Es300r Readme
Es300r Readme
Es300r Readme
00 R6D
This MOD is based on Eastern Sun 3.00, and currently updated by tsuru.
Save data incompatible with the original ES 3.00 and patch N series.
You need the original disc of LoD to play This mod. Hack programs like a
NO CD LOADER don't work with ES.
If you directly run game.exe, game stops after a few minutes with an
INT_DIVIDE_ZERO error. Please make sure to use the launcher shortcut made by
the installer. ES stops running when it detects a cheat program, too.
Please don't distribute any hacked version, or my motivation will be lost.
Please don't distribute saved characters, either. It's legit to give away
a character to a single person and delete the original one. But it's duping
to give a character to multiple persons.
Instead of asking saved characters, please ask ES forum members to help in
TCP/IP games. They will gladly help you get started.
-----------Diablo II LoD 1.10 or later must be installed on your PC.
Run the installer and change the install path if you installed D2 in a
different folder, but don't change the subfolder name "es300r".
Eastern Sun Database (the latest version is here)
Phrozen Keep Eastern Sun Forum
Eastern Sun Wiki
The original LoD shortcut runs LoD.
The new shortcut on the Desktop runs ES.
The shortcut for windowed mode and some utilities are installed in the Start
menu, "ES 3.00 patch R" group. Please copy them to the Desktop, if necessary.
The same shortcut can launch the second instance of ES.
(Multiple instances of ES are limited to 2 to avoid system instability.)
You can edit the launcher shortcut to add command line parameters of D2.
ES is installed in "(your D2 folder)\es300r".
First time you run ES, the original LoD files in D2 folder are saved to
"(your D2 folder)\es300r\backup", and restored every time you exit ES.
If ES crashes and terminates without restoring the original LoD files, please
run ES again, and then quit.
If you delete the files in the backup folder, ES saves the files in D2 folder
again. You may like to do this when you install another mod in D2 folder.
Your characters and shared stash are saved in "(your D2 folder)\es300r\save".
Also you'll find the backup of recent 3 generations of your characters and
shared stashes in "(your D2 folder)\es300r\save\backup".
1) Delete "(your D2 folder)\es300r" folder.
2) Delete the program group "ES 3.00 patch R" in the Start menu.
3) Delete the shortcut on the Desktop.