An Innovative Technology Semi-Automated Rebar Tying: in Concrete Construction
An Innovative Technology Semi-Automated Rebar Tying: in Concrete Construction
An Innovative Technology Semi-Automated Rebar Tying: in Concrete Construction
in Concrete Construction:
Signature of Author
Department of Civil Engineering
February 20, 1991
Certified by
I Fred Moavenzadeh
Director, Center for Construction Research and Education
Thesis Supervisor
Certified by
Carl Peterson
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Thesis Supervisor
Accepted by
Ole S. Madsen
Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Studies
The two main purposes of this thesis are to present the design of a new prototype
rebar tying tool and to characterize technological development in concrete
The technologies of concrete construction have undergone gradual, evolutionary
changes since concrete became a popular material for construction. Furthermore,
these technological developments can be characterized as an active, industry-wide
progression from fully manual operations to fully automated operations. This thesis
will present a snapshot of the current state of the art in concrete technology, as well
as illustrating the major steps that individual technologies have taken on their
evolution to the present status.
The thesis continues with a chapter covering an analysis of the task of rebar tying,
which contains examples of other unsuccessful attempts to automate the task. The
functional requirements and design criteria for an improved semi-automated rebar
tying machine are then presented. A new prototype rebar tying tool has been
designed based on the developed requirements. The operation of the pneumatic
device and its detailed design is included in Chapter 4.
Thesis Supervisors:
Fred Moavenzadeh
Director, Center for Construction Research and Education
Carl Peterson
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
I wish to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to the following persons for
their help and support of my work.
Professor Fred Moavenzadeh, who served as co-advisor on this thesis, contributed
many ideas, and provided direction for the thesis.
Professor Carl Peterson, who served as co-advisor on this thesis and contributed
priceless wisdom in the design of the tool.
The U.S. Army Research Office, for providing funding for me through the Program
for Advanced Construction Technology.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction .........................................
Overview and Purpose ...................................
Brief History of Concrete Usage ...........................
Economics of Concrete Construction ........................
Economics of Rebar Tying ........................
Potential Impacts of Semi-Automated Rebar Tying .............
Automated Rebar Tying for Fully Automated Rebar Fabrication ...
Bibliography .....................................................
List of Figures
Figure 3 - 1 Clipped Connections .....................................
precast concrete blocks to build large jetties.' After the fall of the Roman Empire,
concrete usage virtually disappeared until 1756, when English engineer John
Smeaton used it to build Eddystone Lighthouse off the coast of Plymouth, England.
Reinforced concrete came into use in the 1800's, with patents issued to numerous
inventors. Perhaps the most famous of the early inventors is the well known Joseph
Monier, who received a patent in 1867 for reinforced concrete flower pots. Monier
would later receive additional patents for floors, beams, pipes, bridges, and other
items. Although Monier received the most recognition, he was not the first to receive
a patent for reinforced concrete. Earlier patent recipients included Lambot in 1855
for a reinforced concrete boat, Francois Coignet in 1861, and Hyatt for reinforced
concrete beams. 2
In the United States, unreinforced concrete buildings began to appear as early as
1835. The William Ward House, which is believed to be the country's first cast-inplace reinforced concrete structure, was constructed shortly after. It was built in Port
Chester, New York, and was completed in 1875. 3 Today, concrete, wood, and steel
remain the three most commonly used materials in construction.
Concrete's popularity can be attributed to its favorable engineering and aesthetic
properties. In addition to being strong and stiff, it is durable and corrosion resistant.
Architecturally, it can be fashioned into an almost infinite number of shapes having
numerous surface finishes.
Concrete is economical for a multitude of applications. The components, sand,
gravel, and portland cement, are widely available and can usually be produced from
local materials. In addition, concrete is much easier and less expensive to process
than steel. With increasing emphasis being placed on the lifecycle costs of structures,
it is likely that concrete, which requires little maintenance and is extremely durable,
I Hans Straub, A History of Civil Engineering, (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 1964),
pp. 20-21.
2Ibid, pg. 209.
Edward Cohen and Raymond C. Heun, "100 Years of Concrete Building Construction in
the United States," Concrete International, March, 1979.
that indeed the technology is developing and is being adopted by the industry, and
that the industry is shifting emphasis to mechanized and automated operations.
8U. S. Department
construction industry.
1.5.2 Effect on Workers and Worker Productivity
The design to be presented of the prototype rebar tying device allows the tying
operation to be performed from a standing position. This will reduce the occurrence
of repetitive stress injuries to the backs of workers. In addition, fatigue will not slow
worker production near the end of a shift, when typically the effects of prolonged
bending over are most pronounced, resulting in increased productivity of the tying
Another impact that the device will have on workers is that it will allow lower skilled
labor to perform rebar tying at the same or greater levels of productivity as skilled
steel workers. In effect, some of the skill in the task is being shifted from the worker
to the machine, providing greater job opportunities for lower skilled workers, and
allowing higher skilled workers to do less repetitive work, and work that is ill suited
to the device.
1.5.3 Economic Impacts
It is very difficult to discuss the economic impacts of productivity increases in
quantitative terms. One problem is with what productivity to measure. The task of
rebar tying is simply a sub-task of the reinforcement placing operation. It is desirable
to improve this overall operation, not the tying task. While one can design a device
to perform tying in a specified amount of time (improving tying efficiency), it is
difficult if not impossible to numerically predict the effect on the overall operation
without making quantitative assumptions of how the new method will interact with
the overall operation. Similarly, since cost data is compiled for the placement of
reinforcement, not the sub-task of rebar tying, meaningful quantitative predictions of
cost savings (from enhanced productivity) cannot be made.
