History Notes CXC
History Notes CXC
History Notes CXC
Origins of Slavery
Firstly Amerindians were used to assist European colonists. They were over
worked and ill treated through the encomienda system and hence their numbers
depleted. The genocide of these people caused the colonists to look for other
sources of labour.
*European indentured labourers were recruited and later they were kidnapped
from English ports and forced into indentureship contracts which lasted 5 years.
Afterwards they sourced labour from bringing white prisoners from England,
Scotland and Ireland to work in the Caribbean on the plantations but there was
still not enough labour to fulfill plantation needs.
*Spain graned Asiento to the Portuguese in 1515 to bring slaves from West
Africa. Thus began a 300 year trade in human cargo across the Atlantic.
African slaves were used as early as the 12th century when Italians planted
sugarin Cyprus using African slaves provided by Arabs
*In the 14th century sugar production spread to Portugal and Spain using African
slaves provided by the Arabs.
*In the 15th century some of the African slaves were shipped from Portugal and
Spain to work on Portuguese colonies of Madeira, Azores and the Canary Islands.
Most of the African slaves were being used by planters in the Americas in the
16th century.to produce sugar.By 1800, cattle ranches in Puerto Rico and Cuba
were turned into canefields with slaves working on them.
*In the U.S.(Southern U.S), starting in Louisiana, millions of Africans used slaves
on tobacco, cotton and rice fields.
Over a period of 300 years, 20 million Africans fell victim to the Atlantic slave trade.Not
all survived because half died in the Middle Passage.
A comparison of the presence of African slaves in the Caribbean in the early 1500s
and the 1700s.
African slaves were introduced by the Spanish to the Caribbean in small numbers in the
1490s and early 1500s. They were initially part of Spanish exploration teams sailing to
the Caribbean. By the 1500s a few slaves were brought to a few territories working to
build settlements and plant crops for the Spanish. They were also brought to replace
indigenous people who were enslaved but eventually died out.
By the early 1500s, plantation economies had not yet developed as at this point European
colonization was now beginning in the Caribbean. By the 1700s, the plantation
economies (based in the Caribbean on sugar production) which depended on cheap labour
had developed and more thousands more African slaves had to be brought in to work.
Also advances in trading, ship building and the gradual European penetration of West
Africa had made slaving a profitable business. Another reason for the rise in the numbers
of African slaves in the Caribbean by the 1700s was the rise in the demand of sugar and
the fall in the demand of tobacco which lead to an increase in the demand of labour
which was needed for sugar cultivation but was not needed for tobacco cultivation.
other white staff of the plantation such as overseers and bookkeepers. The fields were
divided by narrow roads into smaller square plots of about 6 to 9 hectares in order to
make it easier for the overseers to control the slave gangs. A work yard was placed in the
middle of the cane fielda, making up the work yard were mills, boiling houses, curing
houses as well as sheds for blacksmiths and carpenters. Near to the work yard were cattle
pens, poultry houses and a small hospital which was also used as a jail house for runaway
slaves.There was also a trash house where the crushed stalks were put to dry before they
were burnt in the furnace.
Also grown on some plantations but in a much smaller scale than sugar cane was tobacco,
cotton,pimento, ginger and indigo, timber ,cocoa and coffee all grown for export.
How was the sugar made?
The cane juice was carried through lead covered troughs from the mill (where the cane
was crushed and the cane juice collected) to storage cisterns at the furnace in the boiling
house. The cane juice was taken from the cisterns and strained and stirred in a large
copper container where it was heated and a little lime was added to remove impurities.
The juice was then skimmed and thrown into a copper container that was heated hotter
than the one before. The Raw sugar was shoveled from the cooling trough into hogsheads
and carried away to the curing house. After a period of four weeks the holes in the
hogshead were plugged and ready to export to Europe
Other day to day activities taking place on the plantation
The slaves on the plantation were classified according to the work they did. The artisans
were the most valuable and fortunate because they were allowed to work for a planter on
another plantation for pay. The most unfortunate were the unskilled slaves.
A slave's working day began at 4 am. Work like feeding the poultry and cleaning the
cattle pens had to be done before sunrise. At sunrise the slaves assembled for roll call.
Breakfast was given a little after 10am, they were given a 2 hour break at 12.30 to attend
to personal chores. After the lunch break, work continued until sunset after which another
roll call was done and then the slaves were sent to their quarters until 4am the next day.
This routine was broken on Sunday mornings when the slaves were allowed to go to the
market to sell small animals and provision that they had nurtured in their small provision
grounds. They were also given holidays during Christmas week and a few days after
crops were harvested.
