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Shodh, Samiksha aur Mulyankan (International Research Journal)ISSN-0974-2832 Vol. II, Issue-5 (Nov.08-Jan.09)


*Dr. A. S. Kolhe **S. R. Ingale ***Dr. R. V. Bhole
The rural areas were identified for milk production; the urban centers were collected for the location
of milk processing plants and product manufacturing
factories. Out of the total water consumed by human
being, more than 50% of it is consumed for industrial
activity and only small proportion is used for drinking
purpose. The water after use emerging out of industry
is better termed as waste water or industrial effluent
(Sukumar De, 2002).
DAIRY TECHNOLOGY-As the rapid industrialization taking place all over the country, the number of
dairies and allied industries are sharply rising.
I.Product and process involved in dairy-Many
dairies restrict themselves bottling pasteurized milk
and making ghee from scoured milk. In few dairies
where supply of milk is larger, butte condensed milk,
powered milk, ice cream cheese etc are also produced.
However the production of skimmed and toned
milk and cheese making has the increasing demand in
II.Milk Processes-1.Milk Receiving Station : The
milk cans are unloaded at the receiving station and
emptied into a receiving tank, after testing for fitness
and freshness. 2.Pasteurization : Pasteurization is accomplished by heating either to 620C for 30 min. of at
710 C for 15 seconds, followed by chilling to 40C. The
milk is then bottled for distribution. 3.Cheese Making:
Cheese is made from milk in which fat to protein ratio
is adjusted when the proper degree of settling of curd
has been reached, it is cut into pieces and after further
adjustment to temperature, is then allowed to settle.
4.Butter, Butter Milk, Skim Milk: Milk is first passed
through centrifugal machines to separate cream and
skim milk. Cream is then churned until butter separates from the liquid and butter milk is left over. Ghee
is prepared from the butter, sour milk is separated to

remove fat and skim milk thus obtained is fed into

large vats and treated with the acid to precipitate
casein which is washed and dehydrated.
MILK-The milk is one of the most important
commodity entering trade and it is required in every
day life as an article of food. Since the milk is highly
perishable, basic public health and economic consideration is required that consumer should be provided with the product which is of good quality,
pure, free from pathogenic bacteria. To maintain quality standard, quality control operation have to be
performed at all the stages of production of milk
which includes maintenances of sanitary conditions
at milking place, storage, transportation and handling the milk at reception docks, processing and
packing etc. till the milk is delivered to consumer.
PRODUCTS OF MILK-Mainly dairies restrict
themselves to pasteurizing of milk and packing the
pasteurized milk and making ghee from scoured milk.
In some dairy where the milk supply is in larger
quantity the butter cream, cheese, ice cream panner,
shrikhand, milk powder, yoghart etc. are also prepared.
is the preparation of raw milk including heat treatment as a precondition for milk processing. The
treatment of milk is done in the preparation room. It
is a first process in any dairy plant.
The milk processing is the quality oriented
activity of manufacturing, packing of dairy based
products on the basis of treated milk.
Storage is an
activity in whcih milk is kept between reception and
processing. Storage helps in balancing the different capacities and timings between reception and
processing.The total volume of storage silos can

The average composition of Nutrient in the milk and milk product.

Sr. No. Dairy Product


Protein Carbo Hydrate

Total Solids

Chloride mg Calcium mg














Flavoured milk
Skimmed Milk
Butter 2% salt

Department of Zoology, Arts & Science College, Bhalod, Tal. Yawal, Dist. Jalgaon. (M.S.)
** Department of Zoology, Arts & Science College, Bhalod, Tal. Yawal, Dist. Jalgaon. (M.S.)
*** Arts & Science College, Ainpur, Tal. Raver, Dist. Jalgaon. (M.S.)

