HSG 176
HSG 176
HSG 176
HSG176 (Second
edition) Published 2015
The guidance is one of three documents dealing with fire and explosion hazards
associated with flammable liquids. The other two are:
HSE Books
Storage of flammable liquids in tanks
Page 1 of 69
Risk assessment 12
Substitution 13
Control measures 14
Containment 14
Separation 14
Ventilation 14
Control of ignition sources 15
Hazardous area classification 15
Controls for off-site risks 19
Recovery 19
Location and layout of tanks 20
Tanks above ground 20
Separation distances for small tanks 22
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Fire protection 44
Passive fire protection 44
Fire walls 44
Water cooling systems 44
Foam systems 45
Inspection and maintenance 46
Floating-roof tanks 46
Permit-to-work systems 47
Modifying the storage installation 47
Decommissioning tanks 48
Demolishing tanks 48
Fire precautions 49
General fire precautions 49
Emergency procedures 52
Information and training 52
Signage 53
Higher flashpoint liquids 55
Sources of ignition 55
Location of tanks above ground 55
Storage in buildings 56
Venting 56
Marking and labelling 56
Road and rail tankers 56
Appendix Other relevant health and safety legislation 57
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (the Management
Regulations) 57
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) 57
CLP and CHIP 57
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) 58
Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive
Storage of flammable liquids in tanks
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Further information 69
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1 This guidance applies to above and below ground fixed bulk storage tanks.
It applies to premises where flammable liquids are stored in individual tanks or
groups of tanks. It may also be applied to portable or skid-mounted vessels with
capacities in excess of 1000 litres.
2 It also gives guidance on the design, construction, operation and maintenance
of installations used for the storage of flammable liquids in fixed and transportable
tanks operating at or near atmospheric pressure. It will help you assess the risks
arising from the use of flammable liquids, and decide how to control the risks.
3 The guidance is for those responsible for the safe storage of flammable liquids.
It provides information on the fire and explosion hazards associated with flammable
liquids and sets out practical measures to protect people at work and others who
may be affected by work activities involving flammable liquids. It is relevant to many
industries such as:
4 Advice is provided on transfer facilities for road and rail loading and unloading.
5 The guidance is one of three documents published by HSE dealing with the fire
and explosion hazards associated with flammable liquids. The other two
documents are:
employee-elected representatives;
trade union appointed health and safety representatives; and
all other people who have a role in ensuring and assessing the adequacy of
health and safety in the workplace.
increase awareness of the potential fire and explosion hazards associated with
the storage of flammable liquids;
give guidance on appropriate standards for plant and equipment;
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advise on the need for appropriate fire precautions, maintenance, training and
good housekeeping where flammable liquids are stored.
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22 The main hazards from the use of flammable liquids are fire and explosion,
involving either the liquid or the vapour given off from it. For a fire or explosion to
occur it requires three things to come together:
flammable liquid;
source of ignition; and
Flammable gases
Flammable liquids
Flammable solids
Always present in the air
Additional sources from
oxidising substances
Hot surfaces
Electrical equipment
Static electricity
Smoking/naked flames
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Flammable vapours
25 Combustion of liquids occurs when flammable vapours released from the
surface of the liquid ignite. The amount of flammable vapour given off from a liquid,
and therefore the extent of the fire or explosion hazard, depends largely on the
temperature of the liquid, its volatility, how much of the surface area is exposed,
how long it is exposed for, and air movement over the surface. Other physical
properties of the liquid, such as flashpoint, auto-ignition temperature (AIT), viscosity,
lower explosion limit (LEL) and upper explosion limit (UEL), give further information
as to how vapour/air mixtures may develop and also on the potential hazards.
26 Flashpoint is the lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off vapour in
sufficient concentration to form a combustible mixture with air near the surface of
the liquid. Generally, a liquid with a flashpoint below ambient temperature will give
off a vapour that can mix with air and be ignited. Liquids with a flashpoint greater
than ambient temperature are less likely to give off flammable concentrations of
vapours unless they are heated, mixed with low flashpoint materials or released
under pressure as a mist or spray. However, a material below its flashpoint can also
be ignited when spread out as a thin film over a large area of ground or when
spilled onto clothing.
Explosion limits
27 The explosion limits define the concentrations (normally by volume) of vapour
air mixtures at specified temperatures that will propagate a flame. Explosion limits
vary greatly for different substances, but for many they are in the range of 1% to
28 Some materials, such as water/solvent mixtures or emulsions, only release
vapours slowly. These materials can flash during a flashpoint determination and be
assigned a flashpoint, but may not have the ability to sustain combustion at the
temperatures encountered in normal use, though these may well be in excess of
the measured flashpoint. However, flammable vapours may build up in enclosed
spaces above the liquid, and could explode if ignited.
29 The viscosity of the liquid is significant as it determines how far any spilt
material will spread and therefore the size of any exposed surface. Solvents
generally have a low viscosity and when spilt spread quickly, allowing a rapid buildup of vapours from the surface of the liquid. Some liquid formulations, such as
paints and resins, may have a high viscosity; if they are spilt, they spread and
produce vapours more slowly than would the individual solvent constituents.
30 A flammable vapourair mix is easily ignited by the external ignition sources
discussed in paragraph 52. Even if there are no external sources present the
mixture may self-ignite if it is heated above its auto-ignition temperature. The
properties of a flammable liquid should therefore be established (for example, from
the relevant data sheet) before the material is used, so that adequate precautions
can be taken.
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Physical environment
31 The physical environment in which flammable liquids are handled also
determines how the hazards may develop. Whether the released vapour is able to
build up to a concentration within its flammable range will depend on the ventilation
at the surface of the liquid and on the presence of enclosures to trap or contain the
vapours. In many cases the vapour will be heavier than air, and it will therefore tend
to accumulate in lower areas or in depressions such as pits, gulleys and drains.
Bear in mind that vapours can spread away from the liquid; if they are ignited the
flame will travel or flash back to the liquid.
32 Typical fire and explosion events include:
pool fire where the released flammable liquid forms a pool (often within the
jet fire where the flammable liquid is released under pressure;
tank fire where the liquid or its vapour burn within the tank (or on the surface of
a floating roof tank);
rim seal fire on a floating roof tank where a fire burns at the rim seal area only;
vapour cloud explosion where flammable vapours accumulate in an enclosed or
partially enclosed area and on ignition produce significant over-pressures.
Health hazards
33 Flammable liquids can also pose a health hazard if they are inhaled, ingested or
come into contact with skin or eyes. Information on the health hazards of a
particular liquid and on any specific precautions required should be obtained from
the safety data sheet or from the supplier. COSHH (see Appendix) requires
employers to assess the risks from exposure to hazardous substances and the
precautions needed.
34 An obvious precaution to take against skin and eye contact is to provide items
such as gloves, protective clothing and goggles. Suitable respiratory protection may
be needed during any operations to deal with leaks and spillages.
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Risk assessment
35 In addition to the requirements under the Management of Health and Safety at
Work Regulations (the Management Regulations) (see Appendix), where flammable
liquids are intentionally present in the workplace, there is a specific requirement
under regulation 5 of DSEAR for you to identify the potential risks such activity may
pose to your employees and others whose health and safety may be affected, and
to determine the measures to be taken to eliminate or reduce these risks so far as
reasonably practicable.
