Chemical Engineering Science: Feifei Song, Wei Wang, Kun Hong, Jinghai Li
Chemical Engineering Science: Feifei Song, Wei Wang, Kun Hong, Jinghai Li
Chemical Engineering Science: Feifei Song, Wei Wang, Kun Hong, Jinghai Li
State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Complex Systems, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
art ic l e i nf o
a b s t r a c t
The two-uid model (TFM) has been widely applied in simulation of various multiphase ow systems. In
particular, for ne-particle circulating uidization, the drag force plays a critical role whereas the classic
drag models based on empirical correlations of homogeneous uidization are found inadequate.
Therefore, various approaches have been proposed in recent years to account for the effects of mesoscale structure on the drag force, in which the energy-minimization multi-scale model (EMMS) has
received rapidly growing applications.
However, the relationship between the TFM and EMMS has not been claried to enable their
combination. To solve this problem, we present a structure-dependent analysis of mass, momentum
and energy conservation equations. This analysis is rooted in the structure-dependent multi-uid model
(SFM), which details the composition of drag forces and energy consumptions and their relationships with
consideration of meso-structures. With assumption of homogeneous structures, it reduces to the TFM
equations; for steady-state systems with structures, it restores the force balance equations, equal pressure
drop relation and energy relationship of the EMMS. In future, the scale dependence of this analysis
deserves more efforts to understand the applicability of the EMMS stability condition on different scales.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Structure-dependent analysis
1. Introduction
The meso-scale structures play an important role in characterizing
gassolid uidized system (Agrawal et al., 2001; Li and Kwauk, 1994).
In continuous change with respect to time and space, they may
manifest the dilute and dense phases, alternately, which can be
described by certain bi-modal distribution in terms of bubbleemulsion or broth-cluster ow patterns depending on the operating
conditions and material properties (Cui et al., 2000; Hartge et al., 1988;
Li and Kwauk, 1994, 2001; Li et al., 1998; Lin et al., 2001; Ren et al.,
2001). The meso-scale structures have signicant effect on the ow,
heat and mass transfer and reaction rate of the uidized systems,
whereas a classical continuum method, such as the two-uid model
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 8254 4837; fax: +86 6255 8065.
E-mail addresses:, (W. Wang).
0009-2509/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
f c g U f c g uc g :
f c g uc U f c g uc uc f c p U f c f c g g f Fc g uig :
1 f f g U 1 f f g uf g :
1 f f g uf U 1 f f g uf uf 1 f f p U 1 f f
1 f f g g 1 f Ff Fi g uig :
Duk uk
uk Uuk :
So combining Eqs. (1), (3) and (5), the left hand side (LHS) of
Eqs. (2) and (4) can be rewritten as
f c g uc Uf c g uc uc f c g ac g uc ;
1 f f g uf U 1 f f g uf uf 1 f f g af g uf :
Substituting Eqs. (6) and (7) into Eqs. (2) and (4), we get
f c g ac f c p Uf c f c g g f Fc g uig uc
1 f f g af 1 f f p U 1 f f 1 f f g g
1 f Ff Fi g uig uf
If we dene the kinetic energy of the gas phase per unit volume
as follows:
Ek;g f c g uc U uc 1 f f g uf U uf :
f pc p g f Fc Fi p uip :
So the LHS of Eq. (10) stands for the rate of change of the
kinetic energy of the gas per unit volume. Further,
f c uc 1 f f uf f Uc 1 f Uf Ug ;
then the rst term of the right hand side (RHS) of Eq. (10) reduces to
f c uc 1 f f uf U p Ug U p;
which stands for the net power of the gas pressure exerted on unit
volume, i.e., W T;g .
