Self Help Handbook
Self Help Handbook
Self Help Handbook
LSE Student Counselling Service
Table of Contents
Stress ..........................................................................................................................................5
Self Esteem ............................................................................................................................ 12
Perfectionism ..........................................................................................................................14
Sleep .........................................................................................................................................17
Eating Disorders .....................................................................................................................19
Books (available in the LSE library) ....................................................................................22
Other Useful Books ................................................................................................................23
Useful Web links for relaxation.............................................................................................24
Positive statements and Affirmations for mood management................25
Inspirational Quotes/Reframing Statements....27
Helpful Resources
Panic Attacks by Christine Ingram
Overcoming Anxiety by Chris Williams
What is it?
Anxiety is a natural adaptive response. Our body reacts automatically to prepare us for
action. Known as the flight or fight response, adrenalin is pumped into our blood streams
which triggers energetic, quick reactions and acute reactions. There are several
situations/factors which might cause anxiety such as:
Starting University
Coping with exams
Starting a new relationship/ being in a relationship
However, specific situations can lead to specific types of anxiety such as:
Speaking in public
Interacting/engaging with people in social situations
Fears pertaining to ones health
Panic about giving a presentation
This is by no means an exhaustive list, and the experience of anxiety can range from mild to
severe. Severe anxiety can sometimes lead to panic.
It is important to note that experiencing some anxiety is normal. In fact, anxiety can be both
helpful and unhelpful. Examples of when anxiety can serve a helpful purpose include:
-You have to write an exam in forty minutes
-You have to run a race
-Going out on a date
Unhelpful Anxiety can occur in situations where the flight or fight effect is not necessary.
Examples of these can include feeling anxious in a social gathering or experiencing high
levels of anxiety in a work setting.
Anxiety usually comprises an emotional component (e.g. fear), a physiological component
(butterflies, sweating, heart racing, faintness) and a cognitive component (Ill make a fool of
myself, something bad is going to happen).
Thoughts associated with anxiety are usually characterised be danger or vulnerability. We can
have fears about being embarrassed, humiliated or hurt in some way. In these instances, we
may also adopt certain behaviours such as avoidance, overcompensation, perfection, escaping
and finding safety mechanisms.
Anxiety can be reinforced and maintained through behaviours and beliefs.
Situation: Feel highly anxious when giving a presentation
Belief: If I give a presentation or speak in public, I will have a panic attack
Behaviour: Avoid speaking in public or giving presentations
Distorted Thought: I am going to make such a fool of myself in my seminar. People will
notice Im anxious, and theyll think Im weak and stupid
Balanced Thought: I have given presentations before, and they have gone well. Also, it is a
topic I know a lot about and others in my seminar have expressed their nervousness at giving
presentations, so Im not alone
When anxious, sometimes it is helpful to distract yourself. This helps to reduce focus on the
fearful aspects of the anxiety provoking situation. Distraction techniques come in different
forms such as visualising a calming image, repeating a calming phrase, or focusing on a
positive aspect of the situation.
Utilising relaxation techniques can also be useful in reducing anxiety. Breathing techniques
are useful in this instances (regulate breathing whilst tensing muscles), as are imagery
techniques (trying to imagine a safe, relaxing place and immersing yourself in this scene).
Relaxation classes and Yoga classes may also aid the development of coping strategies in
anxiety provoking situations.
Test Your Fears
One of the most effective ways to overcome anxiety is to challenge the fears underpinning it.
This may mean facing anxiety provoking situations and dropping the behaviours one employs
when anxious (such as avoidance, over-concentration, over preparation). Sometimes, we
have learned responses to situations, and these need to be modified as a way of eliminating
anxiety. For instance, previously, in a social situation, you might have prepared ahead of time
what you were going to say and how you would act. By modifying some of these behaviours
and giving yourself permission to just enjoy yourself, you may develop a new way to
approach social situations because you have evidence to disprove your original beliefs/fears.
Helpful Resources
Total Stress Relief by Vera Pfeiffer
Palmer, S and Puri, A Coping with Stress at University: A Survival Guide London: Sage
What is it?