36 The risk assessment required under DSEAR may be carried out as part of the
risk assessment requirements of the Management Regulations and general fire
safety legislation, which follows the same approach as that used in health and
safety legislation. In particular, given the need to take account of the presence of
flammable liquids in the general fire safety risk assessment, you may find it of
benefit to carry out the required risk assessments as a consolidated exercise.
37 A risk assessment should be carried out regardless of the quantity of flammable
liquid present at the workplace, as it will enable you to decide whether existing
measures are sufficient or whether any additional controls or precautions are
necessary. As well as assessing the normal activities within the workplace, you will
also need to assess non-routine activities, such as maintenance work, where there
is often a higher potential for fire and explosion incidents to occur. If there is no risk
to safety from fires and explosions, or the risk is trivial, no further action is needed.
If there are risks, then you must consider what you need to do to comply fully with
the requirements of DSEAR.
38 Further guidance on the risk assessment requirement under DSEAR is given in
39 This guidance assumes that you have concluded from your risk assessment
that the storage of flammable liquids in tanks is appropriate at your workplace.
40 The performance objectives and control measures described in this guidance
reflect current and readily achievable good industrial practice and are intended to
help you minimise the risks associated with the storage of flammable liquids in
tanks. You are free to take alternative measures, or vary those described, if you
have determined through your risk assessment that they provide at least an
equivalent level of health and safety.
41 The assessment should include risks arising from the tank contents, from the
associated operational activities, and risks to the tank from external sources. The
aims of the assessment are to determine:
storage capacity;
location of the tank, in relation to site boundaries, buildings, process areas and
fixed sources of ignition;
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43 Guidance and further details of the requirements of DSEAR can be found in the
Approved Code of Practice L138.
44 Risk assessments should be carried out before the installation of new facilities,
modification of existing facilities and the demolition of obsolete facilities.
45 In some instances, such as at production sites, it may be possible to eliminate
or reduce the quantity of flammable liquid on site. For some processes, higher
flashpoint or water-based products are now available. It may be practicable to
reduce the storage inventory by better planning and stock control, by maintaining
smaller buffer stocks and by removing from site any materials which are no longer
used in the process.
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Control measures
46 This section will briefly describe control measures for the storage of flammable
liquids. More detailed information is supplied in later sections of the book.
47 Flammable liquids should be stored in tanks or containers and systems
constructed to a national or international standard to ensure their strength and
integrity. Further information is given in chapter Design and construction.
48 There should also be means to contain spillage and fire water to prevent it
spreading to other parts of the premises. Information on bunding is given in
paragraphs 154169 and on fire water control in paragraphs 6265.
49 PSLG requirements4 apply to tanks storing gasoline (petrol) and a small range
of similar liquids in vertical cylindrical tanks greater than 5 m in height and filled at
rates exceeding 100 m3/hour. For in-scope tanks there are additional safety and
environmental measures the CDOIF Guideline: Process Safety Leadership Group
Other Products in Scope.5
50 Separation is an important means of providing protection for tanks containing
flammable liquids. Separation has particular advantages because it protects people
and property from the effects of a fire at the tank, and protects the tank from fires
which may occur elsewhere on site. Further advice on the recommended
separation distances is given in chapter Location and layout of tanks.
51 Good ventilation ensures that any flammable vapours given off from a spill,
leak or release will be rapidly dispersed. This may be achieved by locating storage
tanks, transfer facilities, vent pipes etc in the open air, in an unobstructed
position. Locating plant and storage facilities in the open air normally ensures the
best possible dispersion of dangerous substances to limit the formation and
extent of hazardous explosive atmospheres. Certain features may affect the ready
dispersal of any releases of dangerous substances, eg buildings, pits, and
structures providing weather protection. Employers should ensure, as
Page 14 of 69
rate of release;
design of the tank;
the source of the release;
the flashpoint; and
vapour density.
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Zone 0
3 m horizontally
from the tank
and above
Liquid suface
Zone 1
Zone 2
a major incident.
Figure 2 Vertical storage tank typical hazardous area classification
Page 16 of 69
1.5 m
Zone 1
1.5 m
from source
of release
Horizontally to
island (gantry)
1.5 m
Zone 1
Zone 1
1.5 m
4.5 m
Zone 1
(NB Fall prevention system and canopy have been omitted for illustrative purposes)
Zone 2
Figure 3 Tanker filling installation for highly flammable liquids typical hazardous area
Page 17 of 69
1 m radius
Means of
1 m radius
Side elevation
1 m radius
Zone 1
Zone 2
See note X
End elevation
Boundary of transient hazardous area - see notes X and Y
1 m radius
1 m radius
Y: If weather roofing is provided, all space above the Zone 1 area will be
Zone 2 up to the roof.
(NB Fall prevention system and canopy have been omitted for illustrative purposes)
Figure 4 Road tanker equipped for bottom loading with vapour collection during loading
Storage of flammable liquids in tanks
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60 Where reasonably practicable, electrical equipment should be installed in nonhazardous areas. Where this cannot be done, equipment should be selected,
installed and maintained in accordance with the Equipment and Protective Systems
for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 1996 (see Appendix).
61 When a hazardous area classification has been carried out, the location of the
zones should be recorded on a plan. This may then be used to prevent sources of
ignition being brought into hazardous areas. The hazardous area classification
drawing could be in the form of two separate drawings showing a simplified
approach to the configuration of the plant. Such drawings should be supplemented
by text giving information about the flammable liquids that will be present, the work
activities that have been considered, and other assumptions made by the study.
The drawings and documents should be retained as part of the documentation in
support of the risk assessment carried out under regulation 5 of DSEAR. The
information in these documents should be considered whenever new equipment is
to be introduced into a zoned area.
64 Formal on-site and off-site emergency plans are required at sites subject to
COMAH. See Emergency planning for major accidents: Control of Major Accident
Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH) HSG191.16
65 You should have arrangements for making the situation safe after an incident,
for example:
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the site boundary and any off-site receptors such as vulnerable populations or
sensitive environments;
on-site buildings, particularly those that are occupied;
fixed ignition sources;
storage or processing of other dangerous substances;
road or rail tanker transfer facilities.
under buildings;
on the roofs of buildings;
in positions raised unnecessarily high above ground level;
on top of one another;
above tunnels, culverts or sewers.
72 Tank locations inside buildings should be avoided (but see paragraphs 8487).
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pump or to allow gravity discharge. When this is necessary, the tank should only be
raised to the minimum amount.
Boundary fence
Table 1
paragraph 190
213 and 214
Bund division
213 and 214
Tanker stand
Fire wall
Table 3
Table 1
74 The separation distances will depend on various factors but primarily on the
capacity of the tank. Advice on separation distances is given for small tanks,
generally associated with small to medium chemical processes, and for large
tanks associated with refinery and other large-scale storage facilities.
75 The separation distances given are unlikely to give complete protection in the
event of a fire or explosion involving the tank, but should allow sufficient time for
people to be evacuated, provided there are adequate means of escape. They
should also allow sufficient time for additional firefighting equipment and emergency
procedures to be mobilised.
