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The Mystical Number Nine

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The mystical number nine

Be it navaratri' or navagrahas', number nine is a significant part of the Indian

psyche from time immemorial.
The number nine is often associated with a divine connotation in the mystical
thought and religions across the globe from ancient times. There is both, negativity
and positivity in this mysterious nine! Not to talk of the numeral 9, which is often
cited as a lucky number' for many these days!
The Fruit of the Spirit' comprises nine graces: love, peace, suffering, gentle, good,
faith, meek and temperance. The gifts of the Spirit' are 9 in number: the word of
wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of
spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. And if the English saying that a cat
has nine lives is to be believed, well the West is not far behind!
In Islam too, the significance of number nine is underlined which is almost akin to
ancient Indian thought (Sanatana Dharma) speaking of nine openings for man as
also the nine months gestation period for the birth which is of course common to
all human beings!
In the ancient Mother Goddess concept, prevalent on this land way before the
Aryans adopted it, there runs a popular narrative of the divine female power
synonymous with creator of the universe, the embodiment of pristine purity and
truth, annihilating the demons representing the evil forces.
The mother goddess wages a war for nine days to combat the
potent rakshasas (satanic power) and bestow deliverance to the world in general.
On a more intellectual plane, the nine evil forces that trouble man are none but
nine varied aspects of his own negative nature like ego, self-conceit, self
depreciation and so on, that constantly divert him from the path of realisation,
which is the ultimate goal. The divine mother is supposed to be our anchor who
would steer us clear of succumbing to the evil in us! Nine being a significant part
of the Indian psyche from time immemorial, the creators of our classical arts also
found nine emotions or artistic moods that form a part of our expressions in life.
These nine moods or navarasa' came to be associated with artistic expression in
ancient Indian dance, music, drama, sculpture, painting and any mode of
expression in art. If Bharata Muni's Natyasastracomes clear on the navarasa

denoting nine bhavas or emotions, similar emotions were also defined and
expressed in certain ragas (musical notes) or lyrics (kritis) as in sculptures or
picture paintings.
Since our classical arts originated from the Hindu religion, each rasa or mood
denoted a particular emotion and was bestowed with a particular colour with a
particular deity presiding over it. Thus the prominent Shringara rasa' denoted an
encompassing love; hence a light green colour and Lord Vishnu as the presiding
deity. He also presided over Shanta' or peace with a light blue to denote it.
The Hasya rasa' or mirth is supposed to be white in colour and Pramata is the
deity; Lord Rudra presided over Roudra rasa' or fury whose colour was justifiably
red! Karunya' or compassion /mercy had Yama ruling over it with grey as its
colour; Lord Shiva was the deity for Bhibatsa' or disgust depicted by the colour
The emotion of fear Bhayanaka' was ruled by the deity Kala whose colour is
black. Lord Indra represented Veera rasa' or valour (saffron) while Adbhuta' or
wonder had creator Brahma as its deity and yellow representing the emotion. There
is no denying that later, Vatsalya' (parental love) and Bhakti' (devotion) also came
to be adopted as important emotions in the scheme of artistic expression.
The classical treatise in dance also speaks of the mood or bhava evoked in these
nine rasa like: rati (love), hasya (laughter), shoka (sorrow), krodha (anger), utsaha
(exuberance), bhaya (scare), jugupsa (disgust) and vismaya (wonder). The theory
of navarasa forms the aesthetic underlining of all forms of Indian classical dance.
In music, ragas like Kunthalavarali evoke fun and frolic (Hasya rasa) while ragas
like Mohana emanate Veera rasa.
The popular Mayamalavagowla is synonymous with Kaarunya (Karuna rasa) while
certain ragas like Dwijavanthi, Behag, Kamas or Kapi are innately romantic
(Shringara) not to talk of the lyrical compositions wherein the bhava/mood is
The so-called artistic expressions owe their source to nature. For instance, the
navarasa manifestation can be seen in the moods of the sea which can roar angrily
at one time, run still and calm the very next, get into a frenzy at times, play around
with its rippling waves steadily as it kisses our feet and so on.

