CCNA CheatSheet PDF
CCNA CheatSheet PDF
CCNA CheatSheet PDF
Network : Responsible for sending packets from the source network to the destination
network using routing methods. Routers work at network layer.
Datalink : Consists of LLC sublayer and MAC sublayer. LLC handles error control, flow
flow control, framing etc. MAC handles access to shared media such as ethernet.
Telnet : Port 23
SMTP : Port 25
ROM : Memory containing micro-code for basic functions to start and maintain the router.
RAM/DRAM : Stores the running configuration, routing tables, and packet buffers.
NVRAM : Memory that does not lose information when power is lost. Stores the systems
configuration file and the configuration register.
Flash Memory : Stores the compressed IOS image.
2. Flash (sequential)
3. TFTP server
4. ROM
Router passwords
Mode---------------------------> Prompt
user exec---------------------> Router>
Privileged----------------------> Router #
global config------------------> Router(config)#
Interface config--------------> Router(config-if)#
Enable password
Console password
Enable Secret
Virtual terminal password (vty)
Auxiliary password
Console port, Virtual Terminals (vty), Auxiliary port, TFTP server and Network management station
More info
Procedure 1
Procedure 2
1. Attach a terminal or PC with terminal emulation to the console port of the router and
set terminal settings to 9600 baud rate, No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No flow
The configuration register is usually set to 0x2102 or 0x102. If you can no longer
access the router you can safely assume that your configuration register is set to
2. Use the power switch in order to turn off the router, and then turn the router back on.
3. Press Break on the terminal keyboard within 60 seconds of power up in order to put
the router into ROMmon.
4. Type confreg 0x2142 at the rommon 1> prompt in order to boot from Flash. This step
bypasses the startup configuration where the passwords are stored.
5. Type reset at the rommon 2> prompt.
The router reboots, but ignores the saved configuration.
6. Type no after each setup question, or press Ctrl-C in order to skip the initial setup
7. Type enable at the Router> prompt.
You are in enable mode and should see the Router# prompt.
8. Type configure memory or copy startup-config running-config in order to copy
the nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) into memory.
9. Type configure terminal.
The router(config)# prompt appears.
10. Type enable secret <password> in order to change the enable secret password.
For example:
router(config)#enable secret cisco
11. Issue the no shutdown command on every interface that you use.
12. Type write memory or copy running-config startup-config in order to commit the
Note : The given procedures are generic in nature, and for exact sequence of steps, please refer to product manual.
Example :
Convert 10011101 into a decimal value.
There are eight bits in the binary number. The decimal value for each bit position
is given below:
78 2 = 39with a remainder of 0
19 2 = 9 with a remainder of 1
4 2 = 2 with a remainder of 0
1 2 = 0 with a remainder of 1
Next write down the value of the remainders from bottom to top (in other words
write down the bottom remainder first and work your way up the list) which
10011101 = 157
To convert, you simply take a value from the top row wherever there is a 1 below,
and then add the values together.
= 128 + 0 + 0 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 1
= 157 (decimal value)
192 -223
The octet is a binary number of eight digits, which equals the decimal numbers
from 0 to 255.
Class D addresses are used for multicasting, they begin with 1110 and the addr range is 224-239.
Class E addresses are reserved addresses that begin with 11110 and the range is 240-254.
IPV4 Header
CIDR Notation.
Copyright 2011
Subnetting Scenarios
Solution :
Consider the Class C address N.N.N.H where N is the Network portion and H is the host portion. Host Portion is as shown ----->
Solution :
Step 1: Consider the Class C address N.N.N.H, where H is the host portion whose binary and decimal representation is as shown ---->
Convert 5 to binary. Binary equivalent of 5 is as shown --------->
Step 2: As shown in the figure above, the number of bits needed for the host portion are 3. Therefore,
2bits-2=23-2=6 (6>5)
Solution :
Step 1: Convert 240 to binary. Binary equivalent of 240 is as shown --------->
Step 2: The decimal value of lowest high order bit is 16 ( 24) as seen from the figure above. Therefore, this number becomes the increment value to determine the IP address ranges.
Subnet Mask:
Subnet Bits: 28
Number of Subnets: 16
Host Bits: 4
Hosts per Subnet: 14
Note: All zeros and all ones host addresses cannot be used.
Routed Protocols
Classful routing protocols do not exchange subnet information during routing information exchanges.
The summarization is always done automatically at major network boundaries.
Ex: RIP v1, IGRP
For IGRP routing, you need to provide AS (Autonomous System) number in the command. Routers need AS number to exchange routing information.
Routers belonging to same AS exchange routing information.
OSPF Priority
OSPF is a link state technology that uses Dijkstra algorithm to compute routing
An OSPF area is a collection of networks and routers that have the same area
identification.OSPF process identifier is locally significant.
