STAT 2300 General Syllabus
STAT 2300 General Syllabus
STAT 2300 General Syllabus
Fall 2015
STAT 2300
Fall 2015
Required Materials
1. Course Packet
Students are required to purchase the STAT 2300 course packet of lecture notes from the
Campus Copy Shop ( located at 384 College Ave in downtown
Clemson. The course packet for this semester will have a purple cover. Students should bring
the course packet with them to every lecture and lab class.
2. MyStatLab
Students must purchase a MyStatLab access code associated with Fundamentals of Statistics:
Informed Decisions Using Data, 4th edition (2014) by Michael Sullivan (ISBN-13: 978-0-32183905-3). There are several options available for purchasing MyStatLab access:
Purchase MyStatLab with eBook Access directly from Pearson when you sign in to
MyStatLab for the first time for $95.70.
Purchase a MyStatLab student access code card from the Clemson bookstore for $116.00.
This option will also come with the eBook.
Optional: Purchase a loose-leaf print version of the textbook with a MyStatLab access code
card (which also gives access to the eBook) from the Clemson bookstore for $122.00.
Note that all 3 options come with an eBook, and students should choose the last option only if
they know they will benefit from having a print version of the course textbook.
3. Calculator
A scientific calculator such as a TI-30 is required (a graphing calculator such as a TI-84 is
permitted). Students will need to bring a calculator with them to every lecture and lab class, and
to every exam. Students will not be permitted to use the calculator functions on their laptop
computers or cell phones as a substitute for a calculator.
4. JMP Statistical Software
Students will learn how to analyze data using the statistical software package JMP (pronounced
"jump"), which is available as a free web download for Clemson students at The lecture
notes contain detailed instructions for carrying out statistical analyses with JMP. The use of JMP
will be required in order to complete both the lab assignments and the MyStatLab assignments.
Websites - General STAT 2300 site which includes
this syllabus, a daily schedule, unit learning objectives, solutions and grading guidelines for the
exams (to be posted), announcements, and other useful information. Follow links to your section of STAT 2300 and STAT 2301 in Blackboard.
You are responsible for checking this website and your university email account
( on a regular basis for announcements and class materials. MyStatLab is an on-line homework system that uses exercises from the
Fundamentals of Statistics textbook. A copy of the eBook is located under 'Chapter Contents.'
If you have any technical difficulties with MyStatLab, you can reach Technical Support by calling
(864) 292-7015 or by going to
STAT 2300
Fall 2015
The final numerical course average is computed according to the more favorable of the two methods
shown below:
Method 1
Lab Grade
MyStatLab Homework
MyStatLab Quizzes
3 Tests @ 20% Each
Final Exam
Method 2
Lab Grade
MyStatLab Homework
MyStatLab Quizzes
Best 2 of 3 Tests @ 20% Each 40%
Final Exam
This policy has the effect of replacing the lowest test score with the final exam score if this improves
the final course average. No extra credit work will be given and no grades will be curved.
The course grade is calculated according to the usual 10-point grading scale.
That is, over 90% = A, 80 90% = B, 70 80% = C, 60 70% = D, below 60% = F.
Lab Assignments
The STAT 2301 lab grade will consist of 9 in-class assignments, each counting 100 points. Lab
classes are not rescheduled for any reason. To allow for illness, family emergencies, and religious
holidays, one low (or missing) lab grade will be dropped in the calculation of the final lab grade.
MyStatLab Homework Assignments
There are 25 MyStatLab homework assignments, each counting 100 points. It is the student's
responsibility to complete the homework assignment prior to 5pm on the due date, no exceptions.
Note that instructors must manually enter a grade of zero for all incomplete homework assignments,
and as such the homework grade posted in MyStatLab will be artificially high until this is done. To
allow for illness, family emergencies, religious holidays, and computer malfunctions, two low (or
missing) homework grades will be dropped before the final homework grade is calculated.
In general, within a given generation of a homework problem students will have two attempts to
correctly answer each multiple-choice part and three attempts for each free response part.
STAT 2300
Fall 2015
STAT 2300
Fall 2015
An absence from a test or exam will result in a grade of zero. Note that the final exam score can be
used in place of a missing test score for one exam only. In general, make-up tests are not given.
However, if a student misses a unit test or the final exam for a reason that would qualify as an
excused absence and can provide the proper documentation, a make-up test may be permitted if the
request to take the test at a later date is made no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled test or
exam. Realize that a note simply stating that a student was at Redfern on the date of the exam does
not qualify as proper documentation. An excused absence for medical reasons will only be granted if
the student can provide a note from a doctor that indicates the student should not attend work or
school on the date of the exam.
No rescheduling of the final exam will be permitted to accommodate travel arrangements. Per
Clemson University policy, a student who has more than two final exams in one calendar day, or two
final examinations at the same time, should contact the instructors no less than one week (preferably
several weeks) prior to the last class meeting to reschedule his/her exam. Common exam times,
regardless of course number, may not be rescheduled.
Students are expected to be regular and punctual in their class attendance. Students who have more
than 4 absences are subject to being dropped from the course or receiving a final course grade
of F. Proper documentation must be provided to the instructor for any university sanctioned absence.
Students are responsible for all notes, assignments, and announcements made in class. Instructors are
NOT obligated to provide students with notes from missed classes. Instead, it is the responsibility of
the student to consult with a classmate to obtain any material that was missed due to an absence.
If the instructor does not arrive in the classroom within 15 minutes after the scheduled start time,
class is dismissed for the day. In this event, please call Mrs. Haynes at 656-5224 to report this
Any common exam that is canceled due to inclement weather will be given on the next Monday
during the reserved 5:30-7pm time slot, unless notified otherwise by the instructor. Any MyStatLab
assignment or quiz due on the date of a university closing will still be due at the assigned time. Any
extension or postponement of assignments or exams must be granted by the instructor via email or a
Blackboard announcement within 24 hours of the weather related cancelation.
Open Lab Hours
A lab instructor will be on duty in the Martin M-304 computer lab every Monday and Wednesday
from 9am until 5pm. These open lab hours are for students who want to use the computers to
complete the MyStatLab homework assignments, or for students to get help with the homework
from the lab instructor on duty. Additionally, the Martin M-01 computer lab is open 24 hours and
has JMP installed on all computers for students needing access to a computer to complete the
MyStatLab assignments. Students are expected to begin their homework early enough such that they
are able to attend open lab hours if they experience any difficulties in completing the assignment.
STAT 2300
Fall 2015