The same is true of the other elements of nature. And what about us? Are we not
the receptacles of nine moods?

Symbolism and Significance of Nava the Number Nine (9) - Hindu Perspective
Number nine (9) is the most intriguing digit of all the numbers. It is an absolute
number which when multiplied by any number always reproduces itself; the sum
of digits in the product will always be nine. In Sanskrit # nine is known as Nava;
and Navathi means ninety; Navaka means group of nine, fresh, new, blooming etc.
It is such a fascinating, sacred and divine number that it is associated with several
doctrines and concepts of Hindu philosophy, religion and spirituality. Some of the
concepts and terminologies associated with number nine (9) from a Hindu
Navavidha Bhakti
Sravanam (hearing about God); Keerthanam (singing in praise of God); Smaranam
(remembering God); Paada-sevanam (serving the lotus feet of God); Archanam
(worshiping God); Vandanam (obeisance/salutations) Daasyam (serving for the
cause of God); Sakhyam (Mythri; friendship with God) and Aatma Nivedanam
(Saranam/ total surrender to God) are the nine modes of devotion that are paths to
Nava Randhras (Nava Dwaara)
Birth and death of a human being is associated with number nine. A child will be in
the womb of a mother for nine months that is known as Nava maasa; and from the
day of conception to the birth of child it will be 279 days that adds up to nine (9).
Randhra means outlet or opening or aperture. It is said that a human being has nine
exit points called Nava Randhras through one of which the soul finally leaves the
body. They are eyes (2); nostrils (2); ears (2); mouth (1); and excretory organs (2).
Human body is the city of nine gates where the soul dwells. (Bhagawadgeeta
Canto # 5 sloka # 13) Of course there is one more outlet the 10th one that is known
as Brahma Randhra at the top of the head. A soul departing from this aperture is a
rarity and that will happen only in case of a noble soul.
Nava Varshas

Jambudweepa is in the centre of Bhoomandala divided into nine regions known as

Varshas. They are Bharatha Varsha; Ilaavrutha Varsha; Bhadraaswa Varsha; Hari
Varsha; Kethumaala Varsha; Ramyaka Varsha; Hiranmaya Varsha; Uttara Kuru
Varsha; and Kimpurusha Varsha
Nava Rasa (Nine types of reactions)
Srungaara (beauty/love); Haasya (mirth); Karuna (compassion); Roudra (anger);
Veera (courage/heroism); Bhayaanaka (fearful); Adbhuta (astonishment);
Bheebhatsa (disgust); Saantha (tranquility) are nine forms of emotions expressed
by human beings according to situations. These passions form the basic factors
depicted by the artiste in all types of Indian classical dance like Bharatha naatya;
Kuchipudi; Odissi etc.
Nava Durga
Goddess Durga is said to have manifested in nine different forms known as Nava
Durga. They are Shailaputhri; Brahmacharini; Chandraghanta; Kooshmaanda;
Siddhidhaathri. Navadurga Stuthi is based on the above names.
Nava Naarasimha
Famous pilgrim centre, Ahobilam is called Nava Naarasimha Kshethra where,
Lord Naarasimha is said to have manifested in nine different forms (Nava
Naarasimha) within Ahobilam. They are Jwaala Naarasimha, Ahobila Naarasimha,
Maalola Naarasimha, Krodha Naarasimha, Kaaranja Naarasimha, Bhaargava
Naarasimha, Yogaananda Naarasimha, Chatravata Naarasimha, and Paavana
Naarasimha. These nine forms of Lord Naarasimha depicting nine types of
reactions are said to be the governing lords of Navagrahas. Worshiping these nine
forms of Lord Naarasimha is believed to a good remedy for Navagraha Dosha.
Nava Brahmas
Mareechi; Angeerasa; Pulastya; Pulaha; Krathu; Daksha; Brugu; Vasishta and Athri
are the sons of Lord Brahma grouped as Nava Brahmas.


