Urine Therapy
Urine Therapy
Urine Therapy
John Bettens
A definition of urine therapy
A short history of urine therapy
What is urine made up of?
(i) Uniqueness of urine therapy
(ii) Is urine therapy a medicine of last resort?
(iii) Are there harmful substances in urine?
(iv) Possible reactions to urine therapy
Urine therapy methods
(i) Things to consider when drinking urine
(ii) Fasting on urine and water
(iii) Preparation for a fast
(iv) The fast
(v) Length of fast
Urine massage
Urine compresses
Scalp massage and hair care
(i) Having a urine therapist or support person
(ii) Urine storage
(iii) What if urine therapy doesnt work?
Research results
Skin products and urea
My thanks to Dr. Megan Mathews who introduced me to urine therapy as an
effective treatment for follicular lymphoma. My thanks also to Diala Barsoum
and Lorraine Maloney who ran their critical eyes over the first and second
drafts, respectively, of this e-book.
The information contained in this book is not intended to be used as a
substitute for any other form of therapy or treatment that an individual
may have had recommended by a medical professional, or decide from their
own research or knowledge to use in the treatment of a known condition, be it
life threatening or otherwise. We must all take responsibility for how we deal
with any illness, condition, or ailment from which we suffer or by which we are
affected, and we should consider all the advice that is given about how to
treat it.
Advice from a medical professional is vital if you have any known medical
condition and are considering treating that condition with urine therapy.
Because urine does not appear to be dose-sensitive it is difficult to see how
we could overdose on it. It follows that ingesting of urine alone is unlikely to
be problematic, however, its use in combination with either prescribed or nonprescribed allopathic drugs, or in combination with recreational drugs may
have unintended consequences.1 There could also be unintended
consequences by ceasing to take prescribed or non-prescribed allopathic
drugs in favour of urine therapy and we should also be mindful of this. 2
This e-book has been written by John Bettens because of his successful use
of urine therapy in the treatment of follicular lymphoma (a cancer of the
lymphatic system). 3 Urine therapy also has its uses for a vast range of other
conditions. This book is intended as a guide to those who are interested in
furthering their knowledge about the possibilities of this fascinating therapy.
Another of the books intentions is to urge everyone to take some personal
responsibility for their own health. After all, our health is the most valuable gift
we have. Who are we without it? If we are capable of acknowledging the
importance of our health we might begin to challenge ourselves as to why we
put it so quickly, and often without questioning, solely into the hands of others.
Lest anyone think that urine therapy is something that is attractive to a few
fringe dwellers who would try anything once, it is worth noting that there have
been a number of world conferences on urine therapy. The first was held in
India in 1996, followed by Germany (1999), Brasil, (2003), Korea (2006), and
Mexico (2009). As an example of the interest in this therapy the conference in
Brasil was reported to have been attended by approximately 740 delegates
from 40 countries. At this conference there were over 50 papers delivered by
scientists from institutes and universities, by practitioners, and by people
cured of incurable diseases, including cancer.
Johns personal experiences made him aware that in conventional medical
circles, even if specialists and GPs became aware of the possibilities of urine
therapy, they were usually non-accepting, dismissive, or critical of it, and
would certainly not recommend it to any of their patients. In his own case
John believes his treating doctors, except the one who actually recommended
urine therapy, found its use in the treatment of follicular lymphoma quite
challenging. It was so far outside the medical paradigm in which they were
educated and practice, it was difficult for them to accept that it played any part
in the healing process even though it provided the only possible explanation
as to why this serious illness became undetectable over time. His outcome
challenged orthodox medical thinking.
If you think about how long it took the medical profession to embrace exercise
and nutrition as important factors in the fight against heart disease and Type II
diabetes, youll be unsurprised to hear of its reluctance to embrace urine
therapy. Some doctors are still not convinced of the important role exercise
and nutrition can play in helping to prevent cancer or slowing its progress.
Its likely to be a very long time, if ever, before urine therapy becomes a
mainstream form of treatment as it was less than a century ago. After all,
most doctors are guided in their use of a particular therapy by its scientific
validation after being researched, studied, appraised, tested, trialed, and
approved. Today, a considerable amount of the money that supports drug
research, or research into the efficacy of medical procedures, is provided by
A definition of urine therapy,
Urine therapy is the application of urine, either internally or topically (i.e.
applied to the surface of the skin), in the treatment of a physical condition. 4
The first method involves simply drinking it. Topically, it can be massaged
into the skin, or used to treat a specific condition like psoriasis, or applied to
an abrasion or sore. Topically also includes it being used as a compress. A
third method is by way of injection, usually intra-muscularly. When injected it
is delivered in small quantities. This method of delivery has commonly been
performed by an experienced urine therapist, or doctor. It is not a method
widely used and is not recommended for home use.
A short history of urine therapy
In Indias Tantric Yoga tradition the word Amaroli is used to describe urine
therapy. In ancient yogic texts it is principally advised as a spiritual practice
rather than a therapy to treat an ailment. However, in the 5,000 thousand
year old Sanskrit text Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi, containing some 107 verses, 5
the God Shiva, speaking to his wife Parvati, gives to her details about a
number of considerations to be taken into account when using this therapy,
including the most suitable type of container in which to store urine (earthen
pots); what foods to avoid when using urine (meals with pungent, salty
ingredients); the type of diet to follow (balanced and light); the best part of the
urine flow to use (the morning mid flow, avoiding the beginning and
concluding flows); the use of ones own urine (not someone elses); the
attitude to adopt when using this therapy (willing and cheerful); and the many
ailments that could be treated with urine and the amount of time needed to
treat a particular ailment (e.g., tuberculosis-9 months of continuous use).
