IJRITCC CFP (December 2015 Issue) Citation in Google Scholar Impact Factor 5
IJRITCC CFP (December 2015 Issue) Citation in Google Scholar Impact Factor 5
IJRITCC CFP (December 2015 Issue) Citation in Google Scholar Impact Factor 5
DOI (CrossRef USA) for each paper, IC Value 5.075
Publish where it counts-Engineering Journals
Paper Submission
Kindly submit manuscript to: ijritcc@gmail.com/ editor@ijritcc.org.
Online paper Submission link: http://www.ijritcc.org/submit-your-paper
Paper Submission Deadline: Any time
Acceptance Notification: Within 3 Days After Paper Submission
Publication: Within 3 Days after Paper submission
Computer Science and Engineering
Information Technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Wireless or Mobile Communication & Computing
Networking, Communication & Multimedia
Bioinformatics and Nano-Electro-Mechanical System
Photonics and Optoelectronics
Applied Social Sciences
Behavioral Science
Life Science
Kindly include research area (Ex: Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics and Communication
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Marine Engineering) along with your
IJRITCC Manuscript Template: http://www.ijritcc.org/download/1444280417.doc
Impact Factor Details and Indexing
IC Value (5.075): http://jml2012.indexcopernicus.com/masterlist.php?q=ijritcc
Impact Factor (5.837): http://www.sjifactor.inno-space.org/passport.php?id=1244
Citation in Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.co.in/scholar?q=ijritcc&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5
Index in Academia.edu: https://ijritcc.academia.edu/ijritcc/
IJRITCC published research paeprs are cited and indexed in Google Scholar, Slideshare, Scribd, Academia, Research
Gate and many more International bodies.
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