Overview PA
Overview PA
Overview PA
1: Stillman, "Study of Administration in US."
2: Max Weber "Bureaucracy"
3: Stillman's introduction: Environment, Ecology of Public
3: John M. Gaus, "The Ecology of Public Administration"
4: Norton E. Long, "Power And Administration"
5: Lawrence O"Toole, "American Intergovernmental
Relations: An Overview."
6: Elton Mayo, "Hawthorne and the Western Electric
7: Stillman, "Inside Public Administration: The Concept of
Competing Bureaucratic Subsystems"
8: Lindblom, "Science of Muddling Through." [Stillman's
Introduction] [SPS notes]
9: James Garnett "Administrative Communication: It's
10: Stillman's introduction | Hal Rainey & Paula
Steibauer, "Galloping Elephants: Developing Elements of
a Theory of Effective Government Organizations."
11: Lois Recascino Wise, "The Public Service Culture"
[Wise's page at IU] [Wise's note]
12: Irene Rubin, "Politics of Public Budgets"
13: Matland, "Ambiguity-Conflict Model: Synthesizing the
Implementation Literature." | Matland Model
14: Hugh Heclo, "Issue Networks and the Executive
15: James Q. Wilson, "Bureaucracy and the Public
16: Waldo, Public Admin. and Ethics."
all the government to see more clearly how it ought to do the things it sees it
should do.
This science originated overseas in foreign lands such as France and
Germany but from it must be adapted to not a simple and compact state but
a complex and multiform state to fit highly decentralized forms of
government, it must of course learn to be Americanized
England and America has been making government just and moderate rather
than well-ordered and effective. We need to be free in spirit and proficient in
practice according to Wilson.
Organizing rule is difficult for popular sovereignty unlike the ease of a
monarch who could declare with one mind/opinion a simple plan.
It takes years and scarcely 3 generations to get public opinion to curve
Though Wilson says that Administration is for the most part separate from
Politics, he also says the administrator to the politician relationship is not
exactly a Will to Deed relationship because the administrator has a will of his
ownhow he will accomplish his work. The administrator is not a mere
passive instrument.
Administrative study is based constitutionally in one respect, according to
Wilson, concerning the distribution of powers. If administrative study can
determine which powers should go to which administrators without
hampering the authority (splitting it into shares), the responsibility, and also
not obscuring the power (who gets praise or blame for actions) then the
study of administration has done an invaluable service.
Public opinion should play the part of and authoritative critic in the conduct
of administration
Self-government does not need a hand in everything like a cook does not
cook entirely with her hands, but with stoves, pots, utensils. We should not
raise everything up to a vote, but rather give large discretions to public
officials, according to Wilson. It must at all points sensitive to public opinion
The duty of administrative study should teach the people what sort of
administration to desire and demand, how to get it and it should also drill
candidates for the public service.
In conclusion Wilson states that our governmental study should be
comparative, we can borrow a murderers idea to sharpen his knife without
his motive to kill.
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Stillman Chap. 2: Formal Structure of Bureaucracy.
Max Weber, Bureaucracy Stillman Chapter 2
Walker Garrett (2005)
Characteristics of Bureaucracy
I. Activities required within structure are distributed as official duties
Authority and delegation power is given to officials to
properly complete duties
Provisions are in place to have continuous fulfillment of
duties and persons in charge of duties are qualified
In public, these 3 characteristics make up the bureaucratic
In private, bureaucratic management
Bureaucracy can only be developed in modern states or most
advanced institutions of capitalism.
In bureaucracy, there is a system of hierarchy where
authority is distributed in a manner which the lower offices are supervised by
higher offices.
In full development, hierarchy is monocratically organized
Once established an office tends to continue even after
fulfilling task and be held by another incumbent
The management of the modern office is based upon
written documents, which are preserved in their original form.
Bureaucracy separates public and private life, business
Democracy is opposed to rule of bureaucracy
The Power Position of Bureaucracy
The drawing in of economic interest groups or other nonofficial experts, or the drawing in of non-expert lay representatives, the
establishment of local, inter-local,
or central parliamentary or other representative bodies, or of
occupational associations---these seem to run directly against the
bureaucratic tendency.
Under normal conditions, the power position of a fully
developed bureaucracy is always overtowering.
