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Sap Business Objects

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Shantinilaya Apartments, 1st & 2nd Floor,

Behind HUDA, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-6597627, 040-65766727.



Business Objects Enterprise: Administration

What is BusinessObjects Enterprise?

Describe BusinessObjects Enterprise
Use InfoView and the Central Management Console to view content
Configure the Central Management Console
Describe the BusinessObjects Enterprise Architecture
Managing BusinessObjects Enterprise Content Add objects to the Repository
Securing BusinessObjects Enterprise Content
Create users, groups, folders and categories
Understand the BusinessObjects Enterprise security model, planning
security,Application Security
Secure BusinessObjects Enterprise applications
Scheduling Content, Schedule objects and Schedule with business calendars
Publishing and Publications Publish personalized reports and documents to
multiple and dynamic recipients

Business Objects: Installation and Administration

Preparing, Installing, and Configuring BusinessObjects Enterprise
BusinessObjects Enterprise Architecture
Describe the BusinessObjects Enterprise components
Explain the information process flows in BusinessObjects Enterprise
Performing Common Server Management Tasks

Central Configuration Manager (CCM),Server Intelligence Agent (SIA)

Managing the Web Application Services
Understand the web application services
Configure the Java Web Application Server
Describe the role of Web Application Container Server
Deploy BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications using wdeploy
Managing the Central Management Server and the System Database
Use the Central Management Server
Migrate and backup the CMS system data
Manage auditing
Map third-party accounts to BusinessObjects Enterprise
Managing the File Repository Servers
Use the File Repository Servers
Configure the File Repository Servers

Shantinilaya Apartments, 1st & 2nd Floor,

Behind HUDA, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-6597627, 040-65766727.

Use the Repository Diagnostic Tool

Managing the Web Intelligence Servers
Describe the role of Web Intelligence servers
Configure the Web Intelligence servers
Describe how documents viewing requests are processed by the Web
Intelligence servers
Describe how scheduling requests are processed by the Web Intelligence
Managing the Crystal Reports Server
Configure the Crystal Reports Job Server
Configure the List of Values (LOV) Job Server and LOV objects
Configure the Crystal Reports Cache Server
Configure the Crystal Reports Processing Server
Configure the Report Application Server
Set and run a schedule for a report
Managing the Desktop Intelligence Servers
Configure the Desktop Intelligence Job Server
Configure the Desktop Intelligence Processing Server
Configure the Desktop Intelligence Cache Server
Configure the Connection Server
Managing the Adaptive Servers
Describe the role of the Adaptive Job Server
Describe the role of the Adaptive Processing Server
Configure different types of Adaptive Servers
Managing the Destination Job Servers
Use the Destination Job Server
Configure the Destination Job Server
Set a schedule to send an object or instance to a destination

Overview - System Set up and Administration
SAP BO Integration Kit Installation & Configuration
Integrated solution architecture
OLAP Universe design approach
Connectivity Options
Variables & Prompting
OLAP universe maintenance
Reporting and data visualization

Shantinilaya Apartments, 1st & 2nd Floor,

Behind HUDA, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-6597627, 040-65766727.

WEB- I report on SAP BI source

Design Principals
List of Values
Delegated Search
Smart Measures
Crystal reporting on SAP BI source
Voyager on SAP BI
Connectivity Overview (QaaWS and Live Office)
Xcelsius on SAP BI
Performance Management
BIA and BO integration
Other performance management options

Business Objects Universe Design:

Building the Universe, Define joins in a universe

Creating Dimension Objects-Classes and Objects
Create classes and objects
Creating Measure Objects, Create delegated measure objects
Understand loops, Resolving Loops in a Universe
Resolve loops using aliases, Resolve loops using contexts
Resolving SQL Traps, Understand SQL traps and universes
Resolve fan traps, Resolve chasm traps, Applying Restrictions on Objects
Restrict the data returned by objects
Use @functions, Using Hierarchies
Using Lists of Values
Linking Universes, Understand linked universes, Create links between universes
Managing Universes, Applying Universe Access Restrictions, Set access
restrictions on a universe
Deploy universes, Maintain universes, Deploy universes in multiple languages

Business Objects Web Intelligence:

Introducing Web Intelligence, Describing Web Intelligence concepts

Explaining Web Intelligence core functionality, Describing Web Intelligence and
BusinessObjects Enterprise
Creating Web Intelligence Documents with Queries, Querying with Web
Intelligence, Creating a new document, Modifying a document's query
Working with query properties, Restricting Data Returned by a Query, Restricting
data with query filters, Modifying a query with a predefined query filter, Applying a
single-value query filter, Using wildcards in query filters

Shantinilaya Apartments, 1st & 2nd Floor,

Behind HUDA, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-6597627, 040-65766727.

