Psak 19
Psak 19
Psak 19
Intangible assets are identifiable non-monetary asset without physical
form. Entities frequently expend resources and create liabilities in the acquisition,
development, maintenance and enhancement of intangible resources. Elements
that meet the definition of intangible assets, namely the identification, control
over resources, and the future economic benefits.
1) Identification
Identification of the intangible asset can be clearly distinguished by
goodwill.. Goodwill in a business combination is recognized as an asset entity
that describes the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in
a business combination that are not individually identified and separately
recognized. An asset is said to be identifiable if:
Most likely the entity will obtain future economic benefits from these
In assessing possible future benefits, the entity using the assumptions of rational
and accountable which is management's best estimate of the economic
conditions prevailing throughout the useful life of the asset.
1) Acquisition Separated
Intangible assets are initially recognized at cost. The acquisition cost of intangible
assets consists of:
a) The purchase price, including import duties and taxes that cannot be
restitution, after deducting discounts and rebates.
b) All costs that are directly attributable to preparing the asset so it is ready for
The fair value of an intangible asset can be measured reliably although no similar
market transaction if:
a) Variability range of the estimated fair value for these assets is not significant.
b) The probability of the various estimates within the range can be assessed
rationally and used in determining fair value.
the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it.
Expenditures to produce the brand, the head of the newspaper, the title of
publicity, customer lists and things that are substantially similar to that
generated internally can not be distinguished with the cost of developing the
business as a whole. Therefore, it is not recognized as an intangible asset.
Expenditures for intangible assets are recognized as an expense when incurred,
except for:
a) expenditures that are part of the cost of intangible assets that meet the
recognition criteria.
b) Something that is acquired through a business combination and can not be
recognized as intangible assets. If so, then the expenditure is part of goodwill at
the acquisition date.
Eliminated against the gross carrying amount of the asset and the net amount
after the elimination presented in accordance with the value of the asset
for sale and the date when the asset is derecognized. Amortization method used
describe the consumption patterns of the entity over the future economic
benefits expected (including straight-line method, the declining balance method,
and the units of production method). If that pattern can not be determined
reliably, the straight-line method is used. Amortization charged for each period
are recognized in the income statement except as permitted by SFAS or requires
amortization is included in the carrying amount of another asset.
Residue Value
The residual value of intangible assets with finite useful life is assumed to be
zero, unless:
a) There is a commitment from a third party for the purchase of intangible assets
at the end of their useful life, or
b) There is an active market for the intangible asset and:
There is a great possibility that the market will remain available until the
end of the useful life of the asset.
When there are no further future economic benefits are expected from its
use or disposal.
Gains and losses arising from derecognition of intangible assets is the difference
between the net disposal value and the carrying amount of the asset. Gains and
losses are recognized in the income statement upon derecognition. Except for
PSAK 30 (revised 2007): lease requires otherwise on a sale and leaseback, profit
is not recognized as revenue.
An entity shall disclose the following for each group of intangible assets,
allocated between intangible assets that are internally generated and other
intangible assets:
1. Indefinite useful life or unlimited and, if limited useful life is expressed, the
rate of amortization is used or useful life.
2. Amortization methods used for intangible assets with finite useful lives.
3. The gross carrying amount and accumulated amortization (in the
aggregate with accumulated impairment losses) at the beginning and end
of the period.
4. Heading in the income statement in which the amortization of intangible
assets included therein.
5. Reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and end of the
period showed:
The addition, which separately indicates the intangible assets from internal
development, acquired separately, and acquired through business
Increased or decreased during the period derived from the revaluation and
of the recognition of impairment losses or reversals in other
comprehensive income in accordance with PSAK 48 (revised 2009):
Impairment of Assets, if any.
Changes in the carrying amount of the asset value during the period.
The asset is measured after initial recognition using the cost model or the
revaluation model.
Entities are encouraged, but not required to disclose the following information:
a) A description of the intangible assets were fully amortized but still in use.
b) A description of significant intangible assets controlled by the entity but not
recognized as assets because they do not meet the recognition criteria for assets
acquired or generated before PSAK 19: Intangible Assets effectively enforced.