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How to get same day lays from daygame


Table of Content
Chapter 1 : What is a same day lay ( SDL) ?
Chapter 2: Daygame
Chapter 3: Daygame myths
Chapter 4: How to approach (mindset)
Chapter 5: Body language and fashion
Chapter 6: Creating sexual attraction
Chapter 7: Building rapport and comfort
Chapter 8: Instant date
Chapter 9: Kino and sexual escalation
Chapter 10: Boyfriend objections
Chapter 11: Logistics and sex
Chapter 12: Last minute resistance (LMR)

Chapter 1 : What is a same day lay ( SDL) ?

A same day lay is when a man sleeps with a girl that he has
met earlier on the very same day. Most often this happens
after a man has met a girl during the daytime, spoken to her
for a while and taken her for an instant date, such as a coffee
or to a nearby pub or bar. On the instant date, comfort has
been established, as well as a fun, flirtatious vibe that can
facilitate some form of escalation and/or a venue change.
Same Day Lays are not very common, and require meeting a
girl that you have good, natural chemistry with, combined
with beneficial logistics. It is absolutely vital to have good
logistics planned in order to secure an SDL. A girl is a lot less
likely to agree to come back to your place if you have to travel
to the other side of town on various modes of public
transportation! If you are near to your house, flat or hotel
room, you can use that as a good excuse to go back
something like, I just need to quickly get my jacket /charge
the phone /feed my dog. Come in for 5 minutes and make
yourself a drink. It has to feel to the girl as thought it just
happened and is therefore important to remove the
responsibility from the girl, much like when overcoming last
minute resistance or an anti-slut defence.
In summary, there must be good chemistry between yourself
and the girl, you must establish comfort usually via an
instant date, you must have good logistics set to go and you
must lead the interaction whilst removing responsibility from
the girl.

Chapter 2: Daygame
You're about to get inside the head of a day game pua, day
game pick up artist, or whatever fancy name you want to label
Alright, let's cut right through the B.S.
If you're just going to bars and clubs to meet and pick up
women, then you're missing out on the majority of women
that are single, available, and yours for the taking.
Surveys show that only 8% of the female population actually
dated men that they met in bars and clubs.
92% of them, the whopping majority I believe, actually
wanted to meet men in normal, day to day, locations such as
coffee shops, book stores, gyms, classrooms, beaches, malls,
and anywhere under the sun.
Need I say much?
I can tell you from first hand experience that it is a lot easier
to meet and pick up women during the day (AKA Daygame).
It's like shooting fish in a barrel with a rocket launcher.
Okay maybe that's a little bit extreme but it's the closest
analogy I can think of.
Don't get me wrong though.
It can be very difficult for most men who don't know what in
the world they're doing. These men often go home frustrated
because they don't know how daygame works. For them, it's a
hard, gruesome, rejection filled, day-to-day reality.
It doesn't have to be that way.
It's really easy if you know exactly what to do, how to do it
and when to do it...
Here's an important lesson I learned in my daygame pua
Not Mastering Your Environment Can Really Hurt You

Daygame is completely different from meeting women in bar

and clubs. During the night time, you're competing with tons
of sleazy cheesy guys (wow that rhymes), gallons of seductive
booze, an army of her friends, blasting music, and 99 other
things that you should really be prepared for.
It's also a social environment, so It's acceptable to run around
the place with the pure intent to meet as many women as you
want. This will be an ideal environment for pick up artists just
as long as you have the skill and ability to engage the whole
group, compete with other men, be larger than life, and have a
lot of energy.
It's a great place to practice but that's not the end all be all of
pick up.
There's another level.
A better place to meet women.
An easier way to pick up lots of women and it's called
During the day, there are no distractions, loud music, or drunk
men running around with the word "Sleep with me tonight"
stamped on their foreheads.
At the same time, it's a totally different social situation.
On top of that, women are in a different "head space" during
the daytime.
This is both a good thing and a bad thing.
It's good because if you understand female psychology and
situational attraction triggers, then you can easily swoop in
and meet any woman during the daytime without fear or
rejection.... and they will enjoy every single minute of the
On the flip side, if don't tailor your approach to work for
daygame, then women will ignore you, tune you out, and
brush you off as quickly as they can... which really sucks like
no other.

So it's really important that you master the subtle difference

between daygame and night game.
For example:
There are three types of situations you can encounter when
picking up women during the day.
Women could be sitting down, standing up, or walking on the
opposite side of the road. You need a different approach for
each and every situation.
There are women that you will see over and over again. Like
women in gyms, at work, girl next door, and etc. There are
also women that you will see only once and never again.
These are women walking down the street, shopping, jogging
in the park, hanging out at the beach.
You need to know the subtle changes in your mentality and
approach in order to make these approaches work.
It's not that hard if you know exactly what to do.

Chapter 3: Daygame myths

Myth Number 1: A Master Of Day Game Can Pick Up Any
Girl Off The Street and Take Her Home
Having impractical expectations of the final results is your #1
enemy when you start practising day game. Feeling like you'll
never measure up is a major peril if you happen to be focusing
too much on what the day game pickup "professionals" can
do... and it is going to screw up your game at any level. Most
of the time with day game you're just going to be getting a
number and a date. And if you're really skilful and the
logistics are right, you'll get an insta-date. And the fact is,
most of the stories you hear about the gurus are exaggerated,
if not wholly fictional. You are definitely not going to know
what success is when you have it if you think success means
consistently getting more than this. This is not to suggest that
picking girls up off the street for spontaneous, casual
encounters is inconceivable! In fact, it happens relatively
often... but it usually depends equally as much (if not more)
on the female and her logistics as it does on your competency.
Myth Number 2: Day Game Is Just For Guys With Advanced
There is a perception that day game is in some manner
"complex" material and the beginners should just stick to
gaming the clubs. Day game is no harder than club game -- it
is merely a different skill. There are factors you must consider
which you don't have to worry about in a club, but then again
the club has it's own set of problems. For example, in a club
you know she's come there with the intention of meeting
people and you never have to wonder if it's a "good time" to
open a woman. However, you'll likely be coping with a lot of

