LING 101 Fall 2015 Midterm Study Sheet
LING 101 Fall 2015 Midterm Study Sheet
LING 101 Fall 2015 Midterm Study Sheet
Exam format
The exam will be posted online. The due date for submitting the exam is Sunday 11th. The exam
will look much like the quizzes; multiple-choice and some short answer. The midterm is worth
30% of your total course grade. To study for the exam Review the questions that were on the
quizzes. These will provide a good model for the types of problems that will be presented on the
exam (although you will see a few types of questions that were not on a quiz). You are expected
to be familiar with all content presented on this review sheet. Review the book chapters and
posted slides carefully. For topics you maybe did not fully understand take advantage of the
tutors at CAPS (Fazal) or send your problems and questions to me by email.
What is language? Linguistics?
Prescriptivism vs. Descriptivism
Hocketts Design Features of language
1. Mode of Communication
2. Pragmatic Function
3. Displacement
4. Arbitrariness
5. Productivity
6. Cultural Transmission
7. Duality
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Keep the chart next to you at the exam time.
Consonants; be able to describe and identify:
o Voicing
o Place of articulation
o Manner of articulation
Vowels; be able to describe and identify:
o Tongue Height
o Tongue Advancement
o Rounding
o Tenseness
- Be able to give features for an IPA symbol
Exp: [p] => voiceless, bilabial, stop