Democracy is by no means the only system under which bureaucracy
can or does function
"indispensable" nature
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Chap. 3: Environment, Ecology of Public Admin.
by Charles U Walters, Spring 07
Economics and Ecology are closely related but Ecology is much wider, it
deals with all the interrelationships of living organisms and their environment
Gaus uses seven factors he feels are useful for explaining the process of
public administration: people, place, physical technology, social
technology, wishes and ideas, catastrophe, and personality.
night club burned killing service men, legislation was passed for fire
than before, a
Catastrophe can shake up popular opinion and awaken administration to the
reality of things or
improve previous ideas. In many ways, catastrophes are an adapting time of
the ecology of public
administration. When the terrorists struck the World Trade Center Towers on
9/11, the government
had to change its way of thinking and adapt with new policies. This is part of
the ecology talked
about with public administration.
It is through growth and formulation of public policy from environmental
change that the
administration is linked to the environment.
John M. Gaus, "The Ecology of Public Administration"
by Amy C. Garrett
"ecology" as defined by Webster's dictionary "is the mutual relations,
collectively between organisms and their environments"
Charles A. Beard created 7 axioms in which environmental changes are
linked with public administration (found on pg 83)
the ecological approach builds from the ground up, it studys the roots of
government functions, civic attitudes, and operating problems
7 Factors effecting the Ebb and Flow of ecological public administration
physical technology
social technology
wishes and ideas
-Administration is power
-the sources of power is derived and limited
-the top of hierarchy of the administration structure of power is irrelevant
- the power of a hierarchy flows down the chain of command
-Congress or the President can impart power as a form depends on the lineup of forces in particular case
-focus on general political energies of the communities
-power is not concentrated by the structure of government or politics in the
hands of a leadership with a capacity to budget it among a diverse a set of
administration activities
-to deny that power is derived from superiors in a hierarchy is asserted that
subordinates stand in a feudal relation to a degree they fend for themselves
and acquire support particularly their owns.
-this structure is important to determine the scope of possible action.
- a source of power and authority is a competitor of a formal
- power flow in from the up the organization to the center
- the American system of politics does not generate enough power at any
focal point of leadership to provide the conditions for an even successful
divorce of politics from administration
-the theory of administration has neglected the problem of the sources and
adequacy of power
- the bureaucracy under the American system has a large share of
responsibility for the public promotion of policy and more in organizing
political basis for its survival and growth
-a major time consuming aspect of administration consists of a wide range
of activities designed to secure enough acceptance to survive
- the balance between executives and legislative is constant subjected to a
shift of public support
- the unanswered question of American Government " who is boss?"
constantly plagues administration
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Stillman Chap. 5: Intergovernmental Relations.
by Charles U Walters, Spring 07
The US is founded on Federalism, not a system where authority flows straight
down such as a unitary form of government, but one built to establish
arenas for conflict and controversy.
In the US administrators must work where authority is shared by various
need mutual consent between levels of government, no part can work alone.
Nixons New Federalism: shifted power from Washington to field offices
trimming red tape, believed in revenue sharing, block grants, and
administrative initiatives
Reagan: proposed additional block grants, simplified intergovernmental aid
dramatically, devolution of responsibilities for many policies from the
national level to the states, created more simplified administration
Struggles for Reform, Pressures toward Globalization: UMRA
(Unfunded Mandates Reform Act) sought to impose tight budgets and cut
many programs drastically, TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needed Families)
put an end to long-term welfare assistance, designed to encourage welfare
recipients to move permanently into the workforce, NPR (National
Performance Review) called for a rationalizing of the nations approach to IGR
and trumpeted an need to end unfunded mandates to the state/local
Laurence J. OToole, "American Intergovernmental Relations: An
by Walker Garrett (2005)
-Intergovernmental relations is the subject of how our many and varied
American governments
deal with each other and what their relative roles, responsibilities, and levels
of influence are and
should be.
-Federalism means a system of authority constitutionally apportioned
between central and
regional governments.
-Fed-State relationship is interdependent: neither can abolish the
other and each must
deal with the other.
-Types of Governments
-Counties: General-purpose governments originally created throughout
most of the
country to administer state services at the local level.
-Municipalities: local governments established to serve people within an
area of
concentrated population.
-Municipalities have sometimes have bad relationships with
parent state
because they lack independent status similar to the states within
the US
-Municipalities have often develop defensive and somewhat
relations with both state and national authorities---as they have
sought to develop additional revenue sources and less one-sided
dependence on the other levels.