other men who are curious about her as well... which is not
often the case during the daytime. If you can walk up to a girl
and hold a conversation, you're already running day game. To
get consistent success all you need now is the knowledge and
Myth Number 3: What Works In The Club Will Work On The
I have a friend who kills in the club. This guy has incredible
skills and amazing energy, and when we are out he hardly ever
goes home without a hot chick. His recipe is being absolutely
direct. He turns up the heat without delay and the girls... who
are there to hook up with someone in any case... go for it on
every occasion. Just a few days ago a close friend and I were
having lunch in the neighbourhood when he noticed an
adorable girl sitting alone on a park bench nearby. So he
approached her. Told her precisely the same tales and featured
the exact same routines which happen to have gotten him
success with girls tons of times. And got the old heave-ho. But
why? He believed that the techniques which work on women
who are looking to hook up will work on a girl who is not.
The worst part, he may have been successful if he'd played it
another way. Females are always on the lookout for an
adventure. You need to simply frame it in a different way and
lead with a different energy in day game.
Myth Number 4: Because The Girl Is Always Going Some
place -- Logistics Are Always Bad
Most guys think of "daytime pua" and visualize a rather busy
street with a large number of people rushing from one place to
another. When everyone is in a hurry, the chances of pulling a

girl away for a date (or more) seem pretty minimal. Once
more... part of the problem here has to do with expectations.
With successful day game, all you're doing very often is
getting contact information and possibly setting up a future
date. More than this anything is achievable... nevertheless you
have got to be looking out for situations where a woman is not
"heading" somewhere. To illustrate, it's possible she's on a
lunch break. That's 30 minutes right there. Or perhaps she's at
work (be very careful with this one, though. You want to be
respectful of her situation... please don't attempt to lock her
into dialogue if she's obviously occupied, or she will believe
that you are a creep. And she will most likely be right.) You'll
discover how to spot the girls who have some time on their
hands with a little observation and practice...
Myth Number 5: Girls Are Always Busy And Don't Want To
Be Annoyed
Of course, even if a girl is sitting by herself on the bus with a
book... she's reading. If she's got an iPod, the woman is
listening to some music. If she has her laptop with her, she'll
probably be on Twitter or doing something for work. She'll
always be doing something to keep busy. So what? Imagine
for a second you're texting a buddy when a beautiful woman
suddenly comes up to you and starts a conversation. She's
interesting to talk to, friendly, and everything in her body
language informs you that she likes you. After a few minutes,
she offers you her number and proposes you get together in
the near future. The last thing you're going to do is tell her,
"Sorry, I'm busy." How would you feel if that situation really
took place? Fairly incredible, right? Well it is the exact same
way for girls. Even if you're not in a bar, girls still love to be
approached! You may run into the occasional girl with a bad

attitude who will blow you off. However, much of the time, if
you remember to keep a confident, playful energy and don't
undermine the interaction with too many presumptions, the
women you meet will be pretty happy you made the effort to
meet them.

Chapter 4: How to approach ( MINDSET )

There are countless opportunities to meet women in daytime
scenarios coffee shops, shopping centres, parks, book shops
and men miss out on all of them. Thats because most of you
are under the impression that approaching a woman outside of
a nightclub or bar environment is creepy or intrusive. Wrong!
Just follow these four rules for daytime interaction, and you
might be able to stop relying on noisy clubs and drunken
atmospheres to get results with women
1. Dont hover
When you see a girl you like, dont orbit her space like a lost
Soviet satellite this will creep her out. It conveys a lack of
confidence and a sense that youre a lurker who spends his
days looking for lone women. You need to make the moment
feel completely spontaneous. Give her the impression that
youve never done anything like this before this adds a more
exciting and playful feel to the interaction.
2. Add a false time constraint
Always tell the girl that you only have five minutes before
you have to go back to work or meet your friends. (This does
not have to be true.) It takes the pressure off both her and the
moment and, again, adds to the feeling of spontaneity. Her
beauty or her energy distracted you from your plans but only
temporarily, not in an Im going to be obsessed with you
3. Keep the compliment clean but detailed
Direct and sexually overt compliments are way too much for
the daytime. Replace them with clean but confidently
executed flattery such as, You look like a modern-day Audrey
Hepburn or I love your style, its really elegant . The more

personal and tailored to her your compliments are, the better.

These work a lot better in daylight than they would in a latenight bar when everyone knows the main aim is getting laid.
4. Use the line This is so random
This is the first thing you should say to her, and the last thing
you say to her before getting her number or arranging a date.
It will make her think that something about her is compelling
enough for you to do something out of the ordinary. It all adds
to the excitement of the moment, which means shes more
likely to agree to your suggested next move.
Remember, women love to have a cool story to share with
their friends about how they met a guy. Meeting a guy in a
store or a caf when they were least expecting it will always
be far better than a story that involves a nightclub or a noisy
Beautiful women are always the fantasies of men, not only
those handsome men but even those average looking men.
Figuring out how to approach beautiful women is something
most men avoid due to fear of rejection. Contrary to what
most men think that beautiful gorgeous women are just for
nice looking men, the good news is that you can win a
beautiful woman's heart regardless of your looks, age, or bank
account size if you know how to approach beautiful women.
Here are some tips on how to approach beautiful women to
achieve dating success:
Do the first move. Don't get intimidated that she's too
beautiful for you; most men avoid approaching beautiful
women because they believe that approaching beautiful
women is like answering hard puzzles or solving complicated
mathematical equations. Men think that beautiful women are
usually chased day and night by men for dates and decided not