Cultivation and harvesting of crops
The yearly cycle of cultivation began in spring with planting new cane.The first gang of
slaves had to open the soil to a depth of 15 centimeters. This task was even more difficult
if old roots had to be removed first.Once the field was planted, the first and second gangs
were busy weeding, hoeing and replanting. Towards the end of March, there was a rush to
complete work that could not be done during crop time. This was during the rainy season
when much work could not be done on the crops. This period was called 'dead time'.
During the 5 months of crop time the working hours lengthened from a 16 and a half
working day to an eighteen and a half working day.Most plantations used a shift system
which alternated between cutting cane and working in the factory. Factory work was
dangerous and hot since the cane had to be fed into the boilers by hand. Many slaves
suffered terrible burns while working in the boiling house.
The following are drawings showing the layout of a slave plantation.
Seocnd gang made up of the sick, pregnant women and youths. They did the
lighter work such as weeding and harrowing.
*Third gang - children and very old who did the light weeding and cared for the
itself. The following table shows the number of Africans that came to the Caribbean as
slaves over 3 centuries.
English West
French West
1.4 millon
2. Decline in Farming industry. - Fear and insecurity caused by the slave trade
led to a decline in farming. Traditional West African crafts such as brass working,
cotton weaving and iron making were alos lost due to the capture of craftsmen
and because the Europeans provided cheaper iron and crafts.
Physical control - Slaves were chained together, whipped and beaten for minor
offences. They were also mutilated, hanged and burnt in public.
*Legal Control - Laws were passed in the colonies to prevent enslaved Africans
from having rights. Laws such as the Code Noir of the French Caribbean and the
Siete Partidas of the Spanish Caribbean colonies.
The Siete Partidas was a set of 13 th Century Laws meant for Spain at the time
that were adjusted and applied to the Spanish Caribbean colonies.These laws gave
slaves rights to enter te Catholic church. It was also cncerned with preserving the
Catholic religion and preventing inter marriage.
*Social Control - Slaves were prevented from mixing with each other and other
groups in society, they could not move around freely and they were unable to
gather in groups.
*Cultural Control - Slavs were not allowed to practise their African cultural
forms. This was done to strip them of an identity so they would be easier to
control.It was for this reason that laws were passed to ban drumming and dancing
by Africans in the Caribbean. The planters also made sure that they did not buy
slaves only from one tribe since this would have made it easier for them to
communicate with one another and plan revolts.
*Economic Control** - Slaves were seen as property and were not supposed to own
property of their own, so the whites sometimes prevented them from owning provision
land and domestic animals which they would use to reate a side income in the Sunday
Psychological and ideological - Whites believed that African societies were barbaric and
that blacks were inferior beings. Slaves after years of slavery came to believe the racism
and accepted white cultural values. Back culture, religion, music and art were frowned
upon and insulted. Blacks began to accept white social divisions and some began to
dislike each other. Some degrading terms used by whites to degrade blacks were buckra,
coloured, red leg and nigger.
Physical control - Slaves were chained together, whipped and beaten for minor
offences. They were also mutilated, hanged and burnt in public.
*Legal Control - Laws were passed in the colonies to prevent enslaved Africans
from having rights. Laws such as the Code Noir of the French Caribbean and the
Siete Partidas of the Spanish Caribbean colonies.
The Siete Partidas was a set of 13 th Century Laws meant for Spain at the time
that were adjusted and applied to the Spanish Caribbean colonies.These laws gave
slaves rights to enter te Catholic church. It was also cncerned with preserving the
Catholic religion and preventing inter marriage.
*Social Control - Slaves were prevented from mixing with each other and other
groups in society, they could not move around freely and they were unable to
gather in groups.
*Cultural Control - Slavs were not allowed to practise their African cultural
forms. This was done to strip them of an identity so they would be easier to
control.It was for this reason that laws were passed to ban drumming and dancing
by Africans in the Caribbean. The planters also made sure that they did not buy
slaves only from one tribe since this would have made it easier for them to
communicate with one another and plan revolts.
*Economic Control** - Slaves were seen as property and were not supposed to own
property of their own, so the whites sometimes prevented them from owning provision
land and domestic animals which they would use to reate a side income in the Sunday
Psychological and ideological - Whites believed that African societies were barbaric and
that blacks were inferior beings. Slaves after years of slavery came to believe the racism
and accepted white cultural values. Back culture, religion, music and art were frowned
upon and insulted. Blacks began to accept white social divisions and some began to
dislike each other. Some degrading terms used by whites to degrade blacks were buckra,
coloured, red leg and nigger.
6. Emergence of a leader amongst the slaves who had respect of the other slaves.
7. In some islands slaves kept on practicing African religion and this served as a
bond amongst slaves.
8. The fact that on many plantations, slaves outnumbered the white settlers.
9. Owner absenteeism and the control of plantations by attorneys, managers and
even overseers who would treat slaves harsher because the owner was absent.
