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Education System Ethiopia

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Education system


The Ethiopian education

system described and
compared with the Dutch

Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

This document provides information about the education system of Ethiopia. It also
includes the Dutch comparison of qualifications obtained in Ethiopia.

Except where expressly stated otherwise and with the exception of images and
illustrations, this publication is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) Licence. For more information about the reuse
of this publication please visit https://www.nuffic.nl/en/home/copyright.
Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015

Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Education system Ethiopia

Doctor of Philosophy





(university education)



(university education)



(higher professional education)





Level II Certificate


Level I Certificate


Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate / Ethiopian Higher Education EntranceL5

(senior secondary general education)

Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate

(junior secondary education)


Primary School Certificate Examination

(primary education 2nd cycle)


Primary School
(primary education 1st cycle)



Education level

Duration of education

Click here to view a sample of

the diploma

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015

Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Evaluation chart
In the following chart, the left part lists foreign qualifications. The right part lists the Dutch
comparisons, with corresponding levels in the Netherlands and European qualification
Degree or qualification

Dutch equivalent and NLQF level

EQF level

Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate/10th

VMBO-T diploma

MBO diploma (qualification level 2 or 3)



Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate/Ethiopian Higher

HAVO diploma (only if at least 6 subjects

Education Entrance Examination

with A, B or C)

Diploma obtained at a university or college

1 year of HBO

2 years of HBO

3 years of HBO


HBO bachelors degree

(4 years)

or 2 years of WO


HBO masters degree or WO (1-year

(2 years)


Grade National Examination

Diploma Technical and Vocational
(3 years)

(1 year)
Diploma obtained at a university or college
(2 years)
Diploma obtained at a university or college
(3 years)

The information provided in the table is a general recommendation from which no
rights may be derived.
NLQF = Netherlands Qualifications Framework. EQF = European Qualifications
The evaluation of a foreign qualification in terms of the EQF/NLQF does not
necessarily mean that all of the learning outcomes associated with these levels have
been achieved.
Information on the Dutch equivalent qualifications is available in our Netherlands
Education System. See: http://www.nuffic.nl/en/library/education-systemnetherlands.pdf
The information regarding international study programmes at VMBO and MBO level
is issued by SBB, the foundation for Co-operation on Vocational Education, Training
and the Labour Market.

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015

Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Federal Democratic Republic is located in the north-eastern
part of Africa. The country has a population of approximately 85 million,
100 different ethnic groups and 70 languages. It is one of the poorest
nations in Africa and its economy is almost entirely dependent on
agriculture. Ethiopia was ruled by kings for many centuries until 1974,
when Haile Selassie was deposed in a military coup.
Formal education was introduced around 1800, but it took until after the Second World
War for education to be given any amount of priority. Many educational institutions were
subsequently established, with a focus on teacher training. However, the majority of the
population still had no access to education.
The current Ethiopian government recognizes the importance of education for national
development. Policy is mainly aimed at expanding the education sector, improving quality
and ensuring that educational content is harmonized with the country's economic needs.
In accordance with the federal structure, each of the countrys nine states and two urban
administrations have their own educational bureaus (National Regional States Education
Bureaus). These Bureaus are responsible for the administration and management of the
general education, technical and vocational education and teacher-training programmes
and institutions. The federal Ministry of Education is responsible for higher education. The
Ministry of Education formulates policy and guidelines, which are implemented by the
various Bureaus.
The education system comprises both formal and non-formal education. Non-formal
education includes a broad scope of educational programmes for all age categories,
catering to both school leavers and new pupils. Formal education comprises pre-school
education, primary and secondary education (general education), technical-professional
education and higher education.
The issue of higher education is currently high on the list of national priorities. It was not
until 2003 that a strategy was formulated to bring about further development in this area.
The 2003 Higher Education Proclamation aimed to ensure that the higher education
system contributes directly to the national strategy for economic development and
poverty reduction. In 2009, a new Higher Education Proclamation came into force, putting
emphasis on - among others - higher education autonomy, quality and relevance of
education and research, and on income generation.

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015

Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

The following data illustrates the rapid expansion of the higher education system. Until
2000, higher education consisted of two universities and 17 colleges. The number of
students totalled 31,000, while a single department at the Ministry of Education was
charged with supervising the entire system. There are currently twenty-two public
universities, twelve (university) colleges, over forty private higher education institutions
and around ten teacher training colleges. There are also two government bodies charged
with regulating higher education, namely the Higher Education Strategy Center (HESC)
and the Education and Training Quality Assurance Agency (ETQAA) (formerly
HERQA).The number of students enrolled in public universities is around 200,000.
Approximately 70,000 are enrolled in private higher education institutions.
Education is free at all levels. The official language in primary and secondary education is
Amharic. English is the official language in post-secondary and higher education.
The academic year runs from September to July.

