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Order Grant/Deny Danfoss MTCompel

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Case 2:14-cv-14420-RLR Document 64 Entered on FLSD Docket 09/30/2015 Page 1 of 15








SEP 32 2215





Defendant .




THIS CAUSE comes before this Court upon the above Motions .

Having reviewed the Motions and their respective Responses and

Replies, this Court finds as follows :
Through the above two Motions, b0th sides seek relief

regarding the other's Rule 3O(b)(6) corporate representative

witness . The Defendant filed its Motion first, on September 16,
2015 , seeking emergency relief in the form of an alternate

witness to be deposed by September 28, 2015 (to coincide with

the time when its Response to the Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary

Judgment was due). By time the Defendant filed its Motion,

discovery already had ended---on September 11th . (The original

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discovery deadline was August 21, 2015.) The disputed deposition

took place on September

2015 , one day before the discovery

deadline . This Court notes that problems concerning last-m inute

discovery do not present a true emergency . The Plaintiffs then

filed their Motion two days after the Defendant's Motion . This

Court directed the parties to brief both Motions on an expedited

basis. This Court now rules on them jointly.

Before addressing the Motions' merits, this Court

reviews the standard for what is expected of a Rule 30(b)(6)

witness. 80th the Plaintiffs (who for present purposes are

acting collectively) and the Defendant are corporate entities.

As such, Rule 3O (b)(6) provides the vehicle for deposing them .
Rule 30 (b)(6) obligates an entity to designate a person 'lto
testify on its behalf''. The designated person ''must testify
about information known or reasonably available to the

organization .'' The party wanting to depose the corporate

entity's representative , in turn , Bmust describe with reasonab le
particularity the matters for exam ination .'' The entity may
designate more than one person if necessary to respond to all of
the noticed topics . This Court also applies the very thorough

discussion of a corporate entity's Rule 30 (b)(6) obligations

found in QBE Ins . Corp . v . Jorda Entersw Inc w 277 F .R .D . 676

(S .D .FIa . 2012). In short, a corporation must make a

conscientious, good faith effort to designate the person having
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know ledge of the matters sought and to prepare that deponent to

answer questions about the subject matter topics ufully,

completely, and unevasively''. See in re Brican America LLC
Equipment Lease Litigation , 2013 WL 5519969, *3 (S.D .FIa. 2013).
The above describes what is expected , and this Court applies
that standard to b0th depositions equally . In their Reply the
Plaintiffs lament the other end of the spectrum : ''the sorry
state of affairs occasioned by discovery misconduct''. This Court

considers these Motions with those concerns in m ind , as well .

This Court addresses first the Defendant 's Motion . On

2015 the Defendant noticed the deposition of the

Plaintiffs' Rule 30 (b)(6) witness. The deposition was set to

occur five weeks later , on September 10, 2015 . It was set to
take p lace in Washington , DC, and it appears that the deposition
location required Defendant's counsel---and the deponent,
herself, who lives in New Hampshire-- to travel .
The Plaintiffs designated Carrie Ayers as their

corporate representative . Ms . Ayers has a degree in accounting

and an MBA . At the time of the deposition she had worked for the

Plaintiff, Liberty Mutual, for thirteen months . She is a Sen ior

Receivables Analyst in the billings and collection department .
She is not a corporate o fficer . Before that , she worked for her
family 's electrical contracting bu siness as its comptroller .
Before that, she had worked for Liberty Mutual for three and a
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half years as a senior accountant . In addition to appearing as

the Plaintiffs' joint Rule 30(b)(6) witness, Ms . Ayers executed

an affidavit that the Plaintiffs submit in support of their

summary judgment motion, signed Liberty's answers to

interrogatories, and will be one of the Plaintiffs' w itnesses at
trial .

The Defendant submitted a list of the subject matter

topics that it wanted to ask about . The Defendant identified

nineteen topics tailored to the issues dispositive to the case .
To summarize the relevant issues , the Plaintiffs conducted three

audits of two Workbr's Compensation insurance policies that the

Defendant had bought . Those audits resulted in a substantial
premium rate increase for wh ich the Plaintiffs now seek Payment .
There are various sub -issues underly ing the Plaintiffs' present
claim for additional premium s and how

came about , but for

ease of discussion this Court does not go into the dispu te in

depth . Instead this Court refers to the underly ing issues

generally and by shorthand on ly to the extent needed to give

this ruling context . The details of what happened this Court

leaves for the fact-finder and for ru lings on the merits .