This caused great resentment amongst the slaves.
10. The character of the white population. They tended to be smug, arrogant, cruel
and inefficient in taking care of the slaves.
11. Geography of the island. The mountainous terrain of most West Indian islands
provided ideal areas for slaves to hide out and even set up maroon settlements if
they escaped from plantation
The following pictures show slaves being cruelly treated which makes it understandable
why there was resistance by slaves.
Malingering, skylarking or wasting time in the field when overseers were not
Stealing- Some slaves would steal from the plantations in order to improve their
standard of living but mostly to reduce the economic success of their masters.
Domestic female slaves were sometimes able to poison their slave owners.
The drum was used to transmit messages to other enslaved people on other
Infanticide, a few slave mothers would kill their babies as soon as they were born
so that they would not live to become slaves
Some slave women would kill the white babies and toddlers that they would have
to take care of.
Enslaved women also used dress as a form of resistance. Their imitation of the
white women was intended to show that they were on equal footing with these
women.They also tied their heads in ways that were symbolic to slaves alone and
in doing so were able to carry messages. This was especially prevalent in the
french islands.
Concubinage- Some slave women would use their sexuality and their bodies to
get into sexual relations with the planters/ slave masters so that they would be
able to improve their daily condition by getting such benefits as better meals,
better accommodation and better opportunities for their mixed race children who
were always born free. They would also use their concubine status to undermine
the role of the planter's wife and increase their own status.
Female slaves played a significant role in cultural resistance, for example through
Thomas Buxton was also hesitant (while other abolitionists were in a hurry to end
slavery) and did not rush abolition because he believed that slavery would eventually
decline on its own.
The first step in the campaign for abolition was to abolish slavery in English parliament.
This was because Britain was the main slave owning nation by the 18th century. This first
step was pushed by a man named Granville Sharp, a junior clerk in the Ordinance Office.
He first became involved in the slavery issue when he nursed an abandoned slave named
Strong who had been attacked and nearly killed by his master, back to health. Strong's
former master saw him and tried to capture him and put him on a ship to be sold in
Jamaica. Sharp was able to get Strong freed and went to court to get the English law on
slavery made clearer.
In 1772, Sharp also went to court to free a slave called James Somerset who had escaped
from an American slave master who was living in England. Sommerset was also re
captured and put on a ship set for Jamaica but Sharp was once again able to free the slave
before the ship sailed due to another court trial. Because of Sharp's anti slavery trials, the
English court under Judge Mansfield decided that there was no legal definition of slavery
in England. This decision made it illegal to take a slave against his will back to the slave
colonies, so a slave could walk away from slavery by refusing to go back. The Mansfield
judgement helped boost public opinion against slavery.
In 1775, the Quakers pushed for the establishment of a commission of the House of
Commons to be set up to take evidence of the slave trade. This commission did a report
and in 1776 after the report was submitted, parliamentarians began to debate the
godliness of the slave trade. In 1787, the Quakers formed The Society for Effecting the
Abolition of the Slave Trade. This society set up branches in Britain's large towns, with
town leaders organising meeting and getting petitions against slavery signed.By 1792,
500 petition were sent into Parliament. The society also produced and handed out
pamphlets to the public highlighting the evils of slavery and cases of cruelty against
Although the Society distributed their pamphlets to the public, it was not their main
intention to attract the attention of the public. Their main focus was to persuade the rich
British people (or aristocrats), the Members of Parliament (MP's) and others who held
important offices. .
Members of the Society were William Wilberforce, Thomas Clarkson, Granville Sharp,
Henry Thorton, Charles Grant,Edward James Elliot, Zachary Macaulay and James
William Wilberforce contributed greatly to the campaign for Abolition by being the first
to introduce a proposal for abolition in a session of Parliament. In 1804, he got the
Abolition bill passed in one section of Parliament but it was overruled and thrown out in
another section.
In 1805, the British Prime Minister at the time, William Pitt secured an order forbidding
the importation of slaves into Trinidad and some areas of Guyana. After Pitt's death in
January 1806, the new Prime Minister Charles James Fox moved a resolution for the total
abolition of the Slave Trade. This act of Abolition was passed in March 1807 and came
into action from 1st January, 1808.
The Act of Abolition meant the end of the slave trade (i.e. the end of trading of slaves or
their transportation to any other place). One could be fined 100 pounds if he was found
engaging in such trade and the ship involved could be seized. Rewards were offered to
naval officers who recovered slaves from such ships.
The Abolition Act did not result in a complete end of the slave trade. Profits were too
large and tempting. Additional laws had to be passed to end it altogether. In 1827, a
person who still engaged in slave trading could be killed.
