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b2f20 Yogesh Research Paper

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The theorem is important illustration of progress of branch algebraic topology
and base for functional analysis and fi xed point theorem. Provides generalization
and proof to fi xed point theorem, game theory, central limit theorem and gave
way to new branch of mathematics Fixed point theory used extensively. Lack of
interest in analysis situ, unnoticed theory, use of false intuitionism against set
theory created problems ,the method used is continuous mapping ,Euclidean
spaces, algebraic topology ,the results of this theory are unconstructive and let
to constructivity idea. Thus theory provided signifi cant proof, generalization to
many important theorem
KEYWORDS : Homology; Euclidean space; Banach space; one dimensional scale;

topology; contraction; vector fi elds

This theorem comes from a branch of math known as Topology, and was discovered by
Luitzen Brouwer. While its technical expression is quite abstract, it has many
fascinating real world implications. Lets say we have a picture (for example, the Mona
Lisa) and we take a copy of it. We can then do whatever we want to this copymake it
bigger, make it smaller, rotate it, crumple it up, anything. Brouwers Fixed Point
Theorem says that if we put this copy overtop of our original picture, there has to be at
least one point on the copy that is exactly overtop the same point on the original. It
could be part of Monas eye, ear, or possible smile, but it has to exist.
This also works in three dimensions: imagine we have a glass of water, and we take a
spoon and stir it up as much as we want. By Brouwers theorem, there will be at least
one water molecule that is in the exact same place as it was before we started stirring.

Figure 1 : Representative picture

The theorem provides certain statements
The theorem has several formulations, depending on the context in which it is used
and its degree of generalization. The simplest is sometimes given as follows:

In the plane:

Every continuous function from a closed disk to itself has at least one
fixed point.[6]

This can be generalized to an arbitrary finite dimension:

In Euclidean space:

Every continuous function from a closed ball of a Euclidean space into

itself has a fixed point.[7]

A slightly more general version is as follows:[

Convex compact set:

Every continuous function from a convex compact subset K of a

Euclidean space to K itself has a fixed point.

An even more general form is better known under a different name:

Schauder fixed point theorem:

Every continuous function from a convex compact subset K of

a Banach space to K itself has a fixed point.

Suppose that S is a set. A function f : S S has a fixed point if there is an
element x S so that f (x) = x. A fixed point theorem is a theorem like
this: with some conditions on S or f or both, f must have a fixed point.

EXAMPLES Any contraction from R to R has a fixed point.

The intermediate value theorem implies that every
continuous function f :
[0,1] [0, 1] has a fixed point.
A function f : [0, 1] [0, 1] is a contraction if f contracts distances:
for all x1, x2 [0, 1], |x1 x2| > |f (x1) f (x2)|.

A function f : [0, 1] [0, 1] is a contraction if f contracts distances:
for all x1, x2 [0, 1], |x1 x2| > |f (x1) f (x2)|.
Theorem: Any contraction f : [0, 1] [0, 1] has a unique fixed point.
Outline of proof:Pick any x0 [0, 1]. Define a sequence {x0, x1, x2, . . . }
By x1 = f (x0)

x2 = f (x1) = f (f (x0))
x3 = f (x2) = f (f (f (x0)))
. . . Then lim n xn is the (unique) fixed point of f

1. Take two sheets of graph paper of equal size with coordinate systems on
them, lay one flat on the table and crumple up (without ripping or tearing)
the other one and place it, in any fashion, on top of the first so that the
crumpled paper does not reach outside the flat one. There will then be at
least one point of the crumpled sheet that lies directly above its
corresponding point (i.e. the point with the same coordinates) of the flat
sheet. This is a consequence of the n = 2 case of Brouwer's theorem applied
to the continuous map that assigns to the coordinates of every point of the
crumpled sheet the coordinates of the point of the flat sheet immediately
beneath it.
2. Take an ordinary map of a country, and suppose that that map is laid out
on a table inside that country. There will always be a "You are Here" point on
the map which represents that same point in the country.
3. In three dimensions the consequence of the Brouwer fixed-point theorem
is that, no matter how much you stir a cocktail in a glass, when the liquid has
come to rest some point in the liquid will end up in exactly the same place in
the glass as before you took any action, assuming that the final position of
each point is a continuous function of its original position, and that the liquid
after stirring is contained within the space originally taken up by it


FIGURE 2: one dimensional scale

In one dimension, the result is intuitive and easy to prove. The continuous
function f is defined on a closed interval [a, b] and takes values in the same
interval. Saying that this function has a fixed point amounts to saying that its
graph (dark green in the figure on the right) intersects that of the function
defined on the same interval [a, b] which maps x to x (light green).
Intuitively, any continuous line from the left edge of the square to the right
edge must necessarily intersect the green diagonal. Proof: consider the
function g which maps x to f(x) - x. It is 0 on a and 0 on b. By
the intermediate value theorem, g has a zero in [a, b]; this zero is a fixed
Brouwer is said to have expressed this as follows: "Instead of examining a
surface, we will prove the theorem about a piece of string. Let us begin with
the string in an unfolded state, then refold it. Let us flatten the refolded
string. Again a point of the string has not changed its position with respect to
its original position on the unfolded string."

The proof uses the observation that the boundary of Dn is Sn1, the (n 1)sphere.


The argument proceeds by contradiction, supposing that a continuous

function f : Dn Dn has no fixed point, and then attempting to derive an
inconsistency, which proves that the function must in fact have a fixed point.
For each x in Dn, there is only one straight line that passes through f(x)
and x, because it must be the case that f(x) and x are distinct by hypothesis
(recall that f having no fixed points means that f(x) x). Following this line
from f(x) through x leads to a point on Sn1, denoted by F(x). This defines a
continuous functionF : Dn Sn1, which is a special type of continuous
function known as a retraction: every point of the codomain (in this case Sn
) is a fixed point of the function.
Intuitively it seems unlikely that there could be a retraction of Dn onto Sn1,
and in the case n = 1 it is obviously impossible because S0(i.e., the endpoints
of the closed interval D1) is not even connected. The case n = 2 is less
obvious, but can be proven by using basic arguments involving
the fundamental groups of the respective spaces: the retraction would
induce an injective group homomorphism from the fundamental group of S
to that of D2, but the first group is isomorphic to Z while the latter group is
trivial, so this is impossible. The case n = 2 can also be proven by
contradiction based on a theorem about non-vanishing vector fields.

For n > 2, however, proving the impossibility of the retraction is more

difficult. One way is to make use of homology groups: the homology Hn1(Dn)
is trivial, while Hn1(S n1) is infinite cyclic. This shows that the retraction is
impossible, because again the retraction would induce an injective group
homomorphism from the latter to the former group.

Brouwer's fixed point theorem, perhaps the most important fixed

point theorem. p xiii V. I. Istratescu Fixed Point Theory an
Introduction Kluwer Academic Publishers (new edition 2001) ISBN 14020-0301-3.


S. Greenwood J. Cao Brouwers Fixed Point Theorem and the Jordan

Curve Theorem University of Auckland, New Zealand.

3. Schauder, J. (1930). "Der Fixpunktsatz in Funktionsrumen". Studia.

Math. 2: 171180.
4. D. Violette Applications du lemme de Sperner pour les triangles Bulletin AMQ, V. XLVI N 4, (2006)
Page 15 of: D. Leborgne Calcul diffrentiel et gomtrie Puf (1982) ISBN 2-13-037495-6.
5. This version follows directly from the previous one because every convex compact subset of a Euclidean
space is homeomorphic to a closed ball of the same dimension as the subset; see Florenzano, Monique
6.General Equilibrium Analysis: Existence and Optimality Properties of Equilibria. Springer.
p. 7. ISBN 9781402075124.
7. V. & F. Bayart Point fixe, et thormes du point fixe on Bibmath.net.
8. C. Minazzo K. Rider Thormes du Point Fixe et Applications aux Equations Diffrentielles Universit
de Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

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