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The Future of The Physical Learning Environment

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ISSN 2072-7925

The future of the physical learning environment: school facilities that support the user
CELE Exchange 2011/11
OECD 2011

The future of the physical

learning environment:
school facilities that
support the user
By Marko Kuuskorpi, Kaarina, Finland and NuriaCabellos Gonzlez, Spain

This paper presents the conclusions of a study, carried out in collaboration with schools in six
European countries, which focused on tomorrows physical learning environments. It resulted in
the creation of a learning space model that is flexible, modifiable and sustainable while supporting
the teaching and learning processes.
It is widely acknowledged amongst todays educators that teachers roles have changed dramatically
since the last century. In recent years, we have witnessed rapid social and cultural changes,
phenomenal advances in communication and information technologies, as well as the introduction
of the Internet within schools. These factors have contributed to shape the teaching and operating
cultures of schools and created shifts in our expectations of the physical learning environment. They
have affected teachers, educators and researchers the world over. These miniature revolutions have
given rise to an urgent need for a new generation of facilities to cater for 21st century teaching and
learning needs.
This paper presents the conclusions of a study carried out in collaboration with schools in six European
countries over a three-year period and explores what tomorrows physical learning environments
will be like. The study, which stemmed from a project entitled Forum for the Future and which was
funded by the Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE), was designed to contribute to the quality
of education and to promote new methods, networks and tools, both locally and globally. It required
students to answer questionnaires and work in simulation laboratories.

Conceptualising the physical learning environment

The concept of learning environment will become increasingly significant as schools of the future
become centres of lifelong learning. Learning environment is a term used liberally in educational
discourse because of the emerging use of information technologies for educational purposes on
the one hand, and the constructivist concept of knowledge and learning on the other (MononenAaltonen, 1998).
The OECD (2006) defines educational spaces as a physical space that supports multiple and
diverse teaching and learning programmes and pedagogies, including current technologies; one that
demonstrates optimal, cost-effective building performance and operation over time; one that respects

The future of the physical learning environment: school facilities that support the user

and is in harmony with the environment; and one that encourages social participation, providing a
healthy, comfortable, safe, secure and stimulating setting for its occupants. Inits narrowest sense,
a physical learning environment is seen as a conventional classroom and, in its widest sense, as a
combination of formal and informal education systems where learning takes place both inside and
outside of schools (Manninen et al., 2007). Manninen criticised traditional school teaching for conveying
too much theoretical information and for preventing in-depth learning. Heclaims that inert knowledge
is relevant for exams but not for real-world problems. This idea is posing new challenges and exerting
pressure to bring about changes in physical learning environments.

The concept of the physical learning environment with respect to physical structures relates to spaces,
equipment and tools within the school. Lehtinen (1997, p.21) suggests that the concept has evolved into
an even more complex structure that includes teaching equipment, sources of information and events
outside of schools, where students can take part in the learning process both directly and virtually.
The term evolved as a result of the recent changes taking place in pedagogy, whereby actual learning
has been transposed outside of schools thanks to developments in communication and information
technology. Internet has already brought about significant changes in schools. Both the immense quantity
of information available and easy access to social networks have weakened the link between schools
and learning and therefore modified the traditional teacher-student scenario. The learning process is
becoming more co-operative, changing the teacher into a learner too. Manninen (2007,p.27) categorises
learning according to five different contexts: physical, local, social, technological and didactic.
The basic structure of teaching spaces does not seem to have evolved much over the past century. This
fact inspired the research team to investigate the reason why, despite the recent changes in pedagogy
and the widespread use of information technology inside classrooms and school spaces, the physical
learning environment has not yet changed in keeping with this evolution.
In order to plan and construct effective physical learning environments, not only technical specifications
need to be elaborated; qualitative aspects also need to be considered (Nuikkinen 2009, p.64). The
concept of quality design has become critical the world over. Itrelates to school construction and,
more particularly, defining a quality physical learning environment, measuring it and analysing the
results (OECD, 2006). With regard to quality criteria for school building and design, the key actors are
students; requirements are determined by specific age groups, in conjunction with societal needs and
regulations relating to usability and safety (Heitor, 2005).
It has been demonstrated that international comparisons of education can be achieved through
comprehensive quality management and quality criteria (Finnish National Board of Education, 2008;
OECD, 2006). As a result, the emphasis is shifting from developing physical learning environments
using norms and regulations to comparing these environments on the basis of qualitative improvement
(OECD, 2009).

