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Codex: Eldar 2010 Reedition v.3.1

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Codex: Eldar

Fan-edited by Drake, 2010

For all purposes, this fan made codex wasn't designed to put down the
original Codex: Eldar from year 2006. It's good, almost perfect (it fits 5th edition in
most cases). But there are several units or powers that need revision (not immediate,
but still) or rewritting. In this publication, I present my vision of that needs to be
changed and what doesn't need to. Fluff is not be inserted – it's pointless. See Codex:
Eldar if You want some (or Lexicanum). I ommited some sections, as HQ section
which is (for me) good. If there are suggestions about it, e-mail me. So, sit in a
comfortable place, take a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy what I have written for You.

Special Rules:
Fleet of Foot – as in the codex: Eldar.
Exarch Might – every Exarch has got an Eternal Warrior special rule.

Wargear and Armoury

(Only items that need rewritting are listed here).

Avenger Shuriken Catapult – S4AP5, Assault 2. Can re-roll all 1 for hit.

Plasma Grenade Launcher – 24” S3 AP5, Assault 1 blast, pinning

Wrist-mounted Plasma Grenade Launcher – 12”, S3 AP5, Assault 1 blast, pinning

Biting Blade – When hit is struck, roll to wound unless you fail to wound a target. Biting blade is
two-handed close combat weapon.

Power glove – Ancient and powerful „fist”, forged by Vaul's blacksmiths. It doubles the user
strength but lowers I to 1 and ignores armor saves.

Warp Jump Generator: as in codex, in addition Warp Spiders ignore terrain in all cases
(Dangerous Terrain tests, as Terrain an't slow them down while they Run or Flee; they're not
affected by terrain while Assaulting, neither their movement is reduced nor their I value)

Crystal Targetting Matrix – One additional weapon is treated as a defensive weapon.

Vyper Chariot – It's a sophisticated and heavy modified Vyper. It comes without the weapon
platform at the rear; instead it has a place for a highly skilled raider, who wants to reach his prey at
very, very fast speed. It can be taken only by an Autarch or Arch-Farseer. It adds them +2T and
Hit&Run Special Rule.
Army List
Guardian Defenders Squad
Squad Capacity: 10-20 Guardian Defenders – 6pts per model
0-1 Guardian Sergeant - 25pts

Defender 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+
Master of the Defence 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 9 4+
Warlock 5 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 4+

Wargear: Shuriken Catapult

Special Rules: Fleet of Foot, Split fire (if Master of the Defence is present)

Character: Unit may be accompanied by a single Warlock for 30pts. See Warlock
entry in HQ section for further information. Guardian Sergeant is armed with Plasma
Grenade Launcher and Shuriken Catapult.

Options: Two Guardians must be upgraded to a weapon team with a heavy weapon
platform, chosen from the following list: bright lance +30 points, Eldar missile
Launcher +20 points, Scatter Laser +15 points, shuriken cannon +5 points,
starcannon + 20 points. If squad numbers 20 Guardians, they may upgrade two other
guardians to a heavy weapon team.

Split Fire: Master of the Defence is a perfect tactician and knows the weak points of
his enemies. Each Heavy Weapon Team may fire at another target. In addition, all hits
from Heavy Weapons are made with BS4.

Transport: Guardian Defenders containing 12 models or less may be mounted in

Wave Serpent.
Storm Guardian Squad
Squad Capacity: 5-12 Storm Guardians – 9pts per model
0-1 Master of the Storm - 30pts

Storm Guardian 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+
Master of the Storm 4 4 3(4) 3 1 4 2 9 4+
Warlock 5 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 4+

Wargear: CCW, shuriken pistol and plasma grenades. Master of the Storm has got
power weapon or chainsword and wrist-mounted Plasma grenade launcher.

Special Rules: Fleet of Foot; Burning Fist, The Aspect Warrior (if Master of the
Storm is present)

The Aspect Warrior: Master of the Storm is a former Aspect Warrior, who devoted
his life to teaching people from his craftworld in an art of war. He is not allowed to
wear his old aspect armour nor his helmet, but his skill is still the same as it was
before. In addition, he was allowed to take his weapon of choice from his Shrine's
Armoury. If he was a Striking Scorpion, he is normally equipped with chainsword
(bonus to S is included in his profile); if he was a Howling Banshee, he (or she!) is
equipped with power sword.

