Catalog Linux
Catalog Linux
Catalog Linux
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Model FreeDOS Base CD (1 cd)
Sunday 10 September, 2006
What is FreeDOS
FreeDOS is a free DOS-compatible operating system for IBM-PC compatible systems. FreeDOS is made of up
many different, separate programs that act as "packages" to the overall FreeDOS Project.
You can run FreeDOS on pretty much anything. While can run FreeDOS on a dedicated PC, now it's most often run
inside a PC emulator. You can find PC emulators for all computer platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac.) If you are new
to DOS, we recommend you use an emulator to install and boot FreeDOS.
FreeDOS is open source software; you can view and edit our source code. Most FreeDOS programs are distributed
under the GNU General Public License ("GNU GPL") which means they are not only open source software, but
they are Free software. Because of this, FreeDOS would not exist were it not for all the people who contribute to it.
Even if you didn't write code, you helped out the FreeDOS Project by submitting comments and bug reports.
We welcome new members to FreeDOS. You can help contribute to the FreeDOS Project by downloading our
latest release and telling us what you think. We have a bug tracking system that helps you report problems and
submit requests, and otherwise tell us how to improve FreeDOS. By participating in the development and
debugging process, you help everyone.
You are downloading an entire operating system, and in most cases, you are then going to install the operating
system on your computer. If you already have another operating system on your computer, it may be overwritten
during the installation process. If this is not what you intend, stop now.
Rp. 5000.00
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Model IPCop Firewall 1.4.11 (1 cd)
Sunday 10 September, 2006
The IPCop firewall distribution has been updated to version 1.4.11: "IPCop v1.4.11 has been released with small
changes in ids.cgi and vpnmain.cgi from 1.4.11rc1. As usual, this version can be installed as an update from
previous v1.4.10 versions or with a ready-to-go ISO for a fresh install. What is newer is that it can now be installed
from USB key or from a PXE package. To install the update, it is necessary that kernel 2.4.31 is running. Kernel
2.4.29 is suppressed during the update to let free space for a new kernel on next release." Read the complete
release announcement for full details.
Rp. 5000.00
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Model Buku: Multimedia Center Dengan GeexBox
Saturday 09 September, 2006
Buku ini menuntun Anda secara mudah untuk dapat menggunakan Linux sebagai pemutar dan penyimpan file file
multimedia seperti video, musik dan gambar. Distro Linux yang digunakan adalah GeeXboX, yang dapat dijalankan
langsung dari cd, yang disertakan dalam buku ini. GeeXboX juga dapat disimpan ke dalam USB-stick atau
On the CDROM:
* geebox-0.98.5-en.iso
* geexbox-buku.iso
* geexbox-generator-0.98.5.tar.gz
* GeexBox secara mudah tanpa kompilasi dari source code
* geexbox-0.98.5.tar.bz2 (source codes)
* opensource.ogg, contoh lagu-lagu berlisensi Open Music License
Buku ini dilengkapi dengan cd distro linux live cd- geexbox yang telah dimodifikasi.
Penerbit: Dian Rakyat
Rp. 35000.00Rp. 33000.00
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Model Buku: Menggunakan Linux BlankOn 1.0
Saturday 09 September, 2006
Buku dan CD Blankon Linux 1.0 ini merupakan petunjuk praktis bagi pengguna komputer yang ingin menguasai
sistem operasi GNU-Linux, dan aplikasinya sebagai desktop untuk pendidikan, akses internet, perkantoran, dan
multimedia. Para penyusun buku ini adalah pengembang BlankOn Linux 1.0 yang dirilis YPLI (Yayasan Penggerak
Linux Indonesia) dengan sponsor UNESCO.
Paket buku ini termasuk CD Linux Blankon 1.0 (1 cd) berisi paket sistem operasi lengkap: Sistem dasar,
perkantoran (open office, gimp, sodipodim, planner, gpdf, dia, abiword, gnumeric), Jaringan (firefox, evolution, gftp,
gaim, openssh, samba, vnc-server, nfs-utils, wvdial, dll), Multmedia (Rhytmbox, totem-xine, grip, xcd-roast, tvtime,
helixplayer, sound juicer, dll).
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Model Tux Linux Doll
Saturday 09 September, 2006
Siapa sih yang ga kenal si tux? itu lho mascotnya si linux. wah pasti gaptek deh klo ga kenal :D Mascot berwujud
penguin duduk dan gendut ini sekarang dapat Anda dapatkan bonekanya di Toko Baliwae! Ya. Boneka dengan
bahan berkualitas ini sangat cocok untuk dikoleksi dan ditempatkan di tempat kesayangan Anda penggemar Linux.
Semisal di samping monitor, di lemari kaca, di mobil, dsb. Atau bisa juga untuk hadiah buat orang tersayang. Di
bagian dada terbordir tulisan: i love (gambar hati) linux berwarna merah
Posisi boneka duduk, dengan sayap yang bisa digerak gerakkan. bahan permukaan boneka halus dan lembut.
Aman untuk anak - anak.
Tinggi: 27 cm
Lebar: 16 cm
Tebal perut: 14 cm
Rp. 49980.00
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Model ReactOS 0.3.0-Final (2 cd: Live + Installer)
Thursday 07 September, 2006
The ReactOS project is dedicated to making Free Software available to everyone by providing a ground-up
implementation of a Microsoft Windows XP compatible operating system. ReactOS aims to achieve complete
binary compatibility with both applications and device drivers meant for NT and XP operating systems, by using a
similar architecture and providing a complete and equivalent public interface.
Although Free Software advocates agree that free software operating systems improve the state of the art by
fostering competition, ReactOS has practical benefit for others, too; ReactOS is the most complete working model
of a Windows like operating system available. Consequently, working programmers will learn a great deal by
studying ReactOS source code and even participating in ReactOS development.
ReactOS components are growing more and more compatible with equivalent, closed source alternatives, but
ReactOS doesn't simply stop at an arbitrary line in the sand. ReactOS has and will continue to incorporate new
versions of the Win32 API and so will track and sometimes even define the state of the art in operating system
technology. Rather than using current technology as a limit on our activities, we are constantly incorporating
features from newer versions as well.
In short, ReactOS is aiming to run your applications and use your hardware! Finally, a FOSS operating system for
In short, ReactOS is aiming to run your applications and use your hardware! Finally, a FOSS operating system for
Rp. 12000.00
Model Knoppix ROSe for Games (1 cd - livecd)
Friday 01 September, 2006
Distro live cd, turunan knoppix yang sudah diremaster khusus buat ngegame. Dilengkapi instalasi CD ke harddisk
dan knoppix terminal server. Include didalamnya game siap pakai: Quake III Arena demo, chromium, torcs, tux
racer, rock n diamonds, digger, xgalaga, Frozen Buble, Abuse, FreeCraft, Emulator windows wine dan WineX,
Nexia, Ragnarok, Heretic, Raptor, emulator dingdong XMame, dan emulator Playstation PS ePSXe, serta billing
system untuk game center, penyewaan komputer dan warnet.
Rp. 5000.00
Model Security Engineering - The Book (1 cd)
Tuesday 29 August, 2006
My goal in making the book freely available is twofold. First, I want to reach the widest possible audience,
especially among poor students. Second, I am a pragmatic libertarian on free culture and free software issues; I
think that many publishers (especially of music and software) are too defensive of copyright. I don't expect to lose
money by maIf you're even thinking of doing any security engineering, you need to read this book'
Bruce Schneier
`Even after two years on the shelf, Security Engineering remains the most important security text published in the
last several years'
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Table of content
My goal in making the book freely available is twofold. First, I want to reach the widest possible audience,
especially among poor students. Second, I am a pragmatic libertarian on free culture and free software issues; I
think that many publishers (especially of music and software) are too defensive of copyright. I don't expect to lose
money by making this book available for free: more people will read it, and those of you who find it useful will
hopefully buy a copy. After all, a proper book is half the size and weight of 300-odd sheets of laser-printed paper in
a ring binder. (My colleague David MacKay found that putting his book on coding theory online actually helped its
sales. Book publishers are getting the message faster than the music or software folks.)king this book available for
free: more people will read it, and those of you who find it useful will hopefully buy a copy. After all, a proper book is
half the size and weight of 300-odd sheets of laser-printed paper in a ring binder. (My colleague David MacKay
found that putting his book on coding theory online actually helped its sales. Book publishers are getting the
message faster than the music or software folks.)
Rp. 7500.00
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Model BU Linux 4.6 (1 cd)
Tuesday 29 August, 2006
Boston University Linux (or BU Linux for short) is a Fedora-based distribution specifically tailored for the Boston
University environments. Among the more interesting enhancements are network installation, Kerberos
authentication, tight default security, automatic security updates, apt-get package management front-end,
OpenAFS file system, and extra software applications.
Version 4.6 of Boston University Linux (BU Linux) has been released: "The Office of Information Technology
presents BU Linux 4.6 (Stormy). Pre-made installation CDs are available for $5 from the Office of Information
Technology, or check out the installation page for instructions on burning your own. This is the latest in our desktop
operating system releases, and features almost 3000 open source and free software packages drawn from the
Fedora Project and from many other sources, combined with locally developed custom software and
pre-configurations." Read the complete release announcement for more details. The ISO images for network
Rp. 5000.00
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Silahkan download seluruh produk dalam sebuah katalog berformat PDF dibawah ini
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Topi (4)
Warnet (1)
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<b>Web Hosting</b>
Blogs: b2 (website) b2evolution (website) Nucleus (website) pMachine Free (website) WordPress (website)
Customer Support: Crafty Syntax Live Help (website) Help Center Live (website) osTicket (website) PHP Support
Tickets (website) Support Logic Helpdesk (website) Support Services Manager (website) Discussion Boards:
Invision Board (website) phpBB2 (website) YaBBSE (website) E-Commerce: CubeCart (website) OS Commerce
(website) Zen Cart (website) FAQ: FAQMasterFlex (website) Image Galleries: 4images Gallery (website)
Coppermine Photo Gallery (website) Gallery (website) Polls and Surveys: Advanced Poll (website) phpESP
(website) PHPSurveyor (website) Portals/CMS: Drupal (website) Geeklog (website) Joomla! (website) Mambo
Open Source (website) PHP-Nuke (visit site) phpWCMS (website) phpWebSite (website) Post-Nuke (visit site)
Siteframe (website) Typo3 (website) Xoops (website) Mailing List: PHPlist (website) Project Management:
PHProjekt (website) dotProject (website) Wiki: PhpWiki (website) TikiWiki (website) Other Scripts: Moodle (website)
Noah's Classifieds (website) Open-Realty (website) phpAdsNew (website) PhpAuction (website) phpCOIN
(website) phpFormGenerator (website) Dew-NewphpLinks (website) WebCalendar (website) Templates Express
cPanel Control Panel with RVSkin.
Fitur Server:
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Hardened Linux RedHat yang dioptimalkan sampai level kernel untuk optimasi di service
Sistem pendeteksi intrusion / penyusupan
Sistem pencegah XSS, MySQL Injection dan berbagai serangan lainnya
Bloking terhadap spambot, harvester, dan referer serta robot yang tidak diinginkan
Sistem peringatan dini terhadap serangan Distributed Denial of Services (DDS)
Sistem perlindungan email dari SPAM dengan proteksi SBL dan XBL dan ClamAV antivirus
Apache/1.3.x (Latest)
PHP 4 / 4.4.x (Latest)
PHP Module: Bc Math, Calendar Support, Curl, Curl SSL Support, FTP, GD, GetText, Imap, MBString, Mcrypt,
Mhash, Magic Quotes, Pear, Postgresql, MySQL, Socket, Zlib, dll
PHP suEXEC Support / suEXEC Module
Full Perl support
Frontpage Module
CPanel website management
IMAP and POP mail dengan SSL
Webmail (IMAP) via https
ClamAV anti-virus
spam/content/attachment/virus filtering
Fasilitas Mailman Mailing list
MySQL / 4.1.xx-standard (Latest)
PostgreSQL / 8.1.x (Latest)
Akses MySQL via phpMyAdmin
MySQL query cache ukuran besar
max packet caches besar
Rp. 699000.00
Hosting 25 MB / 1 GB - 1 Year
Model hosting-25mb
Saturday 26 August, 2006
Webspace: 25 Mega (MB)
Bandwidth 1 bulan: 1 Giga (GB)
Bandwidth 1 GB artinya, jumlah trafik data yang keluar masuk server (proses upload dan download) dalam satu
bulan maksimal sebesar 1 Gigabyte.
Server kami terhubung langsung dengan 4 backbone utama: AboveNet, Internap, SAVVIS, dan Verio.
Fitur Hosting:
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Mailing Lists
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited FTP Accounts
FTP Session Control
Backup available
Fantastico De Luxe (
Blogs: b2 (website) b2evolution (website) Nucleus (website) pMachine Free (website) WordPress (website)
Customer Support: Crafty Syntax Live Help (website) Help Center Live (website) osTicket (website) PHP Support
Tickets (website) Support Logic Helpdesk (website) Support Services Manager (website) Discussion Boards:
Invision Board (website) phpBB2 (website) YaBBSE (website) E-Commerce: CubeCart (website) OS Commerce
(website) Zen Cart (website) FAQ: FAQMasterFlex (website) Image Galleries: 4images Gallery (website)
Coppermine Photo Gallery (website) Gallery (website) Polls and Surveys: Advanced Poll (website) phpESP
(website) PHPSurveyor (website) Portals/CMS: Drupal (website) Geeklog (website) Joomla! (website) Mambo
Open Source (website) PHP-Nuke (visit site) phpWCMS (website) phpWebSite (website) Post-Nuke (visit site)
Siteframe (website) Typo3 (website) Xoops (website) Mailing List: PHPlist (website) Project Management:
PHProjekt (website) dotProject (website) Wiki: PhpWiki (website) TikiWiki (website) Other Scripts: Moodle (website)
Noah's Classifieds (website) Open-Realty (website) phpAdsNew (website) PhpAuction (website) phpCOIN
(website) phpFormGenerator (website) Dew-NewphpLinks (website) WebCalendar (website) Templates Express
cPanel Control Panel with RVSkin.
Fitur Server:
Hardened Linux RedHat yang dioptimalkan sampai level kernel untuk optimasi di service
Sistem pendeteksi intrusion / penyusupan
Sistem pencegah XSS, MySQL Injection dan berbagai serangan lainnya
Bloking terhadap spambot, harvester, dan referer serta robot yang tidak diinginkan
Sistem peringatan dini terhadap serangan Distributed Denial of Services (DDS)
Sistem perlindungan email dari SPAM dengan proteksi SBL dan XBL dan ClamAV antivirus
Apache/1.3.x (Latest)
PHP 4 / 4.4.x (Latest)
PHP Module: Bc Math, Calendar Support, Curl, Curl SSL Support, FTP, GD, GetText, Imap, MBString, Mcrypt,
Mhash, Magic Quotes, Pear, Postgresql, MySQL, Socket, Zlib, dll
PHP suEXEC Support / suEXEC Module
Full Perl support
Frontpage Module
CPanel website management
IMAP and POP mail dengan SSL
Webmail (IMAP) via https
ClamAV anti-virus
spam/content/attachment/virus filtering
Fasilitas Mailman Mailing list
MySQL / 4.1.xx-standard (Latest)
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Domain .com/.net/.org/.info
Model domain-comne
Monday 28 August, 2006
Domain name for 1 year.
Rp. 90000.00
Domain .id
Model domain-id
Monday 28 August, 2006
GRATIS until new regulation from Depkominfo (Indonesia Communication)
Rp. 165000.00Rp. 0.00
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Blogs: b2 (website) b2evolution (website) Nucleus (website) pMachine Free (website) WordPress (website)
Customer Support: Crafty Syntax Live Help (website) Help Center Live (website) osTicket (website) PHP Support
Tickets (website) Support Logic Helpdesk (website) Support Services Manager (website) Discussion Boards:
Invision Board (website) phpBB2 (website) YaBBSE (website) E-Commerce: CubeCart (website) OS Commerce
(website) Zen Cart (website) FAQ: FAQMasterFlex (website) Image Galleries: 4images Gallery (website)
Coppermine Photo Gallery (website) Gallery (website) Polls and Surveys: Advanced Poll (website) phpESP
(website) PHPSurveyor (website) Portals/CMS: Drupal (website) Geeklog (website) Joomla! (website) Mambo
Open Source (website) PHP-Nuke (visit site) phpWCMS (website) phpWebSite (website) Post-Nuke (visit site)
Siteframe (website) Typo3 (website) Xoops (website) Mailing List: PHPlist (website) Project Management:
PHProjekt (website) dotProject (website) Wiki: PhpWiki (website) TikiWiki (website) Other Scripts: Moodle (website)
Noah's Classifieds (website) Open-Realty (website) phpAdsNew (website) PhpAuction (website) phpCOIN
(website) phpFormGenerator (website) Dew-NewphpLinks (website) WebCalendar (website) Templates Express
cPanel Control Panel with RVSkin.
Fitur Server:
Hardened Linux RedHat yang dioptimalkan sampai level kernel untuk optimasi di service
Sistem pendeteksi intrusion / penyusupan
Sistem pencegah XSS, MySQL Injection dan berbagai serangan lainnya
Bloking terhadap spambot, harvester, dan referer serta robot yang tidak diinginkan
Sistem peringatan dini terhadap serangan Distributed Denial of Services (DDS)
Sistem perlindungan email dari SPAM dengan proteksi SBL dan XBL dan ClamAV antivirus
Apache/1.3.x (Latest)
PHP 4 / 4.4.x (Latest)
PHP Module: Bc Math, Calendar Support, Curl, Curl SSL Support, FTP, GD, GetText, Imap, MBString, Mcrypt,
Mhash, Magic Quotes, Pear, Postgresql, MySQL, Socket, Zlib, dll
PHP suEXEC Support / suEXEC Module
Full Perl support
Frontpage Module
CPanel website management
IMAP and POP mail dengan SSL
Webmail (IMAP) via https
ClamAV anti-virus
spam/content/attachment/virus filtering
Fasilitas Mailman Mailing list
MySQL / 4.1.xx-standard (Latest)
PostgreSQL / 8.1.x (Latest)
Akses MySQL via phpMyAdmin
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Blogs: b2 (website) b2evolution (website) Nucleus (website) pMachine Free (website) WordPress (website)
Customer Support: Crafty Syntax Live Help (website) Help Center Live (website) osTicket (website) PHP Support
Tickets (website) Support Logic Helpdesk (website) Support Services Manager (website) Discussion Boards:
Invision Board (website) phpBB2 (website) YaBBSE (website) E-Commerce: CubeCart (website) OS Commerce
(website) Zen Cart (website) FAQ: FAQMasterFlex (website) Image Galleries: 4images Gallery (website)
Coppermine Photo Gallery (website) Gallery (website) Polls and Surveys: Advanced Poll (website) phpESP
(website) PHPSurveyor (website) Portals/CMS: Drupal (website) Geeklog (website) Joomla! (website) Mambo
Open Source (website) PHP-Nuke (visit site) phpWCMS (website) phpWebSite (website) Post-Nuke (visit site)
Siteframe (website) Typo3 (website) Xoops (website) Mailing List: PHPlist (website) Project Management:
PHProjekt (website) dotProject (website) Wiki: PhpWiki (website) TikiWiki (website) Other Scripts: Moodle (website)
Noah's Classifieds (website) Open-Realty (website) phpAdsNew (website) PhpAuction (website) phpCOIN
(website) phpFormGenerator (website) Dew-NewphpLinks (website) WebCalendar (website) Templates Express
cPanel Control Panel with RVSkin.
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Fitur Server:
Hardened Linux RedHat yang dioptimalkan sampai level kernel untuk optimasi di service
Sistem pendeteksi intrusion / penyusupan
Sistem pencegah XSS, MySQL Injection dan berbagai serangan lainnya
Bloking terhadap spambot, harvester, dan referer serta robot yang tidak diinginkan
Sistem peringatan dini terhadap serangan Distributed Denial of Services (DDS)
Sistem perlindungan email dari SPAM dengan proteksi SBL dan XBL dan ClamAV antivirus
Apache/1.3.x (Latest)
PHP 4 / 4.4.x (Latest)
PHP Module: Bc Math, Calendar Support, Curl, Curl SSL Support, FTP, GD, GetText, Imap, MBString, Mcrypt,
Mhash, Magic Quotes, Pear, Postgresql, MySQL, Socket, Zlib, dll
PHP suEXEC Support / suEXEC Module
Full Perl support
Frontpage Module
CPanel website management
IMAP and POP mail dengan SSL
Webmail (IMAP) via https
ClamAV anti-virus
spam/content/attachment/virus filtering
Fasilitas Mailman Mailing list
MySQL / 4.1.xx-standard (Latest)
PostgreSQL / 8.1.x (Latest)
Akses MySQL via phpMyAdmin
MySQL query cache ukuran besar
max packet caches besar
Rp. 199000.00
Hosting 50 MB / 2 GB - 1 Year
Model hosting-50mb
Saturday 26 August, 2006
Webspace: 50 Mega (MB)
Bandwidth 1 bulan: 2 Giga (GB)
Bandwidth 2 GB artinya, jumlah trafik data yang keluar masuk server (proses upload dan download) dalam satu
bulan maksimal sebesar 2 Gigabyte.
Server kami terhubung langsung dengan 4 backbone utama: AboveNet, Internap, SAVVIS, dan Verio.
Fitur Hosting:
Page 21/339
Email Autoresponders
Webmail Access
Mailing Lists
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited FTP Accounts
FTP Session Control
Backup available
Fantastico De Luxe (
Blogs: b2 (website) b2evolution (website) Nucleus (website) pMachine Free (website) WordPress (website)
Customer Support: Crafty Syntax Live Help (website) Help Center Live (website) osTicket (website) PHP Support
Tickets (website) Support Logic Helpdesk (website) Support Services Manager (website) Discussion Boards:
Invision Board (website) phpBB2 (website) YaBBSE (website) E-Commerce: CubeCart (website) OS Commerce
(website) Zen Cart (website) FAQ: FAQMasterFlex (website) Image Galleries: 4images Gallery (website)
Coppermine Photo Gallery (website) Gallery (website) Polls and Surveys: Advanced Poll (website) phpESP
(website) PHPSurveyor (website) Portals/CMS: Drupal (website) Geeklog (website) Joomla! (website) Mambo
Open Source (website) PHP-Nuke (visit site) phpWCMS (website) phpWebSite (website) Post-Nuke (visit site)
Siteframe (website) Typo3 (website) Xoops (website) Mailing List: PHPlist (website) Project Management:
PHProjekt (website) dotProject (website) Wiki: PhpWiki (website) TikiWiki (website) Other Scripts: Moodle (website)
Noah's Classifieds (website) Open-Realty (website) phpAdsNew (website) PhpAuction (website) phpCOIN
(website) phpFormGenerator (website) Dew-NewphpLinks (website) WebCalendar (website) Templates Express
cPanel Control Panel with RVSkin.
Fitur Server:
Hardened Linux RedHat yang dioptimalkan sampai level kernel untuk optimasi di service
Sistem pendeteksi intrusion / penyusupan
Sistem pencegah XSS, MySQL Injection dan berbagai serangan lainnya
Bloking terhadap spambot, harvester, dan referer serta robot yang tidak diinginkan
Sistem peringatan dini terhadap serangan Distributed Denial of Services (DDS)
Sistem perlindungan email dari SPAM dengan proteksi SBL dan XBL dan ClamAV antivirus
Apache/1.3.x (Latest)
PHP 4 / 4.4.x (Latest)
PHP Module: Bc Math, Calendar Support, Curl, Curl SSL Support, FTP, GD, GetText, Imap, MBString, Mcrypt,
Mhash, Magic Quotes, Pear, Postgresql, MySQL, Socket, Zlib, dll
PHP suEXEC Support / suEXEC Module
Full Perl support
Frontpage Module
CPanel website management
IMAP and POP mail dengan SSL
Webmail (IMAP) via https
ClamAV anti-virus
spam/content/attachment/virus filtering
Page 22/339
Blogs: b2 (website) b2evolution (website) Nucleus (website) pMachine Free (website) WordPress (website)
Customer Support: Crafty Syntax Live Help (website) Help Center Live (website) osTicket (website) PHP Support
Tickets (website) Support Logic Helpdesk (website) Support Services Manager (website) Discussion Boards:
Invision Board (website) phpBB2 (website) YaBBSE (website) E-Commerce: CubeCart (website) OS Commerce
(website) Zen Cart (website) FAQ: FAQMasterFlex (website) Image Galleries: 4images Gallery (website)
Coppermine Photo Gallery (website) Gallery (website) Polls and Surveys: Advanced Poll (website) phpESP
(website) PHPSurveyor (website) Portals/CMS: Drupal (website) Geeklog (website) Joomla! (website) Mambo
Open Source (website) PHP-Nuke (visit site) phpWCMS (website) phpWebSite (website) Post-Nuke (visit site)
Siteframe (website) Typo3 (website) Xoops (website) Mailing List: PHPlist (website) Project Management:
PHProjekt (website) dotProject (website) Wiki: PhpWiki (website) TikiWiki (website) Other Scripts: Moodle (website)
Noah's Classifieds (website) Open-Realty (website) phpAdsNew (website) PhpAuction (website) phpCOIN
Page 23/339
Fitur Server:
Hardened Linux RedHat yang dioptimalkan sampai level kernel untuk optimasi di service
Sistem pendeteksi intrusion / penyusupan
Sistem pencegah XSS, MySQL Injection dan berbagai serangan lainnya
Bloking terhadap spambot, harvester, dan referer serta robot yang tidak diinginkan
Sistem peringatan dini terhadap serangan Distributed Denial of Services (DDS)
Sistem perlindungan email dari SPAM dengan proteksi SBL dan XBL dan ClamAV antivirus
Apache/1.3.x (Latest)
PHP 4 / 4.4.x (Latest)
PHP Module: Bc Math, Calendar Support, Curl, Curl SSL Support, FTP, GD, GetText, Imap, MBString, Mcrypt,
Mhash, Magic Quotes, Pear, Postgresql, MySQL, Socket, Zlib, dll
PHP suEXEC Support / suEXEC Module
Full Perl support
Frontpage Module
CPanel website management
IMAP and POP mail dengan SSL
Webmail (IMAP) via https
ClamAV anti-virus
spam/content/attachment/virus filtering
Fasilitas Mailman Mailing list
MySQL / 4.1.xx-standard (Latest)
PostgreSQL / 8.1.x (Latest)
Akses MySQL via phpMyAdmin
MySQL query cache ukuran besar
max packet caches besar
Rp. 399000.00
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yo bapak bapak hacker, jangan bikin si buah hati meri dong ama kaos hacker bapak ato ibunya :)
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BAHAN: COTTON LACOSTA/POLO 100%, warna hitam, kancing kerah, nyaman dipakai
Rp. 75000.00Rp. 70000.00
Polo FreeBSD
Model kaos-polofbs
Sunday 12 February, 2006
Kaos Polo Shirt, dengan kerah. Warna hitam elegan. Cocok misal dipake di kantor, ato kuliah. Terbuat dari bahan
cotton Lacos 100%, warna hitam, dengan logo Beastie, FREEBSD di dada sebelah kiri, FULL COLOR, Bordir
Computer. Bagian belakang tulisan - the power to serve dengan jenis font logo terbaru dari
FreeBSD yang dirilis akhir tahun lalu.
apakah kaos oblong terlalu informil? kemeja terlalu formil? pake aja polo shirt ini. resmi bisa, tidak resmi juga bisa
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Kaos hitam dengan tulisan berbagai service pendukung web server berbasis apache dalam sebuah linux box. Ada
php, perl, mysql, postgresql, htaccess, spam assasin, ftp, ip deny manager, dan sebagainya. Dengan tulisan merah
bold pada apache dan linux.