Anantha; Vaasuki; Sesha; Padmanaabha; Kambala; Sankhapaala; Dhaartharaashtra;

Takshaka; and Kaali are grouped as nine great Naaga Devathas (Serpent Gods)
who are adored in Hindu religion.
Nava Graha
Sun (Surya); Moon (Chandra); Mars (Kuja or Angaaraka); Mercury (Budha);
Jupiter (Guru or Bruhaspathi); Venus (Sukra); Saturn (Shani); Rahu and Kethu
together are called Nava Grahas. Though Sun is a star and Moon is a satellite and
Rahu; Kethu are shadowy planets, they are referred to as planets in Hindu
philosophy resulting in Nava-Grahas (nine planets)
A planet or a Graha is a celestial body that has substantial influence on the living
beings on earth. According to Hindu philosophy, Nava Grahas play an important
role in human life. Each Graha has a specific role and signification; they are the
representatives of the Primordial Supreme Lord and are the universes agents for
carrying out karmas accumulated throughout the lives current as well as past.
Zodiac is the basis around which these planets keep moving from one sign (raasi)
to the other that is known as planetary transit or gochaara. Navagraha worship is
prevalent in Hindu philosophy since time immemorial followed by our elders and
described in various sacred texts. They form the pivot around which the concept of
astrology rotates.
Vajra (diamond); Vydoorya (Cat's eye); Gomedhika (Hessonite); Pushyaraaga
(Yellow sapphire); Marakatha (Emerald); Maanikya (Ruby); Neela (Blue
sapphire); Muthya (Pearl) and Pravaala (Coral) are the nine primary gems. These
nine gems are associated with Navagrahas, symbolically representing them and are
used as a remedy for Navagraha dosha
Nava Dhaanya
A group of nine grains generally associated with Navagrahas are; wheat (Sun), rice
(Moon), red gram (Mars), green gram (Mercury), Bengal gram (Jupiter), black
eyed peas (Venus), black sesame (Saturn), black gram (Rahu), and horse gram
(Kethu). They are also used as a remedy for Navagraha dosha.
Hindu Panchaanga and Nava (#9)

Ninth lunar day as per Hindu Panchaanga (almanac) is known as Navami thithi;
Ashta Vasus are the presiding deities of Navami thithi. It is known as Riktha thithi
and is not an elected day for performing auspicious functions. Navami thithi during
dark fortnight of Bhaadrapada; Maargasira; Pushya; Maagha and Phaalguna
months is known as Anvashtaka; sacred for giving Thila tharpana to forefathers
under concept of Shannavathi Sraaddha. Ninth day in the dark fortnight of
Bhaadrapada maasam (Pithru Paksha) is known as Avidhava Navami when
ceremonies are performed for those Women (Mothers) who died as Sumangali
(husband alive).
Hindu Astrology and Nava (#9)
Number nine has got a unique place in Hindu astrology as it represents the
9th house the Dharma Sthaana (righteousness). It signifies primarily that of father
(pithru sthaana). It is the house of fortune (bhaagya sthaana) and it also signifies
the religion, intuition, fame, charities, leadership, long journeys etc. It is one of the
Trines (angular house) in a birth chart along with the 1 st and 5thhouse. In the
natural zodiac, Sagittarius is the 9th house whose lord is Jupiter the Guru or
Bruhaspathi the natural benefic planet. In Hindu astrology division number nine
(9) is known as Navaamsa Chakra which is a very important divisional chart that is
to be studied compulsorily while making predictions especially the one that is
related to marital front. Study of Navaamsa chart enables to confirm the results of
raasi chakra.
Astro Numerology and Nava (#9)
In Indian numerology number nine is considered as a very powerful number. Mars
is its ruling planet which is planet of dynamic energy, initiative and impulse to
accomplish great deeds. It represents heat, fire, energy, success and continuation of
activities. It is also a planet of strife, war, and destruction. It bestows high
ambition, creative abilities, robust health, strength, power, courage, strong will

Those born with number nine as their birth number are generally considered as
fortunate so far as the materialistic progress is concerned. At the same time they
struggle a lot in their life to achieve their higher objectives. They are aggressive,

highly adventurous; highly ambitious and generally do not accept defeat. They
cannot lead a simpler type of life and will always be on the move without
rest. They are sure to make their mark in life and attain fairly high positions. It is
ideal for placement in armed forces or police. They are generally rough and tough
and pick up quarrels and enemies quickly. They do not tolerate criticism. They will
be fortunate and lead a happy life if they can avoid conflicts; family discords about
trivial matters and do not magnify their problems. They should stay away from
prejudices and bias. They are also prone for accidents and injuries.
Navamukhi Rudraaksha
In the concept of Rudraaksha; Navamukhi (nine faced) is known to represent Nava
Durga (nine forms of the Goddess) and its ruling planet is Kethu. It is believed to
bestow upon the wearer energy, dynamism, fearlessness and spiritual development.
It is also used as a remedy for Kethu and Venus related problems.
Festival that is held for nine days during the bright fortnight of Aaswayuja Masam
starting from the first day (Sukla Paadyami) is known as Devi Navarathri or Durga
Navarathri. Literally Navarathri means nine great nights when Goddess Shakthi
fought with the demon Mahishaasura. These nine days are very holy and revered
days when the Almighty is worshipped in feminine form. During Navarathri
festival the Mother Goddess is worshipped mainly in three Divine Energy forms
vizMaha Durga, Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswathi, the embodiments of
strength, wealth and knowledge. Ninth day of Devi Navarathri is known as Maha
Navami; on which day a ritual known as Aayudha Pooja is performed. We find
such nine day (Navarathri) celebrations being held for Lord Sri Rama known as
Rama Navarathri, for Lord Ganesha known as Ganesha Navarathri. Even the
Brahmotsavam festival held at Tirumala for Lord Venkateshwara is also a nine day
and night celebration that is known as Navaraathri Brahmotsavam.
Sri Raama Navami
Sri Rama Navami the day Lord Sri Rama an epitome and embodiment of
righteousness was born. Sri Rama Navami is a Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Sri
Rama that is celebrated across the country irrespective of the caste and creed. It is
celebrated as the birth day of Lord Sri Rama coinciding with the ninth day
(Navami thithi) of Chaithra Maasa Sukla Paksha as per Hindu calendar.

Madhva Navami
Madhva Navami is associated with Sri Madhvaachaarya, one of the greatest Hindu
Saints and Philosophers who was the founder and exponent of Dvaita Philosophy.
Born in 1238 AD Sri Madhvaachaarya lived for 79 years and left this world on the
9th day of bright fortnight (Navami thithi) in the lunar month Maagha Masam in the
year 1317 AD. That day is celebrated as Madhva Navami.
Nava Brundavana
Nava-Brundavana a small island in the Tungabhadra River is situated near
Anegondi in Gangavathi Taluk of Koppal district in Karnataka state. It is
approximately 20 km from Gangavathi which was earlier in Raichur district. At
the same time Nava-Brundavana is also nearby to Hampi, 12 km away from
Hospet in Bellary district of Karnataka state. This is an abode chosen by nine
eminent Saints (Yatis) of Aachaarya Sri Madhvas heritage for their mortal
remnants to be laid to rest. These nine great Saints are Sri Padmanaabha
Theertharu; Sri Kaveendra Theertharu; Sri Vaageesa Theertharu; Sri Govinda
Wodeyaru; Sri Vyaasa Theertharu; Sri Raghuvarya Theertharu; Sri Srinivasa
Theertharu; Sri Raamachandra Theertharu; and Sri Sudheendra Theertharu.
One should not miss to visit this rare and spiritually energized place at least once in
the life time and seek the blessings of nine great Gurus who are spiritually present
in these Brundavanas. They are standing as a testimonial to the glory and
significance of Madhva Philosophy. Amply sanctified with the presence of Moola
Brundavanas of nine eminent Saints, Nava Brundavana has become one of the
revered pilgrim centers in general and for the Madhva fraternity in particular.
Nava Nandi Kshethras
Nandeeswara (Nandi) the divine mount of Lord Shiva that we find invariably in all
Shiva temples positioned opposite to the Lord. In and around Mahaa Nandi, one of
the famous Shiva Kshethras in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh, we find a group
of nine temples collectively known as Nava Nandi Kshethras within a radius of
about 30 km from Nandyal town. They are Prathama Nandi; Naaga Nandi; Soma
Nandi; Surya Nandi; Shiva Nandi; Vishnu Nandi; Mahaa Nandi; Vinaayaka Nandi
and Garuda Nandi. It is believed to be meritorious visiting all the Nava Nandi
kshethras on a single day from sunrise to sunset.
Nava Brahma Kshethra (Alampur)

Famous Shiva kshethra, Alampur near Kurnool town in Andhra Pradesh is the
home of nine very ancient Nava Brahma temples dating back to 7 th century CE.
They are Taaraka Brahma; Swarga Brahma; Padma Brahma; Bala Brahma; Garuda
Brahma; Kumara Brahma; Arka Brahma; Veera Brahma and Viswa Brahma. These
temples are all enclosed in a court yard on the left bank of the river Tungabhadra.
Out of these nine temples Bala Brahma is the prime shrine of worship at Alampur.
*Above list is only illustrative and not exhaustive; readers views and suggestions
are invited
[ I had also archived the following ]

As per Indian mythology, Indian culture has a very special significance of

number 108. What is this number represent, and why is it so important?
I will try to give some answers to it, all the answers I am giving come from
a book on "Mantra Mahavigyan".
1) In one minute, we breathe in approximately 15 times, in 1 hour 900 times,
and in 12 hours 10800 times, and in a day 10800 * 2 times. A day consists
of 24 hours, and if we set aside half the day for our day to day routines,
then one can spend 12 hours for recitation of one's idol. Therefore, the
maximmum number of times that one can recite "mantra", or perform "Jap" are
10800. If one wants to obtain 100% benefit of its jap, then performing
jap 108 times will give you the benefit of 100%. That's why in a "Mala",
there are 108 beads. It is written in Vedas, that 1 Jap corresponds to
1 mala (which has 108 beads), therefore performing jap of 108 malas will
result in 100% benefit.
2) Astronomically, there are 27 constillations in our galaxy, and each one them
has 4 directions, and 27 * 4 = 108, In other words the number 108 covers
the whole galaxy.
3) According to Indian scriptures, letter 9 corresponds to Lord Brahma (the
creator of universe). Mathematically, the interesting property of 9 is
9x1 = 9

9 x 2 = 18 (8+1 = 9)
9 * 3 = 27 (7+2 = 9)
9 * 12 = 108 (1+0+8 = 9)
I don't know what it leads to.
4) In Hindu religion, number 9 is very important. Keeping the importance of
number 9, Rishi Vyas has created 9 Purans, 108 MahaPuran (Upnishads).
Mahabharat has 18 chapters, Geeta has 18 chapters, Bhagavat has 108000
Shloks (verses).
The addition of digits of number 108 is 9, and number 9 is related with
Brahma, that's why 108 is very important, and came into lot of Indian
5) Indian Vedas, treats the Sun as God, and Sun has 12 signs (Zodiac signs).
In Yajurved, Sun is related with Lord Brahma (the number 9), remember 12 * 9 = 108; therefore for Gods Prayer, the number 108 is very sacred.
6) According to Indian mythology, there are 4 Yugs
Satyug - consists of 172,800 years (1+7+2+8 = 18 == (1+8 = 9)
TretaYug consists of 1296000 years (1+2+9+6 = 18 = (1+8 = 9)
DwaparYug consists of 864000 years (8+4+6) = 18 = (1+8 = 9)
Kaliyug consists of 432000 years (4+3+2) = 9
Properties of the number 9


Number of the patience, the meditation.

Number of the harmony, it represents the inspiration and the perfection

of the ideas.

It is the expression of "the power of the Holy Spirit", according to


Symbolize the plenitude of talents, the reward of the tests.

Symbol of the creation and the life as a rhythm and development.

As a product of 3 x 3, it is the expression of the perfection, the symbol of

the virile power, in addition to be associated to the couple.

Nine is the number of the one who accomplishes the divine will.
According to the Cabal, it is also the number of the achievement.

The freemasons have made it the eternal number of human immortality.

Being the last simple number, it is the number of finalization or finition;

it is therefore the most complex, that marks the full lighting up of the
numerical series.

This number was considered as sacred in Egypt and in Greece.

Number of the man, as a numeral symbol of his gestation (nine months).

Number symbolizing the nocturnal and terrestrial things, for the Aztecs.

Number of the hierarchy, represented by nine choruses of the Angels.

Represent the three divine manifestations in the three plans: world of the
spirit, world of the soul, world of the matter, which gives a triple
manifestations of Trinity (3 x 3).

Symbol of the multitude, and according to Parmenide, it concerns the

absolute things and it is the symbol of the totality of the human being.

A favorable number, associate to the eternity.


Nailed on the cross, Jesus Christ expires at the ninth hour.

Jesus appears nine times to his disciples and apostles after his

The nine spiritual gifts of God enumerated by saint Paul: wisdom,

knowledge, faith, gift of healing, to operate miracles, prophecy,
distinguishing spirits, to speak in different kinds of tongues and the gift to
interpret them. (1 Co 12,4-11) Saint Paul enumerates also nine fruits of the
Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness,
gentleness, and self-control. (Ga 5,22)

Jesus Ben Sira says in the Ecclesiastic: There are nine things I can think
of which strike me as happy, and a tenth which is now on my tongue. (Si

The bed of Og, king of Bashan, incarnation of the devil, had nine cubits
long. (Dt 3,11)

Hoshea, son of Elah, became king of Israel in Samaria, and reigned for
nine years. (2 K 17,1)

The practice of the nine first Fridays and Saturdays of the month, asked
by Jesus: the first one being to honor his Sacred Heart and the second as a
veneration for his Mother. Saturday is indeed dedicated to the Virgin Mary
to commemorate her sorrows and her pain, between the death of Jesus and
his resurrection, painful moment which lasted the whole day without to
have the vision of his Son.
The nine Choruses of the Angels:

Seraphes, angels of love and light;

Cherubs, angels of wisdom and intelligence;
Thrones, angels of force and life;
Dominations, angels of liberty;
Principalities, angels of eternity and memory;
Powers, angels of holiness;
Vertues, angels of humility;
Archangels, having for attribute the justice;
Ordinary angels, to which we attribute the innocence.

The nine days of retreat and prayers in a novena are sources of divine

In the revelations received by Mary Jane of United States, the Lord says
that there are nine degrees of prayers. The four firsts are the vocal prayer,
the meditation, the affective prayer and the innate comtemplation. The last
five are the types of the mystical prayer: the innate comtemplation, the quiet
prayer, the prayer of union, the prayer of union in conformity, and the most
mystical is the prayer of transforming union.

Jacques Paquette refers, in his book "Apocalypse: prophecies of the end

of times", to nine kingdoms associating the 4th to the Roman empire 19
centuries ago, the Revelation of John speaks about it in the chapter 2 verse
40. The ninth universal empire, called also thousand years reign,
corresponds to the New Jerusalem of the Revelation.

God spread many extraordinary graces on the Virgin Mary the nine days
before the Annunciation, according to visions of Mary Agreda.

After the death of a Pope, we celebrate masses for the rest of his soul
during nine days, with nine absolutions.

Nine was the name of the sacred mountain of the Sun, for the ancient

Some peoples believed that the Sky was divided into nine celestial
levels. It was the case for the Buddhists and also for the last worshippers of

The nine plains of the Chinese sky. The hall of the imperial throne was
separated by nine gates from the rest of the palace and the book of Annals,
named Chou-king, exposes the "Sublime Science" in nine rules. Also the
Chinese prostrated 9 times in front of their emperor.

There was nine gates which separated the sacred enclosure (the holy of
Holies) of some religious traditions, from the rest of the space, this one
considered profane.

Deucalion, the Greek Noah, sails during 9 days on the vessel which he
has built on the command of the gods.

