1991 MC Review, Primate Visions
1991 MC Review, Primate Visions
1991 MC Review, Primate Visions
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Matt Cartmill
Boston University
Book Review
P r i m a t e Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of M o d e r n
Science. By Donna Haraway. Routledge, New York, 1989, ix + 486
pp., $35.00 (hardcover).
It is thus not simply false to say that Mallarm6 is a Platonist or a Hegelian.
But it is above all not true. A n d vice versa.
This is a book that contradicts itself a hundred times; but that is not
a criticism of it, because its author thinks contradictions are a sign o f intellectual ferment and vitality. This is a book that systematically distorts
and selects historical evidence; but that is not a criticism, because its author
thinks that all interpretations are biased, and she regards it as her duty to
pick and choose her facts to favor her own brand of politics. This is a book
full of vaporous, French-intellectual prose that makes Teilhard de Chardin
sound like Ernest Hemingway by comparison; but that is not a criticism,
because the author likes that sort of prose and has taken lessons in how
to write it, and she thinks that plain, homely speech is part of a conspiracy
to oppress the poor. This is a book that clatters around in a dark closet
of irrelevancies for 450 pages before it bumps accidentally into its index
and stops; but that is not a criticism, either, because its author finds it
gratifying and refreshing to bang unrelated facts together as a rebuke to
stuffy minds. This book infuriated me; but that is not a defect in it, because
it is supposed to infuriate people like me, and the author would have been
happier still if I had blown out an artery. In short, this book is flawless,
because all its deficiencies are deliberate products of art. Given its assumptions, there is nothing here to criticize. The only course open to a reviewer
who dislikes this book as much as I do is to question itsauthor's fundamental assumptions--which are big-ticket items involving the n a t u r e and
relationships of language, knowledge, and science.
Knowledge, says the proverb, is power, and this book exemplifies a
school of thought that takes that proverb literally. In our culture, scientists
0164-0291DI/0200-0067506.50/D 9 1991 Plenum Publishing Corporation
Book Review
are given power and prestige because they claim to know how the world
works. Conversely, people who resent o r fear scientists doubt that claim to
knowledge and try to debunk it. There are always ample grounds for doubt.
Anybody who practices science knows that it is hard to be objective; our
fears and vanity and prejudices creep into our theories as readily as they
enter into the speeches of Congressmen or the predictions of astrologers.
F r o m that observation, it is only a step to the belief that scientists are
nothing but politicians and shamans, and that objective knowledge is itself
a myth cooked up by scientists to protect and enhance their power. T h a t
belief is the cornerstone of Donna Haraway's book.
T h e style of thinking and talking that Haraway has adopted in Primate
Vis/ons is what is sometimes called deconstructionist. She also refers to it
as postmodernism or poststructuralism. This style is increasingly prevalent
in the humanities and social sciences (where it dominates the Modern Language Association and many fields of social and cultural anthropology),
and it is now beginning to be heard in archaeological circles (Bahn, 1990).
In some quarters, it is regarded as an essential part of feminist consciousness. T h e deconstructionist mode can be summed up as a sophisticated
skepticism rooted in a deep suspicion of ordinary language. It views plain
speech as a Trojan horse full of secret biases that we cannot recognize or
criticize if we insist on talking and thinking in a "plain," comfortable way.
Deconstructionism derives chiefly from French models like Derrida and
Foucault, whose much-imitated prose style--ironical, teasing, ambiguous,
sibylline--is studiedly unlike ordinary language. T h e central tenet o f
deconstructionist thought, if anything so deliberately oblique can be said
to have anything so straightforward as a tenet, is that all texts are subject
to an infinite number of interpretations. From this it follows that it is
neither interesting nor profitable to ask whether a particular text is "true."