The noticed top ic areas concern the main issues in

dispute in this case . It was the Defendant 's opportun ity to

learn about the Plaintiffs' position on the issues and to learn

what at the administrative/managerial lev/l affected how the

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Defendant 's insurance policies and rate increases were handled .

The Plaintiffs filed no objections during the intervening five

weeks. Nor did Ms . Ayers do much to prepare herself for the

deposition during the intervening five weeks . Her preparation

was lim ited to reviewing audit notes and conferring very briefly

with just one of the auditors who worked on the Defendant's

policies . That consultation was lim ited to confirm ing the
existence of auditing manuals .
Ms . Ayers is not a fact witness to the events specific

to the handling of the Defendant's insurance policy premiums .

She did work directly on the subject audits, did not prepare the
Defendant 's statement of account, and did not make billing and

collections decisions regarding it . Nor did she ask those

employees who did about their decision -making process that 1ed
up to the Defendant 's rate increase . She generally denied

knowing anything about the specifics involved with respect to

the Defendant's account and rate increase . By contrast, she was
able to discuss how and why accounts are audited , statements

issued, and billing/collection decisions made in a general

fashion . As she explained it generally , all such decisions are
made on an ad hoc , case-by-case basis . For explanations of how
matters are handled , she deferred to the individual auditors ,
underwriters, etc .

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Ms . Ayers brought little insight into the Plaintiffs'

procedures for audits, rate settings , and billing/collections.

Her answers along these lines were limited . She affirmed, for

example, the existence of a standard general business practice

of increasing premiums by 125% of their initial estimate for
insureds who fail to produce requested information . There is a

general business practice for reopening prior audits , as well.

She could not answer whether the Plaintiffs departed from any

standard procedure in calcu lating the Defendant's premium on May

2014 . She could not point to any specific regulation or
insurance policy provision to support the Plaintiffs ' premium
rate increase . Nor is she fam iliar with the Plaintiffs' standard
auditing procedures and guidelines . (These are merely summations

of examples from the deposition .)

Ancillary to the handling of the Defendant 's insurance
policy and rate increase is an issue about how it might
interrelate with the Plaintiffs' decision to withdraw from the
Worker's Compensation insurance market . Ms . Ayers had no

knowledge of any aspect of that . Nor did she know how auditors
are compensated and whether any aspect of the premium rate
increase and collection activity impacted compensation , bu t she

did deny the ex istence of any compensation-related policies that

would have affected how those who worked on the Defendant's rate
increase handled that rate increase .
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The Plaintiffs do not defend the degree of Ms . Ayers '

preparations and factual familiarity (or lack thereof). Instead

the Plaintiffs respond by deflecting attention away from that
issue . They do so in three respects . First, they challenge the
Defendant's right to discovery in the first place . They deny
that the Defendant has any legal right or standing to dispute
their claim for payment of the increased premium charge . The

implication is that they have been participating in p re - trial

discovery only superficially . This is no defen se . There has been

no dispositive legal ruling in their favor (and the Defendant

hotly disputes the Plaintiffs' arguments). Until such time when
the Plaintiffs ob tain a favorable ruling on a question of law ,

they remain ob liged to p articipate in discovery fully and in

good faith. Nor did they raise qny such objection to the
deposition beforehand . The simple fact that everyone was going

to the trouble of participating in the out-of-town deposition ,

alone , obliged the Plaintiffs to make it a productive effort .

Second , the Plaintiffs regard the deposition as

improperly taken and thus void . For whatever reason , n o cou rt

reporter was present when the deposition began . The parties

handled the situation laudably at the time, finding a mutually
agreeable solution to permit the deposition to proceed until a

court reporter arrived to take over . It is only now , in their

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Response , the Plaintiffs reproach the Defendant and deem the

deposition void .
12 . Third, the Plaintiffs blame the inadequacy of Ms .
Ayers ' answers on the Defendant for asking what they

characterize as flawed questions . Th is Court disagrees . In their

Response the Plaintiffs go further and justify and otherwise

explain away the answers that Ms . Ayers gave . In effect the
Plaintiffs use their Response to supplement the deposition . As

this Court finds below , the Plaintiffs are precluded from

offering any new testimony or taking any positions inconsistent
to or beyond the deposition . That does not preclude the
Plaintiffs from making legal argument, but it does limit what
factual assertions the Plaintiffs may rely upon . The deposition - -

and not the Response ---was the Plaintiffs ' opportunity to

develop the factual record and to set forth the reasons why the
Defendant's prem iums were handled the way they were .
13 . This Court finds that on balance , the Plaintiffs did

not meet their Rule 30 (b)(6) obligations. The remedy the

Defendant primarily seeks is to compel the Plaintiffs proffer a

different Rule 30(b)(6i witness for

to depose . Even at the

time of the Motion 's filing , it was already too late for any
additional discovery . The current procedural posture of this
case forecloses that avenue of relief . D iscovery is over, and

dispositive motions are being briefed .

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l4 . As an alternative remedy the Defendant asks this Court

to preclude the Plaintiffs ''from later offering trial testimony
on any of the topics for which the corporate representative was
unable to provide adequate deposition testimony on September
2015.'' This Court grants the Motion to that extent . The
Defendant goes no further to exp lain this means of relief ,

however . For example the Defendant does not expressly separate

what testimony topics are precluded from those that are not .

Therefore this Court re-fashions the Defendant's alternative

form of relief as follows : This Court finds the more practical

course of action is simply to bind the Plaintiffs ' to their

designated deponent 's answers . Essentially this Court does

nothing more than apply the general rule that a Rule 3O(b)(6)
deponent's answers bind the entity that the deponent is
representing .
15 .

This is the most practical course of action for

several reasons . First , it spares the Court---and the parties- from having to figure out what deposition answers were adequate
and what were not . That would have been a difficult tasks given
the fact that Ms . Ayers gave few , if any , in depth , substantive

exp lanations of the relevant issues . Second, it gives full

effect to the Plaintiffs' Rule 3O(b)(6) obligations and the

natural consequences stemm ing therefrom . It was the Plaintiffs
who designated Ms . Ayers as their corporate representative , and
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it was the Plaintiffs who had the most influence over her degtee
of preparation . The Plaintiffs therefore are bound by her
answers given on their behalf . This includes her ''I-don 't-know''
answers . The corollary of this is that the Pla intiffs may not

change their deposition answers---or proffer new exp lanations or

assertions---later as evidence . The Jorda Court , supra ,

discusses this consequence in at No .

and No . 29 of its

guiding princip les . This outcome also moots the question of

sanctions . There is no need for sanctions or for compen sation of

time and travel 's costs

the deposition is given full effect .

l6 . As such , Ms . Ayers' deposition answers are deemed

fully binding on the Plaintiffs . They may not proffer any

testimonial evidence regarding their collective position on the

notice top ics contrary to or in addition to what Ms . Ayers

answered on their behalf . The Defendant may point to any

inconsistencies between her deposition answers and previous
discovery answers or the affidavit that she signed on the
Plaintiffs' behalf . This does not preclude the Plaintiffs from
raising any legal argument , but

does preclude them from

proffering any factual assertions contrary to or in addition to

the Rule 30(b)(6) deposition answers. Lastly this ruling does

not affect the proffer of testimony from fact witnesses who are

giv ing ev idence of matters of personal knowledge and direct

involvement .
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17 .

In other words the above ruling precludes the

Plaintiffs from later offering any inconsistent trial testimony ,

and to this extent,

represents a modification of the

requested form of relief . This Court makes one exception ,

however . This Court does grant the Defendant's alternative form
of requested relief in full and without the above modification

for one particular subject matter area: the Plaintiffs'

withdrawal from the Worker's Compensation market (sublect of

Topic Nos .

Simply put, the Plaintiffs should have

either prepared Ms . Ayers on these topics or designated another

deponent who could talk about

This was a subject matter area

over wh ich Ms . Ayers had the least familiarity and ev idently was
in no position to know . Because the time for d iscovery has
ended , the only fair resolution to this part of the deposition
dispute is to give the Defendant the benefit of Rule

37 (b)(2) (A)(i) and (ii) .

18 . Th is Court turns next to the Plaintiffs' Motion for

Sanctions for Discovery Misconduct regarding the deposition of

the Defendant's designated Rule 30(b)(6) corporate

representative . The Defendant designated Eve Clark as its
corporate witness , and her deposition took p lace on September 4 ,

2015. In its Response (DE

to the Plaintiffs' Motion for

Sanctions , the Defendant highlights how M s . Clark---in sharp

contrast to Ms . Ayers-- diligently and extensively prepared for
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the Rule 30(b)(6) deposition . The Defendant highlights how Ms .

Clark---unlike Ms. Ayers---answered

don't know'' rarely (and

two of those times were for hypothetical questions)

Ms . Clark even came to the deposition with notes which

the PlainEiffs refer to negatively as a nscript'' and the

Defendant refers to neutrally as an uoutline''. The Plaintiffs do
not complain that Ms. Clark ---unlike Ms . Ayers---was unable to

answer questions substantively . Rather the Plaintiffs complain

about Ms . Clark 's reliance on her script/outline in answering

the questions . In the briefing of their Motion , the Plaintiffs

stress how an incorporated party is obliged to produce a

knowledgeable person to testify on its behalf at deposition . Ms .

Clark's reliance on her script/outline rendered her answers

void . The Plaintiffs seek the severest sanctions for the
deficient deposition : the striking of Defendant's Amended
Answer , Affirmative Defenses, and Counterclaim .
20 . The Plaintiffs had given notice of fourteen topics for

Ms . Clark 's deposition . Even though the Plaintiffs deny the

Defendant 's legal standing to even contest the new premium s
the first place , the Plaintiffs still noticed the deposition in
order to ascertain the Defendant's position . The instant Motion
and Reply strongly imply the Plaintiffs' expectation of the
Defendant's full and good faith participation in that discovery
proceeding . This stands in sharp contrast to the dismissive way
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in which the Plaintiffs describe their own discovery

obligations .

21 .

In any event the Plaintiffs overstate the impropriety

of Ms. Clark's reliance on the script/outline. This Court sees

nothing egregiously wrong in how Ms . Clark used it to answer

some deposition questions . The Defendant emphasizes how Ms .

Clark relied on the script/outline for just a minor part of the

deposition (which ran from 10:00 am to 4 :30 pm and whose

transcript is 238 pages long) Ms. Clark relied on it to help

her answer five of the fourteen noticed topic areas. As this
Court summarizes them , these five topic areas asked the

Defendant to state expressly and fully its various defenses and

claims in the context of its legal arguments . The Defendant

justifies the need for the script/outline at length in its

Response. They were complicated subject matters and beyond Ms.

Clark 's ability to memorize .

22 .

Importantly , moreover, Ms . Clark was entirely

transparent about the matter. The script/outline, itself, was

made part of the deposition record . Ms . Clark also expressly

confirmed that the answers were the Defendant 's . Importantly the

Plaintiffs raised no objection at the time (despite drawing much

attention to her use of the script/outline). It was not until
after the Defendant comp lained about Ms. Ayers ' deposition did
the Plaintiffs first complain about Ms . Clark .
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Nor does this Court find the conduct of Defendant's

counsel during Ms. Clark 's deposition sanctionable . The

Plaintiffs say that the Defendant 's counsel , Mr . Jacobs,

interjected in such a way that he acted as the de facto

testifying witness and used speaking objections to otherwise
guide and influence M s. Clark 's answers . The Plaintiffs
overstate what happened . Like their complaint about Ms . Clark ,

the Plaintiffs ' complaint about Mr . Jacobs concerns those

questions abou t the specifics of the Defendan t's legal
positions . Mr . Jacobs saw need to make clarifications which is
generally permissible . Like their complaint about Ms . Clark , the
essential nature of the Plaintiffs ' complaint about the
Defendant's attorney , Mr . Jacobs, is not one of evasiveness or
non -responsiveness . The Plaintiffs do not complain about a lack
of substantive answers but instead on how those answers were

made . To the extent the Plaintiffs complain abou t the volume of

objections and other commentary by Mr . Jacobs during Ms . Clark 's

deposition, this Court observes that the Plaintiffs ' attorney

likewise raised many objections during Ms. Ayers' deposition.

24 . This is not to say that Ms . Clark 's deposition was the

model Rule 3O(b)(6) deposition. Ideally a corporate witness

should be able to answer al1 questions fully , clearly , and

independently . Ideally a corporate witness should have no need

for any notes, at all, and there shou ld be no need for
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clarifications . Even if M s . Clark 's deposition fell short of the

ideal, it was not so egregious to warrant the requested

sanctions , especially when compared to Ms . Ayers ' deposition .

It is therefore ,

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Defendant's Emergency Motion

to Compel Plaintiffs to Produce an Alternative 30(b)(6) Witness

(DE 53) is DENIED in light of the procedural posture of this
case . The other part of that Motion- -the Defendant's Motion for
Sanctions---is GRAN TED , in part , as explained above . It is

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Plaintiffs ' Motion for

Sanctions (DE 55) is DENIED in full.

DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Fort Pierce , Florida , this

ay of September , 2015 .

cc :


Counsel of Record

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