Shiva also discusses the method and benefits of using urine for massage. 6
The Ebers Papyrus, an Egyptian medical text dating from 1536 B.C. (9th
year of the reign of Amenophis I) has some 700 formulas and remedies, more
than fifty of which are said to include the use of urine. There is some
evidence to suggest that this particular papyrus was copied from a series of
books many centuries older, with one passage that can be dated back to the
First Dynasty, circa 3400 B.C.
In ancient Rome urine was collected from public toilets by urine traders for
sale to textile manufacturers who used it for washing and dying textiles. It
was a commodity that had a value. If it was traded today we might see it on
the commodities market or perhaps there might be trade in urine futures.
According to the Roman author Suetonius, Emperor Vespasian levied a tax
on urine collected at public toilets, much to the objection of the urine traders.
Today, a public urinal in Paris is known as a Vespasienne. In book 28 of his
Naturalis Historia (Natural History) the Roman author C. Plinius Secundus
discusses the medicinal use of urine in the treatment of wounds, dog and
snake bites, skin disease, eye infections, burns and scars.
The Aztecs, a militarily powerful city state which saw it grow rapidly in the
early part of the 1400s, was a sophisticated civilisation demonstrated by it
having running water, indoor toilets and bathing facilities. It used urine to heal
In the 1695 Salmons English Physician reference is made to its uses when
applied externally (cleansing, healing and drying up wounds) and when taken
internally, for example, in the treatment of a range of conditions including
opening obstructions of the veins. Today, urokinase, a component of urine, is
used by pharmaceutical companies to manufacture a drug used to
subject use these references to support the use of urine therapy without
checking the primary source to see if it actually say what is claimed it says.
New Testament: John 7:38
Those who quote this in support of urine therapy should have taken the time
to look at what was said in the preamble in Ch. 5 Verse 1. There it begins,
Solomon exhorts to study wisdom; mischief of whoredom and riot; he exhorts
to contentedness, liberality and chastity. This chapter speaks of a strange
woman having lips as sweet as honeycomb and as smooth as oil (Verse 3).
In Verse 20 Solomon asks, And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a
strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger? It is likely that Verse
15 is nothing more than a caution to be faithful to ones partner, to use the
current vernacular.
What is urine made up of?
Most people think of urine as a body waste product so it is quite
understandable that they express reactions like disbelief, disgust or dismay
when hearing that someone actually drinks it, massages themself with it, or
applies it to cuts, sores or other skin conditions. People are even more
bewildered to hear that it is used as a treatment for cancer.
If we stop for a moment to consider the circumstances in which we lived prior
to birth we realise that the unborn child floats in a sac of amniotic fluid which
urine from the foetus. The unborn child drinks this fluid, urinates, and then
drinks some more. While breathing this liquid, the childs lungs develop. 8
About 95% of urine is sterile water, about 2% urea, and the rest made up of
hundreds and hundreds of compounds, enzymes such as urokinase and
protease; hormones such as prolactin, oxytocin, adrenaline, dopamine,
testosterone and oestrogen; vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, B12, and ascorbic
acid; carbohydrates such as glucose, fructose and lactose; proteins such as
albumin; minerals such as copper, zinc and selenium; amino acids such as
alanine, lysine, tyrosine and valine; other substances containing nitrogen such
as creatine, choline and carnitine; anti-bodies, and antigens.
A 1975 study by Free and Free 9 listed approximately 200 elements of urine.
Many of these elements you would see on a vitamin supplement label, and
are regarded as being of some nutritional value. These include ascorbic acid,
calcium, glucose, iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin vitamins B6
and B12, and zinc. Urine can be regarded as an incredibly complex mix of
pre-synthesised nutrients.
The kidneys are literally regulators of all the elements that are required by the
body at any given point in time to help sustain life. They keep these elements
in balance. The kidneys, for example, know just how much of any vitamin,
mineral, enzyme, salt, water, and hormone will be required by it at a specific
point in time. This process is occurring every second of every minute of every
hour of every day throughout the human life cycle. 10
We can say that elements that were present in the blood one second will be
present in the urine the next second. We donate our blood, and use products
that are derived from it, but we dont think of it as a waste product or harmful
to our health. In fact, the opposite is true. We think of blood as life saving.
Urine is a bi-product of blood filtration, not waste filtration. 11 Medically, it is
referred to as plasma ultra-filtrate. Kidneys are not designed to remove toxic
substances from the body. The liver, intestines, skin and exhalation do that.
Urine is made up of elements that are specific to the individual from which
theyve come. It is constantly changing its composition. It has been found to
have qualities that include being antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and
antineoplastic (anti cancer). It is non-toxic. It is in abundant supply, its free
to everyone, and it cannot be patented. It can be regarded as a living food, a
living medicine, or a broad-spectrum healing agent not matched by any other
medicine. Looked at energetically, urine could be considered a hologram of
everything, both good and bad, that is happening in the body at a given point
in time. It is a source of information and it is the urine in which this
information is stored.
(ii) Food does matter
It is stating the obvious to say that what we put into our body will influence
how it performs for us. It is now well established, for example, that eating a
diet consisting of high fat, high sugar, and high salt will make you more
susceptible to coronary heart disease, Type II diabetes, and stroke. What we
eat and drink impacts not only our health, but on our quality of life and the
length of life we could otherwise expect to live. A healthy diet consists of
fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, seeds and nuts and legumes. 12
Urine therapy is not of itself miraculous. It is no panacea. However, if you
want your urine to work optimally for you then what you eat and drink will
impact on its ability to do that. If you provide your body with all the essential
ingredients this will, in turn, impact upon the quality of your urine.
If you are intensively using urine therapy it is advisable to follow a vegetarian
diet. Using urine therapy intensively includes using it more than once daily,
using it daily combined with urine massage, using it during a fast, or using it
during a fast while combined with urine massage. As well as eliminating, or a
least significantly reducing your intake of all meat, it is advisable to do the
same for dairy products, alcohol and coffee. Meat, alcohol and coffee are
high acid producing foods. High acid producing foods eaten in large
quantities will result of high concentrations of nitrogen wastes and uric acid in
the urine which arent helpful if re-ingested. They will cause the urine to have
an unpleasant taste. If you choose to eat meat or other acid producing foods,
try organic products. Dairy products like milk and cheese are in the slightly
acid producing range of foods, they are mucus producing and this cant be a
good thing for anyone trying to heal, especially from a serious illness.