All claims to know the "truth" are, at bottom, really something else. What
they are usually taken to be is assertions of power over others. As Foucault
put it,
It is not the activity of the subject of knowledge that produces a corpus of
knowledge.., but power-knowledge, the processes and struggles that traverse it
and of which it is made up, that determines the forms and possible domains of
knowledge. (1979, p. 28)
I take this to mean that politics, not empirical inquiry, determines
what scientists are allowed to believe, though that may be putting it too
D o n n a Haraway quotes these words of Foucault's as an epigraph in
this b o o k , in which she attempts a deconstruction of primatology. A
deconstruction of a text or concept is a reading that calls into question its
u n d e r l y i n g assumptions, its s u p p o s e d objectivity, and its a u t h o r i t y .
Book Review
has been about organisms, beings with a life history; i.e., a plot with structure and
function. Biology is inherently historical, and its form of discourse is inherently
narrative. Biology as a way of knowing the world is kin to Romantic literature, with
its discourse about organic form and function. Biology is the fiction appropriate to
objects called organisms; biology fashions the facts "discovered" from organic
beings. (pp. 4-5)
Accordingly, "Primate Visions reads the primate text as science fiction,
where possible worlds are constantly reinvented in the contest for very real,
present worlds" (p. 5 ) - t h a t is, for political power:
Biology, and primatology, are inherently political discourses, whose chief objects of
knowledge, such as organisms and ecosystems, are icons (condensations) of the
whole of the history and politics of the culture that constructed them for contemplation and manipulation. The primate body itself is an intriguing kind of political
discourse. (p. 10).
Book Review
As one might expect from all this, the stories Haraway tells about
primatology are also an intriguing kind of political discourse. Haraway disavows any intention of writing "a disinterested, objective study" herself,
because "such studies are impossible for anyone" (p. 3), and she makes
her own political biases perfectly clear from the beginning. Her story
depicts the history of primate biology as a contest over the body of nature,
played out between the forces of good and evil. The evil cause is that of
straight white males, capitalists, liberals, and individualists, who stand for
"exploitation of the emergent Third World, obligatory and normative
heterosexuality, masculine dominance of a progressively war-based scientific enterprise in industrial civilization... White Capitalist P a t r i a r c h y . . .
How may we name this scandalous Thing?" (pp. 13, 176). The good cause
is that of those oppressed by the scandalous Thing. Western primatology
originated in the 1930s as a scientific-mythical readout of "the structure of
colonial discourse--that complex search for the primitive, authentic, and
lost self, sought in the baroque dialectic between the wildly free and subordinated other" (p. 245). White Capitalist Patriarchy dictated the terms
of primatological discourse until the mid-1970s, when sociobiology came
along and freed primatology from its male-centered paradigms. Nowadays,
"primatology is a genre of feminist theory" (p. 277).
The deconstructionist style is not very well suited to affirmation, and
so Haraway has more to say about her patriarchal villains than about her
feminist heroines. She begins with an attack on the American Museum of
Natural History in its palmy days as a "Teddy Bear Patriarchy" (a double
reference to stuffed animals and Teddy Roosevelt, consecrated to promulgating the myth of a pristine natural order endangered by the corrupting
influences of culture and civilization. For reasons that never became entirely clear to me, she regards that myth as an instrument of the big oil
companies (pp. 152, 185). Apparently the man-nature boundary is a construct that provides international corporations with a license to rape nature;
when viewed as "wildly free and subordinated other," nature becomes a
commodity. This central axiom of Haraway's viewpoint is supported only
by bald assertions and ironic metaphors, and I was unconvinced by it. The
major modern architects of the m a n - n a t u r e b o u n d a r y - R o u s s e a u ,
Wordsworth, Thoreau, Jeffers, and so o n - s e e m like unlikely cheerleaders
for industrial capitalism.
In succeeding chapters, Haraway deconstructs Robert Yerkes, C. R.