76 Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to increase the separation
distances or provide additional fire protection. Such circumstances may include:
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* But at least 2 m from doors, plain-glazed windows, or other openings or means of escape. Also not
below any opening (including building eaves and means of escape) from an upper floor, regardless of
vertical distance.
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* But at least 2 m from doors, plain-glazed windows, or other openings or means of escape. Also not
below any opening (including building eaves and means of escape) from an upper floor, regardless of
vertical distance.
Page 23 of 69
15 m
LPG vessels
(up to 135 m3)
LPG vessel
(over 135 m3)
Flammable liquid
(flashpoint <32 C)
3 m to bund wall
6 m to bund wall
15 m to bund wall
Flammable liquid
(flashpoint 3265 C)
Tank size up to
3000 litres
3 m to bund wall
3 m to bund wall
6 m to bund wall
Flammable liquid
(flashpoint 3265 C)
Tank size over 3000
3 m to bund wall
3 m to bund wall
15 m to bund wall
Page 24 of 69
87 Adequate means of cooling the tank surface in the event of fire in the building
may be needed. In some cases this may be done using portable equipment, but in
others a fixed water installation may be necessary. Controlled drainage is essential
to avoid tank flotation and local flooding. Further advice on bund drainage can be
found in paragraphs 163167.
Underground tanks
88 The minimum recommended separation distance from any underground tank to
any building line is at least 2 m, to avoid undermining the building foundations. It is
advisable to increase this distance to 6 m for a basement or pit, to minimise the
risk of vapour accumulation.
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Page 26 of 69
Fill line
Drain valve
Earth line
Discharge line
Earth line
Page 27 of 69
Offtake to pump
Combined dip
and fill pipe
Concrete pad
Corrosion protection
97 Corrosion is one of the main causes of equipment failure. It can occur both
internally and externally at any exposed metal surface. Protection may be provided
by paints or other coatings see BS EN ISO 12944-1.22 Cathodic protection may
be used as an additional precaution (see international standard AP 620).18
98 Chemical-resistant coatings or paints are available. These are generally sprayed
on in several layers to the required thickness. Coatings should be inspected for
thickness, continuity and hardness prior to installing the tank. For underground
tanks, a bituminous coating can be applied using the appropriate standards
(BS 341623 and BS 6949.24
99 Internal corrosion may result from the accumulation of water in the tank. A
means to remove such water may be necessary. Caution is essential when draining
water from beneath the product. Reliance on a single valve to retain the tank
contents is not sufficient. Two permanent in-line valves to the drainage point are
recommended, or temporary replacement of the blanking plate by a second valve
during the draining operation.
100 Certain flammable liquids can be aggressively corrosive and may merit
consideration of alternative tank floor design. BS EN 14015 offers an alternative
double-bottom configuration. If adopted, robust integrity management
arrangements should be provided in line with EEMUA publication 159.25
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maintenance schedule for the site. Further guidance can be found from European
Federation of Corrosion Working Party 13: Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production.26
that the foundations are designed and constructed to support the full tank
loading. Advice on foundations for vertical tanks is given in BS EN 14015;
that the tank is securely anchored or weighted to avoid flotation from flood
water or from spillage of liquid into the bund;
that the supports of raised tanks are fire resistant to a two-hour standard;
that the supports permit any movement of the tank due to temperature
changes. Horizontal tanks may be supported on concrete, masonry or steel
saddles. One end is secured and the other left free to move. Pipework is
connected to the secure end.
105 The reason to keep the length and diameter of pipework to a minimum is to
reduce the inventory of flammable liquid in the lines. This reduces the potential for
damage and spillage.
106 To ensure mechanical integrity of pipework, all parts of piping systems,
including valve seals and flange gaskets, should be made from material compatible
with the liquids being handled. They should be constructed to a suitable standard
such as that of American Society of Mechanical Engineers B31.3 Process Piping.27
107 Metal pipework should generally be used. Where metal pipework is not
suitable (such as where product purity is an issue), other materials may be used if
an equivalent standard of construction can be achieved. Avoid mixing materials to
avoid electrostatic generation.
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108 The potential for leakage may be reduced by keeping the number of joints to a
minimum and by using welded joints rather than flanged or screwed, particularly for
joints underground.
109 Pressure can build up in pipework due to the thermal expansion of liquids
trapped in the pipes. For example liquid may be trapped between shut-off valves.
This risk should be assessed and appropriate operating procedures should be
introduced to minimise the risk. Alternatively, hydrostatic relief valves may be fitted
which discharge back to the tank or to a safe place such as a sump or vessel
designed for the recovery or disposal of flammable liquids.
Above-ground pipework
110 Above-ground pipework has advantages because leaks are more readily
detected and any vapour produced will normally be dissipated by natural ventilation.
Examinations, modifications and repairs are also easier and corrosion can be more
readily identified and controlled. Piping should be designed to a suitable standard
(such as B31.3 Process Piping).
111 Piping supports should be designed to suit the piping layout. The design
should allow for differential movement between tanks and pipework to allow for
temperature changes in heated tanks or settlement. If supports are located near
tanks a two-hour standard of fire resistance is advisable.
112 Above-ground pipework and its supports may be at risk from damage
particularly from vehicles. It is advisable to design the layout of the plant to minimise
the risk of physical damage. Alternatively, the use of impact protection such as
barriers or bollards may be appropriate.
Underground pipework
113 Underground pipework may have advantages: providing better fire protection;
saving space; and providing greater security. But leakage resulting from damage or
corrosion may be difficult to detect leading to ground contamination and potential
environmental problems.
114 Underground pipework should be laid in a shallow concrete or masonrylined trench provided with load bearing covers if vehicles will be passing over the
trench. The design of the trench should prevent water or moisture from
accumulating around the pipework and allow for inspection of the pipework,
particularly joints. The design should also allow for any extra loading imposed,
such as by vehicles. The route of the trench should be recorded and marked at
ground level.
115 The same trench should not be used for piping carrying corrosive or reactive
materials such as oxygen or chlorine. In addition, the same trench should not
normally be used for electrical cables. Where this is not practicable, the cables
should be selected and installed in accordance with BS EN 60079-14.28
Flexible hoses
116 Flexible hoses should only be used where rigid piping is unsuitable, such as at
filling connections or where vibration is a problem. Hoses should be made to a
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standard suitable for the application and should be compatible with the materials
handled. They should be adequately supported (for example by slings or saddles)
so that the bend radius is not less than the minimum recommended by the
117 When they are not in use, flexible hoses should be protected from accidental
damage, extremes of temperature and direct sunlight. They should be inspected
daily for signs of leaks, wear and mechanical damage, and examined and pressure
tested annually or according to the manufacturers recommendations. Hoses
should be electrically continuous or bridged with an earthing cable to avoid
electrostatic charging. There are a number of national and harmonised standards
for hose assemblies some of which are listed in the reference section.29
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125 Tank connections to underground tanks may be located in the open air above
the tank or in a chamber below ground (See Figure 8). The chamber may be closed
by a watertight manhole cover or it may be raised slightly above ground level.