Primary and secondary education

The educational pathway leading up to higher education was subject to changes during
the nineteen nineties. Primary education lasted 6 years (grades 1 to 6), followed by 2
years of lower secondary education (junior secondary school, grades 7 to 8) and 4 years
in the upper grades of secondary education (senior secondary school, grades 9 to 12).
This 6 plus 4 plus 2 structure was changed into a 4 plus 4 plus 2 plus 2 structure around
Primary education has a duration of 8 years (age groups 6 to 14) now and is divided into
two 4-year cycles (1 through grade 4 and grade 5 through 8). At the end of the grade 4,
pupils take a national exam and must achieve a score of at least 50 percent in order to
continue to grade 5. At the end of grade 8, pupils take the national Primary School
Certificate exam. Two 4-year cycles of primary education are now followed by 2 years of
general secondary education. At the end of Grade 10, pupils take the Ethiopian General
Secondary Education Certificate / 10th Grade National Examination. This exam is
administered by the Ministry of Educations National Organization for Examinations. After
having successfully completed this exam, pupils can opt to attend the two general upper
grades or follow vocational training.

In terms of level, the Ethiopian General

Secondary Education Certificate is
comparable to a VMBO-T (theoretische
leerweg) diploma in the Netherlands.

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015

Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

The second phase of preparatory secondary education has also consisted of a 2-year
period since 2001 (Grades 11, 12) and is regarded as preparation for higher education.
Until 2003, pupils could obtain the Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate (ESLC) at the end
of this period. This certificate has since been replaced by the Ethiopian Higher Education
Entrance Examination (EHEEE).
The second phase of preparatory secondary education has two tracks called a natural
science stream and a social science stream, which include the following subjects:
Natural science stream
specific subjects: biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics.
general subjects: social studies, English, physical education.
optional subjects: foreign language, national language.
Social science stream
specific subjects: social studies, geography, history.
general subjects: English, mathematics, physical education.
optional subjects: foreign language, national language, natural sciences.

In terms of level, the Ethiopian School

Leaving (ESCL) or an Ethiopian Higher
Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE)
with at least six subjects with A, B or C is
comparable to a HAVO diploma in the

Vocational education
After having completed grade 10 of their primary education, pupils can opt to attend
technical and vocational education and training. There are 2-year programmes that result
in junior level qualifications. In order to be admitted after grade 10, pupils must obtain an
Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate. There are 1-year and 2-year
programmes resulting in a Level I and Level II Certificate, and 3-year programmes
resulting in the Diploma.

In terms of level, the Technical and

Vocational Education and Training Diploma
following a nominally 3-year programme is
comparable to an MBO diploma at
qualification level 2 or 3, depending on the

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015

Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Admission to higher education

Until 2003, admission to higher education was based on the results of the Ethiopian
School Leaving Certificate Examination. As of that year, admission has been based on
the Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE). Formally, pupils must
obtain a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to be admitted to the
bachelors courses. In practice, however, admission is restricted to pupils with the highest
grades due to the limited capacity of the higher education system. Students that have
achieved a C grade or higher in at least five subjects including English, mathematics and
Amharic are generally admitted. Admission to the Diploma programmes requires a GPA
of 1.4,yet in practice the required GPA is determined on the basis of the number of
available seats. In order to increase access to higher education for women, they are
allowed to access on the basis of a GPA that is 0.2 points lower than the required GPA.

Higher education
Institutes, Colleges and technical universities offer mainly professionally-oriented
programmes resulting in the obtainment of a Diploma. These programmes have a
nominal duration of 1 or 2 years. Although these Diploma programmes are mainly
designed to prepare students for the labour market, they also provide access to
bachelors degree programmes. In addition to Diploma programmes, the universities also
offer bachelors degree programmes.
The most common study programmes are in the area of agriculture or accountancy.

In terms of level, the 1-year Diploma is

comparable to 1 year of higher professional
education (HBO) in the Netherlands.

In terms of level, the 2-year Diploma is

comparable to 2 years of higher
professional education (HBO) in the

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015

Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

All bachelors programmes start with a so-called freshman year. During this year,
students are prepared for a study in a specific area. The nominal duration of a bachelors
programme is usually 4 years. However, since 2003 / 2004 universities have started to
offer 3-year bachelors programmes as well. Bachelors programmes in the area of the
technical sciences, law and pharmacy last 5 years. Medicine and Veterinary Science
programmes last 6 years.

In the Netherlands, in terms of level, the

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science
degrees following a nominally 3-year
programme are comparable to 3 years of
higher professional education (HBO) or 1
year of university education (WO),
depending on the type of the study
programme (professional or academic

In the Netherlands, in terms of level, the

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science
degrees following a nominally 4-year
programme are comparable to an HBO
bachelors degree or 2 years of university
education (WO), depending on the type of
the study programme (professional or
academic focus).