The second term of the RHS of Eq. (10) can be expressed as
g f c uc 1 f f uf U g g U Ug U g;
which means the variation rate of gas gravity potential per unit
The third term of the RHS of Eq. (10) is related to the viscous
force. It can be divided into the power done by viscous force, W ;g ,
and the power dissipated, that is,
U f c Uuc U1 f f Uuf Uf c Uuc 1 f f Uuf
f c : uc 1 f f : uf
W ;g f c : uc 1 f f : uf
W s f Fc Uuslip;c 1 f Ff U uslip;f Fi Uuslip;f ;
The last term of the RHS of Eq. (10) stands for the rate of energy
dissipation related to gas exchange between the dilute and dense
phases. Combining it with the energy dissipation terms related to
the viscous force, we get the rate of entire energy dissipation of
the gas phase, W d;g . So the energy equation of the SFM for gas
solid uidization, Eq. (10), can be rewritten as follows:
W T;g W ;g W k;g g Ug U g W st W d;g ;
W T;g p U Ug :
W ;g U f c Uuc 1 f f Uuf
W d;g f c : uc 1 f f : uf
f pc p Uf pc p upc p :
Momentum equation for the dense-phase solid:
1 f pf p U 1 f pf p upf p :
where, W sp;p stands for the power of the solid pressure exerted on
unit volume, which reads
W sp;p ppc U upc ppf Uupf :
And denitions of the variables in Eq. (28) are all similar with
those dened in the gas phase, except that the parameters of the
gas phase should be replaced with corresponding solid parameters. In detail, those variables can be calculated from
W T;p p U Up
W ;p Uf pc U upc 1 f pf U upf
From Eq. (28), it can be seen that the solid pressure does have
some effects on the energy consumption and dissipation, which
explains in part why the solid pressure affects the state of the
system as shown in the literature of Liu et al. (2014). And it should
be noted that, by comparing Eq. (20) and Eq. (28), W t assumes two
different roles, for the gas phase it is a rate of energy consumption,
while for the solid phase it is a power exerted by the gas phase.
With Eqs. (32) and (33), we can also see that, if the solid particles
are carried by the gas uniformly, then the variation of the kinetic
energy of solids and the energy dissipation due to particle collision
is negligible. Considering the contributions of W T;p , W sp;p and W ;p
which are also much smaller than the power consumption for
transporting particles, W t , we can further reduce Eq. (28) to
W t p Up U g;
3. Analysis and discussion
In this part, we will compare the energy consumption and
dissipation terms derived from the SFM with those of the EMMS
model, and further discuss the applicability of the stability condition of the EMMS model on different scales.
3.1. Restoration to pressure drop balance equation of EMMS
As in the case of the EMMS model, if one models a system
under steady state, then the drag force, gravity and gas pressure
have dominant effects on the behavior of the system, whereas the
other factors, such as acceleration, stress and mass exchanges can
be neglected. Thus Eq. (8) reduces to
f Fc f c p f c g g
1 f Ff Fi 1 f f p 1 f f g g
Fi =f
particle phase
gas phase
which is the same as that dened in the EMMS model. For a riser
exemplied in Li and Kwauk (1994), if it is operated under steady
state, then the kinetic energy of gas is constant. Further we neglect
the wall friction, and then the viscous force does no work to the
whole system, so
W k;g 0
W ;g 0
For a steady-state system, the pressure gradient is approximately equal to the buoyant gravity of particles, then for a typical
ow state (say, g 0:894, p 0:106, g 1:2 and p 930),
g U g g g g
g g
1:2 9:8
W T;g
p p p g g 0:106 930 1:2 9:8
4. Conclusion
A structure-dependent analysis of mass, momentum and
energy conservation is presented for gassolid uidization system.
The composition of energy consumptions in the SFM and its
relationship with the EMMS are discussed. Starting from the
acceleration, m/s2
kinetic energy per unit volume, J/m3
volume fraction of dense phase
drag force per unit volume, N/m3
gravitational acceleration, m/s2
rate of energy changing per unit mass, W/kg
pressure, Pa
real velocity, m/s
slip velocity, m/s
supercial velocity, m/s
interface velocity, m/s
power per unit volume, W/m3
Greek letters
dense-phase gas
energy dissipation
dilute-phase gas
kinetic energy
dense-phase solid
dilute-phase solid
particle suspending
solid pressure
particle transporting
viscous force
This work is nancially supported by the Ministry of Science
and Technology of the People's Republic of China under Grant no.
2012CB215003, by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China under Grant nos. 91334204 and 21176240, and by Chinese
Academy of Sciences under Grant no. XDA07080100.
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