Kumar Shivam
Kumar Shivam
Kumar Shivam
To perform consistently & build a symbolic relationship with an organization of repute, where my efforts will be
complemented by career growth, and contribute towards the betterment of my organization.
A Graduate with B.Tech (Electronic’s&communication) from University of B.N.Mandal Madhepura
1+ Year experience as software tester in Navigator software pvt.ltd kolkata .
Possess strong communication and inter personal skills.
A quick learner with the ability to work in as a team, flexible and organizes things with optimistic way for the
betterment of the organisation.
Currently working as a Software Quality Control Professional in NAVIGATORS S/W Pvt Ltd.Kolkata, from
sept.08 to till date.
*Work Description: Being a Software Quality Controller I am involved in various activities which includes:
Discussing with the Client, interpreting with the Developers as well as the manager.
*Testing Tools-- Performance Testing – An open source tool used to test the performance of a web site.
*Testing Methodologies - Web application centre testing and quality control as per ISO standards
*Domain Knowledge - Medical and Transport, Loan related Module, Social Feature
*Bug Reporting Software: - Mantis
(1) Gaygetter
Platform: : PHP, SQL Server
Team size : 05
Client : Hanry Kay
URL : http://www.Gaygetter.com
Project details:- who having interest in gays, providing interface services for the make contact easily .This
website represents the latest addition to the Cad Cam Family, offering the most comprehensive web-based
service. From this site your busy practice will be able to:
Search and make contact. Maintain Digitized images leave comments Manage and maintain billing
Platform : PHP, SQL Server
Total Project Team size : 03
URL : http://www.mlsupdate123.com
Scope : Marketing and advertising site, where seller and buyer both get a common interface to full fill their
motivation .It provides a interface to person who needs something but doesn’t have idea to get the related
Search and Digitized images leave comments. Manage and maintain billing service
(3) Workforce
Platform : PHP, SQL Server
Total Project Team size : 03
URL : www.workforce.uk.com
Scope : Job platform providing for job searcher and employee needy company or an organisation..It provides a
interface to person who needs a job related his/her own criteria.Who choose their own domain to work and
company also require that particular efficiency. Here a updated news or information gives help in finding suitable
job by location,by salary,by domain,by experience…etc.
Search and make contact. Maintain Digitized images leave comments. Job hunt and related task.
(4) Physiolates
Platform: :PHP, SQL Server
Total Project Team size : 03
URL : www.physiolates.com.au
Scope : Job platform providing for imbibes and purchasing online medical products and physiocare therapy
analysis with its types and relate all information.It provides a interface to person who needs information or
knowledge of physiolates. Here a updated news or information gives help in finding exact information what we
need or we should know.
See the information of various physiocare instruments . Various Digitized images related physiocare.
(5) Heather
Platform :PHP, SQL Server
Total Project Team size :03
URL :www.babiesandkids.com.au/
Scope : Online purchase Babies/kids acceseries.Search items,payments,offers and many more facilities
handling online by the using of this site.
I hereby declare that the information stated above is true to the best of my knowledge.