Bagian belakang punggung bawah leher terdapat tulisan bold merah Apache . Linux
Sangat cocok buat dipake saat ngoprek apache. Baik newbie ataupun admin server noc perlu memiliki kaos ini.
Tidak tahu sama sekali apache? ga masalah juga. buat gaya sangat cocok! :)
Cobain pake kaos ini dikantor, teman - teman admin lain, pasti deh pada ngiri sama situ :)
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Model kaos-bsod
Wednesday 02 November, 2005
BSOD - Blue Screen Of Death. Akronim terkenal dari os Window$. Cotton warna biru, depan tampilan dari si
BSOD. keren abis :)
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Yang baru pake ato lagi demen ngoprek linux.. pastiin pake kaos ini. Depan tulisan "Aku Cinta Linux Biar Window$
Dimana - mana" model tulisan cat rusak.
Belakang tulisan lebih dari 100 distro linux terpopuler. Semua ada.
Keren abis.. kaos ini universal, buat semua linuxer ... yipiii...
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Kaos Firefox
Model kaos-firefox
Monday 17 April, 2006
Siapa yang tidak tahu firefox? yup, browser handal buatan Mozilla ini sangat populer dikalangan pengguna internet.
Handal, dan secure. Dapakan kaos unik ini. Bagian depan logo firefox full colour, belakang tulisan:
Kaos dengan gambar rubah "firefox" lagi balas dendam membakar rivalnya "internet explorer" hingga meleleh.
Tulisan besar Firefox, bawahnya "time for the hunted to be the hunter". Belakangnya tulisan ""
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Cocok dipake pas ngumpul bareng anak anak underground di basecamp. Bagian belakang tulisan model tulisan
metal... "FreeBSD is Free - BSD, The Daemons are no longer, just in my head.". Betul - betul menunjukan
fanatisme pada si FreeBSD ini. :)
Kaos warna hitamnya sangat cocok dipake buat admin jaga 24 jam dan jarang cuci baju. PESEN DEH! yang cowo
cowo pasti banyak suka!
FreeBSD is an advanced operating system for x86 compatible (including Pentium and Athlon), amd64
compatible (including Opteron, Athlon 64, and EM64T), Alpha/AXP, IA-64, PC-98 and UltraSPARC
architectures. It is derived from BSD, the version of UNIX developed at the University of California, Berkeley. It is
developed and maintained by a large team of individuals. Additional platforms are in various stages of
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Model kaos-games
Wednesday 02 November, 2005
Ini kaos cocok banget buat yang hobi banget maen games. Cotton abu abu misty, depan tulisan gamer, belakang
gambar stik ps.
asik banget dipake sambil maen game berjam jam. abis bahannya adeeem sih.
Bahan: Super Cotton Misty (100%)
Rp. 53000.00
Kaos abu-abu misty, dengan variasi ring hitam di leher, dan lengan, logo google di bagian dada depan, dan
belakang tulisan I'm Feeling Lucky. kaos ini nyaman dipakai, warna adem dan netral, dan terkesan ekslusif. cocok
banget buat hadiah pacar ato dipake saat browsing-surfing :)
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hacker means a programmer who hacks or reaches a goal by employing a series of modifications to exploit or
extend existing code or resources. In computer security, hacker translates to a person able to exploit a system or
gain unauthorized access through skill and tactics. This usually refers to a black hat hacker. In other technical
fields, hacker is extended to mean a person who makes things work beyond perceived limits through their own
technical skill, such as a hardware hacker, or reality hacker. However, for some the word has a negative
connotation and refers to a person who "hacks" or uses kludges to accomplish programming tasks that are ugly,
inelegant, and inefficient. The negative form of the noun "hack" is even used among users of the positive sense of
Anda sering sebel gara gara linux anda trobel? kernel panic? gaim crash? gimp is bad? slowly? not secure by
BELAKANG, dicuplik dari source kernel linux
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Ingat! Kaos ini khusus untuk yang sudah dewasa saja.. (atas 17+)
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Pake linux? siapa takut? ini kaos cocok buat perkumpulan underground linuxer (ngeri buanget.. hehe..) atau buat
baju keluarga pecinta linux.
Kaos Mandriva
Model mandriva
Saturday 29 October, 2005
Kaos Mandriva dengan dominasi warna putih, variasi warna biru di lengan dan leher. Bagian depan tulisan
Mandriva dan logo bintangnya. Belakang tulisan Sangat cocok bagi mereka penggemar berat
Distro Mandriva. Tersedia pula kaos lengan panjang.
Rp. 60000.00Rp. 57000.00
Kaos MySQL
Model kaos-mysql
Wednesday 02 November, 2005
Kaos cotton putih. Depan dan belakang (yang belakang bawah leher ukurannya lebih kecilan) logo official dari
MySQL, si lumba lumba
Rp. 45000.00
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Kaos ini muncul sebagai reaksi atas aksi sweeping di warnet dan instansi instansi yang dituduh menggunakan
perangkat lunak bajakan. Dengan memakai kaos ini diharapkan dapat menjadi 'azimat' ampuh untuk menolak para
'tukang sweeping' - disamping menggunakan linux sebagai sistem operasi alternatif yang bebas lisensi dan gratis.
Cocok dipake oleh para pengelola warnet, operator warnet dan sebagainya. Termasuk anggota AWARI, AWALI,
serta warnet warnet underground. BTW ketua presidium AWARI pusat juga pake lhoo.. ;)
Ada dua kemungkinan pake kaos ini: satu, memang tidak bisa mbenerin, yang ke dua situ orangnya anti ma produk
so what gitoe lho.. :) but buat keren kerenan. kaos ini cocok buat nonton di bioskop.. :P
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Buruan pesen dan pake ini kaos. pasti temen temen u banyak yang ngiri.
"cool banget ga seh gaya gue.." , kata Om Shadowman. Ini kaos cocok banget buat dipake jalan jalan di mall ato
ke kampus. Cocok untuk para tukang oprek yang udah ngefans berat sama produk RedHat dan RPMnya.
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"cool banget ga seh gaya gue.." , kata Om Shadowman. Ini kaos cocok banget buat dipake jalan jalan di mall ato
ke kampus. Cocok untuk para tukang oprek yang udah ngefans berat sama produk RedHat dan RPMnya.
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Anda pake linux SuSE di laptop Anda? Pastikan Anda juga memiliki kaos ini. Bagian belakang, gambar logo SuSE
kecil (bunglon ijo) dan tulisan dibawahnya "SuSE Linux is a desktop operating system and office productivity
environment that enables peoples to use Linux and open source with confidence"
Tux is the official mascot of the GNU/Linux operating system. Tux, created by Larry Ewing in 1996, is a chubby
penguin that looks content and satisfied. The concept of the Linux mascot being a penguin came from Linus
Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel.
DIJAMIN! kalo situ pake kaos ini trus jalan jalan pas lagi ada acara oprek kernel ato pameran / eksibisi komputer
pasti deh banyak yang ngeliatin. Cewe cewe pasti pada tanya, "mas - mba - belinya dimana sih?". Jangan lupa yah
jawabannya di kaosgeek.baliwae! websitenya ada di :D
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Tux is the official mascot of the GNU/Linux operating system. Tux, created by Larry Ewing in 1996, is a chubby
penguin that looks content and satisfied. The concept of the Linux mascot being a penguin came from Linus
Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel.
DIJAMIN! kalo situ pake kaos ini trus jalan jalan pas lagi ada acara oprek kernel ato pameran / eksibisi komputer
pasti deh banyak yang ngeliatin. Cewe cewe pasti pada tanya, "mas - mba - belinya dimana sih?". Jangan lupa yah
jawabannya di kaosgeek.baliwae! websitenya ada di :D
Kaos ini adalah variasi terbaru dari kaos ubuntu sebelumnya - ubuntu orange
penggemar berat ubuntu? kayaknya wajib deh pake kaos ini :) adem dan bikin tambah pede :)
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Ubuntu Linux. Distro nomor satu sekarang ini (menurut survey yang dilakukan oleh distrowatch). Distro made in
South Africa ini termasuk distro baru yang langsung populer dan booming diantara pengguna Linux sedunia.
Prinsip kemanusiaan sangat kentara dari logo dan moto distro linux, "Linux for human beings".
Kaos orange dengan stripping putih melingkari seluruh baju. depan Logo Ubuntu, belakang tulisan link
Kaos SPESIAL untuk pecinta Ubuntu Linux dan turunannya (seperti kubuntu)..
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Kami adalah sekumpulan individu yang ingin bebas memacu kinerja otak dan adrenalin di tubuh kami, ingin bebas
melakukan hal-hal menarik yang sulit terpecahkan bahkan mustahil sekalipun, ingin bebas meneliti untaian kode
yang ada, mencari kelemahan bukan untuk melemahkan, ingin bebas menemukan keasyikan menelusuri elektron
dan baud tanpa batasan waktu, ingin bebas bergerak dalam aliran pulsa yang terhantar bebas keseluruh titik di
dunia, ingin bebas menentukan sendiri apa yang kami butuhkan dan kami percayai, ingin bebas berkomunikasi,
menjelajah dan menikmati ini dengan bebas tanpa ada perbedaan, ingin bebas bertukar, belajar dan berbagi
semua kemurnian ilmu pengetahuan, bukan oleh aturan-aturan yang telah ditentukan dan dikendalikan ketamakan,
bukan demi setumpuk kekayaan, kejayaan ataupun keabadian, bukan pula untuk merusak, menakuti atau bahkan
menghancurkan, tetapi hanya demi kenyataan bahwa kami sama. [ echo manifesto ]
Apabila Anda sering nongkrong di chanel irc, senang ngoprek komputer khususnya security, Anda pasti pernah
mendengar (atau malah sering join) komunitas ECHO (indonEsian Community for Hackers and Opensources). Ya,
komunitas hacker yang sering nongkrong di channel #e-c-h-o. Anda dapat bebas bergabung dalam
komunitas tersebut, dan memiliki t-shirt keren ini :) BTW pastikan Anda taat pada rambu rambu dalam komunitas :)
Kaos berwarna hitam, nyaman dipakai, depan tulisan www echo or id dengan logo khasnya dan belakang tulisan
akronim dari ECHO dengan desain menarik.
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apakah kaos oblong terlalu informil? kemeja terlalu formil? pake aja polo shirt ini. resmi bisa, tidak resmi juga bisa
Rp. 70000.00Rp. 65000.00
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cocok banget dipake pas ngoprek apalagi pas ada acara resmi kayak Debian Conference
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Kaos ini patut dan wajib dimiliki oleh pengguna dan pecinta Distro Debian. Banyak orang yang menyamakan logo
Debian sekelas dengan logo merek sepatu terkenal "Nike". Simple dan menarik.
Kaos warna abu-abu misty VERSI KHUSUS CEWEK, dengan variasi ring hitam di leher, leher model V, dan ring
hitam di lengan, logo google di bagian dada kiri depan, dan belakang tulisan I'm Feeling Lucky. kaos ini nyaman
dipakai, warna adem dan netral, dan terkesan ekslusif. cocok banget buat hadiah pacar ato dipake saat
browsing-surfing :)
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Ingat! Kaos ini khusus untuk yang sudah dewasa saja.. (atas 17+)
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kaos ini model untuk cewek.. cewek jangan mau ketinggalan sama linux..
Pake linux? siapa takut? ini kaos cocok buat perkumpulan underground linuxer (ngeri buanget.. hehe..) atau buat
baju keluarga pecinta linux. (yang buat cowo ada, anak2 ada, cewe juga ada. lengkap sip!
Ada dua kemungkinan pake kaos ini: satu, memang tidak bisa mbenerin, yang ke dua situ orangnya anti ma produk
so what gitoe lho.. :) but buat keren kerenan. kaos ini cocok buat nonton di bioskop.. :P
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JANGAN LUPA KARTU UCAPANNYA!! - Greeting Cards Love (romantic penguins) - Rp. 3500/card (sudah
termasuk amplop merah hati)
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Tux is the official mascot of the GNU/Linux operating system. Tux, created by Larry Ewing in 1996, is a chubby
penguin that looks content and satisfied. The concept of the Linux mascot being a penguin came from Linus
Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel.
DIJAMIN! kalo situ pake kaos ini trus jalan jalan pas lagi ada acara oprek kernel ato pameran / eksibisi komputer
pasti deh banyak yang ngeliatin. Cowo cowo pasti pada tanya, "mba - mba - belinya dimana sih?". Jangan lupa yah
jawabannya di kaosgeek.baliwae! websitenya ada di :D
penggemar berat ubuntu? kayaknya wajib deh pake kaos ini :) adem dan bikin tambah pede :) PUNYA PACAR
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We believe Linux hobbyists, new users and advanced users, will find an utmost PROFESSIONAL, FAST and
EXTREMELY FUN distribution.
PHP 5.0.4
MySQL 5.0.7
Xitami 2.5-c2 httpd/ftpd
SSH 4.1p1 server/client
Telnet 0.17 server/client
VNC server/client
RPC portmapper
Xfprot 1.9 - 4.5.3 Antivirus Software
KDE 3.4.1. KTTS - True Speech modules
KOFFICE SUITE 1.4.1 - Simply beautiful!
Quanta Plus for Web Development
Aptget/Synaptic / Aptitude rpm-based package
Xorg 6.8.2 20050407
Firestarter Firewall
Mozilla 1.8b2
Mplayer VideoMedia
XMMS MultiMedia
Games Galore
The GIMP! 2.3 - Photoshop alternative
Many More Gorgeous True Type Fonts!
Gaim-vv 1.2.0 - Webcam Edition supporting YaHOO!, MSN, AOL/AIM, ICQ, Jabber, etc.
Gyach-Enhanced! The Ultimate YaHOO! Messenger with Voice/Webcam features. aLinux supports all your
favorite ICQ, AIM/AOL, MSN & YaHOO! Chats!
And lots more!
Rp. 5000.00
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paint Graphic
gimageview - image browser
gimp - Image Manipulation Program
inkscape - SVG editor
text Office
gcalctool - graphical calculator
abiword - word processor
gnumeric - spreadsheet editor
stardict - dictionary
bluefish - html editor
gv - a PostScript and PDF previewer
net Network
nmap - network scaner
ettercap - sniffer/interceptor/logger for LAN
airsnort - wireless LAN (WLAN) tool
gspoof - sending tool of TCP/IP packets
hydra - login cracker
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www Internet
firefox - WWW browser
dillo - WWW browser
uebimiau - web mail
gftp - ftp client
pavuk - multiprotocol file grabber
linphone - web phone
gitmail - mail client
apache - web server
vsftpd - ftp server
xmail - mail server
postgresql - database server
media Multimedia
mplayer - movie player
simplecdrx - CD creation and audio manipulation program
games Games
ltris - classic 'Tetris' clone
flobopuyo - logical game
atomix - logical game
bombic - game like Bomberman
xboard:phalanx - chess
gnomine - variation of minesweeper
gtkballs - clone of well-known DOS game "Lines"
digger - logical game
icebreaker - clasic 'Xonix' clone
other Other
emelfm2 - file manager
rxvt - color VT102 terminal emulator
htop - task manager
xproc - system information
partimage - partition imaging utility
voarti - firewall/router
gtkfind - graphical file finding program
turma - search (and replace) text
xfdiff4 - graphical diff frontend
hexedit - shows/modify a file both in ASCII and in hexadecimal
gcrontab - a crontab editor
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x openbox - windows manager
fbpanel - desktop panel
Rp. 5000.00
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Based on SLAX (Slackware), BackTrack provides user modularity. This means the distribution can be easily
customised by the user to include personal scripts, additional tools, customised kernels, etc.
Rp. 7500.00Rp. 5000.00
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Yayasan Penggerak Linux Indonesia (YPLI) adalah organisasi non-profit yang bergerak dalam bidang
pengembangan software dan sumber daya manusia di bidang Linux, Free dan Open Source Software (FOSS) di
Indonesia. Dokumen ini menjelaskan FOSS dalam bentuk distro Linux yang telah dibangun YPLI. YPLI
mengembangkan distro BlankOn Linux secara terbuka, yang dikerjakan oleh banyak personal atau siapa saja yang
ingin menghasilkan distro Linux khas Indonesia, khususnya untuk dunia pendidikan, perkantoran dan
pemerintahan, berbasis Fedora Core. BlankOn Linux versi 1.0 ini disponsori oleh UNESCO (United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) dan beberapa lembaga lainnya.
Tujuan pengembangan BlankOn Linux adalah menghasilkan distro Linux yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna
komputer umum di Indonesia. Yayasan Penggerak Linux Indonesia (YPLI) bekerja sama dengan UNESCO dan
komunitas Linux lainnya telah mengembangkan BlankOn Linux 1.0 ini menjadi sistem operasi yang lengkap
berbasis Fedora Core 3 yang memanfaatkan software open source. Pengembangan akan terus dilakukan secara
terbuka dalam forum publik. Kegiatan ini akan menghasilkan release BlankOn Linux satu hingga dua kali setahun.
Harga: Rp.5000
Rp. 5000.00
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driver printer
xmms skin
linux live
dll ....
Rp. 5000.00Rp. 4000.00
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* Multi-WAN
* User login access for changing passwords
* Sub-administrator login access
* Network diagnostic tools
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Membuat disk boot coyote linux dengan mudah antara lain dari windows. Distro cocok untuk server gateway.
Rp. 5000.00
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Allows you to run many popular office productivity software applications, such as Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes,
Microsoft Project and Visio, graphics applications like Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Flash MX, and Adobe
Photoshop, and many more. Not only that, but CrossOver Office also allows you to use many Windows Web
browser plugins, such as QuickTime and Shockwave, directly on your Linux browser. No Windows Operating
System license required; CrossOver is a complete replacement for your Windows OS as far as your applications
are concerned.
Rp. 5000.00
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We offer two versions of CrossOver Office: Professional and Standard. The Standard version provides home users
and Linux enthusiasts with all of the great features that CrossOver has always been noted for, at an affordable
price point. Professional builds on the functionality of Standard, by adding enhanced deployability features, as well
as the ability to run CrossOver in shared mode from a single machine. Professional also comes with a longer
support period, and a higher support level, making it a more robust Windows-to-Linux migration tool.
Once installed, your application will integrate directly with your Gnome or KDE environment. Just click and run your
application, exactly as you would in Windows, but with the full freedom of Linux.
CrossOver Office lets you use many Windows plugins directly from your Linux browser. Plugin works on any x86
based Linux distribution and will integrate with most browsers including Netscape 4.x, Netscape 6.x, Konqueror,
Mozilla, Galeon and Opera. Plugin also integrates with Gnome and KDE to let you transparently open any Word,
Excel or PowerPoint file. But even better, you can open these attachment types directly from any mail client.
Because Plugin uses the native Windows plugins, you get the best compatibility possible. For instance this is the
only 'QuickTime on Linux' solution that supports the Sorenson movie format used by most sites.
Rp. 10000.00
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Damn Small is small enough and smart enough to do the following things:
Boot from within a host operating system (that's right, it can run *inside* Windows)
Run very nicely from an IDE Compact Flash drive via a method we call "frugal install"
Transform into a Debian OS with a traditional hard drive install
Run light enough to power a 486DX with 16MB of Ram
Run fully in RAM with as little as 128MB (you will be amazed at how fast your computer can be!)
DSL was originally developed as an experiment to see how many usable desktop applications can fit inside a 50MB
live CD. It was at first just a personal tool/toy. But over time Damn Small Linux grew into a community project with
hundreds of development hours put into refinements including a fully automated remote and local application
installation system and a very versatile backup and restore system which may be used with any writable media
including a hard drive, a floppy drive, or a USB device.
DSL has a nearly complete desktop, and many command line tools. All applications are chosen with functionality,
size and speed in mind. Damn Small also has the ability to act as an SSH/FTP/HTTPD server right off of a live CD.
In our quest to save space and have a fully functional desktop we've made many GUI administration tools
which are fast yet still easy to use. What does DSL have?
XMMS (MP3, CD Music, and MPEG), FTP client, Dillo web browser, links web browser, FireFox, spreadsheet,
Sylpheed email, spellcheck (US English), a word-processor (FLwriter), three editors (Beaver, Vim, and Nano [Pico
clone]), graphics editing and viewing (Xpaint, and xzgv), Xpdf (PDF Viewer), emelFM (file manager), Naim (AIM,
ICQ, IRC), VNCviwer, Rdesktop, SSH/SCP server and client, DHCP client, PPP, PPPoE (ADSL), a web server,
calculator, generic and GhostScript printer support, NFS, Fluxbox window manager, games, system monitoring
apps, a host of command line tools, USB support, and pcmcia support, some wireless support.
Rp. 5000.00
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The trick is, that DeLi Linux uses only "lightweight" alternative software. If you are looking for the newest KDE,
GNOME or Mozilla, DeLi Linux will not make you happy. The test computer is a 486 laptop with 16 MB RAM, and
all apps which comes with DeLi Linux are running smoothly.
"Why the heck make a Linux for such old crap ?" you may ask. There are still many computers around with the
configuration mentioned above, it would be a shame to waste them. Many people simply cannot buy a 2 Ghz
machine for 1000 $ or more, but they can buy a Pentium I 133 for 50 $ from ebay. Many people are still happy with
the computer they bought five years ago. Especially in the so-called third world, new hardware is not affordable.
Well, there's still Windows95 or Windows 3.1, which will run on these machines, too. But these versions are not
supported by MS anymore, they are no longer in production, and finally, you will not get any software for this old
Windows version.
Rp. 5000.00
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The trick is, that DeLi Linux uses only "lightweight" alternative software. If you are looking for the newest KDE,
GNOME or Mozilla, DeLi Linux will not make you happy. The test computer is a 486 laptop with 16 MB RAM, and
all apps which comes with DeLi Linux are running smoothly.
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DragonFly BSD 1.4 has been released: "1.4 is our third major DragonFly release. This release represents a
significant milestone in our efforts to improve the kernel infrastructure. DragonFly is still running under the Big Giant
Lock, but this will probably be the last release where that is the case. The greatest progress has been made in the
network subsystem. The TCP stack is now almost fully threaded (and will likely be the first subsystem we remove
the BGL from in coming months). The TCP stack now fully supports the SACK protocol and a large number of bug
and performance fixes have gone in, especially in regard to GigE performance over LANs
DragonFly BSD is a fork of FreeBSD 4.x series, representing a logical continuation of the branch that proved itself
to be one of the most stable and reliable FreeBSD releases ever built.
Rp. 5000.00
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This includes network analysation to see which existing servers and clients could be replaced with open-source
We provide long time software update service so hardware costs can be reduced by 50-60% as existing solutions
does not require hardware updates.
We offer server and client services. E.g. the we provide support for the following OSS components:
- Samba Server
- LAMP (Apache with MySQL and PHP)
- IPTables Firewall
- VPN (ipsec, pptp, openvpn, vpnc ...)
- pureFTP / vsftp
- Postfix Mailserver / Amavisd-new Milter / Spamassassin
- Squid Proxyserver with Access Control
- Virus Scanner Integration
- ISDN Routing and RAS
Our products can be based on your favourite Distribution. We currently support Debian GNU/Linux, SuSE SLES
and Slackware Linux. We prefer Slackware as it is the most scalable and customizable Linux Distribution you can
get. Slackware is also the oldest still aktive Linux Distribution.
Rp. 5000.00
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The inaugural release of Edubuntu, a new member of the Ubuntu family of projects, has been released: "The
Edubuntu team is proud to announce the first Edubuntu release Edubuntu 5.10. The Edubuntu 5.10 release
consists of an Install CD for the PC (Intel x86), 64-bit PC (AMD64) and PowerPC (Apple iBook and Powerbook, G4
and G5) architectures. Edubuntu is a flavour of the Ubuntu operating system, which is optimised for classroom use.
It has been developed in collaboration with teachers and technologists around the world. The aim of Edubuntu is
that an educator with limited technical knowledge and skill should be able to set up a computer lab, or establish an
on-line learning environment, in an hour or less, and then administer that environment without having to become a
fully-fledged Linux geek."
Rp. 5000.00
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* A new WebTool frontend to the NetDiff Network Scanner, written by Pax Dickinson. You must manually install
the 'netdiff' package in order to use this.
* The WebTool AIDE host intrusion detection module is now enabled by default.
* Support for USB keyboards.