Burning Fist: Master of the Storm can put all his might in one, powerfull attack. It
doubles his strength but allows to allocate it on one enemy model, that is in base
contact with Master of the Storm. Keep in mind that this attack is made with I 1 and
is performed only once per turn. If Master of the Storm has chainsword, it's strength
is doubled to 6 and then additional S point added, summing in S7 power attack.

Character: Unit may be accompanied by a single Warlock for 30pts. See Warlock
entry in the HQ section for further information.

Options: Two Guardians may exchange their CCW and Shuriken pistol with Flamer
for +4pts each. One Guardian may exchange his CCW for power weapon +10pts or
Power glove for +20pts.

Transport: Storm Guardians containing 12 models or less may be mounted in Wave

Squad Capacity: 3-10 Rangers/Pathfinders – 16pts per model

Ranger 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+
Pathfinder 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 9 5+

Wargear: Ranger Long rifle and Shuriken pistol,

Special Rules: Fleet of Foot, Masters of Stealth, Pathfinders

Options: Every Ranger can be upgraded to a Pathfinder for +8pts.

Pathfinders: Each patfinder is a master of stealth and excellent sniper. They

improved their Long rifles, making them even deadlier than before. Pathfinders Long
rifles always wound on a roll of 3+. In addition, due to immerse skill of those Outcast
warriors, each roll to hit of 5+ counts as AP1.

Dire Avengers
Squad Capacity: 5-10 Dire Avengers. Each Dire Avengers costs 12 points.

Dire Avengers 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+
Exarch 5 5 4 3 2 6 3 10 3+

Wargear: Avenger Shuriken Catapult, Plasma Grenades, CCW and Shuriken Pistol.

Special Rules: Bladestorm, Defend (only if Exarch is present); Noble warriors

Options: Upgrade a single Dire Avengers to an Exarch for +40 points. He is armed
with two wrist-mounted Shuriken Catapults. He may exchange one Shuriken Catapult
with Power Glove for +15pts; He may exchange both Catapults with Power weapon
and shimmershield for +15pts. Additionally, one Dire Avenger can exchange his
Close Combat Weapon with Power Sword for +15pts.

Special Rules:
Noble warriors – Dire Avengers are known for their specific sense of honour. They
never fall back, even in the direst of circumstances. Simply they know no fear. Or
their honour doesn't allow them to do so. To represent this, all Dire Avengers cannot
be caught by Swooping Advance – they will regroup and continue fighting.

Squad Capacity: 3-10 Wraithguard – 31pts per model

Wraithguard 4 4 5 6 1 4 1 10 3+
Warlock 5 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 4+

Wargear: Wraithcannon

Special Rules: Wraith construct, Fearless, Wraithsight, Feel no Pain

Wraith construct – Wraithguards are very versatile and reliable constructs. Every
one of them contains a valuable spirit stone of a slain Eldar warrior. If Wraithguard is
slain, it's spirit stone can be recovered and transferred into another shell. But
sometimes a spirit's will to fight is so dense, that it can reverse the Wraithguard's
„death”. To represent this trait, every Wraithguard, after being slain, may try to stand
up to continue fighting. On a dice roll of 5+, it returns to battle. If it fails, it is
removed from play as usual. This „power” is disabled if Wraithguard was slain by a
weapon that ignores armour saves.

Options: Every Wraithguard can exchange his Wraithcannon for a Wraithsword with
no additional point cost. Each Wraithsword is a power weapon that adds +1A to his

Transport: A unit containing of 5 or less wraithguard can be mounted in Wave

Serpent. Remember, that a single Wraithguard counts as two models for the purpose
of transport!

Howling Banshees
Squad Capacity: 5-10 Banshees – 14pts per model

Banshees 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+
Exarch 5 5 4 3 2 6 3 10 3+

Wargear: Power Weapon and Shuriken pistol, Banshee mask

Special Rules: Fleet of Foot, unit led by Exarch gains Furious Charge & Acrobatic.