, U (UUCU )ISSN-0974-2832,Vol. II, Issue-5 (Nov.08-Jan.09)

be very different and can vary from 20 to 100% of the
dairy reception volume, usually storage vessles are
installed individually one the outside of the buildings,
are made of stainless steel or fibre glass and may have
a volume of 20,000 to 2,00,000 L.
clarification is to remove, all the foreign materials from
the milk (which may have entered in mlk during milking treatment or transport). This process removes the
organic or inorganic material (animal hair dust particle
etc.) Somatic cells as well as microorganisms and their
protein agglomerates. The level of foreign material is
constantly reduced by an imprroved hygiene, during
milking however the classification process in the dairy
is absolutely necessary and is even required by low
during classification.
DECREAMING-It based on the fact that fat exists in a poly disperse system in an emulsified state
and that the specific density difference between the
milk fat and skim milk is fairly large.
During the processing milk fat is partially or completely removed in order to
A) Obtain a fat reduce or fat free milk.
B) Concentrate milk fat for the production or high
fat products.
C) Standerdize the fat content of milk and
decreaming is the mechanical separation of milk into
cream and skim milk by means of centrifugal forces.
HOMOGENIZATION OF MILK- Homogenization is the disintegration of in which uniformly or non
uniformly or non uniformly distributes PHases of liquid rich in a higher level of mixing and the distribution
level stabilizes. The main purpose of homogenization
in the dairy industry is to reduce the size of the fat
globules and achieve its uniform diameter of 0.5 - 1.
This results in both desirable and non desirable
STANDARDIZATION OF MILK -Fat and protein contents are subject to significant seasonal variations, with the fat content having widest fluctuations.
The milk components must be standardized in raw milk
of many different applications.
PROTEIN STANDARDIZATION-Protein standardization permits a constant protein level. When
the required filtration process is utilized; This can be
advantageous in cheese manufacturing. Where fluctuations in protein level can have negative effects on
the process and finished products.
a special form of separation in which specific types of
microorganisms. (Mainly spore forming bacilli) are removed from milk and inactivated. Generally allactivated
microorganisms are inactivated by pasteurization to
such an extent that both the hygienic and technologi-


cal requirements are met, however the highly heat resistant spores are surviving in the pasteurization process as precausers of spore forming bacilli and
clostridia. Spores can form new vegetative cells by
growing under favorable conditions and propagating
very rapidly. They can lead to significant quality defects in hard cheese, semi hard cheese or long life
products due to proteolysis, lipolysis and gas formation. Therefore bactofugation is done.
is an energy transfer of heat into milk heat treatment is
often to referred as heating. The objective of heat treatment is to completely inactivate all microorganisms
which are present in the milk. The results, however,
whether desired or not in a modification of the natural
milk components. Pasteurization is the thermal inactivation of microorganisms at temperatures below 1000C
, which is required for the hygienic quality of food and
to achieve a certain level of preservation. The main
objective is to inactivate pathogens in order to avoid
a health hazard for human beings and animals.
COOLING OF MILK-Cooling is done immediately after the heating process. Temperature is reduced
below the heating temperature. This reduces the thermal risks for the milk. The final temperature is selected
as a function of the frozen utilization of the cooled
milk. Milk is processed immediately. There after can
be kept at 10-250C. Fresh milk and milk mix drinks require cooling to <60C. This prevents or reduces significantly growth and possible recontamination and
thus preserving the milk.
PACKING : After homogenization of milk, the milk
passed to packing unit under the action of gravity.
The packing of milk is done in polythene bags are
tested for its standardization. Generally milk is packed
in half litre bag. The milk is then stored in A.C. room
and transported to consumer.
some of the sources of effluents. (Khopkar, 2005)
I) Effluent from milk receiving station.
II) Empty cans are washed mechanically in an automatic milk can washer.
III) Effluent from pasteurization plant. Effluent
from these sections consists of waste water by
washings of equipment containing acids, alkalies, and
detergents and floor washings, speels and leaks.
It is an accepted practice to wash the entire unit
after each shift of batch. A part from the above sources
large amount of effluent is formed from various following sections.
IV) Milk processing section
V) Fill and packing section
VI) Compressor and refrigeration section
VII) Boiler section.