to ask her any more for the fear of rejection and too much
competition. When the truth is, most beautiful women, stay
single because men are intimidated by them and there are not
enough guys who have the courage to ask them out or make
the first move. It rarely happens that women do the first move
especially if she's a beautiful gorgeous woman. Men should
know how to approach beautiful women first.
Be natural and friendly. Don't look too amazed and stutter
when you talk, this is very important in learning how to
approach beautiful women. Gorgeous beautiful women are not
different from other women or from other people so treat her
like a normal person. Being friendly with her will have the
same effect as with most people, if you treat her with kindness
and friendliness, they will respond on the same manner.
Initiate a conversation that will interest her. Most beautiful
women think that men are interested because they are just
amazingly beautiful so avoid mentioning about her
appearance. Initiate a conversation that will interest her. It
could be about a movie or music she likes or a hobby that you
both have. Don't be arrogant, act naturally and politely
making her feel safe and respected. Smile and maintain eye
contact during conversations and it will never show that you
were having a hard time figuring out how to approach
beautiful women like her.
Take things slowly. Do not rush things, remember that you
were a stranger to her and you are on the "getting to know
each other" stage. Do not stalk her or call her everyday that
she feels annoyed and disturbed after establishing a good
conversation with her. Yes she is an astonishingly attractive
gorgeous woman, but still you have to keep your cool and act
slowly but surely. Let her take her time to know you more and
take your time to show your good intentions.

How to approach beautiful women could be a real challenge

but if you really, really want to meet that gorgeous woman of
your dreams and have her forever, it should not just be a
dream. You could make it a reality if you learn the right way
how to approach beautiful women.

Chapter 5: Body language and fashion

Body Language is the first language of women. They know
how to speak and interpret it better than their native tongue.
This makes body language something you need to understand
as well.
Learning to Communicate with Body Language
Im sure your mother has told you to stand up straight more
times than you can count. Well, Im gonna tell you the same
thing. So lets go over some ways to stand up as tall as
Using a Wall
Find an empty wall you can stand against. Put your heels
against the wall. Now make sure your rear-end, the top few
inches of the back of your shoulders, and the back of your
head are also touching the wall. This is the straightest posture
you are capable of. Continue to stand against the wall, and
close your eyes. Starting from your heels, pay individual
attention to every joint involved in maintaining this posture.
Move from your heels, to your knees, to your hips, on up to
your neck, just pay attention to how they feel in this position.
Now step away from the wall, and hold those joints in the
same position.
Close your eyes and think about each joint separately once
again, comparing them against how they felt when you were
on the wall. Do you notice any joints which feel more
awkward in this position? If you do, this may mean you have
a muscular imbalance which is pulling more strongly on one
side of your joint. This is common if you have a job which
requires long durations of sitting. If it feels like an imbalance

does exist, and you think it may make it more difficult to hold
a straight posture, an exercise and stretching regimen can
help. You should focus on strengthening the weaker muscle,
and loosening the stronger muscles natural pull on your joint.
Working on your Walk
A mans walk says a lot. With the right walk, you can have
every woman looking at you. Its in a womans nature to turn
her head if she senses an alpha male from her peripheral
vision. In some cases, a strong walk can work like an opener,
you just need to say hi when she makes eye contact with
you. So lets examine how an alpha male walks.
One of the most important indicators of an alpha male is his
head position. Beta males are used to slouching, and this
causes their head to migrate forward so that the back of their
neck has a significant angle. Your heads center of mass
should be directly over your shoulders, not slightly in front of
them. You should also be looking straight ahead so that the
your nose is pointing parallel to the ground. With this
knowledge, lets go over an exercise to adjust your natural
head position while walking.
The Balloon Technique Exercise
Now find a hallway or a place you can practice walking.
Stand on one side of the walkway, and begin walking towards
the other side. As you do, imagine a string attached to the
centre of your sternum at the approximate height of where
your heart is. Attached to that string is a balloon full of helium
pulling straight up. Allow it to pull your chest up and out as
you walk. This will help straighten your spine. Once you
reach the opposite end, turn around and begin walking back.
This time as you walk, imagine an additional balloon attached

to the top of your head. This balloon will help straighten your
neck. Practice this exercise as often as possible, it will help
you create a habit of good walking posture, and will ensure a
proper head position.
Overall Body Language
Your overall body language should portray one message,
Confidence. Confidence means opening up your stance, and
relaxing any muscles which arent necessary for standing. By
doing this, you are accomplishing two things in her mind.
First, you are showing comfort in your life, going back to the
better life concept. Second, you are showing that you have
your physical guard down. You are in essence showing her
that you do not fear an attack from another male. This comes
from our primate instincts. If we feel at all threatened by
another male competing for status, we will leave our muscles
tense so that we can react to an attack more quickly. Being
loose portrays a confidence in ones ability to fend off attack,
and is very attractive to females. Keep this idea in mind when
around women and use it to adapt a natural standing posture
which exudes these qualities.
It's not about knowing everything about fashion or following
the latest trends. That's what most people think of when they
think of fashion. Sure, knowing the latest trends shows that
you keep up with current events and following the latest
trends shows that you have access to some financial resources
(it's expensive following the latest trends). But that's a lot of
effort for relatively little return. This short dating manual
excerpt will help you dress well to date women you want.