DR and BDR Election
When two or more routers are contending to be a DR (designated Router) on a network segment, the router with the highest OSPF priority will become the DR for that
segment. The same process is repeated for the BDR. In case of a tie, the router with the highest RID will win.
OSPF Area Types
Router Types
1. Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs): these are permanently established connections that are used
for frequent and consistent data transfers between DTEs across a Frame Relay cloud.
2. Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs): these are temporary connections used in situations requiring
only occasional data transfers between DTEs across Frame Relay cloud. The terms "Call Setup",
"Data Transfer", "Idle", and "Call Termination" are associated with SVCs.
Cisco supports two types of Frame Relay encapsulation: cisco (default), and ietf.
Use IETF when setting up a frame-relay network between a Cisco router and a nonCisco router.
2. Multi-point :In multipoint connection type, a single sub-interface is used to establish multiple PVC
connections to several physical interfaces or sub-interfaces. In multipoint Frame-Relay network, split
horizon rule is applicable to broadcast traffic.
Frame-Relay LMI types are Cisco (default), ANSI, Q933A; LMI type is auto-sensed
in IOS v11.2 and up.
Show frame-relay lmi command shows LMI stats.
DLCI Configuration
1. DLCIs have only local significance. It means, the end devices over FR network can have different
DLCI numbers
2. DLCI number is provided by the FR service provider. DLCI number is mapped to Layer 3 protocol
address using 'Frame-Relay map' statement.
3. DLCI numbers must be unique on a router.
Access Lists
IP access lists are a sequential list of permit and deny conditions that apply to IP addresses or upper
layer protocols. Access Control Lists are used in routers to identify and control traffic.
The command, ip nat inside source static <local ip> <global ip> configures address translation for
static NAT.
Dynamic NAT
Maps an unregistered IP address to a registered (globally unique) IP address from a group of registered
(globally unique) IP addresses.
A special case of dynamic NAT that maps multiple unregistered IP addresses to a single registered (globally
unique) IP address by using different port numbers.
Dynamic NAT with overloading is also known also as PAT (Port Address Translation).
This occurs when your internal IP addresses belong to global IP address range that belong to another
IPv6 Addressing
IPv6 address consists of 8 groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by colons and which mainly consists
of 3 segments called Global Prefix which is of 48 bits, subnet part with 16 bits and Interface ID called as Host
part with 64 bits.
The first 3 octets constitute Global Prefix, the fourth octet constitute subnet part and the last four form the
Interface ID.
Next Header (8 bits) : Identifies the type of header following the IPv6 header
Hop Limit (8 bits) : Number of hops until the packet gets discarded.
Source Address (128 bits) : Source IP address
Rules : a) One set of 0's in the address can be replaced by :: but this can be done only once
b) One or any number of consecutive groups of 0 value can be replaced with two colons (::)
EUI-64 Format
MAC to EUI-64 conversion inserts hex FFFE in the middle of a MAC addr, Then flips
the U/L bit to 1, in order to create a 64-bit interface ID from a 48-bit Mac address.
R1(config)#line console 0
R1(config-line)#password ciscocs
R1(config)#line vty 0 4
R1(config-line)#password ciscovty
R1(config)#line aux 0
R1(config-line)#password ciscoaux
C. Routing Commands
R1(config)#router rip
R1(config)#router rip
R1(config-router)#version 2
R1(config)#router eigrp 1
R1(config)#router ospf 1
R1(config-router)#network area 0
VLAN configuration
VTP Configuration
SW1#vlan database
SW1(vlan)#vtp mode (Server/Client/Transparent)
SW1(vlan)#vtp domain <name>
SW1(vlan)#vtp password <password>
SW1(vlan)#vtp pruning
Creating VLANs
SW1#vlan database
SW1(vlan)#vlan 10 name firstvlan
SW1(vlan)#vlan 20 name secondvlan
Troubleshooting commands
1. show vlan
2. show vlan-membership
3. show vtp status
4. show interfaces trunk
5. show interface <interface-name> switchport
1. STP is a layer 2 protocol that runs on switches and bridges, the purpose of STP is to remove
switching loops. By default, STP is enabled on cisco switches.
2. All switches participating in STP exchange info with other switches in the network
Through messages known as BPDUs (Sent out at a frequency of 2 sec on every port)
3. STP port states are Blocked, Listen, Learn, Forward, Disabled
4. The command show spanning-tree includes the following info
i. VLAN number
ii. Root bridge priority, MAC address
iii. Bridge timers (Max Age, Hello Time, Forward Delay)
1. Root : A bridge can have only one root port. The root port is the port that leads to the root
bridge. All bridges except the root bridge will have a root port. the root port is in the STP
forwarding state.
