Baker & McKenzie - Acquisitions - Due Diligence
Baker & McKenzie - Acquisitions - Due Diligence
Baker & McKenzie - Acquisitions - Due Diligence
(Purchasers Perspective)
JULY 2006
The term "due diligence" is coined from the requirement of a company and its officers as a
matter of good practice and responsibility (to shareholders) to exercise due diligence in
verifying the state of the purchase it is about to make, before making it. As indicated above,
the diligence exercise can be divided into a number of different areas, determined by their
subject matter, with each discrete area being investigated by those experts who have the
relevant specialist expertise. Although the terminology may vary, the broad categories of
review are:
Legal due diligence. On any significant acquisition, the prospective purchaser will
want to be sure that the vendor, and (in the case of a share purchase) the target
company, have good title to the assets being bought and to know the full extent of any
liabilities it will assume. Accordingly, legal due diligence is carried out by lawyers
and focuses on matters such as contracts, compliance with law, corporate structures
and governance, anti-trust, exchange control, litigation, employment, pensions,
intellectual property, real property and tax.
Business due diligence. Business due diligence looks at broader issues such as the
market in which the target business operates, competitors, the business' strengths and
weaknesses, production, sales and marketing, research and development, etc. The
aim of business due diligence is to test the assumptions that the purchaser will have
made in its acquisition plan and to identify the management action required by the
purchaser to take effective control of, and reduce risk in, the target business once the
deal has closed. The team carrying out the business due diligence will include or
involve the purchaser's own personnel, as only they will be able to make effective
judgements as to the commercial importance and potential risk brought to light by the
information uncovered.
Financial due diligence. As part of the due diligence process, the purchaser will
usually instruct accountants to prepare a report (the accountants' report or long-form
report) on the financial aspects of the target business. This financial due diligence is
not the equivalent of an audit and the accountants' report will make this clear.
Financial due diligence focuses on those areas of the target's financial affairs that are
material to the purchaser's decision, so that the purchaser can assess the financial
risks and opportunities of the deal and whether, given these risks and opportunities,
the target business will fit well into the purchaser's overall strategy. Financial due
diligence may also help quantify:
potential synergies;
Due Diligence
followed in the target business, it may be necessary to make appropriate
adjustments in order to measure the true impact.
Part of the accountants' investigation will be to review the target's audited accounts.
Where the purchaser is a listed company, depending on the size of the acquisition,
and depending on local regulatory requirements, it may need to give shareholders
certain financial information about the merged group. Again, accountants will need
to review the target's figures in order to provide this information.
Other due diligence. Depending on the nature of the target's business, the purchaser
may instruct other experts, such as environmental experts, surveyors, IT or other
relevant specialists. For example, the acquisition of a manufacturing or processing
company, or one whose assets include land currently or previously used for industrial
processes, will raise questions about potential responsibility for any clean-up and
liability generally in relation to environmental damage. To answer these, some form
of environmental due diligence will be required.
The aim of the legal pre-acquisition review is to enable the purchaser to understand the
target's business and structure from a legal viewpoint. It should also provide the purchaser
with the information necessary for it to assess the target business and make its final decision
whether to invest on an informed basis. The review should enable the purchaser and its
to identify any procedural, legal or contractual problems associated with effecting the
transaction, e.g., necessary exchange control consents, foreign investment approvals,
government and other regulatory approvals, third party consents, stock exchange
requirements, anti-trust or merger referral issues, etc.;
to understand the type and extent of the risks and liabilities attaching to the target and
its business, e.g., product liability exposure, warranty exposure, litigation exposure,
environmental liabilities, etc.;
The results of the review may have a major impact on the perception of the transaction; e.g.,
the purchaser may decided to proceed with the transaction on the basis that its advisors have
given the deal a clean bill of health; the purchaser may pull out of the transaction altogether;
the purchaser may renegotiate the deal; the purchaser may reduce the price; the purchaser
may exclude part of the business; the purchaser may move from a share purchase to an asset
purchase; or the purchaser may restructure the transaction in some other way.
Due Diligence
Scope of investigation
Purpose of the acquisition. For example, where two companies are looking
for a trade advantage or element of synergy through a merger, the
investigation will focus on matters such as economies of scale, marketing
advantages and competition issues;
Nature of the business being investigated. This will cover such things as,
the likely areas of concern and risk, geographical spread, and the major
operating components;
Scope of report/materiality
It is usual to attempt to restrict the scope of the due diligence by some form of
materiality test by reference to both:
the nature or term of the obligation or asset, e.g., "major issues"; "material
contracts"; contracts entered into "outside the ordinary course of business",
To reflect these limits, reports are usually divided into one of two broad categories:
Due Diligence
Once the overall scope of the review and the level of reporting has been established
and the full due diligence team has been selected, the purchaser should define the
roles of each of the various advising teams. This is to minimise costs and overlap and
to clarify exactly what information should be reviewed by whom. Where a large
number of professional advisers are involved, it is imperative to clarify what the
reporting lines are and who is acting for, and reporting to, whom.