Objectives of the study

With these considerations in mind, a comprehensive study was undertaken of what composes a
physical learning environment. This would seem to consist of four learning contexts: social, individual,
formal teaching and informal learning processes. These elements form an interactive whole in which
the physical learning environment plays a central role in reforming the schools operational culture; it
should be analysed and developed holistically. This study approaches the subject by considering the
CELE Exchange 2011/11 ISSN 2072-7925 OECD 2011

The future of the physical learning environment: school facilities that support the user

learning space and its operational environment as such. Within it, flexible and modifiable learning
spaces and their related learning environments are formed through pairs of dimensions. They are all
interactive and totally supportive of one another, as shown below.

Supportive learning contexts


Formal teaching

Physical learning

Informal learning


The study took place between 2007 and 2010. Its objective,which was to contribute to the quality of
education, arose from concerns shared by groups of students, teachers and educational administrators
about the changes which needed to be implemented in physical learning environments. A school from
each of the following countries Belgium, Finland, Holland, Portugal, Spain and Swedenparticipated
in the study. They all shared common features such as infrastructure, educational level and socioeconomic conditions.
The study set out to conceptualise the relationship between education, the physical learning environment
and the facilities needed by its users. Participants were asked to identify the components that make up
good qualitative and modifiable learning spaces: it was commonly agreed that improving educational
facilities was key in this regard. Itattempted to highlight the qualitative factors and user-oriented
design features of physical learning environments. When comparing international physical learning
environment criteria and their associate recommendations, we found that expectations relating to
changeability, flexibility and sustainability were key factors.

Implementing the study

Information on users and school authorities perceptions was collected from the six countries using
different methods: 250 14- and 15-year-old students from the six participating countries were invited
to design their ideal model classroom, using a 1:50 scale and including a specific set of furniture and
equipment. Students were asked to arrange the furniture to suit their learning needs and according to
how they would like tomorrows classroom to be configured; they were also asked to suggest alternative
space solutions. In addition, 65 teachers completed questionnaires and 35 administrative school
authorities were interviewed.
The study also took into consideration the views of different expert groups. Processing all the information
from these groups was key to completing the development and planning process successfully, and also
in line with Evagorou et al. (2009). We therefore used process simulation, which is a targeted research
method used in specific circumstances such as when the physical learning environment is inspected
through a co-operative design process (Smeds et al., 2007). This method has been used in Finland
OECD 2011 ISSN 2072-7925 CELE Exchange 2011/11

The future of the physical learning environment: school facilities that support the user

to plan large-scale future learning physical environments; it is proving to be an effective design tool
because it enhances users capacity to have an effective impact on the work environment. The process
simulation method can be illustrated with the aid of the figure below.

The different phases of the process simulation method

Kick off





Analysis of

process model

Process model

Shared view &


Process model
(as is / to be)

Analysis of the

Simulation day




Analysis of
the results


Written report



of ideas

Source: Smeds et al., 2006.

In addition to a phenomenological analysis, which is useful when dealing with verbal answers and
pictorial responses, a hermeneutic approach was used to broaden the concepts and find points of
convergence. Our study was based on the notion that by describing school authorities and users
different perceptions, we could reach an accurate overall impression of a high-quality physical learning
environment. One element of the study involved evaluating the quality of the latter: this was understood
to be a value judgement resulting from users everyday experiences and their subsequent interpretation
of them (Heidegger, 2000; Marton and Booth, 1997).