126 Pipes connected to tanks are a potential source of a leakage and should
therefore be provided with suitable shut-off valves which are fire safe when tested
to BS EN ISO 10497.31 The shut-off valves should be located inside the bund wall
and close to the tank. The tank filling line should also be fitted with a shut-off valve
outside the bund wall and close to the filling connection. Any line used only for filling
and which enters the tank at the bottom should also be provided with a non-return
127 Other valves may be necessary depending on process conditions, such as
automatic double block and bleed systems to prevent back-flow of process
materials into the storage tank or additional isolation valves to allow safe shutdown
in an emergency. Important valves should be labelled to indicate their function and
their method of operation, where necessary.
128 It is essential that isolating valves can be closed quickly in an emergency.
Remotely operated shut-off valves (ROSOVs) may be necessary. They may be
operated remotely by an electrical or pneumatic signal, or by a lever at ground level.
In the event of a power failure, the controls to the ROSOVs should remain
operational or the valve should fail-safe. Advice on selecting ROSOVs can be found
in Remotely operated shutoff valves (ROSOVs) for emergency isolation of hazardous
substances: Guidance on good practice HSG244.32
129 Tank drainage valves should be blanked off when not in use. Draining
operations to remove accumulations of water from beneath the product should be
carried out with caution; establish procedures to avoid relying on only one valve to
retain the tank contents. This may involve the permanent fitting of two valves in line
to the drainage point or temporary replacement of the blanking plate by an
additional valve during the draining operation. When draining horizontal tanks the
blank should be removed and a suitable length of piping attached to ensure that
the liquid is drained away from the tank rather than underneath it.
130 All isolation valves should be tested periodically to ensure they are working
131 Pumps are potential ignition sources and should be located outside the bund,
on an impervious base, preferably in the open air. This will also avoid damage from
fires or spillages in the bund and facilitate access for maintenance. IP15 Area
classification code for petroleum installations handling flammable fluids12 contains a
methodology to determine the required separation for pumps from the tank and
other features.
132 Any leakage from pump seals may be contained by a low sill or by drainage to
a safe place.
133 Pumps may be located in a pump room, provided the room has adequate
Storage of flammable liquids in tanks
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Contents measurement
135 Every tank and tank compartment should have a suitable means of measuring
the quantity of material stored. It should be tested and calibrated at the time of
installation to ensure accuracy, and at regular intervals in line with an inspection and
maintenance schedule or if a tank is modified. A maximum working level and an
absolute maximum level for each tank should be established, one way of doing this
is shown in Figure 9.
Any increase in level beyond the overfill level will result in loss of containment and/or damage to the tank.
(All other levels and alarm set points are determined relative to the overfill level.)
time 3
The LAHH is an independant alarm driven by a separate level sensor etc. It will warn of a failure of some element
of a primary (process) control system. It should be set at or below the tank rated capacity to allow adequate time Response
time 2
to terminate the transfer by alternative means before loss of containment/damage occurs.
The LAH is an alarm derived from the ATC (part of the process control system). This alarm is the first stage
overfilling protection, and should be set to warn when the normal fill level has been exceeded.
It should NOT be used to control filling.
Factors influencing the alarm set point are: providing a prompt warning of overfilling and maximising the time
available for corrective action whilst minimising spurious alarms - eg due to transient level fluctuations or
thermal expansion.
time 1
Defined as the maximum level to which the tank will be intentionally filled under routine process control.
Provision of an operator configurable notification also driven from the ATG may assist with transfers
though it offers minimal if any increase in safety integrity.
tank gauge
Level alarm
Level alarm
high high
(where necessary)
Page 33 of 69
density; or
138 Where gauging is done by dip rods, a suitable dip tube should be provided,
with the dipping rod substantially smaller in diameter than the dip tube to minimise
measurement errors. Dipping should not be done through open manholes.
139 Dipsticks are potential sources of ignition in that they may produce frictional
heating or sparking, or static electricity. They should be made of non-sparking
alloys and are earthed. Further guidance may be found in Energy Institute Model
Code of Safe Practice Part 21: Guidelines for the control of hazards arising from
static electricity.33
140 Manual dipping is not as accurate as an automatic gauge but provides an
adequate estimate of the contents. Each tank should have its own calibrated
dipstick, not to be used for other tanks. It may be necessary to protect the bottom
of the tank to avoid damage from repeated dipping.
141 Dipsticks for large tanks are difficult to handle. Dip tapes may be an alternative.
They measure depth and are used with calibration tables for individual tanks.
142 During normal tank operation, the pressure in the tank may vary. Pressures
may increase during filling or if the ambient temperature rises. Conversely pressures
may drop during emptying or with temperature falls. The tank venting system
should provide:
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143 Traditionally vents discharged into the atmosphere but there is increasing
environmental pressure for vapour emission controls. Vapour recovery systems are
now a legal requirement for petrol storage installations and it is likely that the
requirements will be extended to other flammable liquids. Further information on the
design and operation of vapour recovery systems is contained Energy Institute
publication Guidelines for the design and operation of gasoline vapour emission
controls at distribution terminals.34
144 If flammable vapours are discharged into the open air, they may ignite if there
are ignition sources nearby. The minimum recommended separation distance of
vent outlets from sources of ignition, air intakes, buildings, walkways and the site
boundary is 3 m. Vents should be located on top of the tank. The discharge height
above the tank and above the ground should be sufficient to ensure safe dispersion
of the vapours. A discharge height of 0.3 m above the tank or at least 3 m
(preferably 5 m) above ground level, whichever is the higher, is usually adequate.
The height of the vent outlet should be above the liquid level in the tanker. It may
be necessary to increase the recommended separation distances and discharge
height of the vent if there is a possibility of poor vapour dispersion and to meet the
requirements of the Environmental Protection Act.
145 Lightning or other ignition sources may ignite vented vapours from
atmospheric vents. A flame arrester installed at the vent outlet will prevent flames
spreading into the tank. A flame arrester should normally be installed at the vent
outlet of a fixed-roof tank containing a liquid with a flashpoint below 23 C. Flame
arresters need regular maintenance to prevent blocking by paint, scale or other
material. They should be incorporated into a planned preventive inspection scheme.
A flame arrester is not advisable where the liquid stored is liable to polymerise or
foul the arrester.
146 Pressure relief valves or vents prevent excessive pressure build-up and
vacuum valves prevent the tank collapsing due to internal negative pressure. These
functions may be combined in a pressure-vacuum (PV) valve. PV valves are
recommended (see BS EN ISO 28300)35 for use on atmospheric storage tanks in
which a flammable liquid is stored, and for use on tanks containing product that is
heated above its flashpoint. See paragraph 287 for further advice for venting of
higher flashpoint liquids.
147 Pressure control devices should/must be correctly sized in accordance with
an appropriate code or standard, such as BS EN 14015;36 ANSI/API Standard
2000;37 or BS EN ISO 28300:2008.
150 Again, emergency relief devices should be correctly sized in accordance with
Storage of flammable liquids in tanks
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154 The probability of a major leak from a well-designed and maintained storage
system is low, particularly if overfill protection has been fitted. However, the
consequences of a spillage of flammable liquid are potentially catastrophic.