Qualitative estimates of cost savings from increased productivity can be made. The
device will have the greatest impact on applications with horizontally placed
reinforcing steel, including slabs, floors, and bridge decks, that traditionally would
have required the worker to bend over to place the steel. Since about 75% of
concrete work is horizontal construction, the impact of the device should be
An interesting finding is that the cost per pound to place reinforcing steel is almost
identical for all applications except columns and waffle slabs, where it is about 30%
more expensive.1 " It seems that the cost of placing reinforcement for a concrete
structure is independent of the type of structure and almost entirely dependent on the
quantity of reinforcement to be placed. Therefore, highly reinforced structures will
become more economical than before, while lightly reinforced components will
realize less cost savings.
The greatest cost impact is likely to be from the use of lower cost labor, made
possible by the lower skill level required with the device. Quantitative predictions
can be made regarding cost savings from the use of lower cost labor. A twenty city
average of union pay scales showed that reinforcing ironworkers are paid $25.31 per
hour, while skilled laborers received only $18.46 per hour. 12 If only half of the
ironworkers were replaced with laborers, a 13.5 % savings would be realized,
resulting in an industry wide savings of between 220 and 300 million dollars.
WIlliam G. Krizan and Steven W. Setzer, "Wage Hikes Fall Below Inflation," ENR Third
Quarterly Cost Report, September 27, 1990.
bending and cutting rebar are being developed. Once the mechanization of the rebar
tying task is completed, it can be integrated with the other processes to create a fully
automated, computer controlled system for fabricating rebar.
2.1 Characterization of Technological Developments in Concrete
Technologies are often classified as product technologies and process technologies.
When concrete technologies are examined using such a model, distinct
characterizations of technological development in each category can be made. Both
types of technology have developed in a similar, evolutionary manner. Continual,
incremental improvements have occurred to both product and process technologies.
However, the characterizations of the types of improvements which have been made
to each class of technology are different.
The development of product technology can be characterized as an expansive
development. In other words, the types and characteristics of concrete products have
been continually developing, creating more and different varieties of concrete with
increased capabilities. The result is the utilization of concrete products for an
expanded number of construction applications. New product technologies in concrete
construction include such things as new types of portland cement, new additives and
admixtures, fiber reinforcement, precast concrete, prestressed concrete, etc.
Process technologies in concrete construction show a slightly different trend. A
model for the development of process technologies which seems to apply nicely to
concrete construction is the model for process automation. The successful
automation of a process is inherently easier if the process is already highly
mechanized. In this case, the problem of automating the task simplifies to a problem
of developing system logic and controls. Typically, the development of process
automation is accomplished by taking a manual operation, mechanizing it, improving
the mechanization, and finally taking the operation out of the hands of the machine
operator through total automation.
3 Hans Straub, A History of Civil Engineering, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1964, pg. 209.
15 Hanne Ronneberg and Malvin Sandvik, "High Strength Concrete for North Sea Platforms,"
Concrete International, January, 1990.
It is interesting how the notion of "high strength" has evolved coincident with the
development of higher and higher strength mixes. In 1958, high strength concrete
(6000 psi) was used to reduce the required size of columns in a Dallas apartment
building. In 1973, a strength of 7500 psi was used for One Thousand Lake Shore
Plaza in Chicago. The following year, 12000 psi high strength concrete was
developed.' 6 Currently, concrete strengths of greater than 9000 psi are considered
high strength and state-of-the-art high strength mixes achieve strengths of up to
17000 psi.
2.2.3 Portland Cement
Until 1824, only natural cements extracted from pozzuolanic soils (found in regions
rich in volcanic deposits) were used to make concrete. In October of that year,
Joseph Aspdin applied for a patent for artificial cement. He named the cement
"Portland Cement," because it resembled a commonly used building material,
Portland Stone. 17
Numerous varieties of portland cement have been developed in response to widely
differing special applications and design requirements. A fairly extensive list has
been compiled of different varieties of portland cement and their particular
applications. It is presented in Appendix 1, but will not be discussed in detail here.
2.2.4 Aggregate
Seventy-five percent of the volume of reinforced concrete is aggregate. Originally,
aggregates were quarried from natural sand and gravel deposits. However, the
increasing difficulty of finding readily accessible deposits led to the development and
use of crushed stone aggregates. Today, about 50% of the aggregate used in concrete
is crushed stone.
17 Hans
Straub, A History of Civil Engineering, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1964, pg 207.
Edward Cohen and Raymond C. Heun. "100 Years of Concrete Building Construction in
the United States," Concrete International, March, 1979.
28 Reinhard Wolff and Hans-Joachim Miesseler, "New Materials for Prestressing and
Monitoring Heavy Structures," Concrete International, September, 1989, pp. 86-89.
Developments in concrete product technology has expanded the use and applicability
of concrete in construction. New process technology, however, has made widespread
concrete use possible. If mechanized and automated technologies had not been
developed, concrete use would have been limited by the high cost of manual
30 Edward Cohen and Raymond C. Heun. "100 Years of Concrete Building Construction in the
United States," Concrete International, March, 1979.
31 "Memorable Miscellany," Concrete International, October, 1979.
Edward Cohen and Raymond C. Heun. "100 Years of Concrete Building Construction in
the United States," Concrete International, March, 1979.
the laborious calculations that would have otherwise been necessary to solve for the
mixing water and cement volumes. 34 (The solution requires an iterative approach.
The spreadsheet was programmed to perform ten calculation loops every time the
recalculate key was pressed, automating the calculations and making them invisible
to the user.)