Some stress is important in our lives to help us cope with certain challenges. It is a normal
physical response to events that may make us feel threatened or upset our balance in some
way. In a sense, stress is the bodys way of protecting us. Much like anxiety, when stress is
functioning properly, it can help us to feel energetic, enthused and alert.
However, stress can become problematic when there is too much or too little of it. A lack of
stress can leave you feeling under stimulated, whilst too much stress can result in a range of
health problems, such as:
Panic Attacks
Stomach Aches
Muscle Tension
Hair Loss
Low Motivation
Poor Concentration
These symptoms can have an effect on our functioning, mood and behaviours. It can affect
our work, relationships and sense of self-worth. Feeling stressed can also cause us to
Low mood
Weight gain/Weight loss
Disrupted Sleep
People experience stress for different reasons. Sometimes, it can be due to negative factors or
events (e.g. loss of a loved one, relationship breakdown, failing an exam) but can also develop
as a result of positive experiences (starting a new relationship, beginning university, starting
an internship). Stress can both be acute (e.g. dealing with the loss of a job) and chronic (e.g.
Existing in a bad relationship)
Individuals deal with stress in different ways. Some people use drink, drugs, smoking, food
and denial. Although these may seem to help in the short term, they can exacerbate stress and
cause further problems in the long term. There are other ways to deal with/reduce stress
which can be beneficial to you:
Identify the trigger: Sometimes triggers exist without our awareness. Take some time to
write down the things in your life which are problematic, or may be causing stress. Is there a
practical solution to deal with it? Might there be other ways you can tackle or approach these
situations? Are there people who can help?
Concentrate on the Present: Try to concentrate on the here and now. Immerse yourself in
the present and try to disengage from past worries or events, or from thoughts about things
you do not have control over
Take a step back: Sometimes, we can get so stuck in the complexities of a situation, it is
hard to see the bigger picture. STOP and take a step back. Try and evaluate the situation from
a different perspective. Are there different ways to manage? Devise an action plan which
might help you deal with the problem in a step by step fashion.
Take care of yourself: Sounds simple, but it is something we can easily forget to do. Take
time out for yourself, engage in pleasurable activities, socialise with friends and family. Try
and eat a balanced diet, and engage in light exercise where you can. Try and be
compassionate to yourself, se encouraging words and commend yourself.
Relaxation: Try utilising relaxation techniques. This can include deep breathing, muscle
relaxation, imagery techniques. You can also aid relaxation by getting a massage or relaxation
exercise. Yoga and meditation can also be helpful.
Laugh! : Laughter is one of the best cures for stress. Try to engage with things and people
who make you happy and distract you. Take in a comedy show, watch funny movies and
Balance: Try to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Try and make a list of things you have
to tackle during the week, and cross them off as you go along. Reward yourself when you
have achieved your goals and completed tasks. Try and engage in an equal amount of
pleasurable activities. If it initially feels too difficult to do, schedule some me time in your
diary. Much like you would try and attend lectures etc, attend to yourself.
Manageable Goals: Set yourself manageable and realistic goals. Sometimes we take on too
much without realising it, or we aspire to unrealistic standards.
Time management: It is important wherever possible to manage your time. Try and devise a
schedule for yourself and compose a list of priorities. Know that if you cant get to
everything, it wont be the end of the world, and acknowledge the things you have done well
or have been able to complete.
Communicate: If you are feeling overwhelmed, try and talk to someone about it. It is
important not to suffer in silence as this can also exacerbate stress and distort thinking. Talk
to a friend, a colleague, a tutor, your lecturer, or a counsellor. They may help you to develop a
different perspective and think of practical ways to manage your stress.
Helpful Resources
What is it?
As individuals, we may experience low periods from time to time. Naturally, our mood varies
and we may feel under the weather, fed up or experience periods of sadness for a variety of
reasons. However, this differs from clinical depression, which is more intense, lasts for a
longer period of time and can severely affect day-to-day functioning, relationships, selfesteem and work. Depression can be experienced by any individual at any point in their life,
so it is important to remember you are not alone in experiencing this.