Shodh, Samiksha aur Mulyankan (International Research Journal)ISSN-0974-2832 Vol. II, Issue-5 (Nov.08-Jan.09)
461 VIII) Washing
tubs, crates section
A) Manufacturing of Butter and Ghee heavy black sludges and strong butyric acid odours
It consists of waste water of butter and floor and characterize milk waste pollution.
washings, which consists of mainly butter milk, cream
EFFECTS OF EFFLUENTS : The waste water of
and a small percent of whole milk.
dairy contains large quantities of milk constituents
B) Manufacture of Cheese
such as casein, inorganic salts, besides detergents
C) Manufacture of Casein.
and sanitizers used for washing. All these components
D) Effluent form bottle washing plant
contribute largely towards their high biological oxyBottles and crates are thoroughly washed using gen demand (BODS) and chemical oxygen demand
the detergents or caustic Soda in solution. The efflu- (COD). Which is much higher than the specified limits
ents are discharged intermittently, uncontaminated of Indian standard institute (ISI), now Bureau of Incooling water is utilized in the pasteurization of milk. dian standard (BIS), for the discharge of industrial
The spent water through hot can be reused after cool- effluents; As these wastes are generally released to
the near by stream or land without any prior treatment
VOLUME OF THE EFFLUENT-The volume of are reported to cause serious pollution problems
effluent may vary from 1-10lit of milk processed de- (Sethi. et.al., 1981).
pending upon the product manufactured, house keepDairy effluents decompose rapidly and deplete
ing and available quantity of water. The maximum dis- the dissolved oxygen level of the receiving streams
charge may be up to 5 times than the average dis- immediately resulting in anaerobic conditions and recharge.
lease of strong foul odours due to nuisance condiCHARACTERISTICS OF THE EFFLUENT-The tions. The receiving water becomes breeding place
characteristics of a dairy effluent contain Tempera- for files and mosquitoes carring malaria and other danture, Colour, PH (6.5-8.0), DO, BOD, COD, Dissloved gerous diseases like dengue fever, yello fever, chicken
solids suspended soilds, chlorids sulphate, oil & guniya. It is also reported that higher concentration
grease. It depend largely on the quantity of milk pro- of dairy wastes are toxic to certain varieties of fish and
cessed and type of product manufactured.
algae. The casein precipitation from waste which deDairy wastes are white in colour and usually compose further into a highly odorous black sludge
slightly alkaline in nature and become acidic quite rap- at certain dilutions the dairy waste is found to be toxic
idly due to the fermentation of milk sugar to lactic to fish also.
acid. All the liquors mentioned above have a high
Dairy effluent contains soluble organics, susBOD as they contain appreciable concentration of pended, solids, trace organics. They decrease do, procarbohydrates. The suspended matter content of milk mote release of gases, cause taste and odour, impart
waste is considerable mainly due to fine curd found in colour or turbidity, promote eutrophication.
cheese waste. The pollution effect of dairy waste are
attributed to the immediate and high oxygen demand.
Decomposition of casein leading to the formation of


Khopkar, S. M. (2005) Environmental pollution : monitoring and control, New Age Internatation Publishers.
Kolhe, A. S., Sarode, A. G. and Ingale, S.R. (2008). Study of effluent from Sugar CaneIndustry, Sodh, Samiksha
and Mulyankan : 303-306.
Sethi, R. P., V. K. Sehgal, R. K. Varsheny and A. Kapoor (1981). Simulation of pollution level (BOD and COD)
of dairy planteffluent" Int. Conf. on systems, theory and application, held at PAV : 651-655.
Sukumar De (2002). Outline of Dairy technology, Oxforxd University Press.
Winton, A. L. and K. B. Winton (1998). Milk and Milk products Agro Botonical publisher (India), Bikaner.

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