2.3.3 Manufacturing of Portland Cement
In Joseph Aspin's day, portland cement was processed in much the same way as it is
today, albeit using manual methods rather than automated ones. It took quite awhile
for the production processes to mature. Consequently, manufactured cement did not
become readily available until about 1870. In 1902, Thomas Edison advanced the
process technology when he made vast improvements to the rotary kiln, the primary
machine used in the manufacturing of portland cement.3 5
Different varieties of cement have developed over time and are produced by altering
the process parameters. Today, portland cement is produced in numerous varieties in
modem, fully automated plants with centralized process control.
2.3.4 Aggregate Production
Aggregate production technology necessarily achieved rapid mechanization due to
the lack of satisfactory manual production methods. In 1858, the first machine in
America for the manufacturing of crushed stone was introduced.36 Equipment used
in aggregate production includes feeders, hoppers, crushers, conveyors, grading
screens, washing plants, and storage bins.
Aggregate production is essentially fully automated. However, manually operated
loaders, shovels, draglines, and other bulk material handling machines are used to
supply the production equipment. Typically, the excavated material is loaded onto
large offroad dumptrucks which carry it to the crusher plant. A new method which is
34 Kurt F. Peyfuss, "Simplifying Concrete Mix Design with the PC," Concrete International,
December, 1990.
35 Edward Cohen and Raymond C. Heun. "100 Years of Concrete Building Construction in
the United States," Concrete International, March, 1979.
Hans Straub, A History of Civil Engineering, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1964, pg 207.
37 Daniel J. McConville, "Aggregate Gets Harder All The Time," ENR, October 25, 1990.
38 A. Trevorrow, Steel Reinforcement, Construction Press, Longman, Inc., New York, 1984.
automated machine for creating U-shaped bars, and a ground assembly device for
aiding the manual fabrication of reinforcing cages for beams. 39
The Shimizu Corporation has developed a "bar arrangement" machine for placement
of horizontal reinforcing bars. 40 The device operates in a manner similar to a giant
pen plotter, with two degrees of freedom for finding the bar location. The bars are
positioned by the machine and are tied by hand. It is interesting to note that one of
the conclusions of the Shimizu development team was that it is necessary to "improve
the performance of the system by incorporating an automatic tying mechanism."
Currently, development of an automated rebar bending machine is underway at the
University of Maryland. 41 The proposed machine is essentially an automated
mechanical bending table, with a bar feeding mechanism. It is integrated with a CAD
system for input. The system is expected to reduce lead times for ordering
reinforcing steel.
The development of the device proposed here for automated rebar tying is extremely
propitious. Apparently, all of the required related technologies for a completely
automated rebar fabrication system are reaching the culmination of development. It
seems that they soon may be tied together into a fully integrated, computer controlled
Another approach to the improvement of rebar placing operations is off site
production. A recent technological development in concrete reinforcement that has
directly eliminated a major step in the construction process is the use of mat
reinforcement. Prewelded reinforcing mats eliminate a large percentage of the rebar
tying process. The mats are produced with mechanized machines which bend, cut,
and weld the bars into desired shapes.42 The mats are then transported to the jobsite
and are usually placed with the help of cranes.
The use of pre-manufactured mats is one approach to increasing placement
efficiency, but it may not be the best approach. One problem with the approach is
that a component must be designed for mesh reinforcement or the design must be
converted to a mesh design. Another problem is that not every design can be
fabricated into preformed mats. Only the smaller bar sizes can be used with the
current production machines, so the applicability of the approach is not as widespread
as for an automated rebar tying machine. In addition, even when prefabricated mats
are used, some manual tying is still required. However, current use of the mats
demonstrates that they are economical for some applications, and furthermore, the
use of the mats demonstrates that traditional rebar tying is no longer as efficient
relative to other process technologies as it used to be, and that new methods are
2.3.6 Forming Process
There have been many technological developments in the forming process.
Traditional wood forms have been replaced with other materials, and modular,
reusable forms are widely used. For example, plastic forms were being used by 1959
to create architectural shapes not easily obtained with traditional formwork. 43 Today,
fiberglass and other plastic composites are used in forming. Steel and aluminium are
often used for formwork and shoring.
Many prefabricated, factory built forms are available with patterns for different
surface finishes. Most are proprietary products, with special connecting hardware.
Some are specially designed to be lifted into place by crane. These so called "flying
forms" allow the assembly of formwork for entire floors. Fiberboard column forms,
known in the industry as Sonotubes, are widely used and greatly increase forming
efficiency of round columns by eliminating the actual forming step and leaving only
Engineered Structural Mesh, Publication of Mational Wire Products Industries, Baltimore, MD.
the bracing of the form. Modular forming systems are widely used for forming
square columns.
The greatest example of the automation of forming, which essentially eliminates the
forming process, eliminates need for scaffolding, and reduces or eliminates the
finishing process, is slipforming. Slipforming utilizes a short, highly precise form
that continuously moves along the work. The entire concreting operation progresses
simultaneously, rather than sequentially. Slipforming eliminates a large portion of
the forming process, since only a part of the structure need to be formed. In effect,
the forming of the rest of the structure has been automated.
Advantages of slipforming include the elimination of construction joints, savings in
reinforcement due to monolithicity, higher number of equivalent reuses of forms,
high quality, high rate of progress, and economy for repetitive shapes. Disadvantages
of slipforming include high initial cost of the slipform and required continuity of
work, which requires workers to continue work 24 hours a day and demands higher
levels of supervision, planning, and management. 44
The first project in the United States which used slipforming techniques was the
construction of a grain elevator in 1904. In 1908, E. S. Ransome patented a machine
for slipforming sidewalks. In 1915, the first canal liners were slipformed by the
United States Bureau of Reclamation. By 1934, rail-mounted slipformers were used
for canal liner construction. Hydraulic jacks were used for vertical slipforming
operations as early as 1941. In 1955, a commercially produced slipform paver
become available. 45
Today, precast floor slabs and concrete pipe are among the prefabricated slipformed
products, and slipforming is used in the construction of many roads, curbs, walls,
tunnel linings, and buildings.
44 Tudor Dinescu and Constantin Radulescu, Slip Form Techniques, Abacus Press, Kent,
England, 1984.
45 "Memorable Miscellany," Concrete International, October, 1979.
Edward Cohen and Raymond C. Heun. "100 Years of Concrete Building Construction in
In the early 1900's, concrete for paving roads was mixed in steam powered mixers.
However, the raw materials were still supplied to the mixers by wheelbarrows, and
the mixer location was fixed. When a batch was ready, it was dumped into horsedrawn carts, which hauled the concrete to the roadbed. By 1909, the first portable,
horse-drawn mixer was introduced. In 1905, the first concrete paver was produced
by powering the wheels of a concrete mixer. 49
By 1928, the first ready-mix concrete trucks existed. The concrete was agitated by
paddles which were powered by the truck's motor. The truck bodies were open,
dump style bodies with semi-circular bottoms. They were equipped with hoists and
chutes. The hoists lifted the body into the air, allowing the concrete to be gravity fed
through the chutes to the desired location.50 In 1941, an inclined axis, high discharge
mixer was developed,5 ' which became the predecessor of today's ready-mix trucks.
Today, concrete mixing is a fully automated process. Automated batch plants have
been developed and are used for mass pours and in precasting yards. Materials for
ready mixed concrete are automatically weighed and loaded into inclined axis trucks,
which mix the concrete and deliver it to the site.
Another improvement in mixer technology is the development of fiber dispensers for
mixing fiber reinforced concrete. The machines are designed to avoid the problem of
"the balling up effect" which occurs during mixing if fibers are not separated when
introduced into the mixer.5 2
Robert E. Wilde, "70 Years of Progress: The ACI Saga," Concrete International, October,
51 "Memorable Miscellany," Concrete International, October, 1979.
52 R. K. Dhir and J.G.L. Munday, Advances in Concrete Slab Technology, pp. 10-11.
Hans Straub, A History of Civil Engineering, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1964, pg
Since that time, the technology has rapidly developed. Equipment manufacturers
have greatly improved the reliability and capacities of the pumps, and mix designers
have learned to design pumpable mixes. For example, in 1973, concrete was pumped
a record 473 feet vertically.5 6 The current record is 1038 feet vertically in a single
lift by the 400 hp Putzmeister TTS 14000.57 Today's pumps are capable of 1000+
vertical feet and up to 170 cubic yards per hour,58 making them the cost effective
solution for many applications. Concrete pumps have become widely accepted in the
industry and are commonplace on the construction site.
Conveying and placing technologies have become highly mechanized in practice.
The technologies have continued to develop, and are heading toward higher levels of
automation. For example, the Fujita Corporation has developed an automated system
for conveying concrete at dam construction sites. 59 The Takenaka Corporation has
developed a system which mechanizes the movement of the end of a concrete pump
pipe, making distribution easier by eliminating the difficult task of dragging around a
heavy hose.6o
Shotcrete is another concrete placement method that has advanced technologically.
Shotcreting was reportedly first used on a house in Connecticut in 1922.61 Although
by its nature shotcreting is mechanized, the directing of the nozzle is a portion of
shotcreting that has traditionally been manually performed. However, this too is
becoming automated.
Edward Cohen and Raymond C. Heun. "100 Years of Concrete Building Construction in
the United States," Concrete International, March, 1979.
57 C.
Terry Dooley, "Concrete Pumped 1038 ft. in Single Lift," Concrete International,
October, 1989.
58 James
59 Akihiko Nagaoka, Toshio Mori, and Satoshi Iwaoka, "An Automatic Concrete Transit
System," Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Robotics in Construction.
60 Hayao Aoyagi and Yasushi Shibata, "Development of the Horizontal Distributor for
Concrete Placing," The Fifth International Symposium on Robotics in Construction, June 68, 1988, Tokyo, Japan.
61 "Memorable Miscellany," Concrete International, October, 1979.
The Mitsui Construction Company has developed a shotcreting robot with a remotecontrolled nozzle. 62 The Kajima Corporation has developed fully automated
shotcrete robot which it has used for the construction of tunnel linings. The robot
determines its position in the tunnel automatically and uses feedback control of its
five degree of freedom manipulator to keep the nozzle perpendicular to the wall at a
fix distance away.63
Another application where technological innovation in sprayed concrete has proven
very successful is the placement of steel fiber-reinforced concrete. Because the steel
fibers greatly reduce the flowability of plastic concrete, it is very difficult to screed
off large amounts of material, so accurate placement is crucial. The manufacturers of
gunite equipment have developed special nozzles for spraying fiber reinforced
concrete. 64
2.3.9 Technological Innovations in Concrete Finishing
The development of concrete finishing technology is a classic example of the
evolution of concreting operations from fully manual operations to fully automated
operations. In addition to the development of slipforming, which eliminates the
finishing operation in some cases, there has been a transition from traditional manual
methods to mechanized methods, and automated finishing systems have been
Originally, concrete was consolidated, screeded, floated, and troweled manually.
Mechanical vibrators were soon developed for aiding in the consolidation of concrete
and were first used in 1932 for the construction of a California dam. 65 Today,
62 Teruhiko
Hitoshi Nakajima, Kouhei Mio, Yukio Ichihara, and Yuichi Sagara, "Development of a
Shotcrete Robot," The 5th International Symposium on Robotics in Construction, June 6-8,
vibrators and vibrating screeds are widely used in the industry. Automated concrete
screeding has been developed by the Shimizu Corporation.66 The screeding robot
propels itself with wheels which ride on the reinforcing steel. The robot uses a screw
auger to screed the concrete and is capable of leveling the concrete to a tolerance of
plus or minus five millimeters.
Traditional manual troweling operations have also been mechanized and automated.
Manually operated, gasoline powered trowels have been widely used in the industry
for some time, greatly increasing the efficiency of floor finishing operations.
Automated power trowels, which closely resemble the mechanized power trowels,
have been developed by several Japanese companies.
The Takenaka Corporation has developed Surf Robot, a remote controlled power
trowel.6 7 The Shimizu Corporation has developed a similar remote controlled robot
which was introduced in 1987, and which finished over two million square feet of
floor area in its first year. Since then its use has been widespread.6 8
Hajime Nomura, Yasuo Kajioka, Akira Okada, and Kazumi Okuzumi, "Development of a
Practical Works of Concrete Floor Finishing Robot," The 5th International Symposium on
2.4 Summary
This chapter has presented a snapshot of the state-of-the-art in concrete construction
technology and has demonstrated how the development of concrete technology has
progressed. Process technologies have been shown to be clearly moving in the
direction of fully automated methods of construction. Product technologies continue
to expand, increasing the suitability of concrete to different construction applications.
The focus will now shift to the second major purpose of the thesis, the prototype
device for semi-automated rebar tying. The next chapter will present an analysis of
rebar tying and will develop a functional definition of the task. Chapter 4 will then
present the design and operation of the tool.
- 1
Plastic Clip
Another available proprietary connector is a molded plastic clip for joining two
perpendicular bars. As shown in Figure 3-1, the clip fits over the top bar and clips to
the bottom one.70 These connectors, as well as the metal clips described above, are
removable and reusable in the event that the steel must be disassembled.
One problem with the clip schemes is that different sizes of clips are needed for
different sizes of rebar. In addition, the clips are only designed for joining
perpendicular bars, and do not produce sufficiently tight connections.
3.2.2 Welded Connections
Welding of reinforcing bars, while an obvious possible solution, is not normally done
except for some lap splices. "Tack" welding should never be used because it can
reduce the strength of the bars by 50 percent. 71 ACI 318-83, Building Code
Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, states in section 7.5.4 that "Welding is not
permitted for assembly (of the rebar) unless authorized by the engineer." The
justification of this statement is found in the corresponding section of the
commentary which states, "Tack welding can seriously weaken a bar by creating a
metallurgical notch effect." However, the commentary also contends that "The
operation can be performed safely..." if done in a controlled environment, as in the
case of welded wire fabric.
In a study done at the University of Maryland, welded rebar mats were used for
primary flexural reinforcement of slabs. Some of the sections underwent a sudden,
premature, brittle failure when the longitudinal bars fractured at weld points. This
study dramatically showed the potentially harmful effects of metallurgical notches
that occur in poor quality welded connections.
Butt welding of splices is sometimes done to save the extra steel required for the lap
length, especially for the larger bar sizes. This can be done safely, with a properly
welded splice being capable of developing the full yield strength of the steel bars.
Full depth welds are required. In a traditionally tied lap splice, the concrete forms
72 American
Joseph J. Waddell, Editor, Concrete Construction Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.
The second design criteria for the rebar tying machine is the flexibility to create a tie
for many different configurations of bars, over a range of bar sizes.
Type B
I ypt:1-
Type C
Type D
Type E
3.3.4 Interference
Interference can be encountered from different sources. In order to loop the ties
around the bars, an automated rebar tying machine may have to reach past the bars
(so does a steelworker). In doing so, the tool may be interfered with by adjacent bars
or by a lower layer of bars that is beneath the surface of the work. The required
minimum clear distance between layers is only one inch. 74 Interference also may
occur from bar supports, spacers, formwork, or the ground.
The most constraining interference may occur for the bottom layer of bars in slabs
not exposed to weather or in contact with the ground. Minimum cover required for
reinforcing steel under these conditions is .75 inches. Therefore, there may be only
.75 inches between the bottom of the steel and the formwork.
Interference from closely spaced adjacent bars would probably occur at greater than
two inches, since any closer spacing of the steel would make concrete placement and
consolidation difficult. However, the minimum clear spacing allowed between
adjacent bars is the larger of the bar diameter and one inch, so it would be preferred
to have a design distance of one inch.
The third criteria for the tying machine is the ability to operate within certain
interference constraints. The desired design distances are .75 inches below and 1
inch on the sides, although a slightly larger side distance would be acceptable.
3.3.5 Joining Rebar With Tie Wire
The most common method for joining rebar has been to tie the bar intersections with
wire.75 The five most common types of "knots," as shown in Figure 3-3, are the
diagonal tie (also known as the "snap" tie), the saddle tie, the crossed saddle tie, the
figure eight, and the splice tie. The saddle tie, the crossed saddle tie, and the figure
eight tie are the most stable and least likely to slip of the ties, with the diagonal tie
being the least secure.
The American Concrete Institute, ACI 318-83, Building Code Requirements for
Reinforced Concrete, 1983.
75 Joseph J. Waddell, Editor, Concrete Construction Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.
- 3
Types of Ties
Diagonal Tie
Figure Eight
Saddle Tie
Crossed Saddle
ti tF
Splice Tie
The choice of which tying method to use is largely up to the individual worker, but it
depends on the type of connection. For flatwork, the diagonal tie is satisfactory, but
some workers prefer to tie saddle ties for every connection. When securing
horizontal bars to vertical bars in a wall, for example, and for bent bar connections,
one of the saddle tie variations is required, since a diagonal tie will slip. The choice
of which saddle tie method to use is entirely up to the preference of the worker. If
workers will need to climb up the steel, as in tall columns and walls that are tied in
place, the figure eight tie is usually used.
It is fair to say that the two saddle tie methods and the figure eight tie are preferable,
since they provide a more secure connection, but diagonal ties are used when possible
because they are generally easier and faster for most workers to tie. Although not a
functional design criteria, it would be preferred that the rebar tying machine be
capable of producing a saddle tie or figure eight tie, since they are higher quality and
much more stable ties than the diagonal tie.
3.3.6 Physical Characteristics of Tie Wire
Usually 14 gage or 16 gage wire is used to tie rebar, 76 with 18 gage being the
smallest recommended size. 77 For size nine bars and larger, workers will usually use
two strands of 16 gage wire.
American Wire Tie, Inc., markets double loop wire ties in gage 12 through gage 19.
These ties consist of straight wires with preformed loops on each end. The ties are
available in lengths of three inches to three feet. Hand powered tying tools which are
used with these ties hook the two loops and twist them. Figure 3-4 shows the widely
available forms of tie wire and commonly used, hand-powered, tying tools.
76Joseph J. Waddell, Editor, Concrete Construction Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.
77 The American Concrete Institute, ACI 318-83, Building Code Requirements for
Tie Wire
Tie Wi
Coiteod Wire
Cut Wire
T \Inr I
Tie wire is usually soft, annealed wire that is tough but pliable. It is available with a
galvanized or P.V.C. coating for use with galvanized and epoxy-coated rebar.
Galvanized wire should not be used to tie galvanized rebar, nor should uncoated wire
be used with epoxy-coated rebar. Acceptable coatings are nylon, epoxy, or vinyl.
Another form of wire marketed by American Wire Tie for tying rebar is coiled wire.
The wire comes in 3.5 pound coils, and is available in gage 14 through gage 18. The
most commonly used coiled wire is soft, black, annealed wire, but it is also available
with a galvanized coating, with a P.V.C. or nylon coating, and in stainless steel. The
spools of wire are carried on the worker's belt in a special reel. The worker uses
pliers to cut and twist the wire.
Each form of tie wire has advantages and disadvantages. The coiled wire is less
expensive and can be cut to different lengths for tying different sized bars. The
double loop wire ties must be bought in different sizes, since short ties cannot be used
for large bars and long ties are wasteful and clumsy for tying small bars. The double
loop wire ties allow inexperienced or unskilled laborers to tie rebar quickly, but
workers skilled in rebar tying can work just as fast or faster with the coiled wire, and
usually prefer to use it.
The final functional design criteria for the rebar tying machine is the ability to create
ties with coated and uncoated wires. The wire size should be within the acceptable
range of gauge 14 to gauge 18.
3.3.7 Further Design Criteria
There are three additional design criteria that arise from practice. The first one is the
ability to operate the machine from a standing position. One of the motivations of
automating construction is to reduce the backbreaking work that is required. Rebar
tying is particularly difficult, since workers must be bent over for long periods of
time. In many cases, this results in back disorders.
The second additional design criteria is speed. Speed is important because it is
integrally related to the economics of the operation. Since 90% of all rebar
placement work is subcontracted, the driving interest is price. If a subcontractor
cannot produce work at a competitive price while using the device, then he will not
use it.
The analysis will proceed with the detailed discussion of each design criteria, and of
what is required of the device to satisfy the criteria. The reviewed patented
inventions will be referred to by the inventor's last name, and will be used to illustrate
a particularly good or bad approach to a component's design. If more than one
inventor is listed, the first inventor's name will be used. The list of patents and their
inventors is given in Appendix 3 as a reference for use while reading the following
3.4.1 Type of Tie / Configuration of Bars
The ability to tie different configurations of rebar is intrinsically bound to the type of
tie that a device is capable of tying. Diagonal ties can be used for Type A and Type
C connections as defined in Figure 3-2, but saddle ties are required for Type B, D,
and E connections.
Of the devices analyzed, only the Huerta system attempts to tie a saddle tie. Every
other device ties a diagonal tie. However, the Huerta device is not a saddle tying
device, but rather a system in which a preformed saddle tie is applied to the bars by
hand, and a device is used to clamp the ends and twist them. In effect, it is a power
driven pliers. Therefore, it seems that no device is capable of satisfying the criteria
of connecting different configurations of rebar, or of making the higher quality
saddle tie.
3.4.2 Type of Tie Wire
It seems that every device had the ability to use coated as well as uncoated wire,
although none of the patents expressly mentioned coated wire. The important
consideration in the use of coated wire is the twisting mechanism, since coated wires
tend to rebound more, making a tight tie more difficult to obtain.
All the devices except one used continuously supplied wire. Most used built-in
spools of wire, but some had external, continuous supplies, such as a spool on the
worker's belt. In contrast, the Hanigan device used preformed staples, which it
placed over the bars diagonally. It then attempted to twist the ends of the staple
together below the bars.
The wire feeding mechanisms were all variations of a wheel or roller driven scheme,
a very common method of feeding wire (except for the Hanigan stapler). Most were
very similar in design.
3.4.3 The Ability to Make a Tight Tie
It is crucial that the device be capable of producing a tight tie. Analysis of the
patented devices shows that very few of the machines were capable of a tight tie. In
fact, many of them mention the impotence of previous embodiments in this matter.
To make a tight tie, the wire must form the shortest path around the bars. Basically,
the wire should lie along the convex hull of the intersection. To force the wire to do
this requires that there be enough tension on the ends of the wire before twisting and
during the initial twisting motion to pull it tight around the different sized bars.
The Muguruma and the Geiger devices are capable of this, but the Muguruma device
relies on the operator to pull on the device to create this tension. The Geiger device
not only grips the wires, but also pulls on them while it twists them. The mechanism
it uses will be described in more detail, since this is the only device which
satisfactorily accomplishes this extremely important design objective.
The Geiger device contains an integrated gripping and twisting mechanism. It grips
the ends of the wire by pinching them between a fixed member attached to the
gripping-twisting mechanism and a spring mounted member attached to the frame. It
then retracts the entire mechanism pneumatically, as it begins to twist the wires.
3.4.4 Bar Sizes / Interference
A tradeoff exists between the ability to tie a great many bar sizes and the ability to
operate in the presence of interference from the sides and below. Since the largest
bar diameter is six times as great as the smallest, a device designed to accommodate
the larger bar sizes is bound to have problems with smaller bars. It will encounter
interference and perhaps will have other problems.
The Furlong device is the only one that explicitly addresses this problem. It
incorporates an adjustable wire feed mechanism capable of feeding two different
lengths of wire, and suggests that there be two sizes of end.
requirements of the task that were enumerated in the previous chapter. The operation
of the tool will be demonstrated with schematic diagrams in Figures 4 - 3 through 4 -
10 of Section 4.3. Sections 4.4 and 4.5 will present detailed designs of key
components of the device.
forming members at the far end of the tool are positioned at the intersection of the
bars and around the lower bars. The worker will then pull a trigger, and the device
- 1
The major components of the device, labelled in Figure 4 - 1, are the staple feed
mechanism and the retractable wire tensioning and twisting mechanism. For the
purpose of this discussion, the top bar will be defined as the bar that is closer to the
tool, with the bottom bar referring to the bar that is farther from the tool. The "u"
shaped wire will be referred to as a tie, a staple, or a staple tie.
The staple feed mechanism acts to push a tie from the staple queue, which is angled
away from the end of the tool to provide maximum clearance from interference at the
end of the tool. The tie loops over the top bar on one side of the bottom bar. The
ends of the tie are forced through the two hooked loop forming members which force
them to bend around the bottom bar on each side of the top bar. The cylindrically
shaped retractable wire tensioning and twisting mechanism then secures the ends of
the tie and joins them on the other side of the top bar by twisting them together. The
operation of the tool is provided in more detail later in the chapter.
4.2.1 Type of Tie / Configuration of Bars
Since the tool is designed to produce saddle ties, it can be used to tie bars configured
like Type A, B, D, and E of Figure 3-2, but not like Type C. Three factors led to the
choice of the saddle tie. The saddle tie is a good choice of tie because of its
applicability to a wide range of configurations of bars. Also, the bars are less likely
to move when tied with a saddle tie than with a diagonal tie, resulting in a higher
quality connection. Finally, since the connection is higher quality, a lower
percentage of connections may need to be tied, resulting in a reduction in the amount
of work required and a proportional reduction in cost.
In light of the above advantages, it is surprising that none of the previously patented
devices have attempted to create saddle ties, especially since the saddle tie has many
of the same design considerations as a diagonal tie. For example, it is necessary in
both cases to form a loop of the wire around the bars. In both cases it is also
necessary to grab the ends of the wires to twist them. However, the saddle tie does
require some additional considerations. For example, the problem of interference is
greater, since two loops must be formed around the bars simultaneously.
Figure 4
Prototype Stapte Tie Geometry
1' Diameter
requiring that both sides of the saddle be tied and requiring the addition of a wire
cutting mechanism. Since the hooked loop forming members have a diameter greater
than the minimum distance, it would be impossible to operate perpendicular to the
top bars within the minimum distance without either using flexible loop forming
members or an unguided loop former. Both methods would have reduced reliability
and made the task of avoiding interference from below more difficult and
4.2.5 Operation While Standing, Durability and Speed
Standing operation, durability, and speed are the remaining design requirements of
the device. The device is specifically designed to be used from a standing position,
with an adjustable handle enabling comfortable use by workers of different heights.
The cycle time of the tying operation, from initial triggering to return to ready
position, is two seconds. All actuators will be designed to achieve the necessary
accelerations. The device will be capable of surviving the harsh construction
environment, with most of the mechanisms enclosed within the device.
Figure 4 - 3
Step One - Positioning
Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
Figure 4 - 4
Step Two - Lower Twisting Mechanism
Figure 4 - 5
Step Three - Staple Feeding
Figure 4 - 6
Step Four - Secure Ends of Staple
Figure 4 - 7
Step Five - Retract Twisting Mechanism
When the wires have been pulled tight, the tensioning and twisting mechanism is then
rotated a predetermined number of times by a pneumatic rotary actuator, twisting the
ends of the wires together. During the twisting operation, the tensioning and twisting
mechanism continues to be forcibly retracted, keeping tension on the wires. Since it
is retracted with a constant force, the twisting and tying mechanism will move
downward slightly as the free length of the wire shortens from the twisting operation.
The deployed twisting bar ensures that the first crossing of the wires occurs at the top
of the top reinforcing bar. The twisting bar must rotate with the tensioning and
twisting mechanism. If only the twisting bar rotated, the wire would be twisted in
opposite directions on each side of the twisting bar. If the twisting bar remained
stationary, the wire would be twisted above the twisting bar.
Figure 4 - 9
Step Seven - Release Tie
Figure 4 - 10
Step Eight - Retraction and Reset
4.4 Detailed Design of the Wire Feeding and Loop Forming Mechanism
The detailed design of components of the tool follow in the next two sections.
Design drawings are provided in Appendices 4 and 5 rather than in the text.
Appendix 4 contains an assembly drawing of the cross section through the centerline
of the tool, showing the spatial relationships between key components of the device.
Appendix 5 contains various parts drawings. While reading the following sections,
the reader may want to refer to the appendices and to the schematic diagrams
provided previously in the chapter.
The wire feeding and loop forming mechanism is responsible for transferring a staple
tie from its position in the queue to a position where the wire tensioning and twisting
mechanism can secure the ends of the staple and complete the tying operation. The
mechanism consists of a staple queue, a pneumatic actuating mechanism, and a pair
of hooked loop forming members.
The staple queue contains the supply of staple ties. The queue is angled upward to
prevent possible interference near the work surface. The strip of staples is
correspondingly angled, as shown in Figure 4 - 2, with each successive staple offset
slightly upward. The queue contains a spring mechanism which maintains the strip
of staples in the forward most position in the queue. The spring mechanism is very
much like the corresponding mechanism in a common stapler.
The pneumatically actuated feeding mechanism also acts very much like a common
stapler, with the pneumatic actuator driving a formed member which forces the first
staple in the queue to become dislodged from the stack. The pneumatic actuator will
be single acting with a spring return and will have a stroke of 5.5 inches. The end of
the formed member which contacts the staple is shaped to conform to the top of the
staple tie. The other end connects to the actuator.
The formed member forces the staple tie downward to the hooked loop forming
members which contain grooves to guide the ends of the tie. The loop forming
members have a semi-circular shape with an inside diameter of 1.125 inches, to easily
accept a size eight reinforcing bar. The ends of the tie are forced to bend around the
bottom reinforcing bar. This step permanently deforms the wires, thus causing the
wires to continue in a circular motion, with a curvature slightly less than that of the
hooks' grooves, since the wire will rebound slightly when released.
The solid end of the tensioning and twisting cylinder is machined to allow the end of
the cylinder to fit over the reinforcing bars. Thus the cylinder can fully extend to
place the end in contact with the hooked loop forming members. The upper end of
the cylinder is fixed to a double-acting, double-ended, linear pneumatic actuator with
a 5.5 inch stroke. The actuator extends and retracts the entire tensioning and twisting
The upper end of the rod of the double-ended cylinder attaches to a toothed gear.
The gear is free to translate axially as the actuator moves, but rotation is controlled
by the cylindrical, co-axial, grooved gear which meshes with the toothed gear. The
rotation is imparted to the grooved gear via a pneumatic rotary actuator and
connected gearing. As the rotary actuator turns, a connected gear drives a chain
which in turn drives the grooved gear.
Several key prototype components of the device have been fabricated and tested
throughout the design process, to ensure that the components would work as
expected. Two hooked loop forming members were fabricated to make sure that the
wires could be pushed around the reinforcing bars. The solid end of the retractable
wire tensioning and twisting cylinder was fabricated to insure that the trajectory of
the ends of the wires would position them correctly within the wire receiving holes.
Although the fabricated parts worked satisfactorily, the parts have not been
assembled and the pneumatic actuators have not been incorporated into the prototype.
Appendix 2 - Admixtures
Air entraining Admixture - Increases Freeze/Thaw Durability
Water-Reducing Admixture - Reduce Required Mixing Water For a Given Slump
Retarding Admixture - Increases Setting Time
Accelerating Admixture - Decreases Setting Time
Pozzolans - Reduce Internal Temperature During Curing, Reduce Expansion Caused
by Alkali Reactive Aggregates (ASR), Others
Silica Fume - Increased Strength, Decreased Chloride Permeability
Workability Agents - Provide Increased Workability
Superplasticizers - Increased Slump, Greatly Increased Workability, Increased
Flowability and Pumpability, Decreased Required Mixing Water
Dampproofers - Reduce Permeability of Cured Concrete
Bonding Admixtures - Increase Bond Between Fresh Concrete and Existing Cured
Latex - Reduced Permeability, Increased Strength, Reduce Cracking
Coloring Admixtures - Create Colored Concrete
Corrosion Inhibiting Admixtures - Inhibit Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel
VIV" - - -
Act uator
- for
h n
I, a Il
0: __
and Twisting
Ho oked
Lo op
------------- -------------,,
-- -
Section A-A
ACI Manual of Concrete Practice 1989, The American Concrete Institute, Detroit,
Michigan, 1989.
Cohen, Edward and Raymond C. Heun. "100 Years of Concrete Building Construction
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Dinescu, Tudor, and Constantin Radulescu. Slip Form Techniques, Abacus Press, Kent,
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Fagundo, Fernando E., Editor. State-of-the-Art Computer Applications in Concrete
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Forming Economical Concrete Buildings. Proceedings of an International Conference.
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Harris, F. Modern Construction Equipment and Methods, Longman Scientific &
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"Memorable Miscellany" Concrete International. October, 1979. pp. 46-62.
Riccouard, M. J., Formwork for Concrete Construction, The Macmillan Press, London,
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