Foods containing refined flour, white sugar, and white rice also act to acidify
the blood and as a consequence the urine. Filtered water is preferable. It
enables you to avoid the contaminants like fluoride, chlorine and aluminium
that may be contained in unfiltered water. Exercise is essential. It stimulates
blood circulation. Clean air is helpful. So choosing exercise in a wooded area
or by the sea is ideal because of the likelihood of these locations being
cleaner and much better oxygenated. So what we eat finds its way into the
blood and after this same blood passes through the kidneys various elements
from that food will end up in the urine. The important message here is to take
care in what you eat and drink if you intend to use urine as a therapy.
(i) Uniqueness of urine therapy
Allopathic medicine has named every known illness. In respect of each there
are defined symptoms. Part of the diagnostic process is to understand which
symptoms are associated with which illness. If an illness is to be treated with
a medicine, the medicine that is prescribed is matched with the illness. This is
where urine therapy fundamentally differs from the allopathic approach to
diagnosis and treatment.
Before using urine therapy it is not necessary to know what it is that is to be
treated, although for most of us it would not make sense to embark upon a
course of treatment with urine without having a particular objective, or illness,
or condition in mind. We have become so used to labeling illnesses it would
seem silly for us to go ahead without knowing what we are seeking to treat.
However, a diagnosis is strictly not necessary prior to commencing urine
therapy. The aim of urine therapy is to bring the body back into balance.
Every physical illness, no matter how minor, is an imbalance within the body,
and in some cases the mind will play a part in either the onset of the illness or
its continuation, or both. An imbalance in the body can occur in a myriad of
ways and on different levels. Unlike the allopathic way of illness treatment,
urine therapy does not seek to match a particular medicine with a particular
Each persons urine is unique to them. Your urine will know what it has to
target. The difference in approaches can be explained this way: if you wanted
to treat an inflamed throat you would gargle with your own urine, not your
neighbours or anyone elses. But if you wanted to treat the same inflamed
throat allopathically you could borrow a bottle of gargle purchased by your
neighbour off the shelf at a pharmacy and use it. Also, you wouldnt use the
same off the shelf gargle to treat a foot blister, whereas you could use the
same urine you used to treat the inflamed throat on a foot blister. As has
already been said and as will be seen below in more detail, urine can be
looked at as a source of information of what is happening in the body at any
given time. When that information is fed back into the body, the body is able
to react precisely and appropriately to correct any imbalance.
(ii) Is urine therapy a medicine of last resort?
Many people will turn to urine therapy as a last resort. Prior to trying it they
may have accessed a range of other therapies, the main one is likely to have
been an allopathic therapy. The suggestion is sometimes made that the
success of urine therapy is all to do with the placebo effect. It has been
noted that the maximum placebo effect, that is, a positive result from
treatment that the patient believes they have had is around 30%. Allowing for
this it follows that if a figure greater that 30% can be achieved in the treatment
of a particular illness with urine therapy, credit should go to the urine therapy
as facilitating this result. It is helpful to point out that urine therapy has been
used successfully in the treatment of animals and with animals we can
presumably rule out any placebo effect.
As with any therapy that is undertaken it is important to form a belief that that
therapy is capable of producing the results we want it to produce before
embarking upon it. Urine therapy is no different. What part our beliefs play in
the success or otherwise of any treatment is difficult to measure. Setting up a
randomised, or randomised blind or double blind trial would be difficult in the
case of urine, but perhaps not impossible. The main problem seems to be the
lack of will. After all, who wants to be known for their research into the
efficacy of urine as a therapy. It doesnt sound as glamorous as a lot of other
research topics. So we might never know from a scientific, evidentiary point
of view if urine therapy is as efficacious as some claim it to be. We may still
have to rely upon observations and anecdotal accounts as proof of its
(iii) Are there harmful substances in urine?
Urea is one substance that is commonly regarded as harmful. This might be
so in large quantities, but the amount contained in ones own urine will not
take that quantity to a dangerous level. In fact, when ingested orally the urine
ends up in the intestines where it can have a cleansing or purifying effect.
Bacteria in the intestines are able to convert the urea into glutamine.
Glutamine is an amino acid found in meat, poultry, and vegetables like
cabbage and spinach. It supports the immune, digestive and nervous
systems, assists in removing excess ammonia from the body, helps regulate
blood glucose levels, and helps balance pH (acid/alkaline) levels.
In some peoples urine micro-organisms can be found. These can be the
result of illness or infection. It is not considered harmful to re-ingest these
organisms in the minute quantities found in urine. However, if there is a
known infection of the kidneys, bladder or urinary tracts, organisms can be
found in high quantities and so caution should be exercised before reingesting urine while these conditions persist.
(iv) Possible reactions to urine therapy
The ingestion of urine may cause a reaction which could alarm some people.
However, what may be happening is that the body is simply beginning to
detoxify. During detoxification the body releases toxic or poisonous
substances, some of which may have been stored in it for many, many years.
Releasing these substances is a good thing, but the process, which might be
an unpleasant one, needs to be monitored either by yourself, or by a health
care professional.
The body has a number of ways to release toxins. Alcohol, which is a toxin, is
a good example of how the body works to relieve itself of it. An over
consumption of alcohol may see it vomited from the stomach. The breath
plays a part in releasing the alcohol, as does the skin, and the liver will
process the toxins within the alcohol and those toxins will be released via the
Urine ingestion may lead to a fever like situation. A fever is an abnormal
increase in body temperature. It is a way the body uses to fight a virus
(influenza) or bacteria (food poisoning), for example. This is normal. Its part
of a healing process. Fever is a way for toxins to be released from the body.