-School Districts
-Special Districts
-Special districts are currently responsible for managing public
housing; building
and maintaining bridges, tunnels, and roads; supplying water and
services to residents; assessing and regulating air quality; and caring
for the
districts mass transit needs.
The Founding and the Framework
-The framers of the US Constitution sought a way to combine the several
states into a structure
that would minimize instability, injustice, and confusion, in the words of
James Madison
-American states had agreed on a formal arrangement that is now called a
confederation (states
loosely joined for certain purposes).
-Suggested that states themselves remain independent governments
correspondingly independent jurisdictions.
-Divides responsibilities between the two levels of government according
to subject.
-10th Amendment: the powers not delegated to the United States by the
nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively,
or to the
-National Congress given authority to provide for thegeneral Welfare
and to make
all Laws which shall be necessary and proper.
-Founders established overlapping two level structure where states and
government are not independent of each other.
The Idea of Dual Federalism
-Dual Federalism involves each of the two levels of government operating
independently within
its separate jurisdiction without relying on the other for assistance or
Conflict and Cooperation in Earlier Times
-The Civil War is the prime example of disagreement over the limits of
authority between
National and State Government.
-Intergovernmental loopholes
-Joint Stock Companies
-Part public and part private entities created to surmount the
restrictions on
direct participation by the national government.
-Land Grant
-The Federal government would offer some of its land to the states for
-Land grants were intended to help achieve goals in the fields of
economic development, and social welfare.
-It was not until the 20th century that the dual federal perspective declined
in significance and
American intergovernmental relations developed into a system with
sustained high levels of
interdependence and consequent complexity.
Developments in the Early 20th Century
-Power concentrated in large corporations, regulation needed
-Natural resources limited, must be conserved
-Newly developing and professionalizing state bureaucracies, which saw in
federal involvement
opportunities for upgrading and expanded funding
-With the income tax, the federal government created a source of money
that they could
repeatedly use, such cases were called grant-in-aid.
-These grant-in-aids are a transfer of money from one government to another
for a certain
reason. There very fine details of each transaction that stipulate how the
money will be
-Federal aid is large, new, and has the capacity to produce large-scale
alterations. Because of
this, they are considered an extremely significant part of Americas fiscal
Validation of Grants-in-aid
-A pair of landmark decisions in 1923 by the Supreme Court greatly
expanded the grant
system. The court asserted that grants were voluntary arrangements and
the federal government
was not violating the constitution.
Basic Types of Assistance
-Grants come in many shapes and sizes, and the donor can structure the
purpose to whatever it
feels like. These are called categorical grants
-The donor may also design an intergovernmental program for many
purposes in a particular
field, and this is called a block grant.
-1970s, a new form of aid called revenue sharing was created to make sure
that one
government could offer financial aid with virtually no restrictions.
-Some grants specify a precise formula, these are called formula grants. The
formula largely
depends on the purpose of the grant.
-Project grants allocate funding on a competitive basis, and potential
recipients have no
advanced knowledge about the size of the grant.
Why do we distinguish between different types of grants?
The answer is that the different grants are designed to produce different
relationships between
the governments that are involved.
The Legacy of the New Deal
-During the time of the New Deal, the grant-in-aid was repeatedly used.
This time period also saw an increase in the importance if intergovernmental
relationships. This
continued to grow under President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
-Efforts to reduce the interdependence and complexities of the
intergovernmental system have
been unsuccessful..
-Mandates, however, have been a major issue in our most recent decade.
Creative Federalism and Its Implications
-Johnson proposed creative federalism which was designed to signify
multiple national
committees to assist states and such. The efforts of this administration were
directed primarily
at the problem of racial discrimination. Most new programs were categorical
Intergovernmental Activism
-Increased governmental help was welcomed by state and local
governments. Johnsons
administration greatly increased the role of government grants, but with this
came many
Emergent Frustrations and Tensions
-Interagency competition for clients led to loosening of federal requirements
-Grants for same basic things have different requirements and approval
-Instead of spending on local needs, cities work to get matching funds for
national priority
-Greater number of specialists within governmental levels in administrative
-When responsibility becomes diffused, the mechanisms of democratic
government cannot
readily ensure that policy reflects the will of the people or their
-Creative Federalism while bringing energy and inventiveness, also bring
escalating costs and
Interdependence, Complexity, and Intergovernmental Bargaining
-Interdependence means that power is shared among branches of
-Complexity means that the intergovernmental network is large and
-These two things led to a system of bargaining under conditions of partial
conflict among
-Unfunded mandates used in recent years as mechanism of coordination
across governments.
