Ant Colony Optimization For Optimal Control Problems: Akbar H. Borzabadi and Hamed H. Mehne
Ant Colony Optimization For Optimal Control Problems: Akbar H. Borzabadi and Hamed H. Mehne
Ant Colony Optimization For Optimal Control Problems: Akbar H. Borzabadi and Hamed H. Mehne
1. Introduction
In early decades optimal control theory as one of the most applicable and technological issues has been
taken into consideration. The analytical solutions for problems of optimal control are not always available.
Thus to find approximate solution is the most logical way to solve them. To this end, various approaches
such as discretization [14], measure theory [10], polynomial parametrization [9, 8], etc., have been proposed.
Some heuristic algorithms such as genetic algorithms [7] have been also applied to solve optimal control
problems (OCP's). Our aim is to apply Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) method to construct approximate
optimal control function for a general class of OCPs. To implement this method we first discretize the timecontrol space. This control discretization enables us to examine different choices of controls to find the
optimal one in assignment of constant controls to sub-intervals. This assignment nature of the problem
encourages us using a meta heuristic as ACO method to solve the problem. The advantages may be
encounter as the method is self-starting i.e. it doesn't need any approximate solution to be started, and the
type of dynamical system and performance index doesn't have serious effect on the method because it uses
direct evaluations of controls.
Metaheuristics incorporate concepts from very different fields such as genetics, biology, artificial
intelligence, mathematics and physics and neuro-science among others. Examples of methahuristics include
simulated annealing, tabu search, iterated local search, variable neighborhood search algorithms, greedy
randomized adaptive search procedures and evolutionary algorithms.
ACO is currently one of the best available meta-heuristic for some problems and is amongthe most
competitive approaches for discrete optimization problems [1, 4, 6]. The essential framework of the ACO is
search over several constructive computational threads, based on a memory structure incorporating the
information about the effectiveness of previously obtained fragments of solutions. This structure is
maintained dynamically by deposit, evaporation and detection of conceptual pheromone.
Several algorithms have been proposed in the literature following the ACO metaheuristic, (see [3]). The
first ACO algorithm, called Ant System (AS) [6], was initially proposed by Dorigo et al. and then this
algorithm was applied to the well-known traveling salesman problem as a benchmark problem [5]. AS has
been the prototype of many following ACO algorithms with which many other NP-hard combinatorial
optimization problems can be solved successfully. Ant algorithms have also been applied to the Facilities
Layout Problem which can be shown to be a Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP).
Akbar H. Borzabadi , et al: Ant Colony Optimization for Optimal Control Problems
where t f 0 is given and f is an integrable function with no restriction about linearity and differentiability.
The state and control satisfy a dynamical system as
with x(0) x 0 and x(t f ) x f as initial and final given conditions. The single valued control function gives
its values from a known interval [u , u ] .
To find the optimal solution we must examine the performance index in the set of all possibilities of
control-state pairs. This set is called the set of admissible pairs consisting of pairs like ( x, u ) satisfying in (2)
and other mentioned conditions. If we choose a control function u and solve (2) with initial conditions, then
resulting state may not reach to x0 at t t f and a miss distance between x(t f ) and x0 is introduced. Now
if the norm of miss distance is added to the performance index as a penalty, then minimizing
I M x(t f ) x0 forces the control to produce an admissible state. This enables us to reduce the
admissible set of control-states to the admissible set of controls only. So we could search for the optimal
solution in the set of all controls. This process of constructing optimal solutions from control function is a
popular method in optimal control theory which appears in literature under control parametrization [9, 15]
and control discretization [10].
Here we develop a control discretization based method where the time interval is divided to n subinterval [t 0 , t1 ], [t1 , t 2 ], , [t n 1 , t n ] . On the other hand the set of control values is divided to constant values
u1 , u 2 , , u m . In this way the time-control space is discretized if the control function assumes to be constant
at each time sub-interval. A typical dicsretization is given in Fig.1 with n 7 and m 6 . The bold pattern
in this picture shows a control function.
3. Converting OCP to AS
Discretization proposes to consider control function as a sequence of u j segments corresponding to time
sub-intervals. Now a trivial way to find the nearly optimal solution is to calculate all possible patterns and
compare the corresponding trade offs. This trivial method of total enumeration needs m n evaluation.
Avoiding of such a huge number of computations, we introduce a method of evaluating special patterns
guiding us to the optimal one. The main drawback of the total enumeration is that the method evaluates all of
the control patterns independently i.e. the evaluated performance index of the current pattern doesn't have a
role in construction the next pattern. With AS approach we construct patterns based on the performance
index of pervious iterations leading to a method with computations less than the total enumeration.
For converting the OCP to AS we use a similar framework of solving QAP by ACO. In fact we decide to
assign for every interval [ti 1 , ti ], i 1, 2, , n, , a constant u k u 0 , u1 , , u m .
