ECTD How To Do Final
ECTD How To Do Final
ECTD How To Do Final
July 2014
APIC_eCTD How to Do
Table of Content
Boundaries .........................................................................................................................10
In-house software...............................................................................................................12
Implementation ..................................................................................................................18
SOPs ..................................................................................................................................20
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Table of Tables
Table 1 :Comparaison of the 3 solutions.......................................................................................... 11
Table 2: Running an eCTD software in-house: advantages and disadvantages ............................... 12
Table 3: Host system option: advantages and disadvantages ......................................................... 14
Table 4: Outsourcing option: advantages and disadvantages ......................................................... 16
Table 5: Module 2 ............................................................................................................................ 21
Table 6 : Module 3............................................................................................................................ 22
Table 7 : Key items for the creation of eCTD compliant documents ............................................... 25
Table 8 : Module 1 requirements..................................................................................................... 28
Table 9 : Module 1 information ....................................................................................................... 29
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eCTD is a topic of increasing interest in the pharmaceutical environment. In the past, the main
focus for regulatory authorities was eCTD submissions sent via MAAs. As a result, introduction of
eCTD by API manufacturers was slow with limited eCTD guidance for API dossiers.
In recent times, however, the number of eCTD submissions for API manufacturers has increased
(the FDA have reported an increase of eCTD submissions year on year) and guidance documents
have been published that make it possible to create and maintain API dossiers using eCTD. API
manufacturers are also beginning to understand the benefits from the adoption of eCTD.
This document will focus on eCTD only as it is considered the upcoming standard for electronic
submissions. There are other options for electronic submissions such as NeeS (Non eCTD
electronic Submission) in Europe or a single pdf-file. However, these submission types are not
ICH-standard so their uses are limited when dealing with customers in different regions.
It must be noted, however, that when it comes to eCTD submission, there continues to be
differences among different countries and even ICH regions. For example, the FDA began
accepting eCTD submissions in 2003; Japan began accepting in 2004, yet the EU Heads of
Medicines Agencies committed themselves, in 2005, to be ready for eCTD submissions by 2010.
The approach of the different health authorities also continues to be different. For example,
Japan has accepted eCTD since 2004 but eCTD submissions of API dossiers are not possible; in
Europe, some agencies continue to require paper submissions for specific sections.
Outside the ICH region, countries are continuing to adopt the eCTD initiative and there is potential
for eCTD to become the standard for non-ICH countries.
Chapter 1 of this guideline document discusses region and country-specific requirements for eCTD
submissions, in particular the requirements for Module 1 of the dossier. These requirements are
subject to change so this chapter should be considered as living and will evolve over time to
include additional countries when further eCTD guidance is published.
Chapter 2 gives an overview of the 3 main ways in which a company can adopt eCTD. The
advantages and disadvantages of introducing eCTD in-house or via a host server or to fully
outsource eCTD are discussed.
Chapter 3 goes further and describes the requirements necessary for an eCTD ready API dossier.
Please note that this guideline document focuses entirely on the first submission of an API
dossier. Lifecycle activities are not considered. However the reader should understand that
submission management of products throughout their lifecycle is a key aspect and needs to be
considered from the very beginning.
The authors hope this document will give the reader a basic understanding of eCTD, an
understanding of the eCTD requirements expected by different Health Authorities and allows the
reader to make an informed decision on how to implement eCTD.
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The following chapter summarises the current format requirements for eCTD submission of
DMF/ASMFs in the ICH countries (Europe: EDQM, EMA, national authorities, USA, Japan) and
The spectrum of requirements among the above mentioned countries is highly variable. In Japan
and Canada DMF submissions in eCTD format are still not possible. In Europe and the USA, eCTD
is considered the preferred submission format. Furthermore, the EDQM offers alternative ways
to submit DMFs in electronic format (NeeS, or single pdf for the whole submission), while this is
not foreseen for FDA and EMA.
Overall, a clear trend towards paper-free submissions, with preference for eCTD electronic
format, is observed.
A choice has to be made between an electronic or paper submission, excluding any combination
of both. It must be noted that paper submissions are scanned before validation of the application
which may lead to a delayed clock start.
Electronic submissions are strongly recommended.
Electronic submissions
Three formats are accepted:
Submission in eCTD format is recommended. The eCTD structure should be in accordance with
the current ICH M2 EWG eCTD specification (see chapter 3).
Specific requirements for submissions to the EDQM include:
the use of the EDQM template for QOS which has to be a pdf document,
for eCTDs, the content of the envelope for a CEP application should be according to
Guidance for Submission of Electronic Documentation for Applications for Certificates of
Suitability (CEPs): Revised Procedures (PA/PH/CEP (09) 108) [Reference 1].
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Requirements for electronic files
Electronic files should be in accordance with the Guidance for Industry on Providing Regulatory
Information in Electronic Format (see chapter 3 for further details).