Using prompts to restrict data, Using complex filters

Designing Web Intelligence Reports, Working with Web Intelligence documents
Displaying data in tables and charts, Creating tables, Enhancing the Presentation
of Data in Reports, Presenting data in free-standing cells, Using breaks,
calculations, Using sorts, Formatting breaks and cross tabs, Using report filters
Ranking data to see top or bottom values, Tracking data changes
Using alerts to highlight information, Organizing a report into sections
Copying data to other applications,
Formatting Reports, Formatting documents and charts
Calculating Data with Formulas and Variables
Using Multiple Data Sources, Synchronizing data from multiple data sources
Creating multiple queries in a document
Synchronizing data with merged dimensions
Using a personal data provider
Drilling in Web Intelligence documents
Setting Web Intelligence drill options
Managing and Sharing Web Intelligence Documents
Exporting documents to the CMS
Viewing and Managing documents in InfoView
Sharing Web Intelligence documents
Describing Web Intelligence report panels

Crystal Reports Basic: Fundamentals of Report Design

Plan and develop a report prototype, Creating a Report, Add tables, Insert
objects on a report, Preview and save a report, Position and size objects, Format
objects, Selecting Records
Define the Select Expert, criteria for record selection, Apply additional record
selection criteria, Modify record selection, Apply time-based record selection
Understanding saved and refreshed data, Organizing Data on a Report,Sort
records, Group records, Summarize data
Formatting a Report, Add graphical elements, Combine text objects with
database fields, Apply specialized formatting, Insert fields with pre-built functions,
Applying Section Formatting, Format sections
Create a summary report, Creating Basic Formulas, Define a formula and its
purpose, Create formulas, Apply Boolean formulas, Apply If-Then-Else formulas,
Apply date calculations, Apply number calculations, Apply string manipulation
Applying Conditional Reporting, Determine trends in data, Format data
conditionally, Representing Data Visually, Create a chart,

Shantinilaya Apartments, 1st & 2nd Floor,

Behind HUDA, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-6597627, 040-65766727.

Distributing a Report, Export a report, Save a report to BusinessObjects


Crystal Reports: Business Reporting Solutions

Use the repository, Create a report from a repository data source, Creating
Formulas, Use functions and operators
Define control structures available in Crystal Reports Syntax, Managing Reports
Using Variables and Arrays, Using Report Templates
Build a template without a data source, Remove a template, Building
Parameterized Reports, Define and create parameters. Build a report with
multiple parameters, Use edit masks and descriptions, Create a date range
parameter, Group using parameters,
Summarizing Data with Crosstabs, Build a basic crosstab, Format a crosstab
Using Report Sections, Use group related functions to format sections, Use
section underlay, Use multiple-column reporting, Building Specialized Reports
Use the Running Total Expert, Create a form letter, Add a hyperlink to a report
Use Dynamic Graphic Locations, Build a report with alerts, Build a top N report
Integrate an Xcelsius Flash SWF into a Crystal report

Live Office:
Integrating BO services from Office MS Office.
Extracting data in Xcelsius by using Live Office

Xcelsius 2008: Core and Connectivity

Creating a Model, Working with your Excel workbook

Using Xcelsius Components, Visualizing data with charts, Formatting a Model
Applying formatting options, Using themes and templates to apply formatting
Adding Interactivity to a Model, Using selectors, Adding dynamic visibility,
Creating a Connected Model, Using live data sources, Connecting to XML Data
Connecting to data using an existing Web Service, Connecting to Crystal Reports
Connecting to BusinessObjects Universes using Query as a Web Service, Using
Live Office data, Using other connectivity components

SAP BO Voyager:

Highlighting exceptions in source data of BW and BI
Member selector with sap data , Using Variables

Shantinilaya Apartments, 1st & 2nd Floor,

Behind HUDA, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-6597627, 040-65766727.

Formatting with free chars, Filters, Attributes, Hierarchies.


SAP BO - Widgets:
Introduction and installing BO Widgets
Using the Widgets to explore and View content
Importing Xcelsius documents as a Widget.
Viewing Web Intelligence Documents, etc

SAP BO Dashboard Builder:

Creating Corporate and Personal Dashboards
Customizing The Dashboards
Analyzing the Dashboard Content.

SAP BO Project

Full Lifecycle Implementation.

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