It's about what looks good on you, and more importantly what
makes you look good. Most importantly, it's about what it
communicates about you. The way you dress should
communicate something about your lifestyle. The following
are some general guidelines that work for a large majority of
men. For some men there may be certain social stereotypes
they may be targeting (e.g.: for wannabe Japanese girls,
dressing like a Japanese pop star would score you major
points) but making a list of all these niches would be
1. Wear clothes that fit
Clothes that fit are essential when it comes to being able to
attract women. A person wearing loose clothes shows that
they may not be comfortable with their figure (either they
think they're too slim or too fat). A person wearing tight
clothing shows that they are comfortable with themselves and
can imply comfort with sexuality. This is important for
building attraction in women. As mentioned in the beginning,
it's what your clothes communicate about you that really
matters. As such, wearing a form fitting $10 plain shirt can
look much better than an oversized $200 shirt.
If you can afford it, I recommend that you also tailor your
clothes that don't fit EXACTLY. If they fit exactly already,
that's ok. But otherwise, tailoring can help clothes fit you
better, which then helps you attract women and date women.
2. Each accessory should communicate a story
This is a good way to get conversations started and continued.
By wearing interesting items of clothing, you give women
who want to talk with you an excuse to start a conversation.
By having a story behind the item of clothing instead of it just

being a "cool item", it gives you great conversation material

for talking with women you want to date.
For example, in my hotel room last night with two cute Asian
girls, one girl asked me about my belt. I told her it was a gift
from a third girl who knew I was lacking a belt. This shows
that I know other girls, and that other girls I know hold me in
high regard (enough to give me gifts). This significantly helps
in attracting women.
3. Calibrate to situation and audience
In order to figure out how to get what you want in terms of
dating women, you first have to understand what it is that you
want. If you're trying to date Asian girls who are conservative,
you want to wear something that they will find attractive. If
you're going for Goth punk rockers, you want to wear
something they will find attractive.
Also you have to consider the situation. Wearing dress shirts
with big G-chains while trying to meet women in the library,
you stand out in a bad way as they may think you are just
there to meet women. Wearing pyjamas to a high end
nightclub shows lack of social calibration and you probably
won't even be able to get in to meet the women inside, so
much harder for you to date these women.
4. It's all in the details
If it looks like it took a lot of effort to make, it's considered
good (keeping taste in mind, of course). When it comes to
dating women, details matter. Women notice details on
clothing more than men, and additionally, they try to interpret
those details. Wearing a piece of clothing with fancy
complicated designs (hopefully in good taste) implies higher
financial position, all else being equal. A fancy design on a
shirt is not a "necessity" for a shirt since the main goal is to

cover you and keep you warm. So the fancy design is

considered an extra, and it implies that if you're able to obtain
extras then you must be well off enough that you're not
worried about getting the necessities.
This is a major reason why women wear high heels. High
heels are not very productive; they make it hard to walk and
have bad balance compared to more productive shoes. Yet this
is a major reason that women will wear them since it implies
higher social status (that they don't need to any laborious tasks
and lead a luxurious life). You should keep in mind this
concept not only when learning to attract women but also in
all social situations. Be aware of what you indirectly
communicate by what you do, dress, and say.
5. How to dress on a budget
My dating manual understands that you may not want to
spend a lot of money. These tips reflect that same principle of
my dating manual. Even if you're well off financially, I
believe that saving money when possible is a good thing.
It is better to have 2 good outfits you wear often than 50
outfits that look bad and you wear rarely. So instead of getting
dozens of average shirts and average jeans, I recommend you
get a few outfits that are great instead. You don't really need a
pair of jeans for each day of the week. You can wear the same
pair of pants more than once before washing. Shirts are a bit
harder to wear more than once in a row, but you can just
alternate shirts.
Next is using "core dressing". Have one or two items that are
"core" to your outfit. For example, a jacket or a blazer. Next
you dress around that. You can wear different jeans, different
shirts, etc. but the item that people associate you with, the
core item, is still there. This allows you to cut down on the
amount of outfits you buy while still looking good.

I hope these fashion tips serve you well. I occasionally get

compliments on my clothing, and I didn't spend a lot of time
reading GQ or men's magazines trying to copy fashion. I just
followed these basic tips to find out what looks good on me. I
also don't spend much on my fashion. The current outfit I'm
wearing as I'm typing this which got a compliment last night, I
got for under $30 CDN ( the belt was a gift).

Chapter 6: Creating sexual attraction

Learning how to create attraction in a woman is something
that most men seem to struggle with. And to create that kind
of attraction in a really beautiful woman seems to intimidate
and confuse most guys as well. If you feel this way, take
comfort in knowing that you are not alone. In fact, you are
amongst the majority of men out there.
So, what can you do to create attraction in a woman?
You have to first understand HOW attraction is created. As
men, we are very visual and so we assume that women must
be this way as well. However, most studies show that is not
true. Also, most men will assume that a woman wants the
"perfect" guy and if the man tries to be that kind of guy, then
he will get the girl. Again, that is not the case.
You see, there are natural "triggers" that create attraction in a
woman. Any woman will tell you that there are men that they
KNOW they should not be attracted to and yet, they still are.
Why is this?
There are many factors, but one of them is body language. A
man that can project confidence with his body language will
have more success with women than a man that shows no
confidence in his body language. But, confidence is NOT
enough. Your body language also has to project that you have
The more value that you have, the more desirable that you are.
And having value does not mean that you have to have a
Porsche and a fat bank account. There are many men that do

