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The Book of Jezihra

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The key takeaways are that the Sepher Yetzirah details the basic acts of creation through the Hebrew letters and describes the 10 Sephiroth and 22 paths of wisdom. It also introduces concepts like the Tree of Life.

The Sephiroth are 10 emanations or accumulations of archetypal energies that are represented on the Tree of Life. They balance each other and relate to creation, with energy flowing from the top Sephira down through the others. There are also relationships between the Sephiroth.

The three pillars in the Tree of Life are the vertical arrangements of energies. They are the Pillar of Mercy (left side), the Pillar of Severity (right side), and the Pillar of Mildness (center).


The Sepher Yetzirah/ Book Of Jezihra

The Sepher Yetzirah, or Book of Formation, is acknowledged as being
one of the most important kabbalistic texts. Its brief note-like style has
made it one of the most commented upon works in the field of kabbalah.
The concepts contained within it detail the basic acts of creation through
the use of the Hebrew letters. It is supposed to be the text which medieval
kabbalists used to create a golem 1 . The Mirach Sepher Yetzirah pages
contain the text [in English] and a meditation based on the text. The
names of the Hebrew letters appear in italics.

Book Of Jezihra
[Chapter 1]
With thirty two wonderful paths of wisdom Y
Loorrdd ooff H
Yaahh - the L
Hoossttss, the
Goodd of Israel, the living G
Goodd, K
Kiinngg of the Universe, E
Ell SShhaaddddaaii,
merciful and gracious, high and exalted, dwelling in eternity, whose name
is H
Hoollyy, H
Hee is lofty and holy - engraved and H
Hee created H
Hiiss universe
with three books: with letters, with number and with sound [see next

In Jewish folklore, a golem [sometimes, as in Yiddish, is pronounced goilem] is

an animated being created entirely from inanimate matter. The name appears to derive
from the word gelem, which means raw material [John Grau, 2007].

Ten Sephiroth of Nothingness and twenty-two formative letters: three
Mothers, seven Doubles and twelve Singles 2 .
Ten Sephiroth of Nothingness, the number of ten fingers, five opposite
five with a singular covenant exactly in the middle in the circumcision of
the tongue and the circumcision of the flesh [see next chart].

Notice how Malkuth, the dense Physical Plane is entirely missing from the G
Goodd-hheeaaddss original designs in the above chart. It is as if the dense Physical Plane was an
add-on that should never have been [John Grau, 2007].

Ten Sephiroth of Nothingness, ten and not nine, ten and not eleven.
Understand with wisdom, be wise with understanding. Examine with
them and probe from them. Make each thing stand on its essence and
make T
Thhee C
Crreeaattoorr sit on H
Hiiss T
Ten Sephiroth of Nothingness: their measure is ten which have no end: a
depth of beginning, a depth of end; a depth of good, a depth of evil; a
depth of above, a depth of below; a depth of East, a depth of West; a
depth of North, a depth of South. A single Master, G
Goodd faithful K
dominates over them all from H
Hiiss Holy Dwelling until the end of time.
Ten Sephiroth of Nothingness: their vision is like the "appearance of
lightning" [Ezekiel 1:14], their limit has no end. And H
Hiiss Word in them is
"running and returning" [Ezekiel 1:24]. They rush to H
Hiiss Command like a
whirlwind and prostrate themselves before H
Hiiss Throne.
Ten Sephiroth of Nothingness: their end is embedded in their beginning
and their beginning in their end, like a flame in a burning coal. For the
Maasstteerr is singular, H
Hee has no second. And before O
Onnee, what do you
count? [see the following charts].

Ten Sephiroth of Nothingness: stop your mouth from speaking and your
heart from thinking. If your heart runs return it to its place. It is therefore
written "The Chayot running and returning" [Ezekiel 1:24]. Regarding
this a covenant was made.
Ten Sephiroth of Nothingness: O
Onnee is the Spirit of the L
Liivviinngg G
Blessed and praised is the Name of the L
Vooiiccee Of
Liiffee of the Worlds, the V
Breath and Speech, and this is the H
Hoollyy B
woo: Breath from Spirit. With it H
Hee Engraved twenty-two formative
letters, three Mothers, seven Doubles, twelve Singles, and O
Onnee B
within them.
Thhrreeee: Water from Breath. With it H
Hee Engraved and Carved the twentytwo letters from chaos and void, mire and clay. H
Hee Engraved them like a

garden, H
Hee carved them like a wall, H
Hee Covered them with a roof. He
Poured Snow over them and it became Earth [see Job 37:6].
FFoouurr: Fire from Water. With it H
Hee Engraved and carved the T
Thhrroonnee O
m and the H
Hoollyy C
Chhaayyoott and M
Glloorryy, Seraphim, O
Hiiss dwelling, as it is written, "H
Annggeellss. From these three H
Hee Founded H
makes H
Hiiss angels, H
Hiiss messengers, H
Hiiss Ministers of Flaming Fire"
[Psalms 104:4].
He chose three letters from among the formatives - aleph, mem, shin and H
mee and with them sealed the six
Hiiss G
Hee set them in H
Grreeaatt N
extremities. FFiivvee: H
Hee Sealed Height, faced upwards and sealed it with
yod, he vau; SSiixx: H
Hee Sealed Depth, faced downwards and sealed it with
he, yod, vau; SSeevveenn: H
Hee Sealed East, faced straight ahead and sealed it
with vau, yod he; E
Hee Sealed West, faced backwards and sealed it
Eiigghhtt: H
with vau, he yod; N
Niinnee: H
Hee Sealed South, faced to the right and sealed it
with yod, vau, he; T
Teenn: H
Hee Sealed North, faced to the left and sealed it
with he, vau, yod.
These are the Ten Sephiroth of Nothingness: The SSppiirriitt of the L
Goodd, Breath from Spirit, Water from Breath, Fire from Water, up, down,
East, West, North, South.
[Chapter 2]
Twenty two formative letters: three Mothers, seven Doubles, twelve
Singles. The three mothers are aleph, mem, shin. Their foundation is a
scale pan of merit, a scale pan of liability, and the tongue of decree
deciding between them. Three Mothers, aleph, mem, shin. Mem hums,
shin hisses, and aleph is the breath of air deciding between them.
Twenty two formative letters: H
Hee Engraved them, H
Hee Carved them, H
Permuted them, H
Hee Weighed them, H
Hee Transformed them. And with
them H
Hee Depicted all that was formed and all that would be formed.
Twenty two formative letters: H
Hee Carved
Hee Engraved them with voice, H
them with Breath, H
Hee Set them in the mouth in five places. Aleph, cheth,
he, ayin in the throat; Gimel, yod, kaph, qof in the palate; Daleth, teth,
lamed, nun, tau in the tongue; Zayin, samekh, shin, resh, tzaddi in the
teeth; Beth, vau, mem, pe in the lips.

Twenty two formative letters: H
Hee Placed them in a circle, like a wall with
231 gates. The circle moves backwards and forwards. A sign of this is:
there is nothing in good higher than delight [ayin, nun, gimel], there is
nothing in evil lower than plague [nun, gimel, ayin] [see chart below].

How did H
Hee Permuted them, weighed them and transformed
Hee do this? H
them. Aleph with all, and all with aleph. Beth with all, and all with beth.
They repeat in a cycle and exist in two hundred and thirty-one gates. It
emerges that all that is formed and all that is spoken emanates from O
Hee Formed substance out of chaos and made non-existence into
existence. H
Hee Carved great pillars from air that cannot be grasped. This is
a sign: H
Hee Foresees, Transforms and Makes all that is formed and all that
is spoken: O
mee. A sign for this is twenty-two objects in one body.
Onnee N
[Chapter 3]
Three Mothers: aleph, mem, shin. Their foundation is a scale pan of
merit and a scale pan of liability, and the tongue of decree deciding
between them.

Three Mothers: aleph, mem, shin. A great mystical secret covered and
sealed with six rings. And from them emanated Air, Water and Fire; and
from them are born Fathers, and from Fathers, descendants.
Three Mothers: aleph, mem, shin. H
Hee Engraved them, H
Hee Carved them.
Hee Permuted them, H
Hee Weighed them. H
Hee Transformed them, and with
them H
Hee Depicted: Three mothers aleph, mem, shin in the Universe.
Three mothers aleph, mem, shin in the Year. Three mothers aleph, mem,
shin in the Body, male and female.
Three mothers, aleph, mem, shin, in the Universe are Air Water and Fire.
Heaven was created from Fire; Earth was created from Water; and Air,
from B
Brreeaatthh, decides between them.
Three mothers, aleph, mem, shin, in the year are the hot, the cold and the
temperate. The hot is created from Fire; the cold is created from Water;
and the temperate, from B
Brreeaatthh, decides between them.
Three mothers, aleph, mem, shin, in the body, male and female, are the
head, belly and chest. The head is created from Fire; the belly is created
from Water; and the chest, from B
Brreeaatthh, decides between them.
Hee Made aleph king over Air and H
Hee Bound a crown to it and H
Combined them one with another. And with them H
Hee Formed Air in the
Universe, the temperate in the Year, and the chest in the Body. The male
with aleph, mem, shin; and the female with aleph, shin, mem.
Hee Bound a crown to it and H
Hee Made mem king over water and H
Combined them one with another. And with them H
Hee Formed earth in the
Universe, cold in the Year, and the belly in the Body. The male with
mem, aleph, shin; and the female with mem, shin, aleph.
Hee Bound a crown to it and H
Hee Made shin king over fire and H
Combined them one with another. And with them H
Hee Formed Heaven in
the Universe, hot in the Year, and the head in the Body. The male with
shin, aleph, mem; and the female with shin, mem, aleph.

[Chapter 4]
Seven doubles: beth, gimel, daleth, kaph, pe, resh, tau. They direct
themselves with two tongues: Beth bheth, Gimel ghimel, Daleth
dhaleth, Kaph khaph, Pe phe, Resh rhesh, Tau - thau. A structure
of soft and hard, strong and weak.
Seven doubles: beth, gimel, daleth, kaph, pe, resh, tau. Their foundation
is wisdom, wealth, seed, life, dominance, peace and grace.
Seven doubles: beth, gimel, daleth, kaph, pe, resh, tau, in speech and in
transposition. The opposite of wisdom is folly; the opposite of wealth is
poverty; the opposite of seed is desolation; the opposite of life is death;
the opposite of dominance is subjugation; the opposite of peace is war;
the opposite of grace is ugliness.
Seven doubles: beth, gimel, daleth, kaph, pe, resh, tau. Up and down,
East and West, North and South, and the H
Hoollyy PPaallaaccee exactly in the
centre supports them all.
Seven doubles: beth, gimel, daleth, kaph, pe, resh, tau. Seven and not
six, seven and not eight. Examine with them and probe with them. Make
each thing stand on its essence and make The C
Crreeaattoorr sit on H
Hiiss B
4.6 Seven doubles: beth, gimel, daleth, kaph, pe, resh, tau, of
Foundation. H
Hee Engraved them, H
Hee Carved them; H
Hee Permuted them, H
Weighed them; H
Hee Formed: Seven
Hee Transformed them and with them H
planets in the Universe; Seven days in the Year; Seven gates in the Body,
male and female.
Seven planets in the Universe: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus,
Mercury, Moon. Seven days in the Year: the seven days of the week.
Seven gates in the Body, male and female: two eyes, two ears, two
nostrils, and the mouth.
Hee Bound a crown to it.
Hee Made the letter beth king over Wisdom and H
And H
Hee Combined one with another and with then H
Hee Formed: the Moon


in the Universe; Sunday in the year; the right eye in the body, male and
Hee Made the letter gimel king over Wealth and He Bound a crown to it.
And H
Hee Formed: Mars in
Hee Combined one with another and with then H
the Universe; Monday in the year; the right ear in the Body, male and
Hee Made the letter daleth king over Seed and H
Hee Bound a crown to it.
And H
Hee Combined one with another and with then H
Hee Formed: the Sun
in the Universe; Tuesday in the year; the right nostril in the Body, male
and female.
Hee Made the letter kaph king over Life and H
Hee Bound a crown to it. And
Hee Combined one with another and with then H
Hee Formed: Venus in the
Universe; Wednesday in the year; the left eye in the Body, male and
Hee Made the letter pe king over Dominance and H
Hee Bound a crown to it.
And H
Hee Combined one with another and with then H
Hee Formed: Mercury
in the Universe; Thursday in the year; the left ear in the Body, male and
Hee Bound a crown to it.
Hee Made the letter resh king over Peace and H
And H
Hee Combined one with another and with them H
Hee Formed: Saturn in
the Universe; Friday in the year; the left nostril in the Body, male and
Hee Bound a crown to it. And
Hee Made the letter tau king over Grace and H
Hee Combined one with another and with then H
Hee Formed: Jupiter in the
Universe; the Sabbath in the year; the mouth in the Body, male and
Seven doubles: beth, gimel, daleth, kaph, pe, resh, tau. With them were
engraved: seven [Super-] Universes, seven firmaments; seven lands,
seven seas; seven rivers, seven deserts; seven days, seven weeks; seven
years, seven sabbaticals, seven jubilees and the H
Hoollyy PPaallaaccee. Therefore,
Hee Made sevens beloved under all the heavens.
Two stones build two houses; three stones build six houses; four stones
build twenty-four houses; five stones build one hundred and twenty
houses; six stones build six hundred and twenty houses; seven stones


build five thousand and forty houses. From here go and calculate that
which the mouth cannot speak and the ear cannot hear.
[Chapter 5]
Twelve Singles: he, vau, zayin, cheth, teth, yod, lamed, nun, samekh,
ayin, tzaddi, qof. Their foundation is speech, thought, motion, sight,
hearing, action, coition, smell, sleep, anger, taste, laughter.
Twelve Singles: he, vau, zayin, cheth, teth, yod, lamed, nun, samekh,
ayin, tzaddi, qof. Their foundation is the twelve diagonal boundaries: the
upper East, the North East, the lower East; the upper South, the South
East, the lower South; the upper West, the South West, the lower West;
the upper North, the North West, the lower North. They extend to
infinity, and it is they that are the boundaries of the Universe [see chart


Twelve Singles: he, vau, zayin, cheth, teth, yod, lamed, nun, samekh,
ayin, tzaddi, qof. Their foundation is that H
Hee Engraved them, Carved
them, Permuted them, Weighed them, and Transformed them. And with
them H
Hee Formed: twelve constellations in the Universe; twelve months in
the Year; and twelve directors in the Body, male and female.
Twelve constellations in the Universe: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
Twelve months in the Year: Nissan [1st = spring/April], Iyar, Sivan,
Tamuz, Av, Elul, Tishrei, Cheshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar.
Twelve parts of the Body, male and female: [1 & 2] the two hands, [ 3 &
4] the two feet; [5 & 6] the two kidneys; [7] the gall bladder; [8] the
intestines; [9] the stomach; [10] the liver; [11] the colon; [12] the spleen.
Hee Bound a crown to it and
Hee Made the letter he king over speech and H
Hee Combined one with another. And with them H
Hee Formed: Aries in the
Universe; Nissan in the Year; and the right foot in the Body, male and
female. H
Hee Bound a crown
Hee Made the letter vau king over thought and H
to it and H
Hee Combined one with another. And with them H
Hee Formed:
Taurus in the Universe; Iyar in the Year; and the right kidney in the
Body, male and female. H
Hee Made the letter zayin king over motion and
Hee Combined one with another. And with
Hee Bound a crown to it and H
them H
Hee Formed: Gemini in the Universe; Sivan in the Year; and the left
foot in the Body, male and female.
Hee Made the letter cheth king over sight and H
Hee Bound a crown to it and
Hee Combined one with another. And with them H
Hee Formed: Cancer in
the Universe; Tamuz [4 month] in the Year; and the right hand in the
Body, male and female. H
Hee Made the letter teth king over hearing and H
Bound a crown to it and He Combined one with another. And with them
Hee Formed: Leo in the Universe; Av in the Year; and the left kidney in
the Body, male and female. H
Hee Made the letter yod king over action and
Hee Bound a crown to it and H
Hee Combined one with another. And with
them H
Hee Formed: Virgo in the Universe; Elul in the Year; and the left
hand in the Body, male and female.


Hee Made the letter lamed king over coition [sexual union] and H
Hee Bound
a crown to it and H
Hee Combined one with another. And with them H
Formed: Libra in the Universe; Tishrei [7 month] in the Year; and the
gall bladder in the Body, male and female. H
Hee Made the letter nun king
over smell and H
Hee Bound a crown to it and H
Hee Combined one with
another. And with them H
Hee Formed: Scorpio in the Universe; Cheshvan
[11 month] in the Year; and the intestines in the Body, male and female.
Hee Made the letter samekh king over sleep and H
Hee Bound a crown to it
and H
Hee Formed:
Hee Combined one with another. And with them H
Sagittarius in the Universe; Kislev [8 month] in the Year; and the
stomach in the Body, male and female.
Hee Made the letter ayin king over anger and H
Hee Bound a crown to it and
Hee Combined one with another. And with them H
Hee Formed: Capricorn in
the Universe; Tevet in the Year; and the liver in the Body, male and
female. H
Hee Bound a crown
Hee Made the letter tzaddi king over taste and H
to it and H
Hee Combined one with another. And with them H
Hee Formed:
Aquarius in the Universe; Shevat [11 month] in the Year; and the colon
in the Body, male and female. H
Hee Made the letter qof king over laughter
and H
Hee Bound a crown to it and H
Hee Combined one with another. And
with them H
Hee Formed: Pisces in the Universe; Adar [leap-year] in the
Year; and the spleen in the Body, male and female. H
Hee Made them like a
trough H
Hee Arranged them like a wall H
Hee Set Them up like a battle.


[Chapter 6]
These are the three Mothers aleph, mem, shin. And from them emanated
three Fathers, and they are Air, Water and Fire. And from the Fathers,
descendants. Three Fathers and their descendants, and seven planets and
their hosts, and twelve diagonal boundaries. A proof of this, true witness
in the Universe, Year, Body, and a rule of twelve, a rule of seven, and a
rule of three. H
Hee Set them in the Teli, the Cycle and the Heart.
Three Mothers, aleph, mem, shin. Air, water and fire. Fire is above,
Water is below, and Air of B
Brreeaatthh is the ruler that decides between them.
A sign of this is that Fire supports Water. Mem hums, shin hisses, and
aleph is the breath of air that decides between them.
The Teli in the Universe is like a king on his throne; the cycle in the year
is like a king in the province; the heart in the body is like a king in war.


"Also G
Goodd Made one opposite the other" [Ecclesiastes 7:14] Good
opposite evil, evil opposite good; Good from good, evil from evil; Good
defines evil, and evil defines good; Good is kept for the good ones, and
evil is kept for the evil ones.
Three: each one stands alone, one acts [as] an advocate, one acts as an
accuser, and one decides between them. Seven: three opposite three, and
one is the ruler standing between them. Twelve stand in war: three love,
three hate; three give life, three kill. Three love: the heart and the ears;
Three hate: the liver, the gall, and the tongue; three give life: the two
nostrils and the spleen; three kill: the two orifices and the mouth. And
Goodd FFaaiitthhffuull K
Kiinngg rules over them all from H
Hiiss H
Hoollyy H
Haabbiittaattiioonn until
the end of time. One on three; three on seven; seven on twelve; and all are
bound, one to another.
These are the twenty two letters with which engraved E
Ehhyyeehh, Y
m T
Tzzaabbaaoott, E
m, Y
H, Y
Tzzaabbaaoott, E
SShhaaddddaaii, Y
Addoonnaaii. And with them H
Hee Made Three Books; and
with them H
Hee Created H
Hiiss Universe; and H
Hee Formed with them all that
was ever formed, and all that will ever be formed.
And when Abraham our father, may he rest in peace, looked, saw,
understood, probed, engraved and carved, he was successful in creation,
as it is written, "and the souls that they had made in Haran" [Genesis
12:5]. Immediately there was revealed to him T
Thhee M
Maasstteerr O
Off A
Allll, may
Hiiss N
mee Be Blessed Forever. H
Hee placed him in H
Hiiss Bosom, Kissed him
on the head, and H
Hee Called him "My friend Abraham" [Isaiah 41:8]. H
Made a covenant with him and with his children after him forever, as it is
written, "And he believed in T
Thhee L
Loorrdd; and he counted it to H
m for
righteousness" [Genesis 15:6]. H
Hee Made with him a covenant between the
ten fingers of H
Hiiss Hands - this is the covenant of the tongue, and between
the ten toes of H
Hiiss Feet - this is the covenant of circumcision. And H
Bound the 22 letters of the Torah to H
Hiiss Tongue and H
Hee Revealed to him
Hiiss Mystery: H
Hee Drew them in water, H
Hee Purified them with fire, H
Stirred them with Breath, H
Hee Burned them with the seven planets, H
Directed them with the twelve signs of the Zodiac.


[Basic Meditation]
The main tool of the Kabbalist is a diagram known as The Tree of Life.
Developed by spiritual alchemists during the Middle Ages, the tree was
designed to make the complicated teachings easier to work with. The ten
sephiroth on the tree represent accumulations of archetypal energies [the
word "sephirah" means "vessel"]. Vessels of energy lying across from
one another in the tree balance each other. There are twenty-two different
Tarot paths between the Sephiroth and each is symbolized by a card from
the major arcana. There are also three vertical arrangements [called
"pillars"] in the tree, as well various triads of energy relationships.
Creation began as a lightning bolt entering through the top of the tree, and
our return to T
Gooddhheeaadd is represented by the path of a serpent
Thhee G
winding its way up from the ground through branches of the tree. A Tree
Of Life chart is employed to organize the teachings in an easy-toremember visual form and also serve as a focus of meditation.
The Sepher Yetzirah [Book Of Jezihra] describes the basic forces of
creation the twenty two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. It assigns to
each letter a number of attributes relating to time, space and the human
body. The following meditation can be used to restore the harmony of the
original creation both within ourselves and in the wider universe. The
meditation starts with a short section which is very much like the Lesser
Pentagram Ritual of Hermetic kabbalah but which is based on a
traditional Jewish prayer.

[The Meditation]
1. Face East
2. Say:
In the Name of YHVH, God of Israel:
may Michael be at my right,
Gabriel at my left,
Uriel before me
and Raphael behind me;
and above my head the presence of God
3. Spend a few minutes alternately concentrating on the sounds:




You can spend as little or as much time on this meditation as you see fit,
though taking time with the visualisations will make the effects more
[The Hebrew Letters]

Thhee H
Blloocckkss O
Off C
Leetttteerrss A
Arree T
Thhee B
Buuiillddiinngg B






























End Note: Id like to see all you readers out there making some use of
the Fire Letters that were used to make the Seven Evolving SuperUniverses by the God-head.
And by this I mean, for example, if you see a news-paper story about a
draught then Id like you all to draw the Fire Letter for Water [see
above] over either a map or the words of the news-paper story you are
As a second example you will note that there are attributions in the Fire
letters to correspond with parts of the human body. And so, we can also
use these Fire Letters for healing purposes. So, if you read a news-paper
story about someone suffering, for example, from a spleen condition, then
Id like you to draw the Fire Letter for spleen [see above] over the
words of the story you are reading about them.
There are many more uses that these All Powerful Fire Letters can be
put to. And so please think of your own examples, and make use of this


system by checking the Fire Letter attributions above, and by thinking

of your own uses that they can be put to.
Always remember, we are not abstractly or academically discussing
methods of ushering in the New Age we all earnestly seek. We are
USING the techniques we discover, which is a far better thing [John

Brought To You By The One That Was Jonah

Have a Nice Day


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