Options: Upgrade a single Banshee to Exarch for +50 points. Exarch may replace her
shuriken pistol for W-M PGL for no points, Triskele at +5 pts , exchange power
weapon to Executonier for +10 points or both to Mirrorswords (power weapon,
doubles bearer's attacks before modifiers, re-roll to hit rolls) for +20 pts.

Transport: A unit of Banshees containing 10 models or less may be mounted in

Wave Serpent.

Striking Scorpions
Squad Capacity: 5-10 Scorpions – 14pts per model

Scorpions 4 4 4 3 1 5 1 9 3+
Exarch 5 5 4 3 2 6 3 10 3+

Wargear: CCW and Shuriken pistol, Mandiblasters

Special Rules: Camouflage, unit led by Exarch gains Counter Charge; Stealth &

Camouflage - +1 to cover save when in cover. Gives them also 6+ cover save in
open terrain

Options: Upgrade a single Scorpion to Exarch for +50 points.. Exarch may replace
her/his shuriken pistol to Scorpions Claw per +15 points; exchange close combat
weapon to Bitting Blade for +5 points or both to Chainsabres for +10 points.
Transport: A unit of Striking Scorpions containing 10 models or less may be
mounted in Wave Serpent.
Fast Attack

Warp Spiders
Squad Capacity: 5-10 Warp Spiders – 20pts per model

Spiders 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+
Exarch 5 5 4 3 2 6 3 10 3+

Wargear: Warp Jump Generator; Death Spinner; Spider's Chelicerae; Haywire


Special Rules: Warp Jump, Perfect Deep Strike

Options: One Warp Spider can be upgraded to an Exarch for +50pts. Exarch can buy
additional death spinner for +5pts. He can also upgrade his blades into power blades
for +10pts. He can also exchange his death spinners with a spinneret rifle for +5pts.

Perfect Deep Strike – Perfect Teleportation: while Deep Striking, roll 3D6 to see
how far the unit Scatters and choose any two dice you like.

Spider's Chelicerae – Warp Spider Exarch is armed with two poisoned blades, that
always wound on a roll of 4+ regardless of the enemy's Toughness value.

Swooping Hawks
Squad Capacity: 5-10 Swooping Hawks– 17pts per model

Hawks 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+
Exarch 5 5 4 3 2 6 3 10 3+

Wargear: Hawk's Wings, Lasblaster, CCW and Laspistol. Exarch is armed with
Power Weapon and laspistol. All Swooping Hawks have grenade packs.

Special Rules: Fleet, Skyleap, Intercept; Sustained Assault (Exarch only) - for every
Close Combat hit Exarch gains additional attack, keep rolling to hit until there are no
hitting attacks, all hits scored till this moment are proper hits and roll to wound for

Options: Single Hawk may be upgraded to an Exarch for +50 pts. Exarch may
exchange his Shuriken pistol with W-M PGL for +5 ponits; replace his lasblaster with
Hawk's Talon for +15 points, Sunrifle for +15; replace Close Combat Weapon with
Power Weapon for +10 points. Two other Hawks can exchange their lasblasters with
flamers for +8pts. One Hawk can exchange his CCW for power weapon for +10pts.

Swooping Hawks Grenade pack: It's a Large Blast template weapon with S4AP5.
Every additional 2 Swooping Hawks from the minimum 5 gives +1S to the pack's
strength. For example, a Unit of 10 Swooping Hawks will deploy a Large blast
template with strenght equal to 6 – giving S6AP5 Large Blast.

Front Armor Side Armor Rear Armor BS
Vyper 10 10 10 3

Squadron: 1-3 Vypers. One Vyper costs 50pts.

Type: Fast, Skimmer, Open-Topped

Special Rules: Skilled Riders, Scout

Wargear: The Vyper is armed with twin-linked shuriken catapults and a single
weapon chosen from the following list: EML at +15pts; Scatter Laser at +10pts;
Starcannon at +15pts; brightlance at +20pts; Shuriken Cannon for +5pts.

Options: Shuriken Catapults can be exchanged for a Shuriken Cannon for +5pts.

Vyper may be upgraded with Spirit Stones for +5pts; Crystal Targetting Matrix for

Skilled Raiders – as in the Rulebook

Dark Reapers
Squad Capacity: 3-8 Reapers – 28pts per model

Reapers 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+
Exarch 5 6 4 3 2 6 2 10 3+

Wargear: Reaper Launcher

Special Rules: Crack Shot, Fast Shot (if Exarch is present).

