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Enhancement of Pervaporation Performance of Composite Membranes Through in Situ Generation of Silver Nanoparticles in Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Matrix

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Enhancement of Pervaporation Performance of Composite

Membranes Through In Situ Generation of Silver Nanoparticles

in Poly(vinyl alcohol) Matrix
H.G. Premakshi, Ashok M. Sajjan, Arjumand A. Kittur, Mahadevappa Y. Kariduraganavar
Department of Chemistry, Karnatak University, Dharwad 580 003, Karnataka, India
Correspondence to: M. Y. Kariduraganavar (E - mail: mahadevappak@yahoo.com)

ABSTRACT: Composite membranes were prepared from an aqueous solution of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and silver sulphate. The silver nanoparticles were generated in situ before crosslinking PVA matrix by reduction of silver ions using sodium borohydride.
Physico-chemical properties of the resulting composite membranes were studied using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
(FTIR), UVvis spectroscopy (UVvis), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), and universal testing machine (UTM). The UVvis spectrum shows a single peak at 410 nm due to surface plasmon absorption of silver nanoparticles. This surely specified that silver nanoparticles are generated in PVA matrix. The membranes
were under go pervaporation (PV) for separation of water from isopropanol at different temperatures. The results indicated that
hydrophilicity and amorphous nature of the membranes were increased with increasing silver nanoparticles in PVA matrix. The swelling and separation performance of the membranes were studied. Both permeation flux and separation factor were increased with
increasing silver nanoparticles in PVA matrix. The results showed that the membrane containing 2.5 mass% of Ag salt exhibited excellent PV performance. The values of total flux and flux of water are almost closed to each other, indicating that membranes could be
effectively used to break the azeotropic point of water-isopropanol. The long-term test was performed at room temperature and ascertained that membranes were durable up to 30 days for the dehydration of IPA. On the basis of the estimate Arrhenius activation
energy values, the efficiency of the membranes was discussed. The calculated DHs values are negative for all the membranes, indicatC 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015, 132, 41248.
ing that Longmuirs mode of sorption is predominant. V

KEYWORDS: composites; crosslinking; membranes; swelling; thermogravimetric analysis

Received 13 December 2013; accepted 30 June 2014

DOI: 10.1002/app.41248


Metal nanoparticles incorporated polymer matrices have

attracted tremendous research interest in both academia and
industry due to their structural diversity, flexibility, and tenability as well as high porosity.1 Such materials have a wide range
of applications, viz., gas storage and separation, selective heterogeneous catalysis, carbon dioxide capture, and guest dependent
luminescence, etc.15 Among the metal nanoparticles, silver
nanoparticles signify as promising functional fillers due to their
unique characters and find enormous applications in various
fields such as intercalation of materials for electrical batteries
and optical receptors,6,7 polarizing filters, catalysis in chemical
reactions, bio-labeling, sensors, bio-active materials,810 signal
enhancers in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) based
enzyme immuno assay and antimicrobial agents.11,12
The incorporation of silver nanoparticles influences on the
properties of polymers, is intensively investigated recently, since

introduction of even a small amount of nanoparticles into the

polymeric matrix can greatly change the mechanical, optical,
and other properties of a material.13 Silver nanoparticles have
stronger electron transmission absorption bands (surface plasmons) in the visible range than other metals.14 These investigations suggest that the introduction of nanosized particles into
polymer matrix alters its properties.
PV is a well accepted membrane separation process for the separation of azeotropic and close boiling liquids because of its
simple operation and energy saving efficiency as compared to
all other conventional distillation processes.15,16 However, the
technical feasibility of this process largely depends on the membrane and its properties. Generally, most of the developed
membranes exhibit a trade-off phenomenon between flux and
selectivity. As a result, PV becomes incompetent process for a
large scale separation. To circumvent this problem, considerable
efforts have been adopted by suitably modifying the membranes. Among them are: incorporation of selective zeolites into