not have a high income or even have a LOW income that do

extremely well with women.
Learn how to use your body language to project YOUR value
and you will increase the level of attraction that women feel
for YOU.
For most guys, being able to create attraction with women is
like learning a foreign language. The ability to create
attraction with women is not something that a man is born
with. This is a skill that you have to develop over time and for
most guys this will include lots of trail and error. Actually,
usually more error than anything else. But, if you want to be
able to make a woman want you, then you have to know how
to create sexual attraction with her. Otherwise, you are
doomed to be seen as just a friend and maybe even less.
This is not what you want to happen. You want to be able to
get the girl, make her fall for you, and know that you are the
kind of guy that is successful with women. Will this really
happen for YOU?
There is no way to know this for sure, but here are a couple of
tips to help you out.
1. Be assertive with a woman. Now, being assertive is NOT
the same as dominating a woman. If you try and dominate a
woman, I would have to question you as a man, and this will
just repel most stable women away from you anyway.
2. Have fun with women. A lot of men seem to forget that
dating women is supposed to be fun and they lose this part of
themselves when they are out on a date with a woman. You

don't want to lose the fun perspective as this is a characteristic

that will drive her wild.
3. Become the kind of guy that naturally attracts women. Most
guys seem to think that either you are born with attraction
skills or not. However, you have to learn how to create
attraction with women, if you want to be successful when it
comes to your dating and sex life.
You don't have to struggle with women any longer. You can
learn how to attract a woman, make her feel that desire for
you, and get the girl almost every time. However, you don't
want to make the many mistakes that men make with women.
This is not how you are going to attract beautiful women.

Chapter 7: Building rapport and comfort

The sense that you and a woman have connected on a
meaningful level is one of the key factors that make a woman
comfortable sleeping with you. You can instantly lower her
anti-slut defences simply by making her feels that you
appreciate her for the way she really is, not the way she looks.
Building rapport needs to be natural because women can
detect so fast whether someone is present in the moment. The
minute you lose focus in what she is doing and saying right in
front of you, she is likely to notice.
This fact creates the very first truth of generating rapport with
women. Building rapport is simply putting a woman at the
center of your attention and being present with her. Most
aspiring PUAs mistakenly kill a real game by getting struck in
their head worrying about the next move. Be aware that if a
woman senses your ulterior motive, she will eject.
You can build rapport in other ways; however, theses will be
less useful unless you are present down mentally and
emotionally. Mirroring can be an effective way to practice.
You can obviously see whether a couple is in rapport as they
adopt mirror-image postures. If he put his hand in his pocket,
so does her. They hold a glass with hands on the same side of
table. To rapidly develop rapport with her, you simply copy
her posture, arm position, and so on.
You may find that, as you practice more and more, this
quickly becomes your nature. Great! You are enhancing your
game to the next level. Remember to always kino! In fact, as

you are in rapport, when you start touching her, she will touch
you back.
Revealing your vulnerability is another powerful way to
quickly build rapport. However, many PUAs practice it the
wrong way. They make themselves vulnerable while
displaying low value by sharing how they behave in a lowvalue way. "I remember what it feels like when my exgirlfriend dumped me, back then I thought I would never meet
another girl." This is a really huge mistake. You may argue
that you show your vulnerability here, but you are also saying
that you are the kind of men who get dumped and have a hard
time dealing with it. You are displaying low value behaviour.
You can also easily build rapport with a woman via futureprojections. What you need to do is just sharing a fantasy
about anything exciting: how great is your trip, where you go
on an adventure, and so on. You need to be extravagant and
have fun with it. Women have strong emotions that we do. To
make her feel as if a wonderful future with you really
happened, you only need to get her to imagine. How easy is
it? Note that you don't have to worry about future-projecting
marriage. You only need to be light and fun, and then it will
be a blast. She will not hold you to it.
Practice these techniques regularly and keep watching couples
who are in rapport when you go out. Then, do it over and over
again. You will finally see good results.

Chapter 8: Instant dates

Getting phone numbers from women during the day is a great
skill to have, what's even better is the skill to immediately and
effortlessly instant date them to a caf or coffee shop then and
there, as this does a number of things, firstly:
1. Establishes more rapport with the girl and creates a more
emotional connection as opposed to just getting her phone
number and running off.
2. Creates more comfort with her, she'll start feeling safe,
comfortable and protected while around you and this helps
especially when the times comes for the bedroom.
3. Solidifies the second date venue and reduces flakiness.
Usually you'll make a plan to meet a girl at a later time and
place however not all girls turn up unfortunately and this is
called being flaky. If you effortlessly instant-dated her, made
her feel comfortable around you, created more of an
emotional connection then the second date venue will be as
solid as ever.
The key to getting instant dates from women is to always look
relaxed when leading the interaction to sit down with you or
to join you for a coffee, because if you look even slightly
bothered or nervous about asking then she'll sense it and
become weary.
Some of my favourite instant date lines:
1. "I'm just waiting for a friend now he should be another 10
minutes, so would you like to join me for a quick coffee while
I'm waiting" (Note put emphasis on the word "quick" and
make it seem that you're waiting for your friend and ideally
not just trying to get a date with her)
2. "You seem pretty cool what are doing in the next 5
minutes? Well I've got a function to get to but I want to tell

you this funny story that happiness the other day, lets grab a
quick coffee"
Instant-dating women is actually a good skill to have however
remember that you must look relaxed when leading the
interaction and push it as far as you can. If she says she cant
join you push a little more as most girls give out "token"
resistance like "I've got somewhere to go" even when they
don't, they say this as it's the only objection they know to put
up at this point (even if they like you). So just say "just join
me and have a quick chat for 5 minutes and then you can go to