Often the purchaser and the target business will request the investigating accountants
and lawyers to cooperate in arranging and ordering the scope of the review,
particularly to avoid duplication of effort and expense.
The co-ordinator, in conjunction with the purchaser, should also determine whether
any due diligence team member's report or findings should be shared or reviewed by
the other members of the team. In particular, the purchaser's legal advisor's report
should be reviewed by the reporting accountants and vice versa. The team members
responsible for reviewing any property and environmental issues should liaise and
pool their information. Finally, the legal advisors drafting and negotiating the
warranties and indemnities should review the results of all due diligence
investigations. The key is good communication at all stages.
Due Diligence
The purchaser will need to ask the vendor for details and information about the
proposed target and its business. This request ordinarily takes the form of a preacquisition review questionnaire (the " Questionnaire") which is dispatched to the
vendor to enable it to produce the relevant documentation and information for review.
The Questionnaire is prepared by the purchaser's legal advisors, in conjunction with
the purchaser itself and its other advisors.
When compiling the Questionnaire, the purchaser and its advisors should consider the
following issues:
At the same time as preparing the Questionnaire or even beforehand, the purchaser's advisers
should consider which external searches they would like to make with respect to the target
business. While these will not be mentioned expressly in the Questionnaire, verifying facts
by conducting appropriate searches of public registers is an important part of the review. A
detailed examination of the searches that may be carried out is outside the scope of this
document, but as a minimum, the following searches should be considered:
Due Diligence
the target;
any guarantor.
Company searches may reveal the constitutional documents of a company, its latest,
filed audited accounts and any encumbrances that there may be over the assets of a
company and possibly the insolvency of any company. However, as many registers
are often out of date and are dependent on the accuracy of the information filed by the
relevant company, care must be taken not to place too much reliance on results.
Intellectual Property Searches may be made of the trade marks registry and patent
office or their equivalents.
Real Estate/Property Searches Where available, searches may be made at the Land
Registry, Land Charge Registry or their equivalents.
Data rooms
In order to control the delivery of information, preserve confidentiality and limit the
disruption to the target business or its personnel, the vendor or its advisers may use a
data room. In some cases this is done prior to marketing the business, often under
cover of an internal review or audit. Essentially this involves the vendor bringing
together and cataloguing or indexing the important documents relating to the business
(i.e., all contracts, title documents, licences, accounts and other records commonly
reviewed in a due diligence investigation). This is generally done with the assistance
of its lawyers. The documents are then made available to the due diligence team for
it can be done offsite, to avoid rumour or loss of secrecy about the potential
it can allow for review but without allowing copies to be taken, hence the
need for a particularly detailed index;
Due Diligence
Whether this process will be wholly acceptable to a purchaser will vary from case to
case. It will generally be satisfactory as a preliminary exercise to determine for the
purchaser if it should proceed further and to enable it to generate more tailored
representations and warranties, but a significant benefit will be lost if the opportunity
for interviews with personnel and clarification of issues by responses to requests for
further information are not also made available.
While a great deal of the pre-acquisition review will be taken up with reviewing
documents elicited by the Questionnaire or in the data room, some of the most
valuable information may be obtained from interviews and discussions with the
vendor's and/or the target's advisers and personnel. These individuals will be able to
relate documents and issues to their context, to observe on relationships and morale,
to comment on things like warranty claims experience or on the likely outcome of
negotiations, disputes or proceedings, etc. and generally to fill in the picture behind
the documentary information reviewed.
legal advisers;
actuarial consultants;
In relation to the target's personnel, unless the rationale for the acquisition is known
to involve the wholesale removal of management from the target, managers are likely
to have every incentive to co-operate with their new owners by disclosing, often with
more candour than the vendor, the concerns about the business that they have. In an
amicable transaction, personnel who expect to continue in their posts after the
transaction is completed can be surprisingly frank and helpful. It is for this reason
that vendors, particularly on auction sales, will try to restrict access to continuing
Presentation of Information
Organisation of Reporting
Because of the fact that the due diligence report is often an integral part of fast
moving, pressurised negotiations, it is essential:
Due Diligence
to set up a method of clear reporting to both the purchaser and the negotiating
team of major issues in real time and
to ensure at the same time that all other issues and facts are brought to the
purchasers attention as quickly and efficiently as possible.
This is both as an aid to negotiations and because any one or more of the issues raised
might actually be a deal-breaker in the purchasers eyes.