* The latest stable versions of MySQL (5.0.17), apache (2.0.55), bind (9.3.2), iptables (1.3.4), mdadm (2.2),
postfix (2.2.7), syslog-ng (1.6.9), tcpdump (3.9.4), and vim (6.4).
* Several new installable packages such as php5, samba, schedutils, and netdiff. ..
Rp. 5000.00
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It's about time that distributions recognize that first impressions are critical and with that in mind I was happy
to see that Fedora installed a new default desktop and nicer icons throughout. The menu icons seem to be
smoother and a higher quality. Let's face it, a lot of people select a distribution now based on eye
why not give it to them.
Firefox is loaded by default which is nice to see, especially with all of the press it has received lately. It is nice to
know that Fedora is on the cutting edge with stuff that works. And Firefox does work well.
Multimedia additions like the Helix Player which supports open source media products like Ogg Vorbis and Theora
is important since Fedora will not provide support for non-open source components like Real Player. I can
understand keeping things open source, but this fact is a major drawback for many multimedia consumers.
Anyway, the Helix Player is easy to use and works well.
Gnome 2.8 is stable and adds new features to removable devices and network servers. One interesting feature is
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that the File Manager is standardized so that it will allow applications to work easier with KDE and other desktops.
This is a positive move in allowing users to choose applications that may only be available in one specific desktop.
Network shares are now viewable in the Network View. As computers continually connect to other networks and
individual computers, this feature is surely appreciated. When you insert USB devices , CDs or DVDs as well as
cameras they are recognized automatically now which is a nice enhancement. Windows users could never figure
out why you had to mount drives to get them to work. Weather Alerts have many more locations to make your local
weather reports more convenient.
Also the battery monitor will now estimate the remaining time for your laptop battery. Once you plug the power back
in it will also tell you how long until it is charged.
Nautilus 2.8.1 seemed stable and has the same basic features as before. I really appreciate the fact that the
images within Nautilus can be set up to be thumbnails of the actual image. This really helps when your names are
not descriptive of your images. Of course, it takes a lot of system resources to use small images for viewing your
folder contents...Oh well...I like it..I do it.
Up2date was fast and worked beyond my expectations. Have you used other distribution updates? Some of them
are slow, disconnect you and corrupt your files. The Fedora update worked great! For a free distribution this is high
quality stuff.
VNC which provides a remote desktop is easy to use and set up. VNC continues to gain popularity as a training tool
or to just share your desktop with another user on the network. There are security issues with VNC on the Internet
so beware and use caution.
Network Tools is a wonderful addition to Fedora 3. It brings eight tools together in one interface for easy use for any
network administrator. All of the tools that you need to evaluate your network connections are available and easy to
use. Devices summary, Ping, Netstat, Traceroute, Port Scan, Lookup, Finger and Whois. The only bad thing about
this tool is that I am already seeing additional hits on my websites from users trying these tools out. These tools are
great in the hands of someone trying to administer their own network but they are a nuisance in the hands of
someone playing with them.
Fedora Specs:
Fedora 3 is optimized for Pentium 4 computers, but will work with Pentium II and III as well as AMD. Fedora
suggests that you may be able to run it in text mode witha 200 MHz Pentium but will need a 400 MHz Pentium or
better for the graphical interface. Though it may run on 64 MB in text mode , 256 MB RAM is recommended for the
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graphical interface.
Packages Removed:
There are several package groups that were removed which you may miss, here are a few; glade, gtkam, licq,
quanta and tomcat. See the release notes for a full list.
I have been skeptical about Fedora 1 and 2, there were too many bugs, and the overall experience seemed to me
to be experimental. But...Fedora 3 is different, this is actually a solid well thought out desktop operating system with
good security, applications and overall feel. If you can deal with the limited multimedia options or if you load your
own, this is a great system. I would highly recommend Fedora 3.
Rp. 20000.00Rp. 18000.00
Desktop improvements
The GNOME 2.10 desktop has several new productivity boosting tools along with some changes in the behavior of
how pop-up windows work. In previous versions of GNOME, when using instant messaging clients like GAIM, the
moment a message appears, the window tends to steal focus from what you’re currently typing or doing,
showing you your instant message. This behavior is similar to clicking on a link in an e-mail and having Firefox
pop-up in front of your e-mail message.
This breaks the train of thought. As a productivity boost, as well as one for the security heads (no more typing
passwords into IM chats!), GNOME 2.10 now sports the focus stealing prevention feature. This means that when a
new pop-up window appears, it will not steal the focus from what you’re currently doing. However, this
means that people won't know if someone responded to them on an IM chat, right? So a patch was added to
allow a noticeable glow in the taskbar whenever an item attempts to steal focus, keeping the user notified.
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within Nautilus (like FTP, SAMBA shares, WebDAV, or even SSH). The Desktop menu provides options to tweak
user and system preferences as well as lock the screen or log out.
When Bluecurve, the default theme for the streamlined GNOME and KDE desktops, first came out during Red Hat
Linux 8.0 days, two camps of people existed. Some embraced it, and the others never did. The default theme in the
GNOME Desktop for Fedora Core 4 is now Clearlooks.
PDF readers have been around for a while. New to the latest Fedora Core release is Evince. It currently handles
PDF and Postscript documents (with the option of handling more as plugins are written) and has replaced ggv and
gpdf in Fedora Core 4. It features page thumbnailing, indexing, and a streamlined search.
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Finnix is a small, self-contained, bootable Linux CD distribution for system administrators, based on Debian testing.
Today marks the release of version 86.2 for the x86, PowerPC, and UML/Xen platforms.
Finnix 86.2 contains several new features, including Linux kernel 2.6.15, improved hardware detection (using data
from Fedora Core 4), improved reliability when booting from USB CDROM and thumb devices, and an expanded
general-purpose task utility, aptly named "finnix". In addition, Finnix may now be installed and run directly from a
hard drive.
Finnix is freely distributable under the terms of the GNU General Public License
Rp. 5000.00
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floppyfw is a router with the advanced firewall-capabilities in Linux that fits on one single floppy disc.
* Access lists, IP-masquerading (Network Address Translation), connection tracked packet filtering and (quite)
advanced routing. Package for traffic shaping is also available.
* Requires only a 386sx or better with two network interface cards, a 1.44MB floppy drive and 12MByte of RAM (
for less than 12M and no FPU, use the 1.0 series, which will stay maintained. )
* Very simple packaging system. Is used for editors, PPP, VPN, traffic shaping and whatever comes up. (now
this is looking even more like LRP (may it rest in peace) but floppyfw is not a fork.)
* Logging through klogd/syslogd, both local and remote.
* Serial support for console over serial port.
* DHCP server and DNS cache for internal networks.
It will get more features, but only if it is possible to cram it into the one, single diskette. More than one floppy is
Directly supported network devices:
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We are, of course, talking about an operating systems, not diseases (even though Microsoft claims that Linux is
"viral"). As the name implies, FreeBSD is indeed free - you can download it and hand out free copies to all and
sundry without infringing anybody's copyright.
One point that needs to be clarified from the outset - FreeBSD is not a Linux distro. Yes, on the surface, FreeBSD
looks similar. You could, in fact, kidnap a Linux geek and sit him or her down in front of a FreeBSD box, and
chances are he or she would happily play for days without realizing that anything was amiss. Most of the usual
Linux toys will run fine on FreeBSD, including such perennial favorites as KDE, Gnome, OpenOffice, Gimp,
MPlayer, Mozilla, Mutt, Postfix, Perl, Python and Emacs, to name a few.
Rp. 10000.00Rp. 9000.00
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C and nasm compilers, Perl and Python interpreters
File managers, archievers.
Text editors, viewers and file converters
Web browsers, mail and news clients, ICQ, IRC, Jabber-clients
Network utilities (LAN, modem, Bluetooth, dial-up, VPN, Wireless)
Traffic monitoring utilities
Proxies and redirects
Network access (telnet, ssh, RDP, VNC)
Samba server and clients
MySQL and PostgreSQL clients
DNS, LDAP, SNMP, DHCP, ICMP, ARP, IP-packets utilities
Subnets determining software
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Network scanners, ports and service scanners
Security scanners, sniffers and hack detection utilities
Clamav antivirus, rootkits detection utilities
Passwords and cryptography utilities
Hardware information and tuning software
Hard disks and partitions managing software
Different filesystem utilities
File repair utilities
Computer and network speed testing software
Files and logfiles utilities
Memory and processes management software
CD Writing tools
Graphic files viewer (gqview), screenshot making tool
mp3/ogg players
xnc file manager
SciTE text editor
metasploit, spike-proxy, unicornscan, yersinia
IM-clients such as LICQ, SIM, PSI
X-Chat IRC Client
DjVu, CHM, PDF viewers
QEMU and DosBox emulators
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XMMS audioplayer
MPlayer multimedia player
System includes Frenzy documentation and official FreeBSD documentation - The FreeBSD Handbook and FAQ
Frenzy can be installed on a hard drive as a fully functional operating system. USB Flash install is also supported.
Rp. 5000.00
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Distro khusus untuk multimedia, plus geexbox iso generator, untuk membuat distro linux geexbox kreasimu sendiri.
Sangat mudah digunakan!
With this package, it is easy to modify GeeXboX in a few seconds without having to build the sources. The
generator produces an ISO image of the GeeXboX, ready to be burned on disc, that you may have customized to fit
your needs. The software is multi-platforms, working currently under both GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft
Windows 9x/NT/2k/XP systems. It is able to produce ISO images for both i386 and PowerPC targets.
Rp. 9000.00
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Portage is also a package building and installation system. When you want to install a package, you type emerge
packagename, at which point Portage automatically builds a custom version of the package to your exact
specifications, optimizing it for your hardware and ensuring that the optional features in the package that you want
are enabled -- and those you don't want aren't.
Portage also keeps your system up-to-date. Typing emerge -u world -- one command -- will ensure that all the
packages that you want on your system are updated automatically.
Gentoo Linux
Portage will keep your Gentoo Linux system as "up-to-date" as you desire. And because of this,
experienced Gentoo users don't pay too much attention to "new versions" of Gentoo Linux -- after
all, the latest and greatest version of Gentoo Linux is always available by typing an emerge --sync command.
There's no need to wait several months for a "new version" of Gentoo Linux to be released
because Gentoo Linux is continually updated and refined and these improvements are immediately made available
to you.
Of course, we do roll up official CD releases of Gentoo Linux so that new Gentoo Linux installs are as up-to-date as
possible from the start. Here's an overview of what is included in the most recent release of Gentoo Linux:
Support for x86, AMD64, PowerPC, UltraSparc, Alpha and MIPS processors
LiveCD-based installation for x86, AMD64, PowerPC, UltraSparc and Alpha
Latest stable KDE and GNOME
Various optimized Linux kernels
Very modern GNU development environment
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If the power, flexibility and speed of Gentoo Linux appeals to you, then we encourage you to give it a try. We
don't think you'll be disappointed.
Rp. 5000.00
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A new version of INSERT (Inside Security Rescue Toolkit) has been released: "Here we go! Finally a new version
of INSERT emerges from the depths of the build machine. The size has grown to near 60MB, since our supplier of
credit-card sized CDs promised me to be able to squeeze 60MB on the thing; the Linux kernel was updated to; Captive was updated to 1.1.7 and can now use the Windows XP driver files from SP2; the native NTFS
driver and tools have write support; a custom build of the latest version of the great graphical partitioning GUI
GParted was added; Reiser4 is supported."
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"KPU telah memutuskan bahwa sistem informasi untuk Pemilu 2004 nanti akan berbasis pada Windows 98. Untuk
lisensi Windows 98 bagi seluruh komputer yang terkait dengan jaringan KPU, telah disiapkan dana sebesar Rp 25
miliar. dalam beberapa mailing-list TI Indonesia memang sempat mempertanyakan alasan dipilihnya Windows 98
oleh KPU, yang menurut dia selain dari sisi teknis masih kalah bersaing dengan Linux, dari sisi biaya lisensi yang
disiapkan juga sangatlah luar biasa Nah, daripada dia capek berteriak tetapi KPU tetap budeg, ngebor lebih baik
menurut dia. Berapa lama membuat distro InulLinux ini? Tidak lebih lama dari menonton 1 VCD Inul"
Rp. 7500.00Rp. 5000.00
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IPCop Linux is a complete Linux Distribution whose sole purpose is to protect the networks it is installed on. By
implementing existing technology, outstanding new technology and secure programming practices IPCop is the
Linux Distribution for those wanting to keep their computers/networks safe.
Whats NEW?
- upgrade squid to 2.5.STABLE12
- permits user to introduce a delay between vpn launch and IPCop 'connection'.
The delay allows dyndns updates to propagate. Usefull when a dyndns name is
used for the RED name. Avoid error message "We have no ipsecN interface for either....."
- make snort use binary login, more resilient, don't exaust inode with random ip logging
- allow dmzholes to use ip/mask instead of ip. Simplify blue->green holes management.
- fix transparent proxy on blue broken when transparent on green off sf bug #1327461
- add scheduled shutdown/reboot capability to IPCop (within shutdown.cgi page) RFE 1298996
- VPN fix no default values for advanced options when advanced options not used
- VPN correctly display advanced options default values when not set SF 1314801
- VPN add enable/disable pluto debugging option
- fix aliases randomly sorted on firt use SF 1290492
- upgrade to apache_1.3.34 mod_ssl-2.8.25-1.3.34 mm-1.4.0
- fix atm modem routed ip start with llc encap
- fix atm modem routed ip stop (tested with vc encap)
- web backup : tighten security (SF 1344032 / 1344047)
- web backup : fix hardware settings always exclude from backup, they should only
be optionally include on restore
- web backup : fix exclude files not working in 1.4.9 resulting with bigger backup
each time, now all file include names are displayed on information box
- - revert dhcp server changes made in 1.4.9. Some input boxes may be let empty.
Rp. 5000.00
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iPodLinux is an open source venture into porting Linux onto the iPod ( So far, we have
successfully ported a customized uClinux ( kernel to the iPod, and written a simple user
interface for it dubbed podzilla. Additional applications and modules have been written, adding many capabilities
not found in Apple's firmware.
iPodLinux is currently safe to install on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation iPods. Development is currently on-going on
later generations of iPod, including the fourth generation click wheel, mini, U2, Photo/Color, Nano, and Video.
Rp. 10000.00
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Once installed K12LTSP lets you boot diskless workstations from an applications server. You can use old PC's as
diskless clients or buy new ones for under $200 each.
All applications run on the terminal server. Workstations are "thin." They have no software or hard drives.
Thin-clients are perfect for schools because they are easy to install and require little maintenance. They are reliable
and immune to malicious tampering and viruses.
Rp. 25000.00
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* Kernel with numerous patches
* udev 0.079-1 and new hardware recognition (hwsetup-ng) - no kudzu based recognition anymore. Drawback: ISA
PnP not recognized anymore. For soundcards not automatically recognized, use alsaconf
* new graphical Installer with updatefeature
* ACPI and DMA are activated by default (can be deactivated by cheatcode acpi=off or nodma) , also see
Bootoptions (Cheatcodes)
* Kernel optimised for modern CPU's - i586 and x86-64
* X-Org 6.8.2 for full support of NVIDIA- and ATI-cards (users with Nvidia-cards can dist-upgrade anytime to use
X-Org 6.9)
* KDE 3.4.3
* Firefox 1.5
* OpenOffice 2.0.0-5 (not included in the LITE-Versions)
* Unionfs-support (with Cheatcode unionfs )
* AVM Fritz!Card DSL-support
* Eagle USB DSL-support
* Captive 1.1.5 (not for 64 bit)
* Alsa 1.0.10rc1
* AMSN 0.95 Instant-Messenger with full video-support (no audio)
* Grub Boot-Loader for booting from CD - ideal also for rescue-missions from the commandline
* Memtest86+ advanced diagnosis-tool for your system's memory
* minimum hardware requirements - 128 MB RAM for 32 Bit, 256 MB RAM for 64 Bit, 3-4 GB HD for an Installation
* special features: Netcards in a HD install are renamed and grouped to lanX, wirelessX and firewireX,but not with
an update-install. Here you can run fix-udev-lan manualy.
Rp. 5000.00
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The first news item of 2006 is the announcement of the much awaited new release of KANOTIX, a live CD with a
reputation for having the best hardware auto-detection and auto-configuration on the market. Released in the dying
minutes of 2005, KANOTIX 2005-04 features: "kernel with numerous patches; udev 0.079 and new
hardware recognition (hwsetup-ng) - no kudzu based recognition anymore; new graphical installer with update
feature; ACPI and DMA are activated by default; kernel optimised for modern CPUs - i586 and x86_64; X.Org 6.8.2
for full support of NVIDIA and ATI cards; KDE 3.4.3; Firefox 1.5; OpenOffice 2.0.0; Unionfs support; AMSN 0.95
instant messenger with video support....
Rp. 5000.00
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commit 1d87a98f9db06b6c7fadd20f13ab092875d53801
Author: Linus Torvalds
Date: Sat Jul 15 05:59:19 2006 +0000
Clearign all of i_mode was a bit draconian. We only really care about
S_ISUID/ISGID, after all.
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commit 0af184bb9f80edfbb94de46cb52e9592e5a547b0
Author: Greg Kroah-Hartman
Date: Thu Jul 6 13:02:05 2006 -0700
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STD is a Linux-based Security Tool. Actually, it is a collection of hundreds if not thousands of open source security
tools. It's a Live Linux Distro, which means it runs from a bootable CD in memory without changing the native
operating system of the host computer. Its sole purpose in life is to put as many security tools at your disposal with
as slick an interface as it can.
STD is meant to be used by both novice and professional security personnel but is not ideal for the Linux
uninitiated. STD assumes you know the basics of Linux as most of your work will be done from the command line. If
you are completely new to Linux, it's best you start with another live Distro like Knoppix to practice the basics (see
STD is designed to assist network administrators and professionals alike secure their networks.
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* honeyd 0.7
* labrea : tarpit (slow to a crawl) worms and port scanners
* thp : tiny honeypot
network utilities
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password tools
Rp. 10000.00
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function Ads_PopUp() {}
Kubuntu Linux is built upon Linux kernel 2.6.10, incorporates the Debian/APT package management system and 6.8.2, and the brand new KDE 3.4. Kubuntu aims to be a regular, predictable release (approximately every
six months, with frequent security updates) that is free of charge, fast and easy to install, and immediately useful.
In the week or so I've spent working with Kubuntu "Hoary Hedgehog," I've really come
to like it. The installation and setup were fast and relatively painless, the KDE 3.4 interface is beautiful and quick to
respond, and apt-get is a breath of fresh air to a long-time RPM user.
Rp. 5000.00
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Instant Messaging
Multi-platform Instant Messenger lets you communicate simultaneously on multiple IM accounts - AOL Instant
Messenger, MSN, Yahoo!, Messenger, ICQ, and more!
Digital Music
Download and manage your favorite tunes with Lsongs, an all-in-one music manager built into Linspire. Burn and
rip your favorite music. Organize it, play it, and sync it to portable music players. You can also purchase music free
of any digital rights management (DRM) directly from MP3Tunes for just 88 cents a song or $8.88 for a full album!
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Rp. 5000.00
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An updated version of Linux XP was released on December 21 and since then I had been waiting for an English
release. There was an English directory on the mirror, so I thought one would be forthcoming. I gave up. I
downloaded the Russian version and was able to get it to display in English with a few mouse clicks. So don't let
the fact it's a Russian distro throw you off. Test it out anyway... if you want a distro that is based on Fedora/Redhat,
comes with a 2.6.10 kernel, Xorg 6.8.1, and gnome 2.12, yet looks remarkably like KDE meets Windows.
Rp. 5000.00
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Mandriva Linux (formerly Mandrakelinux) was created in 1998 with the goal of making Linux easier to use for
everyone. At that time, Linux was already well-known as a powerful and stable operating system that demanded
strong technical knowledge and extensive use of the \"command line\"; MandrakeSoft saw this as an opportunity to
integrate the best graphical desktop environments and contribute its own graphical configuration utilities and quickly
became famous for setting the standard in ease-of-use and functionality. With this innovative approach, Mandriva
Linux offers all the power and stability of Linux to both individuals and professional users in an easy-to-use and
pleasant environment. Thousands of new users are discovering Linux each and every day and finding it a complete
replacement for their previous operating system. Linux as a server or workstation has no reason to be jealous of
any other more established operating systems.
Rp. 30000.00Rp. 25000.00
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Some five weeks after the formal release of Mandriva Linux 2006 to members of the Mandriva Club, the CD and
DVD images of the "Free" edition (i.e. containing Free Software only) are now available for free download.
Mandriva Linux 2006 is built on top of the Linux kernel 2.6.12 and includes a development version of the X.Org X
window system (version 6.9), together with the two most popular desktop environments - KDE (3.4.2) and GNOME
(2.10.1), as well as the usual range of desktop and server software.
Rp. 20000.00
Have you always wanted to try out Linux but were afraid you weren't up to the task? Here's Move, the easiest and
safest way to test drive Linux.
Built on the Live-CD technology, Move enables you to run a full operating system from just one CD, anywhere,
without the need for installation.
Rp. 5000.00
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Have you always wanted to try out Linux but were afraid you weren't up to the task? Here's Move, the easiest and
safest way to test drive Linux.
Built on the Live-CD technology, Move enables you to run a full operating system from just one CD, anywhere,
without the need for installation. Move is truly mobile. This is the only product of its kind to offer built-in handling of
USB keys, allowing for automatic and seamless backup of configuration settings, as well as user data, up to 1.5
Move features the award-winning Mandriva Linux, widely recognized for its user-friendliness, together with a
collection of applications equivalent to or compatible with Microsoft Windows software. So there are no more
barriers to prevent you from taking off into the Linux world.
* In terms of storage capacity, you can choose from 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB or 1.5 GB.
Rp. 5000.00
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This project was concieved to provide free software tools primarily for Musicians and Audio operators using
compatible i386 computer equipment.
You can:
... and many more things, but Musix GNU+Linux contains applications for many other activities besides music or
audio... like for example: file management, graphics design, Internet, programming, office (spreadsheet, text
processor), data retrieval, multimedia, etc. You can see the complete menu of programs available by clicking in
"Musix", located in the taskbar.
Rp. 5000.00
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Base Features:
* Multiple CDs to choose from. Each is built using the Rescue CD as the base install.
* Starts automatically as a dhcp client.
* Integrated Firewall which auto starts on DHCP networks in stealth mode.
* Slapt-get, with multiple rc files with different sources, is included.
* Cpan2tgz for automatically downloading and installing perl modules.
* Menu driven script to install Mutagenix to a harddrive.
* Simplified modem dialup script.
* Clamav antivirus program for scanning your nasty windows partitions.
* Partimage for creating partition images (ghosting)
* Parted and Gparted partition management software
* Ext2 partitioned USB keys will be mounted as your home dir (/root) so your environment can be saved.
* An xorg.conf on the mounted USB key will be used instead of the default supplied xorg.conf.
* Windows password changing utility.
* Mutagenix Themes :)
Rp. 5000.00
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* A port to new platform: iyonix. The iyonix port supports the Iyonix PC, which is a desktop computer from Castle
Technology, based on a 600MHz XScale 80321 processor.
* The xen port now supports Xen 2.0, both in privileged and unprivileged mode.
* The evbarm port has support for the TS-7200 single board computer, which is also known as the NetBSD
Controlled Toaster.
* The sgimips port now supports IP12 (Personal Iris 4D/30, 4D/35, and Indigo R3K) machines.
* The PowerPC 601 support is added, and the prep port now supports IBM RS/6000 60P 7020-011.
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* TCP now supports TCP Selective Acknowledgement Options (RFC 2018) for enhanced performance
(especially on long distance connections), and TCP MD5 signatures (RFC 2385) for enhanced protection against
* TCP can take advantage of hardware-assisted TCP/IPv4 segmentation on re(4), wm(4), and xge(4) interfaces.
* The OpenBSD Packet Filter has been integrated as an alternative packet filter solution.
* IP Filter has been upgraded to version 4.1.8.
* The KAME IPsec stack now supports ESP over NAT connections (RFC 3948).
* IPv4 Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) routing support has been added.
* ipsec-tools 0.6.3 provides IKE support for ESP over NAT connections (RFC 3947), user authentication via
XAuth, and automatic network configurations of VPN clients via Mode Config.
* Added RFC 3378 EtherIP support, which makes it possible to add gif(4) interface to bridges.
* Added tap(4), the virtual Ethernet device.
* ppp(4) has been updated to 2.4.3.
* gre(4) now supports tunneling of the IPv6 Protocol.
Rp. 5000.00
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The main goal of nUbuntu is to create a distribution which is derived from the Ubuntu distribution, and add
packages related to security testing, and remove unneeded packages, such as Gnome,, and
Evolution. nUbuntu is the result of an idea two people had to create a new distribution for the learning experience.
Many people ask, "What makes it better than X?", or "Why should I use this over Y". Our answer to this question is,
we do not think about whether people are using it or not. We are more concerned about the learning process. If you
want to try something with a clean interface, fast, and an excellent range of programs please don't hesitate to
download nUbuntu.
Some of the main security packages not in the installed.txt:
* Aircrack-ng
* Asleap
* BT Audit
* Bluesnarfer
* Cisco Exploiter
* Blind SQL Injection
* HTTP SQL Bruteforce
* SQL Inject
* DNS Enum
* Finger Google
* Google Mail Enum
* GooScan
* Google Search
* LDAP Enum
* Samba Enum
* Relay Scanner
* SMTP Vrfy
* SNMP Enum
* ISR Forms
* List URLs
* Metasploit Framework
* Exploit Tree
* Bed
* CIRT Fuzzer
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* RainbowCrack
* Hash Collision
* coWPAtty
* Onesixtyone
* Hotspotter
* Aterm
* Firefox
* Fluxbox
* gFTP
* Gvim
* XChat
Rp. 5000.00
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With new features, advanced XML capabilities and native support for the OASIS Standard OpenDocument format, 2.0 gives users around the globe the tools to be engaged and productive members of their society.
Rp. 5000.00
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Openwall GNU/*/Linux 2.0 has been released: "After many Owl-current snapshots, Owl 2.0 release is finally out.
Owl 2.0 is built around Linux kernel 2.4.32-ow1, glibc 2.3.6 (with our security enhancements), GCC 3.4.5, and
recent versions of over 100 other packages. It offers binary- and package-level compatibility for most packages
intended for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (RHEL4) and Fedora Core 3 (FC3), as well as for many FC4 packages.
Additionally, Owl 2.0 uses our new installer, making installation a lot easier than it used to be for Owl 1.1 and
Rp. 5000.00
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The technique to allow Operator to boot and run from RAM is based on a project called KNOPPIX. KNOPPIX is a
bootable CD with a collection of GNU/Linux software, automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics
cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals. KNOPPIX can be used as a Linux demo,
educational CD, rescue system, or adapted and used as a platform for commercial software product demos. It is
not necessary to install anything on a hard disk. Mastering of this CD uses on-the-fly decompression which allows
for up to 2 GB of stored data.
Starting with the 3.3 version of Operator, we have started completely from scratch by installing a basic Debian
installation then adding the KNOPPIX functionality afterwards. This allowed us to have more control and
understanding of what is on the CD.
Featured software on the Operator 3.3 CD?
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SATA support
improved international keyboard support
MD5 sum option
dos-swap file option
no prompt boot option
improved video detection
scsi cdrom support
Fixed laptop with touchpad not completing hardware detection.
All applications updated to current stable releases.
Security updates applied to livecd
Shorewall enabled by default and configured for most desktop services.
New background, kde bootsplash and other graphical enhancements.
Rp. 5000.00
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pfSense is a m0n0wall-derived operating system. It uses Packet Filter, FreeBSD 6.x (or DragonFly BSD when
ALTQ and CARP is finished), ALTQ for excellent packet queuing, and an integrated package management system
for extending the environment with new features.
Rp. 5000.00
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Rp. 5000.00
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- Simple installations, you don't need become a linux expert to install pinux.
- Good for cybercafe, student training or office use.
- User frendly desktop.
- Include many popular linux office and internet applications and can run many windows based applications.
- All applications is opensource or freeware. You don't need worry about payment or law enforcement.
- Can working on MS Windows networking environment, already supporting windows samba disk share and printer
share also capability to remote desktop and handle a popup message.
- Displaying foreign character: Chinese, Japan, Korea, Thailand, India and more.
- Web based administration to configure your pinux.
- This pinux distro has been evaluated for 9 months on a hundred different brands of PCs and by a thousand
different users before available to shared to public.
- Pinux is freeware, good for low cost investment.
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Support for a lot of filesystem types (XFS, Reiserfs, Reiser4, Ext2/3, HFS/HFS+, ISO-9660, UDF, JFS, UFS2,
SMBFS/CIFS, MS DOS, NTFS, and VFAT) and contains utilities for system recovery. It also has IDE/SCSI/SATA,
RAID, LVM2, Ethernet, DSL, pppoe, USB, serial, irda, mtd, ieee139, pcmcia, framebuffer, ipsec, cryptofs support.
Drivers for popular network cards, filesystems or disk controllers you propably will find in the modules located on
this CD.
The PLD project has released a specialist text-only mini live CD based on PLD Linux: "PLD Rescue CD is a
bootable disk that contains a live Linux distribution based on PLD Linux ( modular kernel). Furthermore,
this version uses transparent compression (SquashFS) to fit about 180 MB of software onto a single mini CD 50
MB in usable form. PLD Rescue CD can be used to rescue ailing machines, perform intrusion post-mortems, act as
a temporary secure Linux-based workstation (using SSH, VPN connecting to remote host - other networking clients
are also supported), install PLD Linux, and perform many other tasks that we haven't yet imagined."
Rp. 5000.00
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* The big news is the move from the Xvesa Kdrive X server to the sophisticated Xorg X server (v6.8.1).
However, Xvesa is retained as a fallback.
* The Xorg Video Wizard has been written from scratch to give a very pleasant experience setting up and
modifying Xorg.
* Gaim is upgraded from version 1.0.2 to 1.5.0. Puppy has the full set of plugins supplied with the source
* There is now a very nice little program to graphically view the sizes of directories and files, called Gdmap.
* Xarchive archiver replaces guiTar, and there is a desktop icon called PupZip that is a drag-and-drop frontend to
* Puppy now has a desktop icon so that one-click will lock the screen and bring up a pleasant animation. This
uses Xlock.
* Morizot firewall is replaced by Linux Firewall, which has a very easy installation Wizard.
* Roaring Penguin PPPOE has been updated from version 3.5 to 3.7, patched slightly to work in Puppy.
* The DVD burner application TkDVD is upgraded from v3.8.3 to 3.9.0.
* Problems with XF-Prot, the virus scanner, have been fixed.
* There is a new little utility set-xftdpi, to globally set font size.
* The font viewer tkFont has been improved and is now in Puppy.
* mtPaint has been upgraded from version 2.03 to 2.10.
* Puppy now has tkGamma version 1.0, a GUI frontend to xgamma
* BusyBox has been upgraded from v0.60.5 to v1.01.
* Syslinux is upgraded from version 3.08 to 3.11.
* cdrtools has been upgraded to version 2.01.01a03.
* Puppy now has crond and crontab, and a GUI Gcrontab.
* ColorExplorer is a neat little Tcl/Tk GUI app for exploring colors.
* Fragger is a small utility application that let's you see graphically how fragmented a file is.
* Developers, please note, there is a new usr_devx.sfs file.
* There are a great many more little improvements and updates since the release of 1.0.6 -- read the notes
Rp. 5000.00
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Pyramid includes all of the functionality of MetrixPebble, but is now based on Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger).
Rp. 5000.00
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14.9 - 1/22/2006
Added some WIFI support in the kernel.
Added some PCMCIA support in the kernel.
Fixed /dev/cciss and /dev/ida devices.
Updated cdrtools v2.01.01a04.
Updated dvd+rw-tools v6.0.
Updated fetchmail v6.3.1.
Updated tin v1.8.0.
Updated lftp v3.4.0.
Updated evms v2.5.4.
Updated testdisk v6.2.
Updated star v1.5a70.
Updated bash v3.1.1.
Updated curl v7.15.1.
Added fscat programs.
Added e2tools programs.
Added tarfixer program.
Added gzrecover program.
Added svga graphics support to links v2.1pre20.
Added vim editor v6.4.4, without docs, scripts, and syntax files.
The default editor is mcedit.
A number of other software updates.
Rp. 5000.00
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1.5 - 5/17/2006
Added QEMU v0.8.1.
Updated lvm2 v2.02.06.
Updated devmapper v1.02.07.
Updated GParted v0.2.5.
1.4 - 5/12/2006
Added AGP and MTRR support to the kernel.
Updated htop v0.6.1.
Added X support to vim.
Updated lshw vB.02.08.01.
1.3 - 5/9/2006
Fixed incorrect installation of Gaim!
*** Added option to boot straight into X!
*** If that doesn't work boot normally, and run 'xsetup'.
Updated vim v7.0.
Rp. 5000.00
15.2 - 3/26/2006
Forgot to include /init link for initramfs!
Updated ndiswrapper v1.11.
Updated pcmciautils v013.
15.1 - 3/25/2006
Fixed GRUB, Reiser4 support should work.
Fixed bug in grubconfig.
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15.0 - 3/20/2006
The kernel is updated to v2.6.16.
Updated bash v3.1.14.
Updated lynx v2.8.6dev17
Updated fetchmail v6.3.2.
Updated dvd+rw-tools v6.1.
Updated cdrtools v2.01.01a07.
Updated dirsync v1.10.
Updated openssh v4.3p2.
Updated ntfsprogs v1.13.0.
Updated lftp v3.4.3.
Updated udpcast v20060208.
Updated mc v2006-03-20-17.
Updated lvm2 v2.02.02.
Updated devmapper v1.02.03
Updated dmraid v1.0.0.rc10.
Updated tin v1.8.1.
Updated star v1.5a73.
Updated curl v7.15.3.
Updated sk98lin v8.31.2.3 driver in the kernel.
Updated evms v2.5.5.
Updated testdisk v6.3.
Added sshfs v1.6.
Added lilo v22.7.1.
Added cdrskin v0.1.2.
Added squashfs v3.0 support in the kernel.
Added mksquashfs/unsquashfs v3.0 programs.
Added ndiswrapper v1.11rc2 for WIFI support.
Read /usr/doc/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.txt on RIP.
Changed USB install method to use makebootfat!
Fixed initrd.gz.
Removed the splashimage patch from GRUB,
because it was causing problems.
Rp. 5000.00
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RUNT is Slackware Linux designed to run off of a 128 MB or more USB pen drive. It consists of a boot floppy
image and a zip file, similar to zipslack. It is intended to be a fairly complete Linux installation for use as a testing
tool capable of booting on any x86 computer with a USB port and a bootable floppy drive. The kernel is slackware's
bare.i kernel. RUNT also contains an initial ramdisk to load usb-storage related modules and it pauses for 5
seconds to allow the drive to initialize. The zip file contains a UMSDOS filesystem designed to be extracted onto a
128 MB pen drive with an msdos filesystem using 2K clusters. (Larger cluster sizes are required for drives larger
than 128 MB) The package set is based off of Slackware's zipslack, but contains other commonly used networking
components not available in the zipslack distribution which is limited to 100 MB. RUNT was originally designed for
use at North Carolina State University by the ResNet department. ResNet regularly provides support to students in
University Housing using their personal computers on the NC State network. RUNT automatically probes for
network cards on startup and configures them using DHCP. Although RUNT is intended for use on the NC State
network, there is nothing peculiar to our network preventing RUNT from being a useful tool on any network.
What's required?
A USB 128 MB pen drive with an msdos filesystem using 2K clusters. Larger drives are also acceptable. Most any
pen drive will work. Sandisk and Lexar make some of the most popular ones, and they are known to work well.
RUNT can also work with any USB storage device such as flash card readers, cameras, watches, etc... Those are
the weird ones people have sent in to me. Theoretically RUNT can run off of any FAT drive accessible by the
kernel. The bootdisk provided will work with fast USB drives or IDE drives. a USB zip drive takes longer to initialize,
and the disk below doesn't provide adequate time. If you wish to boot RUNT off of SCSI or some other interface,
another bootdisk will probably be required. Find or make a Slackware boot disk to meet your needs.
Rp. 5000.00
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Skolelinux is the Debian-edu project's Custom Debian Distribution (CDD) in development. It is aiming to provide an
out-of-the-box localised environment tailored for schools and universities. The out-of-the-box environment comes
with 75 applications aimed at schools, as well as 15 network services pre-configured for a school environment. The
simple, three-question installation requires minimal technical knowledge. Skolelinux is Debian, which means,
among other things, that there are no license costs or worries, and that upgrade and maintenance of the software
can be done over the Internet with the power of Debian's apt-get. The core goals of Skolelinux are localisation and
ease of system administration.
Rp. 5000.00
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The Official Release of Slackware Linux by Patrick Volkerding is an advanced Linux operating system, designed
with the twin goals of ease of use and stability as top priorities. Including the latest popular software while retaining
a sense of tradition, providing simplicity and ease of use alongside flexibility and power, Slackware brings the best
of all worlds to the table. Originally developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991, the UNIX-like Linux operating system now
benefits from the contributions of millions of users and developers around the world. Slackware Linux provides new
and experienced users alike with a fully-featured system, equipped to serve in any capacity from desktop
workstation to machine-room server. Web, ftp, and email servers are ready to go out of the box, as are a wide
selection of popular desktop environments. A full range of development tools, editors, and current libraries is
included for users who wish to develop or compile additional software.
Rp. 20000.00
Slackware 10.2 includes the Linux 2.4.31 kernel, with Linux 2.6.13 available in the /testing directory. For the first
time, a 2.6 kernel with support for SCSI, RAID, and SATA is offered as a boot option in the installer (called
"test26.s"). Slackware 10.2 also sports a new revision of glibc (2.3.5) with NPTL support for improved thread
performance when using a kernel with NPTL support, the latest KDE 3.4.2 and XFce 4.2.2 desktop environments,
updated development tools, and new additions like SASL support in sendmail, the Subversion version control
system, the Firefox browser, and the Thunderbird email and news client.
Rp. 10000.00
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SLAX is a pocket operating system with the ability to run many Windows applications natively in Linux. It contains
KDE, wine, dosbox and qemu.
Rp. 5000.00
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- based on Slackware 10.2 +current, added KDE 3.5, added Xorg 7 (6.9)
- added Slackwares 2.6 testing kernel with SCSI support!
- added ACPI modules directly to linux kernel (power button support)
- added knemo to KDE (kde network monitor systray icon)
- added portmap for NFS networks
- added autoexec= boot option to allow execution of something instead of login. use eg. autoexec=startx (instead of
former "gui" boot argument)
- added nosound boot option
- added newer memtest to linux live scripts and slax
- add libvorbis and libogg to popcorn edition. required by many games
- fixed rc.S, it now tries to remount read-only root filesystem to rw
- fixed floppy boot parameter (rc.slax)
- fixed uselivemod startup scripts (replaced SETUP## by SCRIPT##)
- fixed bug in crashing kicker on kde logout
- fixed the situatuin when mounting loop device confused mntall
- fixed mntall to properly add comment for swap devices
- fixed fstab-create to preserve lines added manually (which doesn't have special #comment)
- flash plugin didn't work for regular user because of wrong permissions
- updated rc.* scripts in slax because of changes in Slackware
- updated hotplug blacklist because of changes in Slackware
- modified copy2ram function to copy only used .mo files to RAM
- all .a files are now stripped with -g option (removing all unneeded debug)
- removed gui boot option, you can always do autoexec=startx
- ppp package moved to (so ppp can be even in Frodo Edition)
- rp-pppoe package moved to (so pppoe can be even in Frodo Edition)
- kbd package moved to (so it's in Frodo too)
- using modules on the fly (uselivemod) doesn't work correctly in this release, nevertheless including modules in
SLAX CD works good.
Rp. 5000.00
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Add some permanent boot options. (For example start SLAX in GUI mode)
Prepare a bootable USB stick and copy all the SLAX files to it.
It has also been used with other SLAX derivatives such as Klax,
gNOX, GoblinX and Mutagenix but this is only feedback from users on the slax forums.
Please feel free to explore the rest of the site using the navigation to the right. I hope you enjoy the program!
Additional software for SLAX is provided in the form of compressed modules. The usage is very simple, just add
your downloaded module to /modules/ directory on the CD to include it in SLAX permanently, or use
"uselivemod" command in SLAX to activate the module on the fly, while running SLAX.
Rp. 7500.00Rp. 5000.00
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** Please note that the https web access port has moved from
** TCP/445 to TCP/441! Use https://x.x.x.x:441/ from now on!
* Improved installer:
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So you've found this website ... I guess you want to know a bit about this distribution. OK, I'll make it short.
News: RC 2 is available for Download!
Hardware Requirements
Average System
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SUPER is a testbed for anything that makes your SUSE Linux OS perform in a different manner than intended in
the more stable and enterprise oriented SUSE Linux tree. This can be a speed improvement geared towards the
specialised desktop user or an additional feature that is considered too experimental or dangerous by the main
SUSE Linux tree.
The SUPER project concentrates on creating packages and modifications to SUSE Linux in the following areas:
* Speed
* Graphical Attractiveness
* Missing features
* General Experiments, bleeding edge.
Do you want to help? Let us know by subscribing to the opensuse-optimize mailinglist. The following information is
probably going to change heavily once more people have input into it.
Rp. 5000.00
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Xorg 6.8.2
GNOME 2.10
KDE 3.4 2.0 PR
Xen 2.0.5c-4 virtualization software
Firefox 1.0.1
This release has generated a lot of buzz in the Linux world due to the new features it's sporting. Software such as
Xen and Beagle are probably the main reason for the excitement, and for good reason. Both packages have thus
far been in development and not available in any other mainstream distribution. SUSE is the first commercial
distribution to market with both applications.
For those who might not have heard yet, Xen is system virtualization software which will allow you to run multiple
guest operating systems on your computer. Think VMWare (I know... I know it's a bad reference, but the only thing I
can think of to bring about a decent mental picture) here but quite a bit more complicated, a great deal faster, and
completely open sourced. Beagle is the latest system search/indexing companion for GNOME and after I was able
to get it working (I go into detail later in the article) I really liked what I saw. It's probably not something you'd use
every day, but worth it's weight in gold when you need it.
SUSE LINUX 9.3 is also sporting some other great little goodies such as the F-Spot image management tool, the
NetApplet tray-based network connection management tool, and the latest Adobe Acrobat 7 package, which has
more features and is more responsive than any other release thus far. is present as usual, but this
time in a 2.0 pre-release format (see screenshot). This release is also much faster than the last, and has much
improved Microsoft Office compatibility baked in. Even though it's a pre-release, I found that it worked just as well
as any final code I've used from them. Feature-wise, this release should look very tempting to first time Linux users
and veterans alike. SUSE's efforts have always been tailored specifically for the desktop, and for the most part,
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Nearly 18 months since the previous release, a new version of SystemRescueCD is now available for download.
What's new? "Updated the kernel to Linux-; updated the system (udev 080, hotplug, coldplug); updated
LVM tools (evms, device-mapper); added Reiser4 support (support in the kernel and reiser4progs); updated NTFS
support (improved support in the kernel, and ntfsprogs); updated Parted to 1.6.23; updated bootloader support;
updated file systems tools; updated bootdisks (memtest+ and 'Offline NT Password and registry editor'); updated
ClamAV virus definitions."
Rp. 5000.00
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tinysofa classic server is a server targeted, enterprise grade Linux distribution that combines the the vision and
expertise of multiple open source developers with the best components and ideas of multiple enterprise focused
operating systems.
tinysofa classic server is based on Fedora, tinysofa enterprise server 1.0 and Trustix 2.1. It features a very similar
package set to Trustix.
tinysofa aims to become the de facto community run server oriented Linux distribution, and therefore fill an ever
growing void in the availability of a free (as in beer and speech) Linux solution that is deployable in mission critical
roles throughout the enterprise.
The meticulously crafted software packages that compose tinysofa, coupled with a focus on security, stability and
manageability make it the only completely free Linux solution suitable for enterprise use.
The global network of independent consultants supporting tinysofa aims to level the playing field with the
commercial providers of Linux solutions and most importantly, foster local economic growth.
tinysofa is currently used in a vast array of real time business systems that require the utmost in security and
stability. From VPN end points, firewalls, bridges and network IDS to application servers and database workhorses,
tinysofa has proven itself up to the task.
The 1.x release series will maintain platform stability throughout its lifetime, with ongoing incremental
enhancements and security fixes and a minor release every six months. This release series will also be available
for the x86_64 hardware platform.
Rp. 5000.00
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Trustix Secure Linux 3.0 has been released: "Trustix, developers of the world's most secure Linux, today announce
the most secure operating system ever with the advent of Trustix Secure Linux 3.0. TSL's rapidly expanding new
user base has identified a wide range of possible improvements which have now been implemented and made
available in this release. Foremost amongst these is the new installer 'Viper' which boasts the ability to poll the
latest updates during the installation process. Other additions to the system include X11 libraries, FreeRadius
support, easy PXE installs, Mini CD and Net CD versions of the OS, enhanced hardware detection, installation on
RAID and logical volumes...
Rp. 5000.00
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Ubuntu Linux is a complete desktop Linux operating system, freely available with both community and professional
support. The Ubuntu community is built on the ideas enshrined in the Ubuntu Manifesto: that software should be
available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any
disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customise and alter their software in whatever way they
see fit. "Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". The Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the
spirit of Ubuntu to the software world.
Rp. 10000.00
Ubuntu Linux is a complete desktop Linux operating system, freely available with both community and professional
support. The Ubuntu community is built on the ideas enshrined in the Ubuntu Manifesto: that software should be
available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any
disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customise and alter their software in whatever way they
see fit. "Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". The Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the
spirit of Ubuntu to the software world.
Rp. 10000.00
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What's new
Ubuntu is released regularly and predictably. Since our October 2005 release (Ubuntu 5.10), we've made a lot of
improvements to give you the best Linux experience possible. Here's what's new with Ubuntu 6.06 LTS:
On the Desktop CD
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On the Server
tuned differently than the desktop kernels (providing better performance for server applications).
There are both low-end, and "big iron" server kernels. The low-end
server kernel is generic, and should work on the same equipment that the desktop kernel runs on. The
highend server kernel is geared towards systems with greater than 8 CPUs (ES7000 / Summit / BIGSMP).
graphical boot process, reduced memory requirements, and sound device support
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upgrades from one Ubuntu release to the next, starting with Ubuntu 5.10
straight into the complete system. This makes it faster, simpler, and more reliable.
GCC 4.0.3
glibc 2.3.6
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The system PATH is now set in exactly one place, /etc/environment, for
convenient administration
As always, Ubuntu includes the very best of the 100% Free / Libre application software world, and each new
release incorporates countless new features and bugfixes from the global development community.
Rp. 5000.00
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The goal of Ubuntu Christian Edition is to bring the power and security of Ubuntu to Christians. Ubuntu Christian
Edition is suitable for both desktop and server use. The current Ubuntu release supports PC (Intel x86).
Ubuntu Christian Edition includes more than 16,000 pieces of software, but the core desktop installation fits on a
single CD. Ubuntu Christian Edition covers every standard desktop application from word processing and
spreadsheet applications to web server software and programming tools.
Along with the standard Ubuntu applications, Ubuntu Christian Edition includes the best available Christian
software. The latest release contains GnomeSword, a top of the line Bible study program for Linux based on the
Sword Project. There are several modules installed with GnomeSword including Bibles, Commentaries, and
Ubuntu Christian Edition also includes fully integrated web content parental controls powered by Dansguardian. A
graphical tool to adjust the parental control settings has also been developed specifically for Ubuntu Christian
Edition. These features are truly what sets Ubuntu Christian Edition apart.
THIS CD CONTAINS THE SCRIPTS THAT ALLOW Ubuntu users to easily convert to the latest version of Ubuntu
Christian Edition. For each Ubuntu Christian Edition release there will be a new corresponding script to convert to
the latest version of Ubuntu Christian Edition.
Please read these instructions completely before downloading and running the script.
Packages Installed:
GnomeSword Bible Software (including modules)
Dansguardian Web Content Filtering (dansguardian, tinyproxy, clamav, firehol)
Graphical tool to easily change the Dansguardian filter settings (gambas, libqt3-mt)
Art Changes:
Splash Screen
Default Wallpaper
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The idea of Ubuntu Lite is to bring the power of Ubuntu across to the users of Legacy systems. So not just to make
a small linux as this has been done before (Puppy Linux, Damn Small linux, the Rule Project). Nor to make a
useable linux based desktop Operating system (that has been done with Ubuntu Linux, Beatrix) The idea is to bring
the power of Ubuntu to the typical users of Legacy hardware (ie the grandma who gets an old P2 set up for her but
does not know how to use it).
These are the three core aims of the Ubuntu Lite Project
We will also provide development guides to anyone who wants to trim down their versions or help others use linux
on reconditioned hardware. I hope that you enjoy Ubuntu Lite and that you find it useful.
Rp. 5000.00
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Ultimate Boot CD is completely free for the download, or could be obtained for a small fee. If you had somehow
paid a ridiculous amount of money for it, you have most likely been fleeced. The least you could do is to make as
many copies of the offical UBCD and pass it to your friends, relatives, colleagues or even complete strangers to
minimize the per unit cost of your loss!
You need the Ultimate Boot CD if you want to:
* Run floppy-based diagnostic tools from CDROM drives. More and more PCs are shipped without floppy drives
these days, and it is such a royal pain when you need to run diagnostic tools on them.
* Free yourself from the slow loading speed of the floppy drive. Even if you do have a floppy drive, it is still much
much faster to run your diagnostic tools from the CDROM drive, rather than wait for the tool to load from the floppy
* Consolidate as many diagnostic tools as possible into one bootable CD. Wouldn't you like to avoid digging into
the dusty box to look for the right floppy disk, but simply run them all from a single CD? Then the Ultimate Boot CD
is for you!
When you boot up from the CD, a text-based menu will be displayed, and you will be able to select the tool you
want to run. The selected tool actually boots off a virtual floppy disk created in memory.
Name of ToolVersion
Hard Disk Installation
MaxBlast 4 (Maxtor) 4.0
DiscWizard 2003 (Seagate) 10.45.06
Disk Manager (Seagate) 9.56a
Disk Manager (Samsung) 10
Hard Disk Diagnosis
Drive Fitness Test (IBM/Hitachi) 4.05
PowerMax (Maxtor/Quantum) 4.09/4.22
SCSIMax (Maxtor) 2.1
DLG Diagnostic (Western Digital) 4.15/5.04c
Data Lifeguard (Western Digital) 11.0
SeaTools Desktop (Seagate) 1.06.02/3.02.03en
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Gujin 1.3
GAG 4.5d
XOSL 1.1.5
Super Grub Disk 0.9296
File Tools
DOS Navigator 4.9.0
File Maven 3.5a
Necromancer's DOS Navigator 2.15 Build 4000
Eraser for DOS 5.7
D-Browse 1.24
NTFS Tools
Offline NT Password & Registry Editor
Active NTFS Reader for DOS 1.0.1
EditBINI 1.01.1
Boot Partition 2.50
System Burn-In Test
Lucifer 1.0
CPU Test
CPU Burn-in 1.00
Mersenne Prime Test 23.5.2
StressCPU 24-Oct-05
Memory Test
Memtest86 3.2
Memtest86+ 1.65
Windows Memory Diagnostic n/a
DocMem RAM Diagnostic 1.45a
DocMem RAM Diagnostic 2.1b
TestMem4 4
Peripherals Test
Parallel port detection and test utilities 1.45
ATAPI CDROM Identification 2.03
CHZ Monitor-Test 1.0
CPU Information
Intel Processor Frequency ID Utility 7.2.20041115
x86test 0.10a
System Information
AIDA16 (Discontinued) 2.14
NSSI 0.58.6
PC-Config 9.33
ASTRA 5.11
PCISniffer 1.4
pcidevs.txt: 13 Feb 2006 1.1
CTIA 2.1
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Benchmark Applications
System Speed Test 32 4.78
3D Benchmark VGA 1.0
CPU Benchmark n/a
CD Index 1.1
QwikTest n/a
BIOS Utilities
BIOS 1.35.1
UniFlash 1.40
WipeCMOS 1.2
!BIOS 3.20
DOS Boot Disks
FreeDOS Boot Disk 3.35
OpenDOS Boot Disk 3.35
NwDsk: NetWare Boot Disk 3.35
MSRRC: Bart's Network Boot Disk on FreeDOS 3.35
Antivirus Tools
F-Prot Antivirus for DOS (Personal use only)
Virus definition: 9 Feb 2006 3.16b
McAfee Antivirus Scanner
Virus definition: 9 Feb 2006 4.32.0
Avast! V7.7 for DOS
Virus definition: 9 Feb 2006 7.7
AVG Free Edition
Virus definition: 9 Feb 2006 7.0
Network Tools
Note: First you need to create a configuration floppy disk based on freesco/ on the CD. Please refer to
docs/freesco/fscodisk.txt on the CD for more information. 0.3.2
Arachne WWW Browser 1.87
QNX Demo Browser (network and modem version) 4.00
NetCopy 0.2
FileLink V3.01 (from Caldera OpenDOS V7.03) 3.01
The full version contains all the tools found in the basic version but also adds the INSERT environment, a Linux
distribution based on Knoppix. INSERT contains many utilities for the Linux user, such as the ability to mount most
filesystems (including NTFS(rw) via Captive), ssh and sshfs which allows you to mount a filesystem over ssh,
Samba client and server, IDS and testing tools such as Nessus and Snort, Rdesktop to remote control Windows
servers, VNC, Qtparted for re-partitioning, iptables, and Monkey webserver are just a few of the tools found on the
UBCD version of INSERT. In addition, UBCD Insert also supports modules which can be found at SourceForge that
contain several more tools.
Rp. 15000.00
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"VECTORLINUX is a small, fast, Linux operating system for Intel, AMD and x86 compatible systems, based
on one of the original Linux distributions, Slackware. The enormously popular Slackware is the true
'Unix' of Linux distributions and is used by major corporations, universities and home users alike.
It's popularity stems from the fact that it is a robust, versatile and almost unbreakable system. Slackware has
been traditionally known to be about as user friendly as a coiled rattlesnake and that's where Vector Linux
comes into play. We have produced a bloat free, easy to install, configure and maintain Slackware based system
that is second to none."
Vector Linux is extremely fast. I installed it inside a virtual machine and it boots in about half the time my Ubuntu
installation does. Even programs open faster inside the virtual machine than on my host. I find that amazing. Vector
Linux comes with all the standard software one would expect, and then includes some items that pleasantly
surprised me.
A sampling of what's expected:
KDE desktop
Firefox and a host of other internet tools
Chat clients
Now what wasn't expected or at least not included in all the other major distributions (maybe it should be?) is
IceWM. IceWM is an extremely lightweight and speedy desktop that doesn't sacrifice anything in terms of
style. Sure, it's not quite as pretty as KDE or Gnome but if you're in need for some speed, this should do
the trick.
IceWM is included by default on the single ISO freely downloadable distribution (You can order a deluxe version
with even more lightweight window managers). Using an administration tool created by Vector, it's very easy
to change your default desktop to IceWM and back to KDE.
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Either desktop is easy to use, even for beginners. The process of installing Vector Linux is a different story. While
it's no great obstacle for the experienced OS installer, newbies may be frightened away by the lack of a GUI
installer. The minimalistic installer has its advantages however and they lay in its speed. I don't think I've
ever installed an OS this fast, and that's right in line with what makes Vector Linux so special: Speed.
I don't want to ramble on in these reviews. Every review I read these days is the same. I highlighted what
makes Vector Linux stand out and that's what's important. You can click below for an extensive
screenshot gallery:
For a more in-depth review, see MadPenguin's review at:
I like Vector and am definitely going to consider it as my next distribution. For now though, I'm sticking with
what I have as I am trying not to reinstall every 3 weeks
Rp. 5000.00
Vector Linux is a small distro based on Slackware, it's goal is to be lightweight, quick and easy to use.
This is particularly true on older equipment. From the VectorLinux web site:
VECTORLINUX is a small, fast, Linux operating system for Intel, AMD and x86 compatible systems, based on one
of the original Linux distributions, Slackware. The enormously popular Slackware is the true 'Unix' of
Linux distributions and is used by major corporations, universities and home users alike. It's popularity stems
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from the fact that it is a robust, versatile and almost unbreakable system. We have produced a bloat free, easy to
install, configure and maintain Slackware based system that is second to none. We include automatic hardware
configuration, unique administration tools and easy package management via the Gslapt/slapt-get system. We are
also known as the fastest non-source distro on the planet!
Installation is very similar to Slackware, that is to say completely text based. While I am not a particular fan
of text based installers, this version is reasonably easy and explained well enough to make the user not feel like
they are about to do something awfully. The installation went fairly quick and painlessly, giving me the option
to create and chose my partitions, set up root and users, and off it goes. On the Laptop, it took just a bit over
20 minutes from start to reboot, not bad for the old boy.
First Boot:
Boot is surprisingly quick, in particular on the laptop (a Pentum 3 500 mhz). I have been tempted to try it on
my main computer to see how quickly it could go. It is easily the fastest load time I have seen on my laptop,
no questions asked! The login screen is a new one to me, it is likely a highly modified xdm login, that has
everything including dancing penguins around the screen! There are several window managers to chose
from, each with variations, Xfce, Ice, Fluxbox are all here, each with various options including having desktop
loaded using Rox filer. It provides a good deal of choice and ease of use while providing the smallest foot
print and keeping the system requirements low. Configuration is handled via a home grown
"GUI" called VASM. VASM is short for "Vector Administrative and Services Menu."
The long and the short of it is that VASM is a very thinly disguised text based code set. It uses simple
phrases to set off other text based scripts that walk you through setting up basics like networking, hardware setup,
display settings, well, pretty much everything. It works quite well, but, it is not the most intuitive tool I have
encountered. None the less, I was able to set up my wifi card with only a bit of tinkering which is pretty good, as I
have encountered a few distros that really did not want to play with my wifi card despite it having native Linux
drivers. VASM really comes down to a lot of what this distro is about, small, efficient and fast. And
yes, it works fine, you just need to understand and think a bit more about it than you do with something like
Mandriva's Control Center.
Rp. 5000.00
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Kartu VGA
Keyboard dan mouse.
4. Lebih dari sekedar Penerjemahan
Software-RI dilengkapi dengan berbagai dokumentasi dan petunjuk yang membantu pengguna.Buku Dokumentasi
bagi pengguna tersebut meliputi : Operasi GUI pada lingkungan desktop, Aplikasi utilitas untuk pengoperasian
sistem, Aplikasi perkantoran, Aplikasi permainan, Aplikasi Multimedia, Aplikasi Jaringan.
Bagi para pengembang akan dilengkapi dengan beragam dokumentasi : Petunjuk teknis proses penerjemahan,
Petunjuk teknis pembuatan dokumentasi, Petunjuk pemrograman dalam lingkungan Software-RI, Petunjuk
interpretasi lisensi Publik dalam kerangka hukum Indonesia.
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Distro Software-RI didaftarkan sebagai copyright dari BPPT, tetapi bebas untuk disalin dan disebarluaskan. BPPT
tidak bertanggung-jawab terhadap segala kerusakan, penyalahgunaan dan pertanggung-jawaban hukum yang
berhubungan dengan penyebaran Software-RI ini.
Program-program yang menggunakan lisensi Public dalam Software-RI tetap menggunakan lisensi tersebut.
Source code dari Software-RI disertakan pada paket CD dan di situs. Buku dokumentasi bebas untuk disalin,
diperbanyak dan disebarluaskan, selama persyaratan lisensi publik yang digunakan tetap dijaga. Bentuk softcopy
akan disediakan pada situs Software-RI dan mirrornya.
BPPT akan menyebarkan Software-RI ini secara bebas baik melalui CD, majalah ataupun melalui situs-situs mirror.
Pembebasan proses pemanfaatan Software RI agar halangan ekonomi untuk mendapatkan perangkat lunak yang
baik dan legal dapat dihilangkan. Ketersediaan dokumentasi secara bebas dan murah diharapkan dapat
meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat terhadap teknologi komputer.
6. Pengembang
Pengembangan Software RI melibatkan komunitas Open Source Indonesia dan dunia serta swasta, pemerintah
dan universitas. Baik sebagai penerjemah, uji coba pemberi umpan balik dan juga dalam menyediakan perangkat
Pemilihan lisensi publik memungkinkan hasil dari perangkat lunak ini dapat menjadi bibit bagi pengembangan
selanjutnya oleh masyarakat luas. Diharapkan dapat menekan biaya akibat duplikasi yang harus dilakukan
terhadap proyek sejenis, lisensi terbuka dan bebas didistribusikan
Rp. 5000.00
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X-DSL can be run as a live CD on a modded Xbox or installed to the Xbox hard drive. It will automatically boot into
X Windows where you can use your Xbox controller to control the mouse pointer and a virtual keyboard to enter
X-DSL has fluxbox based desktop, with applications for a number of common tasks including
X-DSL can be customised using myDSL extensions with over 200 extensions currently available from the Damn
Small Linux repository.
Rp. 5000.00
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As usual, our fast-paced development makes for a distro that is on the edge of things. Our latest release sports a
brand new kernel, and the latest udev, which provides improved support for hotplugging devices
cleaning up the remains of the old hotplug system. Now that the transition to a full udev is complete, we were also
able to remove the discover service.
The changes were not limited to the base system though; with the 2.4, a series of updated packages will be
released (nearly 130 packages). Amongst them the latest OpenOffice (2.0.2), Abiword (, Gnumeric (1.6.2),
the latest GTK2 (2.8.16), ...
In our continuous search for the best applications for our GTK2-based platform, we have replaced two of our
standard packages. Zenwalk 2.4 introduces Gnomebaker and Xarchiver (respectively CD/DVD burner and archive
manager) to replace Graveman and File-Roller.
To improve the user experience, we provide Zenwalk 2.4 with a brand new USB automount system. This process
takes place at the lowest possible level: When udev detects a new USB storage medium, a mount point will be
created, and the device will be mounted there. This does not require any user intervention. Upon removal, the
device will be unmounted, and the mount point will be removed. Since this solution relies on the base system of the
OS, it does not matter whether one is running X or not, it will work just the same.
Zenwalk Core is evolving toward a server system, although it still can be used to build a custom Desktop system. A
complete LAMP (Apache, Mysql, PHP) distribution was added, together with Samba server and Webmin. System
admins can setup a powerful web server or a SOHO file server within the 15 minutes install time of Zenwalk Core.
The resulting server is simple by design, and can be hardened at setup stage by enabling the netfilter firewall.
Other server packages are available via netpkg, these include postfix (2.2.7), Proftpd (1.3.0), Kerberos (1.4.3),
Openldap (2.2.30).
Rp. 5000.00
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Bagian dalam jaket dirangkap dengan bahan sutra imitasi sehingga tetap adem dan nyaman mesti digunakan di
lingkungan luar tanpa AC.
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<b>Press Book</b>
Buku ini tidak hanya menjelaskan kepada para pembaca apa itu sesungguhnya worm komputer namun juga
bagaimana membuat sebuah worm secara bertahap serta berbagai teknik rahasia dibelakangnya. Melalui Worm
WSar.1 hingga WSar.9, buku ini akan mengungkap teknik dasar dan beberapa teknik yang selama ini dirahasiakan
para worm writer ataupun virus writer, termasuk teknik polymorphic, droping file, watcher, shell spawning, enkripsi,
kompresi hingga teknik comparison yang akan diaplikasikan untuk melumpuhkan suatu antivirus.
Disertai dengan CD berisi Video Tutorial, Wallpapers, Source Code dan program pendukung lainnya
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Buku kedua ini dilengkapi pula dengan program Worm Hunter Trainer. Program ini mensimulasikan worm komputer
yang akan menginfeksi sistem komputer dan secara berkala membuat file infector pada disket.
Program yang akan menguji sekaligus melatih Anda menjadi seorang pemburu worm komputer yang handal.
Bukanlah suatu yang mustahil jika nantinya Anda membuat perusahaan AntiVirus lokal sendiri.
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Buku ini dilengkapi CD distro Linux ROSe PostgreSQL, hasil modifikasi atau remastering distro live-CD KNOPPIX
3.9. Distro ROSe PostgreSQL ini dapat dijalankan langsung dengan cara mem-boot komputer dari CDROM. Anda
juga dapat menginstalasi CD ini ke harddisk. Bab-bab buku ini dikelompokkan menjadi empat bagian yang terdiri
atas 14 bab ditambah sebuah lampiran tentang cara penggunaan program kasir yang disertakan dalam CD buku
Bagian pertama, Mengenal PostgreSQL, terdiri atas dua bab. Bab 1 mengenalkan pembaca tentang PostgreSQL.
Bab 2 menjelaskan dasar-dasar database.
Bagian kedua, Structured Query Language, terdiri atas enam bab. Bab 3 mengupas struktur tabel yang antara lain
menjelaskan tipe data dan identitas record. Bab 4 membahas seleksi record. Bab 5 mengupas hak akses user dan
group. Bab 6 menjelaskan konsep sistem perbankan dan transaksi. Bab 7 menjelaskan pembuatan fungsi dan bab
8 menjelaskan dan pembuatan schema.
Bagian ketiga, Programmer, terdiri atas dua bab. Bab 9 tentang bahasa pemrograman Python, PHP, dan Java
untuk mengakses PostgreSQL. Bab 10 menjelaskan teknis migrasi database PostgreSQL.
Bagian keempat, System Administrator, terdiri atas empat bab. Bab 11 membahas keamanan akses database. Bab
12 mengupas seputar backup database. Bab 13 menjelaskan beberapa antar muka PostgreSQL. Bab 14
menjelaskan cara instalasi CD KNOPPIX ROSe PostgreSQL ke harddisk.
On the CD:
Distro ROSe KNOPPIX 3.9: Kernel Linux 2.6.11, KDE 3.4.0, 2.0 Beta, berbagai aplikasi multimedia dari KDE untuk musik, video, dan grafis, Internet,
Mozilla-Firefox, Skype untuk VoIP, berbagai aplikasi server (Apache, Bind, Smail, DHCP, Samba), dan lain-lain.
Paket database dan pemrograman: PostgreSQL 7.4.7, Pgaccess (front-end berbasis Tk/Tcl untuk PostgreSQL),
dan Boa Costructor (IDE atau RAD tool untuk bahasa pemrograman Python dan WxWindows). Paket spesial
buatan penulis: Kasir (Point of Sales), Python2.3-daemon, dan Python2.3-qc atau Qt Console (Framework dengan
konsep Qt berbasis Python dan Curses. Sararan paket ini adalah untuk membuat aplikasi seperti yang dihasilkan
Clipper dengan dukungan multi-database).
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Bab ke 3 memebimbing untuk bekerja di GUI atau window Knoppix yaitu desktop KDE yang dinilai tampil mirip
Windows. Seterusnya dalam bab 4 dijelasksn beberapa program untuk mengkonfigurasi hardware serta trik trik
agar data di home dan file konfigurasi sistem tidak hilang ketika kemputer di-reboot. Tahap awal penjabaran sistem
operasi ditutup dengan memberikan petunjuk pengelolaaan jaringan di bab 5.
Mulai bab 6 ditemukan penjelasan mengenai progaram aplikasi yang disertakan. Dimulai dengan aplikasi
perkantoran yang mirip MS-Office dilanjutkan dengan program-program untuk desain grafis.
Penjelasan aplikasi lainnya termasuk untuk dunia pendidikan seperti KStars (planetarium) dan sejumlah permainan
yang mendidik (Bab 7).
Bab 8 dikhususkan untuk penggunaan Knoppix untuk aplikasi Multimedia seperti untuk menampilakan dan
memroses VCD/DVD, audio dan merekamnya ke CDR/RW.
Bab 9 dan 10 menunjukan cara aman menyiapkan partisi harddisk dan menginstalasi Knoppix secara permanen
(bila diinginkan) termasuk re-mastering Knoppix sesuai dengan selera Anda.
Bab satu mengenalkan Anda tentang Internet, Linux, dan hubungan antara Internet dan Linux.
Bab dua menjelaskan penggunaan Linux untuk mengakses informasi dan aplikasi berbasis web di Internet.
Bab tiga menjelaskan penggunaan e-mail client, yaitu program untuk mendownload, membaca, menjawab,
meneruskan, atau menulis e-mail.
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Bab empat menjelaskan penggunaan program untuk chatting dan instant messenger.
Bab lima membahas program untuk transfer file (ftp dan scp), dan program untuk mengakses komputer dari jauh
melalui jaringan (ssh). Bab enam menjelaskan program khusus untuk download file dari Internet secara cepat.
Bab tujuh membahas program-program pendukung untuk bekerja melalui jaringan, misalnya untuk mengakses
multimedia, dokumen teks, spreadsheet, presentasi, gambar, dan PDF.
Bagian kedua berisi tiga bab yang menjelaskan cara konfigurasi Linux agar dapat digunakan untuk mengakses
jaringan dan Internet, termasuk pembahasan Linux live-CD Ubuntu.
Bab delapan memberikan pengantar kepada Anda tentang protokol atau aturan jaringan Internet dan menjelaskan
cara setup jaringan TCP/IP di Linux.
Bab sembilan menjelaskan cara konfigurasi modem dial-up eksternal dan internal, modem handphone GPRS
GSM, dan modem CDMA untuk koneksi ke Internet.
Bab sepuluh menjelaskan cara menjalankan Linux live-CD Ubuntu untuk mengakses jaringan lokal dan Internet,
cara menyimpan file ke hard disk dan usb/flash disk, dan cara memotong partisi hard disk.
Target Pembaca:
Pengguna pemula Linux yang ingin mengakses jaringan komputer dan Internet.
Pengguna komputer di kantor dan rumah yang sedang migrasi dari Windows ke Linux.
Pelajar, mahasiswa, dan profesional TI yang sedang belajar jaringan komputer di Linux.
On the CD:
Distro Live-CD Ubuntu 5.10 dengan desktop GNOME 2.12, yang dilengkapi beragam aplikasi jaringan, office, dan
multimedia. Beberapa aplikasi jaringan antara lain web browser Mozilla Firefox, email client Evolution, Gaim untuk
Yahoo Messenger, GNOME BitTorrent untuk download file besar, Gnomemeeting untuk NetMeeting, Xchat IRC
untuk chatting, file sharing dengan SSH, FTP, dan Samba untuk koneksi dengan jaringan Windows. Aplikasi office
dengan Aplikasi multimedia antara lain Totem VCD/DVD player, Rhythmbox music player, dan
Gnome-CD player.
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Buku Mambo CMS : Membangun Website Profesionaldengan Masalah ini akan memandu Anda menginstalasi
software pendukung seperti Apache, PHP dan MySQL, serta Mambo hingga Anda dapat merasakan memiliki Web
server sendiri untuk membangun website pribadi . Pembahasan tiap bab berdasarkan fokus masing-masing tujuan
yang ingin dicapai. Terdapat juga daftar component, module, mambots, dan templates siap pakai yg tersedia dalam
CD pendukung.
Tiap bab tersusun secara sistematis dari mulai konsep sampai aplikasinya, seperti bab 1 yg membahas content
management systems, bab 2 konsep mambo free software , bab 3 cara menginstalasi mambo, bab 4 membahas
struktur mambo free software , bab 5 mengelola mambo free software, bab 6 mengelola component, bab 7
mengelola module dan mambots, bab 8 mengelola template, bab 9 mengelola menu lain dan bab 10 menggunakan
fasilitas penting.
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Disertakan CD khusus ROSe berbasis Knoppix, tanpa instalasi (dapat diinstalasi ke Harddisk, penuntun bhs
Indonesia), cocok bagi pemula Linux sebagai pegangan bermain game dan aplikasi desktop.
CD Bonus menyertakan berbagai Permainan (games) temasuk: Quake III Arena (demo), Chromium, Torcs, Tux
Racer, Rock 'n' Diaonds, Dogger, XGalaga, Frozen Bubble, Abusa dan FreeCraft.
Emulator 'WINE' dan WineX dapat dipakai mejalankan game Windows seperti Nexia, Ragnarok, Heretic dan
Raptor, emulator DingDong XMame dan emulator PS ePSXe.
Billing System untuk Game Center atau penyewaan komputer dan Warnet.
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Bab 2 menjelaskan cara mengelola website Mambo termasuk cara instalasi kompunen , modul, template , dan
lain-lain, hingga cara menambahkan kategori dan item-item isi.
Bab 3 menjelaskan tata letak Mambo , menambahkan formulir kontak, item menu, dan lain-lain, termasuk cara
mengubah tata letak halaman muka (homepage).
Bab 4 menjelaskan administrasi Mambotingkat lanjut, seperti cara mem-backup dan me-restore database,
mengubah tingkatan akses terhadap isi, mengelola user , dan lain-lain, hingga cara meningkatkan keamanan
Bab 5 menjelaskan cara membuat komponen Mambo, misalnya aplikasi untuk glossary, termasuk cara memaket
dan menginstalasinya.
Bab 6 menjelaskan cara membangun website yang lengkap, mulai dari merancang , menyusun objek, mengedit
menu, dan menampilkan isi pada halaman muka.
Bab 7 menjelaskan prinsip kerja Live-CD Knoppix Mambo, cara menjalankan langsung dari CD dan cara
menginstalasi ke harddisk.
Paket Mambo versi 4.5 dan komponen-komponennya , paket language, modules, dan templates serta browser web
Firefox 1.0
Distro Linux Live-CD Knoppix 3.7 yg telah di bangun ulang (remaster) untuk menjalankan server web Apache, PHP
, database MySQL dan aplikasi Mambo saat boot langsung dari CD.
Paket-paket yang disertakan KNOPPIX 3.7, antara lain Kernel 2.4.27 dan 2.6.9,
X Window, desktop KDE 3.3.1 , 1.1.3 web browser dan email client Mozilla 1.7, web browser dan
file mamager Konqueror, program email Kmail, instant messenger Gaim, beberapa aplikasi multimedia, dan
lain-lain sehingga totalnya mencapai sekitar 900 paket.
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Diawali penjelasan hal-hal terpenting yang diperlukan untuk membangun server hosting, buku ini diperdalam
memaparkan cara instalasi termasuk pengelolaaan user berikut 'setting' yang harus dilakukan seperti quota, DNS
(Domain Name System), instalasi dan konfigurasi BIND dsb-nya.
Tutorial server web memberikan pencerahan seputar Apache dan PHP, Vistrual host, server e-mail (SMTP &
POP3) menggunakan qmail termasuk cara menangkal virus dan spam.
Tutorial instalasi dan konfigurasi Proftpd sebagai server FTP dan server SSH sebagai applikasi login remote yang
aman, dijabarkan dalam 2 bab tersendiri.
Ulasan database MySQL mencakup cara membuat user dan database. Dilanjutkan dengan tutorial pengamanan
server hosting, termasuk pengawasan sistem, jaringan, log, web dan e-mail.
Sebagai penutup dijelaskan cara mem-backup data baik di server lokal maupun remote, termasuk konten
Konten CD:
* Semua script, program dan paket server yang dibahas (paket source tarball yang dapat digunakan untuk
semua jenis distro)
* Paket-paket server hosting dalam 3 format: source tarball (tar.gz atau tar.bz2), source RPM dan binari RPM.
* Distro Linux Knoppix 'Hosting' yang langsung bisa digunakan untuk menjalankan server DNS, web SMTP dan
POP3 maupun ssh, - lengkap tanpa instalasi di harddisk.
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Membuat distro, secara teknis dapat dianalogikan seperti meramu masakan. Meskipun resepnya telah dijelaskan,
namun tetap saja butuh sentuhan khusus dari pengembangnya agar menjadi distro yang dapat dinikmati oleh
pengguna yang dituju. Buku ini membahas aspek teknis dalam pembuatan distro. Meskipun kemampuan
pemrograman sangat membantu, namun bagi pembaca bukan programmer yang sudah terbiasa bekerja di
lingkungan Linux, akan dapat menggunakan buku ini dengan baik.
Pada buku ini, diberikan pengetahuan dasar pembuatan distro, termasuk beberapa model pengembangan distro,
termasuk beberapa model pengembangan distro dan standarisasi Linux. Lalu dibahas pula tentang seluk-beluk
manajemen paket RPM. Dikupas pula Anaconda, program terpenting dalam proses instalasi distro berbasis Redhat
/ Fedora Core. Selanjutnya buku ini juga membahas Kickstart, metode dan program untuk memudahkan dan
mengotomatisasi proses instalasi. Inti dari buku ini ialah menjelaskan dua cara pembuatan distro berbasis Fedora
Core asli, dan berbasis BlankOnSDK. Sebagai pelengkap dan bahan perbandingan, penulis menjelaskan cara
membuat distro berbasis Linux From Scratch pada bab terakhir.
Skill yang diperoleh: Setelah membaca dan mencoba tutorial dalam buku ini diharapkan pembaca:
- Memahami konsep pembuatan distroLinux
- Mampu membuat paket RPM
- Mampu mengembangkan distro baru berbasis Redhat / Fedora Core, BlankOn, dan Linux from Scratch.
On The CD: Distro Linux BlankOnSDK 1.1, turunan atau variasi Linux BlankOn 1.0. Satu CD ini telah berisi semua
paket dan skrip yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat distro baru. BlankOnSDK 1.1 yang berbasis Fedora Core 4 ini
juga dilengkapi GUI atau X Window, dengan desktop sederhana FluxBox.
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Paket buku ini termasuk CD Linux Blankon 1.0 (1 cd) berisi paket sistem operasi lengkap: Sistem dasar,
perkantoran (open office, gimp, sodipodim, planner, gpdf, dia, abiword, gnumeric), Jaringan (firefox, evolution, gftp,
gaim, openssh, samba, vnc-server, nfs-utils, wvdial, dll), Multmedia (Rhytmbox, totem-xine, grip, xcd-roast, tvtime,
helixplayer, sound juicer, dll).
Bab satu mengenalkan bahasa-bahasa pemrograman komputer, perbedaan antara Gambas dengan Visual Basic,
dan cara instalasi Gambas.
Bab dua menjelaskan cara memulai Gambas, membuat program atau projek baru, mengenal IDE, menu-menu,
dan kontrol Gambas.
Bab tiga menjelaskan istilah-istilah dalam Gambas seperti Comment, Variabel, Constanta, Data Type, Array,
Methods, Event, Property, Function, Operator, dan penanganan Error.
Bab empat menguraikan berbagai jenis fungsi di Gambas, seperti operasi aritmatika, operasi string, penanganan
file, input-output, kontrol alir program, waktu, konversi, dan tipe data.
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Bab lima menjelaskan cara membuat projek baru, mengedit properti projek, membuat file executable, menjalankan
projek melalui konsole, dan mengenal jendela dialog pada Gambas.
Bab enam memberi contoh pembuatan program kalkulator dan file loader atau program pembuka file.
Bab tujuh menjelaskan cara menggunakan Gambas untuk mengelola aplikasi database SQL, seperti membuat
database, tabel, dan operasi data pada SQL request.
Bab delapan menunjukkan proses pembangunan program billing system warnet, mulai dari konsep, pembuatan
aplikasi server, aplikasi client, dan cara membuat paket instalasi (installer).
Target Pembaca:
Programmer Visual Basic yang ingin beralih ke Linux.
Programmer dan calon programmer visual basic di Linux.
Mahasiswa dan siapa saja yang sedang belajar pemrogaman di Linux.
On the CD:
Distro Linux Live-CD KNOPPIX 4.0.2 berbasis Debian yang telah diremaster dengan menambahkan Gambas.
Distro ini berisi Kernel 2.6.12, desktop KDE 3.4, 2, Scribus desktop publishing, GIMP image editor,
aplikasi multimedia xmms, audacity, xine, berbagai aplikasi Internet seperti browser web Konqueror, klien email
Kmail, telepon Internet Skype, messenger Gaim, chatting xchat, server web Apache, SMTP smail, database
MySQL, dan lain-lain.
Paket source tarball dan binary Gambas.
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On the CDROM:
* geebox-0.98.5-en.iso
* geexbox-buku.iso
* geexbox-generator-0.98.5.tar.gz
* GeexBox secara mudah tanpa kompilasi dari source code
* geexbox-0.98.5.tar.bz2 (source codes)
* opensource.ogg, contoh lagu-lagu berlisensi Open Music License
Buku ini dilengkapi dengan cd distro linux live cd- geexbox yang telah dimodifikasi.
Penerbit: Dian Rakyat
Rp. 35000.00Rp. 33000.00
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09/2006 2.0 adalah kumpulan aplikasi perkantoran yang setara dengan MS Office, yang terdiri atas
pengolah kata plus editor HTML, spreadsheet, presentasi plus pengolah gambar, dan database. Buku ini dilengkapi
distro Linux live-CD berbasis Knoppix yang dapat menjalankan sistem operasi Linux, desktop X Window, dan 2.0, tanpa harus lebih dahulu menginstal ke hard disk.
Bab satu mengenalkan 2.0 serta cara menginstalasinya di Linux dan MS Windows.
Bab dua menjelaskan Writer, aplikasi pengolah kata yang setara dengan MS Word.
Bab tiga menjelaskan Calc, aplikasi spreadsheet yang setara dengan MS Excel.
Bab empat menjelaskan Impress, aplikasi presentasi yang setara dengan MS PowerPoint.
Bab lima menjelaskan Base, aplikasi database yang mirip dengan MS Access.
Target Pembaca:
Pengguna pemula Linux yang ingin menguasai aplikasi perkantoran untuk pekerjaan sehari-hari.
Pelajar dan mahasiswa yang sedang belajar komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran untuk pendidikan.
Setelah membaca dan megikuti tutorial dalam buku ini, pembaca akan memiliki skill sebagai berikut:
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Mampu menggunakan untuk mengolah dokumen teks, spreadsheet, presentasi, dana
On the CD:
Distro Linux Live-CD KNOPPIX 4.0.2 berbasis Debian yang telah diremaster dengan menambahkan 2.0. Distro ini berisi Kernel 2.6.12, desktop KDE 3.4, 2.0, multimedia player xmms,
VCD/DVD player xine, browser web Konqueror, klien email Kmail, messenger Gaim, chatting xchat, SMTP smail,
database MySQL, dan lain-lain.
Paket binary 2.0 untuk Linux dan MS Windows, plus Java Runtime Environments untuk Linux.
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Daftar Isi:
1. Pengenalan Diskless System
- 1.1/1.2 Keuntungan & Kerugian Diskless System
- 1.3 Persiapan HW & SW
- 1.4 Konfigurasi Server
- 1.5 Konfigurasi Client
2. Cara kerja Diskless System
3. Instalasi K12LTSP
4. Setting Diskless Server
5. Setting Diskless Client
6. Setting Floppy Pada Diskless Client
7. Setting Multimedia Pada Diskless Server
8. Aplikasi Diskless System
- 8.1 Institusi Keuangan
- 8.2 Bidang Kesehatan
- 8.3 Usaha Perdagangan
- 8.4 Perhotelan & Biro Perjalanan
- 8.5 Pendidikan
- 8.6 RITEL & Restoran
- 8.7 Seputar Implementasi
- 8.8 Masa Depan Diskless System
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Pernahkah halaman home page browser Anda diganti tanpa Anda sadari dan selalu membuka situs porno secara
otomatis ? Itulah salah satu kerjaan Spyware !
Pernahkah password ICQ, Internet Banking, mIRC, Friendster, Email, dll Anda dicuri tanpa Anda sadari ? Itulah
salah satu kerjaan Keylogger !
Pernahkan data Anda tiba-tiba hilang atau rusak dan komputer Anda bertingkah laku aneh ? itulah salah satu
kerjaan Virus.
Buku ini akan memperlihatkan kepada Anda bagaimana Spyware, Virus dan Keylogger bisa dibuat dengan bahasa
tingkat tinggi Visual Basic. Benar, Visual Basic yang dikenal sebagai bahasa tingkat tinggi untuk pemrograman
database dan program utility bisa digunakan untuk pembuatan spyware, virus maupun keylogger.
Perkembangan Virus lokal yang semakin mengganas seperti dengan munculnya brontok yang dibuat dengan virual
basic 6 telah membuktikan keampuhan Visual Basic. Kini tiba saatnya bagi Anda untuk ikut mengetahui rahasia
cara pembuatannya.
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Kenyataannya, hampir semua situs tidak lagi membuat tampilannya dengan murni HTML (karena keterbatasan
HTML tentunya).
Mereka (para web developer) menggunakan teknologi yang disebut dengan Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) untuk
memermak habis-habisan situs mereka. Dan hasilnya adalah tampilan yang "tidak mungkin dibuat dengan tag
HTML biasa".
Buku ini adalah kumpulan resep CSS, kumpulan bagaimana mereka (para webdeveloper) mengembangkan
tampilan yang "hanya CSS yang dapat melakukannya".
Pada Bab I, akan dijelaskan tag-tag HTML secara singkat. Khusus bagi Anda yang memang sudah menguasai
HTML Anda dapat melanjutkan ke bab II, yaitu tentang penulisan CSS dalam HTML. Bab III, IV, V, dan VI adalah
kumpulan resep praktis untuk pemformatan teks, link, bullet, layouut, posisi, form dan lain - lain.
Buku ini berisi tentang tip dan trik perintah HTML dan CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). Pembahasan dimulai dari
dasar - dasar HTML, layout dan navigasi hingga layout tingkat lanjut dengan menggunakan CSS. Tiap tip atau trik
berdiri sendiri secara mandiri dan tidak berhubungan dengan tip dan trik yang lain, sehingga pembaca dapat
melihat tip dan trik manapun tanpa harus membaca dari halaman pertama.
On the CDROM: file file latihan, text editor (cofeestylesheet, stylemaster, topstyle), contoh contoh HTML dan CSS
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Buku ini adalah kumpulan resep praktis VB. Didalamnya berisi kode -kode yang dapat langsung Anda letakkan
pada program aplikasi Anda tanpa direpotkan dengan instalasi yang rumit.
Dalam buku ini terdapat resep - resep yang berhubungan dengan angka, seperti memformat angka, trigonometri,
bilangan prima, membilang angka (dalam bahasa Indonesia), basis, konversi ke romawi dan sebaliknya. Begitu
pula resep yang berhubungan dengan string, seperti menguji pola suatu string, validasi email, engkripsi - dekripsi,
enkripsi satu arah, membuat validasi serial number, kombinasi dan permutasi.
Selanjutnya ada pula resep - resep yang berhubungan dengan tanggal dan jam, seperti operasi - operasi tanggal
(mencari selisih hari, menambah tanggal dengan interval tertentu) dan konversi dari detik ke hari, jam, menit, detik.
Kemudian resep resep yang berhubungan dengan array.
Pada bab bab terakhir pada buku ini, berisi resep-resep yang berhubungan dengan file dan folder, seperti
mengkopi file, mendapatkan properti dari file atau folder, memecah sebuah file besar ke dalam beberapa file kecil
dan menggabungkannya kembali, dan banyak lagi. Lalu resep - resep yang berhubungan dengan form dan control,
seperti membuat text box yang hanya menerima angka, membuat splash screen, menu pop up pada list box,
mengatur alignment pada command button, dan banyak lagi.
On the CDROM: Berisi file file latihan , VB tools (turbovblite, codesmart, officeocx, code advisor for vb6), VB
service pack 6, 101 VB Samples, contoh - contoh program VB yang ada di buku.
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Kini buku legendaris ini telah mencapai cetakan ke-9 yang dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2006
Penulis : S'to
Include CD berisi Video
Halaman 136
Index Tidak
Cover Softcover
Tahun Terbit Oktober 2005
Level Pemula - Menengah
Rp. 45000.00Rp. 42000.00
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Jika Anda pernah berfikir bahwa firewall mampu mencegahnya, Jika Anda pernah berfikir bahwa update patch
terbaru mampu menghalanginya, Jika Anda pernah berfikir bahwa hanya orang jenius yang mampu melakukannya,
maka Anda salah besar !
Buku ini menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana sebuah aplikasi dibuat dan bagaimana aplikasi tersebut bisa
diambil alih dengan mudah tanpa perlu menggunakan tools yang canggih.
Dengan adanya CD yang berisi Video, Source Code dan Program yang dibutuhkan, topik yang biasanya selalu
dianggap susah menjadi mudah untuk diikuti dan dipelajari oleh siapapun. Kuasai ilmu hacker ini sebelum hacker
menguasai Anda !
* Anda akan melihat pembuatan suatu aplikasi dengan bahasa ASP dan PHP dan bagaimana aplikasi
Penulis S'to
Include CD berisi Video+Audio, Source Code, Program,Dokumen dan Wallpapers SIH-ReCODED
Halaman 176
Index Tidak
Cover Softcover
Tahun Terbit Maret 2006
Level Pemula - Menengah - Mahir
Rp. 50000.00Rp. 45000.00
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Ketika kehidupan sudah tidak bisa dipisahkan dari perkembangan teknologi komputer, maka pilihannya hanya dua.
Memanfaatkan dengan memahaminya atau dimanfaatkan karena tidak memahaminya dan menjadi korban dari
teknologi itu sendiri.
Hacker yang sering diidentikkan dengan kejahatan hanyalah orang-orang yang memiliki pengertian dan
pemahanan yang lebih daripada korbannya.
Buku ini mengungkapkan kepada Anda berbagai teknik yang sering digunakan oleh para Hacker dalam melalukan
berbagai aksi yang sering dianggap tidak mungkin. Buku ini juga sengaja disusun untuk memperlihatkan kepada
Anda bahwa seorang Hacker tidak harus jago atau bahkan menguasai bahasa programming yang rumit.
Kumpulan teknik yang disusun dengan detail ini memberikan anda pengertian tentang konsep dan teknik yang
harus Anda kuasai agar tidak menjadi korban teknologi.
Penulis S'to
Include CD berisi program yang dibahas
Halaman 216
Index Ya
Cover Softcover
Tahun Terbit Desember 2004
Level Pemula - Menengah
Rp. 48000.00Rp. 45000.00
Page 249/339
Buku ini merupakan panduan praktis untuk menguasai bahas SQL. Perintah-perintah SQL disajikan dalam bentuk
resep-resep. Diperkaya dengan latihan-latihan yang menyertakan contoh-contoh yang aplikatif. Dilengkapi dengan
satu CD yang mengemas software yang dibutuhkan, dokumentasi, manual, listing program, dan arsip milis. Dalam
CD juga mengandung dump database-database contoh yang dibahas dalam buku.
Ke-sistematisan buku ini dijaga ketat, diawali dengan pengantar garis besar SQL yang mencakup bab 1-3. Mulai
bab 4 sampai dengan 7 mengandung tutorial:
Tujuan buku ini adalah meningkatkan wawasan pembaca tentang cara kerja SQL dan metoda pendekatan dalam
menyelesaikan sebuah query.
Buku Kumpulan Resep Query Menggunakan MySQL ini, kendati memanfaatkan MySQL namun fokus
pembahasannya pada bahasa SQL dengan melakukan banding fitur dengan SQL standar.
Xandros merupakan salah satu distro Linux yang popular karena kemiripannya dengan MS Windows, dan mudah
digunakan untuk aplikasi office, Internet, dan multimedia.
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Bab 1 berisi petunjuk instalasi Xandros. Jika komputer Anda telah terinstal Xandros, Anda bisa langsung membaca
bab 2.
Bab 3 membahas aplikasi Internet dengan Xandros, seperti untuk mengakses web, email, dan chatting. Bab 3 juga
menjelaskan cara menghubungkan Xandros dengan jaringan Windows untuk sharing file.
Bab 4 mengupas cara setup hardware di Xandros, antara lain seputar printer, kamera digital, dan modem internal.
Bab 5 membahas aplikasi perkantoran (office) dan grafis, yang meliputi untuk mengolah kata,
spreadsheet, dan presentasi, serta beberapa program untuk mengolah gambar, mengedit teks, menampilkan file
PDF/PS, dan membuat screenshot.
Bab 6 membahas aplikasi multimedia, antara lain untuk memutar musik dan video. Anda juga dapat membuat CD
atau merekam file-file audio ke CD dengan program penulis CD yang dibahas dalam bab 6 ini.
Bab 7 membahas penggunaan CrossOver versi standard demo untuk menginstal beberapa program MS Windows,
antara lain Internet Explorer dan Windows Media Player.
Target Pembaca:
Buku Xandros ini ditujukan untuk pengguna komputer yang ingin migrasi ke Linux secara bertahap, dengan tetap
dapat menjalankan program Windows di Linux, serta untuk pengguna pemula Linux.
Setelah mengikuti tutorial dalam buku ini, pembaca akan mampu menginstal Linux, menjalankan program Windows
di Linux, dan menggunakan Linux sebagai pengganti Windows untuk aplikasi office, Internet, dan multimedia.
On the CD:
Linux Xandros OCE 3.0.2 berisi kernel 2.6.11, KDE 3.3 dengan tampilan yang mirip Windows, lengkap dengan
aplikasi untuk Internet, grafis dan multimedia berbasis KDE, 1.1.2, driver nVidia, beberapa driver
modem internal, dan Windows Emulator CrossOver Office demo.
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Buku yang unik dengan memberikan pengajaran yang menandai sebuah era baru dimana anda akan belajar
dengan text, audio dan video.
Buku ini dijamin akan sangat berguna bagi pemula sehingga bisa mempelajari linux melalui "jalan yang benar".
Kami menjamin bukan hanya sekedar kata-kata namun buku ini memberikan jaminan "Uang Kembali" sekiranya
ternyata tidak bermutu !
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FreeDOS is a free DOS-compatible operating system for IBM-PC compatible systems. FreeDOS is made of up
many different, separate programs that act as "packages" to the overall FreeDOS Project.
You can run FreeDOS on pretty much anything. While can run FreeDOS on a dedicated PC, now it's most often run
inside a PC emulator. You can find PC emulators for all computer platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac.) If you are new
to DOS, we recommend you use an emulator to install and boot FreeDOS.
FreeDOS is open source software; you can view and edit our source code. Most FreeDOS programs are distributed
under the GNU General Public License ("GNU GPL") which means they are not only open source software, but
they are Free software. Because of this, FreeDOS would not exist were it not for all the people who contribute to it.
Even if you didn't write code, you helped out the FreeDOS Project by submitting comments and bug reports.
We welcome new members to FreeDOS. You can help contribute to the FreeDOS Project by downloading our
latest release and telling us what you think. We have a bug tracking system that helps you report problems and
submit requests, and otherwise tell us how to improve FreeDOS. By participating in the development and
debugging process, you help everyone.
You are downloading an entire operating system, and in most cases, you are then going to install the operating
system on your computer. If you already have another operating system on your computer, it may be overwritten
during the installation process. If this is not what you intend, stop now.
Rp. 5000.00
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Minix 3 (1 cd)
Model cd-minix
Tuesday 27 June, 2006
Cikal bakalnya Linux..MINIX 3 is a new open-source operating system designed to be highly reliable, flexible, and
secure. It is based somewhat on previous versions of MINIX, but is fundamentally different in many key ways.
MINIX 1 and 2 were intended as teaching tools; MINIX 3 adds the new goal of being usable as a serious system on
resource-limited and embedded computers and for applications requiring high reliability
This new OS is extremely small, with the part that runs in kernel mode under 4000 lines of executable code. The
parts that run in user mode are divided into small modules, well insulated from one another. For example, each
device driver runs as a separate user-mode process so a bug in a driver (by far the biggest source of bugs in any
operating system), cannot bring down the entire OS. In fact, most of the time when a driver crashes it is
automatically replaced without requiring any user intervention, without requiring rebooting, and without affecting
running programs. These features, the tiny amount of kernel code, and other aspects greatly enhance system
MINIX 3 is initially targeted at the following areas:
MINIX 3 Features
* POSIX compliant
* Networking with TCP/IP
* Two ANSI C compilers (ACK and gcc)
* Over 400 UNIX programs
* Many improvements since V2
Hardware Required
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To run MINIX 3, you need a PC driven by a 386, 486, or Pentium CPU or compatible. The standard configuration
requires 16 MB of RAM. An 8-MB version is also available, but it is slower due to a smaller buffer cache. Since the
distribution comes on a live CD, you can test it without allocating any hard disk space, but for a hard disk
installation, 50 MB is needed as a minimum, 600 MB minimum if you want all the sources.
Current Status
The current version of MINIX 3 (3.1.2) is a work in progress. It is nowhere near as mature as FreeBSD or Linux
right now. Ports to the Xscale and PowerPC are underway. Various programs and device drivers are being ported,
and so on. People who would like to help develop a highly reliable operating system are more than welcome.
Rp. 5000.00
Page 256/339
Major Features
Xorg 6.8.2-77, substantially revamped, fixed to auto-detect hardware and configure itself
More network drivers (Via Rhine, ADMtek & Macronix - for the full list see Changelog)
23 bugs total (including a few critical showstoppers) fixed since the previous (11/07) pre-alpha release.
GNOME 2.12.1
Page 257/339
Complete GNOME Office (Abiword, Gnumeric, GNOME-DB, Inkspace, GIMP, Gnomemeeting, Dia)
Server applications:
Apache1 (1.3.33), Apache2 (2.0.54) next generation, scalable, extendable web server
Page 258/339
The ReactOS project is dedicated to making Free Software available to everyone by providing a ground-up
implementation of a Microsoft Windows XP compatible operating system. ReactOS aims to achieve complete
binary compatibility with both applications and device drivers meant for NT and XP operating systems, by using a
similar architecture and providing a complete and equivalent public interface.
Although Free Software advocates agree that free software operating systems improve the state of the art by
fostering competition, ReactOS has practical benefit for others, too; ReactOS is the most complete working model
of a Windows like operating system available. Consequently, working programmers will learn a great deal by
studying ReactOS source code and even participating in ReactOS development.
ReactOS components are growing more and more compatibile with equivalent, closed source alternatives, but
ReactOS doesn't simply stop at an arbitrary line in the sand. ReactOS has and will continue to incorporate new
versions of the Win32 API and so will track and sometimes even define the state of the art in operating system
technology. Rather than using current technology as a limit on our activities, we are constantly incorporating
features from newer versions as well.
In short, ReactOS is aiming to run your applications and use your hardware! Finally, a FOSS operating system for
Rp. 12000.00
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* build system now automatically detects msys instead of requiring user to set env variable. (Royce Mitchell)
* build system does version check of Make up front - gives clear error message if running incompatible version of
Make (Royce Mitchell)
* build system now allows parallel builds (different and different config.xml) (Art Yerkes)
* build system now allows conditional modules (Art Yerkes)
* Implement linkerscript element and element. (Casper Hornstrup)
* The separator (slash or back slash), exepostfix and exeprefix are initialized from environment variables. The
separators in the path for the system command are always converted for the host system. Our own build utilities
must convert paths itself (bin2res). (Hartmut Birr)
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Although Free Software advocates agree that free software operating systems improve the state of the art by
fostering competition, ReactOS has practical benefit for others, too; ReactOS is the most complete working model
of a Windows like operating system available. Consequently, working programmers will learn a great deal by
studying ReactOS source code and even participating in ReactOS development.
ReactOS components are growing more and more compatible with equivalent, closed source alternatives, but
ReactOS doesn't simply stop at an arbitrary line in the sand. ReactOS has and will continue to incorporate new
versions of the Win32 API and so will track and sometimes even define the state of the art in operating system
technology. Rather than using current technology as a limit on our activities, we are constantly incorporating
features from newer versions as well.
In short, ReactOS is aiming to run your applications and use your hardware! Finally, a FOSS operating system for
In short, ReactOS is aiming to run your applications and use your hardware! Finally, a FOSS operating system for
Rp. 12000.00
ReactOS is a free and open-sourced operating system based on the Windows architecture, providing support for
existing applications and drivers, and an alternative to the current dominant consumer operating system.
It would be perhaps important to start by saying what ReactOS -isn't-. It is not another wrapper built on Linux, like
WINE. It does not attempt or plan to compete with WINE; in fact, the user-mode part of ReactOS is almost entirely
WINE-based and our two teams have close ties. ReactOS is also not "yet another OS". It does not attempt to be a
third player, like SkyOS or any other alternative OS out there. People are not meant to uninstall Linux and use
ReactOS instead; ReactOS is a replacement for Windows users. As such, this has created a lot of
Page 261/339
misunderstanding from both sides. Linux users often wonder why create dillution in the free OS space by creating a
Windows-alike OS; wouldn't that keep some people from switching to Mac/Linux? Windows developers, on the
other hand, don't understand the need to reinvent the wheel by an OS that doesn't have the high quality and
support that Windows has. The raison-d'etre of ReactOS is the simple fact that some people, or especially
companies, will -never- switch to Linux. No matter how much Linux gets better, or is better, it is not an option for
them. Some people out there still use the 2.2 Linux Kernel and refuse to upgrade to a new version of the same OS;
it is understandable that others will be totally unwilling to switch to a whole new OS. Until now, open source had no
way to reach out to those people. Sure, other free applications could slowly get rid of the Microsoft applications,
such as Office and IE, but the OS itself is hard to get rid of. This is the target and intended audience of ReactOS.
Because of its compatibility and visual consistency with Windows, it removes much of the problems that people or
companies face when switching to Linux: training everyone on the new OS, increased support costs, acquiring or
writing new software, hardware incompatibilities, and the list grows. With ReactOS, all those worries vanish, except
perhaps for the fact that any support contract with Microsoft will be rendered useless (however, any technician or
3rd-party personel in charge of this would have no problem). A good test for ReactOS, in its final version, would be
to secretely install it on a grandmother's computer, and see if she notices the change. If she is still able to use the
PC like before, then ReactOS has suceeded somewhere where Linux would've certaintly failed. Therefore, the fear
that ReactOS will compete with other alternative operating systems is unfounded; it will only compete and take
market share away from Windows.
Whilst ReactOS' source availability and current usage is mostly intended for programmers to expand and improve
on, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to use it, and in its final state will be a completely friendly consumer OS.
If you've used Windows before, you'll find yourself in a familiar environment with ReactOS. The learning curve
should be minimal, if any at all, since ReactOS duplicates many of the Windows graphical environment applets,
control panels and dialogs (Windows 2000/XP/2003's, not Vista's).
Focus at present is on developing ReactOS to a stage where it is capable of running most Windows drivers and
applications "out of the box." This does not mean that ReactOS will stop there, however; as new features are added
to Windows, our developers be striving to incorporate such new features in future versions of ReactOS. Once the
compatibility level has been reached, we may even choose to improve ReactOS beyond its Windows roots. These
changes would be external from the main OS, and totally compatible with Windows, but they would add an extra
advantage. For example, one of our goals is to have built-in POSIX compatibility, much like Windows Services for
Unix. It could also be as simple as natively supporting multiple desktops however, instead of requiring a powertoy.
Once a dream of those opposed to the monopoly Microsoft hold on desktop operating systems, more and more
developers are joining the reaction that is known as... ReactOS.
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Asli Bali
Belum sempet ke Bali? ato ke Bali tapi ga nemuin topi khas ini? Dapetin sekarang di Toko Baliwae. Asli BALI!!
Page 263/339
Dimensi: 10 x 3 cm
Page 264/339
Ingin merasa di Bali tanpa perlu ke Bali? tidak punya waktu ke Bali? Setel CD ini!
Rp. 5000.00
Page 265/339
Posisi boneka duduk, dengan sayap yang bisa digerak gerakkan. bahan permukaan boneka halus dan lembut.
Aman untuk anak - anak.
Tinggi: 27 cm
Lebar: 16 cm
Tebal perut: 14 cm
Rp. 49980.00
Page 266/339
CD IlmuKomputer.COM (1 cd)
Model cd-ilkom
Saturday 29 October, 2005
IlmuKomputer.Com menyediakan CD yang disebarkan secara gratis ke seluruh pelosok tanah air. Hubungi
distributor terdekat dengan lokasi anda untuk mendapatkan CD gratis IlmuKomputer.Com.
Untuk pemesanan ke distributor yang bersifat swadaya masyarakat (tanpa sponsor), kemungkinan pemesan akan
diminta mengganti biaya pembelian CD kosong seharga Rp 0-5000 (maksimal Rp 5000).
Rp. 5000.00Rp. 4000.00
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Page 268/339
The REALbasic Tutorial comprises a series of practical lessons for learning REALbasic.
The lessons are structured so that they can be completed in an average of 30 minutes
or less. Since the material in each chapter builds on the previous one, you should plan
on working sequentially through this tutorial.
During the course of this tutorial, you will use REALbasic to build a complete
application. You will build a text editor application that is similar to NotePad, the
text editor that is included with Windows or SimpleText, the text editor that ships
with Mac OS X. Using REALbasic, you will be able to compile the application for
Windows, Macintosh, and Linux computers.
You will quickly learn to appreciate REALbasics power and ease of use. For the
entire application, you will only need to create about 200 lines of programming code.
Rp. 7500.00
Page 269/339
`Even after two years on the shelf, Security Engineering remains the most important security text published in the
last several years'
Information security Magazine
Table of content
My goal in making the book freely available is twofold. First, I want to reach the widest possible audience,
especially among poor students. Second, I am a pragmatic libertarian on free culture and free software issues; I
think that many publishers (especially of music and software) are too defensive of copyright. I don't expect to lose
money by making this book available for free: more people will read it, and those of you who find it useful will
hopefully buy a copy. After all, a proper book is half the size and weight of 300-odd sheets of laser-printed paper in
a ring binder. (My colleague David MacKay found that putting his book on coding theory online actually helped its
sales. Book publishers are getting the message faster than the music or software folks.)king this book available for
free: more people will read it, and those of you who find it useful will hopefully buy a copy. After all, a proper book is
half the size and weight of 300-odd sheets of laser-printed paper in a ring binder. (My colleague David MacKay
found that putting his book on coding theory online actually helped its sales. Book publishers are getting the
message faster than the music or software folks.)
Rp. 7500.00
Page 270/339
some examples:
Yahoo Messenger Remote Exploit, Windows XP/2003 Metafile Escape() Code Execution Exploit (meta), BlueCoat
WinProxy 6.0 R1c (Host) Remote Stack/SEH Overflow Exploit, SCO Openserver 5.0.7 (termsh) Local Privilege
Escalation Exploit, Linux Kernel
Rp. 20000.00Rp. 15000.00
Page 271/339
Sony AK Knowledge Center merupakan pusat pengetahuan IT (Information Technology) yang profesional dan
online di internet. Semua materi yang ada pada situs kami sifatnya gratis dan siap Anda baca kapan saja selama
Anda bisa terhubung ke internet. Situs kami berisi banyak artikel baik itu tip dan trik dari berbagai bidang di dunia
IT. Kami juga menyediakan beberapa kanal lain yang bisa Anda akses setiap saat. Seluruh artikel yang ada pada
situs kami bisa Anda cari baik melalui fasilitas pencarian internal yang kami sediakan maupun melalui situs pencari
yang ada di internet seperti Google, Yahoo! atau MSN.
Kami sangat menghargai segala pengetahuan yang kami miliki untuk bisa dibagi dan dipublikasikan secara luas
kepada seluruh pembaca kami dengan gratis. Kami memiliki komitmen yang tinggi terhadap pekerjaan mulia ini,
semata-mata agar Anda puas dan bisa memperoleh manfaat dari kerja dan karya yang sudah kami hasilkan disini.
Kami mencintai komputer, internet, teknologi dan kami akan senantiasa berbagi dengan Anda.
Kami didukung oleh orang-orang yang sangat berpengalaman dan bersemangat tinggi di bidang e-learning
(belajar secara online). Kami bekerja keras agar segala pengetahuan yang sudah kami publikasikan di situs ini bisa
bermanfaat bagi Anda. Tujuan kami adalah menghasilkan pusat pengetahuan pada bidang IT yang berguna bagi
seluruh pembaca kami. Sejalan dengan berkembangnya situs ini, kami akan terus berjuang, berkarya dan
membuat segalanya menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya.
Rp. 5000.00
Page 272/339
Wireless networks are popping up everywhere. They provide a lot of freedom but not without cost: All too many
wireless networks are left wide open for attack. As with any other computer or network, you must be up on the
latest security concepts to properly secure 802.11-based wireless networks. But locking them down involves more
than just port-scanning testing and patching vulnerabilities. You must also have the right security tools, use the
proper testing techniques, and possess a watchful eye. And know your enemy: Its critical to think like a hacker to
get a true sense of how secure your information really is.
Rp. 15000.00Rp. 10000.00
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FreeBSD is by far the most popular version of BSD, the legendary operating system that has contributed a great
deal to every version of Unix in use today (including Mac OS X). Originally a community effort by the University
of California at Berkeley, FreeBSD was aimed at making Unix a little friendlier and easier to use. By the time other
free operating systems came along, BSD was firmly established and very reliable. And it continues to be today.
For seven years, the FreeBSD community has relied on Greg Lehey's classic, The Complete FreeBSD, to guide
them through its configuration and administration. The 4th edition, is now available through O'Reilly Community
The Complete FreeBSD is an eminently practical guidebook that explains not only how to get a computer up and
running with the FreeBSD operating system, but also how to turn it into a highly functional and secure server that
can host large numbers of users and disks, support remote access, and provide web service, mail service, and
other key parts of the Internet infrastructure. The book provides in-depth information on installation and updates,
back-ups, printers, RAID, various Internet services, firewalls, the graphical X Window system, and much more.
Author Greg Lehey is a member of the FreeBSD core team and has been developing, documenting, and
advocating for FreeBSD for nearly ten years. Whether you're an experienced Unix user or just interested in learning
more about this free operating system and how you can put it to work for you, this do-it-yourself BSD
documentation will provide the information you need.
The Complete FreeBSD is the second release in the O'Reilly Community Press Series. Unlike classic O'Reilly
animal books, which are created to fill an information void, the Community Press titles provide convenient printed
copies of documentation that is already available online. O'Reilly's role in the series is limited to providing
manufacturing and distribution services rather than editorial development, so that each Community Press title
reflects the editorial voice and organization of the community that has created it.
Rp. 10000.00
Page 274/339
Bonus: Slack Book (berisi tutorial Lengkap Distro Slackware dalam format PDF siap cetak)
Rp. 5000.00
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Page 277/339
Kamu dapat bermain dengan sebebas-bebasnya, kamu dapat menembak dan bersembunyi, dapat menggali
lubang untuk bersembunyi.
Kebebasan yang kamu rasakan benar-benar hidup seperti apa yang kamu pikirkan. Kamu dapat bebas memilih
kendaraan yang akan digunakan untuk berperang sesuai dengan keinginan kamu, juga dapat memilih pakaian
yang akan kamu kenakan pada Avatar kamu.
Jika kamu memenangkan pertempuran maka kamu akan mendapatkan bonus atau hadiah, dan dengan itu kamu
bisa membeli pakaian yang terbaik untuk kamu gunakan di dalam peperangan.
Di permainan ini kamu diharapkan bisa membidik sasaran dengan tepat dan carilah poin
sebanyak-banyaknya,"pakaian" dan "permaianan" yang menarik akan mempengaruhi jumlah bonus yang akan
kamu dapatkan.
Pemain dengan sikap yang kurang baik dapat memenangkan pertempuran,tapi jumlah bonusnya hanya sedikit.
Rp. 5000.00
Page 278/339
PangYa adalah permainan golf sederhana, di mana aturan - aturan golf yang sulit dihilangkan dan diubah menjadi
format yang lucu dan mudah untuk dimengerti, sehingga semua orang dapat menikmati permainan ini.
Walau begitu, ini juga bukan merupakan game yang simple. Seiring dengan waktu bermain, kamu dapat
menemukan hal - hal baru, dan kamu akan merasa semakin mendalami PangYa.
Berdasar pada OS Windows, interface pada PangYa membuat orang yang telah terbiasa menggunakan
Windows mudah untuk terhubung dengan PangYa, bermain, dan chatting dengan pemain lain.
Lupakan interface yang membingungkan. Tekan saja icon - icon PangYa yang intuitif, dan kamu dapat segera
bermain PangYa!
Aturan utama dalam PangYa adalah bagaimana kita bersikap. Berbeda dari game online lain, pemain lain bukanlah
saingan atau musuhmu, tapi lebih merupakan seorang partner yang bermain bersama. Dalam kompetisi, di mana
semua emosi seperti gelisah, marah, tantangan dan kesenangan dapat muncul, seorang musuh adalah diri kamu
Jangan menganggap lawan main adalah seorang musuh. Lawanlah konsentrasi dan kontrol diri untuk menjadi
pemenang sejati!
Sudut pandang yang aktif, permainan yang menarik, animasi karakter yang lucu, dan latar belakang 3D, membuat
PangYa terlihat sebagai game dengan kualitas yang baik..
Dalam perkembangan dunia game online Indonesia, PangYa akan memberikan nuansa segar dengan genre yang
berbeda, serta hiburan dan kesenangan baru.
Rp. 5000.00
Page 279/339
Tapi keadaan seperti ini dimanfaatkan oleh para pedagang untuk mewujudkan impian mereka. Para pedagang dari
Korea, Jepang dan Cina berkelana ribuan kilometer jauhnya, melewati gunung - gunung yang tinggi, sungai sungai yang panjang dan melintasi lautan luas nan ganas untuk memperoleh kemasyhuran serta kekayaan.
Petualangan seperti ini yang harus dijalani oleh orang yang ingin menjadi seorang Pedagang Termasyhur! (The
Great Merchant)
Fitur Tambahan
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launch native Linux applications right through the Cedega user interface.
Cedega 5.2 also improves game play by adding support for recent versions of dbus which do not require a cd/dvd
listing in the /etc/fstab file. Once again auto-detection, installation and copy protection should be working for all
We have no doubt that with Cedega 5.2 your gaming experience will escalate to new heights and that gaming on
Linux will be far easier and better than ever. If you haven't tried playing games on Linux with Cedega yet, this is a
great opportunity to start now.
*Oblivion Support*
We've been reading the forums, tallying the votes, and have heard the constant chants for The Elder Scrolls IV:
Oblivion. Our development team has been working feverishly towards building support for Shaders 2.0 and we're
not quite there just yet. However, we know you want to play Oblivion and we have, in the interim, found a way to
support this title using Oldblivion. Oldblivion is a project designed to allow Oblivion to be played on video cards that
don't support Pixel and Vertex Shaders 2.0. With Oldblivion support, TransGamers now have access to the full
content of Oblivion using Shader model 1.X which means you can still enjoy the game in all its glory. In order to run
Oldblivion, simply update Cedega to version 5.2, visit, download and setup according to the
instructions on the site and you'll be playing Oblivion with ease.
*New Features*
Cedega 5.2
* A Games Disc Database (GDDB) to automatically detect and install supported games with the best known
* A new method of handling configuration options which lets you set options globally, yet gives you the power to
customize them on a per-shortcut basis.
* New and improved shortcut properties dialog, which allows you to specify command line options per shortcut,
extract icons from executables, and launch native Linux applications.
* Improvements to installer shortcut creation. Shortcuts to local html files are now supported.
* Updated system detection tools and improved system tests.
* Support for automounting systems which do not list optical devices in the /etc/fstab, via improved D-Bus support
and a number of other changes.
* TransGamers can now play Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion with the use of the OLDblivion program (available from ).
* A number of DirectSound and Quartz fixes and improvements.
* Fixes for Guild Wars, The Longest Journey, and the Star Wars Galaxies patcher.
* A variety of graphics and font improvements, including a re-architected shader implementation.
* Fix regression in the virtual memory manager.
* A significant number of infrastructure updates.
*System Requirements*
Operating System
Page 282/339
* Linux Kernel 2.4 or higher. Stock Kernels recommended over RedHat 7.x/8.x/9.x kernels.
* XFree86 4.0 or higher (4.3 is recommended) or Xorg
* glibc 2.2 or higher
* Working hardware accelerated OpenGL video card
Rp. 15000.00
Page 283/339
UFO: ALIEN INVASION is a strategy game featuring tactical combat against hostile alien forces which are about to
infiltrate earth at this very moment. You are in command of a small special unit which has been founded to face the
alien strike force. To be successful on the long run, you will also have to have a research team study the aliens and
their technologies in order to learn as much as possible about their technology, their goals and the aliens
'UFO: Alien Invasion' is heavily inspired by the 'X-COM' series by Mythos and Microprose. The first game of the
series, 'UFO DEFENSE', became a classic and, in our honest opinion, is one of the best games ever made.
'UFO: Alien Invasion' is neither a sequel nor a remake of 'UFO DEFENSE' - we simply had the urge to create a
similar strategy game, which will hopefully be as entertaining as the original was for the players (and for the
developers, of course ;) ).
You can play UFO: ALIEN INVASION with your friends via LAN or Internet. One player takes the role of the human
special squad while the other is in control of the alien invaders. Co-op team play with multiple players on both sides
is also supported for up to three teams on each side (6 players total).
Rp. 5000.00
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Wormux is free software clone of this game concept. Though currently under heavy development, it is already very
playable, with lots of weapons (Dynamite, Baseball Bat, Teleportation, etc.). There are also lots of maps available
for your battling pleasure! Wormux takes the genre to the next level, with great customisation options leading to
great gameplay. There is a wide selection of teams, from the Aliens to the Chickens. Also, new battlefields can be
downloaded from the Internet, making strategy an important part of each battle.
Though two human players are currently needed to play (unless you have a split personality :) the creation of
artificial players and network play are future goals. So, start downloading today, and fight to become king of the
Rp. 5000.00
Wormux is free software clone of this game concept. Though currently under heavy development, it is already very
playable, with lots of weapons (Dynamite, Baseball Bat, Teleportation, etc.). There are also lots of maps available
for your battling pleasure! Wormux takes the genre to the next level, with great customisation options leading to
great gameplay. There is a wide selection of teams, from the Aliens to the Chickens. Also, new battlefields can be
downloaded from the Internet, making strategy an important part of each battle.
Though two human players are currently needed to play (unless you have a split personality :) the creation of
artificial players and network play are future goals. So, start downloading today, and fight to become king of the
Rp. 5000.00
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Jam / Clock
Diameter: 23 cm
Mesin: Quartz
Plastik Mika dengan ring warna : merah, hijau, kuning, orange
(warna ring difoto bisa berbeda tergantung stok)
Sudah termasuk baterai
Rp. 30000.00Rp. 25000.00
Diameter: 23 cm
Mesin: Quartz
Plastik Mika dengan ring warna : merah, hijau, kuning, orange
(warna ring difoto bisa berbeda tergantung stok)
Sudah termasuk baterai
Rp. 30000.00Rp. 25000.00
Page 286/339
Diameter: 23 cm
Mesin: Quartz
Plastik Mika dengan ring warna : merah, hijau, kuning, orange
(warna ring difoto bisa berbeda tergantung stok)
Sudah termasuk baterai
Rp. 30000.00Rp. 25000.00
Diameter: 23 cm
Mesin: Quartz
Plastik Mika dengan ring warna : merah, hijau, kuning, orange
(warna ring difoto bisa berbeda tergantung stok)
Sudah termasuk baterai
Rp. 30000.00Rp. 24900.00
Page 287/339
Diameter: 23 cm
Mesin: Quartz
Plastik Mika dengan ring warna : merah, hijau, kuning, orange
(warna ring difoto bisa berbeda tergantung stok)
Sudah termasuk baterai
Rp. 30000.00Rp. 24900.00
Diameter: 23 cm
Mesin: Quartz
Plastik Mika dengan ring warna : merah, hijau, kuning, orange
(warna ring difoto bisa berbeda tergantung stok)
Sudah termasuk baterai
Rp. 30000.00Rp. 25000.00
Page 288/339
Kartu Ucapan
Kerabat, pacar atau teman Anda pasti tidak akan melupakan kartu ucapan yang unik ini :)
Kerabat, pacar atau teman Anda pasti tidak akan melupakan kartu ucapan yang unik ini :)
Page 289/339
Kerabat, pacar atau teman Anda pasti tidak akan melupakan kartu ucapan yang unik ini :)
Page 290/339
Kerabat, pacar atau teman Anda pasti tidak akan melupakan kartu ucapan yang unik ini :)
Ukuran: 10.5 cm x 16 cm
Amplop: Merah
Rp. 5000.00
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Apakah buah merah? Buah merah (Pandanus conoideus) atau yang dikenal luas di Wamena dengan nama tawi /
sauk ekendi adalah tanaman asli Papua yang tumbuh di dataran rendah (40 m dpl) sampai dataran tinggi (2.000 m
dpl). Namun populasi terbanyak terdapat di dataran dengan ketinggian 1.200 hingga 2.000 m dpl. Buah merah
biasa tumbuh bergerombol dalam satu area, jarang tumbuh menyendiri. Buah merah tumbuh di daerah dengan
suhu di bawah 17 derajat Celcius dengan curah hujan rata-rata 186 mm per bulan dan jumlah penyinaran matahari
57% dan tekanan udara rata-rata 896 mb. Tanaman Buah Merah termasuk tanaman keluarga pandan-pandanan
dgn pohon menyerupai pandan, namun tinggi tanaman dapat mencapai 16m dengan tinggi batang bebas cabang
sendiri setinggi 5 sampai 8 m yang diperkokoh akar-akar tunjang pada batang sebelah bawah. Kultivar buah
berbentuk lonjong dgn kuncup tertutup daun buah. Buah Merah sendiri panjang buahnya mencapai 55 cm,
diameter 10-15 cm, dan bobot 2-3 kg. Warnanya saat matang berwarna merah maroon terang. Walau sebenarnya
ada jenis tanaman ini yg berbuah berwarna coklat dan coklat-kekuningan. Budidaya tanaman dipelopori oleh
seorang warga lokal Nicolaas Maniagasi sejak tahun 1983, dan atas jerih payahnya tersebut mendapatkan
penghargaan lingkungan hidup Kehati Award 2002. Buah merah sudah secara turun-temurun dikonsumsi oleh
masyarakat Papua sebagai penambah energi dan daya tahan tubuh.
Page 293/339
Apakah buah merah? Buah merah (Pandanus conoideus) atau yang dikenal luas di Wamena dengan nama tawi /
sauk ekendi adalah tanaman asli Papua yang tumbuh di dataran rendah (40 m dpl) sampai dataran tinggi (2.000 m
dpl). Namun populasi terbanyak terdapat di dataran dengan ketinggian 1.200 hingga 2.000 m dpl. Buah merah
biasa tumbuh bergerombol dalam satu area, jarang tumbuh menyendiri. Buah merah tumbuh di daerah dengan
suhu di bawah 17 derajat Celcius dengan curah hujan rata-rata 186 mm per bulan dan jumlah penyinaran matahari
57% dan tekanan udara rata-rata 896 mb. Tanaman Buah Merah termasuk tanaman keluarga pandan-pandanan
dgn pohon menyerupai pandan, namun tinggi tanaman dapat mencapai 16m dengan tinggi batang bebas cabang
sendiri setinggi 5 sampai 8 m yang diperkokoh akar-akar tunjang pada batang sebelah bawah. Kultivar buah
berbentuk lonjong dgn kuncup tertutup daun buah. Buah Merah sendiri panjang buahnya mencapai 55 cm,
diameter 10-15 cm, dan bobot 2-3 kg. Warnanya saat matang berwarna merah maroon terang. Walau sebenarnya
ada jenis tanaman ini yg berbuah berwarna coklat dan coklat-kekuningan. Budidaya tanaman dipelopori oleh
seorang warga lokal Nicolaas Maniagasi sejak tahun 1983, dan atas jerih payahnya tersebut mendapatkan
penghargaan lingkungan hidup Kehati Award 2002. Buah merah sudah secara turun-temurun dikonsumsi oleh
masyarakat Papua sebagai penambah energi dan daya tahan tubuh.
Page 294/339
Page 295/339
Sangat cocok untuk menurunkan berat badan disamping berbagai khasiat lainnya..
Download gratis e-book apakah virgin coconut oil (VCO) itu?, khasiat, manfaat dan rahasia kandungan VCO
Virgin Coconut Oil dibuat dari kelapa segar tanpa melalui proses pemanasan, mengandung lauric acid atau asam
laurat yang menurut hasil penelitian secara ilmiah membuktikan bahwa asam laurat dalam tubuh manusia dirubah
menjadi monolaurin dan yang menjadi paling kuat dalam membunuh virus, bakteri, cendawan dan protozoa
sehingga dapat menanggulangi serangan virus seperti HIV, herpes, influenza dan berbagai bakteri patogen
termasuk listeria monocytogenes dan helicobacter pyloryd.
Disamping itu sebagai Asam Lemak Rantai Sedang (MCFA) berfungsi meningkatkan metabolisme dalam tubuh
sehingga dapat menambah energi dan dapat mengontrol berat badan. Penelitian sejak tahun 1982 telah
menghasilkan produk VCO yang telah dibuktikan secara ilmiah bahwa asam laurat dapat menanggulangi penyakit
Diabetes, Kolesterol, Hepatitis C, Jantung Koroner, Prostat, Osteoporosis, Maag, Ambeien luar dan dalam,
Penuaan dini, dll.
Sama seperti yang terdapat pada Air Susu Ibu (ASI) yang memberikan perlindungan kepada sang bayi, asam
laurat juga dibutuhkan manusia dewasa. Bagi manusia dewasa membutuhkan asam ini rata-rata 24 gr per hari,
yang berarti setara dengan tiga sendok makan VCO, artinya dalam satu hari VCO dapat dikonsumsi sebanyak tiga
Rp. 25000.00Rp. 20000.00
Page 296/339
Page 297/339
Tinta dan catridge refill bermutu. kualitas terjamin. hasil terbukti. harga terjangkau. cepat ganti refill anda! jangan
pikir panjang! Kantor Anda menghabiskan jutaan rupiah untuk keperluan cartridge? segera rekomendasikan untuk
menggantinya dengan produk terjangkau, dengan kualitas yang tidak kalah. Atau didaerah Anda harga cartridge
sangat mahal? Buat apa pake tinta suntik, bila ada cartridge refill yang jelas jelas lebih safety untuk printer Canon
Canon i250
Canon i255
Canon i320
Canon i350
Canon i450
Canon i455
Canon i470
Canon i470D
Canon i475D
Canon S200X
Canon S300
Page 298/339
Canon S330
Canon S330D
Canon Smartbase MP200
Tinta dan catridge refill bermutu. kualitas terjamin. hasil terbukti. harga terjangkau. cepat ganti refill anda! jangan
pikir panjang! Kantor Anda menghabiskan jutaan rupiah untuk keperluan cartridge? segera rekomendasikan untuk
menggantinya dengan produk terjangkau, dengan kualitas yang tidak kalah. Atau didaerah Anda harga cartridge
sangat mahal? Buat apa pake tinta suntik, bila ada cartridge refill yang jelas jelas lebih safety untuk printer Canon
Canon i250
Canon i255
Canon i320
Canon i350
Canon i450
Canon i455
Canon i470
Canon i470D
Canon i475D
Page 299/339
Canon S200X
Canon S300
Canon S330
Canon S330D
Canon Smartbase MP200
Page 300/339
Sorces power from a PC, can keep the tea, coffee or drink about 50-60oC
1) 5V DC, 500mA
2) Keeps coffee / tea / drink warm at 50-60oC
3) Clear cable: 1.5m
4) With translucent power indicator, on/off switch
Rp. 95000.00Rp. 55000.00
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Page 304/339
Rp. 7500.00
Termasuk didalamnya terdapat berbagai tools seperti decompiler untuk JAVA, debugger, hex editor dan
CD programming ini sangat cocok untuk para mahasiswa atau pelajar yang sedang ingin mendalami ilmu
pemrograman atau logika pemrograman, termasuk yang mau belajar bahasa mesin atau mempelajari / cracking
Rp. 7500.00
Page 305/339
Lazarus is the class libraries for Free Pascal that emulate Delphi. Free Pascal is a GPL'ed compiler that runs on
Linux, Win32, OS/2, 68K and more. Free Pascal is designed to be able to understand and compile Delphi syntax,
which is of course OOP. Lazarus is the part of the missing puzzle that will allow you to develop Delphi like
programs in all of the above platforms. Unlike Java which strives to be a write once run anywhere, Lazarus and
Free Pascal strives for write once compile anywhere. Since the exact same compiler is available on all of the above
platforms it means you don't need to do any recoding to produce identical products for different platforms.
Yeah, but what about the GUI? What widget set are you using?
That is the neat part. You decide. Lazarus is being developed to be totally and completely API independent. Once
you write your code you just link it against the API widget set of your choice. If you want to use GTK+, great! If you
want it to be Gnome compliant, great! As long as the interface code for the widget set you want to use is available
you can link to it. If it isn't available, well you can write it.
For example. Let's say you are creating a product on Windows using the standard Windows widgets. Now you want
to create a Linux version. First you decide what widget set you want to use. Let's assume you want to use gtk+. So
you copy the code over to your Linux development machine, compile, and link against the gtk+ interface unit. That's
it. You've now just created a Linux version of the Windows product without any additional coding.
At this point in the development we are using gtk+ as our initial API widget set. Some work is also being done with
Qt and the Win32 API. As soon as Lazarus reaches a 1.0 release developers will be able to start to create the
interface unit to tie the LCL (Lazarus Component Libraries) to other widget sets.
So is this thing really RAD like Delphi?
It sure is. Is it totally completed? No not yet. The forms design portion is still in need of a great deal of development.
The over all IDE is complete and can be used for most programming needs. Several aspects of the project are still
in need of help. Hint. Hint.
Rp. 7500.00
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Use REALbasic to create software for Windows, Macintosh and Linux from a single set of source code! It's
cross-platform development that really works!