Therefore measures to contain spillages or leaks from storage tanks are essential.
155 Bunding is the method used to contain a liquid which has spilled or leaked
from a vessel. It is recommended that bunding is provided for all flammable liquids
with a flashpoint of 60 C or below, and for materials which are stored at
temperatures above their flashpoints. Bunding of bulk tanks has been the standard
for many years and is required by environmental law. In addition, provision of a
suitable bund will in part satisfy the requirements of DSEAR regulation 6(4)(e).
156 The purpose of bunding is to:
157 The bund should have sufficient capacity to contain the largest predictable
spillage. A bund capacity of 110% of the capacity of the largest storage vessel
located within the bund or 25% of the total capacity of tanks in the bund.
Storage of flammable liquids in tanks
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Page 37 of 69
of pollution C736 (see paragraph 63) and relevant information has been produced
in the PSLG report.
166 Removal of surface water using pumps and siphons is not always practicable,
particularly for large bunds. An alternative solution is to use a bund drain but if they
are left open the integrity of the bund is destroyed. If a bund drain is used, there
should be a system of work to ensure the valve remains closed and preferably
locked except when water is being removed. Locating the valve outside the bund
wall will ease access during normal operation and in an emergency situation.
Gravity drains should ideally discharge to a sealed drain system.
167 Where flammable liquids not miscible with water are stored, surface water
from bunds should be routed through an interceptor or separator to prevent
flammable liquids entering the main drainage system. For liquids miscible with
water, special drainage systems may be required. The Energy Institute has
published information on water miscible liquids (eg ethanol); further information can
be found in Guidance for the storage and handling of fuel grade ethanol at
petroleum distribution installations41 and Environment Agency Pollution Prevention
Guidelines 7: The safe operation of refuelling facilities.42
Combustible materials
168 No combustible material, such as vegetation, litter or rubbish, should be
allowed to accumulate in the bund, as this will increase the fire risk. Weedkiller
containing oxidising substances should not be used at storage areas or tanker
stands because of the increased fire hazard. Similarly, the bund should not be used
for the storage of flammable liquid containers, gas cylinders (full or empty) or other
hazardous substances.
169 Bunds can be easily damaged, particularly by vehicles. Where possible, traffic
should be routed away from bunds. Damage may be prevented by using impact
protection, such as crash barriers or bollards.
locations where there are numerous pipes, in close proximity, conveying different
dangerous substances, particularly if they have different hazardous properties;
sampling or filling points and drain valves, particularly where they are located
close to similar points for other pipes conveying dangerous substances;
where there have been significant alterations or additions to fittings and pipe
171 Working areas associated with storage tanks, including loading and unloading
points, should be adequately lit when in use. An average luminance of at least 50
lux is recommended at ground level and on stairs, access platforms etc. It may be
necessary to increase this to 100 lux where perception of detail is required, for
example to read level gauges. More detailed advice is in Lighting at work HSG38.43
Lighting installed in zoned areas should be protected to an appropriate standard.
Storage of flammable liquids in tanks
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Heated tanks
176 Viscous liquids are often heated to ease pumping. Additional precautions
should be taken to ensure that the storage tank is suitable for use as a heated
tank. These precautions are outlined in the following paragraphs.
177 Heated tanks and their associated heating equipment should be constructed
to an appropriate standard such as those listed in the references section.45 Useful
information on heated tanks and advice on the storage of bitumen can be found in
the Energy Institute Bitumen Safety Code.46
178 Locating the outlet pipe above the heating coil or element will prevent
exposure of any internal heated surface or any temperature control sensor. A
second drainpipe may be fitted at a lower level so that the tank can be completely
emptied when necessary. This pipe should be fitted with a closed valve and a
blank flange so that it cannot be used during normal operations. If this
arrangement is not feasible then an alternative is to fit a low liquid level alarm
linked to a heater cutout.
Temperature control
179 The temperature of the tank should be controlled using a thermostat or similar
device. It recommended that you select the minimum temperature sufficient for the
Storage of flammable liquids in tanks
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purpose, preferably below the flashpoint of the liquid. Control will be easier if the
heating rate is slow.
180 As well as the thermostat control, it is advisable to have an independent cutout device which will shut down the heater completely (no automatic reset) if the
temperature exceeds a set high point. This is particularly important if the flammable
liquids could be heated above their flashpoint in normal operation or under fault
181 The temperature sensor (independent of the thermostat) should be located
where it is continuously immersed in the liquid. A second temperature sensor may
be advantageous to indicate possible problems with the thermostat.
182 Temperature probes, thermostats and associated equipment should be
maintained and recalibrated. They should be included in the preventive
maintenance schedule.
183 Heaters should be used only when there is at least 150 mm of liquid covering
the heating coil. The tank should not be emptied until the tubes have cooled to the
temperature of the liquid. It may be advisable to install a low level alarm to ensure
the heaters are not uncovered inadvertently.
184 Where vents, filters etc are liable to become blocked, or a build-up of coke or
other material is liable to occur, a regular system of inspection and cleaning should
be in place. This is particularly important for vents, as blockage by, for example,
polymerisation, sublimation or condensation of product, may damage the tank. In
some cases trace heating may be used to minimise the problem. Where electric
surface heating is used, it should be selected and installed in accordance with the
appropriate standard, such as BS EN 60079-30-1.47
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Rail loading/offloading
202 Most of the advice given above for road transfer can be applied to rail. In
addition, the following advice is recommended for rail transfers:
Page 42 of 69
tanker earthing;
the careful checking of load details and tank ullages;
inspection of hoses and other items of equipment;
the measures to prevent the vehicle moving while hoses are connected;
the transfer procedure; and
emergency procedures.
207 Before unloading the tanker, placards and the accompanying delivery notes
should be checked to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that the material
being delivered is what it is supposed to be and is compatible with the destination
storage tank. This is particularly important if incompatible materials are stored on
site. Even substituting a flammable liquid with a highly flammable liquid can
ultimately have serious consequences, such as loading petrol into a diesel tank.
Similarly, before a loaded tanker leaves site, placards and paperwork should be
checked to ensure they match the load.
208 An effective means of communication should be provided between personnel
involved in the loading/unloading operations, and other parts of the site such as the
control room. If radios are used they should be suitable for use in hazardous areas.
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Fire protection
209 It may be necessary to provide fire protection where the storage conditions
are less than ideal, such as where it is difficult to achieve adequate separation
distances. Fire protection measures can be provided by:
210 Combinations of the different measures may be used. Fire protection systems
should be included in the inspection and maintenance schedule for the facility. Routine
testing of water spray and deluge systems may be necessary. Further advice on fire
protection is given in the Energy Institutes Model Code of Safe Practice Part 19.
Fire walls
213 A fire wall may be used to give additional protection to small tanks. They are not
usually practicable or economic for larger tanks. Where a fire wall is installed, it should
be at least the height of the tank, with a minimum height of 2 m, and should normally
be sited between 1 and 3 m from the tank. It may form part of the bund wall or a
building wall. A fire wall should normally be provided on only one side of a tank, to
ensure adequate ventilation. The wall should be long enough to ensure that the
distance between the tank and a building, boundary, process plant or source of ignition
is at least the appropriate distance in Table 1 measured around the ends of the wall.
214 To be effective, reinforced concrete or masonry construction is recommended
and in all cases the fire wall should:
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216 The water application rates will depend on the level of thermal radiation to
which the tank and associated equipment may be exposed. The recommended
rate quoted in Model Code of Safe Practice Part 19 to protect a fixed-roof tank
from a pool fire at its base is not less than 10 l/min/m2 of exposed uninsulated
217 Protection of a tank from an adjacent fire depends on various factors such as
the distance from the fire. A water rate of 2 l/min/m2 is considered to be the
minimum application rate for tank surfaces exposed to radiation from a nonimpinging fire in adjacent equipment. Water coverage should be uniform and there
should be no significant dry areas on the tank walls.
218 The application of water to the roof of floating-roof tanks is not recommended.
For rim fires, water may be applied to the vertical tank walls while a foam blanket is
applied to the roof.
Foam systems
219 Foam systems may be used to extinguish a fire or blanket spillages of
flammable liquid and so reduce the risk of ignition. To avoid the build-up of static
charges and possible ignition, foam should be applied using a foam pourer and not
by jet. Recent research work carried out by the oil industry has shown that applying
large volumes of foam rapidly can extinguish even a fully developed tank fire. This
requires specialist equipment and high capacity pumps, foam generators and
pourers or monitors.
220 Further advice on the design and specification of fire protection systems can
be found in Model Code of Safe Practice Part 19.
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Floating-roof tanks
227 For tanks with a floating or internal floating cover:
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228 Regular inspection for cracks and damage to the rim seal is advisable. The
drainage system may need regular attention to prevent accumulation of
229 A safe system of work should be in place for access to the roof (particularly
when it is more than 2 m below the tank top) due to the possible accumulation of
vapour. The system of work should include emergency procedures and means of
escape, in the event of fire.
Permit-to-work systems
230 Many accidents have occurred while storage installations were being
maintained, modified or demolished. The main cause is the introduction of a source
of ignition, such as a cutting torch or an unprotected light, to pieces of equipment
where flammable vapours remain. Any work carried out on equipment which may
contain a flammable liquid or vapour should be covered by a permit-to-work (PTW)
or similar system of authorisation.
231 In most cases, a PTW system should be used to control maintenance
operations in areas where flammable liquids are stored or used. PTWs are formal
management documents. They should only be issued by those with clearly
assigned authority to do so, and the requirements stated in them must be
complied with before the permit is issued and the work covered by it is
undertaken. Individual PTWs should relate to clearly defined individual pieces of
232 PTWs should normally include:
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Decommissioning tanks
236 Tanks that are to be taken out of use should be made safe. The method will
vary with the location of the tank, the product it has contained and whether it is to
be taken out of use permanently or temporarily. A risk assessment should be
carried out at the planning stage to identify any additional hazards that
decommissioning may introduce. The work should also be covered by a PTW or
similar authorisation procedure.
237 The preliminary steps in the decommissioning process (which also apply to
pipework) are:
isolation of the tank from any process, plant or storage vessel by either
removing pipe sections or fitting spade pieces. Shut-off valves by themselves
are not adequate;
emptying the tank as much as possible;
opening manholes to assist venting.
238 Tanks which are being decommissioned permanently should be made safe by
thorough cleaning and gas freeing. Guidance is available in The cleaning and gas
freeing of tanks containing flammable residues CS15.54
239 Tanks that are being decommissioned temporarily should be made safe by
thorough cleaning as above, or by filling with water or an inert gas such as nitrogen.
The advice given in CS15 is applicable in this situation. If inert gas is used, the tank
should be labelled to make it clear that it contains a gas which could cause
suffocation if the tank is entered. See also Safe work in confined spaces. Confined
Spaces Regulations 1997. Approved Code of Practice, Regulations and guidance
L101.55 Regular inspection will help you ensure that the tank remains in a safe
240 Advice on the decommissioning of underground tanks is given in APEA code
of practice Guidance for Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and
Decommissioning of Filling Stations.
Demolishing tanks
241 Demolition of tanks which have contained flammable liquids is potentially very
hazardous. Hot work can cause an explosion if undertaken before the tank and
pipework has been drained and cleaned. Tanks that have contained flammable
liquids need special preparation to remove flammable vapours, or associated liquids
and sludges. Residues that can evolve flammable vapours when heated may be
present on the walls and underside of the roof. It may be advisable to use a
specialist tank demolition company with the relevant expertise and equipment.
242 Guidance is available in CS15, the Energy Institute Model Code of Safe
Practice Part 16: Tank cleaning safety code56 and BS 6187.57
Page 48 of 69
Fire precautions
243 The likelihood of a major fire may be minimised by:
water supplies;
fire protection equipment;
means of escape;
means of access for fire and rescue service appliances;
arrangements to ensure an early call out of the fire and rescue service in the
event of fire;
ability of the drainage/interceptor facilities to cope with fire water.
245 For means of escape, at least two separate exits will normally be needed.
Exits should open outwards and be easily opened from inside when the area is
occupied. One exit may be sufficient if the distance from any part of the storage
area to the exit is not more than 24 m, measured around the tanks and any other
246 The fire and rescue authority should be consulted on these matters (at the
planning stage in the case of new or altered facilities). Further guidance is available
in Model Code of Safe Practice Part 19.
248 You are responsible for carrying out a risk assessment to determine the
general fire safety requirements for your workplace. As part of this, you should also
consider the potential impact of fire involving flammable liquids and adapt the
general fire precautions as necessary so they remain sufficient to ensure peoples
safety in the event of fire.
249 General fire precautions are subject to separate legislation (see paragraphs
1921). This includes the requirement for the employer to ensure they are sufficient
Storage of flammable liquids in tanks
Page 49 of 69
for peoples safety in the event of a fire involving dangerous substances at the
workplace. The provisions of regulations 16, 8, 9 and 11 of DSEAR, as they relate
to general fire safety, are embodied in this general fire safety legislation.
250 Detailed consideration of general fire precautions is outside the scope of this
guidance. Guidance on how to comply with the law relating to general fire safety
requirements and how to carry out a fire risk assessment can be found:
Page 50 of 69
256 The firefighting equipment for bulk storage of flammable liquids will depend on
the quantity and type of liquid, and on the conditions of storage. Firefighting
equipment should be provided at readily accessible locations at the storage area,
including identifiable danger points such as pump rafts, hose pits and loading
gantries. Protection against the weather, particularly freezing, may be required.
Firefighting equipment should be regularly maintained, and where appropriate,
257 Dry powder or foam fire extinguishers (hand-held or trolley-mounted) are
suitable to deal with fires from small leaks of flammable liquid. CO2 extinguishers
should be used for electrical fires. To guard against equipment failure, it is
preferable to have extinguishers grouped in pairs. Fire extinguishers should be
regularly inspected and tested by a competent agency. Extinguishers should be to
a recognised standard such as BS EN 3-7.60
258 For other fires that might affect the storage, eg those involving rubbish or
vegetation, water hoses are appropriate. Hoses may be in reels permanently
connected to a water supply, or in lengths for connection to a hydrant, and should
cover all parts of the storage installation. BS 5306 Parts 1 and 361 contains advice
on selecting, installing and maintaining portable firefighting equipment.
259 Facilities to deal with larger fires include an adequate water supply for fire and
rescue service use. This may consist of hydrants, ponds, canals etc and should be
readily accessible and normally no more than 100 m from the tanks. The need for
foam and the means of application may be discussed with the fire authority, taking
into account the number, size, type, location and contents of tanks. Fixed foam
pourers or high-capacity monitors designed to cover the entire liquid surface rapidly
with foam together with the associated high capacity water pumps and other
equipment has been shown to be able to rapidly extinguish full surface fires and
their provision should be considered. Rapid extinguishment of such fires can
substantially reduce the potential for escalation and minimise property damage. The
total quantity of fire water used is also significantly reduced thus reducing the risk of
environmental pollution and reducing clean-up costs. Provision of such systems
could be considered for larger sites.
260 An adequate supply of water will also be needed to provide cooling for tanks
exposed to heat from a nearby fire. Advice on the required cooling rates for tanks
can be found in Annex D of Model Code of Safe Practice Part 19. The required rate
will vary with the fire to which the tank may be exposed, but a rate of 10 l/m2/min
may be required if the tank could be enveloped in flame. The entire tank wall should
be covered with water to prevent hotspots developing. Fixed water sprays or
portable monitors are an advantage, but are normally required only where the
storage conditions are less than ideal, such as where it is difficult to achieve
adequate separation distances.
261 Fire water run-off may place a major strain on normal drainage facilities.
Interceptors or special draining systems may be necessary, particularly at large
installations, to minimise the risk of contamination of local watercourses. For sites
subject to COMAH (see Appendix), and those within scope of PSLG there are more
detailed recommendations on the HSE website
Page 51 of 69
Emergency procedures
262 The impact of an incident involving flammable liquids may be drastically
reduced if prompt emergency action is taken. Everyone should know what to do in
the event of spills, leaks or fires involving flammable liquids. Practical training and
written procedures should be provided covering:
263 Where an incident may affect people or property beyond the site boundary,
the emergency services should be consulted. At top-tier COMAH installations,
operators must prepare on-site and off-site emergency plans (regulation 9(1)).
Guidance on emergency plans can be found in HSG191.
264 The consequences of trespassing or tampering may be very serious. Good
security is essential. If the storage facility is within the security area of the premises
as a whole then this may give adequate protection. Otherwise, it is advisable to
enclose storage areas and areas used for loading or unloading tankers by using a
substantial fence at least 1.8 m high. Use of welded mesh or chain-link fencing
(which will not obstruct ventilation) is preferred.
265 Exits should open outwards and be easily opened from inside when the area
is occupied. They should be kept locked when the area is unoccupied, with access
to the keys restricted to authorised personnel. A written procedure covering key
control may be advisable.
Page 52 of 69
269 Periodic retraining will usually be necessary. A typical training schedule will
include the following:
270 Information on safety in the use of solvents can be found on the Solvents
Industry Association website: www.sia-uk.org.uk.
271 You will need written procedures for controlling the risks from flammable
liquids, and these should be used as the basis for training.
272 The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations (see Appendix)
and DSEAR regulations 7(3) and 10 (see paragraph 1718) require employers to
post appropriate safety signs where identified significant risk remains following
implementation of the other safety measures. The intention of posting safety signs
(including fire safety signs) is to provide warning and instruction to employees of
risks to their health and safety. The signs are intended to remind employees of the
actions they should take. Employees should therefore receive adequate information
and training on these actions and fully understand the meaning of the safety signs
and what they require.
273 Your risk assessment will help you determine the nature and extent of safety
signs required. Guidance on this is given in Safety signs and signals. The Health and
Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996. Guidance on Regulations L64.62
274 Safety signs that conform to a recognised standard such BS EN ISO 701063
are acceptable. The signs may be also supplemented with text where you have
concluded this to be appropriate.
275 Typically, unless otherwise made obvious, safety signs are commonly posted
at the entrances to the locations where flammable liquids are processed or stored,
to warn and remind employees of the precautionary measures to be observed.
No smoking
no naked lights
Figure 9 Example of warning and prohibition signs with supplementary text used at entry
points to flammable liquid facilities
Storage of flammable liquids in tanks
Page 53 of 69
Figure 5 Example of warning sign with supplementary text used at entry points to locations
where a potentially explosive atmosphere may exist
Page 54 of 69
Sources of ignition
279 Where the temperature of a liquid is not likely to be raised near to its
flashpoint, and there is little likelihood of a flammable mist or spray occurring, the
liquid may be considered not to give rise to a hazardous area. Protection of nearby
electrical equipment is not then required. However, there should be no likelihood of
local heating of the liquid, which might produce a flammable vapour.
280 For tanks containing higher flashpoint liquids at temperatures near to or above
their flashpoint, electrical equipment within 1 m of tank vents and other openings
should be protected to zone 2 standards. Equipment located in the vapour space
inside such tanks should be to zone 0 standards (see L138, regulation 7 and
Schedules 24).
281 Irrespective of storage temperature, installations where liquid can escape as a
mist or spray may require explosion-protection of adjacent electrical equipment. An
example is a pump used to fill or empty a tank.
282 In all cases, precautions against the introduction of other sources of ignition
such as smoking and hot work will be needed.
283 Protection against vehicles acting as a source of ignition is not required for
vehicles used or parked in storage areas containing only higher flashpoint liquids.
from another tank containing a higher flashpoint liquid: the minimum needed
for safe construction and operation;
from a tank containing a low flashpoint liquid: in accordance with Table 2.
Page 55 of 69
Storage in buildings
286 It is advisable to store all classes of flammable liquids outside wherever
reasonably practicable. Where higher flashpoint liquids are stored in buildings the
precautions in paragraphs 8487 are relevant, with the following changes:
287 The minimum recommended heights for vent outlets do not apply to higher
flashpoint liquids. The separation distance from buildings etc may be reduced to 1 m.
Flame arresters and PV (pressure/vacuum) valves are not required but fire
engulfment relief should be provided.
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Page 60 of 69
1 Storage of flammable liquids in containers HSG51 (Third edition) HSE Books
2015 ISBN 978 0 7176 6608 9 www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg51.htm
2 Safe use and handling of flammable liquids HSG140 (Second edition) HSE Books
2015 ISBN 978 0 7176 6609 6 www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg140.htm
3 Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres. Dangerous Substances
and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002. Approved Code of Practice and