Depression can include a persistent low mood and a loss of interest or pleasure in life. Other
symptoms which may be associated with depression include:
Disrupted sleep patterns
Loss of Appetite
Increase in Appetite
Persistent low mood
Low motivation
Decrease in energy levels
Feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness
Reduced sexual drive
Negative thoughts and beliefs about oneself, others and the world
Feeling irritable, short-tempered, tearful, angry or deflated
It is important to note that some people may experience some or all of these symptoms for a
brief period of time, and this may or may not be symptomatic of depression. An individual
who is depressed will experience these symptoms for a persistent period of time.
Negative Thinking
Individuals who are depressed think in particular ways which may be taken as absolute truths.
They may have negative thoughts about themselves, others, the world and their situation,
often thinking that things will never change and everything is hopeless. Negative thoughts can
affect the way we feel and behave; these maintain depression by affecting perception and
exacerbating symptoms.
Examples of these negative thoughts include:
Im a failure; I can never get anything right
People dislike being around me, Im not fun to be around
Im unlucky; the world is a dark, gloomy place
Ill never amount to anything, Ill never succeed
Often, when we are depressed, we can engage with certain behaviours which may exacerbate
or maintain the way we feel. These behaviours can include:
Isolation: When an individual feels depressed, they may isolate themselves from others. A
common concern depressed individuals have is I dont want to bring others down or have the
way Im feeling affect them Other thoughts may be Others dont care about me or
Nobody wants to be around a depressed person
Avoidance: Similarly, avoidance of situations can be common in depression, especially if it
seems too difficult or overwhelming to engage with.
As mentioned before, depression is experienced by many individuals, and there are some
steps one can take and things one can try which can help to lift depression. These involve
addressing some of the maintaining factors of depression
Modification of Negative Thinking
Often, individuals who experience depression engage in unhelpful or distorted thinking. They
may adopt certain thinking patterns/styles which affect the way they feel and the way in
which they engage with certain situations. In these instances, it is helpful to begin to develop
a balanced way of thinking through challenging negative thoughts and developing a different
Become aware of your negative thinking: It may be useful to keep a thought log, particularly
at times when you are feeling low. This will help to increase awareness of negative thought
Recognise Thought Patterns: It is important to recognise that sometimes, the thoughts we
have about ourselves, others or particular situations may be distorted and unfair perceptions.
This is even more prevalent when one is experiencing depression. In these instances, it may
be useful to learn how to challenge these thoughts so that thinking is more balanced. An
example is given below:
2a/ Visualise a future in which everything has turned out exactly the way you want it to
be. Do this regularly. Close your eyes and imagine you have achieved everything you
want. Visualisation is proven to be a very powerful tool.
2b/Spend five minutes every few days visualising/ seeing yourself as confident, relaxed
and happy. Sit somewhere where you can relax. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself
walking in the park; happy, relaxed, smiling, looking at the sky. Make the visualisation
as real as possible. Include your five senses: what are you touching, smelling, seeing,
hearing, and tasting in the visualisation?
3/ Be positive. Repeat, write down and surround yourself with positive, self-affirming
statements about yourself and your life.
5/ Keep busy. Immerse yourself in activities you enjoy and especially in activities you can
lose yourself in and relax in the moment.
Much recent research has shown that regularly doing some of the above mentioned
activities hugely improves our daily sense of well being and contentment.
It is also important to pace yourself when completing tasks. Set yourself manageable goals,
and break each task down into steps or chunks. Also, start by completing easier tasks and
work your way up to the more difficult ones. Track your progress.
Give yourself permission to do less. You dont have to do everything all at once. Take your
time and reward yourself/acknowledge when you have achieved a personal goal
Try to engage with people and situations as much as you can, but again, pace yourself.
Reducing isolation and avoidance is important to overcoming depression
Utilise your support network. Talk to people you can trust and who are supportive of you.
Low Self-Esteem
Helpful Resources
Overcoming Low Self Esteem: A Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques
by Melanie Fennell
Self-esteem Bible: Build Your Confidence Day by Day by Gael Lindenfield
Improving Social Confidence and Reducing Shyness Using Compassion Focused Therapy by
Lynne Henderson
365 Steps to Self-Confidence- David Lawrence Preston
What is it?
