The Wheelbarrow: Wed in The Month - 10am Ground Maintenance
The Wheelbarrow: Wed in The Month - 10am Ground Maintenance
The Wheelbarrow: Wed in The Month - 10am Ground Maintenance
The Wheelbarrow
Winter 2015
Winter 2015
Committee Notices
Tasty delights
Dont forget that you can still plant crops for over-wintering; specifically leeks, onions and garlic.
For those early leeks you can be thinking of sowing at the beginning of January especially if you have a bit
of heat and light to give them. Some onion varieties also benefit from early sowing. Dont be tempted to
sow if you cant give them the right conditions else you will only end up with long drawn plants which will
give a worse crop than delaying the sowing for a few weeks. Garlic needs the cold temperatures to clove
properly so it can go in now, or you can wait until the Spring. We can all keep hoping that the weather
gives us enough time to clear our plots ready for the Spring. The more you can do now the better.
Visit for more information and to get involved with hog monitoring
Our Community
Our philosophy is that we wish to be part of a community where we can collectively contribute. Where
everyone does a little bit to help and feels involved. Nobody is wishing to ask individuals to sign up for
excessive workloads, heavy manual work or lots of additional stress! A variety of tasks need to be completed to maintain the ground. There is a small number of core volunteers and we wish to expand our
numbers. Contributions could take the form of volunteering just 2 or 3 hours a year. Could you spend 1
hour during the autumn helping re-paint the communal hut, could you help bag up cuttings or help prune
the hedges? Could you help plant some spring bulbs or run a stall at the summer show? Can we all take
collective responsibility? Do you want to contribute to a creating a ground where you would be pleased
to show friends and family around? Whatever help you can give will be appreciated.
Community events
Watch this space for our community social events that are currently in discussion. Please keep an eye
out on the new noticeboards and on the website, Twitter and Facebook. We will let you know what
you can do to help and how to get involved. See the noticeboards on the site and the website for
Are you on facebook?
detail of ground maintenance. This takes place on the last Wednesday and Sunday of each month at Join our group by searching
10am. Lets improve our ground for all involved.
for Granville Park Allotments.
The Newsletter
As part of our review of communication we are considering the role of the newsletter. Would you
prefer a monthly (shorter) newsletter or a more detailed newsletter 2 or 3 times a year? What do
you think should be in the newsletter? Please let us know your views by any of
our communication methods.
Tweet us at GP_allotment
Nb this is not a definitive list and other jobs can be identified. This doesnt include the general administration, letting of
plots, communication with relevant bodies, financial administration, running of the website/social media, coordination
of seed/manure orders and their delivery or organisation of any events like the Annual Show & Open day.