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Programme CEBA 2015

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Scientific programme
8-9 October 2015
Grand Hotel Montabo, Cayenne

All scientific contributions will be 20 minutes in duration, plus 5 minutes of questions, unless specified

Thursday October 8th, 2015

Opening 8:00 to 9:00

Welcoming address (Annag Le Guen CEBA executive director)

Opening address (Richard Laganier President UG)
Opening address (Jean-Paul Moatti Prsident - Directeur gnral IRD)
Opening address (Stphanie Thibault, CNRS, President Conseil des Tutelles)
Overview of the CEBA science in 2014-2015. (Jrme Chave CEBA scientific director)
Address from the ANR representative (Yves Coquet, Agence Nationale de la Recherche)
Thses en 180 secondes (Elodie Alli EcoFoG, Marina Ciminera EcoFoG, Arthur Kocher, EDB,
Leandro Van Langenhove University of Antwerp, Camilla Velvin IRD, Lore Verryckt University of


Coffee break

Session 1 Tropical biodiscovery

Moderator: Jerome Orivel
10:30 Integrative analyses of Amazonian beta-diversity across taxonomic groups (Christopher Baraloto,
International Centre for Tropical Botany, Florida International University)
10:55 Advances and prospects in metabarcoding (Eric Coissac LECA Grenoble & Lucie Zinger EDB)
11:20 Phylogeny and phylogeography of South-American mammals (Frederic Delsuc ISEM)
11:55 New Guinean rainforests, indigenous biologists, food web, and canopy cranes: research tales
from the largest tropical island (Vojtech Novotny Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

Lunch break

Session 2 Epidem iology and biodiversity

Moderator : Rodolphe Gozlan
13:30 Anopheles darlingi entomological hazard mapping in Saint-Georges de lOyapock
(Antoine Adde IPG)
13:55 Bio- and Chemo-diversity in symbiotic microbial communities (Vronique Eparvier ICSN)
14:20 Amazonian triatomine biodiversity and the transmission of Chagas disease in French Guiana: in
medio stat sanitas (Sebastien Gourbire Universit de Perpignan)
14:45 How climate is intertwined with dengue fever outbreaks in French Guiana (Claude Flamand IPG)

Roundtable: W hat is the im pact of CEBA on its ecosystem ?

15:10 16:00

Round table (In French)

Cette session abordera limpact du CEBA au niveau de la region et son attractivit internationale. Les intervenants
identifis pour ces crneaux sont: Patricia Valma (DEAL), Franck Roubaud (GDI), Sandrine Richard (CSG), Bertrand
Goguillon (PAG) et Laurent Descroix (ONF). La session sera sous forme de table ronde avec de courtes interventions.


Coffee break

Session 3 Am azonian biodiversity in society-1

Moderator : Eric Marcon
16:30 Savoirs et pratiques-1 : Plantes mdicinales en Guyane : de la production des savoirs leur
valorisation (Marie Fleury UMR Paloc)
16:45 Savoirs et pratiques-2 : Les pratiques et les savoirs de phytothrapie des jeunes urbains guyanais
(Marc Tareau CNRS Guyane)

Evening Event: Remote sensing of tropical biodiversity (Jean-Baptiste Feret IRSTEA Montpellier)


Closing of day 1 -- Interaction with the public on biodiversity in the form of a speed meeting (more
info on La Canope des Sciences website: www.ccsti973.fr)

Friday October 9th, 2015

Opening 8:00 to 8:30

Session 3 Am azonian biodiversity in society-2

Moderator: Yann Brard
Prsentation du projet ABIOS (Yann Brard CRPLC)
Territoires et politiques-1 : La lgitimit des aires protges en question: processus de
territorialisation aux Antilles et en Guyane par la mobilisation du concept de biodiversit (Frdric
Piantoni Univ. Reims, Valrie Morel Univ. d'Artois, Jean-Raphal Gros-Dsormeaux CRPLC)
Territoires et politiques-2 : Les politiques de prservation des espaces naturels en Guyane :
controverses, resistances et appropriations (Iris Le Ronc EcoFoG-CRPLC)
Territoires et politiques-3 : Vers une cologisation des systmes de production agricoles en
Guyane: analyse critique de la structuration de lactivit agricole et de ses rapports avec
lenvironnement (Valrie Angeon AgroParisTech, Arnaud Larade CRPLC)
Gestion et mise en march(s)-1 : Lefficacit des dispositifs de gestion du type aires protges :
intrt dune comparaison Guyane/Amap (Maya Leroy & Sandra Nicolle AgroParisTech)
Gestion et mise en march(s)-2 : La Guyane face aux marchs de lenvironnement : ressources
gntiques et carbone (Catherine Aubertin UMR Paloc)
Conclusion et mise en perspective (Yann Brard CRPLC)

Coffee break

Session 4 Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

Moderator: Damien Bonal
10:30 Global Greenhouse-Gas balance and fertilisation experiment (Elodie Courtois & Clement Stahl
Imbalance-P project in French Guiana)
10:55 Individual-based modelling of tropical forests (Isabelle Marchaux EDB)
11:20 Response of tropical forest soils to drought (Yves Lucas Univ Toulon)
11:45 Inter-annual variations in carbon balance at Guyaflux and first results of Nouraflux
(Maricar Aguilos, INRA)

Lunch break

Session 5 Strategic projects (2012-2015): results and outlook


Project AMAZOMICS (Benot de Thoisy IPG)

Project BIOHOPSYS (Jrme Murienne EDB & Cline Leroy AMAP)
Project PHYLOGUIANAS (Jrme Chave EDB & Alain Franc BioGeCo)
Project FUNCHEM (Christophe Duplais EcoFoG)
Open discussion: where do we go from here?


Closing of the annual meeting.

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