Development of 3D Image Reconstruction Based On Untracked 2D Fetal Phantom Ultrasound Images Using VTK
Development of 3D Image Reconstruction Based On Untracked 2D Fetal Phantom Ultrasound Images Using VTK
Development of 3D Image Reconstruction Based On Untracked 2D Fetal Phantom Ultrasound Images Using VTK
1 Introduction
Medical imaging is the technique used to create images
of the human body for clinical purposes especially for
analyzing some anatomy related to abnormalities. Some
of the commonly used imaging techniques are
ultrasound, CT, and MRI [1-2]. However, the major
difference between the other medical imaging equipment
and ultrasound is that it is safer, low cost, non-invasive
and non-traumatic. This made the diagnostic ultrasound
machine become more popular than the other diagnostic
tools [3]. Diagnostic ultrasound is applied for obtaining
images of almost the entire range of internal organs in
the abdomen including genitourinary system which
consists of kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra and
reproductive system of male and female [4, 44 - 47].
However, conventional 2D ultrasound imaging has
limitations in quantifying the volume of structures of
interest in the body, because only a two dimensional
frame is produced at a given time. Volume
quantification is important in assessing the progression
of disease and tracking progression of response to
treatment. Thus, 3D ultrasound imaging has drawn great
attention in recent years especially in high quality
hospitals and medical centers [56].
The 3D ultrasound systems can be classified as
tracked free-hand, untracked free-hand, mechanical
assemblies, and 2D arrays [7-8]. In tracked free-hand
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Image processing
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# of
2.2.4 Noise Reduction
Noise reduction is the process of removing noise from a
signal or image. The key to noise reduction is to reduce
or eliminate the noise without deteriorating other aspects
of the image. Filtering is one of the common methods
used for noise reduction and this time, the filter used
will removes small and unwanted image [25].
Fitting triangles to
contour lines
3D Surface Constructions
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Fig.12 3D
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Analysis A
Analysis C
Analysis B
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4 Conclusion
The 3D reconstruction of fetal phantom has been
developed using contour filtering and marching cube
algorithm by implementing in Visual C++ 6.0 with
Visualization Toolkit (VTK). From the experiment, we
can conclude that in order to reconstruct a smooth and
better 3D image, we need to use ultrasound machine
together with tracking sensor to maintain constant scan
rate rather than just using the untracked freehand 2D
ultrasound which leads to inconsistency of the scanning
rate and angle. Besides, for a set of ultrasound image
from a low cost machine, image processing need to be
performed thoroughly by adding other detailed
processing techniques so that noises can be fully
removed. From the result also, it can be concluded that
the marching cube algorithm can give a better result
compare to contour filtering where marching cubes
algorithm can generate higher intensity 3D image which
can make user easy to detect inner part and edges of 3D
images. The number of slices should also be increased to
improve the accuracy of the 3D image constructed. The
higher the number of slices in a set of images, the better
the 3D image reconstructed.
For future work, some recommendations have been
made based on the problems and inaccuracy occurred
during the experiment. Firstly, the quality and accuracy
of the 3D result is determined by the position of taking
the 2D image from the object. Therefore, it is suggested
that the use of tracking device is important and crucial.
Besides, higher quality of ultrasound machine should be
used in order to get a higher quality of 2D images. This
can ensure that the object scanned from the transducer
have higher intensity and less noise. Lastly, in order to
have a more concrete result and analysis, further
experiment should be made by trying different 3D
reconstruction algorithm and using some other different
object as subject.
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[2] S. Abutaleb, Automatic thresholding of Grey-Level
Pictures Using Two-Dimensional Entropy, Computer
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[3] Wells PNT. Physics and engineering: milestones in
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[4] Yen K, Gorelick MH, Ultrasound applications for
the pediatric emergency department: a review of
current literature, Pediatr Emerg Care, 18(3): 22634, 2002
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