Chapter 9: Kino and sexual escalation

Kino, (Kino Escalation) simply refers to physical touch
between a man and a woman, and is a derivative of the word
kinesthesia. In order to successfully complete a seduction
(i.e., sex), physical contact between a man and woman will
obviously have to occur. The concept behind Kino Escalation
is that, by gradually and progressively increasing both the
amount and type of physical contact with the girl, the more
comfortable and receptive she will be about participating in
more intimate acts further down the line. The time frame for
these physical progressions can vary greatly. They may take
place over a few hours (or even minutes), such as in a bar or
club, or they may take place over a period of several days or
weeks (such as on dates or Day 2s).
Whilst gradually building up the level of physical touch
between yourself and a girl is not always necessary in order to
achieve sex, it is a more socially intelligent and calibrated way
of going about things. This is because it limits or helps to
break down the potentially awkward barrier of a more forward
physical gesture, such as going in for the kiss or putting your
arm around the girl in the cinema. Imagine you have been on a
date or two with a girl. You havent made any physical contact
with her no hugging, kissing, hand holding, and there has
been minimal accidental touch, such as knees or legs
touching while sat down, as you have been sat opposite her at
the table. If you are to suddenly go for the kiss, it will feel
clumsy and awkward, as the leap from absolutely nothing (no
touching), to a full-on act (kissing, for example), is too large.
You want to avoid the romantic Front Door Kiss Scene,
often depicted in the movies. In reality, if no physical
progression has been made throughout a date for example, an
obvious tension or pressure usually quite awkward can be

felt by both you and the girl. However, if throughout a date

you have been progressively and slowly developing Kino by
holding hands, sitting close to each other or other such
physical gestures/acts, the jump from that to kissing is a small,
natural progression, free of the awkward social tension
associated with the Front Door Kiss Scene.
To avoid any awkwardness and to create naturally progressive
Kino, it is best to initiate physical contact as soon as possible.
A good way to do this in a club, for example, is to open
physically via hugging a girl, taking her by the hand or by
dancing with her (holding her hips, grinding etc). On dates
or Day 2s, some good ways to build touch and comfort are to
give a quick hug and kiss on the cheek (French style) when
greeting her, sitting next to each other in the pub or coffee
house which allows legs to touch naturally, and makes
physical playfulness such as pushing or hitting easier and
hand holding. As always, it is important not to be physically
aggressive or inappropriate when initiating Kino, and if she
indicates to you at any time that she is uncomfortable (through
either her body language or verbally), you must back off
Conversely, over escalating with Kino can actually lead to
flaking or losing the girl. While you want to remove awkward
tension from your interactions, escalating Kino too much and
too quickly can kill sexual tension. Some of the tension you
and the girl will feel will be excitement about what will
happen next. By over escalating or by escalating too quickly,
you release all the sexual tension and pressure, which
decreases the level of excitement. Its like being told how a
movie you really wanted to see ends before youve had a
chance to watch it. Similarly, a too much, too fast approach
to Kino on dates (or more specifically, on first dates), can
make the girl feel slutty and rushed, and will either lead to

strong LMR (Last Minute Resistance) or her flaking on a

second date.
A crucial skill in any social interaction is knowing the proper
way to touch - or kino - a woman as a part of the act of
We all want to be touched from the moment we emerge from
the womb. When a baby comes into the world, the only thing
that quiets him is when he is handed over to his mother and he
gets his first taste of being held.
To really understand kino and what it can do for you requires
a lot of self-examination. Seriously, how much kino do you
get from the people who are close to you? What are your
attitudes and boundaries in regards to kino?
All too often, men feel uncomfortable touching others. There's
some taboo associated with being "too physical" with other
people, and many guys are hesitant to do so.
But learning to be more comfortable with physical interaction
is key to succeeding, because it is through this interaction that
we are able to kindle the notion of intimacy between two
Start to pay attention to how you touch people you're
comfortable with - your friends and family. Grab someone's
arm gently when you want to make an important statement. If
someone is sad, or tired, or stressed, rub their upper back in
light circles and give their shoulder a squeeze.
Deep down, everyone is starving for real human contact, and
you will rarely - if ever - have someone ask you to stop
touching them as long as you have built up a certain level of
rapport and comfort with them.

Once you get comfortable with your tactile communication,

you will want to start initiating touching with the women you
are attracted to.
When meeting a girl for the first time, start up the kino as
soon as possible. Make a few jokes, charm her with your
irresistible wit, and touch her upper arm gently.
Most of all: PAY ATTENTION to how she responds!
If you are getting green lights - like her smiling, touching you
back, playing with her hair, tilting her head - then escalate the
kino SLOWLY by removing your hand, waiting for another
high point in the conversation and then touch her at the waist.
If you are getting red lights - like she gives the "what do you
think you're doing?" look, backs away, or breaks eye contact then back off and take it easy for a while. Even if her backing
off upsets you, don't let her know it! Be cool, and show her
that you aren't trying to move too fast.
Go from light touches on the hands and wrists, to holding
hands. Put your hand on her knee when she's sitting next to
you. High-five her when she says something fun or
interesting. Give her a hug. Brush her hair out of her face with
your hand. Rub her shoulders.
The more you touch, the stronger your bond with the woman
will become.
Remember - you don't have to be "Mr. Smooth" to make this
work. Escalating kino is a process. It's about gradual
escalation towards being intimate with a woman, so don't be
afraid to trip up or take a chance every once in a while.
Of all the tools a man has at his disposal, kino is by far one of
the most powerful. Just remember, all you need to do is
slowly ease from light touching, to heavy kino to escalate the
Turn hugs into cuddles, cuddles into kisses, etc.

Touching, more than talking, is able to communicate so much

about what we're thinking and feeling. Before you know it,
you'll start to see the woman of your desires change her
emotions towards you, simply because you knew the right
way to touch her!

