Warping has been used for recognition.
In training mode, 1500 isolated words of a single Punjabi
speaker were taken as a knowledge base acting as reference
template. The performance was evaluated with 500 isolated
Punjabi words. Recognition accuracy has been found to be
61% for isolated words and lesser for connected words
recognition. More precisely, vowels of Punjabi language have
found to be more accurate than consonants. Kumar [17] also
compared the performance of DTW based speech recognition
and HMM based speech recognition for Punjabi isolated
words. Performance was in favour of DTW based recognizer
but that is just because of insufficiency of HMM training data.
Time and space complexity has been found to be less in HMM
based recognizer for same size of code book.
4. Prospects: Being a widely spoken language, Punjabi
language has number of speakers in the world. The
dimensions of automatic speech recognition, which have been
discussed in this paper, and the techniques, which have been
applied for other languages in its Indo-Aryan language
family, can be helpful in providing a great boost to the field of
automatic speech recognition for this language. Use of
advanced speech recognition tools such as HTK and
SPHINX, advanced feature extraction techniques such as

MFCC and Extended MFCC and use of ANN can support the
Punjabi ASRs research and development.
Lot of research in the field of Automatic speech recognition
is being carried out for Hindi, Oriya, Malayalam, Bengali,
Assamese, Marathi, Urdu and Sinhala languages of
Indo-Aryan languages family. But there is a long way to go so
as to enhance the performance standards set for other
languages. It has been observed that use of techniques
Cooperative Heterogeneous ANN Architecture, Maximum
Likelihood Linear Regression, Extended MFCC and Learning
Vector quantization are helping the researchers to get
improved recognition performance of speech recognition
systems. Computerised Speech Lab has also helped in speech
acquisition process. Punjabi, being a widely spoken
Indo-Aryan language, is still trailing in the research and
development for the field of automatic speech recognition. So
far the work done for Punjabi language is Isolated word
speech recognition using Acoustic template matching
technique on MATLAB. In this paper, almost all the efforts
made by various researchers for the research and development
of ASR for Indo-Aryan languages have been analyzed and the
applicability of techniques applied for other Indo-Aryan
languages has been discussed for Punjabi language.
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[3] Chowdhury, S. A., Implementation of Speech Recognition System for
Bangla, BRAC University, DHAKA, Bangladesh, August 2010.
[4] Hasnat, M. A., Molwa, J.,Khan, M., Isolated and Continuous Bangla
Speech Recognition: Implementation, Performance and application
[5] Samudravijaya, K., Computer Recognition of Spoken Hindi.
Proceeding of International Conference of Speech, Music and Allied
Signal Processing, Triruvananthapuram, pages 8-13, 2000.
[6] Kumar, K.; Aggarwal, R.K., Hindi Speech Recognition System Using
HTK, International Journal of Computing and Business Research,
ISSN (Online): 2229-6166, Volume 2 Issue 2, May 2011.
[7] Aggarwal, R.K. and Dave, M., Using Gaussian Mixtures for Hindi
Speech Recognition System, International Journal of Signal
Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, No. 4,
December 2011.
[8] Sivaraman. G.; Samudravijaya, K., Hindi Speech Recognition and
Online Speaker Adaptation, International Conference on Technology
Systems and Management: ICTSM-2011, IJCA.
[9] Gawali, Bharti W., Gaikwad, S., Yannawar, P., Mehrotra Suresh C.,
Marathi Isolated Word Recognition System using MFCC and DTW
Features (2010), Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer Science 2010,
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09759166, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2011, pp-142-145.
[11] Mohanty, S.; Swain, B. K., Continuous Oriya Digit Recognition using
Bakis Model of HMM,
International Journal of Computer
Information Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2011.
[12] Mohanty, S.; Swain, B. K., Markov Model Based Oriya Isolated
Speech Recognizer-An Emerging Solution for Visually Impaired
Students in School and Public Examination, Special Issue of IJCCT
Vol. 2 Issue 2, 3, 4; International Conference On Communication


International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)

ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-1, March 2012
[13] Nadungodage, T.; Weerasinghe, R., Continuous Sinhala Speech
Recognizer, Conference on Human Language Technology for
Development, Alexandria, Egypt, May 2011.
[14] Raza, A., Hussain, S., Sarfraz, H., Ullah, I., and Sarfraz, Z., An ASR
System for Spontaneous Urdu Speech, Proceedings of
O-COCOSDA09 and IEEE Xplore, 2009.
[15] Sarfraz, H.; Hussain, S.; Bokhari, R.; Raza, A. A.; Ullah, I.; Sarfraz, Z.;
Pervez, S.; Mustafa, A.; Javed, I.; Parveen, R., Large Vocabulary
Continuous Speech Recognition for Urdu, International Conference
on Frontiers of Information Technology, Islamabad, 2010.
[16] Kumar, R., Singh, C., Kaushik, S., Isolated and Connected Word
Recognition for Punjabi Language using Acoustic Template Matching
Technique, 2004.
[17] Kumar, R., Comparison of HMM and DTW for Isolated Word
Recognition System for Punjabi Language, International Journal of
Soft Computing 5(3):88-92, 2010.

Mr. Wiqas Ghai, B.E. (E&CE), MCA,

M.Phil(CS) and presently pursuing Ph. D.
from Punjabi University. He has around nine
years of teaching experience including two
years of industrial experience. His areas of
interest are Automatic speech recognition,
RDBMS, Visual Basic, SQL and C++.

Mr. Navdeep Singh, MCA from Thapar University, Ph.D. from

Punjabi University. He has around nine years of teaching
experience. His areas of interests are Automatic Speech
Recognition, Software Engineering and Computer Networks.


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