Options: Upgrade a single Reaper to Exarch for +60 points.. Exarch may replace
her/his Reaper Launcher for Tempest Launcher for +20pts; EML for +10pts; Ancient
Shuriken Cannon for +25.

Exarch leads the way: When Exarch is present, all his powers are transferred into
his squad mates.

Fire Prism Grav Tank

Front Armor Side Armor Rear Armor BS
Fire Prism 12 12 11 4

Squadron: 1-3 Fire Prisms, each one 125pts.

Type: Fast, Skimmer

Special Rules: Diamond-Hard Crystal, Fire Focus

Diamond-Hard Crystal: Prism's main weapon is immune to first Weapon Destroyed


Fire Focus: Exactly as in the Codex: Eldar.

Options: Shuriken Catapults can be exchanged for a Shuriken Cannon for +5pts. Fire
Prism can be upgraded with Spirit Stones for +10pts; Vectored Engines +20pts; Star
Engines +15pts; Holo-Fields +25pts; Energy Field +25pts.
Farseer - 80pts.
Farseer 5 5 3 3 3 5 2 10 4+

Wargear: Witchblade, Ghosthelm, Shuriken Pistol, rune armour (4+ invulnerable


Special Rules: Independent Character, Chain Lightning (Psychic Power), Fleet of

Foot, Psychic Powers

Options: Farseer can exchange his/her Witchblade with Seerstaff for +20pts or with
Singing Spear for +10pts. He can buy Spirit Stones for additional +15pts; Runes of
Warding for +15pts; Runes of Witnessing for +10pts. He can also ride to battle on a
jetbike for +30pts.

Seerstaff – a highly potent staff, made from wraithbone. It is somehow a conductor

between the warp and the Farseer. It also raises his potential, making him one of the
deadliest psykers in the galaxy. For all purposes, Seerstaff is a Force Weapon. In
addition, Farseer may re-roll failed psychic test roll once per turn.

Eldritch Storm – This power is cast in a shooting phase. Choose a unit or a vehicle
18” in the Farseer's line of sight. If he passes the Psychic test, place a marker under
the target. If it is an infantry squad, it is hit with 2d6+X (X as being the number of
models in the squad) S4AP- hits and must take a Pinning test. If it is a vehicle, roll a
2d6+4 for armour penetration. Roll a scatter dice to know which side of the vehicle is
hit. Additionaly, it is spun in the direction chosen by the scatter dice. If you roll a hit,
you may choose the direction and the vehicle is always hit on the rear. Monstrous
creatures always receive d6+X (as X being the number of wounds which the MC has)
S4AP- hits.

Powers that can be bought by the Farseer:

Doom – 20pts
Eldritch Storm - 25pts
Fortune - 30pts
Mind War - 15pts
Guide – 20pts
Autarch - 50pts.

Autarch 6 6 4 3 3 6 3 10 3+

Wargear: Close Combat Weapon, Shuriken Pistol, Plasma Grenades, Haywire

Grenades, Autarch Armour (3+ armour save, 4+ invulnerable save)

Special Rules: Independent Character, Fleet of Foot, Master Strategist, Warrior Born

Autarch can exchange his CCW for one of these weapons:
– Power Sword for +10pts
– Chainsword +5pts
– Power Glove + 20pts
– Web of Skulls +15pts
– Starlance (Jetbike or Vyper only) + 20pts

Autarch can buy one of these weapons:
– Fusion Gun +10pts
– Reaper Launcher +10pts
– Death spinner +5pts
– Shuriken Catapult for +2pts
– Lasblaster for +4pts

Autarch can additionally buy one of these:

– Banshee mask +4pts
– Mandiblasters +10pts

And one of these:

– Warp Jump generator +15pts
– Swooping Hawk wings +10pts
– Eldar jetbike +25pts
– Vyper chariot +35pts

Master Strategist – Eldar player adds +1 to his reserve rolls. In addition, at the
beginning of the Eldar turn, after deploying forces on the table, he may choose one
unit or vehicle to change its placement.
Warrior Born – Autarch always hits on a roll of 3+ in close combat, no matter the
circumstances. In addition, you MAY buy him one of the following powers:
– Feel no Pain for +20pts
– Scout for +15pts
– Furious Charge +10pts

The Avatar of Khaine

Khaela Mensha Khaine, The Destroyer, The Reaper,
The Bloody Handed God, The Wailing Death

"By my bloody hand the enemy shall not live past this day."

