History of Fard, Elijah, Father
History of Fard, Elijah, Father
History of Fard, Elijah, Father
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for a Special Job whic~ was to find the Lost Tr~be of ~habazz.
So Alphonso went a~d married Baby Gee and the flrst Ch1ld She
gave Birth to was a Daughter and Alphonso said I missed that
Time and tried again,this Time She Born Him a Son.Alphonso tau~ht
and raised Fard until the Age of Seven,at which time He turn h~m
(Fard) over to the 23 Wise Scientist who trained,taught and
pre~ared Fard for the journey to the Western Hemisphere in search
of the. 1/3 of Knowledge that was lost .in the Atmosphere.
Fards first journey to the West was in search of the former
Kings and Queens of Asia who was stolen from their Home Land and
force into Slavery.These.were the members of the God-Head Tribe
of Shabazz.
It was in the year 1910 when Fard first made His appearance
in North America.He stayed approximately. 3 years looking and
searching for the members of the God-Head Tribe of Shabazz,but
instead what He found were people who no longer had the proper
Knowledge of themselves,who were truly Dead,Sleep and Hypnotize.
Who no longer was Kings and Queens but had become Slaves of a
Mental Death and Power infact they were now known as so-called
American Negroes. .
So Master F~rd who came here seeking.a People who once Ruled
Asia,but have now been 'reduce to a Sub-~Jman Sttate.Left the West
and return to the East to report the condition of us to the 23
Wise Scientist.Who when hearing of Our condition wanted to fo~get
us and considered us beyond help.
But Fard refuse to give up on us and prepared His Self to
come help us find ourselves.In the year 1930 W.D.Fard came to
the City of Detroit and began teaching Black People ISLAM.W.D.
Fard was not a fraud but a true Man.In order to understand the'
Ti~es and Conditions of the People when this.Man appeared,lets
rerlect a moment.In the 30's the Great.Depression had just
taken place and America wasn't doing to well,so you know Black
People were catching Hell.When Fard came we were uneducated,
unemployed,and poor.We Hat~d Ourselves and Thought our Color
was Ugly,we ate PQxk Meat all Day and therefore suffered many
Ill's.We Drunk Wine and cursed (a very Foul-Mouthed Peop'le)and
only took a ~at1J.once a Weeksand ~herefore'~~~y--of us Stunk
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ALLAH knew that organized ,Religion and so-called Islam was not
, -the answer to the Blackmans problem.ALLAH was.able to break the
seal of the Prophets and bring us face to face with the Reality
of God and the Devil.When ALLAH came to us He didn't Pimp the
Teachings,He din't Mack the Teachings,and He didn't Capitalize
on the Teachings,But He gave Truth up pure,c~ean,and un-cut(and
He told it like it is). .
, The Father taught Islam any and everywhere He could find the
Young,the Street Corners,the Rooftop's,t'he Par~'s and the Base-
ment's,any where the Young would gather.Whi,le in the Basement
of a Tenam~nt Building call the "Hole" in 1965 ALLAH was shot
bv a Brother named Carlos,but He survived to be arrested later on
that same year at an "Har-You~Act Rally in Harlem along with some
of'H~s Young Five Per Cent,and charged with 4 pocession of a Wea-
pon. '
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FINAL TRIP Allahis abc
t-obe escorted through.Harl£
for the last time~ Um
Funeral directors cl1eclt t
flower cars and the, hear
bearing the earthly remains
Clarence 13X Smit
affectionatelycalled uPuddj
by his friends, before: t
funeral proeession $ tar tj
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