REAL Software Ships REALbasic 2006 for Windows, Macintosh and Linux
AUSTIN, Texas, USA (January 11, 2006) REAL Software, provider of cross-platform that really works,
announced today that REALbasic 2006 Release 1 is shipping. This new product features enhanced compatibility
with Visual Basic, simplified localization and improved reliability and stability.
"REALbasic 2006 Release 1 demonstrates our commitment to constant improvement at a rapid pace," stated Geoff
Perlman, president and CEO of REAL Software. "This release improves reliability and provides crucial features
requested by our customers. It also includes some key features for Visual Basic 6 users transitioning to
* Localization. New Lingua utility enables developers to provide translations for their REALbasic application in
multiple languages without recompiling.
* IDE Scripting. REALbasic developers can automate repetitive tasks within REALbasic. This is especially useful
for automating the build process. This capability also enables developers to compile REALbasic applications via the
command line interface.
* Drag Events. REALbasic applications now expose more events while the mouse is being dragged. This
enables developers to create more interactive user interfaces.
* Additional Datatypes. Nine new datatypes, including signed and unsigned integers up to 64 bits, provides
greater compatibility with Visual Basic. This also allows integers greater than 2 billion to be stored.
* Enumerations. Enumerations offer developers an easy way to work with sets of related constants, including the
ability to name a set of constants. Enumerations reduce developer errors and make code easier to read and
maintain. Enumerations also make REALbasic more compatible with Visual Basic.
* Structures. REALbasic developers can now use structures to create user-defined types (also known as UDTs).
These structures are useful for API calls or for working with third-party file formats and networking protocols.
Structures also improve compatibility with Visual Basic.
* Better Novell Linux Desktop support. REALbasic now provides improved user interface behavior for Novell
Linux Desktop.
* Numerous Stability and Reliability improvements. REALbasic 2006 includes over 70 specific fixes to improve
product stability and reliability. The complete list of additions, changes and improvements can be found in the
release notes included with the REALbasic 2006 download.
Rp. 15000.00Rp. 10000.00
Page 308/339
Sun Java[tm] Studio Enterprise 8 plus Sun Developer Network Standard - Welcome!
Here's an opportunity to get Sun's award winning integrated development environment (IDE) for enterprise
architects and developers. Sun is currently offering SDN members a FREE copy of the Java Studio Enterprise IDE,
a $1895 value.
Rp. 15000.00
Sangat berguna untuk para programmer yang terbiasa menggunakan ketiga environment diatas.
Rp. 7500.00Rp. 5000.00
Page 309/339
Software Lain-lain
Page 310/339
New viruses are being found "in the wild" all the time. Further, the speed at which these new viruses spread is
increasing all the time. A key problem is not that antivirus programs do not detect such viruses, but the fact that
most users do not use any antivirus program at all or, perhaps worse, the antivirus software and / or virus
definitions database is out of date.
ALWIL Software, the producer of avast!, decided in June 2001 to help to solve this situation by offering avast!
Home Edition free of charge for home users who do not use their computer for profit. To get industry leading
antivirus protection for your home PC, download the software, and then register it.
List of known worms
avast! Virus Cleaner is currently (in version 1.0.208) able to identify and remove the following worm families:
* Win32:Badtrans [Wrm]
* Win32:Beagle [Wrm] (aka Bagle), variants A-Z, AA-AH
* Win32:Blaster [Wrm] (aka Lovsan), variants A-I
* Win32:BugBear [Wrm], including B-I variants
* Win32:Ganda [Wrm]
* Win32:Klez [Wrm], all variants (including variants of Win32:Elkern)
* Win32:MiMail [Wrm], variants A, C, E, I-N, Q, S-V
* Win32:Mydoom [Wrm] (variants A, B, D, F-N - including the trojan horse)
* Win32:Nachi [Wrm] (aka Welchia, variants A-L)
* Win32:NetSky [Wrm] (aka Moodown, variants A-Z, AA-AD)
* Win32:Nimda [Wrm]
* Win32:Opas [Wrm] (aka Opasoft, Opaserv)
* Win32:Parite (aka Pinfi), variants A-C
* Win32:Sasser [Wrm] (variants A-G)
* Win32:Scold [Wrm]
* Win32:Sircam [Wrm]
* Win32:Sober [Wrm], variants A-I, J-K
* Win32:Sobig [Wrm], including variants B-F
* Win32:Swen [Wrm], including UPX-packed variants
* Win32:Tenga
* Win32:Yaha [Wrm] (aka Lentin), all variants
* Win32:Zafi [Wrm] (variants A-D)
Rp. 10000.00
Page 311/339
paket antivirus ampuh dan sangat mudah digunakan. menyediakan proteksi dan scanning virus saat booting. Gratis
untuk pemakaian not profit / rumahan. Tanpa iklan. Dalam cd ini sudah termasuk key registrasti untuk pemakaian
rumahan, full license, cocok untuk yang jarang atau tidak mau repot registrasi ke internet. Tersedia juga update
terakhir 2006, dan avast! Virus Cleaner (versi virus removal mini)
New viruses are being found "in the wild" all the time. Further, the speed at which these new viruses spread is
increasing all the time. A key problem is not that antivirus programs do not detect such viruses, but the fact that
most users do not use any antivirus program at all or, perhaps worse, the antivirus software and / or virus
definitions database is out of date.
ALWIL Software, the producer of avast!, decided in June 2001 to help to solve this situation by offering avast!
Home Edition free of charge for home users who do not use their computer for profit. To get industry leading
antivirus protection for your home PC, download the software, and then register it.
List of known worms
avast! Virus Cleaner is currently (in version 1.0.208) able to identify and remove the following worm families:
* Win32:Badtrans [Wrm]
* Win32:Beagle [Wrm] (aka Bagle), variants A-Z, AA-AH
* Win32:Blaster [Wrm] (aka Lovsan), variants A-I
* Win32:BugBear [Wrm], including B-I variants
* Win32:Ganda [Wrm]
* Win32:Klez [Wrm], all variants (including variants of Win32:Elkern)
* Win32:MiMail [Wrm], variants A, C, E, I-N, Q, S-V
* Win32:Mydoom [Wrm] (variants A, B, D, F-N - including the trojan horse)
* Win32:Nachi [Wrm] (aka Welchia, variants A-L)
* Win32:NetSky [Wrm] (aka Moodown, variants A-Z, AA-AD)
* Win32:Nimda [Wrm]
* Win32:Opas [Wrm] (aka Opasoft, Opaserv)
* Win32:Parite (aka Pinfi), variants A-C
* Win32:Sasser [Wrm] (variants A-G)
* Win32:Scold [Wrm]
* Win32:Sircam [Wrm]
* Win32:Sober [Wrm], variants A-I, J-K
* Win32:Sobig [Wrm], including variants B-F
* Win32:Swen [Wrm], including UPX-packed variants
* Win32:Tenga
* Win32:Yaha [Wrm] (aka Lentin), all variants
* Win32:Zafi [Wrm] (variants A-D)
Rp. 10000.00
Page 312/339
Love Gnome? falling in love with themes, wallpaper, icon and all art of gnome desktop? Dont miss this cd. This cd
contain thousands of themes, icon, window border, login manager, gtk+ engines, wallpaper, splash screen, and
much more special for Gnome Desktop. U can browse this cd like u open the website! its very easy
to use!! New update 2006!!
Rp. 12500.00Rp. 10000.00
Google Earth puts a planet's worth of imagery and other geographic information right on your desktop. View exotic
locales like Maui and Paris as well as points of interest such as local restaurants, hospitals, schools, and more.
Rp. 5000.00
Page 313/339
The Framework was written in the Perl scripting language and includes various components written in C,
assembler, and Python. The widespread support for the Perl language allows the Framework to run on almost any
Unix-like system under its default configuration. A customized Cygwin environment is provided for users of
Windows-based operating systems. The project core is dual-licensed under the GPLv2 and Perl Artistic Licenses,
allowing it to be used in both open-source and commercial projects.
Metasploit took the security world by storm when it was released in 2004. No other new tool even broke into the top
15 of this list, yet Metasploit comes in at #5, ahead of many well-loved tools that have been developed for more
than a decade. It is an advanced open-source platform for developing, testing, and using exploit code. The
extensible model through which payloads, encoders, no-op generators, and exploits can be integrated has made it
possible to use the Metasploit Framework as an outlet for cutting-edge exploitation research. It ships with hundreds
of exploits, as you can see in their online exploit building demo. This makes writing your own exploits easier, and it
certainly beats scouring the darkest corners of the Internet for illicit shellcode of dubious quality.
Rp. 15000.00
Open source drivers for NVIDIA nForce hardware are included in the standard Linux kernel and leading Linux
distributions. This page includes information on open source drivers, and driver disks for older Linux distributions
including 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Linux.
Rp. 9900.00
Page 314/339
Program asik khususnya untuk penggemar astronomi dan bintang. Program ini mampu mensimulasikan langin
malam dengan efek visual 3D seperti kenyataan. Sangat menarik. Silahkan lihat shot2nya.
Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see
with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.
It is being used in planetarium projectors. Just set your coordinates and go.
in version 0.8.1
* a powerful zoom
* time control
* multilingual interface
* scripting to record and play your own shows
* fisheye projection for planetarium domes
* spheric mirror projection for your own dome
* graphical interface and extensive keyboard control
* telescope control
* add your own deep sky objects, landscapes, constellation images, scripts...
Rp. 5000.00
Page 315/339
VMware Player lets you evaluate new or pre-release software contained in virtual machines, without any installation
or configuration hassles. You can also share existing virtual machines with colleagues or friendsjust use VMware
Player to run any virtual machine.
What is a virtual machine?
A virtual machine is a computer defined in software. It's like running a PC on your PC. VMware Player runs any
virtual machine created by VMware Workstation, GSX Server or ESX Server. VMware Player also supports
Microsoft virtual machines and Symantec LiveState Recovery disk formats.
Key Features of VMware Player
With the introduction of the free Player, VMware is making virtualization readily available to all IT
professionals who need to evaluate applications or beta software or to simply share virtual machines with their
colleagues. Dave Parsons, Senior Vice President of Product Development, ALG Software
* Copy and paste. Copy text and files between the virtual machine and the host PC.
* Drag and drop. Drag and drop files between a Windows host PC and a Windows virtual machine.
* Integrated Google Search. VMware Player includes Google search capabilities, fully integrated for conveniently
searching the web without launching a browser.
Rp. 15000.00
Page 316/339
Begin enjoying the benefits of server virtualization with the free VMware Server. VMware Server installs on any
existing server hardware and partitions a physical server into multiple virtual machines by abstracting processor,
memory, storage and networking resources, giving you greater hardware utilization and flexibility. Streamline
software development and testing and simplify server provisioning as you utilize the ability to "build once, deploy
many times."
VMware Server 1.0 is a free virtualization product for Microsoft Windows and Linux servers that enables you to
provision new server capacity by partitioning a physical server into multiple virtual machines.
VMware Server 1.0 includes: Support for 32-bit and 64-bit Operating Systems
* Full support for SUSE Linux 10.1 as host and guest operating systems.
* Full support for 32-bit Ubuntu 6.x as host and guest operating systems.
* Full support for 32-bit Sun Solaris 10.x as guest operating systems.
* Full support for 32-bit and 64-bit FreeBSD 6.0 as guest operating systems.
* Experimental support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 Update 8 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 Update 4.
* Experimental support for 64-bit Ubuntu 6.x as host and guest operating systems.
* Experimental support for 64-bit Sun Solaris 10.x as guest operating systems.
* Support for all guest operating systems supported by WorkStation 5.5.
* Support for all host operating systems supported by VMware Server GSX 3.2.
* Support for using the VMware Server Console to connect to and configure VMware GSX Server 3 hosts as well
as to run virtual machines on VMware GSX Server 3 hosts.
* Support for VirtualCenter version 1.4 to manage virtual machines running on VMware Server.
* Support for VMware Virtual Machine Importer version 1.5 to import virtual machines from Microsoft Virtual
Server and Virtual PC as well as Symantec LiveState recovery system images.
* Support for VMware DiskMount Utility to mount a Microsoft Windows host file system as a separate drive
without connecting to the virtual disk from within a virtual machine.
Page 317/339
VMware Workstation is powerful desktop virtualization software for software developers/testers and enterprise IT
professionals that runs multiple operating systems simultaneously on a single PC. Users can run Windows, Linux,
NetWare, or Solaris x86 in fully networked, portable virtual machines - no rebooting or hard drive partitioning
required. VMware Workstation delivers excellent performance and advanced features such as memory optimization
and the ability to manage multi-tier configurations and multiple snapshots.
With millions of customers and dozens of major product awards over the last six years, VMware Workstation is a
proven technology that improves productivity and flexibility. An indispensable tool for software developers and IT
professionals worldwide.
VMware Workstation enables users to:
* Configure and test multi-tier applications, application updates, and operating system patches on a single PC
* Easily restore or share archived test environments, reducing repetitive configuration and set-up time
* Streamline computer-based training by allowing students to always start from a \"clean\" state and experiment
with multiple operating systems, applications, and tools in secure, isolated virtual machines
* Run software demos of complex or multi-tier configurations on a single laptop
* Accelerate help desk resolution of end-user problems with a library of pre-configured virtual machines
Rp. 15000.00
Page 318/339
VMware Workstation is powerful desktop virtualization software for software developers/testers and enterprise IT
professionals that runs multiple operating systems simultaneously on a single PC. Users can run Windows, Linux,
NetWare, or Solaris x86 in fully networked, portable virtual machines - no rebooting or hard drive partitioning
required. VMware Workstation delivers excellent performance and advanced features such as memory optimization
and the ability to manage multi-tier configurations and multiple snapshots.
With millions of customers and dozens of major product awards over the last six years, VMware Workstation is a
proven technology that improves productivity and flexibility. An indispensable tool for software developers and IT
professionals worldwide.
VMware Workstation enables users to:
* Configure and test multi-tier applications, application updates, and operating system patches on a single PC
* Easily restore or share archived test environments, reducing repetitive configuration and set-up time
* Streamline computer-based training by allowing students to always start from a \"clean\" state and experiment
with multiple operating systems, applications, and tools in secure, isolated virtual machines
* Run software demos of complex or multi-tier configurations on a single laptop
* Accelerate help desk resolution of end-user problems with a library of pre-configured virtual machines
Rp. 20000.00Rp. 15000.00
Page 319/339
Dimensi: 7.5 x 9 cm
Rp. 2500.00
Sticker Fedora
Model sticker-fedo
Saturday 11 March, 2006
Komputer u pake Fedora Core? Pastikan tertempel sticker dengan logo Fedora Terbaru ini!
Dimensi: 12 x 4.5 cm
Rp. 2500.00
Sticker FreeBSD
Model sticker-fbsd
Saturday 11 March, 2006
Maniak FreeBSD? pastikan pasang stiker ini di tempat u suka!
Dimensi: 15 x 2.5 cm
Rp. 2500.00
Page 320/339
Sticker Google
Model sticker-goog
Saturday 11 March, 2006
Siapa yang ga tau Google? Ekspresikan rasa suka anda dengan Sticker ini..
Dimensi: 10 x 5 cm
Rp. 2500.00
Dimensi: 7 x 3.5 cm
Rp. 2500.00Rp. 2000.00
Page 321/339
Sticker Hacker
Model sticker-hack
Saturday 11 March, 2006
Anda sudah punya kaos hacker? rasanya kurang bila anda belum menempelkan sticker ini di barang kesayangan
anda, seperti misalnya di monitor..
Dimensi: 10 x 2.5 cm
Rp. 2500.00Rp. 1900.00
Dimensi: 4 x 5 cm
Rp. 2500.00Rp. 1950.00
Sticker Linux
Model sticker-linu
Saturday 11 March, 2006
Sticker bertulis linux dengan background hitam ini cocok untuk ditempelkan di sembarang linux box. tidak
tergantung distro. universal..
Dimensi: 9 x 3.5 cm
Rp. 2500.00Rp. 2000.00
Page 322/339
Dimensi: 7 x 3.3 cm
Rp. 2500.00
Dimensi: 5 x 3 cm
Rp. 2000.00Rp. 1500.00
Page 323/339
Dimensi: 12.5 x 3 cm
Rp. 2500.00
Sticker OpenBSD
Model sticker-open
Saturday 11 March, 2006
Anda Administrator? Pasti tau OpenBSD! Distro BSD dengan motonya yang terkenal, Secure By Default. :) Tempel
Sticker ini di mesin Open BSD Anda. Dengan logo gambar maskotnya, si Puffy
Dimensi: 7 x 7.5 cm
Rp. 3000.00Rp. 2500.00
Sticker Redhat
Model sticker-redh
Saturday 11 March, 2006
Redhat mania? Pastikan stiker ini Anda miliki! The Shadowman :)
Page 324/339
Sticker Slackware
Model sticker-slac
Saturday 11 March, 2006
Suka Ngoprek Slackware? Tempelin sticker ini di slack box Anda. Tampil dengan logo baru slackware :)
Dimensi: 6 x 6 cm
Rp. 2500.00
Sticker Suse
Model sticker-suse
Saturday 11 March, 2006
Server Anda atau desktop pakai suse? tempel di tempat kesukaan Anda..
Sticker Ubuntu
Model sticker-ubun
Saturday 11 March, 2006
ubuntu Mania? Jangan lupa sticker ini..
Dimensi: 8 x 9 cm
Rp. 3000.00Rp. 2500.00
Page 325/339
Dengan adanya situs billing online ini pengusaha warnet dapat mengontrol dan memonitor operasional warnetnya
dengan mudah.
Page 326/339
Product name
Annvix Linux
Arch Linux 0.7.2 (1 cd) - Thursday 25 May, 200
Arch Linux
Austrumi 0.9.9 (1 cd) - Sunday 01 January, 2
Borland Kylix Open Edition - Delphi for Linux (1 cd) - Sunday 30 October, 2
BU Linux
Buku: Linux Networking dan Internet untuk Pemula + CD - Friday 07 July, 2006
<b>Press Book</b>
Page 327/339
Buku: Menguasai GAMBAS, Pemrograman Visual Basic di L - Friday 07 July, 2006
<b>Press Book</b>
Buku: Membuat dan Mengelola Web Hosting + CD - Friday 07 July, 2006 <b>Press
Buku: Membuat Distro Linux Sendiri + CD - Sunday 09 July, 2006 <b>Press Book</b>
Buku: Memainkan Game di Linux + CD - Friday 07 July, 2006 <b>Press Book</b>
Buku: Membangun Web Dengan Mambo Open Source + CD - Friday 07 July, 2006
<b>Press Book</b>
Buku: Panduan Mudah Membuat Diskless System + CD - Friday 07 July, 2006 <b>Press
<b>Press Book</b>
Buku: Resep CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) + CD - Sunday 09 July, 2006 <b>Press
Buku: Seni Internet Hacking - Uncensored + VCD - Tuesday 30 May, 2006 <b>Press
Buku: SQL - Kumpulan Resep Query Menggunakan MySQL - Friday 07 July, 2006
<b>Press Book</b>
Buku: Xandros 3.0.2 OCE - Desktop Linux Mudah + CD - Friday 07 July, 2006
<b>Press Book</b>
Buku:Fedora Core 4 : Red Hat Linux + DVD Fedora + Video - Friday 09 June, 2006
<b>Press Book</b>
CCux Linux
Page 328/339
Linux Games
CollegeLinux 2.5 - Live Server (1 cd) - Thursday 20 July, 20
Coyote Linux 2.24 + Tutorial Bhs. Indonesia (1 cd) - Sunday 09 July, 2006
Coyote Linux
DeadCD Linux
DeLi Linux
DNA Linux
<b>Web Hosting</b>
<b>Web Hosting</b>
DragonFly BSD
Page 329/339
Easys Linux
Edubuntu Linux 6.06 Install i386 (1 CD) - Wednesday 07 June, 2
Endian Firewall 2.0 Community Edition (1 cd) - Thursday 13 July, 20
Famelix GNU/Linux
Feather Linux
Fedora Core
Fedora Core
Fedora Core
Game Online: GunBound +HackShield (1 cd) - Wednesday 30 Novembe
Game Online
(1 cd) - Sunday 30 October, 2
Linux Games
Asli Bali
Asli Bali
GeeXboX 0.98.7 for i386 + GeeXboX ISO Generator (2 cd) - Saturday 21 January,
Page 330/339
Software Lain-lain
Google Earth for Linux + Windows + Mac (1 cd) - Thursday 13 July, 20Software
GParted LiveCD
GParted LiveCD
GParted LiveCD
GParted LiveCD
GParted LiveCD
GParted LiveCD
Grafpup Linux
Greeting Cards Merry Christmas & Happy New Year - Thursday 15 December
Kartu Ucapan
Kartu Ucapan
Kartu Ucapan
Greeting Cards Happy Birthday (Linux Kiss) - Thursday 15 December
Hacking Tools: Knoppix STD 0.1 (Live CD) - Security Too - Tuesday 31 January,
Knoppix STD
Hacking Distro for Wardriver: Warlinux 0.5 (1 cd) - Tuesday 18 July, 200
Hacking GPS - Global Positioning System Device (1 cd) - Sunday 25 June, 2006
<b>Web Hosting</b>
<b>Web Hosting</b>
IPCop Firewall
Page 331/339
IPCop Firewall
Jam / Clock
Jam / Clock
Jam / Clock
Jam / Clock
Jam / Clock
Jam / Clock
Kid's Clothes
Kid's Clothes
Kid's Clothes
Kid's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Women's Clothes
Women's Clothes
Women's Clothes
Kaos Cewek - Redhat Merah . Special Valentine - Wednesday 08 Februar
Women's Clothes
Women's Clothes
Women's Clothes
Women's Clothes
Women's Clothes
Women's Clothes
Women's Clothes
Women's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Page 332/339
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Kaos Hacker Hitam - Thursday 03 November
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Knoppix ROSe
KNOPPIX 5.0.1 Live CD (1 cd) - Wednesday 07 June, 2
Asli Bali
Linux From Scratch 6.1.1 (1 cd) - Sunday 04 December, Linux From Scratch
Page 333/339
Linux Games
Linux Games
Kernel Linux
Linux LiveCD Router 2.0.14 (1 CD) - Saturday 22 July, 20Linux LiveCD Route
Linux XP 2006 English (1 CD) - Saturday 04 February
Linux XP
Lunar Linux
Mandriva Linux 2006 Mini Version (Move) (USB) (1 CD) - Sunday 01 January, 2
Metasploit Fw 2.6 - Vulnerability Exploit for Win/Nix ( - Sunday 25 June,
2006Software Lain-lain
Pentoo Linux
Minyak Buah Merah asli Papua 130ml - Tuesday 08 November,
NST Linux
NEW: POLO REDHAT - Saturday 17 June, 20
Men's Clothes
OpenSolaris Based
Page 334/339
Puppy Linux
Open Suse (OSS) x86 release 10.0 (5 cd) - Sunday 06 November,
OpenBSD 3.9 (1 cd) - Thursday 06 July, 20
Pinux Linux 1.0 -FINAL- (2 cd) - Friday 14 April, 200
Pinux Linux
PLD Linux Rescue CD 2.0 (1 cd) - Wednesday 21 June, 2PLD Linux Rescue C
Pocket Linux
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Men's Clothes
Poster Linux vs Windows (48 x 32cm) - Sunday 04 December,
Poster Linux is Easy (48 x 32 cm) - Thursday 15 December
Poster Tux the Compiler (32 x 48 cm) - Sunday 04 December,
PUD Linux (1 CD) - Saturday 22 July, 20
PUD Linux
Puppy Linux
Puppy Linux
Puppy Linux
Puppy Linux
Puppy Linux
Page 335/339
Pyramid Linux
ReactOS 0.3.0-RC1 (2 cd: Live + Installer) - Monday 14 August, 20
Real Basic 2005 - Visual Basic for Linux (1 cd) - Sunday 30 October, 2
Real Basic 2006 - Visual Basic for Linux (1 cd) - Saturday 21 January,
Redhat 6.2 (1 cd) - Saturday 29 October,
RUNT Linux 4.0 for USB + Tutorial (1 cd) - Sunday 09 July, 2006
SimplyMEPIS 3.4-3 (1 CD) - Sunday 12 February,
SimplyMEPIS 3.3.1 LiveCD (1 cd) - Saturday 29 October,
Page 336/339
SLAX Popcorn Edition v 5.0.8 (1 cd) - Thursday 30 March, 2
SLAX Server Edition v 5.0.8 (1 cd) - Wednesday 29 March,
SLAX Standard Edition 5.1.0 LiveCD (1 CD) - Monday 03 April, 200
Soft Capsule Minyak Buah Merah (60 butir soft kapsul) - Tuesday 08 November,
Stellarium 0.8.1 for Win and Linux (1 cd) - Tuesday 11 July, 200Software
Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8 for Linux (full license) ( - Friday 27 January, 2
Page 337/339
SystemRescueCd 0.2.18 (1 CD) - Friday 31 March, 200
Asli Bali
The Best Hacking Tools: Operator v3.3.20 (1 cd) - Friday 03 March, 200
Operator Linux
Tinysofa classic server 2.0 Update 3 - full version (1
- Tuesday 17 January,
Trinity Linux
Trustix Secure Linux 3.0 (1 cd) - Friday 31 March, 200Trustix Secure Lin
Tutorial Komputer Sony-AK Cakram 1 (1 cd) - Saturday 03 December
TUX Magazine 2006 (PDF Version) +bonus Slackware Book ( - Monday 07 November,
Ubuntu 5.10 for Mac (2 cd) - Tuesday 13 December,
Ubuntu 5.10 64 bit (2 cd) - Tuesday 13 December,
Ubuntu Lite
Page 338/339
Ultimate Boot CD Ver 3.4 (Full) (1 cd) - Sunday 09 July, 2006
Ultimate Boot CD
Update Mandrake 8.0 (1 cd) - Sunday 30 October, 2
ZenLive Linux 2.6 (1 cd) - Tuesday 04 July, 200
ZenWalk Linux
ZenWalk Linux
ZenWalk Linux
ZenWalk Linux
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