guidance L138 (Second edition) HSE Books 2013 ISBN 978 0 7176 6616 4
4 Safety and environmental standards for fuel storage sites Process Safety
Leadership Group Final report HSE 2009
5 Guideline: Process Safety Leadership Group Other Products in Scope
Chemical and Downstream Oil Industries Forum
6 Petrol Filling Stations Guidance on Managing The Risks Of Fire & Explosion
(The Red Guide) www.energyinst.org/documents/1317
7 Code of Practice 1: Part 1 Bulk LPG Storage at Fixed Installations: Design,
Installation and Operation of Vessels Located Above Ground UKPLG 2009
8 The bulk transfer of dangerous liquids and gases between ship and shore
HSG186 HSE Books 1999 ISBN 978 0 7176 1644 2
9 ISGOTT: International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (Fifth edition)
Witherby Seamanship International 2006 ISBN 1 85609 291 7
10 BS EN 1127-1:2011 Explosive atmospheres. Explosion prevention and
protection. Basic concepts and methodology British Standards Institution
11 BS EN 60079-10-1:2009 Explosive atmospheres. Classification of areas.
Explosive gas atmospheres British Standards Institution
12 Model Code of Safe Practice Part 15: Area classification code for petroleum
installations handling flammable fluids (Third edition) Energy Institute 2005
13 Managing fire water and major spillages PPG18 Pollution Prevention
14 The control of fire-water run-off from CIMAH sites to prevent environmental
damage Environmental Hygiene Guidance Note EH70 HSE Books 1995
15 Containment systems for the prevention of pollution: Secondary, tertiary and
other measures for industrial and commercial premises C736 CIRIA www.ciria.org
Page 61 of 69
API Standard 650 Welded tanks for oil storage American Petroleum Institute
19 Glass reinforced plastic vessels and tanks: Advice to users Plant and Machinery
Guidance Note PM75 HSE 2010 www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/pm75.htm
20 Thermoplastic tank integrity management: Advice to users Plant and Machinery
Guidance Note PM86 HSE Books 2010 www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/pm86.htm
21 Guidance for Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and
Decommissioning of Filling Stations (The Blue Book) APEA www.apea.org.
uk-guidance www.apea.org.uk/publication/blue-book-pdf
22 BS EN ISO 12944-1:1998. Paints and varnishes. Corrosion protection of steel
structures by protective paint systems. General introduction British Standards
23 BS 3416:1991 Specification for bitumen-based coatings for cold application,
suitable for use in contact with potable water British Standards Institution
24 BS 6949:1991 Specification for bitumen-based coatings for cold application
excluding use in contact with potable water British Standards Institution
Page 62 of 69
BS 3492:1987 Specification for road and rail tanker hoses and hose assemblies
for petroleum products, including aviation fuels British Standards Institution
Page 63 of 69
39 EEMUA 180 Frangible Roof Joints for Fixed Roof Storage Tanks: Guide for
Designers and Users www.eemua.co.uk
40 BS 7430:2011 Code of practice for protective earthing of electrical installations
British Standards Institution
41 Guidance for the storage and handling of fuel grade ethanol at petroleum
distribution installations Energy Institute 2008 www.energypublishing.org
42 Pollution prevention guidelines 7: The safe operation of refuelling facilities PPG7
Environment Agency 2011 www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/
43 Lighting at work HSG38 (Second edition) HSE Books 1998
ISBN 978 0 7176 1232 1 www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg38.htm
44 Safety requirements for pressure testing General Guidance Note GS4
HSE Books 2012 www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/gs4.htm
45 Standards for heated tanks and associated heating equipment
BS 5410-3:1976 Code of practice for oil firing. Installations for furnaces, kilns,
ovens and other industrial purposes British Standards Institution
46 Model Code of Safe Practice Part 11: Bitumen Safety Code (Fourth edition)
Energy Institute 2005 www.energypublishing.org
47 BS EN 60079-30-1:2007 Explosive atmospheres. Electrical resistance trace
heating. General and testing requirements British Standards Institution
48 Petroleum road tanker design and construction (Third edition) Energy Institute
2010 www.energypublishing.org
49 Automatic Overfill Prevention Systems for Terminal Loading Racks CDOIF
Guideline www.hse.gov.uk/comah/guideline-loading-arm-overfill-prevention.pdf
50 Terminal Loading Operations Hazard Awareness CDOIF Guideline
51 BS 5958-1:1991 Code of Practice for control of undesirable static electricity.
General considerations British Standards Institution
Page 64 of 69
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Page 66 of 69
ambient ambient temperature is the temperature of an immediate locality.
auto-ignition temperature the minimum temperature at which a material will
ignite spontaneously under specified test conditions. Also referred to as the
minimum ignition temperature.
bund an area surrounded by a bund wall in which liquid spillage is contained. Also
the raised perimeter of an area used to contain and prevent the spreading of liquids.
combustible capable of burning in air when ignited.
element of construction any wall, floor, ceiling, roof, door or window (including
the frame) etc which forms part of a building, room or other enclosure.
enforcing authority the authority with responsibility for enforcing the the HSW Act
and other relevant statutory provisions.
fire resistance the ability of a material, product, assembly or structure to fulfil, for
a stated period of time, the required stability against the passage of flame and hot
gases, and if additionally specified, thermal insulation and/or load-bearing capacity
in a standard fire resistance test. See L138 (regulation 7 and Schedules 24).
fire wall an imperforate wall, screen or partition capable of affording at least 30
minutes fire resistance, if tested in accordance with BS 47667 against the passage
of flame or heat.
fire-resisting able to fulfil, for a stated period of time, the required stability, fire
integrity and/or thermal insulation, where appropriate, in a standard fire resistance
test. See Appendix.
flame arrester a device consisting of an element, a housing and associated
fittings which is constructed and used to prevent the passage of flame. An arrester
may be categorised as either an end-of-line deflagration arrester, an in-line
deflagration arrester or a detonation arrester see BS EN ISO 1685268 for
requirements and test methods. Most flame arresters consist of an assembly
containing narrow passages or apertures through which gases or vapours can flow
but which are too small for a flame to pass through.
flammable capable of burning with a flame.
flammable liquid for the purpose of this book, flammable liquid means a liquid
with a flashpoint of 60 C or below and stored at a near atmospheric pressure.
flammable range the concentration of a flammable vapour in air falling between
the upper and lower explosion limits.
flashpoint the minimum temperature at which a liquid, under specific test
conditions, gives off sufficient flammable vapour to ignite momentarily on the
application of an ignition source.
hazard anything with the potential for causing harm. The harm may be to people,
property or the environment, and may result from substances, machines, methods
of work or work organisation.
Storage of flammable liquids in tanks
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Further information
For information about health and safety, or to report inconsistencies or inaccuracies
in this guidance, visit www.hse.gov.uk/. You can view HSE guidance online and
order priced publications from the website. HSE priced publications are also
available from bookshops.
British Standards can be obtained in PDF or hard copy formats from BSI:
http://shop.bsigroup.com or by contacting BSI Customer Services for hard copies
only Tel: 0845 086 9001 email: cservices@bsigroup.com.
The Stationery Office publications are available from The Stationery Office,
PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN Tel: 0870 600 5522 Fax: 0870 600 5533
email: customer.services@tso.co.uk Website: www.tsoshop.co.uk. (They are also
available from bookshops.) Statutory Instruments can be viewed free of charge at
www.legislation.gov.uk where you can also search for changes to legislation.
This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety Executive. Following the guidance
is not compulsory, unless specifically stated, and you are free to take other action.
But if you do follow the guidance you will normally be doing enough to comply with
the law. Health and safety inspectors seek to secure compliance with the law and
may refer to this guidance.
This guidance is available online at: www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg176.htm
Crown copyright If you wish to reuse this information visit
www.hse.gov.uk/copyright for details. First published 09/15
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