S Convexity Phenomenon III and Insights On
S Convexity Phenomenon III and Insights On
S Convexity Phenomenon III and Insights On
I.M.R. Pinheiro
Abstract: In this one more paper, we try to create new models for the S-
1. Introduction
So far, we seem to be stuck with the polynomial model, when it comes to find
examples of S−convex functions. However, in this paper, we will dare putting
down this paradigm and provide the reader with trigonometric models as well.
• Terminology;
• Definitions;
• Conclusion.
2. Terminology
• Ks1 for the class of S-convex functions in the first sense, some S;
• Ks2 for the class of S-convex functions in the second sense, some S;
K11 ≡ K12 ≡ K0 .
3. Definitions
f (λx + (1 − λs ) s y) ≤ λs f (x) + (1 − λs )f (y)
sup(L − f ) ≥ sup(L − f ).
J ∂J
the inequality
From past work, we will use one conclusion, one definition (geometric), and a
theorem (from [3], [2], and [4]):
continuous, and the distance between the straight line formed between the couple
of points in the curve, which form the highest pitch for it, and the actual
function curve is at most one, as seen in [3], we then have an S−convex curve.
Proof. Such is obvious and follows directly from the definition combined with
our explanations and deductions proven in [3].
go close (given the limitations imposed upon the value of s). However,
suffices taking a slightly shorter interval in the domain and the example
is achieved. Say we then pick [0, Π2 ), once that will give us the precise
maximum fit. What really matters is the most bent piece of the sine
curve between those points of the domain. In this case, half of it. Our
distance then, regarding the possible straight line between those points
and the origin will be 1 (app. result for distance between origin and
the midpoint in the domain, in what regards its image) and the distance
between the actual curve and the origin will be 1.26 (app.). Therefore,
we hold 0.26 of distance, to be put against our 21−s , to find out our most
suitable value for s. In this case, we end up with 0.3 with some other
decimal figures after the 3. Therefore, we may state that it belongs to
all s values after, and smaller, than 0.3, for instance, with no mistake.
vex), or (exclusively) ( 3Π
, 2Π], as well as all other determinations (not
minimal) of the mentioned intervals of domain.
Proof. As above.
Corollary 1. sin(x) is a model for Ks2 , if the domain is restricted to
(0, Π2 ], or (exclusively) [ Π2 , Π), or (exclusively) (Π, 3Π
], or (exclusively)
[ 3Π
, 2Π).
both convexity, and its proper geometric extension, Ks2 , which clearly appears
in the proof. Dragomir et al. makes use of the same point of the domain
in order to compare the chord formed between two points of the domain and
the actual curve of the function (because they are geometric definitions, well
matched with the analytical ones, not only analytical). Two points, in order
to form a chord, cannot, possibly, mean one...
Therefore, such result does not hold at all. Obviously the case that if it ever
held for Ks2 , it would also have to hold for K12 , or K0 , as defined before.
existing variables, as for the own theorem start, then make use of one of the
variables, in which the creation of t was based, in the same expression as t, in-
still be accurate. So, first of all, re-writing the first inequality which appears
on that proof, we get: f ((1 − t)y + tb) ≤ (1 − t)s f (y) + ts f (b) ≤ f (y) + ts f (b).
Given we impose Ks2 pertinence to f , such would be correct, in principle. Next
step, re-written, would be: f ((1 − t)y + tb) − f (y) ≤ ts f (b), which still makes
sense. However, if ever willing to call whatever comes in brackets z, one would
also have to change y into its expression depending on z, for that is for the
best of Mathematics. On top of that, b would also appear expressed in terms
of z. Such will actually invalidate the conclusion there present.
It is obviously worthless continuing on that line of thought. However, there is a
major absurdity, not to say insanity, in the mentioned theorem (actually more
than one): Hölder continuity refers to a constant multiplied by the difference
between the variables mentioned to the left of the inequality...not to a function
It also does not make sense, even if that step was not there (no constants to
simply inadequate.
So, basically, that was never a theorem and should simply be erased from
many people, from a whole editorial board...for the sake of ethics, we should
simply forget it.
Well, from our past work and deductions, the theorem above is absurd.
However, we also look into the details of the proof, not to say we do not hold
consideration and respect for someone else’s published work. Science must be
about argumentation and who is technically sound.
So, there we go: The first line of the proof states that ‘If c ≤ x ≤ y ≤ b then
f (x) ≤ ts f (c) + (1 − t)s f (y) if x = tc + (1 − t)y. We may stop here, for the sake
of all of us only reading the same remark twice. Once more, x, the variable,
is defined based on other two, and, in the definition of x, c, t, and y are all
attained in the ‘proof’ would bring x in both sides, if Mathematics were ever
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we present a new model for S−convex functions and, by pre-
senting it, we believe to have exhausted the issues regarding finding examples
for functions in Ks2 for any interested researcher, once it will suffice repeat our
procedures here, with the graph of functions, to determine, same way we do
with convexity, whether a certain function belongs, or not, to Ks2 (only). On
the top of that, we review and nullify three previous results by Dragomir et
al. ([5]).
7. Bibliography