Study findings
The results of the study highlighted several key factors relating to a quality physical learning environment,
namely the relevance for school users of the teaching space as a whole as well as their specific needs
in relation to furniture and equipment. Itshowed that the physical learning environment is pivotal
to users desire to develop the schools operational environment as well as their need to renew its
operational culture. The more meaningful and challenging the operational environment is, the more the
user is willing to improve the physical learning environment. The needs of teachers, head-teachers and
students call for practical solutions, and these too have an impact on it.
When physical learning environments offer resources and possibilities that support new teaching
methods and learning goals, schools are much more prompt to change their operational culture. Inother
words, they are important when developing school operational culture, as well as work environments.
Despite the differences within education systems, the basic principles of using physical learning
environments and the concepts behind ideal teaching spaces are very similar. The studys findings
indicate that pressure for change in teaching and learning is felt at the national level. Consequently, the
expectations for physical learning environments do not differ significantly between countries. Moreover,
todays well-educated and committed teachers offer a largely unharnessed resource for planning and
implementing future learning environments.
CELE Exchange 2011/11 ISSN 2072-7925 OECD 2011

The future of the physical learning environment: school facilities that support the user

Once the designs by participating students had been examined, a single model was selected. Amockup of it was made and tested by groups of students. The resulting simulation provided a prime example
of a learning space that supports teaching and learning operations, while demonstrating flexibility,
sustainability and modifiability. The model is illustrated below.
The ideal learning space

Future technological advances and developments in social networks and media, as well as different
teaching and learning methods, will undoubtedly require dynamic teaching spaces. The design of the
proposed model takes these factors into account: the carefully conceived flexible layout and furniture
arrangement facilitates individual, pair and group work methods. The simultaneous enhanced interaction
between the student and the teacher, on the one hand, and the physical environment, on the other,
optimises new information flows (Lehtinen, 1997). Respondents perceived the traditional classroom as
a passive area, which hindered the full use of space. They associated dynamic teaching spaces with
flexibility and the possibility of creating different furniture configurations. The latter can be achieved
by ensuring that furniture is mobile and that there is free and easy access to information technology.
Adynamic teaching space concept is summarised below.

A dynamic teaching space concept

Classroom space
Static space
Permanent furniture solutions
Content-driven work methods
Technology is confined to specific areas
Emphasis on individual work

Teaching space
Dynamic space
Flexible furniture solutions
Context-driven work methods
Technology is integrated into the space
Emphasis on individual and group work

OECD 2011 ISSN 2072-7925 CELE Exchange 2011/11

The future of the physical learning environment: school facilities that support the user

The study participants did not decry the traditional classroom as such, but they called for additional
spaces of different sizes in optimal locations to support teaching and learning processes. The spaces
should offer various possibilities for learning to take place: this can range from individual study to large
group activities. They should also support teacher coaching and individual work. Such flexibility fosters
new types of teaching and learning, as illustrated above, which are determined by the demands of the
subject or activity. In order to be successful, the sustainable physical learning environment needs to
be equipped with both modular workstations and areas with comfortable seating, which contribute
to support individual learning. Itshould be possible to adapt the furniture to different configurations.
Similarly, as teaching and information technology tools facilitate flexible teaching, itshould be easy to
displace equipment and wireless terminals according to different subjects and work methods. The key
operational elements of the teaching space are illustrated in the table below.
The key operational elements of the teaching space