A fever is a very efficient way for the body to do this although it may be quite
unpleasant at the time for the person affected.
If a fever develops as a result of using urine as a therapy, cut down on the
amount being ingested and monitor the fever. If it persists it would be prudent
to cut out the urine intake altogether until the fever has cleared. Urine
ingestion could then be resumed. Dont try to suppress the symptoms of the
fever because what you will be doing is interfering with the bodys way of
burning off toxins. As with any fever it is advisable to keep hydrated,
particularly with water, and get plenty of rest. Monitor your temperature and
get professional advice and help if your temperature becomes dangerously
Healing crisis
A healing crisis can be understood as the turning point in the healing of a
condition that is adversely affecting the body. At that point we may
experience a variety of symptoms including an increase in body temperature,
rash, swelling, diarrhoea, vomiting, headache or coughing. All of these
symptoms are normal ways the body has available to it to deal with a situation
that is foreign to it. They can be seen as signs that the body is clearing itself
of a greater volume of toxins than it is ordinarily used to eliminating.
Treatment of symptoms of a crisis should be no different from the treatments
you have used in the past. If, for example, diarrhoea occurs just do what you
would ordinarily do. That is, fast from solids and keep up the fluids (filtered
water, not coffee, tea, carbonated drinks or alcohol) to avoid dehydration.
Taking rest is also important. Adding a small amount of lemon juice to the
water is beneficial. It will help with alkalinity when it is metabolised.
If you experience an overall feeling of weakness this may be nothing more
than the body signaling to you that it has used an excessive amount of energy
in the detoxification process. Rest is called for. Once the crisis has passed
and provided you are not on a fast, this is the time to commence eating
nourishing whole foods again.
(i) How to get used to drinking urine
Drinking urine is probably one of the most challenging undertakings we could
choose. Firstly, we have to get used to the idea, and secondly, we have to
get used to its taste. Our aversion to urine is mostly a result of our
conditioning which begins at a very early age. We are told that urine is a
waste product and its dirty. We associate it with washing our hands, although
this practice can be explained not by reason of the fact that we have urinated,
but because of the contact our hands make with our genitalia. We think urine
as having an unpleasant smell. In trying to get used to the idea of drinking
urine it is important to accept that urine is not a waste product but something
that can provide us with healing. If we can master this change of belief we
can usually approach drinking urine without an overwhelming adverse
reaction. So, firstly we have to redefine in our own minds what urine actually
is. This will help us decondition, and then recondition our attitude towards it.
The earlier discussion (pp. 6-7) about how solid and liquid foods are
converted into urine, and the function of our kidneys in this process, should
help you to change your view of it, but ultimately as a first step you have to
taste it.
On average an adult voids about 1500 mls of urine each day, but this will
depend upon how much fluid is taken into the body and how active you are.
Obviously, the more fluid taken in the more urine that is voided. Subject to
the type of food and drinks we intake, the more water we have each day the
lighter in colour and taste our urine becomes.
Only three of our five senses are engaged when we use this therapy: sight,
smell and taste. We watch it, at least as men, flow away in urinals. Theres
nothing adverse or challenging about how it looks. We are all familiar with its
varying shades of yellow. Generally, we would not find the look of urine
unpleasant. Its just another yellow liquid. As we have grown up weve
become familiar with its smell. We associate that smell only with urine and
that smell becomes an unpleasant one because of its association with urine
as a body waste product. We are all familiar with the quite unpleasant smell
that is often found in irregularly cleaned public toilets, but this smell is caused
by ammonia that is released as the urine decomposes. Your own fresh urine
does not smell that way.
Most of us have never had the experience of tasting urine, the third sense that
is engaged. Taste will depend in part on what you have eaten and drunk.
Urine will have a much stronger taste if you have eaten a lot of animal protein,
used spices in your food, or drunk strongly flavoured liquids. It makes
common sense to reduce or eliminate your intake of these types of food if
embarking on a course of urine therapy.
It may also be helpful to recall your first taste of beer or wine. To many
people, if not most, at the beginning these were not pleasant tastes, but with
perseverance we got used to them and actually got to like them. The same
experience may have been had when trying blue cheese for the very first
time, or durian, the exotic Asian fruit that smells far worse than it tastes.
It could be too overwhelming for most to start urine therapy by attempting a
250 ml mug of fresh, warm urine first up. Allowing it to cool is an advantage.
It is also an advantage, whatever volume you choose to drink, to do it in one
go. That is to say, take a deep breath and drink it all at once. It is far more
challenging to drink it a mouthful at a time because of the repeated
engagement of the senses of taste and smell.
Getting used to the taste may require trying a few drops at a time, briefly dwell
on the taste, and rinse the mouth. Repeat the process until mouth rinsing
becomes unnecessary. You may want to do this over a number of days.
Initially, it may also be helpful after tasting urine to breathe through the mouth,
not the nose. By doing so the sense of smell is lessened. Gradually you will
be able to breathe normally through the nose immediately after drinking it. Be
assured that the taste in the mouth will only stay for a very short time, a
couple of minutes at most, after which you will be unaware it its presence.
Also be assured that after drinking a glass full of urine it will only take a short
time before you can go back to breathing normally through the nose, and after
drinking urine for years it will become unnecessary to take any of these
precautions. It will become no more challenging than drinking a glass of
(ii) Producing quality urine
Alkaline/acid (base/acid) balance
While using urine as a therapy it is advisable to follow a low acid forming diet.
This means avoiding salt, sugar, processed foods, white flour, white rice,
alcohol, coffee, and red meat. Obtaining a food chart which gives the
alkaline/acid levels of foods is essential. Such charts are readily available on
the internet. You will be able to refer to the chart to check the pH level of the
foods you are proposing to eat or already eat.