To this extent, the 1807 Abolition Act put a legal end to slave trading. However, the battle
for Emancipationwas still to be fought.
(2) Give 3 arguments used by both the French and British abolitionists against slavery in
the Caribbean.
On religious grounds it was argued that slavery imposed by man was contrary to
the word of God and that enslavement of one race by another violated the
principle of the equality of man.
Slavery was uneconomic and it was cheaper to operate estates by means of paid
(3) Explain 3 ways in which the French Anti slavery movement differed from the British
Anti slavery movement.
The slaves in the French colonies did not have to undergo a period of
Apprenticeship like slaves in British colonies had to do. (read about
Apprenticeship in the upcoming section).
The members of the British Anti Slavery movement consisted of both religious
and non-religious humanitarians.
Unlike the members of the British anti slavery movement, the French members
did not make great attempts to take up the proposal in Parliament.
The French anti antislavery movement recognized that full emancipation was the
only answer to the problem of slavery unlike the British who proposed
Amelioration and Apprenticeship before Emancipation. Therefore, slaves in the
French colonies didn't have to undergo a period of Apprenticeship as did slaves in
There was nothing immoral in slavery since it has been practiced throughout
history and there were even examples of it in the bible. (Religious argument)
Slave labour helped in providing Europe with essential tropical raw materials.
(Economic argument)
The treatment of slaves on West Indian plantations was better than the treatment
of African slaves in Africa that were captured during tribal wars.
Slaves were provided with food, housing clothing and medical care. Slaves were
an investment and if they were not taken care of and provided with these things
and kept healthy, this would mean a loss to the owner.(Economic argument)
Flogging or whipping of slaves was a normal feature of navy traning and English
children working in coal mines. Therefore in comparison slaves were not badly
treated.( Humanitarian reason)
Education of slaves was not necessary for them to perform estate labour. Slaves
who were educated might believe themselves to be equal to their masters.
It was argued that slavery imposed by man was contrary to the will of God and
did not support the idea of Equality of man. (Religious argument)
The passage of slaves across the Atlantic to the West Indies was unsanitary and
slaves were subject to disease. Also on the estates, the treatment of slaves was
harsh and brutal. The harshness of the slave system was proven by the man slave
suicides, runaways and rebellions. (Humanitarian argument)
Slaves were improperly housed and fed. They were also prone and exposed to
disease and in these cases they were not offered immediate and good medical
services (Humanitarian argument)
Slavery was uneconomical and unprofitable and it was cheaper to operate estates
using paid labour. (Economic argument)
Justice for the slaves was hardly to be expected especially where judges were
themselves owners of slaves and where slaves could not give evidence against
whites in court. (Humanitarian argument).
The rights of masters over slaves was expressed by means of strict laws, however
the slaves had little to no rights. (Humanitarian argument).
The Quaker society of friends - a group made up of Granville Sharp and some
other critics of slavery.
Society for effecting the Abolition of the slave trade created in 1787. Its chief
parliamentary member was Wilberforce. Other prominent members were
Clarkson, Sharp, Ramsey, Stephen and Macaulay.
Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of slavery formed in 1823. Its
humanitarian crusade, aided by favourable economic conditions resulted in the
passing of the Emancipation act.
The New Torries - This was a group of industrialists who believed that slavery
was a wasteful crusade and an inefficient system of labour.
The West India Lobby - A powerful pressure group made up of retired planters,
absentee planters, slave trading interest agents and friends of the West India
plantocracy. Well represented in Parliament, the lobby was able to block the
passage for abolitionist legislature for a long time. Angered by theobjectionof the
Amelioration proposals as a means of preventing Emancipation, they still secured
twenty million pounds compensation and the apprenticeship scheme for the
planters in the Emancipation Act.
N.B. The Plantocracy - The plantocracy was a rich white minority who held power in the
colonies in the 18th century.
Social Factors
Firstly there was a surge of religious sympathy for the welfare of mankind
because of a new form of Christianity introduced in the later 18th century.
Therefore slaves got more public support and sympathy than before. Closely
followed by the Quakers who had long quarreled for an end to slavery. They were
supported by other religious groups.
Secular humanitarians were influenced by the agitation against the slave trade
started by religious groups and achieved definite goals in law courts and in
Parliament e.g. Granville Sharp in the Somerset case, Wilberfoce who secured the
support of Prime Ministers Pitt and Fox against slavery. Both Sharp and
Wilberforce were connected to the Committee against the slave tradde formed by
the Quakers.
Economic Factors
The main English cities engaged in the slave trade namely London, Bristol and
Liverpool had begun to develop other economic interests other than sugar from
the Caribbean. Interests such as cotton from the USA and sugar from beet root
from Europe itself. Because of this, the early 19th Century was a period of
depression in West Indian agriculture.