C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



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membrane matrix,17,18 development of hybrid membranes,19,20

incorporation of ZIF-8 material,21 introduction of silane compounds as crosslinking agents,2224 etc. For instance, Kittur
et al.17 and Kariduraganavar et al.,25 respectively studied the pervaporation (PV) separation of zeolite and TiO2 filled membranes
for the separation of water-isopropanol systems. Similarly, Uragami et al.,20 Liu et al.,22 and Zhang et al.26 developed silica
based organicinorganic hybrid membranes. All these membranes
demonstrated exceptionally high permeability and good selectivity by overcoming the trade-off phenomenon. This is because,
inorganic fillers as well as metals in polymer matrix offer consistent and unique opportunities to obtain the specific transport
properties. Recently, it is very well demonstrated that nanoparticles provide preferential pathways for the permeation and have
resulted to novel hydrophilic membranes for the efficient PV separation of organic-water mixtures.21 Among the hydrophilic
membrane materials, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is a widely studied material for the dehydration of organic mixtures owing to its
good chemical stability, film forming ability, and high hydrophilicity.27,28 The greater swelling nature of PVA membranes in an
aqueous solution results to an increase of both solubility and diffusivity, and accordingly lowers the water permselectivity.29 To
improve its stability and permeation properties, we have synthesized silver nanoparticles and incorporated them appropriately in
PVA matrix so as to increase its PV performance. Generally, there
are two methods which have been employed for the incorporation of metal nanoparticles into a polymer matrix.30 In the first
method, the colloidal metal nanoparticles are prepared separately
by reducing the metal salt using an appropriate reducing agent
and dispersed in polymer matrix with agitation (ex situ). However, the generated nanoparticles are stabilized by using appropriate capping agents. Otherwise, the developed metal nanoparticles
slowly undergo agglomeration. To avoid this, the second method
(in situ) is generally employed more frequently, wherein the generated metal nanoparticles are stabilized by the polymer itself,
and thereby the addition of capping agents is to be avoided completely. In view of this, in situ method is more convenient and
serves as a stabilizer, control the size of the nanoparticles and
attain the uniform distribution.31
Therefore, current investigation focuses on the preparation of silver nanoparticles by in situ method in PVA solution. The content
of silver nanoparticles was varied so as to improve the overall performance of the resulting membranes. Before casting the polymer
solution, it was subjected to crosslinking with a known amount of
glutaraldehyde to minimize the swelling property of the membrane. The physicochemical properties of the resulting membranes were studied using different techniques such as UV-visible,
FTIR, WAXD, TGA, SEM, and UTM. These membranes were successfully employed for PV separation of water-isopropanol mixtures. The values of permeation flux, separation selectivity and
diffusion coefficients were evaluated. The results were discussed in
term of PV separation efficiency of the membranes.

 w  125,000), glutaraldehyde, isopropanol, silver sulPVA (M
fate, and sodium borohydride (NaBH4) were purchased from