Switch from a paper to an electronic submission
It is possible to switch to an e-submission at any time of the life-cycle of a CEP application
(submission of a full module 3 is required). All subsequent data must then also be submitted in an
electronic format.
EDQM guidance documents
There are two guidance documents:
Some general information on electronic ASMF submission is available on websites. [Reference 3]
and [Reference 4]
ASMFs submitted in eCTD need to be split into an applicants part and a restricted part (see
Guideline on Active Substance master File Procedure CHMP/QWP/227/02).
The applicants part is expected to be located before the restricted part.
More information is available on the EMA website on electronic submissions, which also provides
links to the National Agency e-Submission Guidance [Reference 3]
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From 1 January 2010, eCTD is the only acceptable electronic format for all applications and all
submission types in the context of the centralized procedure (e.g. new applications, variations,
renewals). Any other electronic format, including NeeS, will be automatically rejected and the
submission receipt will not be acknowledged. Additionally, if the eCTD submission results in an
invalid Technical Validation the submission will not be accepted.
From 1 March 2014, all centralized eCTD filings must be made via the eSubmission Gateway or
web client, no longer using CDs or DVDs.
Information on the electronic submission of DMF can be found on the FDA website [Reference 5].
There is no requirement to submit DMFs in electronic format as paper will continue to be
accepted. However, companies are encouraged to submit their DMFs in electronic form during
the updating of their paper DMFs. Note that all applications to CDER, including DMFs, that are
submitted in electronic format, MUST be in eCTD format, unless a waiver is granted.
NOTE: Before an eCTD submission is undertaken, the FDA requires a sample submission to be
made in order to assess the technical aspects such as compatibility with the FDA system. More
details can be found on the FDA website [Reference 6].
Companies may convert an existing DMF in paper format to eCTD format. In such cases DMF
holders are advised to resubmit the entire DMF in CTD format as an amendment. If there are any
changes in the technical content of the DMF as a result of the reformatting (e.g. addition of new
information) the cover letter for the new electronic submission should specify what areas of
technical information have been changed. Once the DMF holder has made an electronic
submission every subsequent submission must be in electronic format.
Electronic signatures are accepted.
All electronic submissions must have a pre-assigned number. Pre-assignment of DMF Numbers
will be granted only for electronic DMFs. If a paper DMF is being converted to electronic format,
it is not necessary to request a pre-assigned number.
The request of pre-assigned Application number is described on FDA web page [Reference 7].
Note that eCTDs are seen as electronic records by FDA. This means that it needs to be compliant
with 21 CFR part 11. The dossier is seen like all GMP-relevant electronic documentation, and all
aspects of 21 CFR part 11 (e.g. electronic signatures, audit trails...) are applicable.
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Related guidelines:
At present, MHLW and KIKO do not accept eCTD submissions for DMFs.
For further information on specific submission requirements, it is advised to discuss with a
Japanese agent.
eCTD submissions are not possible for DMFs in Canada. Paper as well as single pdf submissions
are accepted.
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This chapter is intended to provide a decision pathway for API manufacturers in their first steps
towards implementation of eCTD publishing and submission.
At the beginning of the decision process it is very important to make an evaluation of the current
submission processes (where are we) in comparison with the eCTD requirements (where do
we need to be). (see Section 2.2).
The conclusions drawn from this analysis, together with a careful evaluation of the boundary
conditions within the company (see Section 2.3) are the basis for the definition of the User
Requirements Specifications (URS) (see Section 2.4). In the URS all the needs and boundaries of
the expected processes are described and this information is used to find the optimal solution
(see Section 2.5). Three possible solutions are described in detail, with their related advantages
and disadvantages: in-house software (see Section 2.5.1), Software as a Service (SaaS) (see
Section 2.5.2), and outsourcing (see Section 2.5.3). The last step of the process is the
implementation of the chosen solution.
Please note that the overall chapter focuses on the initial set-up for eCTD submission. However,
submission management of products through-out their life cycle is a key aspect and needs to be
considered for all options from the very beginning.
The decision pathway towards the optimal solution for eCTD publishing and submission starts
with a careful analysis of the current processes and tools with respect to the requirements of
eCTD publishing and submission. The important questions to consider are:
Document creation and lifecycle process (who writes the document, is there a
review/approval process, how is the document lifecycle managed, are module 1 documents
included in this process etc.?)
Document creation tools (is there a template, is the granularity and the document
characteristics compliant with eCTD specifications etc.?)
Publishing and submission process (who compiles the dossiers, who sends the dossiers to
customers and authorities, what archiving system is in place etc. ?)
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For each of the items described in 2.2 it is important to define the boundary conditions:
What can or cannot be changed (e.g. resources)? Do we want to change anything else? The
impact of any change needs to be evaluated.