Examples of foods that are extremely alkaline forming are lemons (when
metabolised), watermelon, mango, parsley, seedless grapes and seaweed,
while those foods which are extremely acid forming include beef, carbonated
soft drinks, white flour, lamb, pork, white sugar and artificial sweeteners.
Cigarettes fall into the high acid-forming category along with beer and coffee.
Wine is moderately acid forming. The general rule is to consume 80%
alkaline forming foods and drinks and 20% acid forming foods and drinks daily
for good health.
Also remember that emotions carry with them high or low alkaline/acid levels.
For example, kindness and love help produce an alkaline environment in the
In the book The Golden Fountain its author describes ten hypotheses as to
how urine therapy is thought to work.13 They are:
Hypotheses 1-8 are mechanistic in their operation. That is, they stimulate a
particular mechanism within the body. Hypothesis 9 offers an entirely
different paradigm: it suggests that the body is capable, through an exchange
of energy within it, to transmute, that is, change a substances from one thing
into another. Hypothesis 10 refers to the important connection between the
mind and the body in the healing process. The following is a summary of
these hypotheses.
If we follow a healthy well balanced diet we can obtain minerals, vitamins, and
other nutrients from the food we eat in order to remain healthy. Some of
these nutrients will find their way into the urine. By drinking or massaging with
urine we can re-use and re-absorb these nutrients and assist the body to
remain healthy.
Re-absorption of hormones
It is not true to say that all hormones released into the urine and then reingested orally will be re-absorbed into the body. Many will be destroyed as
they enter the digestive tract, but some, mainly sex, adrenal gland and thyroid
hormones, will survive to be re-absorbed. External application of urine by
massage allows the full range of hormones to be re-absorbed without being
destroyed. Massaging with urine can therefore be seen as an important
complementary component of urine therapy. A urine enema is an additional
way of preventing the destruction of hormones after they enter the body. This
result is achieved because the digestive tract is avoided with the enema
Re-absorption of enzymes
The one enzyme that has got widespread attention is urokinase which has
demonstrated effectiveness against arteriosclerosis. Urokinase causes
dilation of the blood vessels and has been observed to strengthen coronary
arteries. Urokinase has been extracted from urine and brought onto the
market as a treatment for blood clots.
Re-absorption of urea
Apart from water, urea is the next main component of urine. It has been
estimated that on average an individual excretes between 25-30 grams of
urea per day. As mentioned earlier, we come into contact with it at a very
early stage of our lives as a foetus when we drink it as part of the amniotic
fluid. This is the foetus own urine that is being re-ingested.
Before being born intestinal flora becomes active. It has been estimated that
about a quarter of the urea in the bloodstream of an adult finds its way into the
intestines where it is decomposed into ammonia by intestinal bacteria. Some
of this ammonia is directed to the liver where part of it is converted into
glutamine. Glutamine has been demonstrated to be of importance in the
development of special tissue needed by the brain, small intestine and
intestinal canal. It can have a healing effect on ulcers in the intestinal tract.
Importantly, it can strengthen the immune system. So by applying urine
therapy we can increase the supply of glutamine in the body and thereby
increase its impact in these particular ways. Urea also has a capacity to
moisten the skin. It is commonly found in many hand and foot lotions, some
of which have product names which use part of the word urine. 14
It is not clear why urine, but specifically the urea component of urine, has a
germicidal and antiseptic effect. Urine has the ability to kill bacteria and
destroy viruses and fungi. It can be applied to a fresh cut or skin abrasion to
prevent infection. It also has the ability to keep away flies, which could be
very useful in a country like Australia. To achieve this result it would need to
be applied externally on the areas to be protected such as the face, neck and
Diuretic effect
The theory here is that with the ingestion of extra fluid in the form of urine, the
kidneys have to work more and as a consequence produce more urine which
helps to excrete a greater amount of metabolised substances like urea,
nitrogen and ammonia. It also has a more positive effect like providing more
urea, part of which is converted into glutamine. During a urine and water fast
the effects of flowing and cleansing are particularly noticeable. 15
Immunological effect
Salt therapy
Transmutation theory
told. They die at the predicted time. Contrast this situation with that of a
person who receives the same prognosis for the same condition but doesnt
die on time. Death may be many months after its predicted occurrence. In
between the nominated time for death and when the person actually dies
some important event is to occur, like a child getting married or graduating
from university. What this person has done is to tell themself that they are not
going to die until they have experienced that event. In other words they dont
accept the time suggested within the prognosis even though they may accept
that they will die. These people often die very quickly after theyve achieved
their goal. 16
(ii) Further observations about how urine therapy works
Urine therapy is not a panacea for every condition. It may be right for some
conditions and not right for others. The physical body is not the only factor to
be considered in the healing process. The success of this therapy will
depend, in part, upon how much our body, our mind, our emotions and our
spirit are in harmony. But this is true for any medicine we take if we seek to
maximise its benefit.
Allopathic drugs such as chemotherapy are designed to specifically target the
physical body at a cellular level, whereas urine therapy, a natural therapy,
focuses on the whole person. It stimulates the self-regulating power of the
body encouraging a state of personal responsibility for our healing. Many
illnesses are related to a failure of the immune system, our front line defence
against illness.
The body is a very sophisticated, intelligent system with an extraordinary
capacity to self-heal. This self-healing process is happening all the time.
Sometimes self-healing does not operate as efficiently or as appropriately as
it might otherwise do such as when our immune system appears to permit
something foreign like a virus (e.g., HIV), or cancer cells to remain unchecked
within it.
Re-ingesting urine can send a signal that something within the body is out of
balance. The body can then do something about re-balancing itself. Urine
therapy can help in this process by returning to the body valuable nutrients
and other elements that have already been processed by it and are
immediately ready for re-use. If applied topically, these nutrients and other
elements can pass directly through the skin into the blood stream instead of
passing through the intestine as is the case if ingested orally. Put simply,
urine therapy can be seen as a form of self-vaccination. It could possibly
work this way: the body releases an antigen associated with a particular
illness; that antigen is re-introduced back into the body by ingesting urine
(orally or by massage) containing the antigen; the antigen is re-absorbed into
the blood stream through either the intestines or the skin allowing the immune
system a chance to react appropriately by producing an anti-body to
counteract the antigen.