Low self-esteem is having an overall negative view of yourself, judging oneself, or placing a
negative value on oneself as a person
Unhelpful behaviours: Certain behaviours we adopt may worsen or maintain low selfesteem. These may involve avoidance of certain situations due to negative beliefs one might
How do I begin to address this?
Low self-esteem is commonly experienced by many individuals, and the good news is, we
develop healthier self-esteem through many different avenues. As a first step, it might be
helpful to talk with someone to make sense of your individual experience and think together
about ways to address this. There are also some tips one can adopt to begin the journey to
healthier self-esteem:
Start with a list of positive qualities: Whilst this may initially be difficult to do, try and list
all your positive qualities, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. You can ask
yourself questions such like What positive characteristics do I have? What are some skills
or talents I have? If someone shared my identical characteristics, what would I admire in
Maintain a positive you journal: In a positive you journal, note down daily examples
where you have demonstrated the positive qualities you have listed above. Start to notice your
qualities on a daily basis
Challenge unhelpful thinking: You can do this by utilising thought diaries, question
unhelpful thinking, and try to develop an alternative more balanced approach. Ask yourself
Am I being fair to myself in thinking in this way? What might be a different way I can
think about this?
Adjust Beliefs: Try to develop more balanced beliefs and behave in ways which support
these new beliefs. For instance, developing a belief of I am good enough might correspond
with more compassionate behaviour such as asserting yourself in interactions with others.
Engage in enjoyable activities: Try new things, try to engage in hobbies and interests which
allow you to explore your identity and elevate your mood
Take care of yourself: Try to do nice things for yourself, be considerate and compassionate
to yourself.
Test your fears: Avoid avoidance and isolation, approach situations with an open mind.
Try and engage with life, live in the moment, and take note of the small steps you make
Helpful Resources
Never Good Enough: How to Use Perfectionism to Your Advantage without Letting It Ruin
Your Life by M.R. Basco (Simon & Schuster)
Perfectionism: Whats Bad about Being Too Good? By M. Adderholdt-Elliott, M. Elliott, &J.
Goldberg (Monarch Books)
M Anthony and RP Swinson: When Perfect isnt Good Enough: Strategies for Coping with
Perfectionism, Raincast books. New edition 2.09
Overcoming perfectionism by Roz Shafran, Sarah Egan and Tracey Wade
What is Perfectionism?
I must give 110 percent at all times, otherwise I am a failure
Nothing I ever do is good enough
Put things off or keep on amending chapters, sentences, paragraphs because it isnt
right, needs more work.
Perfectionism refers to self-defeating thoughts and behaviours associated with high and
unrealistic goals. Perfectionism is often mistakenly seen as desirable or even necessary for
What causes Perfectionism?
Although not the case across the board for perfectionist individuals, one of the cause for
perfectionism can be linked to earlier experiences. It is possible that at some point early in
life, you were mainly valued for your achievements. As a result of this, you may have learned
to value yourself on the basis of others approval or on external factors. It is possible then that
your self-esteem and sense of self-worth is based primarily on validation for others, which
may leave you sensitive and vulnerable to criticism. In this case, perfectionism becomes your
defence mechanism.
Fear of failure. Perfectionists often equate failure to achieve their goals with a
lack of personal worth or value.
Fear of disapproval. If they let others see their flaws, perfectionists often fear that
they will no longer be accepted. Trying to be perfect is a way of trying to protect
themselves from criticism, rejection, and disapproval.
Never good enough. Perfectionists tend to see others as achieving success with a
minimum of effort, few errors, little emotional stress, and maximum selfconfidence. At the same time, perfectionists view their own efforts as unending
and forever inadequate.
Coping statements:
Try to use positive thinking; this exam will go well, I will enjoy it
Tolerating uncertainty:
Prepare for different alternatives, try to live without knowing and ambiguity
Remember negative thoughts and beliefs may have been around for a while and it can take
time to get used to challenging these
Behaviours both maintain our beliefs and by avoiding the things we fear they prevent us from
moving forward.