-Shift over last two decades+ have led to alteration in the types of
bargaining and issues subject
to negotiation.
-No matter how much the intergovernmental relationships change, value and
conflicts with exist
Nixons New Federalism
-Revenue Sharing: Federal to state and local governments. All state and local
eligible for aid on basis of complex formulas
-Block grants: proposed by Nixon with set of enactments in six policy fields
along with the
elimination of a series of closely related categorical grants.
-Administrative initiatives- Reforms to simplify and expedite the grant
application and review
process, still subject o criticism from all directions
The Carter Period
-Worked on developing links among PIGS with state and local governments,
administrative reforms, and getting attention to economic problems of cities
-Carter did not propose or recommend and major changes
-Federal spending increased slowly and reversed direction in 1978, limited at
a time when many
units of government depended on the funding
-Congress held tightly onto other units of government during this period
Reagans Attempted Revolution
-Believed in strong state power, limited national government power
-Priorities of tax reductions and defense renewed vulnerability of
intergovernmental aid to sizable cuts
-Additional block grants
-Dramatic Simplification of the system of intergovernmental aid
-A devolution of responsibilities for many policies from the national
level to the
states, new programs suggested
-Administrative simplification-trim red tape and lighten burden of
Crosscurrents at Centurys End: Struggles for Reform, Pressures toward
-Complexity and interdependence, will continue to shape the details of
bargaining and frustrate the efforts of reformers to impose or craft a clear
and coherent design
-Temporary Assistance to Needy Families TANF
-TANF put an end to long-term welfare assistance, a frequent
occurrence under the
older program, and was designed to encourage welfare recipients to move
permanently into the
work force.
-Both political parties find reasons to support mandating, even if the
mandates and policy
sectors vary. Using legislation is a way of trying to prevent
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Stillman Chap. 7: Decisionmakers & Subsystems.
Chapter 7: Stillman, "Key Decision Makers Inside Public
The Concept of Competing Bureaucratic Subsystems"
(Amy Halpin & Anna Michelle Cox)
"Our public bureaucracy is composed of identifiable clusters of individuals
who work and act in influential ways inside bureaucracy. Each of these
subsystems shapes the broad outcomes of bureaucracy." -Richard J. Stillman
The Subsystems are:
Political Appointees
Professional Careerists
General Civil Service
Unionized Workers
Contractual Employees
own personalities, their support from outside groups, the immediate tasks at
hand, and whether these lend themselves to imminent solutions.
3. As one moves down the hierarchy of political officials, one finds
greater degree of specialization.
4. Battles occur between different levels of political appointees due to
differences in perspectives.
5. Close ties or friendships develop between top officials and the
chief executive.
6. Degree of loyalty results from job instability.
7. Despite operating in an ambiguous world, ultimately they are
central to the governing processes at all levels of government.
The Professional Careerist Subsystem: Permanent Clusters of Powerful
-Professional Elites comprise the core group of experts. These are the senior
and most prestigious and respected members of the profession.
Elites proved the leadership as well as set the work standard, the
qualifications for entrance and advancement, and the overall values for the
Line Professionals, who fall just below the level of the senior elites,
actually carry out the day-to-day functions of the public agency.
Staff Professionals include a wide assortment of specialists and technical
assistants who have unique and specialized expertise that may not be
directly connected with the central tasks of the agency.
Administrative Professionals are critical to the activities of the agency
because they essentially serve as "the directing brain" of the organization.
Paraprofessionals are paid substantially less but still play a vital role in
achieving the assigned tasks on the organization.
Six Influences of Professional Careerist Subsystem:
1. They are essential to the performance of the central mission of public
2. Careerists have a large longevity within agencies compared to
3. They are part of well established pecking order, from elites to "paras".
4. Continuing political strength and popular support of professionals
ultimately rest upon their recognized expertise and competence as well as
on their ability to exercise these skills in a regular, uniform manner in the
public interest.
5. Professionals influence policies by moving upward and outward beyond
the contours of their roles within agencies.
6. Conflicts are hidden from public because they arise from disputes
between clusters of key professionals.
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Stillman Chap. 8: Decisionmaking & Incremental Choice.
Stillman's Introduction to Incrementalism: [SPS notes]
by Bill Butler, Spring 2011
Charles Lindblom, a Political Science and Economics Professor at Yale, said
that there are two types of decision making: the rational comprehensive
(root) method and the successive limited comparisons (branch) method.
