LM Potency
LM Potency
LM Potency
This reflects what Hahnemann saidin aphorism 245 of the 5th Organon on the single
Then Hahnemann says, "On theother hand" some patients experience only a "slow,
continuousimprovement based on one dose of a aptly selected homeopathic
medicine (taking 40,50, 60 100 days to complete the cure, depending on the nature
of the medicine)but thisis very seldom the case."
It is much more common for theslow remedy action to cease and the patient to
relapse. Then the Founder goeson to state how important it is to "foreshorten this
period" to 1/2,1/4 or less so that a more rapid cure is attained. This reflects what
Hahnemannsaid in aphorism 246 of the 5th Organon on repeating the remedy to
speed thecure.
Hahnemann makes it very clearthat there are two major types of remedy actions
that must be treateddifferently.
Thefirst condition is a visibly progressing and strikingly increasingamelioration.
In this instance Hahnemann says to leave the single dose to actwithout repetition as
long as this state lasts. This statement also applies toany time during treatment
that there is a dramatically increasing ameliorationon a series of doses. I would like
to report that my colleagues and I havewitnessed several cures of chronic diseases
Theremedy is perfectly homoeopathic (Not a wrong remedy or a partial
Theremedy is given in a small dose (1 pill in a 7-8 tablespoon medicinal
solution,given in a split-dose, etc.)
Theremedy should be given at suitable intervals based on what experience has
shownto be the correct timing. (Individualization.)
Thedegree of dynamization must be changed on each dose (The medicinal
solutionmust be succussed prior to ingestion to slightly raise the potency.)
Inmost cases of slow improvement the patient tends to relapse rather thanprogress
to cure. What Hahnemann is offering is a very clear differentialanalysis of two
different types of remedy actions.
When the patient is already hasteningtoward cure on single or infrequent doses the
cure does not need to be sped! Ifthe remedy is repeated under these conditions it
will either slow down theaction of the previous dose, aggravate the patient, or
cause a relapse ofsymptoms.
In the footnote to aphorism 246it says the LM may be given daily " when
necessary". It does not sayto give the LM potency to everybody no matter what!
All the statements about thedaily and alternate day dose that follow in aphorism
248 are about how to speedthe cure in slowly improving cases.
These are the cases where one needsto foreshorten this period to 1/2, 1/4 or less
the time so that a more rapidcure is attained.
Secondly, this case shows how theFounder often interpolated and followed his
medicinal doses with a series ofplacebos. In this example the patient spent around
37 days on placebos over aperiod of 64 days! The idea that Hahnemann gave the
daily dose for weeks,months and years on end is a complete myth! ... of the dry
single dose and longwait and watch policy, which was he told in his earlier editions
of organon ...
Hahnemann never gave the dailydose or alternate day dose for long periods without
stopping the medicine,giving placebos and waiting and watching.
Some patients remained on placebofor 7, 14 , 21 or even more days at times.
if necessary, to speed the curein otherwise long drawn out cases. The more
frequent repetition may be used aslong as the patient is improving and there are no
aggravations or new symptoms.
As the patient improves over timeit is best to slow down the repetition of the
remedy as the potencies areincreased to prevent aggravations.
The LM remedies are not a"low potency" system. One cannot compare the C and LM
potency solelyby the amount of the original substance left in the dilution.
Classification ofDiseases:
Inthe aphorism 248, diseases have been classified Into three categories:
(i) Very urgent or dangerouscases,
(ii) Acute cases.
(iii) Chronic cases.
The cases of the first category advance to ultimate end.their vitality faces extinction
every moment.
They are attacked by these kindsof diseases when their vitality is very weak.
Cholera, Pox, Titanus, etc., fallinto this category. Generally half-acute and fixed
miasms are responsible forthese diseases. The patient may succumb to death
within a few hours. So withthe onset of the diseases, the physician should try his
level best to treat withthe well selected medicine and make speedy arrangement for
proper management.Death is inevitable if the patient is not recovered immediately.
The patients of the second category proceed todeterioration slowly and gradually,
day by day, hour by hour. Acute miasms areresponsible for these diseases, but
exciting (and sometimes maintaining) causescreate these conditions. The vital
energy diminishes slowly. Diarrohoea,Dysentery, Malaria, Typhoid and such other
similar diseases come under thiscategory. Proper treatment In proper time Is
necessary. Death may come if cureis not ensured within a reasonable period of time.
The patients of the third category travel the road to deathvery slowly, day after day,
month after month. Asthma, Rheumatism, Skindiseases. Ulcer, Cancer,
Hypertension, etc., fall into this category. Cure isnot possible without proper
antimiasmatic treatment. These diseases areacquired or Inherited from chronic
miasms. As these diseases develop veryslowly, cure also comes slowly. Much time is
necessary for cure than isrequired In the case of acute diseases.
Invery urgent cases (i.e., cases of the first category) well selected medicine
isto be administered every hour or oftener (i.e., In these cases we may
applymedicine every 5, 10, 20 or 30 minutes as necessary. - Author).
Ingeneral acute cases medicine is to be applied after every two to six hours,
(iii) Inlong lasting diseases, i.e., in chronic diseases daily or every second day.
Hahnemann says, "On theother hand, should there appear during almost dally
repetition of the wellindicated homoeopathic remedy, towards the end of the
treatment of a chronicdisease, so-called (Aphrorism 161) homoeopathic
aggravations by which thebalance of the morbid symptoms seem to again
somewhat increase (the medicinaldisease, similar to the original, now alone
persistently manifests itself). Thedoses in that case must then be reduced still
further and repeated in longerintervals and possibly stopped several days. In order
to see if theconvalescence need no further medicinal aid. The apparent
symptoms(Schein-Symptoms) caused by the excess of the homoeopathic medicine
will soon disappearand leave undisturbed health in its wake." (Hahnemann. S:
Organon. sixthed. Apho. 248.)
Take from this 25 ml in cup and add another fresh water till half cup fills
Then take one big sip of it keep in mouth for 10 second and swallow
Then next day give 10 strong stroke for stock bottle and repeat dose same process
This you have to take for 10 days .. and before dose give 10 strong stroke to
This is ways using in regularchronic diseases ... as in acute one can short the time
But every time potency goes up tolevel next to LM 0/2 after every 100 successions