Example of Boundary questions:
The URS is a document that describes, on a non-technical level, the requirement for the new
system. It contains the individual needs and preferences of a company, i.e. the requirements
resulting from the initial process analysis and boundary definition and reflects the requirements
from all stake-holders, e.g. regulatory affairs, IT, QA, authors of documents. In summary, this
document is the basis for the later selection of the optimal solution and the related vendor
/system. The system is also tested against these requirements during qualification.
Examples of topics to address during user requirement setting (beyond eCTD requirements) are:
How is the organization of the regulatory group in the company? (i.e. global, regional or
How many submissions take place / are expected per year? In which countries?
Are non-eCTD submissions (electronic or paper) still needed? How can they be created out
of the system?
Is it necessary to create non-CTD structures for dossiers? How can such a structure be built
How to handle submissions in more than one country?
It has to be considered whether a consultant should help with the creation of this URS document.
Especially for the generation of the new processes the experience of a consultant can be helpful.
The URS is part of the official validation documentation according to GAMP and should be
established for any new system. For further information please refer to GAMP 5. GAMP 5 : A
Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems can be bought through the
following link :
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Selection of solution
Once the URS has been finalised, the most suitable solution has to be found. For this analysis the
URS requirements should be classified in some way, e.g. crucial and nice to have.
The three possible solutions (In-house Software, Software as a Service and Outsourcing) are
described in detail in the following sections. Table 1 compares the most relevant characteristics
of the 3 solutions.
Table 1: Comparison of the 3 solutions
Software as
a Service
Freedom of configuration
Initial costs
Lead time
Depends on
Ongoing costs
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In-house software
Implementing an eCTD software system in-house gives the highest degree of freedom. The
software can be designed to meet the companys specific requirements. Implementing an inhouse system, however, will also require the highest level of responsibility.
Considerations that will help to decide if the in-house approach is suitable and how to plan,
implement, and maintain the in-house system is detailed in Table 2.
Table 2: Running an eCTD software system in-house: advantages and disadvantages
Possible vendors should receive the URS and are requested to provide feedback indicating the
points of the URS that can be fulfilled:
An initial presentation and demonstration should be provided by the potential vendor in front of
users of the system (i.e. all users or a representative selection and key players from the IT
department). It should focus on their standard product. The main aspects of the new software
should be discussed and reviewed. Vendors that do not fulfil the crucial requirements can be
removed from the selection process. In a second round the vendors should sketch out solutions
for all important requirements - establishing a vendor score card can help in the decision making.
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Main criteria for the selection can be:
Implementation of the software?
Migration of legacy documents and dossiers?
What software is used?
Compatibility with the systems of the regulatory agencies and other service providers.
User friendliness of the software and coverage of needs of the user/customer.
What configuration options are offered?
Validation and CFR 21 Part 11 (Electronic Records - including Electronic Signatures,( US)
and EU GMP Guide Annex 11) compliance and maintenance of the computerized
system(s), change control management.
What hardware is needed?
Who will use the system (central unit / everyone contributing to regulatory documents)?
How will the users access the system
Local installation
Who will be the contact person(s) for the project at the vendor?
Can a good cooperation be expected with contact person(s)
There will be cooperation with the vendor for the complete lifetime of the system.
Therefore a good contact with this company is important.
Reference list of the vendor.
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When deciding if an in-house software system is suitable, the complete life-cycle of the system
should be considered such as:
Building up the system and migrating legacy data into this system, as appropriate.
Training of users and roll-out into the organisation (production phase).
Maintenance of the system needs to be planned (training and SOPs for technical staff etc.)
An update-strategy must be in place (i.e. retirement of the old system and replacement by
a new one).
In the Host Software Option, also called Software as a Service (SaaS) or rental approach, the
service provider provides the IT infrastructure for the creation of eCTD dossiers whereas the
customer controls the submission activities and prepares the submission.
The information provided in this section is based on publically available information and a
common sense approach. This is because the eCTD Task Force members do not yet have their
own experience with this option.
In the SaaS model the installation, validation and maintenance of the eCTD system (and DMS
system if both shall be hosted) are under the responsibility of the provider. The customer rents
the usage of the infrastructure/software.
Advantages and disadvantages of using the Software as a Service option are described in Table 3 .
Table 3: Host system option: advantages and disadvantages
The SaaS option requires minimal IT support (compared to the in-house software solution) on the
customers side whereas the resources and competences for the eCTD software (and DMS as
applicable) need to be built up and maintained. The eCTD builder & publisher needs to have a
specific technical qualification to efficiently work with the eCTD software. This requires respective
training but also regular use of the system and practice with it. The training should be completed
before using the system.
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Respective SOPs, user manuals, training materials need to be available. This should be supported
by the service provider.
As with any other service provider, the potential partner for the host system should be qualified.
Additionally to that listed in section 2.5, the following areas (not exhaustive) should be evaluated
as part of the selection and qualification process:
speed and continuity of internet connection (e.g. for the upload, download of files, data)
download and upload capacities
Quality management system of the service provider
The qualification process should include an audit of the potential service provider.