In terms of level, the Bachelor of Arts or

Bachelor of Science degrees following a
nominally 5-year programme are
comparable to a WO bachelors degree in
the Netherlands.

The masters programmes have a duration of 1 or 2 years. A majority of the masters
programmes are offered by the Addis Ababa University. However, in 2008 a few other
universities announced to offer masters programmes as well. In order to be admitted to
the masters programmes, students must obtain a bachelors degree. Writing a final
paper is required for the completion of most masters programmes.

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015

Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

In terms of level, the masters degree

obtained through a 2-year advanced
programme is comparable to an HBO
masters degree, or a 1-year WO masters
degree, depending on the type of the study
programme (professional or academic

Doctor of Philosophy
The Addis Ababa University offers a wide range of programmes leading to a degree in
Doctor of Philosophy. The admission requirement is generally a relevant masters degree,
but in practice it is possible to be admitted on the basis of a bachelors degree.
Candidates who are admitted to the postgraduate study upon completion of their masters
degree are obliged to finish the programme within 5 years. Candidates who are admitted
upon completion of their bachelors degree, are obliged to finish the programme within 7
years. The PhD programme is completed with a doctoral thesis, demonstrating the
acquired knowledge of their specialty, and their ability to carry out independent research.
Candidates defend their doctoral thesis during an oral examination.

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Assessment systems
Secondary education
Letter grade

In percentages





very good





Under 50


Exceptionally gifted students receive the following grades:

Very great distinction

Five or more As

Great distinction

Four As


Three As

Higher education

In numbers

Letter grade







Qualification frameworks
Ethiopia has not established a national qualification framework. Neither are national
qualifications referenced to an overarching framework.

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Quality assurance and accreditation

The twenty-two public universities are under the direct supervision of the Ministry of
Education. If you wish to check if a public university is recognized, please visit the
website of the Ministry:
The private colleges are under the supervision of the national, regional and sub-regional
education bureaus. Private institutions must be accredited by the education bureaus, the
Office of Investment and if offering medical courses the Ministry of Health.
If you wish to check if a private higher education institution is recognized, please visit the
website of the Ministry of Education:

International treaties
Ethiopia has not entered into international educational treaties with any other country.

Website of the Ministry of Education.
Other than this, the amount of reliable sources is extremely limited.
Website of SBB, the foundation for Co-operation on Vocational Education, Training and
the Labour Market.

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Composition of file
The Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination is administered by the Ministry of
Education's National Organization for Examinations. The diploma specifies the number of
subjects, the name of these subjects and the obtained grade. The dossier also includes
grade lists for the student's various years of study, issued by the national regional states.
Diplomas consist of certificates issued by the relevant institution, and generally do not
specify the duration of the study programme. This information can be derived from an
accompanying grade list issued by the same institution.
Universities issue certificates specifying the obtained degree. Here, too, the duration is
derived from the accompanying grade list. A Temporary Certificate of Graduation or a
Student Copy of the transcript are handed over quite frequently. It is recommended to
have the certificate and transcript of the university involved sent directly to the higher
education institution, by the Registrar.

List of Higher Education Institutions

Website of the Ministry of Education with a list of public universities and accredited nongovernment higher education institutions.

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination transcript

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Diploma University College

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Diploma University College - transcript

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Bachelor of Sciences

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Bachelor of Sciences - transcript (page 1)

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Bachelor of Sciences - transcript (page 2)

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Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Master of Science

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Master of Science - transcript

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Qualification Ethiopia
Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate/Ethiopian Higher
Education Entrance Examination
(at least six subjects with A, B or C)

general secondary education diploma

grants access to all higher education programmes in Ethiopia

This qualification is comparable to a HAVO diploma in the Netherlands.

NB: This information is a general recommendation from which no rights may be

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Qualification Ethiopia

first cycle higher education diploma

grants access to bachelors programmes in Ethiopia
has a nominal duration of 1 to 2 years

This qualification is comparable to 1 or 2 years of higher professional

education (HBO) in the Netherlands.
NB: This information is a general recommendation from which no rights may be

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Qualification Ethiopia

first cycle higher education diploma

grants access to masters programmes in Ethiopia
has a nominal duration of 4 years

This qualification is comparable to an HBO bachelors degree or to 2

years of university education (WO) in the Netherlands, depending on the
type of the study programme.
NB: This information is a general recommendation from which no rights may be

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


Education system

| Evaluation chart

Education system Ethiopia

Qualification Ethiopia

second cycle higher education diploma

grants access to PhD programmes in Ethiopia
has a nominal duration of 2 years

This qualification is comparable to a 1-year WO masters degree in the

NB: This information is a general recommendation from which no rights may be

Education system Ethiopia | EP-Nuffic | 2nd edition February 2012 | version 2, January 2015


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