2. Designated : One designated port is elected per link (segment). The designated port is
the port closest to the root bridge. Each designated port is in the STP forwarding state
3. Alternate : Alternate ports lead to the root bridge, but are not root ports. The alternate
ports maintain the STP blocking state.
4. Backup: This is a special case when two or more ports of the same bridge (switch) are
connected together, directly or through shared media. In this case, one port is designated,
and the remaining ports block. The role for this port is backup.
Selection Criteria
Root Bridge Selection
i . If there are 2 or more paths to reach the Root Bridge, select the bridge port associated with
the lowest accumulated path cost. OR
Default Timers
ii. If the path cost to reach the root bridge over 2 or more bridge ports is same, then: select the
neighboring switch with the lowest Switch ID value to reach the Root Bridge OR
Hello-----------------> 2s
Forward Delay-----> 15s
Max Age-------------> 20s
iii. If there are two or more ports on the same bridge with the lowest path cost, then:
* Select the port with the lowest Port Priority value, if you have multiple paths to reach the
Root Bridge via same neighbor switch. OR
* If all the ports are configured with same priority number (32 by default), select the lowest
port number on the switch.
Link Costs
10 Mbps-----------> 100
100 Mbps----------> 19
1 Gbps---------------> 4
10 Gbps-------------> 2
ii. If a switch has redundant connections to the network segment, the switch port with the lowest
port priority (32 by default) is selected. OR
iii. If there is again a tie (it can happen if the priorities of the ports on this switch are the same), then
the lowest numbered port on the switch is selected.
Copyright 2011
show access-list
show banner
show cdp
show cdp interface
show cdp neighbor|detail
show cdp traffic
show clock
show flash
show frame-relay lmi
show frame-relay map
show frame-relay pvc <dlci_num>
show history
show hosts
show interfaces
show ip eigrp neighbors
show ip eigrp topology
show ip eigrp traffic
show ip interfaces
show ip interface brief
show ip nat statistics
show ip nat translations
show ip ospf
show ip ospf database
show ip ospf interface
show ip ospf neighbor
show ip ospf neighbor detail
show ip route
show protocols
show running-config
show sessions
show startup-config
show version
show arp
Displays all accesslists from all protocols present in a specified router.
Displays the banner set on the router.
Shows the status of CDP such as holdtime value,no.of packets for every 60sec.
It tells the CDP configuration on an interface-by-interface basis.
Displays info on directly connected neighbors.
Displays the CDP traffic info.
Displays the clock (time, date).
Used to view all IOS images and file stored in flash(Default location of IOS images is in flash).
Shows the detailed statistics regarding LMI.
Displays the frame relay inverse ARP table.
Shows all the frame relay PVC's terminated and their statistics at a specified router.
Shows the previously executed commands.IOS device stores the last ten commands that are executed.
Displays the host table.
To view interfaces,status,and statistics for an interface.If u don't lists a specific interface,all of the interfaces on the router are listed.
Shows the list of eigrp neighbors that a specified router has.
Displays the list of successor and feasible successors,as well as other types of routes.
It shows the information about trafiic statistics for eigrp.
Displays status and global parameters associated with the interfaces on the router.
Displays the interface operational status and IP addresses for all router interfaces.
Displays NAT statistics.
Displays the NAT translations.
Displays general information about OSPF routing processes.
Displays lists of information related to the OSPF database for a specific router.
If adjacent router's dont become neighbors, then use the command to check if the local router interface is configured correctly.
Displays the OSPF neighbour information.
Displays all OSPF neighbors in detail.
Displays the IP routing table.
Displays the routing protocols that have been configured and running on a specified router.
Shows the current config stored in RAM.
Shows the telnet sessions that are currently suspended.
Shows the configuration stored in NVRAM.
Display version information for the hardware and firmware.
Displays entries in the ARP table.
show ip protocols
show users
show ipv6 interface <interface-name>
show ipv6 rip
show ipv6 ospf
show ipv6 route
show ipv6 protocols
show ip dhcp binding
Displays parameters and current state of the active routing protocol process.
Displays users connected to the router.
Displays ipv6 interface configuration information.
Displays information about all current IPV6 RIP processes.
Displays general information about OSPF routing processes.
Displays routes in the IPV6 routing table.
Displays parameters and current state of the active IPV6 routing protocol processes.
Displays IP addresses assigned to the clients.
show banner
show flash
show history
show interfaces
show running-config
show startup-config
show users
show version
show vlan
show vlan-membership
show mac-address-table
Displays vtp status information such as vtp mode, vtp domain etc.
show spanning-tree
Displays spanning-tree statistics,including information about root bridge and port status.