The British government earned more from customs and taxes on imported cotton
and the export of manufactured goods than it did from the slave trade.
The British trading empire began to grow in other parts of the world because a
new group of influential and rich men had emerged - the industrialists and
merchants. These were the owners for big industries that were built during the
Industrial Revolution in the 19th century.Before this revolution, the only rich and
influential men were the plantation owners.These industrialists had little care for
the slave trade and slavery as they were attracted by more profitable business
opportunities in India. (This new interest in Inida was called the East India
Interest).For instance, merchants would import food and goods from India to sell
in Englandsuch as cloth, tea and cotton. Industrialists and merchants involved in
trade with India resented the slave trade because West Indian planters had the
advantage of protection from competition because of the Navigation Acts which
forbade competing cpountries from trading in their zone.
Slavery was bound to come to an end when these new influential men industrialists and merchants- came to dominate parliament in 1832. The
industrialists dominance mean a victory of industiralists over agriculturalists and
this eventually led to less people fighting their cause in Parliament.
Amelioration was a proposal made by a group of plantation and slave owners
called the West Indian Committee to the Colonial Secretary in Britain to improve
conditions for the enslaved Africans. These improvements were made between
1816 and 1826.
The reason why the planters proposed Amelioration was to hinder of delay
abolition of slavery and the emancipation of slaves. They thought that if they
improved the condition of slaves they could silence the anit-slavery movement
and continue slavery so they could remain with the use of their slaves.
IN 1816,Jamaica had already passed the Consilidated Slave Law. This mandated
that slaves should have Sunday off work, as well as one other day every fortnight
to do their own planting. They were to have at least 26 days off work every year.
Their work day was also to be no longer than 5am to 7pm whith 30mins for
breakfast and a 2 hour lunch. However it is not certain to what extent the law was
enforced. This was the first instant where slave condtions were improved.
In 1823, official Amelioration laws were passed for the ALL of the British
Caribbean territories. The British Abolitionists formed a new organization, called
the Society for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery. Their plan was to campaign
for an immediate improvement in the conditions of enslaved Africans and then to
get slavery completely abolished. The abolitionists set up over 200 branches of
the new society in a year. The British Caribbean planters soon realized that public
opinion was not on their side and that they might also lose the support of MP's if
anti-slavery legislation went to Parliament. So they changed strategy and decided
to propose Amelioration to Parliament themselves. Their representatives in
London sent their suggestions to the Colonial Secretary who accepted them and
ordered the propsals put into action in the British Caribbean territories.
Some of the terms of Amelioration are as follows:
Slave owners and overseers could not carry whips with them in the fields
Banks for slaves to store their savings had to be established. These savings were
to help slaves save money to buy their freedom if they wanted to.
All floggings over 3 strokes were to be recorded by estate officials and the records
submitted every 3 months to a magistrate
Slaves should have a legal right to give evidence in court once sponsored by a
member of the clergy (church member)
A male slave who was to be whipped should be given one day's notice before the
actual whipping
Most of the former slaves were to become 'apprentices' who would have to work
for their former masters for a fixed number of hours per day for a specified
number of years
The slave owners were to be paid a monetary sum as compensation for the loss of
their slaves
The money for this payment was to come from raising the duties (a type of tax) on
sugar from the colonies
Ensure that there would be a transition period between slavery and full freedom
The system of apprenticeship was put in place by the Emancipation Act which was
passed in 1833. The system of apprenticeship was neither full freedom nor full slavery
but rather a system set up for planters to keep their labourers on the plantations although
slavery was officially over.
What were the aims of apprenticeship?
It was intended to provide an easy and peaceful transition from slavery to freedom
for the slaves
It was meant to guarantee the planters an adequate supply of labour during the
It was meant to give the planters time to introduce new equipment, technology
and labour management
To allow time for legal changes- to facilitate the change from slave codes to new
to Provide time for the establishment of colonial banking institutions to meet the
needs of a new society
Structure of Apprenticeship
Non-field slaves were to be apprentices for a period of four years and field slaves
for a period of six years
Destitute mothers could indenture their free children on estate until they reached
age 21
Stipendiary magistrates were appointed by the Crown to protect the freed Africans
against overwork, maltreatment and abuse. These stipendiary magistrates were
paid by the Crown
The apprentices had the option of performing extra labour or purchasing their
Their main duty was to supervise the operation of the act of Emancipation
They were to ensure that both owners and apprentices secured their respective
rights under the law
They were expected to administer justice and assist in preventing social and
economic disturbances
They had exclusive jurisdiction over offences commited by apprentices and their
They made sure that no one was unduly jailed without proper reason
They had to come up with the price of slaves who wanted to buy their freedom
There was no proper registration of the slaves, so the stipendiary magistrates who
were appointed to oversee and enforce the new system did not have proper
records to base their decisions on
Work hours were extended beyond the forty and a half stipulated in the Act to 45
and even 50 hours
Food, clothing and other requirements specified in one of the clauses of the Act
were withheld
Many planters believe that they would benefit more if all were freed.They would
no longer have to provide apprentices with food, clothes, medical care and
The British Government was beginning to have doubts about the so called
benefits of apprenticeship that apprentices were supposed to receive e.g. the
apprentices were working too long hours to get any type of additional training
By 1838 ALL apprentices (both field and domestic) were looking forward to
freedom. Granting freedom to only domestics and forcing the field workers to
work as apprentices for two more years would have caused revolts. So on August
1st, 1838 apprenticeship and thereby slavery was totally ended.