S.D. fine Chemicals, Mumbai, India. All other solvents and

reagents were of analytical grade and used without further purification. Double distilled water was used throughout the study.
Membrane Preparation
PVA (4 g) was dissolved in 80 mL of deareated distilled water
with constant stirring for about 24 h at room temperature. The
solution was filtered using a fritted glass disc-filter to remove the
undissolved residue particles. It was then subjected to sonication
at a fixed frequency of 38 kHz (Grant XB6, UK) for 30 min so
as to break the possible aggregated molecules. To this, 1 mL of
glutaraldehyde (25%) was added at 80 C for in situ crosslinking
and stirred for 1 h at the same temperature. Further to remove
the air bubbles the solution was left overnight. The resulting clear
solution was cast onto a glass plate with the aid of a casting knife
in a dust-free atmosphere. After being dried in air for about 48
h, the membrane was peeled-off and later annealed at 60 C for
24 h in an inert atmosphere and was designated as M.
To prepare nanocomposite hybrid membrane, a known amount
of silver sulfate was added into a PVA solution. In each time
the amount of PVA was kept constant. The mixed solution was
stirred for about 1 h and then 10 mg of sodium borohydride
was added. To break the aggregated silver particles and to
improve their dispersion in the polymer matrix, the resulting
clear yellow-sol was stirred for about 24 h and subjected to sonication for about 30 min at a fixed frequency of 38 kHz (Grant
XB6, UK). The resulting solution was poured onto a clean glass
plate and the membrane was dried as aforementioned. The Ag
particles dispersed in PVA via in situ of nanocolloids and they
underwent reduction from Ag1 to Ag atoms in presence of
NaBH4. The amount of silver with respect to PVA was varied as
1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 mass% and the membranes thus obtained
were designated as M-1, M-2, M-3, and M-4, respectively.
The scheme for the preparation of Ag-PVA nanocomposite
hybrid membranes is illustrated in Figure 1. The thickness of
these membranes was measured at different points using a peacock dial thickness gauge (Model G, Ozaki MFG., Japan) with
an accuracy of 62 mm and the average thickness was considered
for calculation. The thickness of the membranes was found to
be 40 6 2 mm.
UVVisible Absorbance Spectroscopy
Absorbance spectra of crosslinked PVA and its composite membrane samples were recorded using UVvisible absorbance spectroscopy (UVvisible absorbance spectrophotometer 15210).
The spectra were recorded in the range of 300800 nm.
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy
The interaction between Ag-Nps and the PVA matrix was studied using FTIR spectroscopy (Nicolet, Impact-410, USA). The
spectra were recorded in the range of 4004000 cm21 under a
hydraulic pressure of 400 kg/cm2. In each scan, the amount of
membrane sample and KBr were kept constant in order to estimate the changes in the intensities of the characteristic peaks
with respect to the amount of silver.
Wide-Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD)
Wide-angle X-ray diffraction measurements of crosslinked PVA
and its composite membranes were carried out with a Bruckers

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Ws 2Wd


where W is the mass of the membrane. Subscripts s and d refer

to the swollen and dry membrane, respectively.
Long-Term Durability Test
To assess the durability of the membranes, the crosslinked PVA
and its composite membranes were subjected to long-term test
by immersing in an 85 wt % of aqueous isopropanol at room
temperature for 48 days in different air-tight bottles. For every
4 days, membranes were removed from the solution and
weighed immediately after careful blotting with a tissue paper.
The same membranes were subjected to deswelling and
weighed. The procedure was repeated till the membranes start
losing their weights.

Figure 1. Scheme for the synthesis of composite membranes.

D-8 advanced wide-angle X-ray diffraction at room temperature

using Ni-filtered Cu Ka source. The diffraction was operated in
the range of 5 50 at 40 kV and 30 mA with a scanning speed
of 8 /min at an angle 2h.
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
Thermograms of the crosslinked PVA and its composite membranes were recorded using a thermogravimetric analyzer (DSC
Q 20, TA Instruments, Waters LLC, USA) at a heating rate of
10 C/min under nitrogen atmosphere. The weight of the membrane samples taken for each record was about 69 mg.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
The surface and cross-section views of the crosslinked PVA and
its composite membrane were recorded using scanning electron
microscope (JEOL, JSM-400 A, Tokyo, Japan). Before taking the
photographs, all the specimens were coated with a conductive
layer (400 A) of sputtered gold.
Mechanical Properties
The mechanical properties such as tensile strength and percent
elongation at break of the crosslinked PVA and its composite
membranes were measured at 25 C using Hounsfield H25KS
Universal Testing Machine (UTM), UK with a speed of 50 mm/
min. The gauge dimension of the test sample was 25 3 50 mm.
For each sample, three specimens were tested and results were
Swelling Measurements
The dried membrane samples were weighed and immersed in
different compositions of water-isopropanol mixtures at 30 C
for 24 h to attain equilibrium swelling. The swollen membrane
samples were taken out at regular intervals, wiped carefully with
tissue paper to remove the surface adhered solvent and weighed
as quickly as possible. The same procedure was repeated at least
for three times and, the results were averaged. The percent
degree of swelling (DS) was calculated as follows:


Pervaporation Experiments
PV experiments were carried out using the in-house designed
set up as reported in our previous articles.32,33 The capacity
of the feed chamber was about 250 cm3 and the effective
membrane surface area in contact with the feed mixture was
34.23 cm2. The vacuum in the downstream side of the apparatus was maintained [1.333224 3 103 Pa (10 Torr)] with a
two-stage vacuum pump (Toshniwal, Chennai, India). The
composition of water in the feed mixture was varied from 5
to 25 mass%. Before performing PV experiments, the test
membrane was allowed to reach equilibrium for about 2 h
in the feed compartment with a known volume of feed mixture. After a steady state was attained, the permeate was collected in a trap immersed in liquid nitrogen jar on the
downstream side at a regular intervals of time. The experiments were carried out at 30, 40, and 50 C. The flux was
calculated by weighing the permeate on a digital microbalance. The composition of water and isopropanol in the
permeate was calculated by measuring the refractive index of
the permeate using an Abbes refractometer (sensitivity 6
0.0001, Atago-3T, Japan), and by comparing it with a standard plot that was previously established with the known
compositions of water-isopropanol mixtures. All the experiments were performed at least three times, and the average
results were reported. The results of permeation for waterisopropanol mixtures during the PV were reproducible
within the range of 65%.
On the basis of the PV data, separation performance of the
membranes was evaluated in terms of total flux (J) and separation selectivity (asep). These were calculated respectively using
the following equations:
asep 5





where W is the mass of permeate (kg); A is the membrane area

(m2); t is the permeation time (h); Pw and PIPA are the respective mass fraction of water and isopropanol in the permeate; Fw
and FIPA are the mass fraction of water and isopropanol in the
feed, respectively.

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Figure 2. UVvisible absorption spectra of crosslinked PVA and its AgNps incorporated composite membranes: (M) 0 mass%; (M-1) 1 mass%;
(M-2) 1.5 mass%; (M-3) 2 mass%; (M-4) 2.5 mass% of Ag-Nps.


Membrane Characterization
UVVisible Analysis. The absorption spectra of crosslinked
PVA and its composite membranes are shown in Figure 2. It is
observed that no absorbance peak was found in the investigated
wavelength range for the crosslinked PVA membrane (M). However, all the composite membranes showed a broad peak and
whose maximum absorbance occurred at 410 nm. This is attributed to an occurrence of surface plasmon resonance of silver
nanoparticles (Ag-Nps) in the resulting composite membranes.34 As the content of silver nanoparticles was increased in
the membranes, the absorbance at 410 nm was increased. This
ensures the formation of Ag-Nps as well as their increased concentration in the membrane matrix. This is very well demonstrated in the actual photographs of the crosslinked PVA and its
Ag-Nps incorporated composite membrane films presented in
Figure 3.
FTIR Analysis. The spectra of crosslinked PVA and its composite membranes were recorded using FTIR and the spectra thus
obtained are presented in Figure 4. The crosslinked PVA (M)
exhibits a characteristic band at around 3400 cm21 and multiple bands between 1000 and 1150 cm21, which correspond
to AOH and CAO stretching vibrations, respectively. Upon

Figure 4. FTIR spectra of crosslinked PVA and its Ag-Nps incorporated

composite membranes: (M) 0 mass%; (M-1) 1 mass%; (M-2) 1.5 mass%;
(M-3) 2 mass%; (M-4) 2.5 mass% of Ag-Nps.

developing the Ag-Nps in the crosslinked PVA matrix, the

intensity of AOH band was significantly increased from membrane M to M-1. This is due to an establishment of interaction
between Ag-Nps and -OH groups of PVA. The intensity of this
band was correspondingly increased from membrane M-1 to
M-4 as the content of Ag-Nps increased in the PVA matrix.
This is expected due to increased hydrophilic character in the
membrane owing to the presence of silver nanoparticles, which
are known to exhibit hydrophilic behavior.35 A new band is also
observed at 660 cm21 in the composite membranes and its
intensity was increased marginally with increasing the Ag-Nps.
This ensures the formation of hydrogen bonds in the PVA
matrix.36 On the basis of these evidences, it is concluded that
Ag-Nps enhance the rigidity of the crosslinked PVA membrane
owing to an establishment of both hydrogen bonding and interaction of AOH groups with the Ag-Nps, which would play an
important role in enhancing the both flux and selectivity of the
resulting membranes.

Figure 3. Photographs of the crosslinked PVA and its Ag-Nps incorporated composite membranes. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which
is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]


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through the membrane and thereby enhances the selective permeants in the composite membranes.
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). Thermal stability of the
crosslinked PVA and its composite membranes was analyzed
using TGA under nitrogen atmosphere, and the resulting thermograms are shown in Figure 6. All the membranes exhibited
three consecutive steps for weight loss and the first weight loss
is around 5%, which occurred between 60 and 110 C. This is
attributed to desorption of physically absorbed water molecules
in the membrane. Although second weight loss was started at
around 230 C for all the membranes, the percentage weight loss
was about 60% varied from 230 to 380 C, which corresponds
to the decomposition of PVA chain. This weight loss was
decreased correspondingly with increasing the amount of AgNps in crosslinked PVA matrix. The third weight loss occurred
between 380 and 480 C, and is attributed to decomposition of
glutaraldehyde. All these clearly suggest that Ag-Nps incorporated membranes demonstrated better thermal stability than
that of crosslinked PVA membrane.
Figure 5. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction patterns of crosslinked PVA and its
Ag-Nps incorporated composite membranes: (M) 0 mass%; (M-1) 1
mass%; (M-2) 1.5 mass%; (M-3) 2 mass%; (M-4) 2.5 mass% of Ag-Nps.

Wide-Angle X-ray Diffraction Analysis (WAXD). Degree of

crystallinity of the crosslinked PVA and its composite membranes was studied by WAXD and the resulting diffraction profiles are given in Figure 5. The diffraction pattern of crosslinked
PVA shows a typical peak at around 2h 5 20 , indicating that
the crosslinked PVA contains both crystalline and amorphous
domains in the matrix.37 However, the intensity of this typical
peak was correspondingly decreased with increasing the Ag-Nps
(M-1 to M-4). This is due to an establishment of hydrogen
bonding and interaction of AOH groups with the Ag-Nps. This
effect is predominant as the content of Ag-Nps was increased in
the membranes. This has led to an increase of amorphous
region, which generally favors the diffusion of permeants

Figure 6. Thermogravimetric analysis of crosslinked PVA and its Ag-Nps

incorporated composite membranes: (M) 0 mass%; (M-1) 1 mass%;
(M-2) 1.5 mass%; (M-3) 2 mass%; (M-4) 2.5 mass% of Ag-Nps.


Figure 7. SEM micrographs of crosslinked PVA and its Ag-Nps incorporated composite membranes: (A) surface view and (B) cross-sectional view.

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Table I. Tensile Property of Crosslinked PVA and its Ag-Nps Incorporated

Composite Membranes


Tensile strength

Elongation at
break (%)















Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis. Figure 7 illustrates the SEM photographs of the surface and cross-sectional
views of crosslinked PVA and its composite membranes. At
lower concentration, Ag-Nps were distributed evenly throughout
the crosslinked PVA matrix. However, at higher concentration,
we can notice Ag-Nps on the surface as well as in the bulk of
the material. Further the photographs explicitly show that silver
particles implanted in the membrane matrix have no voids
around them. This ensures that Ag-Nps incorporated membranes obtained here are free from the possible defects and can
be employed for PV process without any difficulty.
Mechanical Properties
Tensile strength and percent elongation of a membrane often
tell its suitability for PV applications. The effect of Ag-Nps on
the tensile strength and percent elongation of the crosslinked
membranes were studied and the data thus obtained are summarized in Table I. It could be seen from the data that both
tensile strength and percent elongation were respectively
decreased from 76 to 47 MPa and 86 to 25% with increasing
the content of Ag-Nps. This was expected due to an establishment of ionic clusters in the membranes and this becomes
prominent as the content of Ag-Nps was increased in the membrane. Despite of the fact, the resulting membranes are suitable
for the PV separation.

Figure 8. Variation of degree of swelling with different mass% of water in

the feed for crosslinked PVA and its Ag-Nps incorporated composite

beyond this, the DS was gradually decreased. This suggests that

composite membranes developed with Ag-Nps are durable up
to 30 days for the dehydration of IPA. This is due to increased
hydrophilicity of the membranes due to the incorporation of
Ag-Nps. This is very well demonstrated in the FTIR study. The
in situ generation of Ag-Nps in the polymer matrix always
serves as the stabilizer. On the other hand, the crosslinked PVA
membrane is durable only up to 18 days and beyond this, it
was started loosing its mass% gradually. The same behavior is
observed in deswelling data, which are included in the Figure 9.
Further, it is noticed that the decreasing tendency in swelling
beyond 30 days is prominent for the membranes having higher
loading of Ag-Nps. This is expected due to a greater leaching
effect observed in higher loading of Ag-Nps. The degree of
deswelling also decreases with increasing the Ag-Nps in the

Effects of Feed Composition and Ag-Nps on Membrane

The degree of membrane swelling played an important role in
dehydration of organics that controls the transport of permeating molecules under the chemical potential gradient. Figure 8
represents the effects of feed composition and Ag-Nps on the
membrane swelling at 30 C. It is observed that the DS was
increased almost linearly for all the membranes with increasing
the mass% of water in the feed. This appears a strong interaction occurring between water molecules and the intractable
groups such as AOH and Ag-Nps present in the membrane.
However, DS was also increased systematically with increasing
the Ag-Nps in the membrane and the same trend is remained
throughout the investigated water composition. This arise an
enhancement of hydrophilic character in the membrane owing
to the presence of Ag-Nps. This was very well demonstrated in
the FTIR study.
Effect of Ag-Nps on Long-Term Durability of the Membrane
From Figure 9, it is clearly observed that the DS is almost constant for all the composite membranes up to 30 days and


Figure 9. Variation of swelling and deswelling as a function of time for

crosslinked PVA and its Ag-Nps incorporated composite membranes at 85
mass% of IPA in the feed.

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Figure 10. Variation of total pervaporation flux with different mass% of

water in the feed for crosslinked PVA and its Ag-Nps incorporated composite membranes.

crosslinked membrane. On the basis of these, it is ascertained

that Ag-Nps improve the long-term stability of the membrane
for PV dehydration of IPA.
Effects of Feed Composition and Ag-Nps on Pervaporation
Figure 10 shows the effects of feed composition and Ag-Nps on
the total permeation flux for all the membranes at 30 C. It is
found that the total permeation flux was increased almost linearly for all the membranes with increasing the mass% of water
in the feed and this is almost in accordance with the swelling
study. This is because of increased selective interactions between
water molecules and the membrane and obviously, the interaction is predominant at higher concentration of water in the
feed. Similarly, the total permeation flux was increased with
increasing Ag-Nps in the membrane. This is because of
increased hydrophilicity as discussed in the swelling study. This
is expected owing to an establishment of greater interaction
between Ag-Nps and water molecules. Second, the increased

Figure 11. Variation of separation selectivity with different mass% of

water in the feed for crosslinked PVA and its Ag-Nps incorporated composite membranes.


Figure 12. Variation of flux and selectivity with different mass% of AgNps at 10 mass% of water in the feed.

amorphous character of the membrane by the incorporation of

Ag-Nps as evidenced from WAXD analysis is also responsible
for the increase of flux. These two are reasonably contributing
for the overall increase of permeation flux with increasing the
Ag-Nps in the crosslinked PVA membrane.
The selectivity of a membrane in PV is based on interaction
between membrane and the permeating molecules, and the molecular size of the permeating species. Figure 11 displays the effects of
water compositions and Ag-Nps on the selectivity of all the membranes. It is noticed that there was a remarkable decrease in the
selectivity for all the membranes with increasing the water composition from 5 to 15 mass%. On the other hand, this was decreased
gradually with further increasing the water composition in the
feed. At higher concentration of water in the feed, the membrane
swells greatly and thereby upstream surface of the membrane
becomes plasticized owing to an establishment of a strong interaction between the membrane and water molecules. The resulting

Figure 13. Variation of total flux, fluxes of water, and isopropanol with
different mass% of Ag-Nps at 10 mass% of water in the feed.

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Table II. Diffusion Coefficients of Water and Isopropanol for All Membranes at Different Mass% of Water in the Feed
Dw 3 108 (cm2/s)

DIPA 3 1010 (cm2/s)

of water



























































plasticized upstream membrane surface allows some of isopropanol molecules along with selective permeants, which causes a negative impact on the membranes selectivity.
On the contrary, the selectivity was increased remarkably from
membrane M-1 to M-4, upon increasing the Ag-Nps in the
membrane. This was assigned to increased selective interaction
between membrane and the water molecules owing to the presence of Ag-Nps in the crosslinked matrix. This was further
reveals from the Figure 12, in which flux and selectivity were
plotted as a function of silver content in the membranes at 10
mass% of water in the feed. Because of crosslinking or incorporation of fillers into the membrane matrix packing density of
the membranes increases, as a result the permeation flux
decreases and selectivity increases.18,37 However, in the present
study both permeation flux and selectivity were increased with
increasing Ag-NPs in the membrane. This is due to a trade-off
phenomenon existing between flux and selectivity in PV process, a significant enhancement of hydrophilicity and establishment of greater interaction by the incorporation of Ag-Nps in
the crosslinked PVA matrix overcome this phenomenon.
The efficiency of membranes was assessed by plotting the individual fluxes as a function of mass% of silver at 10 mass% of water
in the feed are shown in Figure 13. It is clearly indicated that the
total flux and flux of water are almost closed to each other,
whereas the flux of isopropanol is negligibly small, indicating that
the membranes developed in the present study by the incorporation of Ag-Nps are highly selective towards water with a wonderful
improvement in the flux as compared to membrane M. On the
basis of this plot, it is further concluded that membrane containing 2.5 mass% of Ag-Nps demonstrated excellent flux and selectivity among the membranes developed in the present study.
Diffusion Coefficient
A proper understanding of the PV, the solution-diffusion mechanism is accepted by several researchers. According to this





mechanism, PV process consists of three consecutive steps: sorption of the permeant from the feed mixture to the membrane,
diffusion of the permeant in the membrane and desorption of
the permeant to the vapor phase on the downstream side of the
membrane.38 Thus, rate of permeation and selectivity are governed by the solubility and diffusivity of each component of the
feed liquid to be separated. In the PV process, the diffusion step
controls the transport of penetrants, because of the establishment
of fast equilibrium distribution between bulk feed and the
upstream surface of a membrane.39 It is therefore, to understand
the mechanism of transport of molecules important to estimate
the diffusion coefficient, Di of penetrating molecules.
From Ficks law of diffusion, the diffusion coefficient can be
expressed as:40
Ji 52Di



where J is the permeation flux per unit area (kg/m2s); D is the

diffusion coefficient (m2/s); C is the concentration of permeant
in the membrane (kg/m3); subscript i stands for water or isopropanol; and x is the diffusion length (m). For simplicity it is
assumed that the concentration profile along the diffusion
length is linear and thus, diffusion coefficient Di can be calculated with the following modified equation:41,42
Di 5

Ji d


where d is the membrane thickness. The calculated values of

Di at 30 C are presented in Table II. It is observed that the
diffusion coefficient of water was increased from M to M-4
while systematically decreasing the diffusion coefficient
of IPA.
On the contrary, the diffusion coefficients of both water and
IPA were increased with increasing the water concentration in
the feed. However, compare to isopropanol, the magnitude of

Table III. Pervaporation Flux and Separation Selectivity of All Different Membranes at Different Temperatures for 10 Mass% of Water in the Feed
J 3 102 (kg/m2h)


( C)











































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Figure 14. Variation of log J with temperature for crosslinked PVA and its
Ag-Nps incorporated composite membranes at 10 mass% of water in the

diffusion coefficients of water was quite high, suggesting that

the membranes developed in the present study are highly selective towards water. This is very well explained in Figure 13.
Effect of Temperature on Membrane Performance
The effect of operating temperature on PV performance was
studied for all the membranes at 10 mass% of water in the feed,
and values thus obtained are presented in Table III. It is noticed
that with increasing temperature the permeation rate was
increased for all the membranes while decreasing the separation
selectivity. This may be because of two reasons. First, as the
temperature increases the vapor pressure difference also
increases between the upstream and downstream side of the
membranes and this in turn improvement in the transport of
driving force. Second, an increase of temperature promotes the
thermal motion of polymer chain segments, creating more freevolume in the polymer matrix. However, the latter reason is
ruled out in the present study since the experiments were performed well below the glass transition temperature of the crosslinked PVA.43 Therefore, the driving force played a major role
in transporting the associated molecules along with the selective
permeants. This results to an increase of total permeation flux
while decreasing the selectivity. Thus, the temperature dependence of permeation and diffusion has prompted us to estimate
the activation energies for permeation and diffusion using the
Arrhenius type equation44:

X5Xo exp
where X represents permeation (J) or diffusion (D). Xo is a constant representing pre-exponential factor of Jo or Do. Ex denotes
the activation energy for permeation or diffusion depending
upon the transport process under consideration, and R is a gas
constant T is a temperature (K). As the feed temperature
increases, the vapor pressure in the feed compartment also
increases, but the vapor pressure at the permeate side is not
affected. This leads to an increase of driving force with increasing the temperature.


Figure 15. Variation of log D with temperature for crosslinked PVA and
its Ag-Nps incorporated composite membranes at 10 mass% of water in
the feed.

Arrhenius plots of log J and log D versus temperature are

shown in Figures 14 and 15, respectively. In both the cases, a
linear trend was observed, suggesting that permeability and diffusivity follow an Arrhenius trend. From the least-squares fits of
these linear plots, we have estimated the activation energies for
total permeation (Ep) and total diffusion (ED). Similarly, the
activation energies for permeation of water (Epw) and isopropanol (EpIPA), and diffusion of water (EDw) were estimated, but
the plots are not given to minimize the figures. However, the
values thus obtained are presented in Table IV.
From Table IV, it is observed that the apparent activation energy
values for water permeation (Epw) are almost two times lower
than those of isopropanol permeation (EpIPA), suggesting that
membranes developed here have higher separation efficiency
towards water. The activation energy values for water permeation (Epw) and total permeation (Ep) are almost close to each
other, signifying that coupled-transport of both water and isopropanol is minimal as due to higher selective nature of the
membranes. It is further noticed that as the Ag-Nps were
increased in membrane M-1 to M-4, the activation energy values of both Ep and ED were systematically decreased. This is
due to increased hydrophilicity with increasing the content of
Ag-Nps in the membrane matrix, and obviously the energy
required for transport of selective permeants was reduced.
Table IV. Arrhenius Activation Parameters for Permeation and Diffusion
and Heat of Sorption









































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27.87, and 48.13 and 28.14 kJ/mol, respectively. Using these values, we have further calculated the heat of sorption as:
DHs 5Ep 2ED :


The resulting DHs values are presented in Table IV. So we can

observe the hole filling mechanism by negative values of DHs
sorption.45 This infers that, Langmuirs mode of sorption is predominant indicating an exothermic contribution.

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