Outsourcing option
The option with the lowest impact on processes and systems in a company is outsourcing. There
are various different extents of outsourcing. Common to all is that the external partner will
provide the necessary infrastructure / software as well as the personnel to prepare the eCTD.
The considerations in this chapter mainly focus on the aspect of outsourcing the eCTD submission
building / publishing part without the actual submission part. In addition to the outsourcing
extent discussed, intermediate levels of outsourcing can be considered, e.g. creation of eCTD
ready documents (new documents, legacy documents).
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Table 4: Outsourcing option: advantages and disadvantages
There are 4 main scenarios that can drive the decision for outsourcing:
On the other hand, the interface to the service provider is a key element in the process. Several
questions need to be answered:
A key element is to align the time point of availability of the different documents for the
filing and the resources at the outsourcing partner, e.g. by using a shared and continuously
updated document inventory
Definition of role, responsibilities and tasks of the project team members of both partners
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Define project team members (internal & outsourcing partner), roles responsibilities,
milestones & timelines
Develop project plan: As time lines are always crucial in a submission process, and an
additional/external party is involved, a mutually agreed project plan is vital
Set up of a secure internet connection (VPN) for smooth transfer of documents
Inventory of documents
This inventory can be used by both parties as a tracking and monitoring tool for
establishing the completeness of documents (availability of document, eCTD readiness of
document) and missing elements
As with any other service provider, the potential outsourcing partner for publishing should be
qualified. Additionally to what is listed in section 2.5, the following areas should be evaluated as
part of this process (note that this list is not exhaustive) :
eCTD building and publishing competence and experience of the service provider (technical
and regarding the requirements of the different authorities)
Validation and maintenance of the computerised system
Change management
Management of confidential data, data security at the service provider and interaction with
the customer (electronic data exchange)
Quality management system of the service provider
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Once the decision for the best solution has been made, the internal processes should be reviewed
and adapted where appropriate in order to best fit to the new situation of eCTD publishing. The
extent of the review and the necessary improvements might be smaller for an outsourcing
solution than in a host or in-house eCTD solution. However the opportunity to align the processes
to the new situation should not be missed.
There are other decisions that are not process related but influence the implementation of the
eCTD system:
Most eCTD submission tools support the use of documents out of a DMS as well as the documents
out of the file system. Here are some points of consideration for and against a DMS.
A DMS is another software-component that has to be chosen, bought, designed, configured,
validated and maintained. As well as the financial and technical aspects training to use the DMS is
also required.
However, there are a couple of advantages in using a DMS: The documents are controlled in a
more defined way.
Each document in the DMS consists of :
the Attributes
The Content is the document e.g. the Word document containing the information that has to be
sent to authorities.
The Attributes are used to facilitate searching for documents. In addition they can be used as part
of a document overlay (document header and footer).
The Access Control Lists make the document available for different groups of users, with different
rights at different stages of the life-cycle (see below).
When designing a DMS, life-cycles for documents can be implemented. A life-cycle controls the
different states of the document and how it will get from one status into the next. The release of
documents can be coupled with an approval which may include an electronic signature.
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Documents are normally submitted as pdf-files to authorities. A DMS may be able to
automatically create pdf-files out of editable source files at a certain life-cycle step.
When using a document management system it is possible to store documents in a predefined
folder structure where they cannot be moved. This facilitates re-use of documents by different
As this is not an exhaustive list, we refer to literature for more information about document
management systems.
For any new submissions it should be considered to develop documents as close as possible as
eCTD ready documents (right first time, avoidance of later extensive reformatting). Areas to be
considered are:
use of templates for authoring eCTD ready documents (see chapter 3: granularity, file
use of a file system or DMS to manage the files
internal roles & responsibilities for the various steps of the process
In case eCTD ready documents are created in-house, respective templates should be established
and implemented. The process of developing and managing eCTD-ready documents needs be
established (e.g. responsibilities and interfaces different departments) and defined in respective
As a matter of fact, the availability of a confidentiality agreement between the service provider
and the customer is a must for any collaboration as well as a service agreement. The service
agreement should clearly define the responsibility of both parties and the agreed service levels,
e.g. minimum system performance metrics.
The users of an eCTD software are normally in the regulatory department. With the introduction
of a new document-management and / or submission system it needs to be defined who should
have access to the system and at what level. Different types and extent of trainings will be needed
for the different levels.
Training concept, training material, and roll-out-plan should be available and training should be
completed before the go-life of the system.
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Technical and user-SOPs will be necessary for the valid operation of the software. They should be
in place before the system goes live.
In addition to the SOPs directly associated with the use of the system, the potentially new internal
process e.g. activities, roles & responsibilities (i.e. authoring eCTD ready documents, submission
and maintenance of a dossier) should be reflected in written procedures.
Also, the process of using an external partner for the eCTD compilation and publishing should be
reflected in respective SOPs.