Lindblom argues that the root method is thought to be the ideal, what is
supposed to happen, while the branch method is what actually occurs most
often. Lindblom acknowledges strengths and weaknesses to both strategies.
Rational Comprehensive method:
-the administrator lists the desired aspects of an objective in order of
importance. Then comes the formulation of multiple alternatives that attain
said aspects. The administrator then chooses the best alternative that
maximizes the number of aspects met.
-deemed to be rational because of the selection and weight of the objective
aspects and the possible solutions.
-root method assumes that there are absolute values on all sides to agree
-also time-consuming.
Successive Limited Comparisons method: [incrementalism]
-the objective is determined, but often gets amended or added to, widened
or narrowed.
-administrators often outline a wide range of possible alternatives, but rarely
stray from trusted small steps history has said are acceptable.
-allows for administrators to avoid serious mistakes.
-works with our system
Lindblom also makes several observations about the actuality of
administrative decision-making.
-decisions are incremental
-limited scope of options open to taking
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Stillman Chap. 10: Executive Management & Effectiveness.
Charles U Walters Spring 07
Understanding of modern organizations comes from different theoretical
perspectives, such as the analogy of blind men touching an elephant
they are all touching one elephant but in different places thus producing a
radical difference in opinion to the nature of the beast.
(private) does not necessarily mean efficient and bureaucracy (public) does
not necessarily mean inefficient.
*Bureaucracies must focus on leadership, mission, and organization culture.
Definition of agency effectiveness: The agency performs well in discharging
the administrative and operational functions pursuant to its mission.
*Stakeholders for bureaucracies are executive, legislative, and judicial
oversight, constituent groups, and the general public. Effective agencies will
have supportive, delegative, and attentive oversight authorities. Authorities
who devote attention to agency demand higher performance. Example of
Congressman Wilbur Mills who led to have problems with SSA fixed in the
70s. Agencies also need diverse and mobilizable interest groups on their
side. Favorable perception by the public is also influential towards
effectiveness (this is perhaps also a chicken and egg type thing). While
oversight authorities need to be involved, autonomy is crucial for an
agencies success.
*The higher the value of the mission the more likely the agency is to have
success (more likely to be supported, get funding, have motivated workers
*Strong organizational culture is important. However, this culture does not
need to be insular, isolationistic, or arrogant (FBI). Leadership is also
important for organizational culture success. Leadership qualities include:
creativity, innovation, motivation, conflict management, team building,
business acumen, communication skills, political savvy etc. Stability is also
important factor for agency leadership. Commitment to agency mission is a
very important aspect of leadership.
*Extrinsic rewards- coming from employer in the form of pay, promotion,
benefits etc.
*Intrinsic rewards- involve psychology of worker such as enjoyment of work,
sense of purpose, growth and development etc.
*Agencies need to maximize intrinsic rewards since extrinsic rewards are not
easy to do in government. Task design is crucial to this. Likewise, keeping a
professional workforce is key to success. Workforces productivity also
increased by patriotic, purposeful, and mission oriented motivations.
Charles U Walters Spring 07
The authors compare bureaucracy to an elephant by saying it is large,
cumbersome, though thick skinnedit can display sensitivity and
responsiveness to needs, and they also can perform very well.
Motivation is vital whether it stems from: public service motivation,
motivation by mission, specific task-related motivation, or work in the tasks
themselves motivation, or is it for the pay/benefits?all of these can
contribute to performance, especially if they are seen as linked together.
An example of agency effectiveness is the Social Security Administration
their administrative costs dropped from $1.30 out of every 100 dollars to
$ .80 out of every 100 dollars from the early eighties to the 1998. In the 80s
they cut 17000 employees many of whom were replaced by computers.
Privatizationit seems the more carefully the study is performed on
privatization the smaller reported savings. It depends heavily on sound
management by government employees on the contracting and the level of
competition between companies. Privatization can also decentralize the
seemingly monolithic entity spreading its power among others.
Business blunders and fraud in the market place lead to the questioning
of whether or not they actually out perform government agenciesone
attribute that leads to effective PA is dedicated public servants not motivated
by economic self-interest but by loyalty and identification.