Chapter 10: Boyfriend objections

Let's face it. The most beautiful attractive girls already have
boyfriends. Finding out that the girl you're interested in is
already in a relationship does not mean you should stop
pursuing her. Hey, I'm not trying to be evil here. What I'm
saying is that, it's totally harmless to flirt with someone who
already has a boyfriend. They're not married are they? Let me
explain why it's okay to seduce girls with boyfriends.
There is no such thing as a perfect boyfriend (well maybe you
can try and be an exemption) and most girls, usually the ones
in an early relationship would feel that their guys are not
meeting their standards and expectations (which is normal, by
the way). If you're lucky, the girl might be just waiting to be
whacked on the right spot to detach herself from her current
relationship. Take note this: most girls in a rocky relationship
only stay with their boyfriends because they still haven't
found someone to replace them. So fire-up that confidence
level and go ahead and approach that girls you've been eyeing
across the room (make sure she's not with her boyfriend of
Now let's say this girl really likes her boyfriend and is not
actually finding a way out of a relationship. This one's tougher
but definitely worth the try. The trick is, make her talk about
what she likes about her boyfriend. Do not counter her stories,
just listen attentively and be agreeable. By letting her talk
about her "wonderful" relationship, you're starting to make her
feel good and this could build a better rapport between the two
of you. Make her feel comfortable. Chances are, say, during a
fight with her boyfriend, she will seek your company and pour
her heart out to you, and this is your opening to be more
flirtatious with her.

Bear in mind though that it's always better to date and flirt
with single girls. If you're luckier, you can score a very
beautiful attractive single girl all to yourself.

Chapter 11: Logistics and sex

I bet if I polled every guy in the country, 80% of them would
want to know how they could have sex with women fast. Its
the nature of the beast, that men are very prone to want to get
a women in bed without even knowing them. For the most
part as guys, we just don't care about forming a relationship,
courting a girl for dinner or a night on the town, we just
simply want to get laid. Some say this is wrong, others say
women are looking for the same thing, but the bottom line is
if you want to have sex with a girl quickly, you need to follow
a few general steps.
The first thing you need to do is find a women that is willing
to have sex on the first night. Most women will tell you that
they would never do such a thing, but you would be surprised
to know that most of these women HAVE actually had sex
with a guy on the first date. The best places to find a girl like
this is a place where the alcohol is flowing freely. When
women drink, just like guys, they get loose and lose a lot of
rational and thinking. Now, you obviously should not try and
get laid by a women that is passed out drunk, but if a woman
is capable enough of walking, talking, and drinking, she is
capable enough of deciding whether or not she wants to have
So you have found a women that wants to go home and have
sex with you. Good, but the battle doesn't stop there. Once
you get the girl back to your place, there should be no
hesitation of what you both want. Get her in your bed as quick
as you can, and let it roll from there. If she doesn't want to
jump right into it, then fine, just accept that your not going to
get laid tonight and try again another night. The key to
learning how to have sex with women fast is to find the type

of women that is into that sort of thing, then capitalize on it by

letting her know you are too.
Now if I sound cocky and probably even a bit chauvinistic,
my apologies. Because that's what this topic is all about!
Most guys think that it is very difficult to get a girl to have sex
with them, and then there are a few who think they can have
sex with any girl on the planet. The fact is that both these
'types' are totally disillusioned about the fairer sex. Those who
think girls are difficult to get are underestimating themselves
and putting an almost sacred tag on girls. Girls, after all, are
human and they have their needs too. Those who think girls
are easy are plain stupid. The middle path is what works here.
The fact is that no girl is too difficult or too easy. It just
depends on what you are and how you approach them.
Did you know that if you approach a girl, she makes up her
mind in about 15 seconds whether she will ever have sex with
you? Yes, that's exactly what it takes. 15 seconds. They don't
look at just your body or your clothes or the way you talk but
they look at the whole 'you'. They look at you as a person. The
thing that goes in their minds is-"Will I be able to tell my
friends about this adventure with pride?"
True, for girls it is more about feeling good about a particular
experience and then being able to tell their friends about it. If
they feel good about you, they will be more forthcoming when
you propose them to have a night with you.
So, work on your personality, and then on your approach. If
you are only looking at how to get a girl to have sex with you,
this is all that you will need. Also, be yourself, don't imitate
others illogically. Every man is defined by his own style and
that's what women like.

Chapter 12: Last minute resistance (LMR)

All guys will experience LMR at some point often with
many different girls. Last Minute Resistance is where a girl
will prevent a man from escalating beyond a certain point in
the bedroom. Often these moments of LMR occur when
things are heating up towards sex, such as when you attempt
to remove clothes, or attempt any sexual moves beyond
kissing. This resistance can occur for several reasons; she
feels things are moving too quickly, she is nervous, she
doesnt want to feel slutty by giving it up too easily, etc..
Ideally you want to limit LMR occurring in the first
place. You can do this through building and developing
comfort with the girl prior to heading home to seal the deal.
The more comfortable and relaxed a girl feels around you, the
more open and receptive she will be towards physical
escalation. In the likely event that you are to encounter LMR
at some point, it is critical that you do not continue to try and
escalate using force or pressure. In these situations, back off a
little, do something else watch videos, look at pictures, reescalate slightly, back off again Gradually build the
escalation up nice and slowly. Kissing, massages and other
small escalations will arouse her to the point of no resistance.
Remember, when resistance arises be cool! Stay nonreactive and under no circumstances make the girl feel
pressured. Trying to bulldoze your way through LMR will
likely not end well. Each time you back off, ramp things up
just a little further each time, and repeat. The girl will become
more comfortable with the subtle escalations, things will feel
slower and less rushed and shell feel more relaxed and turned
on. Eventually youll hear those wonderful five words Do
you have a condom?