Avatar of Khaine 10 4 6 6 5 7 5 10 2+

Unit Type: Monstrous Creature (Unique)

Cost: 280 points

Special Rules: God of War, Molten Body, Fearless, Inspiring, Fear Embodiment,
Daemon (4+ Invulnerable save), The Wailing Doom, Eternal Warrior

God of War – The Avatar is an embodiment of the Eldar former god, Kaela Mensha
Khaine. He was (and still is!) the best warrior in the entire galaxy. To represent this,
he always hits on a roll of 2+.

Molten Body – He is immune to all flame and melta-based weapons. This includes
Incinerator, Burna, Scorcha, Fusion Gun, etc. In additional, all enemy and friendly
units that are in base contact with Avatar and have armour save worse than 4+ suffer
from S3AP5 D3 hits per assault turn.

Inspiring – All Eldar units in a range of 12” are fearless and receive a bonus of

Fear Embodiment – All units willing to charge an Avatar must roll for a leadership
test with a penalty of -1. If they fail, they freeze and refuse to take an action.
Additionally, when Avatar charges a unit, all squad members must roll for a
leadership test with penalty of -1. If they fail, they will hit the Avatar on a roll of 6+.

Options: Avatar of Khaine is a fearsome warrior, but he doesn't only rely on his
martial skills. He may choose one of these three powers:

Fiery Breath – 15pts

Hecatomb – 30pts
Gaze of Flames – 20pts

Fiery Breath – It is a flamer-based attack. Place a flamer template on a squad or unit

you wish to attack. It receives a S5AP3 hits, basing on how many models the
template touched.
Hecatomb – Place a Large Blast template centered on the Avatar. All models under
the template suffer D3 S5AP4 hits.
Gaze of Flames – Avatar may choose one unengaged in combat model – may it be an
independent character – in a range of 18”. It rolls for and leadeship test with a
modifier of -2. If it fails, that model has his attacks reduced to 1 till next Eldar turn,
even when charging. If it passes, it loses only 1 attack from the pule.
The Many Shapes of The Mighty Wailing Doom
The Spear of Khaine
A mighty and potent weapon. Embodiments the power of
Khaine as a unreeling hunter, who always gets his prey.

The Spear of Khaine gives his ruler a power to throw it into enemies from
vast distances. When this shape is chosen, Avatar can throw it at a distance
of 24”. It has the following profile:

S10AP1, Lance 1

Note that the Avatar cannot charge after throwing his spear. It must return
to him, obviously.
In close combat, The Spear of Khaine is treated as a two-handed weapon.
It doesn't confers any bonuses, either.

The Sword of Khaine, Wailing Doom

A fierce and fearsome weapon. Original form of the
Wailing Doom, thought and said to be forged by the god of
forges, Vaul. Although his fate is unknown today, his
greatest work still fights.
The Sword of Khaine is a great weapon for killing any opponent. A strike
from it can cut a Land Raider with ease, not to say a petty Space Marines
trying to approach the Avatar.

The Sword of Khaine is a single-handed weapon that gives the Avatar +2

attacks when charging, instead of the normal +1.

The Axe of Khaine, Sledgehammer of the Gods

The last, but not least, form of the fearsome Wailing Doom.
Fuegan, a Fire Dragons Phoenix Lord forged himself
merely a replica of this weapon, but still obtaining a
weapon that is almost as much feared, as the original one.
This is the trait of the Khaine as the Destroyer.
This embodiment of the Wailing Doom is a bane of all vehicles across the
galaxy. It is the only weapon, that can cut off pieces from the monolith as
easily as turn Land Raider to shreds. In addition, the Avatar becomes

The Axe of Khaine gives the Avatar +2S but lowers his Initiative to 5. It
also ignores the Monolith's „Living Metal” special rule.

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