Identify your goals:
General to feel less perfectionist with essays and assignments
Specific read fewer references, prepare first draft structure after 2 days reading
Schedule with a diary planner and realistic goals
Response prevention:
Reduce problematic behaviours which are not helpful e.g. checking
Overcoming procrastination:
Break down into small tasks as these are easier to complete e.g. main headings/ subsections to
overcome the fear of not knowing where to start or not completing the tasks well; these are
easier to complete
Self-care timetable:
Regular meals, breaks, sleep, exercise and social contacts
Use positive affirmations and reward yourself when you complete mini tasks
Helpful Resources
Tired but wired: How to Overcome Sleep Problems: the Essential Sleep Toolkit - Dr Nerina
The Sleep Book - Dr Guy Meadows
Busy your brain with mental exercises (to stop worry cycles). Being able to distract
yourself from your worries can be enough to help you fall asleep. A mental exercise helps
your brain focus away from your worries, she says. It can be as simple as thinking of fruits
and vegetables with a certain letter.
Focus on the positive. When youre lying in bed worrying, it helps to turn to more positive
thoughts. Focus on happy memories and thoughts.
Practice relaxation exercises. Relaxation exercises are very helpful in reducing anxiety and
racing thoughts. Exercises to try include progressive muscle relaxation (going through each
muscle group and tensing and relaxing it) and deep breathing.
Think about whats stealing your sleep and boosting your anxiety. It could be caffeine,
alcohol, stress, worry. Try and address the stressors which may be preventing good sleep.
Exercise during the day, preferably in the late afternoon before dinner. Aerobic exercise, not
necessarily "aerobics," but the type that gets your heart beating, gets you sweating and
panting for 20 minutes or more is better, but 45 minutes to an hour of brisk walking will
Go to bed and get up at regular times, even if you're tired in the morning. Don't vary your
time of going to bed or getting up. However, if you have consistent sleep problems, then try
getting up half an hour earlier in the morning than your usual time; it may help you get to
sleep that night.
Don't try to make yourself sleep. If you're unable to fall asleep after 20-30 minutes in bed,
leave your bed, engage in some relaxing activity (such as watching TV, sitting in a chair and
listening to a relaxation tape, or having a cup of herbal tea), and do not return to bed until
you're sleepy.
Avoid heavy meals before bedtime, but also avoid going to bed hungry. A very small snack
about an hour before bedtime may be helpful.
Avoid any alcohol consumption or use of other substances in the evening. Avoid moderateto-heavy use during the day. If you continue to have problems, stop use completely.
Reduce caffeine and nicotine consumption as much as possible. If you must have coffee,
try and have it only in the morning and have no more than two cups.
Develop a sleep ritual before bedtime. This is some relaxing activity you do every night in
the same order at about the same time before you get into bed. Avoid vigorous physical or
mental activity and emotional upsets. A hot shower or bath may help you relax.
Avoid napping during the day, unless you want to take a quick "power" nap no longer than
20 minutes and no later than the afternoon.
Reduce noise if needed through the use of ear plugs or a noise-masking machine
If you can't sleep, do not get too upset; do not fight, resist, or fear sleeplessness. This will
make it harder to fall asleep. Figure that the next day you will be somewhat tired but will still
be able to do what you need to do.
Eating Disorders
Helpful Resources
BEAT Website:
Anorexia & Bulimia Care (ABC):
MGEDT (Men Get Eating Disorders Too):
Eating Disorders: The Path to Recovery by Kate Middleton
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Eating Disorders by Christopher Fairburn
Care for a loved one with an Eating Disorder The New Maudsley Way by Janet Treasure
and Grainne Smith
Eating Disorders for Dummies by Susan Schulherr
Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e): A Survival Kit for Sufferers of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge
Eating Disorders by Ulrike Schmidt and Janet Treasure
Bulimia involves a condition where someone tries to control their weight by binge eating and
then deliberately being sick or using methods of emptying their bowels, such as taking
laxatives. In contrast to anorexia, people with bulimia have intense cravings for food,
secretively overeat and then purge to prevent weight gain by vomiting or using laxatives.