Maroons are slaves who ran away and established small settlements in the
mountainous areas of Jmaica, British Guiana and Suriname. The word is derived
from 'marronage' which came from the Spanish word 'cimarron' meaning fugitive
or runaway.
There were two types of marronage. Grand Marronage which refers to large
groups of people who ran away from plantations and Petit Marronage, which
describes individuals or small groups who ran away.The Grand Maroonage led to
the establishment of Maroon communities while Petit Marronage was comprised
of people who would sometimes return to the plantations and who can be seen as
habitual runaways or people who tried to get away from their situation
As Maroon communities increased, the slave owners felt more threatened.
Successful Maroon communities were established in Jamaica as seen with the
Sambo- Mosquito on the Mosquito Coast, Cudjoe Town (named after leader
General Cudjoe) and Nanny Town.
Maroon communities prove to the white slave masters that Africans were not
childlike and docile. They served as a constant reminder to the white community
that Africans wanted their freedom and could be self governing. They also
reminded the slaves that there was an alternative to their current situation and
therefore a source of hope.
The Maroons established well planned communities - They carefully chose where
to settle and they had organised systems of government in their settlements.
Their knowledge and practice of guerrilla warfare was valuable. They frequently
used this knowledge defending themselves against European trackers who
attempted to find their communities. It also helped when the Maroons raided
plantations for supplies.
The Maroon leaders were very effective - Various Maroon leaders helped
maintain well organised communities through their administrative skills. They
also helped develop a sense of unity and confidence among community leaders,
they planned successful raids and made important decisions. e.g General Cudjoe
signed a treaty with the colonial government to gain its cooperation and to ensure
that the Maroon community would survive with little interference from the
and conflict began again in 1795. Another treaty was signed whereby the Maroons
would return all runaway slaves, ask for the king's forgiveness and be relocated to
other parts of Jamaica.
2 . Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:
It is during the Spanish occupation of Jamaica that we first hear of the
Maroons. During the English conquest of Jamaica, some Maroons turned
against the Spaniards and assisted the English. Later most Maroon armies
turned against the English and proved a thorn in the side of the new English
settlers. Unable to defeat the Maroons, the British signed a significant treaty
with them in 1739.
(a)Describe the development of the Maroon communities in Jamaica from the
time of the Spanish occupation up to 1738.
(b) What Maroons did the English expect to gain from the treaty of 1739?
3. Outline 5 factors that explain the origins and growth of Maroon communities in either
Jamaica or Suriname.
4. Discuss 2 ways by which the Maroon communities of Jamaica and the British, EACH
benefited from the Treaties signed at the end of the Maroon wars in 1739.
The great era of piracy in the Caribbean extends from around 1560 up until the
1720s. The period during which pirates were most successful was from the 1640s
until the 1680s. There were pirates, privateers and buccaneers.A pirate was a sea
robber who on his own without permission. A privateer was a private individual
who owned and officered an armed ship commissioned by the government and
authorized for use in war, especially in the capture of enemy merchant shipping
By 1550, Spain controlled the West Indies and large areas of the South American
mainland. As a result, bands of English, Dutch, and French pirates robbed Spain's
ships and looted its settlements. Other European countries were eager to colonize
the newly discovered Americas led to an outbreak of piracy on the Caribbean Sea.
Pirates sailed the Caribbean for over 300 years.
Piracy did not only take place on the sea.Sometimes pirates would attack Spanish
colonies. They would ransack the towns, pillaging and taking away as many
valuables as could be found. Pirates held a Spanish town ransom until all
inhabitants gave them all of their wealth in exchange for their lives.