Agencies are more effective when they are allowed a certain level of
autonomy. It is best for an agency to have diverse stakeholders
(people/groups/institutions with interest in organizations outcome/activities)
they need to be attentive, interested, geographically dispersed, mobile, and
multiple.and favorable public support increases effectiveness
The higher the mission valence of an organizationthe higher it will
Effective leadership is vital, along with an organizational culture that
includes the ability to adapt, surveillance of the environment, and
Tasks need to be specific providing extrinsic and intrinsic rewards to
employees and groups (extrinsicpay, promotion, physical conditions;
intrinsicinterest in work, sense of growth and development, and worthwhile
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Stillman Chap. 11: Personnel Motivation & Culture.
11 Lois Recascino Wise, The Public Service Culture
By Brandon Shrout (Spring 2007); others are below
-The Change in the Public Service Culture
-1961, President Kennedy said to the country Ask not what your country can
do for you but what you can do for your country.
-During the 1960s and 1970s interest in public service was very high;
because people felt that they not only could make a difference but that it
was their duty to.
-Since then times have changed, people began moving to jobs in the private
sector for higher pay.
-What Do We Know? -There are four questions that this piece addresses.
-What are public service motives?
-What are the operating conditions of public service motivation?
-Is public service motivation more prevalent in the public sector?
-Seeks to explore the significance of public service motives.
-What are Public Service Motives?
-Public service motive is a type of human need.
-People have many types of needs and the desire to fulfill these needs
influence behavior. These different needs are in constant competition with
each other and are sometimes conflicting.
-People with public service motive can typically be found in public work
because governmental jobs usually focus on public services.
-Public service motivation relates to the process that causes an individual to
perform acts that contribute to the public good to satisfy their own personal
-Public service motives can be organized into three categories:
Affective- are based in an individuals emotions, a deep belief in the
importance of certain programs for the benefit of society.
Normative- Involves sense of duty to the community, loyalty to
government, and a desire to serve the public interest.
Rational- involve a desire to represent a special interest and personal
identification with a program or policy goal, along with desires for personal
gain and personal fulfillment. Rational motives are not truly public service
motives because they dont prioritize the public good over individual
-What are the Operating Conditions of Public Service Motivation?
-Human behavior is based on a mix of motives. These motives can change
as certain needs are fulfilled or if new needs arise. Motives can also change
due to an individuals environment (workplace, country, geographic region,
-For example, when a government organization has to downsize or make
pay cuts, job security and monetary rewards overpower the public service
-The strength of the public service motives may give individuals the strength
to resist organizational norms or peer pressure that may conflict with their
interpretation of the public good.
-These tensions that occur daily in their work may develop into habitual
behavior which will lean more toward the individual interest than the public
-Are Public Service Motives Exclusive to the Public Sector?
-Public service motives cannot be found exclusively in the public sector for
two main reasons:
-There is nothing to test individuals and then place them into specific sectors
based on their motives.
-Second reason is that the boundaries between different sectors are vague.
Ex. Healthcare industry in the U.S. can be found in public, private, and
nonprofit sectors.
-Of What Significance Are Public Service Motives?
-They anchor bureaucratic behavior and action, and provide a value basis for
-Educating the citizenry contributes to the responsibility for involving the
public in the democratic and administrative process. Educating public
causes tensions with efficiency and professionalism.
-Shared values can provide a solid foundation for organizations; they give
individuals a common goal, causing them to be more motivated to reach
their individual goals, which in turn cause the organizational goals to be
reached. Individual public service motives can also save an organization
falling into group think when faced with a problem. This thought directly
traditional stigmas of
efficiency and professionalism.
-Values are integral to the cohesion of a public organization because
they result in higher
job satisfaction and motivation, contribute to solutions of public
administration questions, and
challenge the individual to reject the ideas of the norm or group when in
conflict with personal
discretions. This forces out the old norm of neutrality in bureaucracy where
should remain emotionally unattached to problems they addressed.
-Engagement requires operating outside the box in order to get the
job done effectively.
It requires thinking about what out to be done rather than what must be
-Working beyond contract theory-doing more than the minimum or
-There is a moral responsibility associated with being a public servant
which requires
imagination and creativity to be brought to the job.
-There is a conflict between the fundamental tenets of administrative
behavior and
public service motives because a focus on values, education, and
engagement are not in line
with traditional notions of good public administration, efficient and
-Public service motives set the public service culture apart as
organization operating for
the concern for the common good along the lines of values, engagement of
work, education to
empower citizens, and selflessness.
Lois Recascino Wise, "The Public Service Culture"
by Amy Garrett
What are public service motives?
* A public service motive is a type of human need. The desire to
fulfill human needs influences behavior.
