Eng4 Sho2
Eng4 Sho2
Eng4 Sho2
consider the person to whom you are writing: age, sex, occupation, environment, and
consider why he should be interested in your letter or product
consider what you should say that will arouse his interest
carefully plan how you should say it
A considerate letter is also tactful. Tact is a keen sense of what to do or say in order to build
goodwill and to avoid being offensive.
How would you feel when you receive a reply to an inquiry, to a complaint, or to a request
within a few days? Would you feel important? Will you feel good about the person or
organization that is responding? Prompt and timely messages convey positive feelings.
On the other hand, even the most courteous, considerate and tactful message may be
ineffective if the receive had to wait too long for it and it arrives after he no longer has a
need for it. Recognize the importance of timeliness. Deal with situations as they arise and
answer incoming letters promptly. A letter should be written when it is needs. A message
that is received after the deadline or after the information is no longer necessary, is a
waste of time and money.