Bayonet History
Bayonet History
Bayonet History
Fig.1 A 'dog lock' musket from the reign of Queen Anne Fig.4 An early 'Brown Bess' socket bayonet c1730-1740.
(1702-1714). This had a plug bayonet. (SAS 2387) (Derek Complin)
Small Arms School Corps Journal 2005
Fig.5. The Baker Rifle and 'sword' from 1800. (SAS 21)
Small Arms School Corps Journal 2005
In 1907 Britain copied the example of Japan (1897 Arisaka Events rapidly overtook this weapon, so that with adapta-
Rifle) and the United States of America (1903 tion, it became the standard rifle and ‘cold steel’ during the
Krag-Jörgensen) when it gave the infantry a handier Short Second World War (1939-1945). Cheapness and ease of
Magazine Lee-Enfield Rifle. (Figs.12&13) production became essential ingredients. [27] As a minor
part of the arms programme 'cost' in terms of finance, time
and materials was important. As value for money the 'pig
sticker' was one of the most efficient bayonets ever
The development of mass-produced machine-carbines, and
Fig.12. The Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Rifle with Pattern assault rifles undermined the traditional role of the bayonet even
1907 bayonet that was used in both World Wars. (SAS 0664) further. (Figs.15&16)
Fig.13. The Pattern 1907 bayonet with the hooked quillon Fig.15. The 'Machine Carbine, L2A3' or 'Sterling Mk.4' derived
removed in 1915. (SAS 0664) from the Patchett 9mm calibre design of 1944. (SAS 952)
Small Arms School Corps Journal 2005
After 1947 the total domination of such firearms depended However the current L85A2 Rifle carries the multipurpose
more on rapid firepower than the ability to support a blade. L3A1bayonet, often with the L1A2 scabbard assembly
The needs of urban & jungle warfare, the use of which has a saw, sharpening stone and wire cutter
mechanised infantry on land, sea and air, plus financial assembly. An integral bottle opener lug on the early
considerations affected the bayonet. Many countries bayonet was abandoned. (Fig.21)
provided an integral 'spike' but after 1944 the British Army
returned to a detachable knife bayonet. [28] (Figs.17&18)
Fig.17. The Fabrique Nationale Fusil Automatique Légère Some countries, notably Israel and South Africa, have
bought by Britain in May 1954 and called the Self-Loading ceased the general issue of bayonets. Most other armed
Rifle or 'SLR'. The bayonet is the L1A3. (SAS 2551) countries continue to design, develop and deploy the
weapon. (Figs.22&23)
Small Arms School Corps Journal 2005