*These needs will be stronger for some people than they are for others
* Public service motivation pertains to the process that causes individuals to
perform acts taht contribute to the public good as a way of satisfying their
personal needs.
* Three categories of public service motives:
1. Affective: rooted in emotion
2. Norm Based: based on social values and norms of what is proper
appropriate and include a desire to serve the public interest; fulfill a sense of
and to express a sense of loyalty to the government
3. Rational: represent some special interest or personal identification
as well as sdesires for personal gain and personal need fulfillment
*Some do not see this as a true service motive as it is self serving
What are the operating conditions of public service motivation?
*people that have public service motives also have other motives and human
*Contextual factors are also an important part of why people join the
public sector such as job security
* Situational factors: motives may be dominant in individual behavior or
behavior occurs as a consequence of other motives
Are Public Service Motives Exclusive to the Public Sector?
*Many people do not consciously choose a sector of employment and may
not be fully aware of their own motives for joining a particular organization.
*Boundaries between the sectors are vague and tasks overlap
Three Central Ideas in conflict:
1) Education: educate the citizens on the issues but it costs too much
(efficiency vs professionalism)
2) Values: using individual values vs remaining neutral
3) Engagement: taking an active role in policy vs structure not being
held morally responsible
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Stillman Chap. 12: Public Budgeting.
There is certainly room for a volunteer to improve on this old outline -- JRTL
Irene Rubin, "Politics of Public Budgets":
by Jake Graffeo
*Budgets are contracts agreed upon by goverments to raise/spend
money (normally through a fiscal year, July 1-June 30)
*Budgets are efficient in leading coordination between different groups
*Tend to reflect current attitudes/ways of thinking of
economy/social orders; can show priorities or current beliefs
*Influences economy-more money saved through budgeting and not
wasted means more jobs created to spend money, and less layoffs when
monetary waste is found.
*Budgets must balance, or become ineffecient (borrow and pay
back, save and spend later)
*Cannot compare budgets (no too alike, too many variables)-can
only find similarities and make predictions
*Must have process's- what must be included, what is included,
and what can't/doesn't need to be included.
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Stillman Chap. 13: Implementation.
Stillman 13: Implementation: The Concept of an Ambiguity-Conflict
Charles U Walters, Spring 07 (another is below)
Sound implementation is the bottom line of administrative enterprise
Policy implementation must be judged to be effective and not ambiguous
(The failure of the Great Society was not that legislation wasnt passedit
just wasnt carried out)
Implementation was at one time considered the missing link
Richard E. Matland, "Synthesizing the Implementation Literature:
The Ambiguity-Conflict Model of Policy Implementation"
Top-downers have a desire to present prescriptive advice while bottomuppers have placed more emphasis on describing what factors have caused
difficulty in reaching stated goals.
Top down
o Three general factors
? Tracked ability of the problem
? Ability of statue to structure and implementation
? None statutory variables affecting an implementation
o Lack of parsimony
o Common advice is make policy goals clear and consistent
o Minimize the number of actors
o Limit the extent of change necessary
o Place implementation responsibility in an agency sympathetic with the
policies goals
Bottom up
o Macroimplementation
? central actors devise a government program
o Microimplementation
? local organizations react to the macros plans, develop their own programs
and implement them
Forward and Backward Mappingan attempt to combine top-down and
bottom-up perspectives
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Stillman Chap. 14: Politics & Admin -- Issue Networks.
The Relationship between Politics and Administration: The Concept
of Issue Networks
Charles U Walters, Spring 07
Until the 1970s the general thought in institutional reform and intellectual
thought (on public administrationexecutive branch) was in favor of
greater independence from legislative oversight.
Government prying on these issues and intricate details would make the
government too big and detached from important issues.
Until Watergate, Vietnam, failure of many Great Society social
programs, and the high turnover of congressional seatsthis thought
changed and led to:
widening requirements for Senate approval of presidential appointees to
executive office, Congressional Budget Office (fiscal watchdog), passage of
the Freedom of Information Act (allow Congress and public more access of
executives activities), War Powers Resolution (restricted presidential initiative
in foreign military involvements).
Iron Triangle
fashionable argument in 60s and 70s of a three-way interaction
between Congress, bureaucrats, and special interest lobbies where:
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Stillman Chap. 15: Public Interest & De-Regulation.
Chapter 15: The Relationship Between Bureaucracy and the Public
The Concept of Public Sector Deregulation,
by Cole Muzio, Spring 09
Bureaucracy successes come from skilled executives who correctly identified
the critical tasks of their organization, distributed authority in a way
appropriate to those tasks, infused their subordinates with a sense of
mission, and acquired sufficient autonomy to permit them to get on with the
Armies: Putting their best people in specialized units and leaving leftovers
to the infantry
Prisons: Observers most favorable to prison execs with good intentions (fresh
ideas) such as rehabilitation, prison self- governance etc. over
accomplishments such as safe and decent facilities
Schools: Spend much time on reports and robotic efforts rather than
stimulating performance
These groups are attempting to manage situations in which they have little
control. Outside groups (politicians (legislative micromanagement),
interest groups, media, courts etc.) close in on their control. Expectations
and the past also confine those who seek more autonomy.
Herbert Kaufman: Whit House has feared agency independence more than
agency paralysis
Regulations define job for agencies. Today such regulations stifle creation of
such effective agencies (FBI, Marine Corps, Forest Service) as had been in
the past. These agencies had a single focused mission.
Bureaucrat bashing doesnt solve anything.
Deregulating government will improve matters. This liberates the
entrepeneurial energies of its members. This has a drastic effect on the
morale of workers who dont like every initiative stifled and every action
second guessed.
How can government be deregulated and accountable??? Deregulation
cannot be zealous but modest. Must rely on strong leaders. Leaders must be
inspiring, understand organizational culture, delegate responsibility
effectively, give workers the opportunity to make judgements, infuse agency
with a sense of mission. However, they must take steps to ensure that
important tasks that may not be apart of the core mission are not
overlooked. Must also negotiate with political superiors on what regulations
can be removed. Must also distribute authority effectively.
Organizations should be judged by results. Problem is legisltures etc. can be
unhappy with performance even then 9may not even realize what good
results are). Results are often hard to assess (education).
Experimentation: First, must identify a course of action that can be tested.
Second, detemine desired effect. Third, give action/ treatment to one group
and withhold from another (control group). Fourth, assess condition of each
group prior to test. Fifth, have outside evaluation
These agencies have been notable exceptions to the stereotype that "all
bureaucrats are dim witted paper shufflers."
To do better, Wilson, suggests DEREGULATION. This would liberate the
entrepreneurial energies of members of the free market, deregulation could
lead to energizing of business and results.
Small staffs and a high level of delegation based on trust, are
methods that have made the private sector successful, that could work in
public bureaucracies.
In the public sector, procedure and rules stand in the way of action
and results.
Successful agencies in the past have all been forged the same way, by
strong leaders who were able to command personal loyalty, define and instill
a clear and powerful sense of mission, attract talented workers who believed
they were joining something special.
No one agency, no matter how efficient can control a truly diverse set of
tasks. But a good executive will delegate these neglected tasks to another
agency, or create a new one.
3 principles are important:
1. Delegate neglected tasks to another agency.
2. Negotiate with ones political superior as to which constraints or rules
are essential to keep.
3. Match the distribution of authority and the control over resources to
the task your organization is performing.
4. Judge organizations by their results.
You will have less bureaucracy only if you have less government.
The Central theme of the American constitutional system-the separation of
powers, makes problems worse for the bureaucracy.
The US governments were not designed to be efficient or powerful, but
tolerable and malleable.
The centralization of power ensures that the public organizations will be
more efficient.
America has a paradoxical bureaucracy unlike any other.
The paradox is the existence in one set of institutions of two qualities
ordinarily quite separate: the multiplication of rules and the opportunity for
We have a system laden with rules, we also have a system suffused with
participation. The fact that these two traits can exist, rules and openness,
puzzles many contemporary students of the discipline.
Public bureaucracy in this country is neither as rational and predictable as
Weber hoped that it would be, but neither was it as crushing and mechanistic
as he feared.
We live in a country that despite all of its trivial rules, some people still use
government to rationalize society
And services are provided to the people regardless of this fact, more
efficiently than many countries.
Higher law does not equate with or relate only to private morality
against the public but it can also be used by the public also.
Does one states motion make it moral or not based on its leadership
(dictatorship or democracy)?
-The matter of ethically proper conduct reaches far beyond sex and
money and traditional morality seems to provide misguidance
-The study of organizations has not been popular, but we must dig
around the foundations of morality in order (not to tear down an
existing piece) but to build a new foundation upon some of the old
materials and one that is to our purpose.