When dating women, you'll eventually run into resistance
when it comes to getting physical with them. Mind you - this
doesn't happen with every woman, but it happens enough that
you need to be aware of it.
When resistance occurs, most guys take it as a form of
rejection and give up! They won't even put up a fight, they'll
just go along with the resistance and let it win.
What they don't know is that resistance can be overcome - and
you can do it without being a jerk or forcing the girl to do
something she doesn't want to do.
Typically, there are 2 causes of this type of resistance.
The first cause is LOGICAL. This is typically the easiest type
of resistance to overcome. Logical resistance is where women
think up objections to the two of you getting together. These
objections sometimes include:
1. Are we moving too fast? I don't want him to think I'm easy.
2. I don't want to get pregnant or catch a disease.
3. What will my friends think if I hook up with this guy?
4. How do I know he's not just trying to use me?
5. I really like this guy and I don't want to screw it up by
sleeping with him too soon.
And on, and on, and on.
The second cause is EMOTIONAL. This resistance stems
from feelings that suddenly flare up. She might feel afraid, or
insecure, or nervous, and give into these feelings, and come
up with some type of excuse to do so.
Obviously, guys have a hard time with the emotional
objections because they are usually oblivious to what the girl
is feeling to begin with!
So what is there to do? How do we deal with that?

At some point, we started moving too fast. This caused her to

close off, get skittish, or shut down completely.
All resistance, whether it be logical or emotional, stems from
a lack of 2 critical things:
When a woman trusts you and is completely comfortable with
you, you will never experience any resistance from her.
EVER. It is only when these things are lacking that resistance
rears it's ugly head.
So in order to prevent resistance from occurring, you really
have to focus on getting the girl you're with to trust you and
feel comfortable with you.
When you do meet with resistance, it's important to work on
developing more trust and comfort with the girl.
So how does one create trust and comfort?
Well, the two go hand in hand. If you can create one, the other
will follow. The first way you can do this is to be relaxed and
have fun when you're with the girl. Cracking jokes, laughing,
and having a good time will relax her and make her feel
comfortable around you.
Refrain from judging her and other people too harshly. Lack
of trust and comfort usually stems from being judged and
criticized. You need to let her know that she can make
mistakes around you, and you won't punish her for them.
Make her feel safe. Let her know you're there for her when
she needs you, and that you care for her. This goes a long way
towards building trust and comfort.
And should she offer resistance to you, don't get angry or
upset! Instead, acknowledge it, agree with it, and talk about it.
Allow her to voice what's scaring her and help her work
through it.

Over time she'll get comfortable enough with the situation,

and that resistance will become a thing of the past.

Chapter 13: Conclusion

This is an advice guide for guys who want to know how to
pull girls. Do you find it hard to get and keep a woman's
attention? Have you bailed-out of encounters because you
can't take another rejection? Is the thought of approaching a
beautiful girl out of the question for you? Unfortunately many
times a guy will find himself attracted to a girl that shows
little or no interest in him. This can be disheartening
especially if it happens more than once.
All of us have come into contact with a guy that isn't
attractive, rich or famous yet he consistently gets gorgeous
girls. How does he do it?
Whether he realizes it or not this guy is tuned into how
women think! If you want to know how to date beautiful
women you must also know how they think. Why? - When
you understand how a woman thinks you will understand that
her thoughts and actions are based on her emotions.
In order to consistently get beautiful women you must know
that the way a woman feels is more important than how she
thinks because women act on their emotions.
Using this knowledge you will know how to pull girls
consistently regardless of their looks or social standing and
regardless of your own. A woman will act on her feelings
more than she will act on her logical decision making
thoughts. When you create positive feelings in a woman and
feelings of attraction she will always act on them!
Learning how to pull girls using this approach can be hard to
do alone. Women and men are wired differently. Would you
expect a frog to know a scorpion?
An example of how girls react to men can be seen with the
typical alpha male. If you display these characteristic females
will be much more interested in you. Never appear too

desperate or nervous. Showing a lot of interest can be a turnoff to a woman! Now this may sound strange to you at first
after all when a woman wants a man she has to practically hit
him over the head before he realizes it! So men think they
must do the same (metaphorically speaking). Even though
men are mostly unconscious of a woman's intentions women
know the intentions of men when they meet them. You need to
do very little except talk genuinely to her for her to know that
you're interested.
Build up some self confidence. you can start on this by having
a relaxed "I'll see what happens approach when talking to
women. Having confidence in yourself will not only allow
you to approach beautiful without fear and trepidation but it
will also mean you can handle possible rejection and learn
from it instead of beating yourself up. Take the view that
you're going to have a chat with her, see what happens and
have no expectations.
Now that you know women act on their emotions it is very
important that you get in touch with how she is feeling
quickly. The good news is, though, that you can deliberately
get her into certain emotional places with specific proven
techniques. There is a scientific way that outlines how to pull
girls using emotional/psychological techniques.
Spend the necessary time to learn how to pull girls and then
practise what you've learned. Rome was not built in a day!
The key to getting more dates is to give women what they
want. You do this by developing an understanding of how they
think and what motivates them into action i.e. their feelings.
The science behind the knowledge of how to pull girls lies in
understanding how the think and especially how they feel.
However, you get out of life what you put into it and this is no
exception. Put in the work and you will see amazing results.

You will know what women want and you will be able to give
it to them.
Final words from SIMON SPENCER
Thank you for taking the time to read this ebook. I hope you
enjoyed it and learnt something. Now its time to take action
and put this information into action. Remember, the game is
played in the field . Lets get out of the house and start
I wish you all the success in the world and more hot girls in
your life everyday.
If you wish to contact me for coaching, to attend my live
events and or other enquiries then please visit my website
Or email me at info@authenticmensclub.com
Copyright 2015 by Simon Spencer. All rights reserved.

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