People who suffer with bulimia nervosa are often a normal weight for their height and build
which makes it less likely that the condition is noticed by others, this can mean that the
problem can continue undetected for many years. A person with bulimia will binge not
because they are physically hungry but as a way of coping or of filling an emotional void.
Symptoms of bulimia include:
National Institute of Clinical (NICE) Excellence:
The NICE eating disorders clinical guideline covers physical and psychological treatments,
treatment with medicines, and what kinds of services best help people with eating disorders.
NICE Website:|
Kings College London (KCL) Eating Disorder Toolkit:
These web pages from KCL contain a range of information for eating disorder sufferers,
carers, family and friends, as well as healthcare and education professionals.
KCL Website:|
Eating Disorders: The Path to Recovery by Kate Middleton
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Eating Disorders by Christopher Fairburn
Care for a loved one with an Eating Disorder The New Maudsley Way by Janet Treasure
and Grainne Smith
Eating Disorders for Dummies by Susan Schulherr
Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e): A Survival Kit for Sufferers of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge
Eating Disorders by Ulrike Schmidt and Janet Treasure
Spada, Marcantonio
Lindenfield, Gael
Davies, William
Ingram, Christine
Williams, Chris
D Veale and R Willson
Butler, Gillian
BF575.A5 L74
Christine Wilding
Gael Lindenfiel
BF697.5 S46
Melanie Fennel
Williamson, Karen
Pfeiffer, Vera
L Schlessingere
J Young
HQ72.U53 B31
Toxic Parents; Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life Bantam Books,
New York 1989- Susan Forward
The Relate Guide to Better Relationships, Vermilion, London 1992. - Sarah Litvinoff
Eating Disorders
Understanding Your Eating: How to eat and not worry about it- Julia Buckroyd
Eating Without Guilt; Overcoming Compulsive Eating Self-Counsel Press; USA 1986 Alice Katz
The Drama of the Gifted Child Alice Miller
The New Male Sexuality- Bernie Zilbergeld excellent for understanding sexual problems
(for men)
Becoming Orgasmic Julia Heiman, J LoPiccolo (for women)
Self Esteem
365 Steps to Self-Confidence how to books, 2007 - David Lawrence Preston
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway Arrow Books, London 1991 - Susan Jeffers
Progressive relaxation
Positive Statements and Affirmations for mood management and self esteem
All is well.
I, (your name) am calm.
I, (your name) am relaxed.
I, (your name) am in control.
I, (your name) can do anything.
I, (your name) am more than good enough.
I accept and love myself exactly as I am.
I approve of myself completely.
I trust myself completely.
I am creating everything I want easily and effortlessly.
I allow my mind to relax and I let go (of the issue which is causing you
(Whatever you are finding difficult or stressful) is easy. For example, these
exams, this presentation, this essay, this interview is so easy for me.
I now take responsibility to make my life work.
My future is full of interesting surprises and wonderful opportunities.
I forgive myself completely (if you are feeling angry with yourself).
I now know I deserve more peace of mind, relaxation, fun, laughter,
happiness, success (whatever you would like to include) in my life.
Every day I see myself as a confident person and I feel myself becoming
more and more confident.
I am becoming more and more confident every day.
It is safe to be me. I am wonderful just as I am.
I choose joy and self-acceptance.
I accept, love and approve of myself completely. I trust the process of life.
I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe where I am. I create my own
Get into the habit of repeating and/ or writing positive statements at regular times of the day.
For example, in the morning and the evening or before you go off to sleep so it becomes a
part of your daily routine just like brushing teeth.
Get a notebook which is specifically dedicated to writing positive statements, daily self-praise
and lists of achievements you have accomplished. Every day you can choose two or three
positive statements and write them down 10 or 20 times. The notebook can also be a journal
where you write down and process your thoughts and feelings.
It can also be helpful to write down your favourite positive statement on a piece of paper and
put it up somewhere where you can see it throughout the day; the mirror, the fridge, a
cupboard or on your bedside table. Some people write down their favourite statements and
carry them around with them in their purses, diaries, bags or mobiles or laptops. The idea is to
immerse your mind in positive messages to counteract the negative messages you may be
repeating to yourself throughout the day without even realising it.