Number of pupils

Work method

Processing method

Type of workspace

Reflective learning


or pair work

Personal processing


Creative learning


Small group work

Group processing



Large group work

Democratic group

Flexible and

Interactive learning

Nuikkinen (2009, p. 278) argues that users expectations and the theoretical concept of what makes a
good school building do not match up. Inpractice, this runs counter to a certain extent to traditional
planning, which on the whole requires teachers and students,as users of the buildings,to adapt to given
environments (Dudek, 2000; Sanoff, 2009).
The research findings were clear: all participants recognised that significant changes must be
implemented to the physical learning environment to better support users needs. Pedagogical and
physical structures need to be remodelled in parallel so as to respond to the challenges posed by
changes in schools operational culture.
In order for a school to develop into a dynamic physical learning environment, there needs to be
a behavioural change in relation to planning and producing spatial solutions. Change cannot occur
without input from teachers and students the main school users. Teachers and students who conceived
the study applauded the significant shift away from the traditional classroom and said how much they
would like to work in a similar space.
If a school provides a quality environment for students, this will facilitate the acquisition of skills that
are important for society. The choice of equipment is important: it should be versatile, resistant, durable
and easy to repair. User-based innovative processes should be at the heart of designing the physical
learning environment of tomorrows schools. This process should take into account the global needs
of students, teachers, school administrators and the community, while respecting the environment.
Ajudicious selection of products and services that minimises negative environmental impacts will also
be of benefit to all.
CELE Exchange 2011/11 ISSN 2072-7925 OECD 2011

The future of the physical learning environment: school facilities that support the user

For further information, contact:

Marko Kuuskorpi
Headteacher and Educational Researcher
Kaarinan kaupunki
Piikkin yhteniskoulu
Koulutie 2
21500 Piikki
Nuria Cabellos Gonzlez
Teacher and Educational Researcher
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas
Calle Antonio Concha s/n.
10300 Navalmoral de la Mata

Dudek, M. (2000), Architecture of Schools: The New Learning Environments, Architectural Press, Oxford, p.xiv.
Evagorou, M. et al. (2009), An Investigation of the Potential of Interactive Simulations for Developing System Thinking
Skills in Elementary School: ACase Study with Fifth-Graders and Sixth-Graders, International Journal of Science
Education, Vol.31, Issue5, pp.356.
Finnish National Board of Education (2008), Perusopetuksen laatukriteerit. Opetusministerin vliraportti, Helsinki
University Print, Helsinki.
Heidegger, M. (2000), Oleminen ja aika, translated into Finnish by R. Kupiainen, Vastapaino, Tampere, pp.33-34, 80, 84.
Heitor, T. (2005), Potential problems and challenges in defining international design principles for school, Evaluating
Quality in Educational Facilities, pp.48, OECD/PEB, www.oecd.org/edu/facilities/evaluatingquality.
Lehtinen, E. (1997), Verkkopedagogiikka, Edita, Helsinki.
Manninen, A. et al. (2007), Oppimista tukevat ympristt. Johdatus oppimisympristajatteluun, Opetushallitus, Helsinki.
Marton, F. and S. Booth (1997), Learning and Awareness, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey, p. 13.
Mononen-Aaltonen, M. (1998), A Learning Environment A Euphemism for Instruction or a Potential for Dialogue?,
Media Education Publication8, pp.163212.
Nuikkinen, K. (2009). Koulurakennus ja hyvinvointi. Teoriaa ja kyttjn kokemuksia peruskouluarkkitehtuurista. Acta
Universitatis Tamperensis 1398. Kasvatustieteiden laitos, Tampereen yliopisto, Tampere.
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) (2006), CELE Organising Framework on Evaluating
Quality in Educational Spaces, www.oecd.org/edu/facilities/evaluatingquality.
OECD (2009), International Pilot Study on the Evaluation of Quality In Educational Spaces (EQES), User Manual,
Sanoff, H. (2009), Research Based Design of an Elementary School, Open House International, Vol.34, No.1, pp.916.
Smeds, R. et al. (2006), SimLab Process Simulation Method as a Boundary Object for Inter-organizational Innovation,
Multidisciplinary Research on Simulation Methods and Educational Games in Industrial Management, proceedings of the
10th International Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management, Trondheim, Norway, June.
Smeds, R. et al. (2007), Process Simulation for Social Innovation Case: Planning the School for the Future,
Multidisciplinary Research on New Methods for Learning and Innovation in Enterprise Networks, proceedings of
the 11th Special Interest Group Workshop on Experimental Learning in Industrial Management, 2022May, Bremen,
Germany, pp.177191.

OECD 2011 ISSN 2072-7925 CELE Exchange 2011/11


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