Special form of our problem suggests us to use another version of ACO, called Max-Min Ant System
(MMAS). This method, the first used to solve TSP ([11, 12]) and then used for solving QAP in [12]. In fact
this method is one of the best performing extensions of AS. It extends the basic AS in the following aspects
which is quoted from [3]:
1. After each tour, updating of trial will be done by an ant, i.e. that ant which obtains the best solution in
currently tour or the best solution from the first tour until current tour. After all ants have constructed a
solution, first every pheromone trial is evaporated:
rs (1 ) rs ,
and next pheromone is deposited according to:
, where S *
.C ( S )
than max . As a means for further increasing the exploration of solution, MMAS also uses the occasional reinitialization of pheromone trails.
3. Instead of initializing the pheromones to a small amount, in MMAS the pheromone trails are
initialized to an estimate of the maximum allowed pheromone trail value. This leads to an additional
diversification component in the algorithm, because at the beginning the relative difference of the pheromone
trails will not be very marked, which is different when initializing the pheromone trails to some very small
The procedure of MMAS can be found in [11] with more details. Two special properties of this method
are as follows:
i) items are chosen randomly,
ii) pheromone trails refers to the desirability of assigning item i to location j in iteration s is as:
pijk ( s )
ij ( s)
il (s)
Akbar H. Borzabadi , et al: Ant Colony Optimization for Optimal Control Problems
For using a method which is based on MMAS, we need to define a criteria for measuring the objective
and updating the trials of pheromone. For this purpose, we suppose that after the iteration s we obtain the
control u s as:
u s (t ) u s [t 1 ,t ] (t ),
where u
we consider an approximation of trajectory x(t ) corresponding to u s (t ) from (2) and initial value, and we
call it x s (t ) . We also denote the estimation of the criteria for updating tour (pattern) in s th iteration by
J s f (t , x s (t ), u s (t ))dt M x s (t f ) x f
where M is a large and positive real number which we consider it as a penalty value for obtaining desired
final value f . In fact s is the same C (S ) which is defined in the above. To be taken note that the
definition of criteria estimation can be done in different manners. On basis of the discussion in this section,
we present the following procedure for obtaining an approximate solution of the optimal control problem in
format of MMAS as following pseudo-code:
0.(Initialize) Control-state parametrization, method parameter settings
1. For s 1 to s : the maximum number of iterations, do
2. For k 1 1 to m : the number of ants, do
3. Repeat until ant k has completed a tour
4. Determine the best probability
5. Calculate the objective
6.Call the best objective between all tours of ants as J and update general pheromone.
Numerical Examples
In this section we present some numerical examples to show the implementation and accuracy
confirmation of the proposed method.
Example 1. In the first example we consider an OCP of minimizing
I (u ()) u 2 (t )dt ,
subject to
1 2
x sin x u
with x(0) 0 , x(1) 0.5 as initial and final conditions. Here the control function values are in [0.3, 0.7] .
For control-state division we choose n 10 and m 10 . By applying the procedure of Section 4 with 100
ants we obtain I * 0.2293 in 50 iterations. The approximate optimal control in piece-wise linear form is
shown in Fig.2. If we substitute this function in the system equations, then an initial valued problem is left to
solve by a numerical method.
We solve this initial value problem by using Rung-Kutta method of forth order ([2]) to find the
corresponding state function as depicted in Fig.3. The value of trajectory corresponding to the final time t f
is x * (1) 0.4968 which shows the accuracy of the method in final condition.
Example 2. In the second example we consider a nonlinear OCP involving minimization of
where the pair of control-state satisfy in the following non-linear dynamical system:
x1 x 2 ,
x 2 10 x13 u,
It is desired that the system state moves from (0, 0) at t 0 to (0.1, 0.3) at t 1 . The control value
interval is given by [0, 0.5] which is divided to m 10 portion. The time interval is also divided to
Akbar H. Borzabadi , et al: Ant Colony Optimization for Optimal Control Problems
n 10 sub-intervals. By using 200 ants in this example, the method converges to the solution in only 80
iterations. The _nal value of approximate optimal trajectories are obtained with low miss distances as
x1 (1) 0.1009 and x 2 (1) 0.2969 . The resulting approximate trajectories which have been found by
solving the di_erential equation with the resulting control function and initial conditions are depicted in Fig.4.
4. Conclusions
In this paper we tried to apply the benefits of one of the best evolutionary algorithm, ant colony
optimization, to obtain approximate solution of optimal control problems. To this means, we proposed an
special discretization of control state and then change the procedure of MMAS to obtain the best solution.
Numerical results show the accuracy of the method in final conditions. Of course it seems that the number of
iterations, ants and the form of discretizing effect on the complexity of method, but the nonlinearity of the
objective and system have no serious effect on the procedure. In the case of large discrete optimal control
problem, the method may be implemented on parallel computers to save the computational time.
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