One of van der Kroons hypotheses argues that urine can be seen as
containing a vast amount of information about the state of health of the body
at a precise point in time. Re-ingesting urine is a way of re-presenting this
information, or giving feedback to the bodys self-healing mechanism. This
feedback can result in these mechanisms being activated in an appropriate
way to achieve balance.
A different approach to the re-introduction of information is one described by
the late Dr. Ryoichi Nakao of Japan. His theory 17 is that urine is not a
medicine, but an information source (the hologram idea) about the state of
health of the body at any given point in time. The theory suggests that when
urine passes through the throat it comes into contact with sensor cells located
in the oral cavity. These sensor cells can recognise extremely minute
changes in the body, so if stimulated by information located in the urine, the
body has the ability to effect change. These sensors, which only have to
come in contact with a minute quantity of urine containing this information,
analyse it, and send messages to the brain. In turn the brain, by the use of
particular enzymes, causes the cytokine production gland to produce
cytokines which provide regulation for the immune system. When activated,
the immune system can cause healing to take place. It is the activation of the
immune system that is called into play to effect a change in the body. The
end result of this change is to bring the body back into balance.
(i) Urine therapy methods
There are three methods commonly used in the application of urine as a
therapy. The first is taking it internally by drinking it; the second is taking it
topically by, for example, massaging the body with it, using it in a compress,
or using it on skin surface conditions such as rashes, fungi, and bites; and the
third is by way of injection, either by muscular or sub-cutaceous injection.
Nothing will be said here about the third of these methods. Injection is a
method used by some practitioners. It is not one recommended for home
use. It is mentioned in the literature. Anyone wishing to know more about it
can do their own research, but, if attracted to this method, should consult with
an experienced practitioner and have them do it for you.
Every persons urine is unique to that person. The composition of one
persons urine will vary from hour to hour in microscopic ways. No two
individuals urine will be the same. Remember, it is not possible to overdose
on your own urine, or on anyone elses for that matter, although it is
inadvisable to take another persons urine, especially someone of the
opposite sex because a males hormonal make up differs from that of a
female. Urine is not dose-sensitive.
The amount of time needed to treat a condition will vary. Sometimes a result
might be obtained in days, or it could take weeks, months or even years. For
example, it would be unrealistic to expect a chronic condition to be healed
overnight. Whereas, with a condition like an abrasion to the skin a result can
be expected within days or maybe just hours. What is important is to trust in
the process. But this is also true for allopathic medicines. For example,
when we take a headache tablet we do so with the trust or belief that it will do
what it is claimed it can do. That is, relieve the headache. If we didnt have
this trust or belief we probably wouldnt take the medication in the first place.
Also, a medicine like a headache tablet comes with a pre-conceived,
established belief as to its efficacy. The fact that it is on the pharmacists
shelf carries with it an implied expectation that it is capable of producing a
particular result.
Urine does not come with an implied expectation, but it is still important,
perhaps vital, that we commence its use with a similarly positive state of mind.
By commencing urine therapy with a positive expectation that it will heal, we
are establishing at the outset that powerful connection between mind and
body. We are positively messaging the body through the mind that this is a
therapy we expect to work for us. If a positive result is achieved with its use,
belief will strengthen. Its use then becomes a self-reinforcing process.
(i) Things to consider when drinking urine
One view is that drinking urine just once per day is sufficient for minor
diseases, conditions or ailments.18 Whereas, for more serious conditions it
should be used multiple times each day. When drinking urine once per day
the following matters should be considered:
Capture the first urination of the day because at night while the body is
at rest and restoring itself there is a higher level of hormonal discharge. Also,
it is this urine that is the most rich in vital substances.
Capture only the midstream. The first part of the urine flow should be
allowed to clear the urinary tract and the final part of the flow is not
recommended because it may contain sedimentary particles.
After drinking the morning urine avoid eating for about an hour.
Dont rinse your mouth after drinking. (As mentioned above, according to
the Nakao theory there is a possibility that the sensors in the throat are unable
to detect vital information contained in the urine if it is diluted by mouth
rinsing.) By not rinsing you allow for this possibility.
Maintain a diet low in salt, sugar and animal protein because these
substances will affect its taste and smell as well as the quality of the urine.
When drinking urine more than once per day the following matters should be
After drinking the second and subsequent amounts, again avoid eating
for an hour.
Decrease the amount of salt, sugar and animal protein, if it is still part of
your diet.
Eat meals of fruit, steamed or raw vegetables which are more easily
digested and which will help the intestines to purge themselves in
preparation for the fast.
The above considerations will help you transition more easily into the fast.
(iv) The fast
Take more rest and relaxation than normal. Some proponents advocate
not working or physically exerting oneself during the fast so that the
purifying process can take place undisturbed. 20
Commence in the morning after waking using the midstream of the first
urination of the day.
Wait at least 15 minutes after drinking the first lot of urine before taking
in any water. Then drink water throughout the day. It is better to take
the water a mouthful at a time, have a short break and then take another
mouthful. Keep water nearby so that you get into the habit of drinking it.
Take midstream from the second urination, but from them on it will not
be necessary to observe this precaution.
Drink all the urine that is captured during the day. Because of the
constant ingestion of urine and water the supply of urine will become
more frequent.
7. During the sleep time period the body will need all the rest it can get. If
you continue to drink urine into the evening up to bedtime you may be
constantly waking because of a need to go to the toilet. It is therefore prudent
to stop drinking urine a couple of hours before bed. Any urine voided during
night time can be put aside in a glass container and for used for massage.
(v) Length of fast
The length of the fast will be determined by the reason for the fast being
undertaken. If it is being undertaken as a detoxifier of the body, a fast of
around three to five days should be sufficient. Also, for someone who is
intending a much longer fast, an introductory fast of around three days may
be required to give you an idea of how you and your body are going to
If the fast brings on nausea it is advisable to stop it immediately and go back
to it when this feeling has left you. This may only be a matter of hours, or it
could go on for longer. Remember, always listen to what your body is telling
you and respond accordingly.
If you are intending to fast for a much longer period, for example, more than
two weeks, it is advisable to undertake one, perhaps two to three short fasts
as preliminary to the longer one. By doing this you will gain a good idea of
how your body is going to respond and an idea of what it is going to mean to
you to organise your life around the fast. You could sequence this by doing
the first short fast, wait a week, commence the second short fast, wait a week
and if all is well, commence the longer fast.
It would be very unusual if a person was unaware they were suffering from a
chronic condition. However, this could be so in the case of some cancers
where the warning signs were not picked up, or ignored. If a person chose to
go down the path of a urine fast for such a condition it would be advisable to
move immediately into a long fast.
In the The Water of Life 21 you will find plenty of examples of people who
went to Armstong and were treated for chronic, life threatening conditions. He
advocated a forty-five day fast accompanied by daily urine massages as the
first response to such conditions.
Urine massage
(i) Having a urine therapist or support person
Its preferable for someone who is being treated, or is treating themself for a
serious or chronic condition to do so with the help of a urine therapist or
support person. There will need to be someone who can regularly do the
whole body massage. Ideally, it will be beneficial to have the services of a
urine therapist who could not only perform the massage, but also provide
valuable advice and other assistance along the way.
(ii) Urine storage
A glass container is best for storage. Some people suggest storing urine in a
dark brown glass container. A beer bottle would be suitable. However, it
could be kept in a clear glass container in a darkened cupboard. It should
only be kept for a period of about seven days maximum after which it should
be discarded. You may wish to keep several small containers marked with
the date the urine in each was collected. This is ideal where daily massages
are to be given. A single bottle can be used on each day, refilled, and used
up to seven days after being collected. This process can go on for as long as
the urine is needed. It is best that the lid to the container not be airtight as
this will allow in some oxygen to assist the fermentation process.
Urine used for massage is best if it is at least four days old. The more urine
ages the more alkaline it becomes as urea decomposes into ammonia. It is
usual for older urine to look cloudy because as the urine ages, calcium
precipitates. It is also usual for old urine to contain sediment. Many people
will associate the ammonia smell with infrequently cleaned public toilets. If
the urine being used for massage smells a little this way dont be alarmed or
put off by the smell. It is still perfectly okay to use. The smell is just part of
the bacterial fermentation process.
Aged urine has increased cleansing and purifying properties. During the
fermentation process, urea changes into allantoin, a substance with very
strong skin healing capacities. Also, urine has a stronger effect if it has been
warmed. The ideal way to warm urine is to place the amount to be used in a
glass container and immerse that container in hot water until the urine is
sufficiently warm for use. Warm urine will help to open up the pores of the
skin allowing the properties found within urine to pass more easily through the
skin into the bloodstream.
(iii) What if urine therapy doesnt work
Belief in the process is extremely important. If you take it on, value it, trust it,
and if you can, try to get to the point of accepting that if it doesnt work for you
all this means is that it hasnt worked for you. It means nothing more. If it
works for you all that means is that it worked for you. Herein lies a very
(i) Research results
It is not intended here to provide anything but a very broad overview of some
of the work that has been done into urine therapy over about the past 100
years. Anyone wanting to look further could use as starting points books by
Christy (1994), Van der Kroon (1996,) and Armstrong (2005) to which
reference has already been made.
Martha M. Christy in her 1994 book Your Own Perfect Medicine 23 outlines
what she describes as research evidence that supports the efficacy of urine
therapy. She provides some very valuable references to a vast number of
studies. She notes that throughout the twentieth century the medical
applications of urine were tested so extensively that it is surprising that the
majority of our medical administrators and doctors have never heard anything
about it. She maintains that public use of urine therapy largely disappeared at
the turn of the century. It moved out of the home and doctors offices and into
oblivion. Christy highlights, sometimes in quite a bit of detail, research studies
and clinical studies from about 1900 to the early 1990s.
The studies reviewed by Christy, none of which could be described as being
randomised blind or double blind studies, deal with urines antibacterial
properties for treating wounds; its use in the treatment of skin ulcers and
burns; its use in treating cystitis (infection of the bladder), and urinary tract
infections; inflammation of the prostate; bacterial infections such as dysentery,
typhoid, staph and strep; cancerous lesions using urea crystals; kidney
infections; viruses that cause rabies and poliomyelitis; stomach ulcers; gout;
dysfunction of the adrenal and thyroid glands; jaundice; asthma and hay
fever; whooping cough, and tuberculosis. A number of the reports were by
doctors who commonly used the therapy by injecting small quantities of urine
In the 1930s and 1940s medical researchers were experimenting with a urine
extract referred to as H-11. In an article published in 1943 in the British
Medical Journal (7/31/43), J.H. Thompson, one such researcher, made
reference to the use of H-11 by some 300 doctors to effectively inhibit the
growth of malignant cells in humans. Another extract from urine, a substance
called retine was used as an anti-cancer agent for the treatment of different
types of cancerous tumours. In one study involving retine the researchers
concluded, Smaller doses of retine inhibit growth of tumours, while bigger
ones actually make the tumours regress. A third extract from urine, a
derivative called Human Urine Derivative (HUD), was shown to have anticancer properties. HUD was found in the urine of cancer patients. A
particular Japanese case referred to was of a woman with metastic ovarian
cancer. She was treated in June 1965 with HUD and within three months of
treatment almost all metastases had disappeared. A 30-month follow-up
found the woman still well.
Urine has been shown to be non-toxic, even in large quantities. It has the
benefits of being cost free, readily available, easily transportable, nutritious,
easily digested, simple and safe to use, having little to no morbidity, and
having anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It can be effective in preventing
disease, and has been found to be curative of many conditions. It is
supportive of the immune system.
Urine therapy was well received and in relatively common use up to the
1940s. Most research and observational studies were done between the turn
of the twentieth century and WW II. It declined around this time to be either
forgotten or disregarded, as modern forms of drugs came onto the market in
the post WW II period.
This form of therapy is unlikely to be subject to any serious research in the
present day because of the inability of those who fund most of the research,
the pharmaceutical companies, to make money from it. The ability to make a
synthetic form of urea, carbamide, and the development of urokinase into a
blood clot treatment, are exceptions. Urea, a component of urine, has found
its way into many body creams produced today.
At some point in our future, thinking may reflect upon remedies such as urine
therapy when, for example, modern drugs fail to do the job they were
designed to do. One example could be anti-biotic drugs to which resistance
has been building up in the human population. If anti-biotic drugs eventually
fail, and an alternative to them is not developed, we may see simple a simple
and effective therapy like urine therapy being popularly used for its antibiotic
The late Dr Ainsley Meares, who pioneered the therapeutic benefits of
meditation, once said that something only had to be done once to show that it
can be done. The writer accepts that urine therapy was an effective cause of
his follicular lymphoma becoming undetectable over time. He was not the first
to use this therapy for this condition. Its successful use for this form of cancer
is not well known.
A difficulty in using the two forms in combination is the re-ingestion of traces, or elements or
bi-products from the metabolism of these substances. In some cultures the ingestion of urine
after using hallucinogenic substances was practised because it was thought to provide a
continuation of the state obtained by the original substance.
of the current state of ignorance in the medical profession about urine therapy it is
difficult to see what, if any, appropriate advice would be available. This assumes, of course,
that a person had the courage to confide in their doctor that they were considering taking on
urine therapy, and this is not a given. Should a person be brave enough to advise a doctor of
their intention in all probability it would be dismissed as having no therapeutic value but this
advice would likely be coming from a place of ignorance. Be prepared for criticism of your
decision to embrace urine therapy.
detailed account of his use of urine therapy in the treatment of follicular lymphoma is
available on this website at the Johns Story page.
urine is drunk. The volume being consumed will depend upon what condition is
being treated, the seriousness of that condition, and the impact that the condition is having
upon the persons life at the time the therapy is commenced.
The Golden Fountain, The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy, van der Kroon, C,
Wishland Publishing, 1996 (English version), pp.103-112, all 107 verses are reproduced.
John W., The Water of Life. A Treatise on Urine Therapy, Vermillion, 2005.
8 It
has been found that surgery carried out on the unborn child in the womb does not leave a
scar. It is believed that the urea within the urine is responsible for this quite astonishing
9 Free,
A.H. & Free, H.M., Nature and Composition of Urine from Healthy Subjects,
Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, Miles Laboratories, 1975, cited in Christy, Martha
M., Your Own Perfect Medicine, Wishland Publishing, 1994, at p.116.
10 Salmons
11 Interestingly,
if blood is allowed to settle the serum component will rise to the top while a
reddish liquid will settle to the bottom. Serum is said to have a not dissimilar taste to urine.
12 If
sweetener is required, use a natural one like Yellow Box honey which is preferable
because of its low GI level compared with other honeys. Low GI foods are particularly
important for people affected by cancer. The essential ingredients obtained from a healthy,
balanced diet are not only important for general health, but for anyone affected by a serious
illness like cancer, they are even more important.
pp. 64-72
14 More
NOTE: During a 5 day urine and water fast undertaken by John Bettens in
October 2012 it was not difficult for him to generate about 300 mls of urine about every forty
minutes. It is argued that a result like this which is created during a fast, stimulates and
cleanses the kidneys and purifies the bloodstream. Also, a fast is able to produce movement
in the bowels two to three times per day. This would make this type of therapy ideal for
anyone suffering from constipation.
NOTE: John Bettens used the mind/body connection when treating himself
with urine therapy for follicular lymphoma. Each time he drank urine he visualised it as a
healing force traveling through his neck, chest, stomach and pelvic regions healing him of the
follicular lymphoma. The first three of these regions were the locations of his diseased lymph
17 An
account of Dr Nakaos theory is published in Urine The Holy Water, Tieze, Harald W.,
3rd. ed., Harald W. Tieze Publishing Pty Ltd., pp.37-38. This book is available on the internet
free of charge.
NOTE: This was not the experience of John Bettens who drank about
250mls of his urine per day over a four-year period and was able to bring a follicular
lymphoma diagnosis to a point where the lymphoma could no longer be detected by CT scan.
It should be noted that the most dramatic reductions in size of the diseased lymph nodes took
place within the first 9 months of this four-year period.
19 Ibid.
NOTE: In a recent five day fast on urine and water, referred to above, John
Bettens carried on with his usual daily activities without any difficulties. Obviously, the longer
the fast the greater will be the need to constantly reassess the state of the body and the mind.
21 Ibid.
23 Martha
Christy, Martha M., Your Own Perfect Medicine, 1994, Wishland Publishing.
The Holy Bible, 1875, William Collins, Sons, & Company, Glasgow.
Tieze, Harald W., Urine The Holy Water, 3rd. ed., Harald W. Tieze Publishing
Pty Ltd.
Van der Kroon, C., The Golden Fountain, The Complete Guide to Urine
Therapy, 1996 (English version) Wishland Publishing.
Free, A.H. & Free, H.M., Nature and Composition of Urine from Healthy
Subjects, 1975, Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, Miles
Laboratories, cited in Your Own Perfect Medicine, Christy, Martha M.,
1994, Wishland Publishing, at p.116.