During the early 1600's, French, English, Dutch, and other European sailors
settled on Hispaniola, Tortue Island (also called Tortuga Island), and other
Caribbean islands. They raided Spanish ships and towns and soon became known
as buccaneers. Their numbers grew, and eventually no town was safe along the
Spanish Main, an area that included the coasts of what are now Colombia and
Venezuela. The Spanish could not afford a sufficient military presence to control
the area or enforce their trading laws. This led to constant smuggling and
colonization in peacetime, and if a war was declared there was widespread piracy
and privateering throughout the Caribbean. To combat this, from the 1560s the
Spanish adopted a convoy system a treasure fleet (flota) would sail annually
from Seville (and later from Cdiz), carrying passengers, troops, and European
goods to the colonies of the new world. The classic route in the Caribbean was
through the Lesser Antilles to the ports along the Spanish Main, then northwards
into the Yucatan Channel to catch the westerlies back to Europe. Pirates were
more likely to shadow the fleet to attack stragglers than try and seize the main
Among these robbers were the "sea dogs" sent by Queen Elizabeth I of England to
raid Spanish fleets. They included such famous English captains as Sir Francis
Drake and Sir John Hawkins. These raiders committed acts of piracy before the
queen declared war on Spain and made them privateers. A Privateer is a privately
owned armed vessel. Before the development of strong navies, many nations
commissioned privately owned ships to assist them in time of war. The privateers
attacked merchant ships of the enemy nation and sank or robbed them. Unlike
pirates, privateers operated with their government's permission. The officers and
crew of such a privateer could keep a large part or all of the money from the
captured vessels. When a privateer was less successful the temptation to become a
pirate, and attack every ship in sight regardless of what nation, was often great.
There was not much difference between pirates and privateers in the Caribbean at
that time. The distance between the Caribbean area and the European nations
prevented the latter from exerting much control on the privateers.
Spain was also at war with the Netherlands. Holland was a trading nation so it
already had many ships plying the Caribbean sea routes and between 1569 and
1609 Dutch privateers were also very active in the region. The Dutch were a
major presence but they were mainly there to trade rather than to colonize. Even
so, Dutch pirates proved to be a headache for the Spanish and diverted enough
Spanish ships for the British and French to colonize most of the Lesser Antilles.
Eventually the Spanish chased the Dutch out of the Caribbean.
The Spanish Caribbean empire was in decline from the 1600s. and the Spanish
presence in the Caribbean began to decline at a faster rate, becoming more
dependent on African slave labour and with a reduced military presence.
Meanwhile, other nations began to become more established Barbados, the
first colony, was established as was a colony on Providence Island in 1625. It
soon became a haven for pirates.(n.b. althought Barbados was the first British
colony, St Kitts was the first successfully settled British Caribbean colony. It
is referred to as the mother of the British Caribbean colonies).
The end of widespread conflict in Europe left most of the nations in a dreadful
state, especially Spain which had bankrupted the state. This was reflected in the
Caribbean with both a constant influx of European refugees and the shrinking of
Spanish power. While the major cities of the region were still Spanish, the
surrounding Caribbean islands were being overrun by other nations' more
aggressive expansion. The English had expanded beyond Barbados, with
successful colonies on St. Kitts ( from 1623) and Nevis (from 1628), Antigua
(from 1632), Montserrat, and Bermuda. The French were well established on
Guadeloupe, Hispaniola and Martinique and they nominally held Tortuga, a noted
pirate base from the 1640s. The Dutch had remained an almost baseless trading
presence in the area but following the Spanish decline they became established at
Curaao and St. Eustatius.
The Caribbean continued to reflect European policy shifts. As England, France
and Holland became stronger they moved from fighting the Spanish over religion
to fighting each other over economics.
Local Caribbean smugglers sold their tobacco or sugar for decent prices and then
bought manufactured goods from the trans-Atlantic traders in large quantities to
be dispersed among the colonists of the West Indies and the Spanish Main who
were eager for a little touch of home.
The Mayans
The Mayas were Amerindians from Central America who produced one of
the finest civilizations in the western world. They were far more advanced
than the relatively primitive island Amerindian culture. (Tainos ans
Kallinagos). The Mayan civilization lasted from about 300 AD to 100 AD.
Political Organization
The Maya developed city states. This was a small unit ruled by a priest king
oR Halach Uinic. Each village was controlled by batabobs or chiefs who
answered to the Halach Uinic. The population was divided as follows:
Priests or Noblemen
Merchants and Diplomats
Craftsmen and Farmers
The Maya were polytheistic (worshipped many gods). They had 166 gods.
Among them were Chac - the rain god and Yum Kaax the corn god. Ah Kin
or priests were very important in Mayan society. They set and organized
festivals, made sacrifices and decided dates for planting and harvesting. They
practiced human sacrifice. Even their sacred ball game called pok-a-tok had
ritual significance and the losers would be sacrificed.
The Mayas were more advanced than other Amerindians because they
practiced writing, mathematics and they had a calender.
The Mayans began writing in about 300 AD, using a script with an 'alphabet'
of about 850 characters. Mayan hieroglyphics were used to tell stories passed
down through generations.
They could add, subtract, multiply and divide in columns from top to
bottom. Their symbols were a dot for 1, a bar for 5 and a shell for 0.
The famous Mayan calender was very accurate and demonstrated a well
developed knowledge of astronomy. This calender is said to predict the end of
this civilization in 2012 and has been the topic of much controversy and
Mayas - They never tried to establish one central empire but rather many
independent city states with each one having a priest king or Halach Uinic. Taxes
were paid to these leaders in the form of crops.
Island Amerindians - These tribes had rulers who ruled over their entire
communities. The Kallinagos had the Ouboutu or warrior chief and the Tainos has
their Cacique. No taxes were paid to them, but they received the best crops and food
when they were brought in by hunters, fishermen and farmers.
Mayas - They were found in Central America. In Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and
Island Amerindians - They moved from South America ( Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela,
Guyana) up the chain of islands. Tainos settled mostly in the Greater Antilles while
the Kallinagos were settled in the Lesser Antilles up to 1492.
Mayas - They were very technologically advanced for their time. They had a script
or form of writing in 300AD which had an alphabet of sorts which was made up of
hieroglyphics. They did mathematics and had a counting device and they had a
Island Amerindians - They were not at all technologically advanced as compared to
the Mayas who were advanced in the 300AD. In 1492 AD, they had no writing,
mathematics nor calender. They passed on their history orally through tales told by
the elders in the tribes.
The Mayans
The Mayas were Amerindians from Central America who produced one of
the finest civilizations in the western world. They were far more advanced
than the relatively primitive island Amerindian culture. (Tainos ans
Kallinagos). The Mayan civilization lasted from about 300 AD to 100 AD.
Political Organization
The Maya developed city states. This was a small unit ruled by a priest king
oR Halach Uinic. Each village was controlled by batabobs or chiefs who
answered to the Halach Uinic. The population was divided as follows:
Priests or Noblemen
Merchants and Diplomats
Craftsmen and Farmers
The Maya were polytheistic (worshipped many gods). They had 166 gods.
Among them were Chac - the rain god and Yum Kaax the corn god. Ah Kin
or priests were very important in Mayan society. They set and organized
festivals, made sacrifices and decided dates for planting and harvesting. They
practiced human sacrifice. Even their sacred ball game called pok-a-tok had
ritual significance and the losers would be sacrificed.
The Mayas were more advanced than other Amerindians because they
practiced writing, mathematics and they had a calender.
The Mayans began writing in about 300 AD, using a script with an 'alphabet'
of about 850 characters. Mayan hieroglyphics were used to tell stories passed
down through generations.
They could add, subtract, multiply and divide in columns from top to
bottom. Their symbols were a dot for 1, a bar for 5 and a shell for 0.
The famous Mayan calender was very accurate and demonstrated a well
developed knowledge of astronomy. This calender is said to predict the end of
this civilization in 2012 and has been the topic of much controversy and
Mayas - They never tried to establish one central empire but rather many
independent city states with each one having a priest king or Halach Uinic. Taxes
were paid to these leaders in the form of crops.
Island Amerindians - These tribes had rulers who ruled over their entire
communities. The Kallinagos had the Ouboutu or warrior chief and the Tainos has
their Cacique. No taxes were paid to them, but they received the best crops and food
when they were brought in by hunters, fishermen and farmers.
Mayas - They were found in Central America. In Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and
Island Amerindians - They moved from South America ( Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela,
Guyana) up the chain of islands. Tainos settled mostly in the Greater Antilles while
the Kallinagos were settled in the Lesser Antilles up to 1492.
Mayas - They were very technologically advanced for their time. They had a script
or form of writing in 300AD which had an alphabet of sorts which was made up of
hieroglyphics. They did mathematics and had a counting device and they had a
Island Amerindians - They were not at all technologically advanced as compared to
the Mayas who were advanced in the 300AD. In 1492 AD, they had no writing,
mathematics nor calender. They passed on their history orally through tales told by
the elders in the tribes.
Africans who were brought to the Caribbean lost much of their culture during the
period of slavery. Nevertheless, many African religious practices and beliefs
continued in the Caribbean throughout slavery.
(a) Give TWO reasons why Africans "lost most of their culture" during slavery.
(b) Give TWO reasons why some A frican cultural forms continued in the
Caribbean throughout slavery.
(c) State THREE African practices and beliefs found in the Caribbean during
(d) Give FOUR examples of African musical instruments that were used in the
Caribbean up to 1838
(e) Describe THREE features of Caribbean culture, other than religion which show
African influences.