For Hesiode, the Earth was separated from the Heaven by a distance of
nine days and nine nights, and from the hell also by nine days and nights.

The nine levels of the hell of Dante.

The nine nodes of the bamboo for the Taoists.

The nine notches of the birch-axis of the world at the Siberian tribes.

The nine openings of the man for Islam.

The nine stages that should traverse the souls of Aztecs to reach the
eternal rest. They counted also nine underground worlds.

The nine was the key number of teaching for the materialistic Hindu
philosophers in the Vaiceshika school.

It is the period of years when the voice of God is heard by a person if

this person did not understand yet one of his lessons of life.

The 9 girls of Belenos of the druidism: Ogia - virginity, Glania - purity,

Karantia - charity, Uxellia - nobleness, Viriona - truth, Aventia - honesty,
Dagia - goodness, Lania - plenitude, and Lovania - joy.

The nine is often found in the superstitions, such as for example, nine
salt grains means the bad fate. And if someone wants to get marry in the
year will jump nine times over a fire of the saint John or will jump over
nine different fires. The tradition wants that the drowned returns to the
surface of the water after nine days.

The magic square using the first nine numbers is associated to the planet
Saturn and has for sum 15. Sometimes, it is also called the "square of

In the Greeks mythology: the nine nights of love of Zeus; the nine days
and nine nights that Leto suffers when she gives birth; the nine girls of Zeus
and Mnemosyne, named Muses, who governed the liberal arts: Clio,
Calliope, Melpomene, Thala, Euterpe, Erato, Terpsichore, Polymna and
Urana; the nine days of ansciety of the Ceres-Demeter goddess who went
around the world in search of her daughter Persephone kidnaped by
Hephaistos, the dark god of Hells; the tradition wants that Minos, in his
cavern, spent nine years to receive the Jupiter laws; a legend says also that
Minos had, every nine years, a meeting with Jupiter, after what it was
possible for him to prophesy.

Every nine years Athens sent, in the island of Crete, seven young men
and seven young girls to be sacrificed there to the Minotaure.

There is nine "Dharmas", books constituting the Nepal Bible.

Orphism defines nine symbolic aspects of the universe divided into 3

triads: the night, the sky and the time; the ether, the light and the stars; the
sun, the moon and the nature.

The 9 was the sacred monogram of the Moon goddess, "Bolon Tiku" of
the Mayas.

The "Jin-Hoang" of the "Kieou-teou" divide the earth in nine parts, and
nine brothers of the same name share the empire of the world.

In the Brahminism, Vichnou incarnates in nine avatars to sacrifice

himself for the salvation of men.

In the biodynamic agriculture, the complete cycle for the preparation of

the compost lasts nine months.

The language includes, grammatically, nine parts: the verb, the noun, the
adjective, the participle, the conjunction, the article, the pronoun, the
preposition and the adverb - interjection apart.

The nine planets discovered in our solar system, are in the order starting
from Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
Pluto. Recently a tenth planet was discovery beyond Pluto.

R. Allendy speaks about the curious arithmetical properties of the nine

which gives it a very particular character because of the use of our decimal
notation system. In another numerical notation system they would cease to
exist: the difference between an unspecified number and the number formed
by the inversion of its digits is always a multiple of 9 - example: between
26 and 62, the difference is 36, multiple of 9; the multiples of 9 are always
composed of digits where the sum (once reduced) is equal to 9; the product
123456789 x 9 gives 9 times the digit 1 in the answer (1111111101).
Concerning this last property, Elisabeth Haich mentiones the next

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 + 10 = 1111111111
The Trojan War lasted nine years.

Anniversary of marriage: weddings of pottery or crockery.


The number 9 is used 50 times in the Bible.

Numbers 150, 30000 and 100000 are used 9 times in the Bible.

The number 9 is used three times in the Koran. (Koran XVII,103;

XVIII,24 and XXVII,49)

The verb to praise is used 9 times in the NT, including 7 times in the Gospel of
Luke. By 9 times the Bible refers to the Law of the Lord as to a book in Chronicle
Books. The word Master-of-all is used 9 times in the Bible

Also see

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