The due diligence co-ordinator, in conjunction with the purchaser, must therefore put
into effect a reporting strategy and set up effective lines of communication to ensure
that major issues are reported quickly and decisions with respect to risk areas taken
promptly. In setting up lines of communication:
the co-ordinator should make it clear to whom the due diligence team
members (including local offices and foreign counsel) should be reporting;
the purchaser should select key members of its personnel who will be in a
position to receive the information presented to it by the team and to evaluate
and take decisions on issues that arise; and
the purchaser should also inform the team members whether or not the
transaction is confidential within its organisation and, if so, how the team can
safely communicate with it.
Format of Report
Clearly, for major issues immediate contact (by telephone, email or fax) is essential.
Otherwise the usual process is to build up over a period a report broken down into the
following broad sections:
Annexures - copies of key source material, contracts, leases, etc. all clearly
indexed. A well ordered and indexed set of copies of the documents received
and reviewed should therefore be provided as annexures to the report as this:
The clear collation, management and indexing of the materials received or reviewed
is important for recording purposes, disclosure letter issues, and to enable ready
Due Diligence
access to the source materials. Putting proper systems into place at the outset of the
exercise greatly facilitates the process.
In practice, however, the report is likely to be prepared in draft outline and submitted
to the purchaser in draft as soon as there is a meaningful body of information on
which to report. The draft report is then updated as further information is received
and continues to be periodically supplied to the purchaser in draft form with major
changes arising from new or additional information duly highlighted.
Analysis of Results
As necessary, meetings may be set up between the purchaser and the due diligence team to
discuss issues in detail. These may be:
Conflicts arising during the course of the investigation will need to be addressed on a case by
case basis in accordance with applicable conflict rules and will generally be surmountable.
Confidentiality issues impact on due diligence investigations in a number of ways.
Confidentiality of Negotiations. For various business reasons, the vendor and the purchaser
may wish to keep the fact that negotiations are taking place as confidential as possible for as
long as possible.
Purchaser. From the purchaser's perspective, it is crucial that its advisers not only
observe any confidentiality agreement, but also:
Due Diligence
discuss the possible use of code names and, if agreed, use them in all
documents and communications;
communicate only with those of the vendor's personnel with whom they are
authorised to deal; and
do not send open communications (e.g., by fax) which might come into the
hands of unauthorised personnel.
Listed Companies. Where the purchaser or the vendor (or their holding companies)
are listed companies, extreme caution should be exercised with respect to the
dissemination of information relating to negotiations, and the execution of the sale
and purchase agreement, as such matters will often involve or constitute price
sensitive information.
Confidentiality of Information
Before the purchaser or its advisers are allowed access to the vendor's materials, the
purchaser will normally be required to enter into a confidentiality agreement. Often
these will require the purchaser to agree to procure that its advisers observe the
confidentiality agreement as if they were parties to it. Sometimes, however, the
vendor will seek to obtain a direct covenant from the purchaser's advisers. This is
especially the case where materials have been placed in a data room, as data room
rules will usually contain additional confidentiality provisions.
Such agreements also commonly provide for the return or destruction of all
documents supplied to or copied by the purchaser and its advisers, and any analyses
or reports prepared therefrom, if the deal aborts.
Obtaining comprehensive representations and warranties is of course very much part of the
negotiation process. They are not, however, a substitute for an in-depth pre-acquisition
review, for the following reasons:
Even if a breach is not covered by such qualifications, the vendor may not be able to
pay or may resist the claim (thus distracting the purchaser's management from other
activities and involving the purchaser in cost), or the breach may have such an effect
Due Diligence
on the business that the purchaser is unable to realise its plans or expectations for the
Just as the strength of the contractual protection sought can be influenced by the extent of the
due diligence, so the extent of the due diligence exercise can be influenced by the contractual
protection offered. For example, where a large, solvent, vendor is prepared to indemnify the
purchaser for any liability relating to the pre-acquisition period arising in the target after the
sale, the purchaser might be prepared to carry out more limited due diligence.
Legal. Purchasers should assess carefully the impact of a foreign country's law on a
transaction. It is essential at the outset to identify any governmental, investment,
legal or regulatory consents which might impact the feasibility, timing or costs of
effecting the transaction as it relates to the target in that jurisdiction or at all; e.g., do
the country's employment laws make the potential cost of a post-acquisition
reorganisation prohibitive? Does the nature of the target's business mean any
regulatory approvals would be required?
Practical. Some jurisdictions may impose timing and access constraints by reason of
bureaucracy or secrecy of government departments, language difficulties,
unavailability of the type of property and company registration details available
elsewhere, inability to carry out searches, etc.
Due Diligence
used to make available relevant information such as instructions and weekly status
Cultural. In some jurisdictions, investigations of the level which have now become
good practice in the US or UK may be seen as damaging the spirit of mutual trust
between vendor and purchaser or even as a sign of mistrust or bad faith on the part of
the purchaser. Persuading the vendor to cooperate and obtaining both timely and
useful information may therefore require sensitive handling.
Due Diligence