Myob Quiz PDF
Myob Quiz PDF
Myob Quiz PDF
2. Youre just starting MYOB and you already have all your customer
details sitting in an independent database. How do you get this
information into MYOB?
a) Export data out of the database and save this data as a text file. Then from
MYOB, import this data using the Import menu.
b) Importing data is a very complex process and only worth it if you have 500
customer records or more. Its quickest just to key the data in again by hand.
c) The best approach is to send the database off to MYOB Techncial Services and
theyll import it into your MYOB company file for you.
d) Export data out of the database and save as an Excel file. MYOB is able to open
up Excel files and convert the data.
3. When you first installed MYOB, you registered and activated your
software. Now youve received a reminder to activate it again.
What should you do?
a) Contact MYOB help. This re-activation message is a fault that shouldnt appear.
b) Ignore the message. Nothing will happen.
c) Copy your file onto a backup drive and give to your accountant. Theyll be able
to activate it using their special key.
d) Follow prompts to activate, either online or by phone.
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d) That you complete your ABN details when setting up MYOB, and that your ABN
prints on the Tax Invoice
e) Both b) and d)
9. You have a receipt for train travel, but the GST isnt shown on the
receipt. How do calculate how much GST is included?
a) Divide the total by eleven
b) Divide the total by ten
c) Divide the total by 1.1
d) Divide the total by 9
10. Every month, the bank debits your bank account for your motor
vehicle lease. Whats the best way to record this transaction in
a) Create a recurring transaction for the lease, with automatic reminders when its
b) Create a recurring transaction for the lease, setting it up to record automatically
c) Record this transaction in Write Cheques every month, typing in the details from
scratch each time. This is the safest method, just in case the amount of the lease
d) Record all transactions by importing your bank statement.
11. When working in Spend Money, how do you get the cost of sales
or expense account to come up automatically each time:
a) Set up a recurring transaction for this supplier. Even if the amount varies every
time you pay them, the expense account will still up correctly.
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b) Complete the default Expense account in the Buying Details tab of the
suppliers card.
c) Theres no easy way to get account information to come up automatically in
Spend Money.
d) Add the account number to the end of the suppliers name. This way youll see
the number and be prompted to enter it correctly.
12. Youre at a new job. They like to print two copies of each
customer invoice, posting one and keeping a copy of the other,
but ask you if you think this is efficient. Whats your advice?
a) Emailing customer invoices is faster than mailing them, but you always need to
keep a printed copy in case youre ever audited.
b) Customers hate receiving invoices by email, and you have to keep invoice
copies. Stick to the system as it is, and dont change anything.
c) The most efficient approach is to email customer invoices. You dont need to
worry about keeping copies, so long as backup systems are regular, reliable and
stored offsite.
13. You realise that you invoiced a customer twice for the same
thing. How do you fix the duplicate invoice?
a) If youve already lodged your BAS for the period when the mistake occurred,
then create a credit note for the value of the duplicate invoice. Date this credit
note with the current date.
b) MYOB is flexible: all you have to do is display the invoice, and select Delete
Invoice from the Edit menu.
c) If youve already lodged your BAS for the period when the mistake occurred,
then create a credit note for the value of the duplicate invoice. Date this credit
note with the date the mistake occurred.
16. You need to write off a bad debt. Give a brief summary of your
a) Print out the invoice and keep this copy carefully on file. Then delete the invoice
so it no longer appears in the system.
b) Dont do anything. This is a job best left to your accountant.
c) Enter a new sale to the customer, with Miscellaneous as the Layout. Enter Bad
Debt Expense as the Allocation Account and enter the amount youre writing off
as a minus amount.
d) Go to Receive Payments and enter the value of the bad debt against the
outstanding invoice in the Discount column.
17. When should you use the N-T tax code on transactions?
a. For wages, superannuation, transfers between accounts and personal transactions.
b. For bank charges, superannuation, loan payments and account transfers.
c. For hire purchase transactions, stamp duty, loan payments and account
d. For bank charges, coffee, tea, medical expenses and overseas travel.
18. Youre setting up a customer card in MYOB and know that in the
future, youre going to use MYOBs mail-merge features. You have
a customer whose name is John Saunders, and you know this
customer personally. What should you enter in the Saluation field
for this customer?
a) Mr Saunders
b) John
c) John Saunders
d) Mr
e) Leave it blank
Veechi Curtis. Please do not copy or distribute with seeking permission first.
Veechi Curtis. Please do not copy or distribute with seeking permission first.
1. b)
11. b)
2. a)
12. c)
3. d)
13. a)
4. d)
14. d)
5. c)
15. c)
6. e)
16. c)
7. e)
17. a)
8. c)
18. b)
9. a)
19. d)
10. b)
20. d)
Veechi Curtis. Please do not copy or distribute with seeking permission first.
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