Carpenter, and Stuart Altmann (who are depicted as concerned with
developing techniques and rationales for maintaining White Male Capitalist
control over workers and women), Jane Goodall (another instrument of
Big Oil), S. L Washburn (whose "new physical anthropology" is construed
here as part of a neocolonial justification for White Male Capitalist
Book Review
ogy. T h e worst o f these faults is her refusal ever to deal with the past on
its own terms, to give an a c c o u n t o f p e o p l e ' s actions in terms o f their o w n
ideas a n d intentions 9 Because she is n o t really interested in the t h o u g h t o f
t h e past, but only in poking holes in it to reveal the scandalous T h i n g lurking within, she does n o t hesitate to caricature it into unintelligibility, leaving
o u t vast sectors o f the primatological tradition and distorting others to
m a k e t h e m fit her picture. This a p p r o a c h may be appropriate for Haraway,
w h o believes that reality is an artifact constructed for political ends, but it
m a k e s it hard to take her seriously as a historian o f ideas.
H a r a w a y ' s "poststructuralist" a p p r o a c h to history is t h o r o u g h l y structuralist in its endless suspicious search for unperceived connections concealed behind surface appearances. It accords with L6vi-Strauss's dictum
t h a t " u n d e r s t a n d i n g consists in the r e d u c t i o n o f o n e type o f reality to
a n o t h e r ; that true reality is never the most obvious of realities, and that
9 . . to reach reality we must first repudiate experience" (1964, pp. 61-62).
In Primate l/isions, the search for occult understanding takes the f o r m o f
an allusive play of suggestive juxtapositions hinting at underlying cultural
t h e m e s t o o vast, complex, a n d p o r t e n t o u s to be expressed in any less
oblique way. Unfortunately, H a r a w a y ' s juxtapositions often seem whimsical
a n d gratuitous, like the supposed c o n n e c t i o n between stuffed animals and
eugenics that she traces in the A m e r i c a n M u s e u m ' s African Hall:
A hope is implicit in every architectural detail: in immediate vision of the origin,
perhaps the future can be fixed. By saving the beginnings, the end can be achieved
and the present can be transcended . . . Restoration of the origin, the task of
genetic hygiene, is achieved in Carl Akeley's African Hall by an art that began for
him in the 1880s with the crude stuffing of P. T. Barnum's elephant, Jumbo, who
had been run down by a railroad train, the emblem of the Industrial Revolution.
The end of his task came in the 1920s, with his exquisite mounting o f . . . the lone
silverback male gorilla that dominates the diorama depicting the site of Akeley's
own grave in the mountainous rain forest of the Congo, today's Zaire. So it could
inhabit Akeley's monument to the purity of nature, this gorilla was killed in 1921,
the same year the Museum hosted the Second International Congress of Eugenics
9 . . Decadence-the threat of the city, civilization, machine-was stayed in the
polities of eugenics and the art of taxidermy. (pp. 26--27)
IS any o f this really "implicit in every architectural detail?" I d o u b t
it. I also d o u b t that the train that killed J u m b o is relevant to anything.
T h e s e are flights o f empty poetic fancy, and the whole c o n n e c t i o n that
H a r a w a y wants to draw b e t w e e n eugenics and taxidermy is really just as
fanciful. It seems plausible only b e c a u s e the two things w e n t on at the same
time in the same building, and b e c a u s e eugenics can in s o m e lights be seen
as a backward-looking search for lost origins. But if the Eugenics Congress
h a d b e e n held at a M u s e u m o f Science and Technology, H a r a w a y could
have f o u n d equal significance in that conjunction, by describing eugenics
as a forward-looking fantasy o f racial progress t h r o u g h the new science o f
Book Review
B o o k Review
Book Review
Bahn, P. G. (1990). Motes and beams: A further response to White on the Upper Paleolithic.
Curr. Anthropol. 31:71-76.
Derrida, J. (1981). Dissemination, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Foucault, M. (1979). Discipline and Punish, Pantheon, New York.
Lfvi-Strauss, C. (1964). Tristes Tropiques, Atheneum, New York.
Sutphen, M. P. (1988). W. /s Gregory's and H. )7. Osborn's Conflict in the Galton Society:
Eugenics and PhysicalAnthropology, 1918-1935, M.A. thesis, Duke University, Durham,
Matt Cartmill
Department o f Biological Anthropology and A n a t o m y
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina 27710