6seminar Report Shrikant
6seminar Report Shrikant
6seminar Report Shrikant
Dr. V.P.S.S.Ms
Sr. No.
Literature Survey
System Overview
Milk is commonly consumed by people of all age groups. Also, India is largest producer
and consumer of milk. According to recent report, India is likely to produce 145.5 million tons of
milk in 2015 and demand is set to rise to 150 million tons of milk. To meet the growing demand,
milk and its products have been adulterated to decrease the quality and increase the quantity for
economic value. The common adulterants found in milk are urea; starch/blotting paper,
glucose/sugar, caustic soda, vegetable oil, white paint, detergent or shampoo. These not only
reduce the nutritious value of the milk but also pose risk to health. The supply of milk is
predominantly from the local suppliers which many times gets delivered to the consumers
without pasteurization. Hence, great care should be taken in the production and distribution
process as water activity, moderate pH and ambient temperature is sufficient for the microbial
activity in milk. In order to increase the SNF value which turn increase the economic value of
milk and to increase productivity, urea, a nitrogen containing molecule is added as a common
adulterant in milk.
The presence of urea in milk is detrimental to human health because they vary amount of
protein in the diet, amount of urine excreted, amount of water intake, dry matter intake.
Therefore it is essential that the milk should be tested for purity before consumption. For purity
detection of milk various traditional methods are already in use but in that most of the methods
are based on chemical reactions. This chemical methods are not easy to do and consumer should
have knowledge about how the chemical reactions going to happen also these methods are very
time consuming. Now our project is to find out impurity levels in milk by electronics methods
with fast response.
In this project we use infrared sensor for impurity level detection in milk. This infrared
sensor is interfaced to Microcontroller through ADC. By some signal conditioning we are
displaying impurity level in milk on the LCD display.
Literature Survey:
India is largest milk producer and consumer as mentioned in earlier and today India need
to face a big problem of adulteration of milk. The solution of this problem is published in a paper
of International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering vol 3, issue 3, March 2014. by name Comparison of different methods used for
detection of urea in milk by quantification of ammonia. Presented by Banupriya P, Chaitanya
R Shetty, Supriya T V, Varshitha V.
In this paper they compare various methods available for impurity detection in milk and
one best method from all based on factors like probability, durability, high sensitivity, accurancy
and precision.
Another method of impurity level detection in milk is published in a paper of
International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics and Control Engineering
vol 3, issue 6, June 2015.By name Identification of impurity level in liquids using Electronic
sensor based system. Presented by Smita Nagtode, Dr. N K Choudhary
In this paper they work on infrared image processing method of milk. By additive
wavelet transform they compare pure milk sample image with adulterated milk sample and
determined impurity level present in milk sample.
System Overview:
In this infrared led transmitter is used, and detector is placed on other side and in between
this assembly milk sample is placed. The complete block diagram of proposed system is as
The output infrared receiver is electrical signal that is analog in nature, so we cannot applied this
signal to microcontroller for processing. Therefore here we use ADC which converts this analog
input to its equivalent digital signal at its output.
Signal conditioning:
In signal conditioning circuit here we use Op-Amp 741 as an amplifier. Because the
output of IR Receiver is very weak so before it going to applied ADC we need to amplify. So to
do this we need amplifier that is signal conditioner.
Signal amplification performs two important functions: increases the resolution of the input
signal, and increases its signal-to-noise ratio. For example, the output of an electronic
temperature sensor, which is probably in the millivolts range is probably too low for an analogto-digital converter (ADC) to process directly. In this case it is necessary to bring the voltage
level up to that required by the ADC.
Commonly used amplifiers on signal on conditioning include sample and hold amplifiers, peak
detectors, log amplifiers, antilog amplifiers, instrumentation amplifiers and programmable gain
Microcontroller:Here for controlling and processing overall operation of adulteration detector we use
microcontroller. Microcontroller compares digital value provided by ADC with predetermined
value which corresponds to zero attenuation of infrared light. By processing all this
microcontroller display percentage of adulteration present in milk sample on LCD display.
Compatible with MCS-51 Products
4K Bytes of In-System Reprogrammable Flash Memory
Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 24 MHz
Three-level Program Memory Lock
128 x 8-bit Internal RAM
32 Programmable I/O Lines
Two 16-bit Timer/Counters
Six Interrupt Sources
Programmable Serial Channel
Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes
The AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K
bytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The device is
manufactured using Atmels high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with
the industry-standard MCS-51 instruction set and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program
memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer.
By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C51 is a
powerful microcomputer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many
embedded control applications.
A Micro controller consists of a powerful CPU tightly coupled with memory, various
I/O interfaces such as serial port, parallel port timer or counter, interrupt controller, data
acquisition interfaces-A/D converter, D/A converter, integrated on to a single silicon chip. The
Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port and interrupt
system to continue functioning. The Power-down Mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the
oscillator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset.
LCD Display:Here to display adulteration present in milk sample we use LCD display. LCD display is 16*2
alphanumeric display that is it can display 16 characters in single row and likewise it has two
rows. This LCD display is directly interfaced to microcontroller.
Easy to handle
Referances:[1] Banupriya I. , Chaitanya R Shetty, et al. Comparison of different methods used for detection
of urea in milk by quantification of ammonia ,International journal on Advance Research in
Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Enginering vol 3, issue 3, March 2014.
[2] Smita A. Nagtode, Dr. N. K. Choudhary Identification of impurity level in liquids using
electronics sensor based system International journal on Advance Research in Electrical,
Electronics and control Enginering vol 3, issue 6, June 2015
[3] Kejal Shah, Rajeshri Kelkar, Amruta Sarda, Dr. M. S. Chavan Photometric based sensor for
fat detection in fresh milk International journal on Advance Research in computer and
coomunication Enginering vol 3, issue 4, April 2015
[4] 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems by Muhammad Ali Mazidi.