Document Migration
See chapter 3.3 Migration of data into the new eCTD system.
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It is important that eCTD ready documents are prepared by authoring them in eCTD compliant
templates. If this is not undertaken, a large amount of the publishing time is spent in document
reformatting. Guidance on the preparation of eCTD ready documents is provided below.
ICH Topic M 4 Common Technical Document for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human
Use [Reference 10].
Table 5 and Table 6 describe the levels in the eCTD hierarchy at which files should be placed and
whether single or multiple documents are appropriate at each point. The tables describe
Modules 2 and 3 with respect to the drug substance.
For creation and maintenance of the files, the storage location does not have to be considered.
The hierarchy structure will be applied during the compilation of the dossier.
Table 5: Module 2
Module 2
Documents rolled up to this level are not considered appropriate
One document may be submitted at this level
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Note 1: The options for granularity for the Quality Overall Summary (QOS) are provided in order
to accommodate different levels of complexity of products. The applicant can chose the level at
which the QOS is managed.
Note 2: One document should be submitted for each drug substance.
Table 6 : Module 3
Module 3
Documents rolled up to this level are not considered appropriate
One or multiple documents can be submitted at this level
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Note 1: In choosing the level of granularity for this Module, the applicant should consider that,
when relevant information is changed at any point in the products lifecycle, replacements of
complete files should be provided in the eCTD.
Note 2: For a drug product containing more than one drug substance, the information requested
for part S should be provided in its entirety for each drug substance.
The files have to be created according to the granularity described above. They have to be linked
into the CTD structure that is presented in the eCTD submission tool.
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This chapter is based upon ICH M2 EWG Electronic Common Technical Document Specification
[Reference 11] and focuses specifically on the Active Substance Master File requirements
In general, documents that are provided in the different modules should be formatted as defined
by the ICH Common Technical Document. Here it is described how files should be constructed for
inclusion in the eCTD and examples of formats that are commonly used in electronic submissions
are provided. It should also be noted that other formats can be used according to regional
guidance and/or acceptance.
The different key items to be considered when creating an eCTD compliant document are
summarised in Table 7. This table is based on requirements of ICH M2 EWG document (ICH eCTD
specification) [Reference 11].
A published dossier should be checked for viruses before submission. The recommended way of
transporting submissions is secure data exchange over the Internet. If this is not possible,
submissions should continue to be physically transported by courier or registered mail. In this
case, electronic media needs to be labelled appropriately.
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Table 7: Key requirements for the creation of eCTD compliant documents
Document format :
Pdf version 1.4 or (up to) 1.7 optimized for fast web view
Source of electronic
File naming
Recommended fonts are Times New Roman, Arial, Courier New. All
additional fonts should be embedded.
Font size
Narrative text: e.g. TNR 12 points. Tables: e.g. TNR 9-10 points,
smaller character size is discouraged
Font colour
Page orientation
page numbering
Only the internal page numbers of the document are expected (1-n).
No additional page/volume numbers running across documents are
expected. The page numbers for the electronic document and the PDF
file should be the same
dialog box
The open dialog box defines the document view when the pdf file is
opened. The initial view of PDF files should be set as Bookmarks and
Page, or Page only if there are no bookmarks.
electronic signatures
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* The EMA/43526/2010 V.1.0 Practical Guidelines on the use of the eCTD format for ASMFs
[Reference 12] (page 5) states that the use of hyperlinks between documents in Module 3 is not
recommended as problems may arise due to file-naming recommendations and life cycle
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TIGes Harmonised Guidance for e-CTD Submissions in the EU annex 2 [Reference 13]
All submissions must contain the maximum amount of text searchable content. Documents with
searchable text will aid the assessor, or any other user, in searching for specific terms and also aid
in the copying and pasting information into other documents such as an assessment report.
Nevertheless, not all documents need to be text searchable.
PDF files with searchable text can be created by all PDF tools from a source file in a text format
(e.g. MS Word, SAS, MS Powerpoint, Rich Text Files, etc.). When created in this way, the file will
usually be the smallest in size (measured in kilobytes or megabytes) that it can be.
If the document is in paper, then scanning to PDF and using an Optical Character Recognition
(OCR) routine is the only way to create searchable text. PDF files created in this way tend to be
much larger in size for the same number of pages and the quality of the text that is created will be
poorer. For these reasons, it is recommended to use scanning/OCR only as a last resort.
(i.e. the PDF should be produced wherever possible from a text source, such as MS Word, but if
sourced from a scanned original then they must be OCRd.)
Key administrative documents in Module 1 including, the cover letter, application form,
product information documents
Any document in Module 2 of the MAA (QOS).
The main body of text in any reports, methods, analytical procedures, etc. supplied in
Module 3 of the MAA
Any English translation of a document originally written in a foreign language (see also
Documents that do not need to be text searchable (relevant for the API part)
(i.e. the PDF should be produced wherever possible from a text source, such as MS Word, but if
sourced from a scanned original then there is no need for OCR.)
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Module 1 of the eCTD contains administrative information specific to each region, e.g. application
forms. The content and format of this module are specified by the relevant regulatory
authorities. This section of the How to Do document provides an overview of the relevant
documents and necessary structure in Module 1 related to APIs in some key regions.
With respect to the ASMF / DMF, the information that has to be provided in Module 1 relating to
the authority and the initial submission is listed in Table . Where a document is required, the
respective section is indicated in brackets. For information on revisions and renewals please refer
to the referenced documents.
Cover letter
X (1.0)
X (1.0)
Letter of Access
X (1.0)
Application Form
X (1.2)
X (1.2)
X (1.4)
X (1.4)
EMA/43526/2010 V.1.0 Practical Guidelines on the use of the eCTD format for ASMFs
[Reference 12]
Guidance for submission of electronic applications for CEPs: Revised procedures PA/PH/CEP (09) 108, 1R [Reference 2]
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The document provided by FDA for guidance in an eCTD submission does not distinguish between
the drug substance and the drug product. As a result it contains the complete CTD Headings and
FDA follows the granularity outlined in M4 - ICH Common Technical Document and in M2 - ICH
Electronic Common Technical Document Specification [Reference 10] and [Reference 11]
Table 9 details what information should be contained in Module 1
Table 9 : Module 1 information
Information amendement
Annual report
Administrative Information
Contact/sponsor/Applicant information
Change in contact/agent
e.g. to supply name and address of contact persons and/or agents,
including Agent Appointment Letter
Environmental Analysis
FDA mandates the submission of a sample eCTD for evaluation. The FDA will process the sample
submission to ensure that it conforms to FDA and ICH guidance and specifications. These tests
include, but are not limited to, validation, verification of file checksums, verification of the
presence of the modified file and identification of missing files.
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This sample eCTD submission will not be reviewed by an assessor during this initial test. The FDA
will, however, provide the participant with a report highlighting the errors found during the initial
processing of the sample eCTD submission. The error identified should be corrected and the
corrected sample should then be re-submitted with the same sequence number.
After the successful completion of these steps, the submissions should be technically ready to be
officially submitted to the Agency. This testing phase does not involve any review of the content
of the submission and is intended to only resolve technical issues.
Further reading
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An eCTD dossier consists of a number of documents that are linked into the specific eCTD tree.
The eCTD specification and granularity annex (see chapter 3.1) lists the different sections of ASMF
together with the document(s) that are expected in each section.
This chapter describes the criteria for eCTD ready documents. If legacy documents should be
used in eCTD submissions, they also have to comply with these standards. This section describes
some considerations for the migration of legacy documents into eCTD ready documents.
Migration of documents
The easiest way for the user is an automatic migration without any interaction. In most cases
automatic migration is possible but the development of tools is time consuming and costly with
respect to setting up a specification for each job and testing of the resulting program.
Therefore, for each job a careful decision should be made as to whether this task should be done
automatically (a job that has only to be started once for the productive migration), semiautomatically with the help of some macros (e.g. for the migration of specific documents) or
completely manually. If for example the document migration is done completely automatically,
all the legacy documents are available for eCTD submissions right after the migration program has
finished. The program may run for a couple of hours or even longer but after this initial action the
complete task is finished. Manual or semi-automatic migration can either be done by a migration
team right after go-live of the eCTD system, or the documents and dossiers are migrated when
they are needed. Therefore extra time is required at the time the document or dossier is
Documents can either be maintained within a DMS or within a file system (folder structure). If the
legacy documents are hosted in a DMS, it has to be decided whether the existing DMS can also be
used for the eCTD system or a new DMS has to be designed to manage eCTD documents. When
working with files in a file system the eCTD ready document can either stay in a file system or be
migrated into a new DMS.
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The main difference of a DMS compared to a file system is that a document in a file system
consists only of the content of the document itself. Whereas, a document in a DMS is built up on
the content plus a set of attributes that can be used to specify the document and add additional
information to the document. Those attributes can usually be used as basis for searching in a
Paragraph is connected with content related issues that have to be considered in each
case. The paragraph holds attribute related issues that are only necessary when dealing
with a DMS.
Document granularity
Since legacy documents do not necessarily have the right granularity it may be necessary to split
or merge documents. Document granularity is described in Chapter 3.1 (File organization of the
Splitting documents is very time consuming. It should be considered, if an automatic or semiautomatic splitting is advantageous.
Merging documents is easier. Nevertheless an automatic or semi-automatic way is worth
Re-use of documents
One of the most prominent advantages of CTD granular documents is the possibility to re-use
documents. An eCTD ready Submission Management System (SMS) should be able to report the
occurrences of a document in different dossiers
For example, the specification of a specific solvent needs only be maintained once. If the
specification of this solvent changes the impact of the change can be easily evaluated with the
help of the above mentioned function. This can help to keep compliance of the dossiers. It is
therefore recommended to maintain only 1 document for the above mentioned specification. If
the content of all duplicate documents is not the same, it might be necessary to consolidate the
content of the existing documents.
Adaptation of formats
When designing the SMS, the page format can be completely redefined. If there are different
legacy systems, text files can have different header and footer areas and even different
dimensions (A4, letter, etc.). Migrating all systems onto 1 new system will result in a redefinition
of the header, footer and / or page dimensions. It may therefore be necessary to copy the
content of a file into a new template. This task can be done with the help of a macro for a semiautomatic migration or can be part of a complete automatic migration program.
For more information see chapter
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The greatest impact for a document is the change of the document type (for example a spreadsheet in the legacy system is to be changed into a text-document). As with the other tasks
discussed in this section, it has to be considered whether manual migration of these documents
would be better.
Attributes are only relevant when the eCTD system uses a DMS for document maintenance. The
easiest case occurs when the set of attributes for the documents in the legacy DMS and the new
DMS are identical. In all other cases attributes have to be added, modified or deleted.
Headers and footers for documents can hold information about the document and its position in
the dossier. The header of a document can, for example, state:
The footer may state information such as the page number and the publishing date. If the
documents have document numbers they can also be mentioned in the footer.
Most of the above mentioned information can be provided by the SMS and can be put on the
document by an overlay during the publishing process. This option could be useful when
documents should be re-used for different DMFs and the name of the API is mentioned in the
header. For that reason, document content shall be as neutral as possible without reference to
any other submission i.e. country or submission number.
Information in the header must be provided by the SMS since the name of the API will be
different for different DMFs. It is, for example only necessary to hold 1 manufacturers document
for a specific production site. Then neither the name of the API nor the document title can be
part of the document since different DMFs are for different APIs By consequence, the content of
the document and the header/footer are separated..
The starting point for the migration from an attribute-related view is a comparison of the
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The result of these considerations will be:
The actual DMS can be used without modifications to host eCTD documents.
Some modifications and/or an upgrade of the DMS are necessary.
A new system should be implemented.
If the current system can be used the legacy documents have to be migrated into eCTD ready
documents. If the granularity of the documents is correct, it is only necessary to update the
attribute sets of the documents. This can either be done by the manual edition of each attribute
set. The other option is to export all attribute sets with or without the documents, modify the
attributes outside the DMS and re-import the attributes. If only the attributes were exported, it
has to be ensured that the attributes connect with the right documents. The modification of the
attributes can be done manually or with the help of exchange tables.
If the granularity of the documents is not correct, it is recommend to export the documents
together with the attributes. The documents then have to be split up and the attributes have to
be adapted. The new documents, together with the attribute-sets, have to be imported into the
DMS again.
When migrating documents from a file system into a DMS the attribute set has to be created and
the (granular) documents have to be imported into the DMS. This can again either be done
manually or with the help of programs.
Manual migration
For manual migration, the files have to be split if necessary and the new (granular) files have to be
imported into the DMS. During importation the attributes will be maintained.
Migration with the help of programs
If all documents that represent the legacy document have to be imported in one step, the
attributes of the documents must be adapted before the import starts.
The import of a set of documents has to be done with the help of a table. This table has to hold
the attributes and the file names and storage locations (paths) of the documents, so that a set of
attributes can be related to a document.
Such a table can be filled with the help of programs during the migration of the legacy documents
into eCTD compliant document.
When the legacy documents and the eCTD ready documents are hosted in files systems no
attribute related issues will occur.
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Once eCTD ready document are available an eCTD dossier can be prepared.
An eCTD dossier is built up of the XML-backbone that reflects the CTD structure. Each document
is linked into this structure at its respective CTD-section.
A SMS should enable a user to create the eCTD dossier and to link the documents into the dossier.
It can therefore be considered that the most difficult part of dossier creation is finding the
documents that have to be linked into the specific nodes of the structure. It is recommended to
try the creation of dossier during the vendor presentations with a set of sample documents. This
will help to estimate the time needed to create a new dossier.
Furthermore, this will give you an indication of the time necessary for the migration of a dossier.
If the number of dossiers is limited this is considered the best way.
An automatic migration requires a very thorough analysis of the legacy dossiers. In addition the
connection between the legacy documents and the new eCTD ready documents must be
established, so that the migration program is able to link the correct documents into the new
structure. If more than one different type of legacy dossiers are affected then considerations for
each system should be undertaken separately. Since both requirements are not easy to fulfil, the
number of dossiers to be migrated will have to be large to justify an automatic migration.
See [Reference 17]
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CFR 21 part 11
CTD (Common
Directory (see
also Folder)
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
A general term for the design and construction of computer systems,
including technical infrastructure,information (data), and applications.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A specification for
representing text as computerreadableinformation.
Active Substance Master File
Attributes are used to describe the content or context of a document (e.g. file
name, the name of a related substance etc.)
A bookmark is a type of link with representative that links to a different view
or page in a document.
A program that allows the user to read hypertext, to view contents of Web
pages, and to navigate from onepage to another (e.g., Mozilla Firefox,
Microsoft Internet Explorer.)
FDA-Group: Center of Drug Evaluation and Research
European procedure for a certificate of suitability of monographs of the
European Parmacopoiea
Code of Federal Regulations - 21 - part 11 on electonic records and signatures
Server with a desktop virtualisation software from Citrix Systems Inc.
A harmonized format for a regulatory dossier that is considered acceptable in
Japan, Europe, the United States and Canada.
Certificate of Suitability (see also CEP)
Code of Federal Regulations
The operating system method of organizing and providing access to individual
files. Also called a folder.
Drug Master File
Document Management System
Document Type Definition. A hierarchical organization or representation of
the information contents of a document utilized by SGML or XML
The electronic format of the ICH Common Technical Document (as defined by
European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines
European Medical Agency
European Medicines Evaluation Agency (predecessor of EMA)
Part of the Module 1 specification. EU Modul 1 Specification defines the
envelope as a root element that provides meta-data (attributes) for the
Electronic Standards for the Transfer of Regulatory Information.
Expert Working Group (EMA)
Food and Drug Administration
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Folder (see also
The operating system method of organizing and providing access to individual
files. Also called a directory.
Good Automation Manufacturing Practices (Organization issuing the GAMP
Description of number of documents allowed for each CTD (sub-) chapter
Hypertext Markup Language. Commonly used to format Web pages.
A system that enables links to be established between specific words or
figures in a document to other text, tables or image allowing quick access to
the linked items (such as on the World Wide Web).
A system that enables links to be established between specific words or
figures in a document to other text, tables or image allowing quick access to
the linked items (such as on the World Wide Web).
International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for
Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use.
The basic support services for computing; the hardware, operating system,
and network on which applications and data are stored and on which the
database management systems run.
Information Technology
Japans Drug Organisation
The eCTD DTD XML element that describes the content to be provided. The
leaf consists of a file and the meta-data associated with that file. Such files are
placed in a directory structure that is similar to branches of a tree.
A document from a former system (document management system or file
Letter of Access / Letter of Authorization
One or more CTD table of contents sections that together contain the
minimum amount of information to be exchanged. Ideally, this is a single
physical file.
Multidisciplinary Group 2 (ESTRI) of ICH.
Marketing Authorization Application
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Automation of several steps within a computer program (e.g. MSOffice)
National Competent Authority
Non-eCTD electronic Submission. See "Guidance for Industry on Providing
Regulatory Information in Electronic Format: NeeS" (This document is
published under the auspices of the EU Telematic Implementation Group electronic submissions (TIGes))
A communication system that connects different computers and enables
them to share peripherals such as printers, disk drives and databases. Users
(clients) can access applications and databases connected by the network.
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Node Extension
xml backbone
Represents a single node in an XML-tree: The unit of an eCTD tree where
other nodes or leafs can be added.
The extension of the definition of an element beneath a defined table of
contents tag.
Optical Character Recognition: electronic conversion of scanned images into
machine-encoded text
Portable Document Format, a proprietary (Adobe Systems) de facto standard
for the electronic transfer of documents.
Procedure to make dossiers available out of an SMS software
Quality Assurance
Quality Overall Summary
Rich Text Format: a cross-plattform format for text documents
Software as a Service
SAP software platform
Unique number of a submission within a dossier
Submission Management System
Standard operating Procedure
Compiled documentation sent out to authority
EU Telematic Implementation Group - electronic submissions
User Requirement Specification
Virtual private Network - secure internet connection
Extensible Markup Language. An ISO standard for describing structured
information in a platformindependent manner.
Table of Content for an eCTD-submission
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Reference 10: ICH Topic M 4
Reference 11 : ICH M2 EWG eCTD specifications
ICH M2 EWG Electronic Common Technical Document Specification version 3.2.2.
Reference 12 : EMA/43526/2010 V.1.0
EMA/43526/2010 V.1.0 Practical Guidelines on the use of the eCTD format for ASMFs for Active
Substance Master File Holders and Marketing Authorization Holders
Reference 13: TIGes Harmonised Guidance for eCTD Submissions in the EU
TIGes Harmonised Guidance for eCTD Submissions in the EU Version 2.0, August 2011
Reference 14 : FDA : Comprehensive Table of Contents Headings and Hierarchy
Reference 15 : FDA Guidance for Industry
Providing regulatory submissions in electronic format human pharmaceutical product
applications and related submissions using the eCTD specifications October 2005
Reference 16 : FDA : portable document format specifications
Reference 17 : EMA: implementation of electronic submission December 2008
EMEA/572459/2008: EMEA Implementation of Electronic-Only Submissions and Mandatory eCTD
Submissions in the Centralised Procedure: Statement of Intent
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