At the end of the day get into the habit of writing down at least three things you have
achieved that day. It doesnt matter how small your achievements are. Big changes can only
happen by taking many small steps.
Remember if you are feeling depressed, unmotivated, and anxious or stressed just
getting out of bed is a major achievement and it is vital to view it as such.
It is also important to think of some self-praise at the end of each day and write it down in
your journal.
Schedule in a daily treat/ reward for yourself. This works best when it is planned in advance,
for example, weekly. Many people find it useful to spend some time every week looking at
the week ahead and planning a daily treat or reward. This will be different for everybody.
For example, it could be anything from taking time to see a movie or a play, going for a walk
in the park or to a museum. It could be doing some sport, having a relaxing bath or eating
your favourite food. It could be listening to your favourite music, contacting a friend, doing
something creative, buying yourself something or just allowing yourself time to relax, sleep,
read or watch a movie.
It is vital to allow yourself time to relax and to do what you enjoy most, because it will make
you feel much less anxious and overwhelmed. All of the above strategies (positive self-talk,
giving yourself daily rewards and self-praise, listing your achievements, looking at yourself
and your life positively) will make you feel less anxious and stressed. You will begin to feel
more relaxed and calm. This is all a part of good self-care. It is important to begin treating
yourself with KINDNESS, the way you might treat your own best friend.
Inspirational Quotes
No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt
If you think you can do a thing or think you cant do a thing; youre right.
Henry Ford
I have an everyday religion that works for me; love yourself first and
everything else falls into line. Lucille Ball
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. Eleanor Roosevelt
Its not what you are that holds you back, its what you think you are not.
Denis Waitley
The mind is its own place and in itself can make heaven of hell and hell of
heaven. John Milton
You must do the thing you think you cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt
If you dont run your own life, someone else will. John Atkinson
This above all; to thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day,
thou can not then be false to any man. Hamlet
Love is the miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives. Louise
Remember you are the only person who thinks in your mind. You are the power
and authority in your world. Louise Hay
Before all else each of us must take a risk to be true to ourselves. Webb
Be gentle with yourself; learn to love yourself, to forgive yourself. Only when we
have the right attitude towards ourselves can we have the right attitude towards
others. Peterson
The person who has confidence in themselves gains the confidence of others.
Hasidic saying
Theres only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and
thats your own self. Aldous Huxley
He that respects himself is safe from others; he wears a coat of iron that none
can pierce. Longfellow
You are your thoughts. Dont ever let anyone else have dominion over them.
It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head. Aldous Huxley
A man can stand a lot as long as he can stand himself. Axel Munthe
Just trust yourself. Then you will know how to live. Goethe
You have the greatest chance of being happy when the voice you respond to is
your own voice. Sonya Freidman
Our lives improve only when we take chances and the first and most difficult
risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves. Anderson
Just be what you are and speak from your guts and heart its all a man
has.Hobert Humphrey
Power is strength and the ability to see yourself through your own eyes and not
through the eyes of another. Agnes Elk
If you do not believe in yourself, do not blame others for lacking faith in you.
Brendan Francis
You have to whistle your own tune. You have to walk along the track yourself.
Nobody else can lead you. Nobody else can really help you. Once you get the
feeling that your life is your responsibility, it is the most freeing thing in the
world. Pat Carol
Only I can change my life. No-one can do it for me. Carol Burnett
Happiness is having a sense of self. Not a feeling of being perfect, but of being
good enough and of knowing yourself. Leo Buscaglia
No matter what kind of journey we make of life, where we started out will
always be a part of us. But only a part. Dr Nathaniel Branden
You cant have a better tomorrow if youre thinking about yesterday all the
time. Charles F. Kettering
Whatever our upbringing has been, as adults our self-esteem is in our own
hands. Dr Nathaniel Branden
If you do not know your own identity, who is going to identify you? Thomas
The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others. Sonya Friedman
Risk-taking is not easy and the greatest risk of all is to try and
know oneself and be true to oneself. Anderson
God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to
change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold