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Blacks and The Revolutionary War

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The original Haitians were called the Arawaks or Tainos. Christopher Columbus
wrote in his log that the Arawaks were well built with good bodies and handsome
features. He also reported that the Arawaks were remarkable for their hospitality
and their belief in sharing. He said, "they offered to share with anyone and that
when you ask for something they never say no." The Arawaks lived in village
communes with a well-developed agriculture of corn, yams, and cassava. They had
the ability to spin and weave, as well as being able to swim long distances. The
Arawaks did not bear arms nor did they have prisons or prisoners. Columbus wrote
that when the Santa Maria became shipwrecked, the Arawaks worked for hours to
save the crew and cargo and that they were so honest that not one thing was
missing. Arawak women were treated so well in early Haitian society that it startled
the Spaniards. Columbus said that the Arawak men were of great intelligence
because they could navigate all of their islands and give an amazingly precise
account of everything.
The chief source, and on many matters the only source of information about what
happened on the islands after Columbus arrived, was noted by a Catholic priest
named Bartolome De Las Casas who lived during the time of Columbus. He
transcribed Columbus's journal and wrote a multi-volume "History of the Indies."
Las Casas says that Columbus returned to America on his second voyage with
seventeen ships and with more than 1,200 heavily armed men with horses and
attack dogs. Their aim was clearly to obtain as much gold and as many slaves as
possible according to De Las Casas. Columbus went from island to island in the
Caribbean, taking Arawaks as captives. He ordered everyone over the age of 14 to
produce specific quantities of gold every three months, and if the Arawak could not
produce this quota, Columbus then had his hands cut off; and left him to bleed to
If the Arawaks ever tried to escape, they were hunted down by the attack dogs and
either hanged or burned alive. Within just two years, half of the three million
Arawaks of Haiti died from murder, mutilation or suicide. Bishop De Las Casas
reported that the Spaniards became so lazy that they refused to walk any distance;
and either rode the backs of the Arawaks or were carried on hammocks by Arawaks
who ran them in relays.
In other cases, the Spaniards had the Arawaks carry large leaves for their shade and
had others to fan them with goose wings. Women were used as sex slaves and their
children were murdered and then thrown into the sea. The Spaniards were so cruel,
they thought nothing of cutting off slices of human flesh from the Arawaks just to
test the sharpness of their blades. Bishop De Las Casas wrote, "My eyes have seen
these acts so foreign to human nature that now I tremble as I write.

Christopher Columbus started the Trans-Atlantic slave trade by taking 500 of the
healthiest men back to Spain to sell into slavery, and the proceeds from the sale
helped to pay for his third voyage. The massive slave trade moving in the other
direction, across the Atlantic from Africa to the Americas, was also begun in Haiti
and was started by the son of Christopher Columbus in 1505 A.D. On his third
voyage to Haiti, Queen Isabelle's new Governor, Francisco De Bobadilla, had
Christopher Columbus and his two brothers arrested and sent back to Spain in
chains as prisoners for their crimes against the Arawaks.
Would Columbus Day still be celebrated if the real history of Christopher Columbus
were told from the viewpoint of his victims?
Black Indians, like other African Americans, have been treated by the writers of
history as invisible. Two parallel institutions joined to create Black Indians: the
seizure and mistreatment of Indians and their lands, and the enslavement of
Africans. Today just about every African-American family tree has an Indian branch.
Europeans forcefully entered the African blood stream, but native Americans and
Africans merged by choice, invitation and love. The two people discovered that
they shared many vital views such as the importance of the family with children and
the elderly being treasured. Africans and native Americans both cherished there
own trustworthiness and saw promises and treaties as bonds never to be broken.
Religion was a daily part of cultural life, not merely practiced on Sundays. Both
Africans and Native Americans found they shared a belief in economic cooperation
rather than competition and rivalry. Indians taught Africans techniques in fishing
and hunting, and Africans taught Indians techniques in tropical agriculture and
working in agricultural labor groups. Further, Africans had a virtual immunity to
European diseases such as small pox which wiped out large communities of Native
The first recorded alliance in early America occurred on Christmas Day, 1522, when
African and Indian slaves on a plantation owned by Christopher Columbus's son,
rebelled and murdered their white masters. These Indian and African slaves
escaped into the woods together and were never recaptured. Another successful
alliance occurred around 1600 when runaway slaves and friendly Indians formed the
Republic of Palmares in Northeastern Brazil, which successfully fought the Dutch
and Portuguese for almost one hundred years. The Republic of Palmares grew to
have one half-mile long streets that were six feet wide and lined with hundreds of
homes, churches, and shops. Its well-kept lands produced cereals and crops
irrigated by African style streams. The Republic was ruled by a king named "GangaZumba" which combined the African word for great with the Indian word for ruler.
The history of the Saramaka people of Surinam in South America started around
1685, when African and Native American slaves escaped and together formed a
maroon society which fought with the Dutch for 80 years, until the Europeans
abandoned their wars and sued for peace. Today the Saramakans total 20,000
people of mixed African-Indian ancestry.

By 1650, Mexico had a mixed African-Indian population of 100,000. Race mixing

became so common in Mexico that the Spanish government passed laws prohibiting
the two races from living together or marrying. In 1810, Vincente Guerrero of mixed
African-Indian ancestry led the war for independence. In 1829, he became
president of Mexico and immediately abolished slavery and the death sentence. He
also began far reaching reforms including the construction of schools and libraries
for the poor.
Escaped slaves became Spanish Florida's first settlers. They joined refugees from
the Creek Nation and called themselves Seminoles, which means runaways.
Intermixing became so common that they were soon called Black Seminoles.
Africans taught the Indians rice cultivation and how to survive in the tropical terrain
of Florida. Eventually the Black Seminoles had well-built homes and raised fine
crops of corn, sweet potatoes, and vegetables. They even owned large herds of live
stock. The Black Seminoles struck frequently against slave plantations and runaway
slaves swelled their ranks. The U.S. government launched three massive war
campaigns against the Seminole nation over a period of 40 years. The second war
alone cost the U.S. government over $40 million and 1,500 soldiers. The Seminoles
eventually signed a peace treaty with President Polk, which was violated in 1849,
when the U.S. Attorney General ruled that Black Seminoles were still slaves under
U.S. law.
Black Indian societies were so common in every east coast state that by 1812, state
legislatures began to remove the tax exemption status of Indian land by claiming
that the tribes were no longer Indian. A Moravian missionary visited the Nanticoke
nation on Maryland's eastern shore to compile a vocabulary of their language and
found they were speaking pure African Mandingo.
After the Civil War, very few Blacks ever left their Indian nation because this was the
only society that could guarantee that they would never be brutalized nor lynched.
If Europeans had followed the wonderfully unique model of harmony, honesty,
friendship, and loyalty exhibited by the African and Indian populations in North and
South America, the "new world" could truly have been the land of the free, the
home of the brave, and a place where "all men are created equal."
Few textbooks acknowledge the tremendous contribution made by Black soldiers
during the Revolutionary War. An even lesser known fact is that Black slaves also
fought for the British in an attempt to win their freedom. Many slaves in fact were
deceived by the British into thinking that American slavery would end if the British
army defeated the American Continental Army. The British actually imprinted the
inscription Liberty to Slaves across the chest of each Black volunteer soldier.
In November 1775, John Murray, the Earl of Dunmore and British Governor of
Virginia, decided that the Revolutionary War would no longer continue as the White
mans war. Both the American and British senior strategists had banned the use of
Black soldiers, but Lord Dunmore saw the British as hopelessly outnumbered and
was unwilling to overlook any potential support. He also hoped a slave insurrection

would deprive the American army of much needed labor for building fortifications
and disrupt the American economy since slave labor produced most of the cash
crops. Lord Dunmores proclamation declared all indentured servants, Negroes, or
others: FREE, that are able and willing to bear armsto his Majestys crown and
Dunmores proclamation led Blacks to believe that the British were genuinely
opposed to slavery. Since most American leaders such as George Washington and
Thomas Jefferson were prominent slaveholders, many Blacks saw the British
opportunity as their only chance for freedom and consequently joined the British in
large numbers. J.A. Rogers states that 5,000 joined Dunmore at Norfolk; 25,000
fled from their masters in South Carolina and nearly seven-eighths of the slaves in
Georgia. Nearly 2,000 slaves joined the British forces under General Cornwallis
including numerous slaves from George Washingtons plantation. Thomas Jefferson
declared that Virginia alone lost 30,000 and others estimate that as many as
100,000 slaves found their way to the British lines. One half of Dunmores troops
that fought at Great Bridge on December 9, 1775 were runaway slaves.
Runaway slaves armed by the British are said to have terrorized the South. Many
slaves overpowered their masters and handed their plantations over to the British.
In the North, a strong garrison of Blacks known as the Negro Fort, defeated their
former masters in a battle in the Bronx, New York City. Other Blacks joined the
British Navy as seamen and pilots and successfully stole American ships and
attacked numerous coastal towns. During the sieges of Charleston and Savannah,
thousands of Black laborers built fortifications, while others in Virginia constructed
two dams. Blacks also served as guides, spies, and intelligence agents for invading
British armies. Ex-slave Thomas Johnson claimed to have conducted the
detachment which surprised Colonial Washington at Monks Corner. The British even
created a Black cavalry troop in 1782. British General William Phillips commented:
These Negroes have undoubtedly been of the greatest use.
George Washington told Congress that Dunmores appeal made him the most
formidable enemy America has; and his strength will increase like a snowball by
rolling and faster if some expedient cannot be hit upon to convince the slaves and
servants of the impotency of his designs. American slaveholders were still
unwilling to arm their slaves until all other countermeasures were tried. Highway
and river patrols were instituted to capture runaway slaves. Vigorous anti-British
propaganda was circulated and Southern slaves were frequently hidden in mines to
avoid British capture. Several Southern states even approved the death penalty for
recaptured slaves, but nothing could stop the Black contributions to the British war
effort. General Washington wrote Colonel Henry Lee on December 20, 1775: We
must use the Negroes or run the risk of loosing the warsuccess will depend on
which side can arm the Negroes faster.
The Continental army finally agreed to accept African American volunteers (both
slave and free) when the desertion rate of White soldiers began to reach enormous
proportions. Washington complained: The lack of patriotism is infinitely more to be
dreaded than the whole of Great Britain assisted by Negro allies. Once freedom
was promised, African Americans showed the real Spirit of 76 and joined the
Continental army in such massive numbers that General Schuyler wrote: Is it

consistent with the sons of freedom to trust their all to be defended by slaves? On
October 23, 1777, a British officer named Schlozer wrote: The Negro can take the
field instead of his master and therefore no regiment is to be seen in which there
are not Negroes in abundance and among them are able-bodied, strong, and brave
fellows. Sir Henry Clinton wrote Lord Germaine, British Minister of State: It is safe
to say that but for the aid of the Negro, independence would not have been won.
The American victory required the evacuation of all persons who had been loyal to
the British. About 27,000 White Loyalists were relocated to Nova Scotia, Canada,
but the majority of the Black Loyalists were betrayed by the British government
which sold almost all of the former slaves back into slavery. Only the original 3,500
Black soldiers who became Lord Dunmores Ethiopian Regiment were relocated to
Nova Scotia. Although they were promised land and provisions, most Blacks
received neither and became beggars or cheap laborers for White Loyalists who
were given farms as large as 200 acres by the government with free provisions for
three years. When a London based abolition group headed by John Clarkson offered
the Black Loyalists a new home in Africa, over 1,200 sailed in 15 crowded ships for
Sierra Leone on January 15, 1792 where they founded the capital city of Freetown.
The Nova Scotians eventually embraced and intermarried with the African
community and provided the core of what became the national culture, language,
and early leadership of Sierra Leone. However, more than two centuries later, their
descendents still identify themselves as Nova Scotians and the direct descendents
of Lord Dunmores Ethiopian Regiment.
In trying to determine the worse human rights violator over the past 500 years, two
candidates far and away exceed all others. Adolph Hitler was not even close
because he is only credited with killing six million people and his reign of terror only
lasted about six years. Over a period of 25 years, Belgium King Leopold II was able
to reduce the population of the Congo from 20 million to 10 million. Twenty five
years after Christopher Columbus entered Haiti, the Arawak population was reduced
to zero, that is, total annihilation or genocide.
In describing the exploits of Columbus, Dominican priest Bartolome de Las Casas
wrote: My eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature that I tremble as I
write. Famous American author Joseph Conrad called Leopolds Congo: The vilest
scramble for loot that ever disfigured the history of human conscience. Despite a
death toll of holocaust dimensions, these men are not even mentioned in the
standard litany of human horrors. Our children are given history books that
describe Columbus as a heroic adventurer and an outstanding seaman. This heroic
image is further perpetuated by Columbus Day celebrations and the fact that
streets, schools, cities, and even countries have been named after him. King
Leopold II enjoys an equally positive reputation. Belgium history describes him as a
philanthropic monarch who was much admired throughout Europe. He is praised
for investing a large portion of his personal fortune in public works projects to
benefit both Europe and Africa. The current image of these two men could not be
further from the truth! Both left behind a heritage of racism, greed, hunger,

exploitation, and genocide. Leopold matched Columbus so closely in atrocities that

one has to wonder whether they represent the same man reincarnated.
Both Columbus and Leopold were great salesmen and great liars. To help finance
his second voyage, Columbus told the Spanish Monarch that there are many wide
rivers of which the majority contain goldthere are many spices, and great mines of
gold and other metals. Columbus was so convincing the Queen Isabella provided
him with 17 ships and 1,200 men for his second voyage and promised him 10% of
all the gold and precious metals he brought back. Leopolds opportunity for
salesmanship and lying came at the Berlin Conference (November 1884 - February
1885) where European countries met to decide how they would divide up Africa.
Leopold begged for the Congo Basin and guaranteed the well being of the Congos
native population. Leopold told the American delegation that Belgium deserves
the opportunity to prove to the world that it also was an imperial people, capable of
dominating and enlightening others. Since Leopold knew that the Belgium
parliament and Belgium people had no interest in Africa, he essentially was arguing
for a land mass 80 times the size of Belgium, which he would own personally.
Columbus and Leopold saw the profits from their new lands as virtually limitless if
enough free labor were available. Both men immediately proceeded to institute
slavery among the native population and set quotas for individual production. The
favorite method of punishment by Columbus and Leopold for not meeting quotas
was to cut off the hands.
Columbus ordered all persons 14 years old and older to collect a certain quantity of
gold every three months. When they brought it, they were given copper tokens to
hang around their necks. Arawaks found without copper tokens to hang around
their necks had their hands cut off and bled to death. Leopold chose to set quotas
for ivory and rubber for each village. When a village fell short of its quota, his
soldiers brutally raided the village and cut off the victims right hands. Sean Kelly
wrote: Hands became a sort of currency in that soldiers were paid their bonuses on
the basis of how many right hands they collected.
Columbus and Leopold were exceptionally cruel to women and children. Both men
allowed their soldiers to kidnap women as sex slaves, and they also held women
and children as hostages to insure that the native men would not run away. Female
hostages were usually poorly fed and large numbers died of starvation. Newborns
also had a very high mortality rate because the mothers were too famished to
provide nursing milk.
The Arawaks and Africans both fought back but were no match for the armor and
swords of Columbus nor the guns and artillery of Leopolds soldiers. Rebelling
natives were treated exceedingly cruel by both oppressors. Although both men
used hanging, Columbus preferred burning victims alive if possible or feeding them
to the attack dogs. Leopolds soldiers enjoyed summary executions followed by
chopping off the victims heads and placing the heads on poles around their
gardens. Guillaume Van Kerckhoven, a Leopold officer, cheerfully bragged to a
missionary that he paid his Black soldiers five brass rods per human head they
brought him during the course of any military operation he conducted. He said it
was to stimulate their prowess in the face of the enemy.

A single man in both cases dedicated his life to exposing the atrocities of Columbus
and Leopold to the world. Bartolome de Las Casas, a Dominican priest, was initially
a friend of Columbus and helped transcribe his journals. However, he soon became
a vehement critic of Spanish cruelty and published a two-volume book detailing
Spanish torture. He estimates that three million Arawaks died between 1495 and
1508. Edmund Dene Morel, a trusted employee of the Liverpool shipping line,
dedicated his life to exposing the atrocities of King Leopold. He single-handedly put
this subject on the worlds front pages for more than a decade, which resulted in
worldwide protest rallies. Morel mobilized everyone from Booker T. Washington to
the Archbishop of Canterbury to join his cause. He even went to the White House
insisting to President Theodore Roosevelt that the United States had a special
responsibility to do something about the Congo since the U.S. helped Leopold at the
Berlin Conference. Morels unrelenting efforts resulted in Western powers forcing
King Leopold to sell the Congo to Belgium in 1908.
Despite responsibility for death tolls of holocaust dimensions, neither Christopher
Columbus nor King Leopold II was convicted or imprisoned for any crimes. Both
men lived a full life and died exceptionally rich. Columbus spent his last years living
in a mansion in Valladolid with an annual income of $60,000 from his Hispaniola
sugar plantations (a fortune in the 1500s). Leopold died in 1909 with a personal
fortune (produced by the Congos ivory and rubber) of well over a billion dollars in
todays currency.
In order to prevent the human atrocities of Columbus and Leopold from ever
reoccurring, it might be prudent to adopt the current philosophy regarding Adolph
Hitler; that is, constant reminders of the holocausts in newspapers, magazines,
books, radio, television, and even holocaust museums followed by the statement:
Never Again.
African American participation was enormous during the events leading to American
Independence, but these contributions are seldom mentioned in contemporary
history books. For example, Crispus Attucks, a black man and probably an escaped
slave, was the first person killed in Boston when tensions between British soldiers
and an angry crowd resulted in the death of five people. March 5, 1770 was initially
called the day of the Boston Massacre but the name was soon changed to Crispus
Attucks Day. Crispus Attucks Day remained the chief American anniversary until
independence was won and it was replaced by July 4. John Adams, our second
president, called March 5, 1770 the most important event in American history. On
October 13, 1888 a monument was erected on Boston Common called the Crispus
Attucks Memorial.
British resentment increased dramatically after the Boston Massacre until things
finally exploded on April 19, 1775, into the Revolutionary War. At least a dozen
black militiamen were among those firing the shots heard round the world at
Lexington on April 19. One of the first Americans to fall was a black minuteman
named Prince Estabrook. The second major clash was fought at Bunker Hill on June

17, where two African Americans again became great heroes. Peter Salem became
famous after he shot and killed Major Pitcairn, the British commander. Salem Poor
so distinguished himself in this same battle that 13 officers including his
commander, Colonel Brewer, recommended him for official recognition to the
General Court of Massachusetts.
However, less than 6 months after Lexington and the Battle of Bunker Hill, a pattern
of exclusion of blacks from the new nations military units had begun to develop.
Southern slave owners protested vehemently against the use of black people in the
Revolutionary War including George Washington who himself was a slave owner.
Finally, on October 8, 1775, Continental Army headquarters bowed to southern
pressure and issued a decree excluding all African Americans from service in
Continental units.
As the war dragged on and the number of white deserters became enormous,
Washington complained that the lack of patriotism is infinitely more to be dreaded
than the whole British army. Washington changed his mind drastically after his
defeat by the British at New York, when he was greatly outnumbered. He then
partitioned the new government to welcome all able-bodied men into the
Continental Army whether black or white, slave or free. Accordingly, on March 14,
1779, Alexander recommended that South Carolina and Georgia take measures for
raising 3,000 able-bodied Negroes who would receive no pay but would be
emancipated at the end of the war. White slave masters of the North and South
who didnt want to risk their lives or their sons lives were allowed to send slaves to
take their place. There were soon so many black soldiers that General Schuyler
wrote is it consistent with the sons of freedom to trust their ALL to be defended by
slaves? Nineteenth century American historian, Ben J. Lossing, wrote that as the
war went on, and the ranks of the army grew thinner, an increasing number of
Negroes took the place of the whites, until it began to appear that Ethiopia as well
as America was in arms. Baron Von Clausen stated that of the 20,000 men he saw
with Washington in January, 1781, 5000 were Negroes.
It is indisputable that African Americans provided the balance of power that brought
America independence. They distinguished themselves in every possible manner
from combat soldier to support personnel who built virtually every fortification and
new building from Vermont to South Carolina. Sir Henry Clinton wrote Lord
Germaine, British minister of state, it is safe to say that but for the aid of the
Negro, independence would not have been won. All black regiments as well as
individual soldiers who distinguished themselves were mentioned by the hundreds.
Rhode Island, with a small population and two thirds of its territory occupied by the
British, became the first colony to authorize the enlistment of all slave regiments.
At the battle of Rhode Island, August 27, 1778, a regiment of 226 slaves repelled a
force of 6,000 British who charged them three times in an attempt to dislodge them
from a strategic valley. Dr. Harris wrote they preserved our army from capture and
helped gain our liberty. General Lafayette called this the best action of the whole
A company of blacks from Boston called the Bucks of America rendered such
valuable service that John Hancock gave them a special flag and honored them with
a special affair at Boston. George Bancroft wrote of the Battle of Monmouth in New

Jersey in 1778, may history record that more than 700 Black men offered their lives
for their country and fought side by side with whites. Commander Nathaniel Shaler
thought so highly of the black soldiers who fought under him that he sent a letter to
Governor Thompkins stating that they ought to be registered in the book of fame
and remembered as long as bravery is considered a virtue.
In general, the contributions of black Americans who had fought to bring freedom to
America were not forgotten. Virtually all of the slaves who fought in the war
received their freedom after the war. In fact, the institution of slavery did not even
last throughout the war in most northern states. In 1777, Vermont became the first
state to abolish slavery. Pennsylvania followed in 1780, and Massachusetts in 1783.
Rhode Island freed its slaves in 1784. Even Virginia passed a law freeing all slaves
who participated in the war. Unfortunately, the contributions of African Americans
were soon forgotten in the South, where the vast majority of them lived, and the
institution of slavery soon returned to business as usual.
Nzinga (1582-1663) became queen of what is now called Angola in 1623 and
dedicated her entire life to fighting the Portuguese to prevent the enslavement of
her people. She proved to be a cunning rival to the Portuguese and became famous
for her intelligence, bravery, and brilliant military strategies, which were imitated
for centuries during struggles for independence throughout Africa.
In the 16th century, the Portuguese stake in the slave trade was threatened by
England, France, and the Dutch. This caused the Portuguese to transfer their slavetrading activities southward to the Congo and to Southwest Africa. Their most
stubborn opposition, as they entered the final phase of the conquest of Angola,
came from a queen who became a legendary head of state and military leader with
few peers in world history.
Nzinga was one of five children born to her powerful father, King (or ngola) Kiluanji
of Ndongo -which the Portuguese called Angola after the word for king: ngola. The
Mbundu tribe of King Kiluanji initially welcomed the Portuguese as trading partners.
In fact, King Kiluanji became wealthy and powerful enough through Portuguese
trading that he conquered all the surrounding territories.
Subsequently, disputes over these new territories created the rift that eventually
ended the Portuguese alliance. King Kiluanji was such a great fighter that he was
able to repel the early Portuguese invasions of the border territories. When Kiluanji
died, his eldest son Mbandi declared himself king. Mbandi, however, he greatly
feared the Portuguese guns and canons and when they advanced, he fled to an
island on the Cuanza River and asked his sister Nzinga to negotiate a peace treaty
with the Portuguese governor. The arrogant Portuguese had been appointing
governors over Angola for over forty years without having control.
Nzingas 1622 negotiating conference with the new governor, Joao Correa DeSouza,
has become a legend in the history of Africas confrontation with Europe. Despite
the fact that her brother had surrendered everything to the Portuguese, Nzinga

arrived as a royal negotiator rather than a humble conquered messenger. When the
governor only provided one chair for himself, she summoned one of her women,
who provided a royal carpet and then fell to her hands and knees to become a
human seat. When Governor DeSouza entered, he found himself already out
maneuvered. When the governor asked for the release of all Portuguese war
prisoners, Nzinga smilingly agreed, provided all her Mbundu people who had been
carried off to Brazil and elsewhere were brought back in exchange. This condition
was eventually reduced to returning Portuguese prisoners in exchange for allowing
her brother, King Mbandi, to remain ruler of an independent Ndongo kingdom and
withdrawing the Portuguese army. Nzinga made it clear she would only negotiate a
treaty on equal terms.
Probably as part of a private agreement intended to reinforce the treaty, Nzinga
stayed in town and became baptized as Anna in the Christian faith. Such a move
was more political than religious because Nzinga knew that even her father had
opposed the mass conversion to Christianity of the Mbundu. She knew that the
Jesuit priests ran the slave trade for the Portuguese. They sprinkled Holy Water
while officiating at daily mass baptisms on the docks, where lines of captives
shuffled into slave ships with such names as Jesus and John the Baptist. Nzinga
also knew that her status as a Christian ally of Portugal would entitle her people to
favored status. She was even politically astute enough to allow herself the full
Christian name of Dona Anna DeSouza in order to strengthen her links with the
Shortly after negotiating with Nzinga, Governor DeSouza was replaced by a new
governor after quarreling with the Jesuit priests. The new governor promptly broke
all the treaty agreements. Nzinga demanded that her brother, King Mbandi, declare
war on the Portuguese. Unfortunately, cowardly King Mbandi had no such intentions
and went to the Portuguese asking for protection against Nzinga and to re-enforce
his authority over his own people. Nzinga, now determined to do away with this
treacherous weakling, had him killed and then promptly declared war on the
Portuguese herself. She initially trained an all female army which repeatedly
defeated the Portuguese using guerilla style tactics. She then recruited neighboring
tribes and also allied with the Dutch. The Dutch military attach who accompanied
her reported that the people loved Nzinga so much that everyone fell to their knees
and kissed the ground as she approached. He believed that all were willing to die
under her leadership. The Portuguese retreated to their strongholds and forts on
the coast giving the Dutch threat as an excuse and not the threat of being
annihilated by the queens forces. Nzingas main goal was always to end the
enslavement of her people. She even sent word throughout Africa in 1624, that any
slave who could make it to her territory was henceforth and forever free. This act
alone should make Nzinga one of the greatest women in history because there was
no other place on the continent of Africa that offered such freedom.
The Portuguese responded to this threat by calling in a massive force of men and
artillery from their colony of Brazil. Nzingas guerilla warfare tactics for resisting the
well armed Portuguese soldiers have been much admired and even imitated
successfully in this century. Since the Portuguese used large numbers of black
soldiers, she became the first Black leader and most successful to carefully organize
efforts to undermine and destroy the effective employment of Black soldiers by

Whites. She instructed her soldiers to infiltrate the Portuguese by allowing

themselves to become recruited by Portuguese agents. Once members of the
Portuguese military, her soldiers would encourage rebellion and desertion by the
Black troops which frequently resulted in whole companies of Portuguese soldiers
joining Nzinga along with much needed guns and ammunition. This quiet and
effective work of Nzingas agents among the Black troops of Portugal is one of the
most glorious, yet unsung, pages of African history. The Portuguese generals
frequently complained that they never knew which black soldier was friend or foe.
When the massive Portuguese manpower and firepower began to gain the upper
hand, she sent word throughout Angola that she had died in order to stop the
Portuguese offensive. While pretending to have died in Angola, Nzinga moved east
to the neighboring country of Matamba where she defeated the ruling queen and
created a new land for herself, her people, and all escaped slaves. She
consolidated her power in Matamba and then began sending out war parties from
Matamba to attack any settlement or tribe that had aided the Portuguese. In 1629
the Portuguese stood shocked when Queen Nzinga burst upon them from the
grave recapturing large segments of her own country. She was now queen of both
Matamba and Ndongo and redoubled her efforts against slavery by dealing
ruthlessly with any Black chief found participating in the slave trade.
Nzinga never stopped resisting the powerful Portuguese even as she approached
her 80th birthday. She was called the Black Terror by the Portuguese and was
clearly the greatest adversary and military strategist that ever confronted the
armed forces of Portugal. Her tactics kept the Portuguese commanders in confusion
and dismay and her constant aim was never less than the total destruction of the
slave trade. The long guerilla campaign that led to Angola independence 300 years
later was continuously inspired by the queen who never surrendered.

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