Phase Shifter
Phase Shifter
Phase Shifter
circuit Diagram:
Intuitively, the phase shifter uses a first-order low-pass filter to create a phase shift and
negative feedback to compensate for non-unity gain. The result is an all-pass filter that
has input-to-output quadrature (i.e., quarter-wavelength, or 90, phase shift) at =
1/(RC) (i.e., f = 1/(2RC)).
1. Node A forms a low-pass filter (LPF) with transfer function1
HLPF(s) =
2. Because the op. amp. (OA) has negative feedback, VB(s) _ VA(s) (i.e., node B
matches node A ).So the current into node B is
3. The current into node A does not go into the OA, and so it goes across the feedback
resistor and sets up the output. The output at node C must then be
So the transfer function of the system is H(s) , (1 sRC)/(1 + sRC). For any ,
|H(j)| = 1 and H(j) = arctan(RC) arctan(RC) = 2 arctan(RC),
which is double the LPF phase shift HLPF(j) = arctan(RC). Note that
0 if = 0 (i.e., open capacitor follower with no shift at DC),
This circuit is an all-pass filter; it provides frequency-dependent phase shift with unity gain.
Components :
1. 5.1k ohms resistor (2)
potentiometer 2k ohms
operational amplifier 741
capacitor 47nF
Function Generator
Resistors are used in constructing negative feedback with operational amplifier the purpose is to
maintain the stable output which is equal to output. In addition to it Function Generator to give
power to phase shifter and oscilloscope to observe and analyze the output of phase shifter
LTSpice simulation:
This circuit is used in RF and microwave Phase Shifters have many applications in various
equipments such as phase discriminators, beam forming networks, power dividers, linearization
of power amplifiers, and phase array antennas. If the position of R1 and C1 are reversed, the
phase then varies reversely.
project Topic:
submitted by:
Numan Abdullah
Submited to:
Sir Masood Ahmed